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import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.distributed as dist
from transformers.utils import logging
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from .modeling_retrieval import BM25Retriever
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class Memory(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model_config, beacon_window:int=1024, beacon_stride:List[int]=[512], beacon_attn:str="step-expansion", beacon_attend_previous:bool=True, beacon_ratio:List[int]=[8], beacon_stride_mix:str="step-random", beacon_ratio_mix:str="step-random", beacon_param:List[str]=["q", "k", "v", "o"], k_seq_dim:int=2, v_seq_dim:int=2, retrieval_method:str=None, retrieval_topk:int=2) -> None:
for stride in beacon_stride:
assert beacon_window >= stride, f"Make sure the beacon_window {beacon_window} >= beacon_stride {stride}!"
assert beacon_attn in ["segmentation", "step-expansion", "full-coverage"], f"beacon_attn {beacon_attn} not implemented!"
assert beacon_stride_mix in ["instance-random", "step-random", "mix-random"], f"beacon_stride_mix {beacon_stride_mix} not implemented!"
assert beacon_ratio_mix in ["instance-random", "step-random", "mix-random", "sequence"] or "adapt-" in beacon_ratio_mix, f"beacon_ratio_mix {beacon_ratio_mix} not implemented!"
if retrieval_method == "bm25":
assert len(beacon_stride) == 1, f"Currently retrieval do not support dynamic strides."
assert retrieval_topk >= 2, f"Make sure retrieval_topk >= 2. Found {retrieval_topk}."
assert len(beacon_ratio) == 2, f"Make sure there are two beacon ratios specified, one for retrieved windows and the other for non-retrieved windows. Found {self.beacon_ratio}"
info = f"applying activation beacon on {beacon_param}, with window size {beacon_window}, stride {beacon_stride} (mixed by {beacon_stride_mix}), {beacon_attn} attention ({'attending to previous beacons' if beacon_attend_previous else 'not attending to previous beacons'}), condensing ratio {beacon_ratio} (mixed by {beacon_ratio_mix}), {retrieval_method+' retrieval'+' top-'+str(retrieval_topk) if retrieval_method is not None else 'no retrieval'}, ..."
self.beacon_window = beacon_window
self.beacon_stride = beacon_stride
self.beacon_attn = beacon_attn
self.beacon_ratio = beacon_ratio
self.beacon_stride_mix = beacon_stride_mix
self.beacon_ratio_mix = beacon_ratio_mix
max_beacon_size = max([beacon_window // x for x in beacon_ratio if x > 0] + [1])
self.beacon_tokens = torch.zeros(max_beacon_size, dtype=torch.long) + model_config.vocab_size
# initialize necessary parameters
self.k_seq_dim = k_seq_dim
self.v_seq_dim = v_seq_dim
self.num_layers = model_config.num_hidden_layers
self.max_position_embeddings = model_config.max_position_embeddings
self.retrieval_method = retrieval_method
self.retrieval_topk = retrieval_topk
self.rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
def finish(self):
return self.end_idx == self.sequence_length
def get_memory_size(self):
beacon_memory_size = 0
raw_memory_size = 0
if self.beacon_activations[0][0] is not None:
beacon_memory_size += self.beacon_activations[0][0].shape[self.k_seq_dim]
if self.raw_activations[0][0] is not None:
raw_memory_size += self.raw_activations[0][0].shape[self.k_seq_dim]
memory_size = beacon_memory_size + raw_memory_size
return beacon_memory_size, raw_memory_size, memory_size
def reset(self):
# the length of current sequence
self.sequence_length = 0
# the length of all sequences until the memory is reset
self.total_sequence_length = 0
# the cursor pointing to the start of the current window
self.start_idx = 0
# the cursor pointing to the end of the current window
self.end_idx = 0
# the beacon sizes of all strides
self._beacon_sizes = []
# the step index
self.step_idx = 0
if self.beacon_ratio_mix != "step-random":
self._stride = None
self._ratio = None
self.batch_loss = None
self.valid_token_num = None
self.raw_activations = [(None, None) for _ in range(self.num_layers)]
self.beacon_activations = [(None, None) for _ in range(self.num_layers)]
if self.retrieval_method == "bm25":
self.retriever = BM25Retriever()
self.beacon_ratio_mix = "retrieval"
# NOTE: when training, we strictly aligh the rng_state across processes
if and dist.is_initialized():
rng_state = self.rng.__getstate__()
if dist.get_rank() == 0:
obj = [rng_state]
obj = [None]
dist.broadcast_object_list(obj, src=0)
def prepare(self, input_ids, attention_mask, labels):
Prepare inputs for the model.
# TODO: support batch_size > 1?
assert input_ids.shape[0] == 1, f"Make sure batch_size is 1!"
# NOTE: rebase the start/end idx so that it becomes an offset from the start of the current sequence
self.start_idx -= self.sequence_length
self.end_idx -= self.sequence_length
self.sequence_length = input_ids.shape[1]
self.total_sequence_length += input_ids.shape[1]
if labels is not None:
# rotate labels in advance so that the loss of the last token is not ignored in every window
labels =[labels[:, 1:], labels.new_zeros((labels.shape[0], 1)) - 100], dim=-1)
# if the current sequence has been completely processed
self.input_ids = input_ids
self.attention_mask = attention_mask
self.labels = labels
# TODO: retrieval on specified steps
# TODO: retrieval for future inputs
# TODO: different retrieval methods
if self.retrieval_method == "bm25" and self.step_idx == 0:
index = BM25Retriever()
window = self.beacon_window
stride = self.beacon_stride[0]
input_ids = input_ids[0].tolist()
corpus = [input_ids[:window]]
for j in range(window, len(input_ids), stride):
corpus.append(input_ids[j: j + stride])
# NOTE: use the last 32 token as query (very naive heuristics)
query = input_ids[-32:]
topk_scores, topk_indices =, hits=self.retrieval_topk)
topk_indices = set([x for x in topk_indices[0] if x > -1])
self._topk_indices = topk_indices
def set_stride(self):
"""Choose a stride from self.beacon_stride"""
beacon_stride = self.beacon_stride
if len(beacon_stride) == 1:
return beacon_stride[0]
if self.beacon_stride_mix == "mix-random":
stride_mix = self.rng.choice(["instance-random", "step-random"]).tolist()
stride_mix = self.beacon_stride_mix
if stride_mix == "instance-random":
if self._beacon_stride is None:
stride = self.rng.choice(beacon_stride).tolist()
self._stride = stride
stride = self._stride
elif stride_mix == "step-random":
stride = self.rng.choice(beacon_stride).tolist()
raise NotImplementedError
return stride
def set_condensing_ratio(self, beacon_stride, start_idx, end_idx):
"""Choose a condensing ratio from self.beacon_ratio"""
def filter_ratio(ratios, stride):
valid_ratios = []
for ratio in ratios:
# stride must be bigger than condensing ratio because we there must be at least one beacon
if stride < ratio:
# step-expansion and segmentation requires the stride to be evenly divisible by condensing ratio
if self.beacon_attn != "full-coverage" and ratio > 0 and (stride % ratio) != 0:
# when training, ratio=0 is valid if previous windows contain beacon or later windows contain beacon
if ratio == 0 and
previous_beacons = [b for b in self._beacon_sizes if b != -1]
following_beacons = (start_idx + stride + self.beacon_window) <= self.sequence_length
if len(previous_beacons) == 0 and not following_beacons:
assert len(valid_ratios), f"Cannot find valid condensing ratio (among {ratios}) for stride {stride}!"
return valid_ratios
def get_max_length(ratios):
max_lengths = []
for condensing_ratio in ratios:
if condensing_ratio > 0:
max_lengths.append((self.max_position_embeddings - self.beacon_window) * condensing_ratio + self.beacon_window)
return max_lengths
if len(self.beacon_ratio) == 1:
return self.beacon_ratio[0]
beacon_ratio = filter_ratio(self.beacon_ratio, beacon_stride)
if self.beacon_ratio_mix == "mix-random":
ratio_mix = self.rng.choice(["instance-random", "step-random"]).tolist()
ratio_mix = self.beacon_ratio_mix
if ratio_mix == "instance-random":
if self._ratio is None:
beacon_ratio = self.rng.choice(beacon_ratio).tolist()
self._ratio = beacon_ratio
beacon_ratio = self._ratio
elif ratio_mix == "step-random":
beacon_ratio = self.rng.choice(beacon_ratio).tolist()
elif ratio_mix == "sequence":
idx = min(self.step_idx, len(beacon_ratio) - 1)
beacon_ratio = beacon_ratio[idx]
elif ratio_mix == "retrieval":
# for retrieved windows, we use low ratio; otherwise high ratio
if self.step_idx in self._topk_indices:
beacon_ratio = min(self.beacon_ratio)
beacon_ratio = max(self.beacon_ratio)
elif "adapt" in ratio_mix:
if self._ratio is None:
future_length = int(ratio_mix.split("-")[1])
sequence_length = self.total_sequence_length + future_length
max_lengths = get_max_length(beacon_ratio)
# ascendingly sort the max lengths
valid_max_lengths_and_indices = [x for x in enumerate(max_lengths) if x[1] >= sequence_length]
if len(valid_max_lengths_and_indices):
minimum_length_index = min(valid_max_lengths_and_indices, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
# use the minimal possible length for this sequence (the smallest fold ratio)
beacon_ratio = beacon_ratio[minimum_length_index]
beacon_ratio = max(beacon_ratio)
# logger.warning(f"Failed to find valid fold window and size for sequence length {sequence_length}, as the maximum theoretical length is {max(max_lengths)}. Fall back to use the maximum one: {beacon_ratio}.")
self._ratio = beacon_ratio
beacon_ratio = self._ratio
return beacon_ratio
def step(self):
Yield one window with the following logic:
The window size is L, the stride is S.
The window moves over S tokens at a time. The raw activations passed by the window are condensed according to a condensing_ratio.
The beacons are added if and only if the raw activations fulfill the window.
In the future, we may switch window size to decrease cache size of raw activations.
# the starting position of the current window w.r.t. the start of the current input sequence
start_idx = self.start_idx
# the end position of the current window w.r.t. the start of the current input sequence
end_idx = start_idx + self.beacon_window
# indicates if the current window is completely filled by raw activations and new tokens
# we only append beacon tokens for full windows
is_full_window = True
if end_idx > self.sequence_length:
# the input is shorter than the initial window size
end_idx = self.sequence_length
is_full_window = False
# the real window size (remaining_size + new_token_size)
window_size = end_idx - start_idx
if is_full_window:
# set stride and condensing ratio
beacon_stride = self.set_stride()
condensing_ratio = self.set_condensing_ratio(beacon_stride, start_idx=start_idx, end_idx=end_idx)
# the stride must be evenly divisible by condensing_ratio
if condensing_ratio > 0:
beacon_size = beacon_stride // condensing_ratio
# the raw activations are used as beacon activations
beacon_size = -1
# forward start_idx and end_idx
next_start_idx = start_idx + beacon_stride
# how many raw activations to save
raw_size_to_cache = end_idx - next_start_idx
self.remaining_size = 0
# no stride because the sequence has finished
next_start_idx = start_idx
# cache all recent raw activations to be used in the next window
raw_size_to_cache = window_size
self.remaining_size = window_size
beacon_size = 0
# this is for debugging the resilience to different beacons
# if self.step_idx == 97:
# a = torch.load("beacon_activations")
# for i, (beacon_key, beacon_value) in enumerate(self.beacon_activations):
# foreign_beacon_key = a[i][0]
# foreign_beacon_value = a[i][1]
# new_beacon_key = cat_tensor([foreign_beacon_key, slice_tensor(beacon_key, start=16, dim=self.k_seq_dim)], dim=self.k_seq_dim)
# new_beacon_value = cat_tensor([foreign_beacon_value, slice_tensor(beacon_value, start=16, dim=self.v_seq_dim)], dim=self.v_seq_dim)
# new_beacon_key = foreign_beacon_key
# new_beacon_value = foreign_beacon_value
# self.beacon_activations[i] = (new_beacon_key, new_beacon_value)
# streamingly add new input_ids
input_ids = self.input_ids[:, self.end_idx: end_idx]
batch_size = input_ids.shape[0]
if self.attention_mask is not None:
attention_mask = self.attention_mask[:, self.end_idx: end_idx]
attention_mask = torch.ones_like(input_ids)
if self.labels is not None:
labels = self.labels[:, self.end_idx: end_idx]
labels = None
# prepend 1 to attention mask for previous memory
_, _, memory_size = self.get_memory_size()
if memory_size > 0:
attention_mask =[attention_mask.new_ones(batch_size, memory_size), attention_mask], dim=1)
# append beacons if necessary
if is_full_window and beacon_size > 0:
input_ids =[input_ids, self.beacon_tokens[:beacon_size].expand(batch_size, -1).to(input_ids.device, dtype=input_ids.dtype)], dim=1)
# NOTE: prepend beacon_memory_size 1 to attention_mask because we have past_key_values
attention_mask =[attention_mask, attention_mask.new_ones(batch_size, beacon_size)], dim=1)
if labels is not None:
labels =[labels, labels.new_zeros(batch_size, beacon_size) - 100], dim=1)
# generate memory (memory_length = old_beacon_size + beacon_size * condensing_ratio + raw_cache_size)
past_key_values = []
for (beacon_key, beacon_value), (raw_key, raw_value) in zip(self.beacon_activations, self.raw_activations):
key = cat_tensor([beacon_key, raw_key], dim=self.k_seq_dim)
value = cat_tensor([beacon_value, raw_value], dim=self.v_seq_dim)
layer_past_key_values = (key, value, beacon_size, raw_size_to_cache, window_size)
# involked in self.output()
# update end_idx
self.start_idx = next_start_idx
self.end_idx = end_idx
self.step_idx += 1
# print("****************************************")
# if is_full_window:
# print(f"total_seq_len: {self.total_sequence_length}")
# print(f"stride: {beacon_stride}")
# print(f"condensing ratio: {condensing_ratio}")
# print(f"beacon_size: {beacon_size}")
# print(f"input_ids: {input_ids.shape}")
# print(f"start_idx: {start_idx}")
# print(f"next_start_idx: {next_start_idx}")
# print(f"end_idx: {end_idx}")
# x = input()
# if x == "s":
# return
# if self.step_idx == 3:
# input()
return input_ids, attention_mask, past_key_values, labels
def update_memory(self, past_key_values):
Accumulate beacon activations and raw activations.
for layer_idx, (key, value, beacon_size, raw_size_to_cache, window_size) in enumerate(past_key_values):
# NOTE: the past_key_values are incrementally returned (only the new keys and values are returned)
# key/value: (num_layer, 2, batch_size, num_head, new_seq_len, head_dim)
# beacon_size: how many beacon activations are in key and value
# raw_size_to_cache: how many raw activations should be kept
previous_beacon_key, previous_beacon_value = self.beacon_activations[layer_idx]
previous_raw_key, previous_raw_value = self.raw_activations[layer_idx]
if beacon_size == 0:
# this means the current input does not fulfill a window
# thus, the key and value are all raw activations, and we accumulate them until the window is fulfilled
beacon_key = previous_beacon_key
beacon_value = previous_beacon_value
assert raw_size_to_cache == window_size
raw_key = cat_tensor([
], dim=self.k_seq_dim)
raw_value = cat_tensor([
], dim=self.v_seq_dim)
elif beacon_size == -1:
# this means the raw activations are used as beacon activations for this window
if raw_size_to_cache > 0:
# if we have raw activations, we must first concatenate previous raw activations and current ones, then extract raw_size_to_cache as raw memory, while others as beacon memory
concat_key = cat_tensor([
], dim=self.k_seq_dim)
concat_value = cat_tensor([
], dim=self.v_seq_dim)
beacon_key = cat_tensor([
slice_tensor(concat_key, end=-raw_size_to_cache, dim=self.k_seq_dim)
], dim=self.k_seq_dim)
beacon_value = cat_tensor([
slice_tensor(concat_value, end=-raw_size_to_cache, dim=self.v_seq_dim)
], dim=self.v_seq_dim)
raw_key = slice_tensor(concat_key, start=-raw_size_to_cache, dim=self.k_seq_dim)
raw_value = slice_tensor(concat_value, start=-raw_size_to_cache, dim=self.v_seq_dim)
# if we donot have raw activations, this means stride==window. we put all into beacon memory
beacon_key = cat_tensor([
], dim=self.k_seq_dim)
beacon_value = cat_tensor([
], dim=self.v_seq_dim)
raw_key = None
raw_value = None
# [-beacon_size:] activations are from beacons, need to be accumulated
# [-raw_cache_size-beacon_size:-beacon_size] raw activations will be cached; if they are shorter than raw_cache_size, part of the previous raw activations will also be kept
beacon_key = cat_tensor([
slice_tensor(key, start=-beacon_size, dim=self.k_seq_dim)
], dim=self.k_seq_dim)
beacon_value = cat_tensor([
slice_tensor(value, start=-beacon_size, dim=self.v_seq_dim)
], dim=self.v_seq_dim)
if key.shape[self.k_seq_dim] < raw_size_to_cache + beacon_size:
concat_raw_key = cat_tensor([
slice_tensor(key, end=-beacon_size, dim=self.k_seq_dim)
], dim=self.k_seq_dim)
concat_raw_value = cat_tensor([
slice_tensor(value, end=-beacon_size, dim=self.v_seq_dim)
], dim=self.v_seq_dim)
raw_key = slice_tensor(concat_raw_key, start=-raw_size_to_cache, dim=self.k_seq_dim)
raw_value = slice_tensor(concat_raw_value, start=-raw_size_to_cache, dim=self.v_seq_dim)
# becomes None when raw_size_to_cache = 0
raw_key = slice_tensor(key, start=-raw_size_to_cache - beacon_size, end=-beacon_size, dim=self.k_seq_dim)
raw_value = slice_tensor(value, start=-raw_size_to_cache - beacon_size, end=-beacon_size, dim=self.v_seq_dim)
self.beacon_activations[layer_idx] = (beacon_key, beacon_value)
self.raw_activations[layer_idx] = (raw_key, raw_value)
# NOTE: this is for debugging the resilience to different beacons
# if self.step_idx == 2:
# print(self.get_memory_size())
#, "beacon_activations")
def update_loss(self, batch_loss, valid_token_num):
Accumulate loss for later perplexity computation and backward pass; past_key_values according to cache_method.
if self.batch_loss is None:
# NOTE: multiply valid_token_num because batch_loss is divided by it in advance
self.batch_loss = batch_loss * valid_token_num
self.valid_token_num = valid_token_num
# NOTE: avoid in-place operations, otherwise there will be gradient errors in training
self.batch_loss = self.batch_loss + batch_loss * valid_token_num
self.valid_token_num = self.valid_token_num + valid_token_num
def output(self, model_outputs):
Override loss with accumulated loss.
# override loss
if self.batch_loss is not None:
# here the batch_loss is the summation of all token losses in each element
loss = self.batch_loss.sum() / self.valid_token_num.sum()
# NOTE: prevent nan
batch_loss = self.batch_loss / self.valid_token_num
if (self.valid_token_num == 0).any():
batch_loss = batch_loss.masked_fill(self.valid_token_num == 0, 0.)
# NOTE: we must use dict to override values, otherwise trainer cannot find loss
model_outputs["loss"] = loss
model_outputs["batch_loss"] = batch_loss
model_outputs["valid_token_num"] = self.valid_token_num
# override last_hidden_states (used in generation)
beacon_size = self._beacon_sizes[-1]
# remove logits corresponding to beacon tokens
if beacon_size > 0:
model_outputs["logits"] = model_outputs["logits"][:, :-beacon_size]
# print(f"process {dist.get_rank()}: loss {loss}")
# print(f"process {dist.get_rank()}: beacon_sizes {self._beacon_sizes}")
return model_outputs
def slice_tensor(x, start=None, end=None, dim=2):
if x is None:
return None
if end == 0:
return None
if start == x.shape[dim]:
return None
if start == end:
return None
if dim == 2:
if start is None and end is not None:
return x[:, :, :end, ...]
elif start is not None and end is None:
return x[:, :, start:, ...]
elif start is not None and end is not None:
return x[:, :, start:end, ...]
elif dim == 1:
if start is None and end is not None:
return x[:, :end, ...]
elif start is not None and end is None:
return x[:, start:, ...]
elif start is not None and end is not None:
return x[:, start:end, ...]
raise NotImplementedError
def cat_tensor(list_of_tensors, dim=-1):
list_of_tensors = [t for t in list_of_tensors if t is not None]
if len(list_of_tensors) > 1:
result =, dim=dim)
elif len(list_of_tensors) == 1:
result = list_of_tensors[0]
result = None
return result
def softmax(x:np.ndarray, axis=-1, temperature=1):
if isinstance(x, list):
x = np.array(x)
x = x / temperature
x = x - x.max(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
y = np.exp(x)
return y / y.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
def l1_norm(x):
sum_x = sum(x)
x = [y/sum_x for y in x]
return x