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posted an update Jul 26
Barefoot developer experiment: AI-powered app creation with my poor coding skills πŸ§ πŸ’»

I recently discussed the "barefoot developer" concept - using AI to build apps for specific needs without coding expertise. Decided to put it to the test. πŸ”¬

πŸ…β²οΈ The challenge: Create a menu bar Pomodoro app for my computer to boost my focus. Previous attempt? Messy.
🀯 The twist: I've never coded in Swift.
⚑️ The result: 30 minutes. No joke. Elegant, functional, and shareable.

πŸ”— Want to try it yourself? Grab the open source code and app here:
- Code:
- App:

Key takeaways:
πŸš€ AI-assisted development is evolving rapidly
🧩 Domain expertise + AI tools can yield impressive results
🌐 This approach democratizes app creation

πŸ€” What's your take on AI-powered development? Have you experimented with it?

#AIinDevelopment #BarefootDeveloper #OpenSource
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