You know, kind of introducing them with some details about their career and the woman that played that woman.
And I think it was Richard the third. And the highlight that they pointed out of her whole career was that she was like the woman.
In the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, whose head came apart in total recall. That was actually, and then, then it was in, in the pamphlet that they give you when you go to the play.
He was telling this guy did this and this guy has been in this and this guy was in the royal this and you know and then it's got her and it says she played the woman in a total recall.
Having a golden bridge, having an escape route that your people can get out of. So you gotta, you gotta, no.
Does that mean that they're both invalid? No, actually to me it means they're both valid.
But you need to recognize because for instance, let's say you're in a situation where you surround the enemy.
And all of a sudden they start fighting really hard. Cause you're like, yea, I'm gonna fall 22. I'm gonna surround everyone and keep them locked in there.
So, just because things are opposites does not mean they negate each other.
No, no, that's true. And actually to get even more tactical in jujitsu, you could, you could, let's say you mount someone.
And they start just getting crazy. Cause they don't want to, they're getting completely nuts. And you're trying to choke them, trying to choke them, cause you got everything. And they're getting nuts, and you can't do it.
You could prevent them from pushing you up and away, right? You could lock that door down where there's no escape. Or you could let them do it a little bit. You give them that little thing and then BOOM.
God's situation. Next. Befriend a distant state while attacking a neighbor. It is known that nations that border each other become enemies while nations separated by distance. Next. Number 23. Befriend a distant state while attacking a neighbor.
It is known that nations that border each other become enemies, while nations separated by distance and obstacles make better allies.
When you are the strongest in one field, your greatest threat is from the second strongest in your field, not the strongest from another field.
When you're the strongest in one field, your greatest threat is from the second strongest in your field. That makes sense. You see that in business all the time, right? The company that makes pizzas isn't worried about the company that makes cars. Yea, that's true. Right? They're worried about the other companies that make pizzas.
Obtain safe passage to conquer the state of Gyo.
Borrow the resources of an ally to attack a common enemy. Once the enemy is defeated, use those resources to turn on the ally that lent you them in the first place. That's underhanded situation right there. It's underhanded situation right there.
Well if that's your enemy to begin with, I'm assuming.
Yeaah, that might be the, that is the actual definition. Alright, next one. Strategims for deception situations.
Number 25, replace the beams with rotten timbers.
Disrupt the enemy's formations, interfere with their methods of operations, change the rules which they are used to following, and go contrary to their standard training. That's all really good stuff.
In this way, you remove the supporting pillar, the common link that makes a group of men an effective fighting force. This goes back to what you just said. I mean, it's clearly go away from what they're used to.
Right? That's what we do. That's what jiu-jitsu is supposed to be. Everyone's gonna, like you said, they're gonna stand and try and punch you. We're not gonna do that. We're gonna take them down to the ground. Next.
Point at the mulberry tree while cursing the locust tree.
To discipline, control, or warn others whose status or position excludes them from direct conversation.
Or confrontation, use analogy and innuendo.
When names are not used directly, those accused cannot retaliate without revealing their complicity. Oh, that's sneaky! You know that's like when you're in the meeting!
And the company, let's say, let's say the CEO brings us into the company. Sometimes we figure out that the CEO is the one that's the root of the problem.
And one of the reasons that they're the root of the problem is because they don't think they need to change anything. And so they bring us in to change everyone else.
The big man, the reason that they don't want to change is because they got the ego that prevents them from listening.
So to go in and directly confront them on what they need to change is not going to be effective.
So, to go in and give, I've given, I've given a whole presentation. I did this one time where I gave a whole presentation.
Maybe I've done it more times, but there's one time that I specifically remember I gave a whole presentation to
Yeah, that's a good way to start. There's some people that even, they're not part of that we.
But keep your balance. Hide behind the mask of a fool, a drunk, or a madman to create confusion about your intentions and motivations. Lure your opponent into underestimating your ability until overconfident, he drops his guard. Then you may attack.
Would he beat them with flashiness or would he beat them with, with traditional...
Let's call it just Hoosier style hard working.
Yeah, that's a pretty obvious one. And I think, I think...
One thing that, again, to take away from this is if you know these things, you're less likely to be suckered in by them. Yeah. That's, that's the most important thing.
I guess in this day and age you'd have to be pretty dumb to fall for this in a pool hall scenario. I would beat this guy. You gotta really think you can beat him, right? Otherwise you'd just be dumb. Alright, next.
Remove the ladder when the enemy has ascended to the roof. This is another one
Don't give them any escape, then they're gonna fight really hard. But if you put them in a situation where they gotta fight both the elements of nature and you, that makes sense.
Tying silk blossoms on a dead tree gives the illusion that the tree is healthy through the use of...
Artifice and disguise make something of no value appear valuable, of no threat appear dangerous, of no use appear useful. Pretty straightforward.
Stilts, you roll with stilts. He like baits. He puts his arms, he's super flexible. And he'll put his arm way over there and it'll be all obvious. I've tried to tell him, stilts, when you hear this, if you backed off your
Your exposure a little bit, it'd be more believable.
Like you think you're gonna pass the guard, he's gonna, he's got some little scam going on. He's trying to trick you. So be careful.
Make the host and the guest exchange roles. Usurp leadership in a situation where you are normally subordinate. Infiltrate your target. Initially, pretend to be a guest to be accepted. But develop from inside.
Cause that method is a lot better than the method of...
Battle Axe. Cause you don't even make it through the front door. If you're holding an axe, right? They're not gonna let you in there.
You know, just to give everyone a little bit of relief.
Because the strange thing is that the other methodology doesn't work with yourself. If you're like negotiating with yourself, like, you know what? I'm not really that weak. I'm gonna play the long game with myself. Yeah, you know what? I've done just one donut. It's not that big of a deal. I mean, really, it's just one donut. Don't do that. Battleaxe.
That's where you use it. And when you do that, what you do is you do solve the problem. It's the actual, so it's interesting. There's a dichotomy here.
Tell people with everyone else, don't use the battle axe. That's where they want to use the battle axe.
They don't want to use the battle axe on themselves. That's where I tell them to use the battle axe. Yeah.
Strange world. You can figure that right there out. Life gets a lot easier. Well, it gets harder at first, but it ends up easier.
The, the hostility that you have towards your boss, if you use the battle axe on that hostility and you start treating him with respect and trying to build a relationship, guess what? You're gonna win. If you use the battle axe on him.
Strategims for desperate situations. Number 31. The beauty trap.
Send your enemy beautiful women.
To cause discord within his camp, this stratagem can work on three levels. First, the ruler becomes so enamored with the beauty that he neglects his duties and allows his vigilance to wane.
Second, other males at court will begin to display aggressive behavior that inflames minor differences, hindering cooperation and destroying morale. Third, other females at court
motivated by jealousy and envy begin to plot intrigues further exacerbating the situation.
Next thing you know, she's getting after it. Getting, totally getting after it. Check. Number 32.
The empty fort strategy. When the enemy is superior in numbers and your situation is such that you expect to be overrun at any moment, then drop all pretense of military preparedness and act calmly so that the enemy will think you're setting an ambush.
In perceiving the trap may overthink his reaction.
That one takes guts. But I guess the, the, it not only takes guts,
Okay, yeah, yeah. Was that on the podcast that you did that? I don't think so. But the point is, Jade had a choice. Act like, okay, so he sees a situation, could be hostile, and his choice was like, okay, I don't really have a choice here. I can either act scared, in which case I'm gonna become a victim,
That's, that's, or I can act nonchalant and there's a possibility I don't become a victim because they see that I'm, like, whatever. Right. And so that's what he did. And guess what? The guy was like, hey mate, how you doing? All good. Yeah. Luckily he's in Australia. Next.
33. Let the enemy's own spy sow discord in the enemy camp.
Undermine your enemy's ability to fight by secretly causing discord between him and his friends, allies, advisors, families, commanders, soldiers, and population.
And there was an underground newspaper on the ship, but there was basically leakers that were telling the troops, the sailors on the ship, what they were eating in the wardroom where the officers were.
Cause discord. Just telling the truth. Yea, makes sense. Now of course you could weave in some lies, right? But just, what I'm saying is-
To cause discord. Now I'll always tell you that truth is the most powerful weapon. Definitely. Truth is the most powerful weapon that you have.
Just in general. Just in general. The truth is the most powerful weapon you have for yourself. You can be truthful with yourself. You can be truthful with people around you.
No, because you, sometimes the chicken is dry and you just need to keep that to yourself, right? That's a legit one, we talked about that before. But, truth, truth is definitely the most powerful tool that you have.
And even when it comes to creating discord, the best, let me put it to you this way, let me just, I don't wanna go through this whole tangent, but the best, if you're gonna create discord, it's more powerful to create discord using the truth than it is
Inflict injury on oneself to win the enemy's trust.
Build that little bit of trust. Remember when I talked about, remember when I talked about when you, if you come to me and you're emotional?
To tamper down the emotion, but I can't. I have to show you some of the same emotion. I reflect it, but I diminish it a little bit.
That's a way of building trust between us, right? Well, it's the same thing if I'm like, oh, look what they did to me! And I go...
In important matters, one should use several stratagems applied simultaneously after another as in a chain of stratagems. Keep different plans operating in an overall scheme.
However, in this manner, if any one stratagem fails, then the chain breaks and the whole scheme fails. Now, I completely agree with the first part of this, which is yea, you should train these things together. Which is obviously what we do in Jiu Jitsu, you use one move and that's setting up another move, which is setting up another move, and the defense of that one sets up another move.
But I don't agree with the fact that if one of them breaks, they all, the whole thing falls apart. That shouldn't be necessarily true. You should set up your stratagems, your stratagems that
You expect that some of them are gonna fail a little bit and that's okay because that's why you got the backup ones, right?
That's uh, that's the OODA loop, right? That's okay, I'm gonna do this and then you're gonna react and I'm gonna do this I'm gonna be there and with the next one there were the next one and there were the next one Having a heads up on things makes such a big difference in other words
Just so much of winning in jujitsu is that I know what you're gonna do before you do it.
Setting these things up properly, chaining them together, so that the enemy doesn't know, the opponent doesn't know the next thing in the chain, but you do. Yeah.
Important one. If it becomes obvious that your current course of action will lead to defeat, then retreat and regroup. When your side is losing, there are only three choices remaining. Surrender, compromise, or escape. Surrender is complete defeat. We don't want that. Compromise is half defeat.
Especially when compared to the alternative which is just surrender, which is total defeat.
As long as you are not defeated, you will still have a chance.
Fitting end to this. And again, this is something that people get wrapped around all the time. They don't want to give up, they don't want to give up, they don't want to give up in skydiving.
You have a malfunction. If you have a malfunction, you, you try and fix it for a little while at
Free fall. At 2000 feet, you make the decision. I'm not gonna get that parachute open. I'm gonna cut that one away and I'm gonna bring out my secondary.
But guys would, you know, in the parachute world, and right now the parachutes are getting so good that it's a lot more rare, but
Sometimes you gotta retreat. It's okay.
It's okay. Surrender is complete defeat. Compromise is half defeat. But escape is NOT defeat.
And as long as you are not defeated, you still have a chance. So, retreating is smart sometimes. It's okay. And I think that's a good lesson. It's okay to retreat, but never, never surrender.
Which, definitely some good lessons in there. Learned some new ones. Reinforced some other ones. Hoping that everyone out there, listening, learned something from that too. And if you did, and you want to give the podcast some support, chiboha.
So, help yourself first. You can't support what we're doing here.