name of ground location year fc matches la matches t20 matches total 0 riverside ground chester - le - street 1995 - present 102 124 15 241 1 feethams darlington 1964 - 2003 10 14 0 24 2 grangefield road stockton - on - tees 1992 - 2006 12 11 0 23 3 the racecourse durham city 1992 - 1994 11 7 0 18 4 park drive hartlepool 1992 - 2000 8 9 0 17 5 ropery lane chester - le - street 1967 - 1994 3 7 0 10 6 eastwood gardens gateshead fell 1992 - 1994 4 2 0 6 7 green lane durham city 1979 0 1 0 1
{"name of ground":{"0":"riverside ground","1":"feethams","2":"grangefield road","3":"the racecourse","4":"park drive","5":"ropery lane","6":"eastwood gardens","7":"green lane"},"location":{"0":"chester - le - street","1":"darlington","2":"stockton - on - tees","3":"durham city","4":"hartlepool","5":"chester - le - street","6":"gateshead fell","7":"durham city"},"year":{"0":"1995 - present","1":"1964 - 2003","2":"1992 - 2006","3":"1992 - 1994","4":"1992 - 2000","5":"1967 - 1994","6":"1992 - 1994","7":"1979"},"fc matches":{"0":102,"1":10,"2":12,"3":11,"4":8,"5":3,"6":4,"7":0},"la matches":{"0":124,"1":14,"2":11,"3":7,"4":9,"5":7,"6":2,"7":1},"t20 matches":{"0":15,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0},"total":{"0":241,"1":24,"2":23,"3":18,"4":17,"5":10,"6":6,"7":1}}
country population area (km square) gdp (nominal) gdp per capita (nominal) 0 kazakhstan 16967000 2724900 196.4 billion 11772 1 kyrgyzstan 5550239 199900 6.4 billion 1152 2 uzbekistan 29559100 447400 52.0 billion 1780 3 tajikistan 7616000 143100 7.2 billion 903 4 turkmenistan 5125693 488100 29.9 billion 5330
{"country":{"0":"kazakhstan","1":"kyrgyzstan","2":"uzbekistan","3":"tajikistan","4":"turkmenistan"},"population":{"0":16967000,"1":5550239,"2":29559100,"3":7616000,"4":5125693},"area (km square)":{"0":2724900,"1":199900,"2":447400,"3":143100,"4":488100},"gdp (nominal)":{"0":"196.4 billion","1":"6.4 billion","2":"52.0 billion","3":"7.2 billion","4":"29.9 billion"},"gdp per capita (nominal)":{"0":11772,"1":1152,"2":1780,"3":903,"4":5330}}
unit commander complement killed wounded missing 0 quarter - master - general major - general jean victor de constant rebecque 20 off 126 men 1 off 0 men 8 off 0 men 0 off 0 men 1 1st division major - general george cooke 175 off 4155 men 5 off 45 men 9 off 507 men 0 off 0 men 2 1st brigade major - general peregrine maitland 78 off 1901 men 5 off 43 men 9 off 491 men 0 off 0 men 3 2nd battalion , 1st regiment of foot guards lieutenant colonel henry askew 35 off 919 men 2 off 23 men 4 off 256 men 0 off 0 men 4 3rd battalion , 1st regiment of foot guards lieutenant colonel the honourable william stewart 40 off 982 men 2 off 20 men 5 off 235 men 0 off 0 men 5 2nd brigade major - general sir john byng , 1st earl of strafford 79 off 1939 men 0 off 0 men 0 off 7 men 0 off 0 men 6 2nd battalion , coldstream regiment of foot guards lieutenant - colonel james macdonnell 36 off 896 men 0 off 0 men 0 off 0 men 0 off 0 men 7 2nd battalion , 3rd regiment of foot guards lieutenant colonel francis hepburn 40 off 1043 men 0 off 0 men 0 off 7 men 0 off 0 men 8 artillery lieutenant - colonel steven galway adye 14 off 401 men 0 off 2 men 0 off 9 men 0 off 0 man 9 kuhlmann 's battery kglha , king 's german legion captain heinrich jacob kuhlmann 8 off 302 men 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch howitzer 0 off 0 men 0 off 0 men 0 off 0 men 10 5th brigade major - general sir colin halkett kcb 173 off 2059 men 5 off 62 men 15 off 248 men 0 off 0 men 11 2nd battalion , 73rd regiment of foot lieutenant - colonel william george harris 39 off 471 men 1 off 4 men 3 off 44 men 0 off 0 men 12 1st hanoverian brigade major - general friedrich , graf von kielmansegge 127 off 3189 men 0 off 44 men 10 off 169 men 1 off 6 men 13 field battalion bremen lieutenant colonel wilhelm von langrehre 21 off 512 men 0 off 5 men 1 off 13 men 0 off 0 men 14 field battalion 1st duke of york 's osnabr端ck friedrich wilhelm freiherr von b端low 25 off 607 men 0 off 20 men 2 off 22 men 0 off 4 men 15 light battalion grubenhagen lieutenant colonel baron friedrich von wurmb 22 off 621 men 0 off 5 men 4 off 74 men 0 off 0 men 16 light battalion l端neburg lieutenant colonel august von klencke 22 off 595 men 0 off 11 men 3 off 42 men 1 off 2 men 17 field battalion verden major julius von schkopp 26 off 533 men 0 off 0 men 0 off 0 men 0 off 0 men 18 field jaeger battalion (two companies) captain de reden 10 off 321 men 0 off 3 men 0 off 18 men 0 off 0 men 19 3rd division artillery lieutenant colonel john samuel williamson 13 off 225 men 0 off 9 men 0 off 17 men 0 off 0 men 20 lloyd 's battery rfa major william lloyd 5 off 93 men , 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch howitzer 0 off 7 men 0 off 8 men 0 off 0 man 21 cleeves' battery kglfa king 's german legion captain andreas cleeves 6 off 132 men , 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch howitzer 0 off 2 men 0 off 9 men 0 off 0 man 22 1st brigade (1e brigade) generaal - majoor willem frederik van bylandt 121 off 3216 men 2 off 35 men 6 off 181 men 0 off 185 men 23 27th light battalion (bataljon jagers no 27) luitenant - kolonel johann willem grunebosch 23 off 739 men 0 off 3 men 1 off 62 men 0 off 33 men 24 train (trein) luitenant frederik van gahlen 2 off 126 men 0 off 0 men 0 off 0 men 0 off 0 men 25 1st battalion (1e bataljon) kapitein moritz b端sgen 27 off 835 men 0 off 5 men 1 off 31 men 0 off 9 men 26 2nd battalion (2e bataljon) majoor philipp von normann 25 off 819 men 1 off 4 men 2 off 27 men 0 off 0 men 27 3rd battalion (3e bataljon) majoor gottfried hechmann 27 off 819 men 0 off 3 men 1 off 33 men 0 off 0 men 28 1st battalion (1e bataljon) luitenant - kolonel wilhelm ferdinand von dressel 28 off 835 men 0 off 1 man 0 off 7 men 0 off 6 men 29 2nd battalion (2e bataljon) majoor christian philipp schleyer 22 off 637 men 0 off 1 man 0 off 12 men 0 off 16 men
{"unit":{"0":"quarter - master - general","1":"1st division","2":"1st brigade","3":"2nd battalion , 1st regiment of foot guards","4":"3rd battalion , 1st regiment of foot guards","5":"2nd brigade","6":"2nd battalion , coldstream regiment of foot guards","7":"2nd battalion , 3rd regiment of foot guards","8":"artillery","9":"kuhlmann 's battery kglha , king 's german legion","10":"5th brigade","11":"2nd battalion , 73rd regiment of foot","12":"1st hanoverian brigade","13":"field battalion bremen","14":"field battalion 1st duke of york 's osnabr端ck","15":"light battalion grubenhagen","16":"light battalion l端neburg","17":"field battalion verden","18":"field jaeger battalion (two companies)","19":"3rd division artillery","20":"lloyd 's battery rfa","21":"cleeves' battery kglfa king 's german legion","22":"1st brigade (1e brigade)","23":"27th light battalion (bataljon jagers no 27)","24":"train (trein)","25":"1st battalion (1e bataljon)","26":"2nd battalion (2e bataljon)","27":"3rd battalion (3e bataljon)","28":"1st battalion (1e bataljon)","29":"2nd battalion (2e bataljon)"},"commander":{"0":"major - general jean victor de constant rebecque","1":"major - general george cooke","2":"major - general peregrine maitland","3":"lieutenant colonel henry askew","4":"lieutenant colonel the honourable william stewart","5":"major - general sir john byng , 1st earl of strafford","6":"lieutenant - colonel james macdonnell","7":"lieutenant colonel francis hepburn","8":"lieutenant - colonel steven galway adye","9":"captain heinrich jacob kuhlmann","10":"major - general sir colin halkett kcb","11":"lieutenant - colonel william george harris","12":"major - general friedrich , graf von kielmansegge","13":"lieutenant colonel wilhelm von langrehre","14":"friedrich wilhelm freiherr von b端low","15":"lieutenant colonel baron friedrich von wurmb","16":"lieutenant colonel august von klencke","17":"major julius von schkopp","18":"captain de reden","19":"lieutenant colonel john samuel williamson","20":"major william lloyd","21":"captain andreas cleeves","22":"generaal - majoor willem frederik van bylandt","23":"luitenant - kolonel johann willem grunebosch","24":"luitenant frederik van gahlen","25":"kapitein moritz b端sgen","26":"majoor philipp von normann","27":"majoor gottfried hechmann","28":"luitenant - kolonel wilhelm ferdinand von dressel","29":"majoor christian philipp schleyer"},"complement":{"0":"20 off 126 men","1":"175 off 4155 men","2":"78 off 1901 men","3":"35 off 919 men","4":"40 off 982 men","5":"79 off 1939 men","6":"36 off 896 men","7":"40 off 1043 men","8":"14 off 401 men","9":"8 off 302 men 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch howitzer","10":"173 off 2059 men","11":"39 off 471 men","12":"127 off 3189 men","13":"21 off 512 men","14":"25 off 607 men","15":"22 off 621 men","16":"22 off 595 men","17":"26 off 533 men","18":"10 off 321 men","19":"13 off 225 men","20":"5 off 93 men , 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch howitzer","21":"6 off 132 men , 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch howitzer","22":"121 off 3216 men","23":"23 off 739 men","24":"2 off 126 men","25":"27 off 835 men","26":"25 off 819 men","27":"27 off 819 men","28":"28 off 835 men","29":"22 off 637 men"},"killed":{"0":"1 off 0 men","1":"5 off 45 men","2":"5 off 43 men","3":"2 off 23 men","4":"2 off 20 men","5":"0 off 0 men","6":"0 off 0 men","7":"0 off 0 men","8":"0 off 2 men","9":"0 off 0 men","10":"5 off 62 men","11":"1 off 4 men","12":"0 off 44 men","13":"0 off 5 men","14":"0 off 20 men","15":"0 off 5 men","16":"0 off 11 men","17":"0 off 0 men","18":"0 off 3 men","19":"0 off 9 men","20":"0 off 7 men","21":"0 off 2 men","22":"2 off 35 men","23":"0 off 3 men","24":"0 off 0 men","25":"0 off 5 men","26":"1 off 4 men","27":"0 off 3 men","28":"0 off 1 man","29":"0 off 1 man"},"wounded":{"0":"8 off 0 men","1":"9 off 507 men","2":"9 off 491 men","3":"4 off 256 men","4":"5 off 235 men","5":"0 off 7 men","6":"0 off 0 men","7":"0 off 7 men","8":"0 off 9 men","9":"0 off 0 men","10":"15 off 248 men","11":"3 off 44 men","12":"10 off 169 men","13":"1 off 13 men","14":"2 off 22 men","15":"4 off 74 men","16":"3 off 42 men","17":"0 off 0 men","18":"0 off 18 men","19":"0 off 17 men","20":"0 off 8 men","21":"0 off 9 men","22":"6 off 181 men","23":"1 off 62 men","24":"0 off 0 men","25":"1 off 31 men","26":"2 off 27 men","27":"1 off 33 men","28":"0 off 7 men","29":"0 off 12 men"},"missing":{"0":"0 off 0 men","1":"0 off 0 men","2":"0 off 0 men","3":"0 off 0 men","4":"0 off 0 men","5":"0 off 0 men","6":"0 off 0 men","7":"0 off 0 men","8":"0 off 0 man","9":"0 off 0 men","10":"0 off 0 men","11":"0 off 0 men","12":"1 off 6 men","13":"0 off 0 men","14":"0 off 4 men","15":"0 off 0 men","16":"1 off 2 men","17":"0 off 0 men","18":"0 off 0 men","19":"0 off 0 men","20":"0 off 0 man","21":"0 off 0 man","22":"0 off 185 men","23":"0 off 33 men","24":"0 off 0 men","25":"0 off 9 men","26":"0 off 0 men","27":"0 off 0 men","28":"0 off 6 men","29":"0 off 16 men"}}
unit commander complement killed wounded missing 0 5th division lieutenant general sir thomas picton 312 off 4792 men 6 off 84 men 49 off 531 men 3 off 27 men 1 8th brigade major general sir james kempt 167 off 2348 men 4 off 68 men 44 off 522 men 1 off 0 men 2 1st battalion , 32nd (cornwall) regiment of foot major (brevet lieutenant colonel) john hicks 44 off 605 men 2 off 21 men 20 off 153 men 0 off 0 men 3 79th regiment of foot (cameron highlanders) lieutenant - colonel neil douglas 46 off 656 men 2 off 28 men 16 off 258 men 1 off 0 men 4 9th brigade major general sir dennis pack 177 off 2133 men 18 off 107 men 57 off 728 men 0 off 17 men 5 2nd battalion , 44th (east essex) regiment of foot lieutenant - colonel john millert hamerton 36 off 427 men 2 off 10 men 15 off 94 men 0 off 17 men 6 92nd regiment of foot (gordon highlanders) lieutenant - colonel john cameron of fassifern 47 off 568 men 6 off 35 men 16 off 226 men 0 off 0 men 7 4th hanoverian brigade colonel charles best 140 off 2444 men 2 off 16 men 4 off 39 men 2 off 27 men 8 landwehr battalion lã¼neberg lieutenant colonel ludwig von romdohr 24 off 582 men 0 off 4 men 2 off 8 men 0 off 4 men 9 landwehr battalion munden major ferdinand von schmid 37 off 590 men 0 off 6 men 0 off 14 men 0 off 13 men 10 landwehr battalion osterode major claus von reden 35 off 621 men 1 off 1 man 0 off 3 men 0 off 0 men
{"unit":{"0":"5th division","1":"8th brigade","2":"1st battalion , 32nd (cornwall) regiment of foot","3":"79th regiment of foot (cameron highlanders)","4":"9th brigade","5":"2nd battalion , 44th (east essex) regiment of foot","6":"92nd regiment of foot (gordon highlanders)","7":"4th hanoverian brigade","8":"landwehr battalion lã¼neberg","9":"landwehr battalion munden","10":"landwehr battalion osterode"},"commander":{"0":"lieutenant general sir thomas picton","1":"major general sir james kempt","2":"major (brevet lieutenant colonel) john hicks","3":"lieutenant - colonel neil douglas","4":"major general sir dennis pack","5":"lieutenant - colonel john millert hamerton","6":"lieutenant - colonel john cameron of fassifern","7":"colonel charles best","8":"lieutenant colonel ludwig von romdohr","9":"major ferdinand von schmid","10":"major claus von reden"},"complement":{"0":"312 off 4792 men","1":"167 off 2348 men","2":"44 off 605 men","3":"46 off 656 men","4":"177 off 2133 men","5":"36 off 427 men","6":"47 off 568 men","7":"140 off 2444 men","8":"24 off 582 men","9":"37 off 590 men","10":"35 off 621 men"},"killed":{"0":"6 off 84 men","1":"4 off 68 men","2":"2 off 21 men","3":"2 off 28 men","4":"18 off 107 men","5":"2 off 10 men","6":"6 off 35 men","7":"2 off 16 men","8":"0 off 4 men","9":"0 off 6 men","10":"1 off 1 man"},"wounded":{"0":"49 off 531 men","1":"44 off 522 men","2":"20 off 153 men","3":"16 off 258 men","4":"57 off 728 men","5":"15 off 94 men","6":"16 off 226 men","7":"4 off 39 men","8":"2 off 8 men","9":"0 off 14 men","10":"0 off 3 men"},"missing":{"0":"3 off 27 men","1":"1 off 0 men","2":"0 off 0 men","3":"1 off 0 men","4":"0 off 17 men","5":"0 off 17 men","6":"0 off 0 men","7":"2 off 27 men","8":"0 off 4 men","9":"0 off 13 men","10":"0 off 0 men"}}
dvd name released audio aspect ratio duration number of episodes num of discs 0 escape to river cottage 08 / 09 / 2003 dolby digital 2.0 4:3 full frame 2 hours 48 minutes 6 2 1 return to river cottage 19 / 04 / 2004 dolby digital 2.0 16:9 anamorphic 2 hours 28 minutes 6 2 2 river cottage forever 11 / 10 / 2004 dolby digital 2.0 16:9 anamorphic 3 hours 42 minutes 8 2 3 beyond river cottage 17 / 10 / 2005 dolby digital 2.0 16:9 anamorphic 4 hours 40 minutes 10 3 4 river cottage road trip 02 / 10 / 2006 dolby digital 2.0 16:9 anamorphic 2 hours 5 minutes 2 1 5 river cottage - gone fishing! 03 / 12 / 2007 dolby digital 2.0 16:9 anamorphic 2 hours 22 minutes 3 1 6 river cottage - spring 27 / 10 / 2008 dolby digital 2.0 16:9 anamorphic 3 hours 7 minutes 4 1 7 river cottage - autumn 12 / 10 / 2009 dolby digital 2.0 16:9 anamorphic 3 hours 11 minutes 4 1 8 river cottage - summer 's here 01 / 08 / 2011 dolby digital 2.0 16:9 anamorphic 3 hours 5 minutes 4 1
{"dvd name":{"0":"escape to river cottage","1":"return to river cottage","2":"river cottage forever","3":"beyond river cottage","4":"river cottage road trip","5":"river cottage - gone fishing!","6":"river cottage - spring","7":"river cottage - autumn","8":"river cottage - summer 's here"},"released":{"0":"08 \/ 09 \/ 2003","1":"19 \/ 04 \/ 2004","2":"11 \/ 10 \/ 2004","3":"17 \/ 10 \/ 2005","4":"02 \/ 10 \/ 2006","5":"03 \/ 12 \/ 2007","6":"27 \/ 10 \/ 2008","7":"12 \/ 10 \/ 2009","8":"01 \/ 08 \/ 2011"},"audio":{"0":"dolby digital 2.0","1":"dolby digital 2.0","2":"dolby digital 2.0","3":"dolby digital 2.0","4":"dolby digital 2.0","5":"dolby digital 2.0","6":"dolby digital 2.0","7":"dolby digital 2.0","8":"dolby digital 2.0"},"aspect ratio":{"0":"4:3 full frame","1":"16:9 anamorphic","2":"16:9 anamorphic","3":"16:9 anamorphic","4":"16:9 anamorphic","5":"16:9 anamorphic","6":"16:9 anamorphic","7":"16:9 anamorphic","8":"16:9 anamorphic"},"duration":{"0":"2 hours 48 minutes","1":"2 hours 28 minutes","2":"3 hours 42 minutes","3":"4 hours 40 minutes","4":"2 hours 5 minutes","5":"2 hours 22 minutes","6":"3 hours 7 minutes","7":"3 hours 11 minutes","8":"3 hours 5 minutes"},"number of episodes":{"0":6,"1":6,"2":8,"3":10,"4":2,"5":3,"6":4,"7":4,"8":4},"num of discs":{"0":2,"1":2,"2":2,"3":3,"4":1,"5":1,"6":1,"7":1,"8":1}}
round overall player position nationality club team 0 1 15 erik karlsson defence sweden frãlunda hc (gothenburg) (sweden) 1 2 42 patrick wiercioch defence canada omaha (ushl) 2 3 79 zack smith center canada swift current broncos (whl) 3 4 109 andre petersson forward sweden hv71 (sweden) 4 4 119 derek grant center canada langley chiefs (bchl) 5 5 139 mark borowiecki defence canada smiths falls bears (cjhl)
{"round":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":4,"5":5},"overall":{"0":15,"1":42,"2":79,"3":109,"4":119,"5":139},"player":{"0":"erik karlsson","1":"patrick wiercioch","2":"zack smith","3":"andre petersson","4":"derek grant","5":"mark borowiecki"},"position":{"0":"defence","1":"defence","2":"center","3":"forward","4":"center","5":"defence"},"nationality":{"0":"sweden","1":"canada","2":"canada","3":"sweden","4":"canada","5":"canada"},"club team":{"0":"frãlunda hc (gothenburg) (sweden)","1":"omaha (ushl)","2":"swift current broncos (whl)","3":"hv71 (sweden)","4":"langley chiefs (bchl)","5":"smiths falls bears (cjhl)"}}
round overall player position nationality club team 0 1 6 mika zibanejad centre sweden djurgårdens if hockey (sel) 1 1 21 (from nashville) stefan noesen right wing united states plymouth whalers (ohl) 2 1 24 (from detroit) matthew puempel left wing canada peterborough petes (ohl) 3 2 61 (from boston) shane prince left wing united states ottawa 67 's (ohl) 4 4 96 jean - gabriel pageau centre canada gatineau olympiques (qmjhl) 5 5 126 fredrik claesson defense sweden djurgårdens if hockey (sel) 6 6 156 darren kramer centre canada spokane chiefs (whl) 7 6 171 (from phoenix) max mccormick left wing united states sioux city musketeers (ushl) 8 7 186 jordan fransoo defense canada brandon wheat kings (whl)
{"round":{"0":1,"1":1,"2":1,"3":2,"4":4,"5":5,"6":6,"7":6,"8":7},"overall":{"0":"6","1":"21 (from nashville)","2":"24 (from detroit)","3":"61 (from boston)","4":"96","5":"126","6":"156","7":"171 (from phoenix)","8":"186"},"player":{"0":"mika zibanejad","1":"stefan noesen","2":"matthew puempel","3":"shane prince","4":"jean - gabriel pageau","5":"fredrik claesson","6":"darren kramer","7":"max mccormick","8":"jordan fransoo"},"position":{"0":"centre","1":"right wing","2":"left wing","3":"left wing","4":"centre","5":"defense","6":"centre","7":"left wing","8":"defense"},"nationality":{"0":"sweden","1":"united states","2":"canada","3":"united states","4":"canada","5":"sweden","6":"canada","7":"united states","8":"canada"},"club team":{"0":"djurgårdens if hockey (sel)","1":"plymouth whalers (ohl)","2":"peterborough petes (ohl)","3":"ottawa 67 's (ohl)","4":"gatineau olympiques (qmjhl)","5":"djurgårdens if hockey (sel)","6":"spokane chiefs (whl)","7":"sioux city musketeers (ushl)","8":"brandon wheat kings (whl)"}}
round overall player position nationality club team 0 1 15 cody ceci defense canada ottawa 67 's (ohl) 1 3 76 chris driedger goalie canada calgary hitmen (whl) 2 3 82 (from nashville) jarrod maidens centre / left wing canada owen sound attack (ohl) 3 4 106 tim boyle defense united states nobles (ushs - ma) 4 5 136 robert baillargeon centre united states indiana ice (ushl) 5 6 166 francois brassard goalie canada quebec remparts (qmjhl)
{"round":{"0":1,"1":3,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6},"overall":{"0":"15","1":"76","2":"82 (from nashville)","3":"106","4":"136","5":"166"},"player":{"0":"cody ceci","1":"chris driedger","2":"jarrod maidens","3":"tim boyle","4":"robert baillargeon","5":"francois brassard"},"position":{"0":"defense","1":"goalie","2":"centre \/ left wing","3":"defense","4":"centre","5":"goalie"},"nationality":{"0":"canada","1":"canada","2":"canada","3":"united states","4":"united states","5":"canada"},"club team":{"0":"ottawa 67 's (ohl)","1":"calgary hitmen (whl)","2":"owen sound attack (ohl)","3":"nobles (ushs - ma)","4":"indiana ice (ushl)","5":"quebec remparts (qmjhl)"}}
round overall player position nationality club team 0 1 17 curtis lazar centre / right wing canada edmonton oil kings (whl) 1 3 78 marcus hogberg goalie sweden linköpings hc (se) 2 4 102 (from philadelphia via tampa bay) tobias lindberg right wing sweden djurgårdens if (se) 3 4 108 ben harpur defense canada guelph storm (ohl) 4 5 138 vincent dunn centre canada val - d'or foreurs (qmjhl) 5 6 161 (from dallas) chris leblanc right wing united states south shore kings (ejhl)
{"round":{"0":1,"1":3,"2":4,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6},"overall":{"0":"17","1":"78","2":"102 (from philadelphia via tampa bay)","3":"108","4":"138","5":"161 (from dallas)"},"player":{"0":"curtis lazar","1":"marcus hogberg","2":"tobias lindberg","3":"ben harpur","4":"vincent dunn","5":"chris leblanc"},"position":{"0":"centre \/ right wing","1":"goalie","2":"right wing","3":"defense","4":"centre","5":"right wing"},"nationality":{"0":"canada","1":"sweden","2":"sweden","3":"canada","4":"canada","5":"united states"},"club team":{"0":"edmonton oil kings (whl)","1":"linköpings hc (se)","2":"djurgårdens if (se)","3":"guelph storm (ohl)","4":"val - d'or foreurs (qmjhl)","5":"south shore kings (ejhl)"}}
no in series no in season title directed by written by original air date production code us viewers (millions) 0 89 1 4 years , 6 months , 2 days greg prange mark schwahn january 8 , 2008 3t6801 3.36 1 90 2 racing like a pro paul johansson mark schwahn january 8 , 2008 3t6802 3.57 2 91 3 my way home is through you david jackson john a norris january 15 , 2008 3t6803 2.72 3 92 4 it 's alright , ma (i'm only bleeding) janice cooke adele lim january 22 , 2008 3t6804 3.04 4 93 5 i forgot to remember to forget liz friedlander terrence coli january 29 , 2008 3t6805 2.79 5 94 6 don't dream it 's over thomas j wright mark schwahn february 5 , 2008 3t6806 2.86 6 95 7 in da club greg prange mike herro and david strauss february 12 , 2008 3t6807 3.16 7 96 8 please please please let me get what i want paul johansson mike daniels february 19 , 2008 3t6808 2.85 8 97 9 for tonight you 're only here to know joe davola mark schwahn february 26 , 2008 3t6809 3.18 9 98 10 running to stand still clark mathis william h brown march 4 , 2008 3t6810 2.93 10 99 11 you 're gonna need someone on your side michael j leone zachary haynes march 11 , 2008 3t6811 2.50 11 100 12 hundred les butler mark schwahn march 18 , 2008 3t6812 3.00 12 101 13 echoes , silence , patience , and grace greg prange mark schwahn april 14 , 2008 3t6813 2.80 13 102 14 what do you go home to liz friedlander mark schwahn april 21 , 2008 3t6814 2.92 14 103 15 life is short paul johansson eliza delson april 28 , 2008 3t6815 2.57 15 104 16 cryin' won't help you now greg prange william h brown may 5 , 2008 3t6816 2.29 16 105 17 hate is safer than love stuart gillard mark schwahn may 12 , 2008 3t6817 2.72
{"no in series":{"0":89,"1":90,"2":91,"3":92,"4":93,"5":94,"6":95,"7":96,"8":97,"9":98,"10":99,"11":100,"12":101,"13":102,"14":103,"15":104,"16":105},"no in season":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":9,"9":10,"10":11,"11":12,"12":13,"13":14,"14":15,"15":16,"16":17},"title":{"0":"4 years , 6 months , 2 days","1":"racing like a pro","2":"my way home is through you","3":"it 's alright , ma (i'm only bleeding)","4":"i forgot to remember to forget","5":"don't dream it 's over","6":"in da club","7":"please please please let me get what i want","8":"for tonight you 're only here to know","9":"running to stand still","10":"you 're gonna need someone on your side","11":"hundred","12":"echoes , silence , patience , and grace","13":"what do you go home to","14":"life is short","15":"cryin' won't help you now","16":"hate is safer than love"},"directed by":{"0":"greg prange","1":"paul johansson","2":"david jackson","3":"janice cooke","4":"liz friedlander","5":"thomas j wright","6":"greg prange","7":"paul johansson","8":"joe davola","9":"clark mathis","10":"michael j leone","11":"les butler","12":"greg prange","13":"liz friedlander","14":"paul johansson","15":"greg prange","16":"stuart gillard"},"written by":{"0":"mark schwahn","1":"mark schwahn","2":"john a norris","3":"adele lim","4":"terrence coli","5":"mark schwahn","6":"mike herro and david strauss","7":"mike daniels","8":"mark schwahn","9":"william h brown","10":"zachary haynes","11":"mark schwahn","12":"mark schwahn","13":"mark schwahn","14":"eliza delson","15":"william h brown","16":"mark schwahn"},"original air date":{"0":"january 8 , 2008","1":"january 8 , 2008","2":"january 15 , 2008","3":"january 22 , 2008","4":"january 29 , 2008","5":"february 5 , 2008","6":"february 12 , 2008","7":"february 19 , 2008","8":"february 26 , 2008","9":"march 4 , 2008","10":"march 11 , 2008","11":"march 18 , 2008","12":"april 14 , 2008","13":"april 21 , 2008","14":"april 28 , 2008","15":"may 5 , 2008","16":"may 12 , 2008"},"production code":{"0":"3t6801","1":"3t6802","2":"3t6803","3":"3t6804","4":"3t6805","5":"3t6806","6":"3t6807","7":"3t6808","8":"3t6809","9":"3t6810","10":"3t6811","11":"3t6812","12":"3t6813","13":"3t6814","14":"3t6815","15":"3t6816","16":"3t6817"},"us viewers (millions)":{"0":3.36,"1":3.57,"2":2.72,"3":3.04,"4":2.79,"5":2.86,"6":3.16,"7":2.85,"8":3.18,"9":2.93,"10":2.5,"11":3.0,"12":2.8,"13":2.92,"14":2.57,"15":2.29,"16":2.72}}
institution location founded type enrollment nickname joined 0 barry university miami shores , florida 1940 private 9300 buccaneers 1988 1 eckerd college st petersburg , florida 1958 private 3584 tritons 1975 2 florida southern college lakeland , florida 1883 private 3488 moccasins 1975 3 florida institute of technology melbourne , florida 1958 private 7626 panthers 1981 4 lynn university boca raton , florida 1962 private 4660 fighting knights 1997 5 nova southeastern university davie , florida 1964 private 33135 sharks 2002 6 rollins college winter park , florida 1885 private 4320 tars 1975 7 saint leo university saint leo , florida 1889 private 15120 lions 1975
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disc track english title japanese title rōmaji title artist track time 0 1 1 hello sadness! 悲しみよこんにちは kanashimi yo konnichi wa yuki saito 4:00 1 1 2 forgotten things when moving お引越し・忘れもの ohikkoshi wasuremono yuki saito 4:44 2 2 3 will tomorrow be sunny あした晴れるか ashita hareru ka takao kisugi 4:35 3 2 4 just a little farther もう少し遠く mō sukoshi tōku takao kisugi 4:10 4 3 5 cinema シ・ネ・マ shinema picasso 3:56 5 3 6 bgm : on the way home 2 bgm - 帰り道2 bijiemu kaerimichi tsū instrumental 3:26 6 4 7 alone again アローン・アゲイン arōn agein gilbert o 'sullivan 3:40 7 4 8 get down ゲット・ダウン getto daun gilbert o 'sullivan 2:38 8 5 9 premonition 予感 yokan kyoko otonashi 3:53 9 5 10 toward the entrance to a dream 夢の入口へ… yume no iriguchi e kyoko otonashi 4:03 10 6 11 fantasy ファンタジー fantajī picasso 4:03 11 6 12 picture of teary eyes 濡れた瞳のピクチャー nureta hitomi no pikuchā picasso 3:36 12 7 13 i love you 好きさ suki sa anzen chitai 2:49 13 7 14 enveloped in memories 思い出につつまれて omoide ni tsutsumarete anzen chitai 2:40 14 8 15 sunny shiny morning サニー シャイニー モーニング sanī shainī mōningu kiyonori matsuo 3:48 15 8 16 younger girl ヤンガーガール yangā gāru kiyonori matsuo 3:15 16 9 17 goodbye sketch サヨナラの素描 sayonara no dessan picasso 4:34 17 9 18 sand atelier 砂のatelier suna no atorie picasso 3:57 18 10 19 melody メロディー merodī kyoko otonashi 3:51 19 10 20 excitement ときめき tokimeki kyoko otonashi 3:59 20 11 21 sunny spot 陽だまり hidamari kōzō murashita 4:05 21 11 22 symphony of wind bgm : 風のシンフォニー bijiemu : kaze no shinfonī instrumental 4:08 22 12 23 begin the night ビギン・ザ・ナイト bigin za naito picasso 4:32 23 12 24 the tenderness burns 愛しさが、燃える。 itoshisa ga , moeru picasso 4:33 24 13 25 glass kiss 硝子のキッス garasu no kissu rika himenogi 4:28
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{"n":{"0":14,"1":24,"2":22,"3":3,"4":17,"5":27},"p":{"0":"fw","1":"mf","2":"df","3":"df","4":"fw","5":"fw"},"name":{"0":"henry","1":"touré yaya","2":"abidal","3":"milito","4":"dos santos","5":"bojan"},"eu":{"0":"eu","1":"non - eu","2":"eu","3":"eu","4":"eu","5":"eu"},"country":{"0":"fra","1":"civ","2":"fra","3":"arg","4":"mex","5":"esp"},"age":{"0":29,"1":24,"2":27,"3":26,"4":18,"5":16},"type":{"0":"transfer","1":"transfer","2":"transfer","3":"transfer","4":"promote","5":"promote"},"moving from":{"0":"arsenal","1":"monaco","2":"lyon","3":"zaragoza","4":"barcelona b","5":"barcelona b"},"transfer window":{"0":"summer","1":"summer","2":"summer","3":"summer","4":"summer","5":"summer"},"ends":{"0":2011,"1":2011,"2":2011,"3":2011,"4":2009,"5":2009},"transfer fee":{"0":"24 m","1":"9 m","2":"15 m","3":"17 m + 3.5 m in variables","4":"youth system","5":"youth system"},"source":{"0":"fcbarcelonacat","1":"fcbarcelonacat fcbarcelonacat","2":"fcbarcelonacat","3":"fcbarcelonacat","4":"fcbarcelonacat","5":"fcbarcelonacat"}}
date of issue theme denomination design illustration printing process paper type first day cover cancellation 0 5 january 2007 year of the pig 52 cents john belisle , kosta tsetsekas john belisle lithography in 8 colours with two foil stampings tullis russell coatings toronto , on 1 5 january 2007 year of the pig 1.55 john belisle , kosta tsetsekas john belisle lithography in 8 colours with two foil stampings tullis russell coatings toronto , on 2 15 january 2007 celebration 52 cents karen smith , trivium design inc robert george young lithography in 9 colours tullis russell coatings ottawa , on 3 12 february 2007 international polar year 52 cents q30 design inc rothrock , da , y yu and ga maykut lithography in 9 colours tullis russell coatings igloolik , nu 4 1 march 2007 lilacs 52 cents isabelle toussaint isabelle toussaint lithography in 4 colours and spot varnish tullis russell coatings cornwall , on 5 12 march 2007 hec montreal 52 cents denis lallier guy lavigueur lithography in 6 colours tullis russell coatings montreal , qc 6 12 march 2007 mary pratt 52 cents hélène l'heureux hélène l'heureux lithography in 10 colours tullis russell coatings st john 's , nl 7 3 april 2007 university of saskatchewan 52 cents denis lallier guy lavigueur lithography in 6 colours tullis russell coatings saskatoon , sk 8 3 may 2007 ottawa : 1857 - 2007 52 cents john mcquarrie clive branson lithography in 7 colours tullis russell coatings ottawa , on 9 22 june 2007 captain george vancouver , 1757 - 2007 1.55 niko potton , fleming design niko potton lithography in 7 colours plus embossing tullis russell coatings vancouver , bc 10 26 june 2007 fifa u - 20 world cup canada 2007 52 cents debbie adams dale macmillan lithography in 8 colours tullis russell coatings toronto , on 11 29 june 2007 canadian recording artists paul anka 52 cents circle design inc photo from emi canada lithography in 9 colours lowe - martin toronto , on 12 29 june 2007 canadian recording artists gordon lightfoot 52 cents circle design inc photo from john reeves lithography in 9 colours lowe - martin toronto , on 13 29 june 2007 canadian recording artists joni mitchell 52 cents circle design inc photo from gregory heisler lithography in 9 colours lowe - martin toronto , on 14 29 june 2007 canadian recording artists anne murray 52 cents circle design inc photo from monic richard lithography in 9 colours lowe - martin toronto , on 15 6 july 2007 terra nova national park 52 cents saskia van kampen vlasta van kampen lithography in 6 colours tullis russell glovertown , newfoundland 16 20 july 2007 jasper national park 52 cents saskia van kampen vlasta van kampen lithography in 6 colours tullis russell jasper , alberta 17 25 july 2007 100 years of scouting 52 cents matthias reinicke lime design inc various photos lithography in 8 colours tullis russell tamaracouta , qc 18 26 july 2007 chief membertou 52 cents fugazi suzanne duranceau 3 colours intaglio tullis russell st peters , nova scotia 19 1 october 2007 endangered species (leatherback turtle) 52 cents sputnik design partners inc doug martin (iziart) lithography in 8 colours tullis russell coatings halifax , nova scotia 20 1 october 2007 endangered species (white sturgeon) 52 cents sputnik design partners inc doug martin (iziart) lithography in 8 colours tullis russell coatings halifax , nova scotia 21 1 october 2007 endangered species (north atlantic right whale) 52 cents sputnik design partners inc doug martin (iziart) lithography in 8 colours tullis russell coatings halifax , nova scotia 22 1 october 2007 endangered species (northern cricket frog) 52 cents sputnik design partners inc doug martin (iziart) lithography in 8 colours tullis russell coatings halifax , nova scotia 23 1 november 2007 christmas : hope , joy and peace permanent tandem design associates inc stephanie carter , steve hepburn , jonathan milne lithography in 5 colours tullis russell coatings hope , british columbia 24 1 november 2007 christmas : hope , joy and peace 93 cents tandem design associates inc stephanie carter , steve hepburn , jonathan milne lithography in 5 colours tullis russell coatings ange - gardien , quebec 25 1 november 2007 christmas : hope , joy and peace 1.55 tandem design associates inc stephanie carter , steve hepburn , jonathan milne lithography in 5 colours tullis russell coatings peace river , alberta
{"date of issue":{"0":"5 january 2007","1":"5 january 2007","2":"15 january 2007","3":"12 february 2007","4":"1 march 2007","5":"12 march 2007","6":"12 march 2007","7":"3 april 2007","8":"3 may 2007","9":"22 june 2007","10":"26 june 2007","11":"29 june 2007","12":"29 june 2007","13":"29 june 2007","14":"29 june 2007","15":"6 july 2007","16":"20 july 2007","17":"25 july 2007","18":"26 july 2007","19":"1 october 2007","20":"1 october 2007","21":"1 october 2007","22":"1 october 2007","23":"1 november 2007","24":"1 november 2007","25":"1 november 2007"},"theme":{"0":"year of the pig","1":"year of the pig","2":"celebration","3":"international polar year","4":"lilacs","5":"hec montreal","6":"mary pratt","7":"university of saskatchewan","8":"ottawa : 1857 - 2007","9":"captain george vancouver , 1757 - 2007","10":"fifa u - 20 world cup canada 2007","11":"canadian recording artists paul anka","12":"canadian recording artists gordon lightfoot","13":"canadian recording artists joni mitchell","14":"canadian recording artists anne murray","15":"terra nova national park","16":"jasper national park","17":"100 years of scouting","18":"chief membertou","19":"endangered species (leatherback turtle)","20":"endangered species (white sturgeon)","21":"endangered species (north atlantic right whale)","22":"endangered species (northern cricket frog)","23":"christmas : hope , joy and peace","24":"christmas : hope , joy and peace","25":"christmas : hope , joy and peace"},"denomination":{"0":"52 cents","1":"1.55","2":"52 cents","3":"52 cents","4":"52 cents","5":"52 cents","6":"52 cents","7":"52 cents","8":"52 cents","9":"1.55","10":"52 cents","11":"52 cents","12":"52 cents","13":"52 cents","14":"52 cents","15":"52 cents","16":"52 cents","17":"52 cents","18":"52 cents","19":"52 cents","20":"52 cents","21":"52 cents","22":"52 cents","23":"permanent","24":"93 cents","25":"1.55"},"design":{"0":"john belisle , kosta tsetsekas","1":"john belisle , kosta tsetsekas","2":"karen smith , trivium design inc","3":"q30 design inc","4":"isabelle toussaint","5":"denis lallier","6":"hélène l'heureux","7":"denis lallier","8":"john mcquarrie","9":"niko potton , fleming design","10":"debbie adams","11":"circle design inc","12":"circle design inc","13":"circle design inc","14":"circle design inc","15":"saskia van kampen","16":"saskia van kampen","17":"matthias reinicke lime design inc","18":"fugazi","19":"sputnik design partners inc","20":"sputnik design partners inc","21":"sputnik design partners inc","22":"sputnik design partners inc","23":"tandem design associates inc","24":"tandem design associates inc","25":"tandem design associates inc"},"illustration":{"0":"john belisle","1":"john belisle","2":"robert george young","3":"rothrock , da , y yu and ga maykut","4":"isabelle toussaint","5":"guy lavigueur","6":"hélène l'heureux","7":"guy lavigueur","8":"clive branson","9":"niko potton","10":"dale macmillan","11":"photo from emi canada","12":"photo from john reeves","13":"photo from gregory heisler","14":"photo from monic richard","15":"vlasta van kampen","16":"vlasta van kampen","17":"various photos","18":"suzanne duranceau","19":"doug martin (iziart)","20":"doug martin (iziart)","21":"doug martin (iziart)","22":"doug martin (iziart)","23":"stephanie carter , steve hepburn , jonathan milne","24":"stephanie carter , steve hepburn , jonathan milne","25":"stephanie carter , steve hepburn , jonathan milne"},"printing process":{"0":"lithography in 8 colours with two foil stampings","1":"lithography in 8 colours with two foil stampings","2":"lithography in 9 colours","3":"lithography in 9 colours","4":"lithography in 4 colours and spot varnish","5":"lithography in 6 colours","6":"lithography in 10 colours","7":"lithography in 6 colours","8":"lithography in 7 colours","9":"lithography in 7 colours plus embossing","10":"lithography in 8 colours","11":"lithography in 9 colours","12":"lithography in 9 colours","13":"lithography in 9 colours","14":"lithography in 9 colours","15":"lithography in 6 colours","16":"lithography in 6 colours","17":"lithography in 8 colours","18":"3 colours intaglio","19":"lithography in 8 colours","20":"lithography in 8 colours","21":"lithography in 8 colours","22":"lithography in 8 colours","23":"lithography in 5 colours","24":"lithography in 5 colours","25":"lithography in 5 colours"},"paper type":{"0":"tullis russell coatings","1":"tullis russell coatings","2":"tullis russell coatings","3":"tullis russell coatings","4":"tullis russell coatings","5":"tullis russell coatings","6":"tullis russell coatings","7":"tullis russell coatings","8":"tullis russell coatings","9":"tullis russell coatings","10":"tullis russell coatings","11":"lowe - martin","12":"lowe - martin","13":"lowe - martin","14":"lowe - martin","15":"tullis russell","16":"tullis russell","17":"tullis russell","18":"tullis russell","19":"tullis russell coatings","20":"tullis russell coatings","21":"tullis russell coatings","22":"tullis russell coatings","23":"tullis russell coatings","24":"tullis russell coatings","25":"tullis russell coatings"},"first day cover cancellation":{"0":"toronto , on","1":"toronto , on","2":"ottawa , on","3":"igloolik , nu","4":"cornwall , on","5":"montreal , qc","6":"st john 's , nl","7":"saskatoon , sk","8":"ottawa , on","9":"vancouver , bc","10":"toronto , on","11":"toronto , on","12":"toronto , on","13":"toronto , on","14":"toronto , on","15":"glovertown , newfoundland","16":"jasper , alberta","17":"tamaracouta , qc","18":"st peters , nova scotia","19":"halifax , nova scotia","20":"halifax , nova scotia","21":"halifax , nova scotia","22":"halifax , nova scotia","23":"hope , british columbia","24":"ange - gardien , quebec","25":"peace river , alberta"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 48 february 2 denver 101 - 117 jason richardson (38) emeka okafor (13) raymond felton (9) pepsi center 19391 18 - 30 1 49 february 4 phoenix 104 - 118 jason richardson (25) emeka okafor (13) jeff mcinnis (5) us airways center 18422 18 - 31 2 50 february 8 new jersey 90 - 104 gerald wallace (21) emeka okafor (17) nazr mohammed , jason richardson (3) time warner cable arena 16319 18 - 32 3 51 february 10 detroit 87 - 113 jason richardson (27) emeka okafor (9) jeff mcinnis , jason richardson (5) palace of auburn hills 22076 18 - 33 4 52 february 11 la lakers 97 - 106 raymond felton (29) emeka okafor (13) raymond felton (8) time warner cable arena 19270 18 - 34 5 53 february 13 atlanta 100 - 98 (ot) raymond felton (22) emeka okafor (21) raymond felton (7) time warner cable arena 11213 19 - 34 6 54 february 19 san antonio 65 - 85 raymond felton (19) emeka okafor (10) raymond felton , jason richardson (4) at&t center 18383 19 - 35 7 55 february 22 sacramento 115 - 116 jason richardson (29) emeka okafor (7) raymond felton (10) time warner cable arena 16842 19 - 36 8 56 february 23 washington 95 - 110 jason richardson (25) emeka okafor (13) raymond felton (9) verizon center 20173 19 - 37
{"game":{"0":48,"1":49,"2":50,"3":51,"4":52,"5":53,"6":54,"7":55,"8":56},"date":{"0":"february 2","1":"february 4","2":"february 8","3":"february 10","4":"february 11","5":"february 13","6":"february 19","7":"february 22","8":"february 23"},"team":{"0":"denver","1":"phoenix","2":"new jersey","3":"detroit","4":"la lakers","5":"atlanta","6":"san antonio","7":"sacramento","8":"washington"},"score":{"0":"101 - 117","1":"104 - 118","2":"90 - 104","3":"87 - 113","4":"97 - 106","5":"100 - 98 (ot)","6":"65 - 85","7":"115 - 116","8":"95 - 110"},"high points":{"0":"jason richardson (38)","1":"jason richardson (25)","2":"gerald wallace (21)","3":"jason richardson (27)","4":"raymond felton (29)","5":"raymond felton (22)","6":"raymond felton (19)","7":"jason richardson (29)","8":"jason richardson (25)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"emeka okafor (13)","1":"emeka okafor (13)","2":"emeka okafor (17)","3":"emeka okafor (9)","4":"emeka okafor (13)","5":"emeka okafor (21)","6":"emeka okafor (10)","7":"emeka okafor (7)","8":"emeka okafor (13)"},"high assists":{"0":"raymond felton (9)","1":"jeff mcinnis (5)","2":"nazr mohammed , jason richardson (3)","3":"jeff mcinnis , jason richardson (5)","4":"raymond felton (8)","5":"raymond felton (7)","6":"raymond felton , jason richardson (4)","7":"raymond felton (10)","8":"raymond felton (9)"},"location attendance":{"0":"pepsi center 19391","1":"us airways center 18422","2":"time warner cable arena 16319","3":"palace of auburn hills 22076","4":"time warner cable arena 19270","5":"time warner cable arena 11213","6":"at&t center 18383","7":"time warner cable arena 16842","8":"verizon center 20173"},"record":{"0":"18 - 30","1":"18 - 31","2":"18 - 32","3":"18 - 33","4":"18 - 34","5":"19 - 34","6":"19 - 35","7":"19 - 36","8":"19 - 37"}}
year theme artist mintage (proof) issue price (proof) mintage (bu) issue price (bu) 0 2000 voyage of discovery df warkentin 121575 29.95 62975 19.95 1 2001 50th anniversary of the national ballet of canada dora de pãdery - hunt 89390 30.95 53668 20.95 2 2002 golden jubilee of elizabeth ii royal canadian mint staff 29688 33.95 64410 24.95 3 2002 the queen mother royal canadian mint staff 9994 49.95 no bu exists n / a 4 2004 the poppy cosme saffioti 24527 49.95 no bu exists n / a 5 2005 40th anniversary , flag of canada william woodruff n / a 34.95 n / a 24.95 6 2006 victoria cross royal canadian mint staff n / a 34.95 n / a 26.95 7 2006 medal of bravery royal canadian mint staff n / a 54.95 no bu exists n / a 8 2007 thayendanegea joseph brant rcm staff based on image by laurie mcgaw 65000 42.95 35000 34.95 9 2007 celebration of the arts friedrich peter 20000 54.95 no bu exists n / a 10 2008 400th anniversary of quebec suzanne duranceau 65000 42.95 35000 34.95 11 2008 100th anniversary of royal canadian mint jason bouwman 25000 59.95 no bu exists n / a 12 2008 the poppy (with ultra high relief) cosme saffioti 5000 139.95 no bu exists n / a
{"year":{"0":2000,"1":2001,"2":2002,"3":2002,"4":2004,"5":2005,"6":2006,"7":2006,"8":2007,"9":2007,"10":2008,"11":2008,"12":2008},"theme":{"0":"voyage of discovery","1":"50th anniversary of the national ballet of canada","2":"golden jubilee of elizabeth ii","3":"the queen mother","4":"the poppy","5":"40th anniversary , flag of canada","6":"victoria cross","7":"medal of bravery","8":"thayendanegea joseph brant","9":"celebration of the arts","10":"400th anniversary of quebec","11":"100th anniversary of royal canadian mint","12":"the poppy (with ultra high relief)"},"artist":{"0":"df warkentin","1":"dora de pãdery - hunt","2":"royal canadian mint staff","3":"royal canadian mint staff","4":"cosme saffioti","5":"william woodruff","6":"royal canadian mint staff","7":"royal canadian mint staff","8":"rcm staff based on image by laurie mcgaw","9":"friedrich peter","10":"suzanne duranceau","11":"jason bouwman","12":"cosme saffioti"},"mintage (proof)":{"0":"121575","1":"89390","2":"29688","3":"9994","4":"24527","5":"n \/ a","6":"n \/ a","7":"n \/ a","8":"65000","9":"20000","10":"65000","11":"25000","12":"5000"},"issue price (proof)":{"0":29.95,"1":30.95,"2":33.95,"3":49.95,"4":49.95,"5":34.95,"6":34.95,"7":54.95,"8":42.95,"9":54.95,"10":42.95,"11":59.95,"12":139.95},"mintage (bu)":{"0":"62975","1":"53668","2":"64410","3":"no bu exists","4":"no bu exists","5":"n \/ a","6":"n \/ a","7":"no bu exists","8":"35000","9":"no bu exists","10":"35000","11":"no bu exists","12":"no bu exists"},"issue price (bu)":{"0":"19.95","1":"20.95","2":"24.95","3":"n \/ a","4":"n \/ a","5":"24.95","6":"26.95","7":"n \/ a","8":"34.95","9":"n \/ a","10":"34.95","11":"n \/ a","12":"n \/ a"}}
station number district location type appliances registrations 0 c14 peterborough dogsthorpe wholetime 1 wrl , 1 tl , 1 rv kx13 ezj , t837 rfl , t838 rfl 1 c15 peterborough peterborough rv retained 1 wrl kx58 lwn 2 c16 peterborough stanground wholetime 1 multistar 1 + (cara) kx09 jha 3 c17 huntingdonshire yaxley retained 1 wrl , 1 wt af02 xtl , af52 vmm 4 c18 fenland whittlesey retained 1 wrl ae06 pfu 5 c19 peterborough thorney retained 1 wrl ae06 pfo 6 c20 fenland wisbech day crewed 2 wrl kx60 aym , kx59 jho 7 c21 fenland march retained 2 wrl kx53 fjz , y992 wfl 8 c22 fenland manea retained 1 wrl s47 bce 9 c23 fenland chatteris retained 1 wrl kp54 cwy 10 c24 huntingdonshire ramsey retained 2 wrl ae03 ouu , y991 wfl 11 c25 huntingdonshire sawtry retained 1 wrl ae03 ous 12 c26 huntingdonshire kimbolton retained 1 wrl af02 xtj 13 c27 huntingdonshire huntingdon wholetime 2 wrl , 1 rv , 1 cu kx13 ezg , kx11 hyw , y724 wva , r615 tav 14 c28 huntingdonshire st ives , cambridgeshire retained 2 wrl af02 xtk , s49 bce 15 c01 cambridge cambridge wholetime 1 wrl , 1 multistar 1 + (cara) , 1 tl , 1 rv kx13 ezh , kx59 ewo , v879 uew , af51 dwl 16 c02 south cambridgeshire cottenham retained 1 wrl ae03 oup 17 c03 east cambridgeshire sutton retained 1 wrl s48 bce 18 c04 east cambridgeshire littleport retained 1 wrl r863 efl 19 c05 east cambridgeshire ely day crewed 2 wrl kx13 ezl , kp54 cwx 20 c06 east cambridgeshire soham retained 2 wrl p153 gfl , p151 gfl 21 c07 east cambridgeshire burwell retained 1 wrl t905 wva 22 c08 east cambridgeshire swaffham bulbeck retained 1 wrl n490 sav 23 c09 south cambridgeshire linton retained 1 wrl t906 wva 24 c10 south cambridgeshire sawston retained 1 wrl ae06 pfv 25 c11 south cambridgeshire gamlingay retained 1 wrl kx53 fjy 26 c12 south cambridgeshire papworth everard retained 1 wrl kx60 ayn
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no player date of birth batting style bowling style first class team 0 51 mohammad azharuddin (captain) 8 february 1963 right hand bat right arm medium hyderabad derbyshire 1 111 ajit agarkar 4 december 1977 right hand bat right arm fast - medium bombay 2 95 rahul dravid 11 january 1973 right hand bat right arm off break karnataka 3 84 sourav ganguly 8 july 1972 left hand bat right arm medium bengal 4 85 ajay jadeja 1 february 1971 right hand bat right arm medium haryana 5 98 sunil joshi 6 june 1970 left hand bat left arm orthodox spin karnataka 6 78 anil kumble 17 october 1970 right hand bat right arm leg break googly karnataka 7 112 v v s laxman 1 november 1974 right hand bat right arm off break hyderabad 8 88 nayan mongia (wicket - keeper) 19 december 1969 right hand bat wicket - keeper baroda 9 89 venkatesh prasad 5 august 1969 right hand bat right arm medium - fast karnataka 10 71 robin singh 14 september 1963 left hand bat right arm medium - fast tamil nadu 11 81 javagal srinath 31 august 1969 right hand bat right arm fast - medium karnataka 12 74 sachin tendulkar 24 april 1973 right hand bat right arm off break right arm leg break googly bombay
{"no":{"0":51,"1":111,"2":95,"3":84,"4":85,"5":98,"6":78,"7":112,"8":88,"9":89,"10":71,"11":81,"12":74},"player":{"0":"mohammad azharuddin (captain)","1":"ajit agarkar","2":"rahul dravid","3":"sourav ganguly","4":"ajay jadeja","5":"sunil joshi","6":"anil kumble","7":"v v s laxman","8":"nayan mongia (wicket - keeper)","9":"venkatesh prasad","10":"robin singh","11":"javagal srinath","12":"sachin tendulkar"},"date of birth":{"0":"8 february 1963","1":"4 december 1977","2":"11 january 1973","3":"8 july 1972","4":"1 february 1971","5":"6 june 1970","6":"17 october 1970","7":"1 november 1974","8":"19 december 1969","9":"5 august 1969","10":"14 september 1963","11":"31 august 1969","12":"24 april 1973"},"batting style":{"0":"right hand bat","1":"right hand bat","2":"right hand bat","3":"left hand bat","4":"right hand bat","5":"left hand bat","6":"right hand bat","7":"right hand bat","8":"right hand bat","9":"right hand bat","10":"left hand bat","11":"right hand bat","12":"right hand bat"},"bowling style":{"0":"right arm medium","1":"right arm fast - medium","2":"right arm off break","3":"right arm medium","4":"right arm medium","5":"left arm orthodox spin","6":"right arm leg break googly","7":"right arm off break","8":"wicket - keeper","9":"right arm medium - fast","10":"right arm medium - fast","11":"right arm fast - medium","12":"right arm off break right arm leg break googly"},"first class team":{"0":"hyderabad derbyshire","1":"bombay","2":"karnataka","3":"bengal","4":"haryana","5":"karnataka","6":"karnataka","7":"hyderabad","8":"baroda","9":"karnataka","10":"tamil nadu","11":"karnataka","12":"bombay"}}
no player date of birth batting style bowling style first class team 0 88 stephen fleming (captain) 1 april 1973 left hand bat right arm medium cantebury wellington 1 98 geoff allott 24 december 1971 right hand bat left arm fast - medium cantebury 2 93 nathan astle 15 september 1971 right hand bat right arm medium cantebury 3 106 mark bailey 26 november 1970 right hand bat right arm medium northern districts 4 107 matthew bell 25 february 1977 right hand bat right arm off break wellington northern districts 5 78 simon doull 6 august 1969 right hand bat right arm medium northern districts 6 72 chris harris 20 november 1969 left hand bat right arm medium cantebury 7 99 matt horne 5 december 1970 right hand bat right arm medium otago 8 102 craig mcmillan 13 september 1976 right hand bat right arm medium cantebury 9 103 shayne o'connor 15 november 1973 left hand bat left arm fast - medium otago 10 80 adam parore (wicket - keeper) 23 january 1971 right hand bat wicket - keeper auckland 11 108 alex tait 13 june 1972 right hand bat right arm medium northern districts 12 100 daniel vettori 27 january 1979 left hand bat left arm orthodox spin northern districts 13 105 paul wiseman 4 may 1970 right hand bat right arm off break otago cantebury
{"no":{"0":88,"1":98,"2":93,"3":106,"4":107,"5":78,"6":72,"7":99,"8":102,"9":103,"10":80,"11":108,"12":100,"13":105},"player":{"0":"stephen fleming (captain)","1":"geoff allott","2":"nathan astle","3":"mark bailey","4":"matthew bell","5":"simon doull","6":"chris harris","7":"matt horne","8":"craig mcmillan","9":"shayne o'connor","10":"adam parore (wicket - keeper)","11":"alex tait","12":"daniel vettori","13":"paul wiseman"},"date of birth":{"0":"1 april 1973","1":"24 december 1971","2":"15 september 1971","3":"26 november 1970","4":"25 february 1977","5":"6 august 1969","6":"20 november 1969","7":"5 december 1970","8":"13 september 1976","9":"15 november 1973","10":"23 january 1971","11":"13 june 1972","12":"27 january 1979","13":"4 may 1970"},"batting style":{"0":"left hand bat","1":"right hand bat","2":"right hand bat","3":"right hand bat","4":"right hand bat","5":"right hand bat","6":"left hand bat","7":"right hand bat","8":"right hand bat","9":"left hand bat","10":"right hand bat","11":"right hand bat","12":"left hand bat","13":"right hand bat"},"bowling style":{"0":"right arm medium","1":"left arm fast - medium","2":"right arm medium","3":"right arm medium","4":"right arm off break","5":"right arm medium","6":"right arm medium","7":"right arm medium","8":"right arm medium","9":"left arm fast - medium","10":"wicket - keeper","11":"right arm medium","12":"left arm orthodox spin","13":"right arm off break"},"first class team":{"0":"cantebury wellington","1":"cantebury","2":"cantebury","3":"northern districts","4":"wellington northern districts","5":"northern districts","6":"cantebury","7":"otago","8":"cantebury","9":"otago","10":"auckland","11":"northern districts","12":"northern districts","13":"otago cantebury"}}
no player date of birth batting style bowling style first class team 0 80 aamer sohail (captain) 14 september 1966 left hand bat left arm orthodox spin lahore 1 109 shahid afridi 1 march 1980 right hand bat right arm leg break karachi 2 60 ijaz ahmed 20 september 1968 right hand bat left arm medium islamabad 3 123 shoaib akhtar 13 august 1975 right hand bat right arm fast rawalpindi 4 53 wasim akram 3 june 1966 left hand bat left arm fast lahore 5 102 saleem elahi 21 november 1976 right hand bat right arm off break lahore 6 67 aaqib javed 5 august 1972 right hand bat right arm fast - medium islamabad 7 87 arshad khan 22 march 1971 right hand bat right arm off break peshawar 8 79 moin khan (wicket - keeper) 23 september 1971 right hand bat wicket - keeper karachi 9 108 azhar mahmood 28 february 1975 right hand bat right arm fast - medium islamabad 10 38 saleem malik 16 april 1963 right hand bat right arm medium lahore 11 103 saqlain mushtaq 29 december 1976 right hand bat right arm off break islamabad 12 119 akhtar sarfraz 20 february 1976 left hand bat right arm off break peshawar 13 122 yousuf youhana 27 august 1974 right hand bat right arm off break lahore
{"no":{"0":80,"1":109,"2":60,"3":123,"4":53,"5":102,"6":67,"7":87,"8":79,"9":108,"10":38,"11":103,"12":119,"13":122},"player":{"0":"aamer sohail (captain)","1":"shahid afridi","2":"ijaz ahmed","3":"shoaib akhtar","4":"wasim akram","5":"saleem elahi","6":"aaqib javed","7":"arshad khan","8":"moin khan (wicket - keeper)","9":"azhar mahmood","10":"saleem malik","11":"saqlain mushtaq","12":"akhtar sarfraz","13":"yousuf youhana"},"date of birth":{"0":"14 september 1966","1":"1 march 1980","2":"20 september 1968","3":"13 august 1975","4":"3 june 1966","5":"21 november 1976","6":"5 august 1972","7":"22 march 1971","8":"23 september 1971","9":"28 february 1975","10":"16 april 1963","11":"29 december 1976","12":"20 february 1976","13":"27 august 1974"},"batting style":{"0":"left hand bat","1":"right hand bat","2":"right hand bat","3":"right hand bat","4":"left hand bat","5":"right hand bat","6":"right hand bat","7":"right hand bat","8":"right hand bat","9":"right hand bat","10":"right hand bat","11":"right hand bat","12":"left hand bat","13":"right hand bat"},"bowling style":{"0":"left arm orthodox spin","1":"right arm leg break","2":"left arm medium","3":"right arm fast","4":"left arm fast","5":"right arm off break","6":"right arm fast - medium","7":"right arm off break","8":"wicket - keeper","9":"right arm fast - medium","10":"right arm medium","11":"right arm off break","12":"right arm off break","13":"right arm off break"},"first class team":{"0":"lahore","1":"karachi","2":"islamabad","3":"rawalpindi","4":"lahore","5":"lahore","6":"islamabad","7":"peshawar","8":"karachi","9":"islamabad","10":"lahore","11":"islamabad","12":"peshawar","13":"lahore"}}
no player date of birth batting style bowling style first class team 0 59 brian lara (captain) 2 may 1969 left hand bat right arm leg break googly trinidad and tobago 1 55 keith arthurton 21 february 1965 left hand bat left arm orthodox spin leeward islands 2 66 shivnarine chanderpaul 16 august 1974 left hand bat right arm leg break guyana 3 86 mervyn dillon 5 june 1974 right hand bat right arm fast - medium trinidad and tobago 4 50 carl hooper 15 december 1966 right hand bat right arm off break guyana 5 76 ridley jacobs (wicket - keeper) 26 november 1967 left hand bat wicket - keeper leeward islands 6 89 reon king 6 october 1975 right hand bat right arm fast - medium guyana 7 58 clayton lambert 10 february 1962 left hand bat right arm off break guyana 8 85 rawl lewis 5 september 1974 right hand bat right arm leg break googly windward islands 9 78 nixon mclean 20 july 1973 left hand bat right arm fast windward islands 10 87 neil mcgarrell 12 july 1972 right hand bat left arm orthodox spin guyana 11 51 phil simmons 18 april 1963 right hand bat right arm medium trinidad and tobago 12 61 philo wallace 2 august 1970 right hand bat right arm medium barbados 13 68 stuart williams 12 august 1969 right hand bat right arm medium leeward islands
{"no":{"0":59,"1":55,"2":66,"3":86,"4":50,"5":76,"6":89,"7":58,"8":85,"9":78,"10":87,"11":51,"12":61,"13":68},"player":{"0":"brian lara (captain)","1":"keith arthurton","2":"shivnarine chanderpaul","3":"mervyn dillon","4":"carl hooper","5":"ridley jacobs (wicket - keeper)","6":"reon king","7":"clayton lambert","8":"rawl lewis","9":"nixon mclean","10":"neil mcgarrell","11":"phil simmons","12":"philo wallace","13":"stuart williams"},"date of birth":{"0":"2 may 1969","1":"21 february 1965","2":"16 august 1974","3":"5 june 1974","4":"15 december 1966","5":"26 november 1967","6":"6 october 1975","7":"10 february 1962","8":"5 september 1974","9":"20 july 1973","10":"12 july 1972","11":"18 april 1963","12":"2 august 1970","13":"12 august 1969"},"batting style":{"0":"left hand bat","1":"left hand bat","2":"left hand bat","3":"right hand bat","4":"right hand bat","5":"left hand bat","6":"right hand bat","7":"left hand bat","8":"right hand bat","9":"left hand bat","10":"right hand bat","11":"right hand bat","12":"right hand bat","13":"right hand bat"},"bowling style":{"0":"right arm leg break googly","1":"left arm orthodox spin","2":"right arm leg break","3":"right arm fast - medium","4":"right arm off break","5":"wicket - keeper","6":"right arm fast - medium","7":"right arm off break","8":"right arm leg break googly","9":"right arm fast","10":"left arm orthodox spin","11":"right arm medium","12":"right arm medium","13":"right arm medium"},"first class team":{"0":"trinidad and tobago","1":"leeward islands","2":"guyana","3":"trinidad and tobago","4":"guyana","5":"leeward islands","6":"guyana","7":"guyana","8":"windward islands","9":"windward islands","10":"guyana","11":"trinidad and tobago","12":"barbados","13":"leeward islands"}}
series season title directed by written by musical guest and song original air date production code 0 27 1 high on the hog frederick k keller larry moskowitz al jarreau we 're in this love together august 31 , 1995 k0503 1 29 3 man 's best friend frederick k keller natalie chaidez guy tell me what you like september 14 , 1995 k0504 2 32 6 buster and claudia don kurt michael mahern bb king the thrill is gone october 5 , 1995 k0510 3 33 7 student affairs michael lange larry moskowitz jon b my cherie amour october 12 , 1995 k0511 4 34 8 the highest bidder frederick k keller judith mccreary d'angelo brown sugar october 19 , 1995 k0513 5 35 9 young , beautiful and dead michael lange natalie chaidez silk wildflower november 2 , 1995 k0512 6 36 10 color lines frederick k keller shane salerno marnell kenan run to you november 9 , 1995 k0514 7 37 11 the finals don kurt reggie rock bythewood al green love and happiness november 16 , 1995 k0515 8 39 13 bad girls peter r mcintosh michael mahern dionne farris food for thought december 14 , 1995 k0517 9 40 14 a time to kill frederick k keller judith mccreary monifah i miss you (come back home) january 4 , 1996 k0519 10 41 15 bad blood matthew penn reggie rock bythewood & jamal joseph brownstone don't ask my neighbor january 18 , 1996 k0501 11 42 16 fire show jace alexander natalie chaidez tito nieves lo prometido es deuda february 1 , 1996 k0518 12 43 17 toy soldiers melanie mayron larry moskowitz luther vandross a house is not a home february 8 , 1996 k0502 13 44 18 sympathy for the devil martha mitchell shane salerno xscape all this love february 15 , 1996 k0520 14 45 19 checkmate oscar l costo judith mccreary roberta flack killing me softly with his song february 22 , 1996 k0521 15 47 21 the reckoning jesús treviño judith mccreary aaron neville use me march 14 , 1996 k0509 16 48 22 the enforcers matthew penn michael mahern koko taylor wang dang doodle april 4 , 1996 k0523
{"series":{"0":27,"1":29,"2":32,"3":33,"4":34,"5":35,"6":36,"7":37,"8":39,"9":40,"10":41,"11":42,"12":43,"13":44,"14":45,"15":47,"16":48},"season":{"0":1,"1":3,"2":6,"3":7,"4":8,"5":9,"6":10,"7":11,"8":13,"9":14,"10":15,"11":16,"12":17,"13":18,"14":19,"15":21,"16":22},"title":{"0":"high on the hog","1":"man 's best friend","2":"buster and claudia","3":"student affairs","4":"the highest bidder","5":"young , beautiful and dead","6":"color lines","7":"the finals","8":"bad girls","9":"a time to kill","10":"bad blood","11":"fire show","12":"toy soldiers","13":"sympathy for the devil","14":"checkmate","15":"the reckoning","16":"the enforcers"},"directed by":{"0":"frederick k keller","1":"frederick k keller","2":"don kurt","3":"michael lange","4":"frederick k keller","5":"michael lange","6":"frederick k keller","7":"don kurt","8":"peter r mcintosh","9":"frederick k keller","10":"matthew penn","11":"jace alexander","12":"melanie mayron","13":"martha mitchell","14":"oscar l costo","15":"jesús treviño","16":"matthew penn"},"written by":{"0":"larry moskowitz","1":"natalie chaidez","2":"michael mahern","3":"larry moskowitz","4":"judith mccreary","5":"natalie chaidez","6":"shane salerno","7":"reggie rock bythewood","8":"michael mahern","9":"judith mccreary","10":"reggie rock bythewood & jamal joseph","11":"natalie chaidez","12":"larry moskowitz","13":"shane salerno","14":"judith mccreary","15":"judith mccreary","16":"michael mahern"},"musical guest and song":{"0":"al jarreau we 're in this love together","1":"guy tell me what you like","2":"bb king the thrill is gone","3":"jon b my cherie amour","4":"d'angelo brown sugar","5":"silk wildflower","6":"marnell kenan run to you","7":"al green love and happiness","8":"dionne farris food for thought","9":"monifah i miss you (come back home)","10":"brownstone don't ask my neighbor","11":"tito nieves lo prometido es deuda","12":"luther vandross a house is not a home","13":"xscape all this love","14":"roberta flack killing me softly with his song","15":"aaron neville use me","16":"koko taylor wang dang doodle"},"original air date":{"0":"august 31 , 1995","1":"september 14 , 1995","2":"october 5 , 1995","3":"october 12 , 1995","4":"october 19 , 1995","5":"november 2 , 1995","6":"november 9 , 1995","7":"november 16 , 1995","8":"december 14 , 1995","9":"january 4 , 1996","10":"january 18 , 1996","11":"february 1 , 1996","12":"february 8 , 1996","13":"february 15 , 1996","14":"february 22 , 1996","15":"march 14 , 1996","16":"april 4 , 1996"},"production code":{"0":"k0503","1":"k0504","2":"k0510","3":"k0511","4":"k0513","5":"k0512","6":"k0514","7":"k0515","8":"k0517","9":"k0519","10":"k0501","11":"k0518","12":"k0502","13":"k0520","14":"k0521","15":"k0509","16":"k0523"}}
series season title directed by written by musical guest and song original air date production code 0 56 4 blue boy frederick k keller natalie chaidez soraya quédate september 19 , 1996 k1504 1 57 5 rule of engagement martha mitchell judith mccreary blackstreet yearning for your love september 26 , 1996 k1505 2 58 6 kill the noise don kurt judith mccreary new edition you don't have to worry october 31 , 1996 k1511 3 59 7 smack is back jesús salvador treviño steven phillip smith tito puente asia mood november 7 , 1996 k1506 4 60 8 don't blink allen coulter reggie rock bythewood george benson this masquerade november 14 , 1996 k1507 5 61 9 without mercy frederick k keller gar anthony haywood the tony rich project leavin' november 21 , 1996 k1508 6 62 10 going platinum allen coulter larry moskowitz phil collins oughta know by now december 5 , 1996 k1509 7 63 11 brown like me norberto barba reggie rock bythewood & jorge a reyes celia cruz azúcar negra december 19 , 1996 k1510 8 64 12 grim reaper frederick k keller judith mccreary groove theory people make the world go round january 9 , 1997 k1512 9 65 13 fade out matthew penn denitria harris - lawrence aaliyah choosey lover january 16 , 1997 k1513 10 67 15 school 's out martha mitchell steven phillip smith gerald levert a song for you february 6 , 1997 k1516 11 68 16 outrage allen coulter larry moskowitz james ingram one hundred ways february 13 , 1997 k1517 12 69 17 the promised land don kurt reggie rock bythewood richie havens god bless the child february 20 , 1997 k1519 13 70 18 descell frederick king keller reggie rock bythewood mint condition family affair march 13 , 1997 k1521 14 71 19 hubris timothy van patten judith mccreary lisa stansfield you know how to love me march 27 , 1997 k1520 15 73 21 vendetta nick gomez larry moskowitz erykah badu stay april 24 , 1997 k1524 16 75 23 no place like hell norberto barba reggie rock bythewood tracy chapman the promise may 8 , 1997 k1526
{"series":{"0":56,"1":57,"2":58,"3":59,"4":60,"5":61,"6":62,"7":63,"8":64,"9":65,"10":67,"11":68,"12":69,"13":70,"14":71,"15":73,"16":75},"season":{"0":4,"1":5,"2":6,"3":7,"4":8,"5":9,"6":10,"7":11,"8":12,"9":13,"10":15,"11":16,"12":17,"13":18,"14":19,"15":21,"16":23},"title":{"0":"blue boy","1":"rule of engagement","2":"kill the noise","3":"smack is back","4":"don't blink","5":"without mercy","6":"going platinum","7":"brown like me","8":"grim reaper","9":"fade out","10":"school 's out","11":"outrage","12":"the promised land","13":"descell","14":"hubris","15":"vendetta","16":"no place like hell"},"directed by":{"0":"frederick k keller","1":"martha mitchell","2":"don kurt","3":"jesús salvador treviño","4":"allen coulter","5":"frederick k keller","6":"allen coulter","7":"norberto barba","8":"frederick k keller","9":"matthew penn","10":"martha mitchell","11":"allen coulter","12":"don kurt","13":"frederick king keller","14":"timothy van patten","15":"nick gomez","16":"norberto barba"},"written by":{"0":"natalie chaidez","1":"judith mccreary","2":"judith mccreary","3":"steven phillip smith","4":"reggie rock bythewood","5":"gar anthony haywood","6":"larry moskowitz","7":"reggie rock bythewood & jorge a reyes","8":"judith mccreary","9":"denitria harris - lawrence","10":"steven phillip smith","11":"larry moskowitz","12":"reggie rock bythewood","13":"reggie rock bythewood","14":"judith mccreary","15":"larry moskowitz","16":"reggie rock bythewood"},"musical guest and song":{"0":"soraya quédate","1":"blackstreet yearning for your love","2":"new edition you don't have to worry","3":"tito puente asia mood","4":"george benson this masquerade","5":"the tony rich project leavin'","6":"phil collins oughta know by now","7":"celia cruz azúcar negra","8":"groove theory people make the world go round","9":"aaliyah choosey lover","10":"gerald levert a song for you","11":"james ingram one hundred ways","12":"richie havens god bless the child","13":"mint condition family affair","14":"lisa stansfield you know how to love me","15":"erykah badu stay","16":"tracy chapman the promise"},"original air date":{"0":"september 19 , 1996","1":"september 26 , 1996","2":"october 31 , 1996","3":"november 7 , 1996","4":"november 14 , 1996","5":"november 21 , 1996","6":"december 5 , 1996","7":"december 19 , 1996","8":"january 9 , 1997","9":"january 16 , 1997","10":"february 6 , 1997","11":"february 13 , 1997","12":"february 20 , 1997","13":"march 13 , 1997","14":"march 27 , 1997","15":"april 24 , 1997","16":"may 8 , 1997"},"production code":{"0":"k1504","1":"k1505","2":"k1511","3":"k1506","4":"k1507","5":"k1508","6":"k1509","7":"k1510","8":"k1512","9":"k1513","10":"k1516","11":"k1517","12":"k1519","13":"k1521","14":"k1520","15":"k1524","16":"k1526"}}
series season title directed by written by original air date production code 0 77 1 change , change , change don kurt brad kern january 8 , 1998 k2701 1 78 2 drop dead gorgeous norberto barba kim newton january 15 , 1998 k2704 2 79 3 pipeline norberto barba darin goldberg & shelley meals january 22 , 1998 k2705 3 80 4 spare parts frederick k keller edward tivnan january 29 , 1998 k2702 4 81 5 mob street don kurt brad kern february 12 , 1998 k2706 5 82 6 rat trap timothy van patten kim newton march 12 , 1998 k2708 6 83 7 quid pro quo martha mitchell denitria harris - lawrence march 19 , 1998 k2709 7 84 8 capital punishment melanie mayron edward tivnan march 26 , 1998 k2707 8 85 9 the unusual suspects allen coulter denitria harris - lawrence may 28 , 1998 k2703 9 86 10 sign o' the times timothy van patten darin goldberg & shelley meals june 4 , 1998 k2710
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game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 1 november 2 washington 103 - 83 pierce (28) garnett (20) garnett (5) td banknorth garden 18624 1 - 0 1 2 november 4 toronto 98 - 95 (ot) allen (33) garnett (13) garnett , pierce (6) air canada centre 19800 2 - 0 2 3 november 7 denver 119 - 93 pierce (26) garnett (13) garnett (7) td banknorth garden 18624 3 - 0 3 4 november 9 atlanta 106 - 83 garnett (27) garnett (19) rondo (7) td banknorth garden 18624 4 - 0 4 5 november 10 new jersey 112 - 101 pierce (28) garnett (14) garnett (6) izod center 18171 5 - 0 5 6 november 13 indiana 101 - 86 pierce (31) garnett , pierce (11) pierce (6) conseco fieldhouse 12143 6 - 0 6 7 november 14 new jersey 91 - 69 garnett (16) garnett , perkins (8) allen (6) td banknorth garden 18624 7 - 0 7 8 november 16 miami 92 - 91 garnett (26) garnett (11) rondo (10) td banknorth garden 18624 8 - 0 8 9 november 18 orlando 102 - 104 pierce (28) garnett (11) pierce (6) amway arena 17519 8 - 1 9 10 november 21 golden state 105 - 82 allen (21) garnett , pierce (10) rondo (6) td banknorth garden 18624 9 - 1 10 11 november 23 la lakers 107 - 94 garnett , perkins (21) garnett (11) rondo (10) td banknorth garden 18624 10 - 1 11 12 november 24 charlotte 96 - 95 garnett , pierce (23) garnett (11) pierce (7) charlotte bobcats arena 19201 11 - 1 12 13 november 27 cleveland 104 - 109 (ot) allen (29) allen , rondo (7) rondo (6) quicken loans arena 20562 11 - 2 13 14 november 29 new york 104 - 59 allen , pierce (21) garnett (11) rondo (7) td banknorth garden 18624 12 - 2
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game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 45 february 5 cleveland 113 - 114 allen (24) rondo (7) allen (5) quicken loans arena 20562 36 - 9 1 46 february 6 la clippers 111 - 100 rondo (24) powe (10) rondo (8) td banknorth garden 18624 37 - 9 2 47 february 8 minnesota 88 - 86 pierce (18) powe (8) pierce (6) target center 19511 38 - 9 3 48 february 10 san antonio 98 - 90 pierce (35) rondo (11) rondo (12) td banknorth garden 18624 39 - 9 4 49 february 12 indiana 104 - 97 pierce (28) pierce (12) rondo (7) conseco fieldhouse 13603 40 - 9 5 50 february 13 new york 111 - 103 pierce (24) posey (11) pierce (7) td banknorth garden 18624 41 - 9 6 51 february 19 denver 118 - 124 pierce (24) powe (11) pierce (7) pepsi center 19894 41 - 10 7 52 february 20 golden state 117 - 119 allen (32) garnett (15) allen , rondo (6) oracle arena 20711 41 - 11 8 53 february 22 phoenix 77 - 85 garnett (19) perkins , pierce (6) garnett (4) us airways center 18422 41 - 12 9 54 february 24 portland 112 - 102 pierce (30) garnett , pierce (7) rondo (8) rose garden 20554 42 - 12 10 55 february 25 la clippers 104 - 76 pierce , posey (17) perkins (9) allen (7) staples center 19328 43 - 12 11 56 february 27 cleveland 92 - 87 allen (22) garnett (11) rondo (8) td banknorth garden 18624 44 - 12
{"game":{"0":45,"1":46,"2":47,"3":48,"4":49,"5":50,"6":51,"7":52,"8":53,"9":54,"10":55,"11":56},"date":{"0":"february 5","1":"february 6","2":"february 8","3":"february 10","4":"february 12","5":"february 13","6":"february 19","7":"february 20","8":"february 22","9":"february 24","10":"february 25","11":"february 27"},"team":{"0":"cleveland","1":"la clippers","2":"minnesota","3":"san antonio","4":"indiana","5":"new york","6":"denver","7":"golden state","8":"phoenix","9":"portland","10":"la clippers","11":"cleveland"},"score":{"0":"113 - 114","1":"111 - 100","2":"88 - 86","3":"98 - 90","4":"104 - 97","5":"111 - 103","6":"118 - 124","7":"117 - 119","8":"77 - 85","9":"112 - 102","10":"104 - 76","11":"92 - 87"},"high points":{"0":"allen (24)","1":"rondo (24)","2":"pierce (18)","3":"pierce (35)","4":"pierce (28)","5":"pierce (24)","6":"pierce (24)","7":"allen (32)","8":"garnett (19)","9":"pierce (30)","10":"pierce , posey (17)","11":"allen (22)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"rondo (7)","1":"powe (10)","2":"powe (8)","3":"rondo (11)","4":"pierce (12)","5":"posey (11)","6":"powe (11)","7":"garnett (15)","8":"perkins , pierce (6)","9":"garnett , pierce (7)","10":"perkins (9)","11":"garnett (11)"},"high assists":{"0":"allen (5)","1":"rondo (8)","2":"pierce (6)","3":"rondo (12)","4":"rondo (7)","5":"pierce (7)","6":"pierce (7)","7":"allen , rondo (6)","8":"garnett (4)","9":"rondo (8)","10":"allen (7)","11":"rondo (8)"},"location attendance":{"0":"quicken loans arena 20562","1":"td banknorth garden 18624","2":"target center 19511","3":"td banknorth garden 18624","4":"conseco fieldhouse 13603","5":"td banknorth garden 18624","6":"pepsi center 19894","7":"oracle arena 20711","8":"us airways center 18422","9":"rose garden 20554","10":"staples center 19328","11":"td banknorth garden 18624"},"record":{"0":"36 - 9","1":"37 - 9","2":"38 - 9","3":"39 - 9","4":"40 - 9","5":"41 - 9","6":"41 - 10","7":"41 - 11","8":"41 - 12","9":"42 - 12","10":"43 - 12","11":"44 - 12"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 58 march 2 atlanta 98 - 88 pierce (30) garnett (16) rondo (8) td banknorth garden 18624 46 - 12 1 59 march 5 detroit 90 - 78 garnett (31) perkins (20) allen , pierce , rondo (5) td banknorth garden 18624 47 - 12 2 60 march 7 chicago 116 - 93 pierce (22) perkins (11) house , pierce (5) td banknorth garden 18624 48 - 12 3 61 march 8 memphis 119 - 89 allen (23) perkins (11) rondo (9) fedexforum 18119 49 - 12 4 62 march 10 philadelphia 100 - 86 garnett (26) garnett (12) rondo (8) wachovia center 20438 50 - 12 5 63 march 12 seattle 111 - 82 allen , garnett (18) allen (7) pierce (11) td banknorth garden 18624 51 - 12 6 64 march 14 utah 92 - 110 garnett (15) perkins (7) garnett (6) td banknorth garden 18624 51 - 13 7 65 march 15 milwaukee 99 - 77 garnett (19) brown (9) cassell (5) bradley center 17626 52 - 13 8 66 march 17 san antonio 93 - 91 pierce (22) garnett , pierce (8) pierce (5) at&t center 18797 53 - 13 9 67 march 18 houston 94 - 74 garnett (22) garnett (11) pierce (5) toyota center 18525 54 - 13 10 68 march 20 dallas 94 - 90 pierce (22) garnett , pierce (13) cassell (6) american airlines center 20582 55 - 13 11 69 march 22 new orleans 106 - 113 pierce (28) garnett (12) rondo (7) new orleans arena 18280 55 - 14 12 70 march 24 philadelphia 90 - 95 garnett (18) powe (7) rondo (7) td banknorth garden 18624 55 - 15 13 71 march 26 phoenix 117 - 97 garnett (30) perkins (10) allen (8) td banknorth garden 18624 56 - 15 14 72 march 28 new orleans 112 - 92 pierce (27) garnett (13) pierce (9) td banknorth garden 18624 57 - 15
{"game":{"0":58,"1":59,"2":60,"3":61,"4":62,"5":63,"6":64,"7":65,"8":66,"9":67,"10":68,"11":69,"12":70,"13":71,"14":72},"date":{"0":"march 2","1":"march 5","2":"march 7","3":"march 8","4":"march 10","5":"march 12","6":"march 14","7":"march 15","8":"march 17","9":"march 18","10":"march 20","11":"march 22","12":"march 24","13":"march 26","14":"march 28"},"team":{"0":"atlanta","1":"detroit","2":"chicago","3":"memphis","4":"philadelphia","5":"seattle","6":"utah","7":"milwaukee","8":"san antonio","9":"houston","10":"dallas","11":"new orleans","12":"philadelphia","13":"phoenix","14":"new orleans"},"score":{"0":"98 - 88","1":"90 - 78","2":"116 - 93","3":"119 - 89","4":"100 - 86","5":"111 - 82","6":"92 - 110","7":"99 - 77","8":"93 - 91","9":"94 - 74","10":"94 - 90","11":"106 - 113","12":"90 - 95","13":"117 - 97","14":"112 - 92"},"high points":{"0":"pierce (30)","1":"garnett (31)","2":"pierce (22)","3":"allen (23)","4":"garnett (26)","5":"allen , garnett (18)","6":"garnett (15)","7":"garnett (19)","8":"pierce (22)","9":"garnett (22)","10":"pierce (22)","11":"pierce (28)","12":"garnett (18)","13":"garnett (30)","14":"pierce (27)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"garnett (16)","1":"perkins (20)","2":"perkins (11)","3":"perkins (11)","4":"garnett (12)","5":"allen (7)","6":"perkins (7)","7":"brown (9)","8":"garnett , pierce (8)","9":"garnett (11)","10":"garnett , pierce (13)","11":"garnett (12)","12":"powe (7)","13":"perkins (10)","14":"garnett (13)"},"high assists":{"0":"rondo (8)","1":"allen , pierce , rondo (5)","2":"house , pierce (5)","3":"rondo (9)","4":"rondo (8)","5":"pierce (11)","6":"garnett (6)","7":"cassell (5)","8":"pierce (5)","9":"pierce (5)","10":"cassell (6)","11":"rondo (7)","12":"rondo (7)","13":"allen (8)","14":"pierce (9)"},"location attendance":{"0":"td banknorth garden 18624","1":"td banknorth garden 18624","2":"td banknorth garden 18624","3":"fedexforum 18119","4":"wachovia center 20438","5":"td banknorth garden 18624","6":"td banknorth garden 18624","7":"bradley center 17626","8":"at&t center 18797","9":"toyota center 18525","10":"american airlines center 20582","11":"new orleans arena 18280","12":"td banknorth garden 18624","13":"td banknorth garden 18624","14":"td banknorth garden 18624"},"record":{"0":"46 - 12","1":"47 - 12","2":"48 - 12","3":"49 - 12","4":"50 - 12","5":"51 - 12","6":"51 - 13","7":"52 - 13","8":"53 - 13","9":"54 - 13","10":"55 - 13","11":"55 - 14","12":"55 - 15","13":"56 - 15","14":"57 - 15"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance series 0 1 april 20 detroit 90 - 86 miller (20) evans (14) iguodala (8) the palace of auburn hills 22076 1 - 0 1 2 april 23 detroit 88 - 105 williams (17) evans (11) iguodala (4) the palace of auburn hills 22076 1 - 1 2 3 april 25 detroit 95 - 75 dalembert (23) dalembert (16) green , iguodala (6) wachovia center 18805 2 - 1 3 4 april 27 detroit 84 - 93 young (15) dalembert (12) iguodala (5) wachovia center 18347 2 - 2 4 5 april 29 detroit 81 - 98 iguodala (21) evans (7) iguodala (6) the palace of auburn hills 22076 2 - 3
{"game":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5},"date":{"0":"april 20","1":"april 23","2":"april 25","3":"april 27","4":"april 29"},"team":{"0":"detroit","1":"detroit","2":"detroit","3":"detroit","4":"detroit"},"score":{"0":"90 - 86","1":"88 - 105","2":"95 - 75","3":"84 - 93","4":"81 - 98"},"high points":{"0":"miller (20)","1":"williams (17)","2":"dalembert (23)","3":"young (15)","4":"iguodala (21)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"evans (14)","1":"evans (11)","2":"dalembert (16)","3":"dalembert (12)","4":"evans (7)"},"high assists":{"0":"iguodala (8)","1":"iguodala (4)","2":"green , iguodala (6)","3":"iguodala (5)","4":"iguodala (6)"},"location attendance":{"0":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","1":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","2":"wachovia center 18805","3":"wachovia center 18347","4":"the palace of auburn hills 22076"},"series":{"0":"1 - 0","1":"1 - 1","2":"2 - 1","3":"2 - 2","4":"2 - 3"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 2 november 2 new jersey w 106 - 69 (ot) andrea bargnani (21) andrea bargnani , carlos delfino (6) josé calderón (8) izod center 14980 2 - 0 1 3 november 4 boston l 95 - 98 (ot) t j ford (32) chris bosh (10) t j ford (5) air canada centre 19800 2 - 1 2 4 november 6 milwaukee l 85 - 112 (ot) juan dixon (20) kris humphries (9) josé calderón (8) bradley center 13495 2 - 2 3 5 november 7 orlando l 96 - 105 (ot) chris bosh (26) chris bosh (10) t j ford (8) air canada centre 17977 2 - 3 4 6 november 9 philadelphia w 105 - 103 (ot) chris bosh (24) chris bosh (10) josé calderón (7) wachovia center 10886 3 - 3 5 7 november 10 chicago w 101 - 71 (ot) carlos delfino (16) radoslav nesterović (8) t j ford (14) united center 22467 4 - 3 6 8 november 14 utah l 88 - 92 (ot) anthony parker (19) kris humphries (14) t j ford (8) air canada centre 17337 4 - 4 7 9 november 16 indiana w 110 - 101 (ot) chris bosh (22) jamario moon (7) josé calderón (10) air canada centre 19800 5 - 4 8 10 november 18 golden state l 100 - 106 (ot) t j ford (29) chris bosh (11) t j ford (9) air canada centre 19800 5 - 5 9 11 november 20 dallas l 99 - 105 (ot) chris bosh (31) chris bosh , jamario moon (12) josé calderón (6) american airlines center 20272 5 - 6 10 12 november 21 memphis w 95 - 89 (ot) chris bosh (22) chris bosh (19) josé calderón (8) fedexforum 12217 6 - 6 11 13 november 24 cleveland l 108 - 111 (ot) chris bosh (41) anthony parker (7) josé calderón (13) quicken loans arena 20018 6 - 7 12 14 november 25 chicago w 93 - 78 (ot) josé calderón (19) chris bosh (13) josé calderón (14) air canada centre 19800 7 - 7 13 15 november 28 memphis w 103 - 91 (ot) anthony parker (19) jamario moon , anthony parker (8) josé calderón (10) air canada centre 18906 8 - 7
{"game":{"0":2,"1":3,"2":4,"3":5,"4":6,"5":7,"6":8,"7":9,"8":10,"9":11,"10":12,"11":13,"12":14,"13":15},"date":{"0":"november 2","1":"november 4","2":"november 6","3":"november 7","4":"november 9","5":"november 10","6":"november 14","7":"november 16","8":"november 18","9":"november 20","10":"november 21","11":"november 24","12":"november 25","13":"november 28"},"team":{"0":"new jersey","1":"boston","2":"milwaukee","3":"orlando","4":"philadelphia","5":"chicago","6":"utah","7":"indiana","8":"golden state","9":"dallas","10":"memphis","11":"cleveland","12":"chicago","13":"memphis"},"score":{"0":"w 106 - 69 (ot)","1":"l 95 - 98 (ot)","2":"l 85 - 112 (ot)","3":"l 96 - 105 (ot)","4":"w 105 - 103 (ot)","5":"w 101 - 71 (ot)","6":"l 88 - 92 (ot)","7":"w 110 - 101 (ot)","8":"l 100 - 106 (ot)","9":"l 99 - 105 (ot)","10":"w 95 - 89 (ot)","11":"l 108 - 111 (ot)","12":"w 93 - 78 (ot)","13":"w 103 - 91 (ot)"},"high points":{"0":"andrea bargnani (21)","1":"t j ford (32)","2":"juan dixon (20)","3":"chris bosh (26)","4":"chris bosh (24)","5":"carlos delfino (16)","6":"anthony parker (19)","7":"chris bosh (22)","8":"t j ford (29)","9":"chris bosh (31)","10":"chris bosh (22)","11":"chris bosh (41)","12":"josé calderón (19)","13":"anthony parker (19)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"andrea bargnani , carlos delfino (6)","1":"chris bosh (10)","2":"kris humphries (9)","3":"chris bosh (10)","4":"chris bosh (10)","5":"radoslav nesterović (8)","6":"kris humphries (14)","7":"jamario moon (7)","8":"chris bosh (11)","9":"chris bosh , jamario moon (12)","10":"chris bosh (19)","11":"anthony parker (7)","12":"chris bosh (13)","13":"jamario moon , anthony parker (8)"},"high assists":{"0":"josé calderón (8)","1":"t j ford (5)","2":"josé calderón (8)","3":"t j ford (8)","4":"josé calderón (7)","5":"t j ford (14)","6":"t j ford (8)","7":"josé calderón (10)","8":"t j ford (9)","9":"josé calderón (6)","10":"josé calderón (8)","11":"josé calderón (13)","12":"josé calderón (14)","13":"josé calderón (10)"},"location attendance":{"0":"izod center 14980","1":"air canada centre 19800","2":"bradley center 13495","3":"air canada centre 17977","4":"wachovia center 10886","5":"united center 22467","6":"air canada centre 17337","7":"air canada centre 19800","8":"air canada centre 19800","9":"american airlines center 20272","10":"fedexforum 12217","11":"quicken loans arena 20018","12":"air canada centre 19800","13":"air canada centre 18906"},"record":{"0":"2 - 0","1":"2 - 1","2":"2 - 2","3":"2 - 3","4":"3 - 3","5":"4 - 3","6":"4 - 4","7":"5 - 4","8":"5 - 5","9":"5 - 6","10":"6 - 6","11":"6 - 7","12":"7 - 7","13":"8 - 7"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 33 january 4 detroit l 85 - 101 (ot) andrea bargnani (25) chris bosh (16) josé calderón (9) air canada centre 19800 17 - 16 1 34 january 6 cleveland l 90 - 93 (ot) chris bosh (23) anthony parker (9) josé calderón (11) air canada centre 19800 17 - 17 2 35 january 9 philadelphia w 109 - 96 (ot) anthony parker (22) jamario moon (9) josé calderón (9) air canada centre 18067 18 - 17 3 36 january 11 new york w 99 - 90 (ot) chris bosh (40) chris bosh (11) josé calderón (8) madison square garden 17456 19 - 17 4 37 january 13 portland w 116 - 109 (2ot) chris bosh (38) chris bosh (14) josé calderón (10) air canada centre 19800 20 - 17 5 38 january 15 detroit l 89 - 103 (ot) chris bosh (16) chris bosh (11) josé calderón (5) the palace of auburn hills 22076 20 - 18 6 39 january 16 sacramento w 116 - 91 (ot) chris bosh (31) chris bosh (9) josé calderón (14) air canada centre 17760 21 - 18 7 40 january 18 atlanta w 89 - 78 (ot) chris bosh (35) chris bosh (9) josé calderón (9) air canada centre 19800 22 - 18 8 41 january 19 philadelphia l 95 - 99 (ot) chris bosh (25) chris bosh , jamario moon (9) josé calderón (11) wachovia center 13853 22 - 19 9 42 january 23 boston w 114 - 112 (ot) josé calderón (24) andrea bargnani , chris bosh (7) josé calderón (13) td banknorth garden 18624 23 - 19 10 43 january 25 milwaukee w 106 - 75 (ot) chris bosh (32) andrea bargnani , chris bosh (7) josé calderón (12) air canada centre 19800 24 - 19 11 44 january 29 washington l 104 - 108 (ot) chris bosh (37) chris bosh (12) josé calderón (13) verizon center 12905 24 - 20
{"game":{"0":33,"1":34,"2":35,"3":36,"4":37,"5":38,"6":39,"7":40,"8":41,"9":42,"10":43,"11":44},"date":{"0":"january 4","1":"january 6","2":"january 9","3":"january 11","4":"january 13","5":"january 15","6":"january 16","7":"january 18","8":"january 19","9":"january 23","10":"january 25","11":"january 29"},"team":{"0":"detroit","1":"cleveland","2":"philadelphia","3":"new york","4":"portland","5":"detroit","6":"sacramento","7":"atlanta","8":"philadelphia","9":"boston","10":"milwaukee","11":"washington"},"score":{"0":"l 85 - 101 (ot)","1":"l 90 - 93 (ot)","2":"w 109 - 96 (ot)","3":"w 99 - 90 (ot)","4":"w 116 - 109 (2ot)","5":"l 89 - 103 (ot)","6":"w 116 - 91 (ot)","7":"w 89 - 78 (ot)","8":"l 95 - 99 (ot)","9":"w 114 - 112 (ot)","10":"w 106 - 75 (ot)","11":"l 104 - 108 (ot)"},"high points":{"0":"andrea bargnani (25)","1":"chris bosh (23)","2":"anthony parker (22)","3":"chris bosh (40)","4":"chris bosh (38)","5":"chris bosh (16)","6":"chris bosh (31)","7":"chris bosh (35)","8":"chris bosh (25)","9":"josé calderón (24)","10":"chris bosh (32)","11":"chris bosh (37)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"chris bosh (16)","1":"anthony parker (9)","2":"jamario moon (9)","3":"chris bosh (11)","4":"chris bosh (14)","5":"chris bosh (11)","6":"chris bosh (9)","7":"chris bosh (9)","8":"chris bosh , jamario moon (9)","9":"andrea bargnani , chris bosh (7)","10":"andrea bargnani , chris bosh (7)","11":"chris bosh (12)"},"high assists":{"0":"josé calderón (9)","1":"josé calderón (11)","2":"josé calderón (9)","3":"josé calderón (8)","4":"josé calderón (10)","5":"josé calderón (5)","6":"josé calderón (14)","7":"josé calderón (9)","8":"josé calderón (11)","9":"josé calderón (13)","10":"josé calderón (12)","11":"josé calderón (13)"},"location attendance":{"0":"air canada centre 19800","1":"air canada centre 19800","2":"air canada centre 18067","3":"madison square garden 17456","4":"air canada centre 19800","5":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","6":"air canada centre 17760","7":"air canada centre 19800","8":"wachovia center 13853","9":"td banknorth garden 18624","10":"air canada centre 19800","11":"verizon center 12905"},"record":{"0":"17 - 16","1":"17 - 17","2":"18 - 17","3":"19 - 17","4":"20 - 17","5":"20 - 18","6":"21 - 18","7":"22 - 18","8":"22 - 19","9":"23 - 19","10":"24 - 19","11":"24 - 20"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 59 march 2 cleveland 86 - 95 hughes (23) gooden (10) hughes (4) quicken loans arena 20562 23 - 36 1 60 march 4 memphis 112 - 97 deng , gooden (21) gooden (14) hinrich (12) united center 21725 24 - 36 2 61 march 6 cleveland 107 - 96 deng , gordon (23) noah (20) hinrich (7) united center 22097 25 - 36 3 62 march 7 boston 93 - 116 gordon (20) gray (8) gordon (4) td banknorth garden 18624 25 - 37 4 63 march 9 detroit 109 - 116 gordon (27) gooden (8) hughes (5) palace of auburn hills 22076 25 - 38 5 64 march 11 utah 108 - 96 gooden (24) gooden (10) hinrich (6) united center 21969 26 - 38 6 65 march 14 philadelphia 106 - 110 deng (21) gooden (9) hinrich (6) united center 22069 26 - 39 7 66 march 17 new orleans 97 - 108 gordon (31) gooden (12) hinrich (5) new orleans arena 14337 26 - 40 8 67 march 18 new jersey 112 - 96 deng (20) gooden (11) hinrich (8) united center 22070 27 - 40 9 68 march 20 san antonio 80 - 102 deng (18) gordon (8) gordon (3) united center 22353 27 - 41 10 69 march 22 indiana 101 - 108 deng (28) gooden , hughes (10) hinrich (10) united center 21752 27 - 42 11 70 march 25 atlanta 103 - 94 gooden (31) gooden (16) hinrich (10) united center 21806 28 - 42 12 71 march 26 philadelphia 99 - 121 sefolosha (20) gooden (8) hinrich (6) wachovia center 18620 28 - 43 13 72 march 28 atlanta 103 - 106 deng (19) noah (7) hinrich (8) philips arena 17223 28 - 44
{"game":{"0":59,"1":60,"2":61,"3":62,"4":63,"5":64,"6":65,"7":66,"8":67,"9":68,"10":69,"11":70,"12":71,"13":72},"date":{"0":"march 2","1":"march 4","2":"march 6","3":"march 7","4":"march 9","5":"march 11","6":"march 14","7":"march 17","8":"march 18","9":"march 20","10":"march 22","11":"march 25","12":"march 26","13":"march 28"},"team":{"0":"cleveland","1":"memphis","2":"cleveland","3":"boston","4":"detroit","5":"utah","6":"philadelphia","7":"new orleans","8":"new jersey","9":"san antonio","10":"indiana","11":"atlanta","12":"philadelphia","13":"atlanta"},"score":{"0":"86 - 95","1":"112 - 97","2":"107 - 96","3":"93 - 116","4":"109 - 116","5":"108 - 96","6":"106 - 110","7":"97 - 108","8":"112 - 96","9":"80 - 102","10":"101 - 108","11":"103 - 94","12":"99 - 121","13":"103 - 106"},"high points":{"0":"hughes (23)","1":"deng , gooden (21)","2":"deng , gordon (23)","3":"gordon (20)","4":"gordon (27)","5":"gooden (24)","6":"deng (21)","7":"gordon (31)","8":"deng (20)","9":"deng (18)","10":"deng (28)","11":"gooden (31)","12":"sefolosha (20)","13":"deng (19)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"gooden (10)","1":"gooden (14)","2":"noah (20)","3":"gray (8)","4":"gooden (8)","5":"gooden (10)","6":"gooden (9)","7":"gooden (12)","8":"gooden (11)","9":"gordon (8)","10":"gooden , hughes (10)","11":"gooden (16)","12":"gooden (8)","13":"noah (7)"},"high assists":{"0":"hughes (4)","1":"hinrich (12)","2":"hinrich (7)","3":"gordon (4)","4":"hughes (5)","5":"hinrich (6)","6":"hinrich (6)","7":"hinrich (5)","8":"hinrich (8)","9":"gordon (3)","10":"hinrich (10)","11":"hinrich (10)","12":"hinrich (6)","13":"hinrich (8)"},"location attendance":{"0":"quicken loans arena 20562","1":"united center 21725","2":"united center 22097","3":"td banknorth garden 18624","4":"palace of auburn hills 22076","5":"united center 21969","6":"united center 22069","7":"new orleans arena 14337","8":"united center 22070","9":"united center 22353","10":"united center 21752","11":"united center 21806","12":"wachovia center 18620","13":"philips arena 17223"},"record":{"0":"23 - 36","1":"24 - 36","2":"25 - 36","3":"25 - 37","4":"25 - 38","5":"26 - 38","6":"26 - 39","7":"26 - 40","8":"27 - 40","9":"27 - 41","10":"27 - 42","11":"28 - 42","12":"28 - 43","13":"28 - 44"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 2 november 2 philadelphia 85 - 96 gordon (25) thomas (12) hinrich (8) united center 22034 0 - 2 1 3 november 3 milwaukee 72 - 78 gordon (15) smith (10) hinrich (4) bradley center 18717 0 - 3 2 4 november 6 la clippers 91 - 97 deng (22) deng (8) thomas (5) united center 21742 0 - 4 3 5 november 8 detroit 97 - 93 thomas (19) thomas (14) hinrich (14) united center 21797 1 - 4 4 6 november 10 toronto 71 - 101 nocioni (20) sefolosha (6) hinrich , duhon , sefolosha (4) united center 22467 1 - 5 5 7 november 15 phoenix 102 - 112 gordon (24) wallace (10) hinrich (7) us airways center 18422 1 - 6 6 8 november 17 la clippers 92 - 73 gordon (25) wallace (13) hinrich , gordon , duhon (4) staples center 17535 2 - 6 7 9 november 18 la lakers 78 - 106 gordon (20) wallace (8) hinrich (8) staples center 18997 2 - 7 8 10 november 20 denver 91 - 112 noah (16) wallace (12) duhon (5) pepsi center 17106 2 - 8 9 11 november 24 new york 78 - 85 nocioni (23) wallace (12) hinrich (4) madison square garden 19763 2 - 9 10 12 november 25 toronto 78 - 93 deng (21) deng (9) hinrich (7) air canada centre 19800 2 - 10
{"game":{"0":2,"1":3,"2":4,"3":5,"4":6,"5":7,"6":8,"7":9,"8":10,"9":11,"10":12},"date":{"0":"november 2","1":"november 3","2":"november 6","3":"november 8","4":"november 10","5":"november 15","6":"november 17","7":"november 18","8":"november 20","9":"november 24","10":"november 25"},"team":{"0":"philadelphia","1":"milwaukee","2":"la clippers","3":"detroit","4":"toronto","5":"phoenix","6":"la clippers","7":"la lakers","8":"denver","9":"new york","10":"toronto"},"score":{"0":"85 - 96","1":"72 - 78","2":"91 - 97","3":"97 - 93","4":"71 - 101","5":"102 - 112","6":"92 - 73","7":"78 - 106","8":"91 - 112","9":"78 - 85","10":"78 - 93"},"high points":{"0":"gordon (25)","1":"gordon (15)","2":"deng (22)","3":"thomas (19)","4":"nocioni (20)","5":"gordon (24)","6":"gordon (25)","7":"gordon (20)","8":"noah (16)","9":"nocioni (23)","10":"deng (21)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"thomas (12)","1":"smith (10)","2":"deng (8)","3":"thomas (14)","4":"sefolosha (6)","5":"wallace (10)","6":"wallace (13)","7":"wallace (8)","8":"wallace (12)","9":"wallace (12)","10":"deng (9)"},"high assists":{"0":"hinrich (8)","1":"hinrich (4)","2":"thomas (5)","3":"hinrich (14)","4":"hinrich , duhon , sefolosha (4)","5":"hinrich (7)","6":"hinrich , gordon , duhon (4)","7":"hinrich (8)","8":"duhon (5)","9":"hinrich (4)","10":"hinrich (7)"},"location attendance":{"0":"united center 22034","1":"bradley center 18717","2":"united center 21742","3":"united center 21797","4":"united center 22467","5":"us airways center 18422","6":"staples center 17535","7":"staples center 18997","8":"pepsi center 17106","9":"madison square garden 19763","10":"air canada centre 19800"},"record":{"0":"0 - 2","1":"0 - 3","2":"0 - 4","3":"1 - 4","4":"1 - 5","5":"1 - 6","6":"2 - 6","7":"2 - 7","8":"2 - 8","9":"2 - 9","10":"2 - 10"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance series 0 1 may 20 boston l 88 - 79 prince (16) mcdyess (11) wallace (4) td banknorth garden 18624 0 - 1 1 2 may 22 boston w 103 - 97 hamilton (25) wallace (10) billups (7) td banknorth garden 18624 1 - 1 2 3 may 24 boston l 94 - 80 hamilton (26) mcdyess , wallace (8) billups , stuckey (4) the palace of auburn hills 22076 1 - 2 3 4 may 26 boston w 94 - 75 mcdyess (21) mcdyess (17) hamilton (7) the palace of auburn hills 22076 2 - 2 4 5 may 28 boston l 106 - 102 billups (26) billups , mcdyess (5) billups , hamilton (6) td banknorth garden 18624 2 - 3
{"game":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5},"date":{"0":"may 20","1":"may 22","2":"may 24","3":"may 26","4":"may 28"},"team":{"0":"boston","1":"boston","2":"boston","3":"boston","4":"boston"},"score":{"0":"l 88 - 79","1":"w 103 - 97","2":"l 94 - 80","3":"w 94 - 75","4":"l 106 - 102"},"high points":{"0":"prince (16)","1":"hamilton (25)","2":"hamilton (26)","3":"mcdyess (21)","4":"billups (26)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"mcdyess (11)","1":"wallace (10)","2":"mcdyess , wallace (8)","3":"mcdyess (17)","4":"billups , mcdyess (5)"},"high assists":{"0":"wallace (4)","1":"billups (7)","2":"billups , stuckey (4)","3":"hamilton (7)","4":"billups , hamilton (6)"},"location attendance":{"0":"td banknorth garden 18624","1":"td banknorth garden 18624","2":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","3":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","4":"td banknorth garden 18624"},"series":{"0":"0 - 1","1":"1 - 1","2":"1 - 2","3":"2 - 2","4":"2 - 3"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 15 december 1 milwaukee w 117 - 91 wallace (20) wallace (10) billups (9) bradley center 17326 10 - 5 1 16 december 2 new jersey w 118 - 95 hamilton (19) maxiell (11) billups (9) the palace of auburn hills 22076 11 - 5 2 17 december 4 atlanta w 106 - 95 prince (23) maxiell (9) billups (10) philips arena 12754 12 - 5 3 18 december 5 new orleans w 91 - 76 hamilton (21) wallace (10) billups (7) new orleans arena 10312 13 - 5 4 19 december 7 chicago l 98 - 91 billups (27) prince (8) billups (7) the palace of auburn hills 22076 13 - 6 5 20 december 9 charlotte w 104 - 85 billups (20) mcdyess (9) billups (6) the palace of auburn hills 22076 14 - 6 6 21 december 11 memphis w 113 - 103 billups (28) prince (7) billups (14) fedexforum 11962 15 - 6 7 22 december 12 houston l 80 - 77 wallace (21) maxiell (13) billups (7) toyota center 17453 15 - 7 8 23 december 14 atlanta w 91 - 81 billups (23) mcdyess (14) prince (5) the palace of auburn hills 22076 16 - 7 9 24 december 16 golden state w 109 - 87 prince (23) mcdyess (11) hamilton (6) the palace of auburn hills 22076 17 - 7 10 25 december 19 boston w 87 - 85 billups (28) wallace (13) billups (8) td banknorth garden 18624 18 - 7 11 26 december 21 memphis w 94 - 67 prince (16) mcdyess (11) billups (7) the palace of auburn hills 22076 19 - 7 12 27 december 23 houston w 94 - 82 hamilton (17) mcdyess (11) billups (8) the palace of auburn hills 22076 20 - 7 13 28 december 26 new jersey w 101 - 83 hamilton (22) mcdyess (9) billups (10) izod center 18055 21 - 7 14 29 december 28 indiana w 114 - 101 hamilton (23) johnson (9) hamilton (9) the palace of auburn hills 22076 22 - 7 15 30 december 29 indiana w 98 - 92 hamilton (24) wallace (10) billups (7) conseco fieldhouse 14960 23 - 7
{"game":{"0":15,"1":16,"2":17,"3":18,"4":19,"5":20,"6":21,"7":22,"8":23,"9":24,"10":25,"11":26,"12":27,"13":28,"14":29,"15":30},"date":{"0":"december 1","1":"december 2","2":"december 4","3":"december 5","4":"december 7","5":"december 9","6":"december 11","7":"december 12","8":"december 14","9":"december 16","10":"december 19","11":"december 21","12":"december 23","13":"december 26","14":"december 28","15":"december 29"},"team":{"0":"milwaukee","1":"new jersey","2":"atlanta","3":"new orleans","4":"chicago","5":"charlotte","6":"memphis","7":"houston","8":"atlanta","9":"golden state","10":"boston","11":"memphis","12":"houston","13":"new jersey","14":"indiana","15":"indiana"},"score":{"0":"w 117 - 91","1":"w 118 - 95","2":"w 106 - 95","3":"w 91 - 76","4":"l 98 - 91","5":"w 104 - 85","6":"w 113 - 103","7":"l 80 - 77","8":"w 91 - 81","9":"w 109 - 87","10":"w 87 - 85","11":"w 94 - 67","12":"w 94 - 82","13":"w 101 - 83","14":"w 114 - 101","15":"w 98 - 92"},"high points":{"0":"wallace (20)","1":"hamilton (19)","2":"prince (23)","3":"hamilton (21)","4":"billups (27)","5":"billups (20)","6":"billups (28)","7":"wallace (21)","8":"billups (23)","9":"prince (23)","10":"billups (28)","11":"prince (16)","12":"hamilton (17)","13":"hamilton (22)","14":"hamilton (23)","15":"hamilton (24)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"wallace (10)","1":"maxiell (11)","2":"maxiell (9)","3":"wallace (10)","4":"prince (8)","5":"mcdyess (9)","6":"prince (7)","7":"maxiell (13)","8":"mcdyess (14)","9":"mcdyess (11)","10":"wallace (13)","11":"mcdyess (11)","12":"mcdyess (11)","13":"mcdyess (9)","14":"johnson (9)","15":"wallace (10)"},"high assists":{"0":"billups (9)","1":"billups (9)","2":"billups (10)","3":"billups (7)","4":"billups (7)","5":"billups (6)","6":"billups (14)","7":"billups (7)","8":"prince (5)","9":"hamilton (6)","10":"billups (8)","11":"billups (7)","12":"billups (8)","13":"billups (10)","14":"hamilton (9)","15":"billups (7)"},"location attendance":{"0":"bradley center 17326","1":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","2":"philips arena 12754","3":"new orleans arena 10312","4":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","5":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","6":"fedexforum 11962","7":"toyota center 17453","8":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","9":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","10":"td banknorth garden 18624","11":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","12":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","13":"izod center 18055","14":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","15":"conseco fieldhouse 14960"},"record":{"0":"10 - 5","1":"11 - 5","2":"12 - 5","3":"13 - 5","4":"13 - 6","5":"14 - 6","6":"15 - 6","7":"15 - 7","8":"16 - 7","9":"17 - 7","10":"18 - 7","11":"19 - 7","12":"20 - 7","13":"21 - 7","14":"22 - 7","15":"23 - 7"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 47 february 3 dallas w 90 - 67 wallace (21) mcdyess (11) hamilton (7) the palace of auburn hills 22076 34 - 13 1 48 february 6 miami w 100 - 95 wallace (26) mcdyess (13) billups (10) the palace of auburn hills 22076 35 - 13 2 49 february 8 portland w 91 - 82 billups (17) johnson , prince , wallace (6) billups (5) the palace of auburn hills 22076 36 - 13 3 50 february 10 charlotte w 113 - 87 prince (21) mcdyess (12) billups (7) the palace of auburn hills 22076 37 - 13 4 51 february 12 atlanta w 94 - 90 wallace (21) mcdyess (6) billups (8) philips arena 18227 38 - 13 5 52 february 13 indiana w 96 - 80 billups , hamilton , prince (14) maxiell (14) billups (6) the palace of auburn hills 22076 39 - 13 6 53 february 19 orlando l 103 - 85 stuckey (16) mcdyess (14) billups (5) the palace of auburn hills 22076 39 - 14 7 54 february 20 milwaukee l 103 - 98 billups (34) mcdyess (14) billups , prince (6) bradley center 14211 39 - 15 8 55 february 22 milwaukee w 127 - 100 billups (21) mcdyess (7) billups (12) the palace of auburn hills 22076 40 - 15 9 56 february 24 phoenix w 116 - 86 wallace (22) mcdyess (13) billups (11) us airways center 18422 41 - 15 10 57 february 25 denver w 98 - 93 billups , hamilton , prince (20) mcdyess (13) prince (9) pepsi center 17901 42 - 15
{"game":{"0":47,"1":48,"2":49,"3":50,"4":51,"5":52,"6":53,"7":54,"8":55,"9":56,"10":57},"date":{"0":"february 3","1":"february 6","2":"february 8","3":"february 10","4":"february 12","5":"february 13","6":"february 19","7":"february 20","8":"february 22","9":"february 24","10":"february 25"},"team":{"0":"dallas","1":"miami","2":"portland","3":"charlotte","4":"atlanta","5":"indiana","6":"orlando","7":"milwaukee","8":"milwaukee","9":"phoenix","10":"denver"},"score":{"0":"w 90 - 67","1":"w 100 - 95","2":"w 91 - 82","3":"w 113 - 87","4":"w 94 - 90","5":"w 96 - 80","6":"l 103 - 85","7":"l 103 - 98","8":"w 127 - 100","9":"w 116 - 86","10":"w 98 - 93"},"high points":{"0":"wallace (21)","1":"wallace (26)","2":"billups (17)","3":"prince (21)","4":"wallace (21)","5":"billups , hamilton , prince (14)","6":"stuckey (16)","7":"billups (34)","8":"billups (21)","9":"wallace (22)","10":"billups , hamilton , prince (20)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"mcdyess (11)","1":"mcdyess (13)","2":"johnson , prince , wallace (6)","3":"mcdyess (12)","4":"mcdyess (6)","5":"maxiell (14)","6":"mcdyess (14)","7":"mcdyess (14)","8":"mcdyess (7)","9":"mcdyess (13)","10":"mcdyess (13)"},"high assists":{"0":"hamilton (7)","1":"billups (10)","2":"billups (5)","3":"billups (7)","4":"billups (8)","5":"billups (6)","6":"billups (5)","7":"billups , prince (6)","8":"billups (12)","9":"billups (11)","10":"prince (9)"},"location attendance":{"0":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","1":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","2":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","3":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","4":"philips arena 18227","5":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","6":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","7":"bradley center 14211","8":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","9":"us airways center 18422","10":"pepsi center 17901"},"record":{"0":"34 - 13","1":"35 - 13","2":"36 - 13","3":"37 - 13","4":"38 - 13","5":"39 - 13","6":"39 - 14","7":"39 - 15","8":"40 - 15","9":"41 - 15","10":"42 - 15"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 59 march 1 la clippers w 103 - 73 prince (22) maxiell (8) prince (10) staples center 19271 43 - 16 1 60 march 4 seattle w 100 - 97 prince (24) maxiell (9) billups (9) the palace of auburn hills 22076 44 - 16 2 61 march 5 boston l 90 - 78 billups , wallace (23) prince (10) billups (7) td banknorth garden 18624 44 - 17 3 62 march 7 new york w 101 - 97 prince (28) prince (7) billups (5) madison square garden 19763 45 - 17 4 63 march 9 chicago w 116 - 109 billups (34) mcdyess (10) hamilton (7) the palace of auburn hills 22076 46 - 17 5 64 march 12 philadelphia l 83 - 82 wallace (17) mcdyess (11) hamilton (4) the palace of auburn hills 22076 46 - 18 6 65 march 14 san antonio w 84 - 80 hamilton (25) mcdyess (17) billups (8) the palace of auburn hills 22076 47 - 18 7 66 march 16 new orleans w 105 - 84 hayes (29) mcdyess (11) hamilton (6) the palace of auburn hills 22076 48 - 18 8 67 march 18 denver w 136 - 120 hamilton (24) maxiell , mcdyess (7) billups (10) the palace of auburn hills 22076 49 - 18 9 68 march 19 cleveland l 89 - 73 wallace (16) mcdyess (11) hamilton (7) quicken loans arena 20562 49 - 19 10 69 march 23 washington l 95 - 83 hamilton (19) mcdyess (14) billups (11) verizon center 20173 49 - 20 11 70 march 24 phoenix w 110 - 105 billups (32) wallace (9) billups (6) the palace of auburn hills 22076 50 - 20 12 71 march 26 toronto l 89 - 82 billups (24) prince (8) billups (9) air canada centre 19800 50 - 21 13 72 march 27 miami w 85 - 69 afflalo , maxiell (15) prince (8) billups (11) the palace of auburn hills 22076 51 - 21
{"game":{"0":59,"1":60,"2":61,"3":62,"4":63,"5":64,"6":65,"7":66,"8":67,"9":68,"10":69,"11":70,"12":71,"13":72},"date":{"0":"march 1","1":"march 4","2":"march 5","3":"march 7","4":"march 9","5":"march 12","6":"march 14","7":"march 16","8":"march 18","9":"march 19","10":"march 23","11":"march 24","12":"march 26","13":"march 27"},"team":{"0":"la clippers","1":"seattle","2":"boston","3":"new york","4":"chicago","5":"philadelphia","6":"san antonio","7":"new orleans","8":"denver","9":"cleveland","10":"washington","11":"phoenix","12":"toronto","13":"miami"},"score":{"0":"w 103 - 73","1":"w 100 - 97","2":"l 90 - 78","3":"w 101 - 97","4":"w 116 - 109","5":"l 83 - 82","6":"w 84 - 80","7":"w 105 - 84","8":"w 136 - 120","9":"l 89 - 73","10":"l 95 - 83","11":"w 110 - 105","12":"l 89 - 82","13":"w 85 - 69"},"high points":{"0":"prince (22)","1":"prince (24)","2":"billups , wallace (23)","3":"prince (28)","4":"billups (34)","5":"wallace (17)","6":"hamilton (25)","7":"hayes (29)","8":"hamilton (24)","9":"wallace (16)","10":"hamilton (19)","11":"billups (32)","12":"billups (24)","13":"afflalo , maxiell (15)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"maxiell (8)","1":"maxiell (9)","2":"prince (10)","3":"prince (7)","4":"mcdyess (10)","5":"mcdyess (11)","6":"mcdyess (17)","7":"mcdyess (11)","8":"maxiell , mcdyess (7)","9":"mcdyess (11)","10":"mcdyess (14)","11":"wallace (9)","12":"prince (8)","13":"prince (8)"},"high assists":{"0":"prince (10)","1":"billups (9)","2":"billups (7)","3":"billups (5)","4":"hamilton (7)","5":"hamilton (4)","6":"billups (8)","7":"hamilton (6)","8":"billups (10)","9":"hamilton (7)","10":"billups (11)","11":"billups (6)","12":"billups (9)","13":"billups (11)"},"location attendance":{"0":"staples center 19271","1":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","2":"td banknorth garden 18624","3":"madison square garden 19763","4":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","5":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","6":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","7":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","8":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","9":"quicken loans arena 20562","10":"verizon center 20173","11":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","12":"air canada centre 19800","13":"the palace of auburn hills 22076"},"record":{"0":"43 - 16","1":"44 - 16","2":"44 - 17","3":"45 - 17","4":"46 - 17","5":"46 - 18","6":"47 - 18","7":"48 - 18","8":"49 - 18","9":"49 - 19","10":"49 - 20","11":"50 - 20","12":"50 - 21","13":"51 - 21"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance series 0 1 april 20 boston 81 - 104 a horford (20) a horford (10) j johnson (7) td banknorth garden 18624 0 - 1 1 2 april 23 boston 77 - 96 two - way tie (13) a horford (9) two - way tie (3) td banknorth garden 18624 0 - 2 2 3 april 26 boston 102 - 93 j smith (27) a horford (10) m bibby (8) philips arena 19725 1 - 2 3 4 april 28 boston 97 - 92 j johnson (35) a horford (13) j johnson (6) philips arena 20016 2 - 2 4 5 april 30 boston 85 - 110 j johnson (21) a horford (10) a horford (5) td banknorth garden 18624 2 - 3 5 6 may 2 boston 103 - 100 m williams (18) four - way tie (6) m bibby (7) philips arena 20425 3 - 3
{"game":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6},"date":{"0":"april 20","1":"april 23","2":"april 26","3":"april 28","4":"april 30","5":"may 2"},"team":{"0":"boston","1":"boston","2":"boston","3":"boston","4":"boston","5":"boston"},"score":{"0":"81 - 104","1":"77 - 96","2":"102 - 93","3":"97 - 92","4":"85 - 110","5":"103 - 100"},"high points":{"0":"a horford (20)","1":"two - way tie (13)","2":"j smith (27)","3":"j johnson (35)","4":"j johnson (21)","5":"m williams (18)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"a horford (10)","1":"a horford (9)","2":"a horford (10)","3":"a horford (13)","4":"a horford (10)","5":"four - way tie (6)"},"high assists":{"0":"j johnson (7)","1":"two - way tie (3)","2":"m bibby (8)","3":"j johnson (6)","4":"a horford (5)","5":"m bibby (7)"},"location attendance":{"0":"td banknorth garden 18624","1":"td banknorth garden 18624","2":"philips arena 19725","3":"philips arena 20016","4":"td banknorth garden 18624","5":"philips arena 20425"},"series":{"0":"0 - 1","1":"0 - 2","2":"1 - 2","3":"2 - 2","4":"2 - 3","5":"3 - 3"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 16 december 3 philadelphia w 88 - 79 j smtih (22) a horford (13) j johnson (7) wachovia center 11465 7 - 9 1 17 december 4 detroit l 95 - 106 j childress (18) a horford (10) a johnson , s stoudamire (3) philips arena 12754 7 - 10 2 18 december 6 minnesota w 90 - 89 j smith (28) a horford (15) a johnson (6) philips arena 12232 8 - 10 3 19 december 8 memphis w 86 - 78 j smith (25) a horford (14) a johnson (8) philips arena 15658 9 - 10 4 20 december 10 orlando w 98 - 87 j smith (25) j smith (15) j smith , a johnson (5) amway arena 16821 10 - 10 5 21 december 11 toronto l 88 - 100 j johnson , m williams (23) a horford (10) a law (6) philips arena 13173 10 - 11 6 22 december 14 detroit l 81 - 91 j johnson (23) l wright (12) a johnson , j smith (3) the palace of auburn hills 22076 10 - 12 7 23 december 15 charlotte w 93 - 84 j johnson (31) j smith (10) a johnson (7) philips arena 14040 11 - 12 8 24 december 17 utah w 116 - 111 j johnson (26) j smith (12) a johnson (14) philips arena 15263 12 - 12 9 25 december 19 miami w 114 - 111 (ot) mwilliams (26) mwilliams (9) ajohnson , jjohnson (9) philips arena 17069 13 - 12 10 26 december 21 washington w 97 - 92 j johnson (32) j smith (14) j johnson , a johnson (8) verizon center 16472 14 - 12 11 27 december 26 indiana w 107 - 95 j johnson (26) s williams (10) j johnson (11) philips arena 16070 15 - 12
{"game":{"0":16,"1":17,"2":18,"3":19,"4":20,"5":21,"6":22,"7":23,"8":24,"9":25,"10":26,"11":27},"date":{"0":"december 3","1":"december 4","2":"december 6","3":"december 8","4":"december 10","5":"december 11","6":"december 14","7":"december 15","8":"december 17","9":"december 19","10":"december 21","11":"december 26"},"team":{"0":"philadelphia","1":"detroit","2":"minnesota","3":"memphis","4":"orlando","5":"toronto","6":"detroit","7":"charlotte","8":"utah","9":"miami","10":"washington","11":"indiana"},"score":{"0":"w 88 - 79","1":"l 95 - 106","2":"w 90 - 89","3":"w 86 - 78","4":"w 98 - 87","5":"l 88 - 100","6":"l 81 - 91","7":"w 93 - 84","8":"w 116 - 111","9":"w 114 - 111 (ot)","10":"w 97 - 92","11":"w 107 - 95"},"high points":{"0":"j smtih (22)","1":"j childress (18)","2":"j smith (28)","3":"j smith (25)","4":"j smith (25)","5":"j johnson , m williams (23)","6":"j johnson (23)","7":"j johnson (31)","8":"j johnson (26)","9":"mwilliams (26)","10":"j johnson (32)","11":"j johnson (26)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"a horford (13)","1":"a horford (10)","2":"a horford (15)","3":"a horford (14)","4":"j smith (15)","5":"a horford (10)","6":"l wright (12)","7":"j smith (10)","8":"j smith (12)","9":"mwilliams (9)","10":"j smith (14)","11":"s williams (10)"},"high assists":{"0":"j johnson (7)","1":"a johnson , s stoudamire (3)","2":"a johnson (6)","3":"a johnson (8)","4":"j smith , a johnson (5)","5":"a law (6)","6":"a johnson , j smith (3)","7":"a johnson (7)","8":"a johnson (14)","9":"ajohnson , jjohnson (9)","10":"j johnson , a johnson (8)","11":"j johnson (11)"},"location attendance":{"0":"wachovia center 11465","1":"philips arena 12754","2":"philips arena 12232","3":"philips arena 15658","4":"amway arena 16821","5":"philips arena 13173","6":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","7":"philips arena 14040","8":"philips arena 15263","9":"philips arena 17069","10":"verizon center 16472","11":"philips arena 16070"},"record":{"0":"7 - 9","1":"7 - 10","2":"8 - 10","3":"9 - 10","4":"10 - 10","5":"10 - 11","6":"10 - 12","7":"11 - 12","8":"12 - 12","9":"13 - 12","10":"14 - 12","11":"15 - 12"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 58 march 2 boston l 98 - 88 j smith (22) a horford (11) m bibby (9) td banknorth garden 18624 25 - 33 1 59 march 4 golden state l 135 - 118 j johnson (38) j smith (11) m bibby j johnson (6) philips arena 16575 25 - 34 2 60 march 5 new orleans l 116 - 101 j johnson (24) a horford (11) m bibby a horford (4) new orleans arena 12430 25 - 35 3 61 march 7 charlotte l 108 - 93 j johnson (20) a horford (11) m bibby (10) charlotte bobcats arena 15203 25 - 36 4 62 march 8 miami w 97 - 94 j johnson (39) j smith (8) j johnson (8) philips arena 17022 26 - 36 5 63 march 10 orlando l 123 - 112 j johnson (27) j smith (12) j johnson (11) amway arena 15921 26 - 37 6 64 march 12 houston l 83 - 75 j johnson (28) j smith (22) m bibby a horford (4) philips arena 17078 26 - 38 7 65 march 14 la clippers w 117 - 93 j johnson (28) z pachulia (10) m bibby (14) philips arena 16107 27 - 38 8 66 march 16 new york w 109 - 98 j johnson (28) a horford (10) j johnson (11) madison square garden 19763 28 - 38 9 67 march 17 washington w 105 - 96 m bibby (23) a horford (15) j johnson (10) verizon center 16227 29 - 38 10 68 march 19 new jersey l 125 - 117 j johnson (24) a horford (15) m bibby a horford (6) izod center 14102 29 - 39 11 69 march 22 orlando w 98 - 90 j johnson (34) a horford (10) m bibby (8) philips arena 18825 30 - 39 12 70 march 25 chicago l 103 - 94 jchildress (22) a horford (13) m bibby (7) united center 21806 30 - 40 13 71 march 26 milwaukee w 115 - 96 j johnson (28) z pachulia (8) j johnson (8) philips arena 14832 31 - 40 14 72 march 28 chicago w 106 - 103 m bibby (30) m williams (11) m bibby (8) philips arena 17223 32 - 40 15 73 march 30 new york w 114 - 109 m williams (27) a horford (13) j johnson (13) philips arena 16573 33 - 40
{"game":{"0":58,"1":59,"2":60,"3":61,"4":62,"5":63,"6":64,"7":65,"8":66,"9":67,"10":68,"11":69,"12":70,"13":71,"14":72,"15":73},"date":{"0":"march 2","1":"march 4","2":"march 5","3":"march 7","4":"march 8","5":"march 10","6":"march 12","7":"march 14","8":"march 16","9":"march 17","10":"march 19","11":"march 22","12":"march 25","13":"march 26","14":"march 28","15":"march 30"},"team":{"0":"boston","1":"golden state","2":"new orleans","3":"charlotte","4":"miami","5":"orlando","6":"houston","7":"la clippers","8":"new york","9":"washington","10":"new jersey","11":"orlando","12":"chicago","13":"milwaukee","14":"chicago","15":"new york"},"score":{"0":"l 98 - 88","1":"l 135 - 118","2":"l 116 - 101","3":"l 108 - 93","4":"w 97 - 94","5":"l 123 - 112","6":"l 83 - 75","7":"w 117 - 93","8":"w 109 - 98","9":"w 105 - 96","10":"l 125 - 117","11":"w 98 - 90","12":"l 103 - 94","13":"w 115 - 96","14":"w 106 - 103","15":"w 114 - 109"},"high points":{"0":"j smith (22)","1":"j johnson (38)","2":"j johnson (24)","3":"j johnson (20)","4":"j johnson (39)","5":"j johnson (27)","6":"j johnson (28)","7":"j johnson (28)","8":"j johnson (28)","9":"m bibby (23)","10":"j johnson (24)","11":"j johnson (34)","12":"jchildress (22)","13":"j johnson (28)","14":"m bibby (30)","15":"m williams (27)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"a horford (11)","1":"j smith (11)","2":"a horford (11)","3":"a horford (11)","4":"j smith (8)","5":"j smith (12)","6":"j smith (22)","7":"z pachulia (10)","8":"a horford (10)","9":"a horford (15)","10":"a horford (15)","11":"a horford (10)","12":"a horford (13)","13":"z pachulia (8)","14":"m williams (11)","15":"a horford (13)"},"high assists":{"0":"m bibby (9)","1":"m bibby j johnson (6)","2":"m bibby a horford (4)","3":"m bibby (10)","4":"j johnson (8)","5":"j johnson (11)","6":"m bibby a horford (4)","7":"m bibby (14)","8":"j johnson (11)","9":"j johnson (10)","10":"m bibby a horford (6)","11":"m bibby (8)","12":"m bibby (7)","13":"j johnson (8)","14":"m bibby (8)","15":"j johnson (13)"},"location attendance":{"0":"td banknorth garden 18624","1":"philips arena 16575","2":"new orleans arena 12430","3":"charlotte bobcats arena 15203","4":"philips arena 17022","5":"amway arena 15921","6":"philips arena 17078","7":"philips arena 16107","8":"madison square garden 19763","9":"verizon center 16227","10":"izod center 14102","11":"philips arena 18825","12":"united center 21806","13":"philips arena 14832","14":"philips arena 17223","15":"philips arena 16573"},"record":{"0":"25 - 33","1":"25 - 34","2":"25 - 35","3":"25 - 36","4":"26 - 36","5":"26 - 37","6":"26 - 38","7":"27 - 38","8":"28 - 38","9":"29 - 38","10":"29 - 39","11":"30 - 39","12":"30 - 40","13":"31 - 40","14":"32 - 40","15":"33 - 40"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance series 0 1 may 3 san antonio 101 - 82 west (30) chandler (15) paul (13) new orleans arena 18040 1 - 0 1 2 may 5 san antonio 102 - 84 paul (30) chandler (11) paul (12) new orleans arena 17927 2 - 0 2 3 may 8 san antonio 99 - 110 paul (35) west (12) paul (9) at&t center 18797 2 - 1 3 4 may 11 san antonio 80 - 100 paul (23) armstrong , paul (6) paul (5) at&t center 18797 2 - 2 4 5 may 13 san antonio 101 - 79 west (38) west (14) paul (14) new orleans arena 18246 3 - 2 5 6 may 15 san antonio 80 - 99 paul (21) five - way tie (6) paul (8) at&t center 18797 3 - 3
{"game":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6},"date":{"0":"may 3","1":"may 5","2":"may 8","3":"may 11","4":"may 13","5":"may 15"},"team":{"0":"san antonio","1":"san antonio","2":"san antonio","3":"san antonio","4":"san antonio","5":"san antonio"},"score":{"0":"101 - 82","1":"102 - 84","2":"99 - 110","3":"80 - 100","4":"101 - 79","5":"80 - 99"},"high points":{"0":"west (30)","1":"paul (30)","2":"paul (35)","3":"paul (23)","4":"west (38)","5":"paul (21)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"chandler (15)","1":"chandler (11)","2":"west (12)","3":"armstrong , paul (6)","4":"west (14)","5":"five - way tie (6)"},"high assists":{"0":"paul (13)","1":"paul (12)","2":"paul (9)","3":"paul (5)","4":"paul (14)","5":"paul (8)"},"location attendance":{"0":"new orleans arena 18040","1":"new orleans arena 17927","2":"at&t center 18797","3":"at&t center 18797","4":"new orleans arena 18246","5":"at&t center 18797"},"series":{"0":"1 - 0","1":"2 - 0","2":"2 - 1","3":"2 - 2","4":"3 - 2","5":"3 - 3"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance series 0 1 may 3 new orleans 82 - 101 parker (23) ginóbili , oberto (6) ginóbili (7) new orleans arena 18040 0 - 1 1 2 may 5 new orleans 84 - 102 duncan (18) duncan (8) ginóbili (7) new orleans arena 17927 0 - 2 2 3 may 8 new orleans 110 - 99 ginóbili , parker (31) duncan (13) parker (11) at&t center 18797 1 - 2 3 4 may 11 new orleans 100 - 80 duncan (22) duncan (15) ginóbili , parker (8) at&t center 18797 2 - 2 4 5 may 13 new orleans 79 - 101 ginóbili (20) duncan (23) ginóbili (7) new orleans arena 18246 2 - 3 5 6 may 15 new orleans 99 - 80 ginóbili (25) duncan (15) duncan (6) at&t center 18797 3 - 3
{"game":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6},"date":{"0":"may 3","1":"may 5","2":"may 8","3":"may 11","4":"may 13","5":"may 15"},"team":{"0":"new orleans","1":"new orleans","2":"new orleans","3":"new orleans","4":"new orleans","5":"new orleans"},"score":{"0":"82 - 101","1":"84 - 102","2":"110 - 99","3":"100 - 80","4":"79 - 101","5":"99 - 80"},"high points":{"0":"parker (23)","1":"duncan (18)","2":"ginóbili , parker (31)","3":"duncan (22)","4":"ginóbili (20)","5":"ginóbili (25)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"ginóbili , oberto (6)","1":"duncan (8)","2":"duncan (13)","3":"duncan (15)","4":"duncan (23)","5":"duncan (15)"},"high assists":{"0":"ginóbili (7)","1":"ginóbili (7)","2":"parker (11)","3":"ginóbili , parker (8)","4":"ginóbili (7)","5":"duncan (6)"},"location attendance":{"0":"new orleans arena 18040","1":"new orleans arena 17927","2":"at&t center 18797","3":"at&t center 18797","4":"new orleans arena 18246","5":"at&t center 18797"},"series":{"0":"0 - 1","1":"0 - 2","2":"1 - 2","3":"2 - 2","4":"2 - 3","5":"3 - 3"}}
Unnamed: 0 date visitor score home leading scorer attendance record streak 0 75 april 2 portland trail blazers l 91 - 104 los angeles lakers bryant : 36 staples center 18997 38 - 37 l3 1 76 april 3 houston rockets l 95 - 86 portland trail blazers mcgrady : 35 rose garden 19980 38 - 38 l4 2 77 april 6 san antonio spurs l 72 - 65 portland trail blazers duncan : 27 rose garden 19980 38 - 39 l5 3 78 april 8 los angeles lakers w 103 - 112 portland trail blazers bryant : 34 rose garden 20435 39 - 39 w1 4 79 april 11 portland trail blazers l 86 - 103 sacramento kings aldridge : 24 arco arena 13327 39 - 40 l1 5 80 april 12 dallas mavericks w 105 - 108 portland trail blazers nowitzki : 28 rose garden 19980 40 - 40 w1 6 81 april 15 memphis grizzlies w 91 - 113 portland trail blazers jones : 20 rose garden 19980 41 - 40 w2
{"Unnamed: 0":{"0":75,"1":76,"2":77,"3":78,"4":79,"5":80,"6":81},"date":{"0":"april 2","1":"april 3","2":"april 6","3":"april 8","4":"april 11","5":"april 12","6":"april 15"},"visitor":{"0":"portland trail blazers","1":"houston rockets","2":"san antonio spurs","3":"los angeles lakers","4":"portland trail blazers","5":"dallas mavericks","6":"memphis grizzlies"},"score":{"0":"l 91 - 104","1":"l 95 - 86","2":"l 72 - 65","3":"w 103 - 112","4":"l 86 - 103","5":"w 105 - 108","6":"w 91 - 113"},"home":{"0":"los angeles lakers","1":"portland trail blazers","2":"portland trail blazers","3":"portland trail blazers","4":"sacramento kings","5":"portland trail blazers","6":"portland trail blazers"},"leading scorer":{"0":"bryant : 36","1":"mcgrady : 35","2":"duncan : 27","3":"bryant : 34","4":"aldridge : 24","5":"nowitzki : 28","6":"jones : 20"},"attendance":{"0":"staples center 18997","1":"rose garden 19980","2":"rose garden 19980","3":"rose garden 20435","4":"arco arena 13327","5":"rose garden 19980","6":"rose garden 19980"},"record":{"0":"38 - 37","1":"38 - 38","2":"38 - 39","3":"39 - 39","4":"39 - 40","5":"40 - 40","6":"41 - 40"},"streak":{"0":"l3","1":"l4","2":"l5","3":"w1","4":"l1","5":"w1","6":"w2"}}
Unnamed: 0 date visitor score home leading scorer attendance record streak 0 17 december 2 portland trail blazers l 79 - 100 san antonio spurs parker : 27 at&t center 18797 5 - 12 l4 1 18 december 3 portland trail blazers w 106 - 105 memphis grizzlies gay : 30 gasol : 30 fedexforum 11317 6 - 12 w1 2 19 december 6 miami heat w 106 - 112 portland trail blazers roy : 25 rose garden 19980 7 - 12 w2 3 20 december 9 milwaukee bucks w 113 - 117 ot portland trail blazers williams : 30 rose garden 18317 8 - 12 w3 4 21 december 11 portland trail blazers w 97 - 89 utah jazz boozer : 29 energysolutions arena 19911 9 - 12 w4 5 22 december 12 golden state warriors w 95 - 105 portland trail blazers davis : 23 rose garden 15943 10 - 12 w5 6 23 december 14 utah jazz w 91 - 99 portland trail blazers roy : 29 rose garden 19980 11 - 12 w6 7 24 december 16 portland trail blazers w 116 - 105 denver nuggets iverson : 38 pepsi center 13678 12 - 12 w7 8 25 december 17 new orleans hornets w 76 - 88 portland trail blazers roy : 24 rose garden 15183 13 - 12 w8 9 26 december 19 toronto raptors w 96 - 101 portland trail blazers roy : 25 rose garden 16066 14 - 12 w9 10 27 december 21 denver nuggets w 96 - 99 portland trail blazers anthony : 34 iverson : 34 rose garden 20644 15 - 12 w10 11 28 december 25 seattle supersonics w 79 - 89 portland trail blazers durant : 23 rose garden 20527 16 - 12 w11 12 29 december 28 minnesota timberwolves w 98 - 109 portland trail blazers roy : 22 jefferson : 22 rose garden 20491 17 - 12 w12 13 30 december 30 philadelphia 76ers w 72 - 97 portland trail blazers iguodala : 24 rose garden 20464 18 - 12 w13
{"Unnamed: 0":{"0":17,"1":18,"2":19,"3":20,"4":21,"5":22,"6":23,"7":24,"8":25,"9":26,"10":27,"11":28,"12":29,"13":30},"date":{"0":"december 2","1":"december 3","2":"december 6","3":"december 9","4":"december 11","5":"december 12","6":"december 14","7":"december 16","8":"december 17","9":"december 19","10":"december 21","11":"december 25","12":"december 28","13":"december 30"},"visitor":{"0":"portland trail blazers","1":"portland trail blazers","2":"miami heat","3":"milwaukee bucks","4":"portland trail blazers","5":"golden state warriors","6":"utah jazz","7":"portland trail blazers","8":"new orleans hornets","9":"toronto raptors","10":"denver nuggets","11":"seattle supersonics","12":"minnesota timberwolves","13":"philadelphia 76ers"},"score":{"0":"l 79 - 100","1":"w 106 - 105","2":"w 106 - 112","3":"w 113 - 117 ot","4":"w 97 - 89","5":"w 95 - 105","6":"w 91 - 99","7":"w 116 - 105","8":"w 76 - 88","9":"w 96 - 101","10":"w 96 - 99","11":"w 79 - 89","12":"w 98 - 109","13":"w 72 - 97"},"home":{"0":"san antonio spurs","1":"memphis grizzlies","2":"portland trail blazers","3":"portland trail blazers","4":"utah jazz","5":"portland trail blazers","6":"portland trail blazers","7":"denver nuggets","8":"portland trail blazers","9":"portland trail blazers","10":"portland trail blazers","11":"portland trail blazers","12":"portland trail blazers","13":"portland trail blazers"},"leading scorer":{"0":"parker : 27","1":"gay : 30 gasol : 30","2":"roy : 25","3":"williams : 30","4":"boozer : 29","5":"davis : 23","6":"roy : 29","7":"iverson : 38","8":"roy : 24","9":"roy : 25","10":"anthony : 34 iverson : 34","11":"durant : 23","12":"roy : 22 jefferson : 22","13":"iguodala : 24"},"attendance":{"0":"at&t center 18797","1":"fedexforum 11317","2":"rose garden 19980","3":"rose garden 18317","4":"energysolutions arena 19911","5":"rose garden 15943","6":"rose garden 19980","7":"pepsi center 13678","8":"rose garden 15183","9":"rose garden 16066","10":"rose garden 20644","11":"rose garden 20527","12":"rose garden 20491","13":"rose garden 20464"},"record":{"0":"5 - 12","1":"6 - 12","2":"7 - 12","3":"8 - 12","4":"9 - 12","5":"10 - 12","6":"11 - 12","7":"12 - 12","8":"13 - 12","9":"14 - 12","10":"15 - 12","11":"16 - 12","12":"17 - 12","13":"18 - 12"},"streak":{"0":"l4","1":"w1","2":"w2","3":"w3","4":"w4","5":"w5","6":"w6","7":"w7","8":"w8","9":"w9","10":"w10","11":"w11","12":"w12","13":"w13"}}
Unnamed: 0 date visitor score home leading scorer attendance record streak 0 46 february 1 new york knicks w 94 - 88 ot portland trail blazers randolph : 25 rose garden 20422 27 - 19 w1 1 47 february 4 denver nuggets l 105 - 103 ot portland trail blazers anthony : 28 rose garden 20320 27 - 20 l1 2 48 february 6 chicago bulls w 97 - 100 portland trail blazers roy : 28 rose garden 20126 28 - 20 w1 3 49 february 8 portland trail blazers l 82 - 91 detroit pistons aldridge : 22 the palace of auburn hills 22076 28 - 21 l1 4 50 february 9 portland trail blazers l 93 - 101 indiana pacers granger : 29 conseco fieldhouse 14130 28 - 22 l2 5 51 february 11 portland trail blazers l 83 - 95 houston rockets yao : 25 toyota center 14710 28 - 23 l3 6 52 february 13 portland trail blazers l 76 - 96 dallas mavericks nowitzki : 37 american airlines center 20159 28 - 24 l4 7 53 february 19 sacramento kings l 105 - 94 portland trail blazers artest : 24 rose garden 19980 28 - 25 l5 8 54 february 21 seattle supersonics w 88 - 92 portland trail blazers durant : 20 rose garden 20168 29 - 25 w1 9 55 february 22 portland trail blazers l 87 - 99 seattle supersonics outlaw : 26 keyarena 16640 29 - 26 l1 10 56 february 24 boston celtics l 112 - 102 portland trail blazers pierce : 30 rose garden 20554 29 - 27 l2 11 57 february 26 portland trail blazers l 83 - 96 los angeles lakers bryant : 30 staples center 18997 29 - 28 l3 12 58 february 27 portland trail blazers w 82 - 80 los angeles clippers maggette : 32 staples center 16494 30 - 28 w1
{"Unnamed: 0":{"0":46,"1":47,"2":48,"3":49,"4":50,"5":51,"6":52,"7":53,"8":54,"9":55,"10":56,"11":57,"12":58},"date":{"0":"february 1","1":"february 4","2":"february 6","3":"february 8","4":"february 9","5":"february 11","6":"february 13","7":"february 19","8":"february 21","9":"february 22","10":"february 24","11":"february 26","12":"february 27"},"visitor":{"0":"new york knicks","1":"denver nuggets","2":"chicago bulls","3":"portland trail blazers","4":"portland trail blazers","5":"portland trail blazers","6":"portland trail blazers","7":"sacramento kings","8":"seattle supersonics","9":"portland trail blazers","10":"boston celtics","11":"portland trail blazers","12":"portland trail blazers"},"score":{"0":"w 94 - 88 ot","1":"l 105 - 103 ot","2":"w 97 - 100","3":"l 82 - 91","4":"l 93 - 101","5":"l 83 - 95","6":"l 76 - 96","7":"l 105 - 94","8":"w 88 - 92","9":"l 87 - 99","10":"l 112 - 102","11":"l 83 - 96","12":"w 82 - 80"},"home":{"0":"portland trail blazers","1":"portland trail blazers","2":"portland trail blazers","3":"detroit pistons","4":"indiana pacers","5":"houston rockets","6":"dallas mavericks","7":"portland trail blazers","8":"portland trail blazers","9":"seattle supersonics","10":"portland trail blazers","11":"los angeles lakers","12":"los angeles clippers"},"leading scorer":{"0":"randolph : 25","1":"anthony : 28","2":"roy : 28","3":"aldridge : 22","4":"granger : 29","5":"yao : 25","6":"nowitzki : 37","7":"artest : 24","8":"durant : 20","9":"outlaw : 26","10":"pierce : 30","11":"bryant : 30","12":"maggette : 32"},"attendance":{"0":"rose garden 20422","1":"rose garden 20320","2":"rose garden 20126","3":"the palace of auburn hills 22076","4":"conseco fieldhouse 14130","5":"toyota center 14710","6":"american airlines center 20159","7":"rose garden 19980","8":"rose garden 20168","9":"keyarena 16640","10":"rose garden 20554","11":"staples center 18997","12":"staples center 16494"},"record":{"0":"27 - 19","1":"27 - 20","2":"28 - 20","3":"28 - 21","4":"28 - 22","5":"28 - 23","6":"28 - 24","7":"28 - 25","8":"29 - 25","9":"29 - 26","10":"29 - 27","11":"29 - 28","12":"30 - 28"},"streak":{"0":"w1","1":"l1","2":"w1","3":"l1","4":"l2","5":"l3","6":"l4","7":"l5","8":"w1","9":"l1","10":"l2","11":"l3","12":"w1"}}
Unnamed: 0 date visitor score home leading scorer attendance record streak 0 60 march 2 portland trail blazers l 104 - 110 golden state warriors jackson : 29 oracle arena 19596 31 - 29 l1 1 61 march 4 phoenix suns l 97 - 92 portland trail blazers roy : 25 rose garden 20595 31 - 30 l2 2 62 march 7 portland trail blazers w 103 - 101 milwaukee bucks aldridge : 29 bradley center 15537 32 - 30 w1 3 63 march 8 portland trail blazers w 120 - 114 ot new york knicks robinson : 45 madison square garden 19763 33 - 30 w2 4 64 march 10 portland trail blazers l 80 - 88 cleveland cavaliers aldridge : 25 quicken loans arena 20213 33 - 31 l1 5 65 march 11 portland trail blazers w 103 - 96 minnesota timberwolves roy : 27 target center 13433 34 - 31 w1 6 66 march 13 portland trail blazers l 85 - 96 sacramento kings artest : 22 arco arena 13333 34 - 32 l1 7 67 march 15 minnesota timberwolves w 96 - 107 portland trail blazers aldridge : 26 rose garden 20079 35 - 32 w1 8 68 march 18 phoenix suns l 111 - 98 portland trail blazers aldridge : 31 rose garden 20580 35 - 33 l1 9 69 march 21 los angeles clippers w 102 - 107 portland trail blazers mobley : 24 rose garden 19980 36 - 33 w1 10 70 march 22 portland trail blazers w 83 - 72 los angeles clippers roy : 23 staples center 18248 37 - 33 w2 11 71 march 24 portland trail blazers l 84 - 97 seattle supersonics durant : 23 keyarena 11292 37 - 34 l1 12 72 march 25 washington wizards w 82 - 102 portland trail blazers webster : 23 rose garden 19980 38 - 34 w1 13 73 march 27 portland trail blazers l 95 - 111 golden state warriors jackson : 24 oracle arena 19732 38 - 35 l1
{"Unnamed: 0":{"0":60,"1":61,"2":62,"3":63,"4":64,"5":65,"6":66,"7":67,"8":68,"9":69,"10":70,"11":71,"12":72,"13":73},"date":{"0":"march 2","1":"march 4","2":"march 7","3":"march 8","4":"march 10","5":"march 11","6":"march 13","7":"march 15","8":"march 18","9":"march 21","10":"march 22","11":"march 24","12":"march 25","13":"march 27"},"visitor":{"0":"portland trail blazers","1":"phoenix suns","2":"portland trail blazers","3":"portland trail blazers","4":"portland trail blazers","5":"portland trail blazers","6":"portland trail blazers","7":"minnesota timberwolves","8":"phoenix suns","9":"los angeles clippers","10":"portland trail blazers","11":"portland trail blazers","12":"washington wizards","13":"portland trail blazers"},"score":{"0":"l 104 - 110","1":"l 97 - 92","2":"w 103 - 101","3":"w 120 - 114 ot","4":"l 80 - 88","5":"w 103 - 96","6":"l 85 - 96","7":"w 96 - 107","8":"l 111 - 98","9":"w 102 - 107","10":"w 83 - 72","11":"l 84 - 97","12":"w 82 - 102","13":"l 95 - 111"},"home":{"0":"golden state warriors","1":"portland trail blazers","2":"milwaukee bucks","3":"new york knicks","4":"cleveland cavaliers","5":"minnesota timberwolves","6":"sacramento kings","7":"portland trail blazers","8":"portland trail blazers","9":"portland trail blazers","10":"los angeles clippers","11":"seattle supersonics","12":"portland trail blazers","13":"golden state warriors"},"leading scorer":{"0":"jackson : 29","1":"roy : 25","2":"aldridge : 29","3":"robinson : 45","4":"aldridge : 25","5":"roy : 27","6":"artest : 22","7":"aldridge : 26","8":"aldridge : 31","9":"mobley : 24","10":"roy : 23","11":"durant : 23","12":"webster : 23","13":"jackson : 24"},"attendance":{"0":"oracle arena 19596","1":"rose garden 20595","2":"bradley center 15537","3":"madison square garden 19763","4":"quicken loans arena 20213","5":"target center 13433","6":"arco arena 13333","7":"rose garden 20079","8":"rose garden 20580","9":"rose garden 19980","10":"staples center 18248","11":"keyarena 11292","12":"rose garden 19980","13":"oracle arena 19732"},"record":{"0":"31 - 29","1":"31 - 30","2":"32 - 30","3":"33 - 30","4":"33 - 31","5":"34 - 31","6":"34 - 32","7":"35 - 32","8":"35 - 33","9":"36 - 33","10":"37 - 33","11":"37 - 34","12":"38 - 34","13":"38 - 35"},"streak":{"0":"l1","1":"l2","2":"w1","3":"w2","4":"l1","5":"w1","6":"l1","7":"w1","8":"l1","9":"w1","10":"w2","11":"l1","12":"w1","13":"l1"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 75 april 2 l a clippers l 84 - 102 (ot) kevin durant (30) nick collison (17) luke ridnour (6) keyarena 10392 17 - 58 1 76 april 4 houston l 66 - 79 (ot) nick collison (15) johan petro (15) three players (4) keyarena 14170 17 - 59 2 77 april 6 denver w 151 - 147 (2ot) kevin durant (37) nick collison (14) earl watson (11) keyarena 13104 18 - 59 3 78 april 8 dallas l 83 - 99 (ot) earl watson (22) jeff green (8) earl watson (8) american airlines center 20228 18 - 60 4 79 april 9 houston l 80 - 103 (ot) kevin durant (26) nick collison (15) earl watson (8) toyota center 18370 18 - 61 5 80 april 11 san antonio l 74 - 95 (ot) kevin durant (20) nick collison (14) luke ridnour (4) at&t center 18797 18 - 62 6 81 april 13 dallas w 99 - 95 (ot) earl watson (21) nick collison (11) earl watson (10) keyarena 16272 19 - 62
{"game":{"0":75,"1":76,"2":77,"3":78,"4":79,"5":80,"6":81},"date":{"0":"april 2","1":"april 4","2":"april 6","3":"april 8","4":"april 9","5":"april 11","6":"april 13"},"team":{"0":"l a clippers","1":"houston","2":"denver","3":"dallas","4":"houston","5":"san antonio","6":"dallas"},"score":{"0":"l 84 - 102 (ot)","1":"l 66 - 79 (ot)","2":"w 151 - 147 (2ot)","3":"l 83 - 99 (ot)","4":"l 80 - 103 (ot)","5":"l 74 - 95 (ot)","6":"w 99 - 95 (ot)"},"high points":{"0":"kevin durant (30)","1":"nick collison (15)","2":"kevin durant (37)","3":"earl watson (22)","4":"kevin durant (26)","5":"kevin durant (20)","6":"earl watson (21)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"nick collison (17)","1":"johan petro (15)","2":"nick collison (14)","3":"jeff green (8)","4":"nick collison (15)","5":"nick collison (14)","6":"nick collison (11)"},"high assists":{"0":"luke ridnour (6)","1":"three players (4)","2":"earl watson (11)","3":"earl watson (8)","4":"earl watson (8)","5":"luke ridnour (4)","6":"earl watson (10)"},"location attendance":{"0":"keyarena 10392","1":"keyarena 14170","2":"keyarena 13104","3":"american airlines center 20228","4":"toyota center 18370","5":"at&t center 18797","6":"keyarena 16272"},"record":{"0":"17 - 58","1":"17 - 59","2":"18 - 59","3":"18 - 60","4":"18 - 61","5":"18 - 62","6":"19 - 62"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 18 december 2 golden state l 96 - 109 (ot) chris wilcox earl watson (16) chris wilcox (11) earl watson (5) keyarena 11461 3 - 15 1 19 december 5 l a clippers w 95 - 88 (ot) nick collison (18) nick collison (17) earl watson (6) keyarena 10961 4 - 15 2 20 december 7 milwaukee w 104 - 98 (ot) kevin durant (35) chris wilcox (13) earl watson (9) keyarena 13142 5 - 15 3 21 december 9 new orleans l 88 - 91 (ot) kevin durant (23) nick collison chris wilcox (12) earl watson (8) new orleans arena 10773 5 - 16 4 22 december 11 chicago l 96 - 123 (ot) kevin durant (16) jeff green (6) earl watson (6) united center 21772 5 - 17 5 23 december 12 new york w 117 - 110 (ot) kevin durant (30) kurt thomas (8) kevin durant earl watson (4) madison square garden 17637 6 - 17 6 24 december 14 minnesota w 99 - 88 (ot) chris wilcox (19) chris wilcox (11) earl watson (8) target center 16523 7 - 17 7 25 december 15 utah l 75 - 96 (ot) wally szczerbiak (24) nick collison (9) earl watson (5) energysolutions arena 19911 7 - 18 8 26 december 19 new orleans l 93 - 107 (ot) kevin durant (18) nick collison (9) kevin durant jeff green (5) keyarena 11968 7 - 19 9 27 december 21 toronto w 123 - 115 (ot) kevin durant (27) nick collison (10) earl watson (7) keyarena 13661 8 - 19 10 28 december 25 portland l 79 - 89 (ot) kevin durant (23) nick collison (14) earl watson (11) rose garden 20527 8 - 20 11 29 december 27 boston l 96 - 104 (ot) kevin durant (25) kurt thomas (14) delonte west (8) keyarena 17072 8 - 21 12 30 december 29 minnesota w 109 - 90 (ot) jeff green wally szczerbiak (18) kurt thomas (15) delonte west (7) keyarena 14038 9 - 21
{"game":{"0":18,"1":19,"2":20,"3":21,"4":22,"5":23,"6":24,"7":25,"8":26,"9":27,"10":28,"11":29,"12":30},"date":{"0":"december 2","1":"december 5","2":"december 7","3":"december 9","4":"december 11","5":"december 12","6":"december 14","7":"december 15","8":"december 19","9":"december 21","10":"december 25","11":"december 27","12":"december 29"},"team":{"0":"golden state","1":"l a clippers","2":"milwaukee","3":"new orleans","4":"chicago","5":"new york","6":"minnesota","7":"utah","8":"new orleans","9":"toronto","10":"portland","11":"boston","12":"minnesota"},"score":{"0":"l 96 - 109 (ot)","1":"w 95 - 88 (ot)","2":"w 104 - 98 (ot)","3":"l 88 - 91 (ot)","4":"l 96 - 123 (ot)","5":"w 117 - 110 (ot)","6":"w 99 - 88 (ot)","7":"l 75 - 96 (ot)","8":"l 93 - 107 (ot)","9":"w 123 - 115 (ot)","10":"l 79 - 89 (ot)","11":"l 96 - 104 (ot)","12":"w 109 - 90 (ot)"},"high points":{"0":"chris wilcox earl watson (16)","1":"nick collison (18)","2":"kevin durant (35)","3":"kevin durant (23)","4":"kevin durant (16)","5":"kevin durant (30)","6":"chris wilcox (19)","7":"wally szczerbiak (24)","8":"kevin durant (18)","9":"kevin durant (27)","10":"kevin durant (23)","11":"kevin durant (25)","12":"jeff green wally szczerbiak (18)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"chris wilcox (11)","1":"nick collison (17)","2":"chris wilcox (13)","3":"nick collison chris wilcox (12)","4":"jeff green (6)","5":"kurt thomas (8)","6":"chris wilcox (11)","7":"nick collison (9)","8":"nick collison (9)","9":"nick collison (10)","10":"nick collison (14)","11":"kurt thomas (14)","12":"kurt thomas (15)"},"high assists":{"0":"earl watson (5)","1":"earl watson (6)","2":"earl watson (9)","3":"earl watson (8)","4":"earl watson (6)","5":"kevin durant earl watson (4)","6":"earl watson (8)","7":"earl watson (5)","8":"kevin durant jeff green (5)","9":"earl watson (7)","10":"earl watson (11)","11":"delonte west (8)","12":"delonte west (7)"},"location attendance":{"0":"keyarena 11461","1":"keyarena 10961","2":"keyarena 13142","3":"new orleans arena 10773","4":"united center 21772","5":"madison square garden 17637","6":"target center 16523","7":"energysolutions arena 19911","8":"keyarena 11968","9":"keyarena 13661","10":"rose garden 20527","11":"keyarena 17072","12":"keyarena 14038"},"record":{"0":"3 - 15","1":"4 - 15","2":"5 - 15","3":"5 - 16","4":"5 - 17","5":"6 - 17","6":"7 - 17","7":"7 - 18","8":"7 - 19","9":"8 - 19","10":"8 - 20","11":"8 - 21","12":"9 - 21"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance record 0 47 february 2 new york w 86 - 85 (ot) kevin durant (21) nick collison (12) earl watson (8) keyarena 12783 12 - 35 1 48 february 4 chicago l 108 - 118 (ot) wally szczerbiak (21) nick collison (9) earl watson (8) keyarena 10935 12 - 36 2 49 february 6 sacramento w 105 - 92 (ot) earl watson (23) earl watson chris wilcox (10) earl watson (10) arco arena 13136 13 - 36 3 50 february 8 phoenix l 99 - 103 (ot) chris wilcox (22) chris wilcox (15) earl watson (5) us airways center 18422 13 - 37 4 51 february 13 utah l 93 - 112 (ot) kevin durant (19) kurt thomas (13) earl watson (14) keyarena 10618 13 - 38 5 52 february 19 memphis w 108 - 101 (ot) earl watson (26) nick collison jeff green (9) earl watson (9) keyarena 11391 14 - 38 6 53 february 21 portland l 88 - 92 (ot) kevin durant (20) nick collison (14) earl watson (9) rose garden 20168 14 - 39 7 54 february 22 portland w 99 - 87 (ot) kevin durant (17) jeff green (9) earl watson (4) keyarena 16640 15 - 39 8 55 february 24 l a lakers l 91 - 111 (ot) mickaël gelabale (21) johan petro (10) earl watson (8) keyarena 17072 15 - 40 9 56 february 26 golden state l 99 - 105 (ot) kevin durant jeff green (21) nick collison (13) luke ridnour (15) oracle arena 19412 15 - 41 10 57 february 27 denver l 96 - 138 (ot) kevin durant mickaël gelabale (16) johan petro (8) mickaël gelabale (6) keyarena 13627 15 - 42
{"game":{"0":47,"1":48,"2":49,"3":50,"4":51,"5":52,"6":53,"7":54,"8":55,"9":56,"10":57},"date":{"0":"february 2","1":"february 4","2":"february 6","3":"february 8","4":"february 13","5":"february 19","6":"february 21","7":"february 22","8":"february 24","9":"february 26","10":"february 27"},"team":{"0":"new york","1":"chicago","2":"sacramento","3":"phoenix","4":"utah","5":"memphis","6":"portland","7":"portland","8":"l a lakers","9":"golden state","10":"denver"},"score":{"0":"w 86 - 85 (ot)","1":"l 108 - 118 (ot)","2":"w 105 - 92 (ot)","3":"l 99 - 103 (ot)","4":"l 93 - 112 (ot)","5":"w 108 - 101 (ot)","6":"l 88 - 92 (ot)","7":"w 99 - 87 (ot)","8":"l 91 - 111 (ot)","9":"l 99 - 105 (ot)","10":"l 96 - 138 (ot)"},"high points":{"0":"kevin durant (21)","1":"wally szczerbiak (21)","2":"earl watson (23)","3":"chris wilcox (22)","4":"kevin durant (19)","5":"earl watson (26)","6":"kevin durant (20)","7":"kevin durant (17)","8":"mickaël gelabale (21)","9":"kevin durant jeff green (21)","10":"kevin durant mickaël gelabale (16)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"nick collison (12)","1":"nick collison (9)","2":"earl watson chris wilcox (10)","3":"chris wilcox (15)","4":"kurt thomas (13)","5":"nick collison jeff green (9)","6":"nick collison (14)","7":"jeff green (9)","8":"johan petro (10)","9":"nick collison (13)","10":"johan petro (8)"},"high assists":{"0":"earl watson (8)","1":"earl watson (8)","2":"earl watson (10)","3":"earl watson (5)","4":"earl watson (14)","5":"earl watson (9)","6":"earl watson (9)","7":"earl watson (4)","8":"earl watson (8)","9":"luke ridnour (15)","10":"mickaël gelabale (6)"},"location attendance":{"0":"keyarena 12783","1":"keyarena 10935","2":"arco arena 13136","3":"us airways center 18422","4":"keyarena 10618","5":"keyarena 11391","6":"rose garden 20168","7":"keyarena 16640","8":"keyarena 17072","9":"oracle arena 19412","10":"keyarena 13627"},"record":{"0":"12 - 35","1":"12 - 36","2":"13 - 36","3":"13 - 37","4":"13 - 38","5":"14 - 38","6":"14 - 39","7":"15 - 39","8":"15 - 40","9":"15 - 41","10":"15 - 42"}}
game date team score high points high rebounds high assists location attendance series 0 1 april 19 houston 93 - 82 kirilenko (21) boozer (16) williams (10) toyota center 18213 1 - 0 1 2 april 21 houston 90 - 84 williams (22) okur (16) williams (5) toyota center 18158 2 - 0 2 3 april 24 houston 92 - 94 williams (28) boozer (13) williams (12) energysolutions arena 19911 2 - 1 3 4 april 26 houston 86 - 82 williams (17) okur (18) williams (9) energysolutions arena 19911 3 - 1 4 5 april 29 houston 69 - 95 boozer (19) boozer , okur (10) williams (6) toyota center 18269 3 - 2
{"game":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5},"date":{"0":"april 19","1":"april 21","2":"april 24","3":"april 26","4":"april 29"},"team":{"0":"houston","1":"houston","2":"houston","3":"houston","4":"houston"},"score":{"0":"93 - 82","1":"90 - 84","2":"92 - 94","3":"86 - 82","4":"69 - 95"},"high points":{"0":"kirilenko (21)","1":"williams (22)","2":"williams (28)","3":"williams (17)","4":"boozer (19)"},"high rebounds":{"0":"boozer (16)","1":"okur (16)","2":"boozer (13)","3":"okur (18)","4":"boozer , okur (10)"},"high assists":{"0":"williams (10)","1":"williams (5)","2":"williams (12)","3":"williams (9)","4":"williams (6)"},"location attendance":{"0":"toyota center 18213","1":"toyota center 18158","2":"energysolutions arena 19911","3":"energysolutions arena 19911","4":"toyota center 18269"},"series":{"0":"1 - 0","1":"2 - 0","2":"2 - 1","3":"3 - 1","4":"3 - 2"}}
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{"country":{"0":"california","1":"south carolina","2":"georgia","3":"tennessee","4":"kansas","5":"missouri","6":"new jersey","7":"mississippi","8":"pennsylvania","9":"louisiana","10":"florida"},"preliminaries":{"0":9.09,"1":9.057,"2":8.949,"3":9.212,"4":9.197,"5":9.097,"6":9.117,"7":9.042,"8":8.94,"9":9.017,"10":8.968},"interview":{"0":9.27,"1":9.22,"2":9.343,"3":9.321,"4":9.194,"5":9.143,"6":9.047,"7":9.17,"8":9.183,"9":9.118,"10":8.891},"swimsuit":{"0":9.437,"1":9.369,"2":9.217,"3":9.364,"4":9.297,"5":9.14,"6":9.329,"7":9.109,"8":9.031,"9":9.023,"10":9.134},"evening gown":{"0":9.429,"1":9.516,"2":9.519,"3":9.33,"4":9.433,"5":9.617,"6":9.334,"7":9.127,"8":9.163,"9":9.189,"10":9.179},"average":{"0":9.379,"1":9.368,"2":9.36,"3":9.338,"4":9.308,"5":9.3,"6":9.234,"7":9.135,"8":9.123,"9":9.11,"10":9.068}}
index (year) author / editor / source year of publication countries sampled world ranking (1) ranking la (2) 0 environmental performance (2008) yale university 2008 149 32nd 5th 1 democracy (2010) the economist 2010 167 46th 4th 2 global peace (2008) the economist 2008 140 48th 4th 3 economic freedom (2008) the wall street journal 2008 157 46th 3rd 4 quality - of - life (2005) the economist 2007 111 47th 7th 5 travel and tourism competitiveness (2008) world economic forum 2008 130 50th 3rd 6 press freedom (2007) reporters without borders 2007 169 54th 5th 7 global competitiviness (2007) world economic forum 2007 - 08 131 59th 3rd 8 human development (2005) united nations (undp) 2007 - 08 177 62nd 7th 9 corruption perception (2010) transparency international 2010 178 73rd 6th
{"index (year)":{"0":"environmental performance (2008)","1":"democracy (2010)","2":"global peace (2008)","3":"economic freedom (2008)","4":"quality - of - life (2005)","5":"travel and tourism competitiveness (2008)","6":"press freedom (2007)","7":"global competitiviness (2007)","8":"human development (2005)","9":"corruption perception (2010)"},"author \/ editor \/ source":{"0":"yale university","1":"the economist","2":"the economist","3":"the wall street journal","4":"the economist","5":"world economic forum","6":"reporters without borders","7":"world economic forum","8":"united nations (undp)","9":"transparency international"},"year of publication":{"0":"2008","1":"2010","2":"2008","3":"2008","4":"2007","5":"2008","6":"2007","7":"2007 - 08","8":"2007 - 08","9":"2010"},"countries sampled":{"0":149,"1":167,"2":140,"3":157,"4":111,"5":130,"6":169,"7":131,"8":177,"9":178},"world ranking (1)":{"0":"32nd","1":"46th","2":"48th","3":"46th","4":"47th","5":"50th","6":"54th","7":"59th","8":"62nd","9":"73rd"},"ranking la (2)":{"0":"5th","1":"4th","2":"4th","3":"3rd","4":"7th","5":"3rd","6":"5th","7":"3rd","8":"7th","9":"6th"}}
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year division league reg season playoffs open cup 0 1988 n / a asl 1st , southern final did not enter 1 1989 n / a asl 2nd , southern champion did not enter 2 1990 n / a apsl 1st , asl south final did not enter 3 1991 n / a apsl 1st , american semifinals did not enter 4 1992 n / a apsl 4th semifinals did not enter 5 1993 n / a apsl 6th did not qualify did not enter
{"year":{"0":1988,"1":1989,"2":1990,"3":1991,"4":1992,"5":1993},"division":{"0":"n \/ a","1":"n \/ a","2":"n \/ a","3":"n \/ a","4":"n \/ a","5":"n \/ a"},"league":{"0":"asl","1":"asl","2":"apsl","3":"apsl","4":"apsl","5":"apsl"},"reg season":{"0":"1st , southern","1":"2nd , southern","2":"1st , asl south","3":"1st , american","4":"4th","5":"6th"},"playoffs":{"0":"final","1":"champion","2":"final","3":"semifinals","4":"semifinals","5":"did not qualify"},"open cup":{"0":"did not enter","1":"did not enter","2":"did not enter","3":"did not enter","4":"did not enter","5":"did not enter"}}
year mens singles womens singles mens doubles womens doubles mixed doubles 0 1984 morten frost zheng yuli thomas kihlstrãm stefan karlsson karen beckman gillian gilks martin dew gillian gilks 1 1985 zhao jianhua wu jianqui park joo - bong kim moon - soo kim yun - ja yoo sang - hee billy gilliland gillian gowers 2 1986 yang yang li lingwei razif sidek jalani sidek wu dixi lin ying billy gilliland nora perry 3 1987 xiong guobao li lingwei liem swie king eddy hartono lin ying guan weizhen lee deuk - choon chung myung - hee 4 1988 nick yates han aiping tian bingyi li yongbo chung myung - hee chung so - young park joo - bong chung myung - hee 5 1989 yang yang li lingwei park joo - bong lee sang - bok gillian clark julie munday park joo - bong chung myung - hee 6 1990 morten frost huang hua park joo - bong kim moon - soo yao fen lai caiqin park joo - bong chung myung - hee 7 1991 ardy wiranata huang hua park joo - bong kim moon - soo gillian clark gillian gowers park joo - bong chung myung - hee 8 1992 ardy wiranata susi susanti chen kang chen hongyong chung so - young hwang hye - young thomas lund pernille dupont 9 1993 heryanto arbi ye zhaoying chen kang chen hongyong chung so - young gil young - ah thomas lund catrine bengtsson 10 1994 ardy wiranata susi susanti ricky subagja denny kantono chung so - young gil young - ah jon holst - christensen catrine bengtsson 11 1995 heryanto arbi susi susanti ricky subagja rexy mainaky ge fei gu jun thomas lund marlene thomsen 12 1996 joko suprianto ye zhaoying ricky subagja rexy mainaky gil young - ah jang hye - ock park joo - bong ra kyung - min 13 1997 peter rasmussen mia audina tjiptawan ricky subagja rexy mainaky ge fei gu jun liu yong ge fei 14 1998 peter gade gong zhichao cheah soon kit yap kim hock ge fei gu jun kim dong - moon ra kyung - min 15 1999 peter gade ye zhaoying ha tae - kwon kim dong - moon ge fei gu jun liu yong ge fei 16 2000 ji xinpeng gong zhichao candra wijaya tony gunawan ra kyung - min chung jae - hee liu yong ge fei 17 2001 roslin hashim zhou mi candra wijaya sigit budiarto gao ling huang sui bambang suprianto minarti timur 18 2002 lee hyun - il zhou mi chan chong ming chew choon eng ra kyung - min lee kyung - won kim dong - moon ra kyung - min 19 2003 xia xuanze camilla martin flandy limpele eng hian gao ling huang sui zhang jun gao ling 20 2004 ronald susilo mia audina tjiptawan ha tae - kwon kim dong - moon ra kyung - min lee kyung - won nova widianto vita marissa 21 2005 lin dan zhang ning jens eriksen martin lundgaard hansen yang wei zhang jiewen sudket prapakamol saralee thungthongkam 22 2006 lin dan zhang ning candra wijaya tony gunawan gao ling huang sui flandy limpele vita marissa 23 2007 lee chong wei tine rasmussen candra wijaya tony gunawan yang wei zhang jiewen zheng bo gao ling 24 2008 sony dwi kuncoro wang yihan lars paaske jonas rasmussen cheng shu zhao yunlei muhammad rijal vita marissa 25 2009 bao chunlai wang yihan markis kido hendra setiawan ma jin wang xiaoli songphon anugritayawon kunchala voravichitchaikul 26 2010 lee chong wei jiang yanjiao cai yun fu haifeng wang xiaoli yu yang zhang nan zhao yunlei 27 2011 chen long wang yihan cai yun fu haifeng bao yixin zhong qianxin chen hung - ling cheng wen - hsing 28 2012 lee chong wei tai tzu - ying kim sa - rang kim ki - jung tse ying suet poon lok yan chan peng soon goh liu ying 29 2013 lee chong wei akane yamaguchi muhammad ahsan hendra setiawan ma jin tang jinhua zhang nan zhao yunlei
{"year":{"0":1984,"1":1985,"2":1986,"3":1987,"4":1988,"5":1989,"6":1990,"7":1991,"8":1992,"9":1993,"10":1994,"11":1995,"12":1996,"13":1997,"14":1998,"15":1999,"16":2000,"17":2001,"18":2002,"19":2003,"20":2004,"21":2005,"22":2006,"23":2007,"24":2008,"25":2009,"26":2010,"27":2011,"28":2012,"29":2013},"mens singles":{"0":"morten frost","1":"zhao jianhua","2":"yang yang","3":"xiong guobao","4":"nick yates","5":"yang yang","6":"morten frost","7":"ardy wiranata","8":"ardy wiranata","9":"heryanto arbi","10":"ardy wiranata","11":"heryanto arbi","12":"joko suprianto","13":"peter rasmussen","14":"peter gade","15":"peter gade","16":"ji xinpeng","17":"roslin hashim","18":"lee hyun - il","19":"xia xuanze","20":"ronald susilo","21":"lin dan","22":"lin dan","23":"lee chong wei","24":"sony dwi kuncoro","25":"bao chunlai","26":"lee chong wei","27":"chen long","28":"lee chong wei","29":"lee chong wei"},"womens singles":{"0":"zheng yuli","1":"wu jianqui","2":"li lingwei","3":"li lingwei","4":"han aiping","5":"li lingwei","6":"huang hua","7":"huang hua","8":"susi susanti","9":"ye zhaoying","10":"susi susanti","11":"susi susanti","12":"ye zhaoying","13":"mia audina tjiptawan","14":"gong zhichao","15":"ye zhaoying","16":"gong zhichao","17":"zhou mi","18":"zhou mi","19":"camilla martin","20":"mia audina tjiptawan","21":"zhang ning","22":"zhang ning","23":"tine rasmussen","24":"wang yihan","25":"wang yihan","26":"jiang yanjiao","27":"wang yihan","28":"tai tzu - ying","29":"akane yamaguchi"},"mens doubles":{"0":"thomas kihlstrãm stefan karlsson","1":"park joo - bong kim moon - soo","2":"razif sidek jalani sidek","3":"liem swie king eddy hartono","4":"tian bingyi li yongbo","5":"park joo - bong lee sang - bok","6":"park joo - bong kim moon - soo","7":"park joo - bong kim moon - soo","8":"chen kang chen hongyong","9":"chen kang chen hongyong","10":"ricky subagja denny kantono","11":"ricky subagja rexy mainaky","12":"ricky subagja rexy mainaky","13":"ricky subagja rexy mainaky","14":"cheah soon kit yap kim hock","15":"ha tae - kwon kim dong - moon","16":"candra wijaya tony gunawan","17":"candra wijaya sigit budiarto","18":"chan chong ming chew choon eng","19":"flandy limpele eng hian","20":"ha tae - kwon kim dong - moon","21":"jens eriksen martin lundgaard hansen","22":"candra wijaya tony gunawan","23":"candra wijaya tony gunawan","24":"lars paaske jonas rasmussen","25":"markis kido hendra setiawan","26":"cai yun fu haifeng","27":"cai yun fu haifeng","28":"kim sa - rang kim ki - jung","29":"muhammad ahsan hendra setiawan"},"womens doubles":{"0":"karen beckman gillian gilks","1":"kim yun - ja yoo sang - hee","2":"wu dixi lin ying","3":"lin ying guan weizhen","4":"chung myung - hee chung so - young","5":"gillian clark julie munday","6":"yao fen lai caiqin","7":"gillian clark gillian gowers","8":"chung so - young hwang hye - young","9":"chung so - young gil young - ah","10":"chung so - young gil young - ah","11":"ge fei gu jun","12":"gil young - ah jang hye - ock","13":"ge fei gu jun","14":"ge fei gu jun","15":"ge fei gu jun","16":"ra kyung - min chung jae - hee","17":"gao ling huang sui","18":"ra kyung - min lee kyung - won","19":"gao ling huang sui","20":"ra kyung - min lee kyung - won","21":"yang wei zhang jiewen","22":"gao ling huang sui","23":"yang wei zhang jiewen","24":"cheng shu zhao yunlei","25":"ma jin wang xiaoli","26":"wang xiaoli yu yang","27":"bao yixin zhong qianxin","28":"tse ying suet poon lok yan","29":"ma jin tang jinhua"},"mixed doubles":{"0":"martin dew gillian gilks","1":"billy gilliland gillian gowers","2":"billy gilliland nora perry","3":"lee deuk - choon chung myung - hee","4":"park joo - bong chung myung - hee","5":"park joo - bong chung myung - hee","6":"park joo - bong chung myung - hee","7":"park joo - bong chung myung - hee","8":"thomas lund pernille dupont","9":"thomas lund catrine bengtsson","10":"jon holst - christensen catrine bengtsson","11":"thomas lund marlene thomsen","12":"park joo - bong ra kyung - min","13":"liu yong ge fei","14":"kim dong - moon ra kyung - min","15":"liu yong ge fei","16":"liu yong ge fei","17":"bambang suprianto minarti timur","18":"kim dong - moon ra kyung - min","19":"zhang jun gao ling","20":"nova widianto vita marissa","21":"sudket prapakamol saralee thungthongkam","22":"flandy limpele vita marissa","23":"zheng bo gao ling","24":"muhammad rijal vita marissa","25":"songphon anugritayawon kunchala voravichitchaikul","26":"zhang nan zhao yunlei","27":"chen hung - ling cheng wen - hsing","28":"chan peng soon goh liu ying","29":"zhang nan zhao yunlei"}}
season cup finaldate winningteam score losingteam location cup final attendance 0 1977 9 october 1977 brisbane city (1) 1 - 1 (5 - 3 penalties) marconi stallions perry park , brisbane (1) 9000 1 1978 8 october 1978 brisbane city (2) 2 - 1 adelaide city perry park , brisbane (2) 6964 2 1979 30 september 1979 adelaide city (1) 3 - 1 st george olympic sports field , adelaide (1) 9554 3 1981 20 september 1981 brisbane lions (1) 3 - 1 west adelaide canberra stadium , canberra (1) 8132 4 1982 12 september 1982 apia leichhardt (2) 2 - 1 heidelberg united olympic park , melbourne (2) 7000 5 1984 13 september 1984 newcastle rosebud united (1) 1 - 0 melbourne knights olympic park , melbourne (4) 5000 6 1985 11 august 1985 sydney olympic (2) 2 - 1 preston lions st george stadium , sydney (2) 11187 7 1986 17 september 1986 sydney city (1) 3 - 2 (aet) west adelaide hindmarsh stadium , adelaide (1) 5200 8 1988 14 august 1988 apia leichhardt (2) 0 - 0 (5 - 3 penalties) brunswick juventus marconi stadium , sydney (2) 5200 9 1989 20 august 1989 adelaide city (2) 2 - 0 sydney olympic hindmarsh stadium , adelaide (2) 10000 10 1989 - 90 25 april 1990 south melbourne (1) 4 - 1 sydney olympic olympic park , melbourne (6) 7000 11 1990 - 91 7 april 1991 parramatta eagles (1) 1 - 0 preston lions marconi stadium , sydney (3) 8749 12 1991 - 92 7 april 1992 adelaide city (3) 2 - 1 marconi stallions hindmarsh stadium , adelaide (3) 6500 13 1992 - 93 18 april 1993 heidelberg united (1) 2 - 0 parramatta eagles marconi stadium , sydney (4) 4596 14 1993 - 94 17 october 1993 parramatta eagles (2) 2 - 0 sydney united marconi stadium , sydney (5) 5156 15 1994 - 95 16 october 1994 melbourne knights (1) 6 - 0 heidelberg united olympic park , melbourne (7) 6000 16 1995 - 96 27 january 1996 south melbourne (2) 3 - 1 newcastle breakers lakeside stadium , melbourne (1) 7000
{"season":{"0":"1977","1":"1978","2":"1979","3":"1981","4":"1982","5":"1984","6":"1985","7":"1986","8":"1988","9":"1989","10":"1989 - 90","11":"1990 - 91","12":"1991 - 92","13":"1992 - 93","14":"1993 - 94","15":"1994 - 95","16":"1995 - 96"},"cup finaldate":{"0":"9 october 1977","1":"8 october 1978","2":"30 september 1979","3":"20 september 1981","4":"12 september 1982","5":"13 september 1984","6":"11 august 1985","7":"17 september 1986","8":"14 august 1988","9":"20 august 1989","10":"25 april 1990","11":"7 april 1991","12":"7 april 1992","13":"18 april 1993","14":"17 october 1993","15":"16 october 1994","16":"27 january 1996"},"winningteam":{"0":"brisbane city (1)","1":"brisbane city (2)","2":"adelaide city (1)","3":"brisbane lions (1)","4":"apia leichhardt (2)","5":"newcastle rosebud united (1)","6":"sydney olympic (2)","7":"sydney city (1)","8":"apia leichhardt (2)","9":"adelaide city (2)","10":"south melbourne (1)","11":"parramatta eagles (1)","12":"adelaide city (3)","13":"heidelberg united (1)","14":"parramatta eagles (2)","15":"melbourne knights (1)","16":"south melbourne (2)"},"score":{"0":"1 - 1 (5 - 3 penalties)","1":"2 - 1","2":"3 - 1","3":"3 - 1","4":"2 - 1","5":"1 - 0","6":"2 - 1","7":"3 - 2 (aet)","8":"0 - 0 (5 - 3 penalties)","9":"2 - 0","10":"4 - 1","11":"1 - 0","12":"2 - 1","13":"2 - 0","14":"2 - 0","15":"6 - 0","16":"3 - 1"},"losingteam":{"0":"marconi stallions","1":"adelaide city","2":"st george","3":"west adelaide","4":"heidelberg united","5":"melbourne knights","6":"preston lions","7":"west adelaide","8":"brunswick juventus","9":"sydney olympic","10":"sydney olympic","11":"preston lions","12":"marconi stallions","13":"parramatta eagles","14":"sydney united","15":"heidelberg united","16":"newcastle breakers"},"location":{"0":"perry park , brisbane (1)","1":"perry park , brisbane (2)","2":"olympic sports field , adelaide (1)","3":"canberra stadium , canberra (1)","4":"olympic park , melbourne (2)","5":"olympic park , melbourne (4)","6":"st george stadium , sydney (2)","7":"hindmarsh stadium , adelaide (1)","8":"marconi stadium , sydney (2)","9":"hindmarsh stadium , adelaide (2)","10":"olympic park , melbourne (6)","11":"marconi stadium , sydney (3)","12":"hindmarsh stadium , adelaide (3)","13":"marconi stadium , sydney (4)","14":"marconi stadium , sydney (5)","15":"olympic park , melbourne (7)","16":"lakeside stadium , melbourne (1)"},"cup final attendance":{"0":9000,"1":6964,"2":9554,"3":8132,"4":7000,"5":5000,"6":11187,"7":5200,"8":5200,"9":10000,"10":7000,"11":8749,"12":6500,"13":4596,"14":5156,"15":6000,"16":7000}}
series season title directed by written by original air date 0 173 1 seer of love tony singletary michele j wolff september 28 , 1991 1 174 2 an affair to forget tony singletary gene braunstein october 5 , 1991 2 175 3 misery tony singletary clay graham october 12 , 1991 3 176 4 selling sam short tony singletary linda va salle & mike teverbaugh october 19 , 1991 4 177 5 tony bags a big one tony singletary michele j wolff october 26 , 1991 5 178 6 a well - kept housekeeper tony singletary danny kallis , phil doran & bob rosenfarb november 2 , 1991 6 179 7 death and love (part 1) tony singletary bob rosenfarb , danny kallis & phil doran november 9 , 1991 7 180 8 death and love (part 2) tony singletary bob rosenfarb , danny kallis & phil doran november 16 , 1991 8 181 9 grandmommie dearest tony singletary gene braunstein november 23 , 1991 9 184 12 tony , can you spare a dime tony singletary gene braunstein & michele j wolff january 4 , 1992 10 185 13 mrs al tony singletary linda va salle & mike teverbaugh january 11 , 1992 11 186 14 who 's the boss tony singletary linda va salle & mike teverbaugh january 25 , 1992 12 187 15 tony micelli , this is your other life tony singletary michele j wolff february 1 , 1992 13 188 16 allergic to love tony singletary adam i lapidus february 8 , 1992 14 191 19 tony and the honeymooners tony singletary gene braunstein february 29 , 1992
{"series":{"0":173,"1":174,"2":175,"3":176,"4":177,"5":178,"6":179,"7":180,"8":181,"9":184,"10":185,"11":186,"12":187,"13":188,"14":191},"season":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":9,"9":12,"10":13,"11":14,"12":15,"13":16,"14":19},"title":{"0":"seer of love","1":"an affair to forget","2":"misery","3":"selling sam short","4":"tony bags a big one","5":"a well - kept housekeeper","6":"death and love (part 1)","7":"death and love (part 2)","8":"grandmommie dearest","9":"tony , can you spare a dime","10":"mrs al","11":"who 's the boss","12":"tony micelli , this is your other life","13":"allergic to love","14":"tony and the honeymooners"},"directed by":{"0":"tony singletary","1":"tony singletary","2":"tony singletary","3":"tony singletary","4":"tony singletary","5":"tony singletary","6":"tony singletary","7":"tony singletary","8":"tony singletary","9":"tony singletary","10":"tony singletary","11":"tony singletary","12":"tony singletary","13":"tony singletary","14":"tony singletary"},"written by":{"0":"michele j wolff","1":"gene braunstein","2":"clay graham","3":"linda va salle & mike teverbaugh","4":"michele j wolff","5":"danny kallis , phil doran & bob rosenfarb","6":"bob rosenfarb , danny kallis & phil doran","7":"bob rosenfarb , danny kallis & phil doran","8":"gene braunstein","9":"gene braunstein & michele j wolff","10":"linda va salle & mike teverbaugh","11":"linda va salle & mike teverbaugh","12":"michele j wolff","13":"adam i lapidus","14":"gene braunstein"},"original air date":{"0":"september 28 , 1991","1":"october 5 , 1991","2":"october 12 , 1991","3":"october 19 , 1991","4":"october 26 , 1991","5":"november 2 , 1991","6":"november 9 , 1991","7":"november 16 , 1991","8":"november 23 , 1991","9":"january 4 , 1992","10":"january 11 , 1992","11":"january 25 , 1992","12":"february 1 , 1992","13":"february 8 , 1992","14":"february 29 , 1992"}}
no in series title directed by written by original air date production code 0 1 sex with pudding jeff melman brian hargrove & jack kenny march 20 , 2000 1adk - 01 1 2 dad 's dead michael lessac christopher titus and jack kenny & brian hargrove march 27 , 2000 1adk - 79 2 3 dave moves out jack kenny sally lapiduss april 3 , 2000 1adk - 06 3 4 the breakup howard murray christopher titus april 10 , 2000 1adk - 03 4 5 titus integritous lee shallat - chemel john augustine & jim hope april 17 , 2000 1adk - 05 5 6 red asphalt jack kenny matt rosenberg & ritch shydner may 1 , 2000 1adk - 07 6 7 mom 's not nuts jeff melman jack kenny & brian hargrove may 8 , 2000 1adk - 02 7 8 intervention david lee adam belanoff may 15 , 2000 1adk - 04
{"no in series":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8},"title":{"0":"sex with pudding","1":"dad 's dead","2":"dave moves out","3":"the breakup","4":"titus integritous","5":"red asphalt","6":"mom 's not nuts","7":"intervention"},"directed by":{"0":"jeff melman","1":"michael lessac","2":"jack kenny","3":"howard murray","4":"lee shallat - chemel","5":"jack kenny","6":"jeff melman","7":"david lee"},"written by":{"0":"brian hargrove & jack kenny","1":"christopher titus and jack kenny & brian hargrove","2":"sally lapiduss","3":"christopher titus","4":"john augustine & jim hope","5":"matt rosenberg & ritch shydner","6":"jack kenny & brian hargrove","7":"adam belanoff"},"original air date":{"0":"march 20 , 2000","1":"march 27 , 2000","2":"april 3 , 2000","3":"april 10 , 2000","4":"april 17 , 2000","5":"may 1 , 2000","6":"may 8 , 2000","7":"may 15 , 2000"},"production code":{"0":"1adk - 01","1":"1adk - 79","2":"1adk - 06","3":"1adk - 03","4":"1adk - 05","5":"1adk - 07","6":"1adk - 02","7":"1adk - 04"}}
no in series no in season title directed by written by original air date production code 0 34 1 racing in the streets brian hargrove chris sheridan november 14 , 2001 3adk - 01 1 35 2 amy 's birthday gary shimokawa john r morey november 21 , 2001 3adk - 03 2 36 3 tommy 's not gay gary shimokawa christopher case november 28 , 2001 3adk - 04 3 37 4 shannon 's song joe regalbuto sally lapiduss december 5 , 2001 3adk - 08 4 38 5 grad school gary shimokawa jennifer fisher december 12 , 2001 3adk - 02 5 39 6 houseboat joe regalbuto jim hope december 19 , 2001 3adk - 06 6 40 7 the trial jack kenny christopher titus january 2 , 2002 3adk - 05 7 41 8 grandma titus brian hargrove shawn thomas january 9 , 2002 2adk - 25 8 42 9 errrr jack kenny chris sheridan january 16 , 2002 3adk - 13 9 43 10 tommy 's crush kevin rodney sullivan patrick meighan january 23 , 2002 3adk - 09 10 44 11 into thin air john amodeo robert hawkins january 30 , 2002 3adk - 11 11 45 12 too damn good gary shimokawa david l moses february 6 , 2002 3adk - 16 12 46 13 bachelor party leslie kolins small jennifer fisher february 13 , 2002 3adk - 15 13 47 14 hot streak joe regalbuto patrick meighan & john r morey february 20 , 2002 3adk - 14 14 48 15 the session brian hargrove matt ember march 6 , 2002 3adk - 10 15 49 16 same courtesy bill shea christopher case march 20 , 2002 3adk - 12 16 50 17 after mrs shafter bill shea shawn thomas july 29 , 2002 3adk - 17 17 51 18 the visit katy garretson christopher titus july 29 , 2002 3adk - 18 18 52 / 53 19 / 20 insanity genetic kevin rodney sullivan gary shimokawa jim hope nancy steen & matt ember august 5 , 2002 3adk - 19 / 3adk - 20
{"no in series":{"0":"34","1":"35","2":"36","3":"37","4":"38","5":"39","6":"40","7":"41","8":"42","9":"43","10":"44","11":"45","12":"46","13":"47","14":"48","15":"49","16":"50","17":"51","18":"52 \/ 53"},"no in season":{"0":"1","1":"2","2":"3","3":"4","4":"5","5":"6","6":"7","7":"8","8":"9","9":"10","10":"11","11":"12","12":"13","13":"14","14":"15","15":"16","16":"17","17":"18","18":"19 \/ 20"},"title":{"0":"racing in the streets","1":"amy 's birthday","2":"tommy 's not gay","3":"shannon 's song","4":"grad school","5":"houseboat","6":"the trial","7":"grandma titus","8":"errrr","9":"tommy 's crush","10":"into thin air","11":"too damn good","12":"bachelor party","13":"hot streak","14":"the session","15":"same courtesy","16":"after mrs shafter","17":"the visit","18":"insanity genetic"},"directed by":{"0":"brian hargrove","1":"gary shimokawa","2":"gary shimokawa","3":"joe regalbuto","4":"gary shimokawa","5":"joe regalbuto","6":"jack kenny","7":"brian hargrove","8":"jack kenny","9":"kevin rodney sullivan","10":"john amodeo","11":"gary shimokawa","12":"leslie kolins small","13":"joe regalbuto","14":"brian hargrove","15":"bill shea","16":"bill shea","17":"katy garretson","18":"kevin rodney sullivan gary shimokawa"},"written by":{"0":"chris sheridan","1":"john r morey","2":"christopher case","3":"sally lapiduss","4":"jennifer fisher","5":"jim hope","6":"christopher titus","7":"shawn thomas","8":"chris sheridan","9":"patrick meighan","10":"robert hawkins","11":"david l moses","12":"jennifer fisher","13":"patrick meighan & john r morey","14":"matt ember","15":"christopher case","16":"shawn thomas","17":"christopher titus","18":"jim hope nancy steen & matt ember"},"original air date":{"0":"november 14 , 2001","1":"november 21 , 2001","2":"november 28 , 2001","3":"december 5 , 2001","4":"december 12 , 2001","5":"december 19 , 2001","6":"january 2 , 2002","7":"january 9 , 2002","8":"january 16 , 2002","9":"january 23 , 2002","10":"january 30 , 2002","11":"february 6 , 2002","12":"february 13 , 2002","13":"february 20 , 2002","14":"march 6 , 2002","15":"march 20 , 2002","16":"july 29 , 2002","17":"july 29 , 2002","18":"august 5 , 2002"},"production code":{"0":"3adk - 01","1":"3adk - 03","2":"3adk - 04","3":"3adk - 08","4":"3adk - 02","5":"3adk - 06","6":"3adk - 05","7":"2adk - 25","8":"3adk - 13","9":"3adk - 09","10":"3adk - 11","11":"3adk - 16","12":"3adk - 15","13":"3adk - 14","14":"3adk - 10","15":"3adk - 12","16":"3adk - 17","17":"3adk - 18","18":"3adk - 19 \/ 3adk - 20"}}
district vacator reason for change successor date successor seated 0 tennessee 8th robert a everett (d) died january 26 , 1969 ed jones (d) march 25 , 1969 1 massachusetts 6th william h bates (r) died june 22 , 1969 michael j harrington (d) september 30 , 1969 2 illinois 6th daniel j ronan (d) died august 13 , 1969 george w collins (d) november 3 , 1970 3 california 24th glenard p lipscomb (r) died february 1 , 1970 john h rousselot (r) june 30 , 1970 4 california 35th james b utt (r) died march 1 , 1970 john g schmitz (r) june 30 , 1970 5 connecticut 2nd william st onge (d) died may 1 , 1970 robert h steele (r) november 3 , 1970 6 ohio 19th michael j kirwan (d) died july 27 , 1970 charles j carney (d) november 3 , 1970 7 pennsylvania 9th george watkins (r) died august 7 , 1970 john h ware iii (r) november 3 , 1970 8 illinois 1st william l dawson (d) died november 9 , 1970 vacant not filled this term
{"district":{"0":"tennessee 8th","1":"massachusetts 6th","2":"illinois 6th","3":"california 24th","4":"california 35th","5":"connecticut 2nd","6":"ohio 19th","7":"pennsylvania 9th","8":"illinois 1st"},"vacator":{"0":"robert a everett (d)","1":"william h bates (r)","2":"daniel j ronan (d)","3":"glenard p lipscomb (r)","4":"james b utt (r)","5":"william st onge (d)","6":"michael j kirwan (d)","7":"george watkins (r)","8":"william l dawson (d)"},"reason for change":{"0":"died january 26 , 1969","1":"died june 22 , 1969","2":"died august 13 , 1969","3":"died february 1 , 1970","4":"died march 1 , 1970","5":"died may 1 , 1970","6":"died july 27 , 1970","7":"died august 7 , 1970","8":"died november 9 , 1970"},"successor":{"0":"ed jones (d)","1":"michael j harrington (d)","2":"george w collins (d)","3":"john h rousselot (r)","4":"john g schmitz (r)","5":"robert h steele (r)","6":"charles j carney (d)","7":"john h ware iii (r)","8":"vacant"},"date successor seated":{"0":"march 25 , 1969","1":"september 30 , 1969","2":"november 3 , 1970","3":"june 30 , 1970","4":"june 30 , 1970","5":"november 3 , 1970","6":"november 3 , 1970","7":"november 3 , 1970","8":"not filled this term"}}
english name simplified traditional pinyin hakka area population density 0 xinluo district 新罗区 新羅區 xīnluó qū sîn - lò - khî 2685 662429 247 1 zhangping city 漳平市 漳平市 zhāngpíng shì chông - phìn - sṳ 2975 240194 81 2 changting county 长汀县 長汀縣 chángtīng xiàn tshòng - tin - yen 3099 393390 127 3 yongding county 永定县 永定縣 yǒngdìng xiàn yún - thin - yen 2216 362658 164 4 shanghang county 上杭县 上杭縣 shàngháng xiàn sông - hông - yen 2879 374047 130 5 wuping county 武平县 武平縣 wǔpíng xiàn vú - phìn - yen 2630 278182 106
{"english name":{"0":"xinluo district","1":"zhangping city","2":"changting county","3":"yongding county","4":"shanghang county","5":"wuping county"},"simplified":{"0":"新罗区","1":"漳平市","2":"长汀县","3":"永定县","4":"上杭县","5":"武平县"},"traditional":{"0":"新羅區","1":"漳平市","2":"長汀縣","3":"永定縣","4":"上杭縣","5":"武平縣"},"pinyin":{"0":"xīnluó qū","1":"zhāngpíng shì","2":"chángtīng xiàn","3":"yǒngdìng xiàn","4":"shàngháng xiàn","5":"wǔpíng xiàn"},"hakka":{"0":"sîn - lò - khî","1":"chông - phìn - sṳ","2":"tshòng - tin - yen","3":"yún - thin - yen","4":"sông - hông - yen","5":"vú - phìn - yen"},"area":{"0":2685,"1":2975,"2":3099,"3":2216,"4":2879,"5":2630},"population":{"0":662429,"1":240194,"2":393390,"3":362658,"4":374047,"5":278182},"density":{"0":247,"1":81,"2":127,"3":164,"4":130,"5":106}}
metropolitan area media market ranking hosted 4 teams since nfl team (s) mlb team (s) nba team (s) nhl team (s) 0 boston , massachusetts 7 1960 patriots ( foxborough , ma ) red sox celtics bruins 1 chicago , illinois 3 1966 bears cubs white sox bulls blackhawks 2 dallas - fort worth , texas 5 1993 cowboys ( arlington , tx ) rangers ( arlington , tx ) mavericks (dallas) stars (dallas) 3 denver , colorado 17 1995 broncos rockies nuggets avalanche 4 detroit , michigan 11 1957 lions tigers pistons ( auburn hills , mi ) red wings 5 miami , florida 16 1993 dolphins ( miami gardens , fl ) marlins heat panthers ( sunrise , fl ) 6 minneapolis - st paul , minnesota 15 2000 vikings (minneapolis) twins (minneapolis) timberwolves (minneapolis) wild (st paul) 7 philadelphia , pennsylvania 4 1967 eagles phillies 76ers flyers 8 phoenix , arizona 13 1998 cardinals ( glendale , az ) diamondbacks suns coyotes ( glendale , az ) 9 san francisco bay area , california 6 1991 49ers (san francisco) raiders (oakland) giants (san francisco) athletics (oakland) warriors (oakland) sharks ( san jose )
{"metropolitan area":{"0":"boston , massachusetts","1":"chicago , illinois","2":"dallas - fort worth , texas","3":"denver , colorado","4":"detroit , michigan","5":"miami , florida","6":"minneapolis - st paul , minnesota","7":"philadelphia , pennsylvania","8":"phoenix , arizona","9":"san francisco bay area , california"},"media market ranking":{"0":7,"1":3,"2":5,"3":17,"4":11,"5":16,"6":15,"7":4,"8":13,"9":6},"hosted 4 teams since":{"0":1960,"1":1966,"2":1993,"3":1995,"4":1957,"5":1993,"6":2000,"7":1967,"8":1998,"9":1991},"nfl team (s)":{"0":"patriots ( foxborough , ma )","1":"bears","2":"cowboys ( arlington , tx )","3":"broncos","4":"lions","5":"dolphins ( miami gardens , fl )","6":"vikings (minneapolis)","7":"eagles","8":"cardinals ( glendale , az )","9":"49ers (san francisco) raiders (oakland)"},"mlb team (s)":{"0":"red sox","1":"cubs white sox","2":"rangers ( arlington , tx )","3":"rockies","4":"tigers","5":"marlins","6":"twins (minneapolis)","7":"phillies","8":"diamondbacks","9":"giants (san francisco) athletics (oakland)"},"nba team (s)":{"0":"celtics","1":"bulls","2":"mavericks (dallas)","3":"nuggets","4":"pistons ( auburn hills , mi )","5":"heat","6":"timberwolves (minneapolis)","7":"76ers","8":"suns","9":"warriors (oakland)"},"nhl team (s)":{"0":"bruins","1":"blackhawks","2":"stars (dallas)","3":"avalanche","4":"red wings","5":"panthers ( sunrise , fl )","6":"wild (st paul)","7":"flyers","8":"coyotes ( glendale , az )","9":"sharks ( san jose )"}}
vendor and type models netflow version implementation comments 0 cisco ios - xr routers crs , asr9000 old 12000 v5 , v8 , v9 software running on line card cpu comprehensive support for ipv6 and mpls 1 alcatel - lucent routers 7750sr v5 , v8 , v9 , ipfix software running on central processor module ipv6 or mpls using iom3 line cards or better 2 huawei routers ne5000e ne40e / x ne80e v5 , v9 software running on service cards support for ipv6 or mpls is unknown 3 enterasys switches s - serie and n - serie v5 , v9 dedicated hardware ipv6 support is unknown 4 pc and servers linux freebsd netbsd openbsd v5 , v9 , ipfix software like fprobe , ipt - netflow or pflow ipv6 support depend on the software used 5 vmware servers vsphere 5.x v5 software ipv6 support is unknown
{"vendor and type":{"0":"cisco ios - xr routers","1":"alcatel - lucent routers","2":"huawei routers","3":"enterasys switches","4":"pc and servers","5":"vmware servers"},"models":{"0":"crs , asr9000 old 12000","1":"7750sr","2":"ne5000e ne40e \/ x ne80e","3":"s - serie and n - serie","4":"linux freebsd netbsd openbsd","5":"vsphere 5.x"},"netflow version":{"0":"v5 , v8 , v9","1":"v5 , v8 , v9 , ipfix","2":"v5 , v9","3":"v5 , v9","4":"v5 , v9 , ipfix","5":"v5"},"implementation":{"0":"software running on line card cpu","1":"software running on central processor module","2":"software running on service cards","3":"dedicated hardware","4":"software like fprobe , ipt - netflow or pflow","5":"software"},"comments":{"0":"comprehensive support for ipv6 and mpls","1":"ipv6 or mpls using iom3 line cards or better","2":"support for ipv6 or mpls is unknown","3":"ipv6 support is unknown","4":"ipv6 support depend on the software used","5":"ipv6 support is unknown"}}
jurisdiction for prohibition percent for against prohibition percent against 0 alberta and saskatchewan 6238 68.8 2824 31.2 1 british columbia 5731 54.6 4756 45.4 2 manitoba 12419 80.6 2978 19.4 3 new brunswick 26919 72.2 9575 27.7 4 nova scotia 34368 87.2 5370 12.8 5 ontario 154498 57.3 115284 42.7 6 prince edward island 9461 89.2 1146 10.8 7 quebec 28436 18.8 122760 81.2
{"jurisdiction":{"0":"alberta and saskatchewan","1":"british columbia","2":"manitoba","3":"new brunswick","4":"nova scotia","5":"ontario","6":"prince edward island","7":"quebec"},"for prohibition":{"0":6238,"1":5731,"2":12419,"3":26919,"4":34368,"5":154498,"6":9461,"7":28436},"percent for":{"0":68.8,"1":54.6,"2":80.6,"3":72.2,"4":87.2,"5":57.3,"6":89.2,"7":18.8},"against prohibition":{"0":2824,"1":4756,"2":2978,"3":9575,"4":5370,"5":115284,"6":1146,"7":122760},"percent against":{"0":31.2,"1":45.4,"2":19.4,"3":27.7,"4":12.8,"5":42.7,"6":10.8,"7":81.2}}
player nationality finals win - loss year (s) 0 billie jean king united states 6 4 - 2 1968 , 1969 , 1970 , 1972 , 1973 , 1975 1 jana novotná czech republic 3 1 - 2 1993 , 1997 , 1998 2 lindsay davenport united states 3 1 - 2 1999 , 2000 , 2005 3 margaret court australia 2 1 - 1 1970 , 1971 4 maria sharapova + russia 2 1 - 1 2004 , 2011 5 marion bartoli + france 2 1 - 1 2007 , 2013 6 hana mandlíková czechoslovakia 2 0 - 2 1981 , 1986 7 justine henin belgium 2 0 - 2 2001 , 2006 8 ann haydon - jones united kingdom 1 1 - 0 1969 9 virginia wade united kingdom 1 1 - 0 1977 10 conchita martínez spain 1 1 - 0 1994 11 martina hingis switzerland 1 1 - 0 1997 12 amélie mauresmo france 1 1 - 0 2006 13 petra kvitová + czech republic 1 1 - 0 2011 14 judy tegart dalton australia 1 0 - 1 1968 15 olga morozova soviet union 1 0 - 1 1974 16 betty stöve netherlands 1 0 - 1 1977 17 andrea jaeger united states 1 0 - 1 1983 18 zina garrison united states 1 0 - 1 1990 19 gabriela sabatini argentina 1 0 - 1 1991 20 monica seles yugoslavia 1 0 - 1 1992 21 nathalie tauziat france 1 0 - 1 1998 22 vera zvonareva russia 1 0 - 1 2010
{"player":{"0":"billie jean king","1":"jana novotná","2":"lindsay davenport","3":"margaret court","4":"maria sharapova +","5":"marion bartoli +","6":"hana mandlíková","7":"justine henin","8":"ann haydon - jones","9":"virginia wade","10":"conchita martínez","11":"martina hingis","12":"amélie mauresmo","13":"petra kvitová +","14":"judy tegart dalton","15":"olga morozova","16":"betty stöve","17":"andrea jaeger","18":"zina garrison","19":"gabriela sabatini","20":"monica seles","21":"nathalie tauziat","22":"vera zvonareva"},"nationality":{"0":"united states","1":"czech republic","2":"united states","3":"australia","4":"russia","5":"france","6":"czechoslovakia","7":"belgium","8":"united kingdom","9":"united kingdom","10":"spain","11":"switzerland","12":"france","13":"czech republic","14":"australia","15":"soviet union","16":"netherlands","17":"united states","18":"united states","19":"argentina","20":"yugoslavia","21":"france","22":"russia"},"finals":{"0":6,"1":3,"2":3,"3":2,"4":2,"5":2,"6":2,"7":2,"8":1,"9":1,"10":1,"11":1,"12":1,"13":1,"14":1,"15":1,"16":1,"17":1,"18":1,"19":1,"20":1,"21":1,"22":1},"win - loss":{"0":"4 - 2","1":"1 - 2","2":"1 - 2","3":"1 - 1","4":"1 - 1","5":"1 - 1","6":"0 - 2","7":"0 - 2","8":"1 - 0","9":"1 - 0","10":"1 - 0","11":"1 - 0","12":"1 - 0","13":"1 - 0","14":"0 - 1","15":"0 - 1","16":"0 - 1","17":"0 - 1","18":"0 - 1","19":"0 - 1","20":"0 - 1","21":"0 - 1","22":"0 - 1"},"year (s)":{"0":"1968 , 1969 , 1970 , 1972 , 1973 , 1975","1":"1993 , 1997 , 1998","2":"1999 , 2000 , 2005","3":"1970 , 1971","4":"2004 , 2011","5":"2007 , 2013","6":"1981 , 1986","7":"2001 , 2006","8":"1969","9":"1977","10":"1994","11":"1997","12":"2006","13":"2011","14":"1968","15":"1974","16":"1977","17":"1983","18":"1990","19":"1991","20":"1992","21":"1998","22":"2010"}}
train no train name origin destination frequency 0 12067 / 68 guwahati jorhat town jan shatabdi express guwahati jorhat except sunday 1 12345 / 46 saraighat express howrah junction guwahati daily 2 12235 / 36 dibrugarh rajdhani express dibrugarh new delhi weekly 3 12423 / 24 dibrugarh rajdhani express dibrugarh town new delhi daily 4 12435 / 36 dibrugarh rajdhani express dibrugarh town new delhi bi weekly 5 12501 / 02 poorvottar sampark kranti express guwahati new delhi tri weekly 6 12505 / 06 north east express guwahati anand vihar terminal daily 7 12507 / 08 guwahati trivandrum express guwahati trivandrum weekly 8 12509 / 10 guwahati bangalore express guwahati bangalore tri weekly 9 12513 / 14 guwahati secunderabad express secunderabad junction guwahati weekly 10 12515 / 16 trivandrum express trivandrum central guwahati weekly 11 12517 / 18 kolkata guwahati garib rath express kolkata guwahati bi weekly 12 12525 / 26 dihing express kolkata dibrugarh weekly 13 14055 / 56 brahmaputra mail dibrugarh delhi junction daily 14 15603 / 04 kamakhya ledo inter city express kamakhya ledo daily 15 15605 / 06 kamakhya mariani inter city express kamakhya mariani daily 16 15609 / 10 avadh assam express guwahati lalgarh daily 17 15629 / 30 chennai egmore express chennai guwahati weekly 18 15631 / 32 barmer - guwahati express barmer guwahati bi weekly 19 15635 / 36 dwarka express okha guwahati weekly 20 15639 / 40 puri - guwahati express puri guwahati weekly 21 15645 / 46 mumbai ltt - guwahati express mumbai ltt guwahati bi weekly 22 15647 / 48 mumbai ltt - guwahati express mumbai guwahati weekly 23 15651 / 52 lohit express guwahati jammu tawi weekly 24 15653 / 54 amarnath express guwahati jammu tawi weekly 25 15657 / 58 kanchanjunga express sealdah guwahati daily 26 15665 / 66 bg express kamakhya dimapur daily 27 15901 / 02 yeshvantpur dibrugarh express yeshvantpur dibrugarh weekly 28 15903 / 04 dibrugarh chandigarh express dibrugarh chandigarh weekly 29 15905 / 06 dibrugarh kanyakumari vivek express dibrugarh kanyakumari weekly 30 15929 / 30 chennai egmore dibrugarh express chennai egmore dibrugarh weekly 31 15933 / 34 dibrugarh amritsar express dibrugarh amritsar weekly 32 15941 / 42 jhajha dibrugarh express jhajha dibrugarh weekly 33 15959 / 60 kamrup express howrah dibrugarh daily 34 25610 jivachh link express darbhanga guwahati daily
{"train no":{"0":"12067 \/ 68","1":"12345 \/ 46","2":"12235 \/ 36","3":"12423 \/ 24","4":"12435 \/ 36","5":"12501 \/ 02","6":"12505 \/ 06","7":"12507 \/ 08","8":"12509 \/ 10","9":"12513 \/ 14","10":"12515 \/ 16","11":"12517 \/ 18","12":"12525 \/ 26","13":"14055 \/ 56","14":"15603 \/ 04","15":"15605 \/ 06","16":"15609 \/ 10","17":"15629 \/ 30","18":"15631 \/ 32","19":"15635 \/ 36","20":"15639 \/ 40","21":"15645 \/ 46","22":"15647 \/ 48","23":"15651 \/ 52","24":"15653 \/ 54","25":"15657 \/ 58","26":"15665 \/ 66","27":"15901 \/ 02","28":"15903 \/ 04","29":"15905 \/ 06","30":"15929 \/ 30","31":"15933 \/ 34","32":"15941 \/ 42","33":"15959 \/ 60","34":"25610"},"train name":{"0":"guwahati jorhat town jan shatabdi express","1":"saraighat express","2":"dibrugarh rajdhani express","3":"dibrugarh rajdhani express","4":"dibrugarh rajdhani express","5":"poorvottar sampark kranti express","6":"north east express","7":"guwahati trivandrum express","8":"guwahati bangalore express","9":"guwahati secunderabad express","10":"trivandrum express","11":"kolkata guwahati garib rath express","12":"dihing express","13":"brahmaputra mail","14":"kamakhya ledo inter city express","15":"kamakhya mariani inter city express","16":"avadh assam express","17":"chennai egmore express","18":"barmer - guwahati express","19":"dwarka express","20":"puri - guwahati express","21":"mumbai ltt - guwahati express","22":"mumbai ltt - guwahati express","23":"lohit express","24":"amarnath express","25":"kanchanjunga express","26":"bg express","27":"yeshvantpur dibrugarh express","28":"dibrugarh chandigarh express","29":"dibrugarh kanyakumari vivek express","30":"chennai egmore dibrugarh express","31":"dibrugarh amritsar express","32":"jhajha dibrugarh express","33":"kamrup express","34":"jivachh link express"},"origin":{"0":"guwahati","1":"howrah junction","2":"dibrugarh","3":"dibrugarh town","4":"dibrugarh town","5":"guwahati","6":"guwahati","7":"guwahati","8":"guwahati","9":"secunderabad junction","10":"trivandrum central","11":"kolkata","12":"kolkata","13":"dibrugarh","14":"kamakhya","15":"kamakhya","16":"guwahati","17":"chennai","18":"barmer","19":"okha","20":"puri","21":"mumbai ltt","22":"mumbai","23":"guwahati","24":"guwahati","25":"sealdah","26":"kamakhya","27":"yeshvantpur","28":"dibrugarh","29":"dibrugarh","30":"chennai egmore","31":"dibrugarh","32":"jhajha","33":"howrah","34":"darbhanga"},"destination":{"0":"jorhat","1":"guwahati","2":"new delhi","3":"new delhi","4":"new delhi","5":"new delhi","6":"anand vihar terminal","7":"trivandrum","8":"bangalore","9":"guwahati","10":"guwahati","11":"guwahati","12":"dibrugarh","13":"delhi junction","14":"ledo","15":"mariani","16":"lalgarh","17":"guwahati","18":"guwahati","19":"guwahati","20":"guwahati","21":"guwahati","22":"guwahati","23":"jammu tawi","24":"jammu tawi","25":"guwahati","26":"dimapur","27":"dibrugarh","28":"chandigarh","29":"kanyakumari","30":"dibrugarh","31":"amritsar","32":"dibrugarh","33":"dibrugarh","34":"guwahati"},"frequency":{"0":"except sunday","1":"daily","2":"weekly","3":"daily","4":"bi weekly","5":"tri weekly","6":"daily","7":"weekly","8":"tri weekly","9":"weekly","10":"weekly","11":"bi weekly","12":"weekly","13":"daily","14":"daily","15":"daily","16":"daily","17":"weekly","18":"bi weekly","19":"weekly","20":"weekly","21":"bi weekly","22":"weekly","23":"weekly","24":"weekly","25":"daily","26":"daily","27":"weekly","28":"weekly","29":"weekly","30":"weekly","31":"weekly","32":"weekly","33":"daily","34":"daily"}}
number builder built rebuilt name as rebuilt scrapped / sold 0 33 york rd 1902 1928 binevanagh 1949 1 34 york rd 1901 1928 knocklayd 1950 2 58 york rd 1907 1934 lurigethan 1954 3 62 york rd 1903 1928 slemish 1954 4 64 derby 1905 1929 trostan 1954 5 65 derby 1905 1929 knockagh 1950 6 66 derby 1905 1930 ben madigan 1954 7 68 derby 1908 1927 slieve gallion 1947
{"number":{"0":33,"1":34,"2":58,"3":62,"4":64,"5":65,"6":66,"7":68},"builder":{"0":"york rd","1":"york rd","2":"york rd","3":"york rd","4":"derby","5":"derby","6":"derby","7":"derby"},"built":{"0":1902,"1":1901,"2":1907,"3":1903,"4":1905,"5":1905,"6":1905,"7":1908},"rebuilt":{"0":1928,"1":1928,"2":1934,"3":1928,"4":1929,"5":1929,"6":1930,"7":1927},"name as rebuilt":{"0":"binevanagh","1":"knocklayd","2":"lurigethan","3":"slemish","4":"trostan","5":"knockagh","6":"ben madigan","7":"slieve gallion"},"scrapped \/ sold":{"0":1949,"1":1950,"2":1954,"3":1954,"4":1954,"5":1950,"6":1954,"7":1947}}
year mens singles womens singles mens doubles womens doubles mixed doubles 0 2012 chou tien - chen sashina vignes waran ruud bosch koen ridder samantha barning eefje muskens jorrit de ruiter samantha barning 1 2011 ville lang linda zechiri rasmus bonde anders kristiansen eva lee paula lynn obanana sam magee chloe magee 2 2010 hans - kristian vittinghus olga konon ingo kindervater johannes schoettler lotte jonathans paulien van dooremalen michael fuchs birgit overzier 3 2009 hans - kristian vittinghus juliane schenk rasmus bonde simon mollyhus helle nielsen marie røpke marcus ellis heather olver 4 2008 ville lang zhang xi michael fuchs ingo kindervater anastasia russkikh irina hlebko michael fuchs annekatrin lillie 5 2007 marc zwiebler juliane schenk howard bach bob malaythong anastasia russkikh ekaterina ananina kristof hopp birgit overzier 6 2006 hans - kristian vittinghus sara persson anton nazarenko andrey ashmarin imogen bankier emma mason imam sodikin irawan elin bergblom 7 2005 eric pang juliane schenk vidre wilbowo imam sodikin irawan nicole grether juliane schenk kristof hopp birgit overzier 8 2004 björn joppien petra overzier kristof hopp ingo kindervater liza parker suzanne rayappan frederik bergström johanna persson 9 2003 per - henrik croona tine rasmussen lee jae - jin hwang ji - man ha jung - eun oh seul - ki lee jae - jin lee eun - woo 10 2002 kasperi salo tine rasmussen alexandr nikolaenko nikolaj nikolaenko frida andreasson lina uhac jörgen olsson frida andreasson
{"year":{"0":2012,"1":2011,"2":2010,"3":2009,"4":2008,"5":2007,"6":2006,"7":2005,"8":2004,"9":2003,"10":2002},"mens singles":{"0":"chou tien - chen","1":"ville lang","2":"hans - kristian vittinghus","3":"hans - kristian vittinghus","4":"ville lang","5":"marc zwiebler","6":"hans - kristian vittinghus","7":"eric pang","8":"björn joppien","9":"per - henrik croona","10":"kasperi salo"},"womens singles":{"0":"sashina vignes waran","1":"linda zechiri","2":"olga konon","3":"juliane schenk","4":"zhang xi","5":"juliane schenk","6":"sara persson","7":"juliane schenk","8":"petra overzier","9":"tine rasmussen","10":"tine rasmussen"},"mens doubles":{"0":"ruud bosch koen ridder","1":"rasmus bonde anders kristiansen","2":"ingo kindervater johannes schoettler","3":"rasmus bonde simon mollyhus","4":"michael fuchs ingo kindervater","5":"howard bach bob malaythong","6":"anton nazarenko andrey ashmarin","7":"vidre wilbowo imam sodikin irawan","8":"kristof hopp ingo kindervater","9":"lee jae - jin hwang ji - man","10":"alexandr nikolaenko nikolaj nikolaenko"},"womens doubles":{"0":"samantha barning eefje muskens","1":"eva lee paula lynn obanana","2":"lotte jonathans paulien van dooremalen","3":"helle nielsen marie røpke","4":"anastasia russkikh irina hlebko","5":"anastasia russkikh ekaterina ananina","6":"imogen bankier emma mason","7":"nicole grether juliane schenk","8":"liza parker suzanne rayappan","9":"ha jung - eun oh seul - ki","10":"frida andreasson lina uhac"},"mixed doubles":{"0":"jorrit de ruiter samantha barning","1":"sam magee chloe magee","2":"michael fuchs birgit overzier","3":"marcus ellis heather olver","4":"michael fuchs annekatrin lillie","5":"kristof hopp birgit overzier","6":"imam sodikin irawan elin bergblom","7":"kristof hopp birgit overzier","8":"frederik bergström johanna persson","9":"lee jae - jin lee eun - woo","10":"jörgen olsson frida andreasson"}}
model / engine capacity cylinders / valves power / rpm torque (nm) / rpm 0 1.6 duratec 1596 cc 4 / 16 6000 4000 1 1.6 duratec ti - vct 1596 cc 4 / 16 6000 4150 2 1.8 duratec he 1798 cc 4 / 16 6000 4000 3 2.0 duratec he 1999 cc 4 / 16 6000 4500 4 1.6 duratorq 1560 cc 4 / 16 4000 1750 5 1.6 duratorq 1560 cc 4 / 16 4000 1750 6 1.8 duratorq 1753 cc 4 / 16 3700 1900
{"model \/ engine":{"0":"1.6 duratec","1":"1.6 duratec ti - vct","2":"1.8 duratec he","3":"2.0 duratec he","4":"1.6 duratorq","5":"1.6 duratorq","6":"1.8 duratorq"},"capacity":{"0":"1596 cc","1":"1596 cc","2":"1798 cc","3":"1999 cc","4":"1560 cc","5":"1560 cc","6":"1753 cc"},"cylinders \/ valves":{"0":"4 \/ 16","1":"4 \/ 16","2":"4 \/ 16","3":"4 \/ 16","4":"4 \/ 16","5":"4 \/ 16","6":"4 \/ 16"},"power \/ rpm":{"0":6000,"1":6000,"2":6000,"3":6000,"4":4000,"5":4000,"6":3700},"torque (nm) \/ rpm":{"0":4000,"1":4150,"2":4000,"3":4500,"4":1750,"5":1750,"6":1900}}
date winning team score winning pitcher losing pitcher attendance location 0 may 20 texas 7 - 3 kenny rogers brandon backe 38109 arlington 1 may 21 texas 18 - 3 chris young ezequiel astacio 35781 arlington 2 may 22 texas 2 - 0 chan ho park roy oswalt 40583 arlington 3 june 24 houston 5 - 2 roy oswalt ricardo rodríguez 36199 houston 4 june 25 texas 6 - 5 chris young brandon backe 41868 houston
{"date":{"0":"may 20","1":"may 21","2":"may 22","3":"june 24","4":"june 25"},"winning team":{"0":"texas","1":"texas","2":"texas","3":"houston","4":"texas"},"score":{"0":"7 - 3","1":"18 - 3","2":"2 - 0","3":"5 - 2","4":"6 - 5"},"winning pitcher":{"0":"kenny rogers","1":"chris young","2":"chan ho park","3":"roy oswalt","4":"chris young"},"losing pitcher":{"0":"brandon backe","1":"ezequiel astacio","2":"roy oswalt","3":"ricardo rodríguez","4":"brandon backe"},"attendance":{"0":38109,"1":35781,"2":40583,"3":36199,"4":41868},"location":{"0":"arlington","1":"arlington","2":"arlington","3":"houston","4":"houston"}}
Unnamed: 0 president date of birth date of inauguration age at inauguration end of term length of retirement date of death lifespan 0 1 nkrumrah , kwame kwame nkrumah 1909 - 09 - 21 21 september 1909 1 july 1960 50 - 284 50years , 284days 24 february 1966 2254 days 1972 - 04 - 27 27 april 1972 days (62years , 219days) 1 2 ankrah , joseph joseph ankrah 1915 - 08 - 18 18 august 1915 24 february 1966 50 - 190 50years , 190days 2 april 1969 8638 days 1992 - 11 - 25 25 november 1992 days (77years , 99days) 2 3 afrifa , akwasi akwasi afrifa 1936 - 04 - 24 24 april 1936 2 april 1969 32 - 343 32years , 343days 7 august 1970 3245 days 1979 - 06 - 26 26 june 1979 days (43years , 63days) 3 4 ollennu , nii nii ollennu 1906 - 00 - 00 1906 7 august 1970 64 - 000 ~64 years 31 august 1970 5844 ~16 years 1986 - 00 - 00 1986 29220 ~80 years 4 5 akufo - addo , edward edward akufo - addo 1906 - 06 - 26 26 june 1906 31 august 1970 64 - 066 64years , 66days 13 january 1972 2742 days 1979 - 07 - 17 17 july 1979 days (73years , 21days) 5 6 acheampong , ignatius ignatius acheampong 1931 - 09 - 23 23 september 1931 13 january 1972 40 - 112 40years , 112days 5 july 1978 0346 days 1979 - 06 - 16 16 june 1979 days (47years , 266days) 6 7 akuffo , fred fred akuffo 1937 - 03 - 21 21 march 1937 5 july 1978 41 - 106 41years , 106days 4 june 1979 0022 days 1979 - 06 - 26 26 june 1979 days (42years , 97days) 7 8 rawlings , jerry jerry rawlings 1947 - 06 - 22 22 june 1947 4 june 1979 31 - 347 31years , 347days 24 september 1979 days 2014 - 02 - 1 days (66years , 224days) 8 9 limann , hilla hilla limann 1934 - 12 - 12 12 december 1934 24 september 1979 44 - 286 44years , 286days 31 december 1981 5867 days 1998 - 01 - 23 23 january 1998 days (63years , 42days) 9 10 rawlings , jerry jerry rawlings 1947 - 06 - 22 22 june 1947 31 december 1981 34 - 192 34years , 192days 7 january 2001 days 2014 - 02 - 1 days (66years , 224days) 10 11 kufuor , john john kufuor 1938 - 12 - 08 8 december 1938 7 january 2001 62 - 030 62years , 30days 7 january 2009 0 , days 2014 - 02 - 1 days (75years , 55days) 11 12 mills , john john a mills 1944 - 07 - 21 21 july 1944 7 january 2009 64 - 170 64years , 170days 24 july 2012 0 days 2012 - 07 - 24 24 july 2012 days (68years , 3days) 12 13 mahama , john john mahama 58 - 11 - 29 29 november 1958 24 july 2012 53 - 238 53years , 238days 0000 incumbent 0000 incumbent 2014 - 02 - 1 days (55years , 64days)
{"Unnamed: 0":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":9,"9":10,"10":11,"11":12,"12":13},"president":{"0":"nkrumrah , kwame kwame nkrumah","1":"ankrah , joseph joseph ankrah","2":"afrifa , akwasi akwasi afrifa","3":"ollennu , nii nii ollennu","4":"akufo - addo , edward edward akufo - addo","5":"acheampong , ignatius ignatius acheampong","6":"akuffo , fred fred akuffo","7":"rawlings , jerry jerry rawlings","8":"limann , hilla hilla limann","9":"rawlings , jerry jerry rawlings","10":"kufuor , john john kufuor","11":"mills , john john a mills","12":"mahama , john john mahama"},"date of birth":{"0":"1909 - 09 - 21 21 september 1909","1":"1915 - 08 - 18 18 august 1915","2":"1936 - 04 - 24 24 april 1936","3":"1906 - 00 - 00 1906","4":"1906 - 06 - 26 26 june 1906","5":"1931 - 09 - 23 23 september 1931","6":"1937 - 03 - 21 21 march 1937","7":"1947 - 06 - 22 22 june 1947","8":"1934 - 12 - 12 12 december 1934","9":"1947 - 06 - 22 22 june 1947","10":"1938 - 12 - 08 8 december 1938","11":"1944 - 07 - 21 21 july 1944","12":"58 - 11 - 29 29 november 1958"},"date of inauguration":{"0":"1 july 1960","1":"24 february 1966","2":"2 april 1969","3":"7 august 1970","4":"31 august 1970","5":"13 january 1972","6":"5 july 1978","7":"4 june 1979","8":"24 september 1979","9":"31 december 1981","10":"7 january 2001","11":"7 january 2009","12":"24 july 2012"},"age at inauguration":{"0":"50 - 284 50years , 284days","1":"50 - 190 50years , 190days","2":"32 - 343 32years , 343days","3":"64 - 000 ~64 years","4":"64 - 066 64years , 66days","5":"40 - 112 40years , 112days","6":"41 - 106 41years , 106days","7":"31 - 347 31years , 347days","8":"44 - 286 44years , 286days","9":"34 - 192 34years , 192days","10":"62 - 030 62years , 30days","11":"64 - 170 64years , 170days","12":"53 - 238 53years , 238days"},"end of term":{"0":"24 february 1966","1":"2 april 1969","2":"7 august 1970","3":"31 august 1970","4":"13 january 1972","5":"5 july 1978","6":"4 june 1979","7":"24 september 1979","8":"31 december 1981","9":"7 january 2001","10":"7 january 2009","11":"24 july 2012","12":"0000 incumbent"},"length of retirement":{"0":"2254 days","1":"8638 days","2":"3245 days","3":"5844 ~16 years","4":"2742 days","5":"0346 days","6":"0022 days","7":"days","8":"5867 days","9":"days","10":"0 , days","11":"0 days","12":"0000 incumbent"},"date of death":{"0":"1972 - 04 - 27 27 april 1972","1":"1992 - 11 - 25 25 november 1992","2":"1979 - 06 - 26 26 june 1979","3":"1986 - 00 - 00 1986","4":"1979 - 07 - 17 17 july 1979","5":"1979 - 06 - 16 16 june 1979","6":"1979 - 06 - 26 26 june 1979","7":"2014 - 02 - 1","8":"1998 - 01 - 23 23 january 1998","9":"2014 - 02 - 1","10":"2014 - 02 - 1","11":"2012 - 07 - 24 24 july 2012","12":"2014 - 02 - 1"},"lifespan":{"0":"days (62years , 219days)","1":"days (77years , 99days)","2":"days (43years , 63days)","3":"29220 ~80 years","4":"days (73years , 21days)","5":"days (47years , 266days)","6":"days (42years , 97days)","7":"days (66years , 224days)","8":"days (63years , 42days)","9":"days (66years , 224days)","10":"days (75years , 55days)","11":"days (68years , 3days)","12":"days (55years , 64days)"}}
pick player position nationality nhl team college / junior / club team 0 15 ken baird defence canada california golden seals flin flon bombers (wchl) 1 16 henry boucha centre united states detroit red wings us national development team 2 17 bobby lalonde centre canada vancouver canucks montreal junior canadiens (oha) 3 18 brian mckenzie left wing canada pittsburgh penguins st catharines black hawks (oha) 4 19 craig ramsay left wing canada buffalo sabres peterborough petes (oha) 5 20 larry robinson defence canada montreal canadiens kitchener rangers (oha) 6 21 rod norrish left wing canada minnesota north stars regina pats (wchl) 7 22 rick kehoe right wing canada toronto maple leafs hamilton red wings (oha) 8 23 dave fortier defence canada toronto maple leafs st catharines black hawks (oha) 9 24 michel deguise goaltender canada montreal canadiens sorel eperviers (qmjhl) 10 25 terry french centre canada montreal canadiens ottawa 67 's (oha) 11 26 dave kryskow left wing canada chicago black hawks edmonton oil kings (wchl) 12 27 tom williams left wing canada new york rangers hamilton red wings (oha) 13 28 curt ridley goaltender canada boston bruins portage terriers (mjhl)
{"pick":{"0":15,"1":16,"2":17,"3":18,"4":19,"5":20,"6":21,"7":22,"8":23,"9":24,"10":25,"11":26,"12":27,"13":28},"player":{"0":"ken baird","1":"henry boucha","2":"bobby lalonde","3":"brian mckenzie","4":"craig ramsay","5":"larry robinson","6":"rod norrish","7":"rick kehoe","8":"dave fortier","9":"michel deguise","10":"terry french","11":"dave kryskow","12":"tom williams","13":"curt ridley"},"position":{"0":"defence","1":"centre","2":"centre","3":"left wing","4":"left wing","5":"defence","6":"left wing","7":"right wing","8":"defence","9":"goaltender","10":"centre","11":"left wing","12":"left wing","13":"goaltender"},"nationality":{"0":"canada","1":"united states","2":"canada","3":"canada","4":"canada","5":"canada","6":"canada","7":"canada","8":"canada","9":"canada","10":"canada","11":"canada","12":"canada","13":"canada"},"nhl team":{"0":"california golden seals","1":"detroit red wings","2":"vancouver canucks","3":"pittsburgh penguins","4":"buffalo sabres","5":"montreal canadiens","6":"minnesota north stars","7":"toronto maple leafs","8":"toronto maple leafs","9":"montreal canadiens","10":"montreal canadiens","11":"chicago black hawks","12":"new york rangers","13":"boston bruins"},"college \/ junior \/ club team":{"0":"flin flon bombers (wchl)","1":"us national development team","2":"montreal junior canadiens (oha)","3":"st catharines black hawks (oha)","4":"peterborough petes (oha)","5":"kitchener rangers (oha)","6":"regina pats (wchl)","7":"hamilton red wings (oha)","8":"st catharines black hawks (oha)","9":"sorel eperviers (qmjhl)","10":"ottawa 67 's (oha)","11":"edmonton oil kings (wchl)","12":"hamilton red wings (oha)","13":"portage terriers (mjhl)"}}
pick player position nationality nhl team college / junior / club team 0 29 rich leduc centre canada california golden seals trois - riviã¨res draveurs (qmjhl) 1 30 ralph hopiavouri defence canada toronto maple leafs toronto marlboros (oha) 2 31 jim cahoon centre canada montreal canadiens university of north dakota (wcha) 3 32 joe noris defence united states pittsburgh penguins toronto marlboros (oha) 4 33 bill hajt defence canada buffalo sabres saskatoon blades (wchl) 5 34 vic venasky centre canada los angeles kings university of denver (wcha) 6 35 ron wilson defence canada minnesota north stars flin flon bombers (wchl) 7 36 glen irwin defence canada philadelphia flyers estevan bruins (wchl) 8 37 gavin kirk centre canada toronto maple leafs toronto marlboros (oha) 9 38 john garrett goaltender canada st louis blues peterborough petes (oha) 10 39 richard lemieux centre canada vancouver canucks montreal junior canadiens (oha) 11 40 bob peppler left wing canada chicago black hawks st catharines black hawks (oha) 12 41 terry west centre canada new york rangers london knights (oha) 13 42 dave bonter centre canada boston bruins estevan bruins (wchl)
{"pick":{"0":29,"1":30,"2":31,"3":32,"4":33,"5":34,"6":35,"7":36,"8":37,"9":38,"10":39,"11":40,"12":41,"13":42},"player":{"0":"rich leduc","1":"ralph hopiavouri","2":"jim cahoon","3":"joe noris","4":"bill hajt","5":"vic venasky","6":"ron wilson","7":"glen irwin","8":"gavin kirk","9":"john garrett","10":"richard lemieux","11":"bob peppler","12":"terry west","13":"dave bonter"},"position":{"0":"centre","1":"defence","2":"centre","3":"defence","4":"defence","5":"centre","6":"defence","7":"defence","8":"centre","9":"goaltender","10":"centre","11":"left wing","12":"centre","13":"centre"},"nationality":{"0":"canada","1":"canada","2":"canada","3":"united states","4":"canada","5":"canada","6":"canada","7":"canada","8":"canada","9":"canada","10":"canada","11":"canada","12":"canada","13":"canada"},"nhl team":{"0":"california golden seals","1":"toronto maple leafs","2":"montreal canadiens","3":"pittsburgh penguins","4":"buffalo sabres","5":"los angeles kings","6":"minnesota north stars","7":"philadelphia flyers","8":"toronto maple leafs","9":"st louis blues","10":"vancouver canucks","11":"chicago black hawks","12":"new york rangers","13":"boston bruins"},"college \/ junior \/ club team":{"0":"trois - riviã¨res draveurs (qmjhl)","1":"toronto marlboros (oha)","2":"university of north dakota (wcha)","3":"toronto marlboros (oha)","4":"saskatoon blades (wchl)","5":"university of denver (wcha)","6":"flin flon bombers (wchl)","7":"estevan bruins (wchl)","8":"toronto marlboros (oha)","9":"peterborough petes (oha)","10":"montreal junior canadiens (oha)","11":"st catharines black hawks (oha)","12":"london knights (oha)","13":"estevan bruins (wchl)"}}
pick player position nationality nhl team college / junior / club team 0 43 hartland monahan right wing canada california golden seals montreal junior canadiens (oha) 1 44 george hulme goaltender canada detroit red wings st catharines black hawks (oha) 2 45 ed sidebottom defence canada montreal canadiens estevan bruins (wchl) 3 46 gerry methe left wing canada pittsburgh penguins oshawa generals (oha) 4 47 bob richer centre canada buffalo sabres trois - riviã¨res draveurs (qmjhl) 5 48 neil komadoski defence canada los angeles kings winnipeg jets (wchl) 6 49 mike legge left wing canada minnesota north stars winipeg jets (wchl) 7 50 ted scharf defence canada philadelphia flyers kitchener rangers (oha) 8 51 rick cunningham defence canada toronto maple leafs peterborough petes (oha) 9 52 derek harker defence canada st louis blues edmonton oil kings (wchl) 10 53 greg hubick defence canada montreal canadiens university of minnesota duluth (wcha) 11 54 clyde simon right wing canada chicago black hawks st catharines black hawks (oha) 12 55 jerry butler right wing canada new york rangers hamilton red wings (oha) 13 56 dave hynes left wing united states boston bruins harvard university (ecac)
{"pick":{"0":43,"1":44,"2":45,"3":46,"4":47,"5":48,"6":49,"7":50,"8":51,"9":52,"10":53,"11":54,"12":55,"13":56},"player":{"0":"hartland monahan","1":"george hulme","2":"ed sidebottom","3":"gerry methe","4":"bob richer","5":"neil komadoski","6":"mike legge","7":"ted scharf","8":"rick cunningham","9":"derek harker","10":"greg hubick","11":"clyde simon","12":"jerry butler","13":"dave hynes"},"position":{"0":"right wing","1":"goaltender","2":"defence","3":"left wing","4":"centre","5":"defence","6":"left wing","7":"defence","8":"defence","9":"defence","10":"defence","11":"right wing","12":"right wing","13":"left wing"},"nationality":{"0":"canada","1":"canada","2":"canada","3":"canada","4":"canada","5":"canada","6":"canada","7":"canada","8":"canada","9":"canada","10":"canada","11":"canada","12":"canada","13":"united states"},"nhl team":{"0":"california golden seals","1":"detroit red wings","2":"montreal canadiens","3":"pittsburgh penguins","4":"buffalo sabres","5":"los angeles kings","6":"minnesota north stars","7":"philadelphia flyers","8":"toronto maple leafs","9":"st louis blues","10":"montreal canadiens","11":"chicago black hawks","12":"new york rangers","13":"boston bruins"},"college \/ junior \/ club team":{"0":"montreal junior canadiens (oha)","1":"st catharines black hawks (oha)","2":"estevan bruins (wchl)","3":"oshawa generals (oha)","4":"trois - riviã¨res draveurs (qmjhl)","5":"winnipeg jets (wchl)","6":"winipeg jets (wchl)","7":"kitchener rangers (oha)","8":"peterborough petes (oha)","9":"edmonton oil kings (wchl)","10":"university of minnesota duluth (wcha)","11":"st catharines black hawks (oha)","12":"hamilton red wings (oha)","13":"harvard university (ecac)"}}
pick player position nationality nhl team college / junior / club team 0 57 ray belanger goaltender canada california golden seals shawinigan dynamos (qmjhl) 1 58 earl anderson right wing united states detroit red wings university of north dakota (wcha) 2 59 mike mcniven left wing canada vancouver canucks halifax jr canadians (nsjhl) 3 60 dave murphy goaltender canada pittsburgh penguins university of north dakota (wcha) 4 61 steve warr defence canada buffalo sabres clarkson university (ecac) 5 62 gary crosby centre canada los angeles kings michigan technological university (wcha) 6 63 brian mcbratney defence canada minnesota north stars st catharines black hawks (oha) 7 64 don mccullouch defence canada philadelphia flyers niagara falls flyers (oha) 8 65 bob sykes left wing canada toronto maple leafs sudbury wolves (noha) 9 66 wayne gibbs defence canada st louis blues calgary centennials (wchl) 10 67 mike busniuk defence canada montreal canadiens university of denver (wcha) 11 68 dean blais left wing united states chicago black hawks university of minnesota (wcha) 12 69 fraser robertson defence canada new york rangers lethbridge sugar kings (ajhl) 13 70 bert scott centre canada boston bruins edmonton oil kings (wchl)
{"pick":{"0":57,"1":58,"2":59,"3":60,"4":61,"5":62,"6":63,"7":64,"8":65,"9":66,"10":67,"11":68,"12":69,"13":70},"player":{"0":"ray belanger","1":"earl anderson","2":"mike mcniven","3":"dave murphy","4":"steve warr","5":"gary crosby","6":"brian mcbratney","7":"don mccullouch","8":"bob sykes","9":"wayne gibbs","10":"mike busniuk","11":"dean blais","12":"fraser robertson","13":"bert scott"},"position":{"0":"goaltender","1":"right wing","2":"left wing","3":"goaltender","4":"defence","5":"centre","6":"defence","7":"defence","8":"left wing","9":"defence","10":"defence","11":"left wing","12":"defence","13":"centre"},"nationality":{"0":"canada","1":"united states","2":"canada","3":"canada","4":"canada","5":"canada","6":"canada","7":"canada","8":"canada","9":"canada","10":"canada","11":"united states","12":"canada","13":"canada"},"nhl team":{"0":"california golden seals","1":"detroit red wings","2":"vancouver canucks","3":"pittsburgh penguins","4":"buffalo sabres","5":"los angeles kings","6":"minnesota north stars","7":"philadelphia flyers","8":"toronto maple leafs","9":"st louis blues","10":"montreal canadiens","11":"chicago black hawks","12":"new york rangers","13":"boston bruins"},"college \/ junior \/ club team":{"0":"shawinigan dynamos (qmjhl)","1":"university of north dakota (wcha)","2":"halifax jr canadians (nsjhl)","3":"university of north dakota (wcha)","4":"clarkson university (ecac)","5":"michigan technological university (wcha)","6":"st catharines black hawks (oha)","7":"niagara falls flyers (oha)","8":"sudbury wolves (noha)","9":"calgary centennials (wchl)","10":"university of denver (wcha)","11":"university of minnesota (wcha)","12":"lethbridge sugar kings (ajhl)","13":"edmonton oil kings (wchl)"}}
pick player position nationality nhl team college / junior / club team 0 71 gerry egers defence canada california golden seals sudbury wolves (noha) 1 72 charlie shaw defence canada detroit red wings toronto marlboros (oha) 2 73 tim steeves defence canada vancouver canucks charlottetown royals (nbshl) 3 74 ian williams right wing canada pittsburgh penguins university of notre dame (ncaa) 4 75 pierre duguay centre canada buffalo sabres quebec remparts (qmjhl) 5 76 camille lapierre centre canada los angeles kings montreal junior canadiens (oha) 6 77 alan globensky defence canada minnesota north stars montreal junior canadiens (oha) 7 78 yvon bilodeau defence canada philadelphia flyers estevan bruins (wchl) 8 79 mike ruest defence canada toronto maple leafs cornwall royals (qmjhl) 9 80 bernie doan defence canada st louis blues calgary centennials (wchl) 10 81 ross butler left wing canada montreal canadiens winnipeg jets (wchl) 11 82 jim johnston centre canada chicago black hawks university of wisconsin (wcha) 12 83 wayne wood goaltender canada new york rangers montreal junior canadiens (oha) 13 84 bob mcmahon defence canada boston bruins st catharines black hawks (oha)
{"pick":{"0":71,"1":72,"2":73,"3":74,"4":75,"5":76,"6":77,"7":78,"8":79,"9":80,"10":81,"11":82,"12":83,"13":84},"player":{"0":"gerry egers","1":"charlie shaw","2":"tim steeves","3":"ian williams","4":"pierre duguay","5":"camille lapierre","6":"alan globensky","7":"yvon bilodeau","8":"mike ruest","9":"bernie doan","10":"ross butler","11":"jim johnston","12":"wayne wood","13":"bob mcmahon"},"position":{"0":"defence","1":"defence","2":"defence","3":"right wing","4":"centre","5":"centre","6":"defence","7":"defence","8":"defence","9":"defence","10":"left wing","11":"centre","12":"goaltender","13":"defence"},"nationality":{"0":"canada","1":"canada","2":"canada","3":"canada","4":"canada","5":"canada","6":"canada","7":"canada","8":"canada","9":"canada","10":"canada","11":"canada","12":"canada","13":"canada"},"nhl team":{"0":"california golden seals","1":"detroit red wings","2":"vancouver canucks","3":"pittsburgh penguins","4":"buffalo sabres","5":"los angeles kings","6":"minnesota north stars","7":"philadelphia flyers","8":"toronto maple leafs","9":"st louis blues","10":"montreal canadiens","11":"chicago black hawks","12":"new york rangers","13":"boston bruins"},"college \/ junior \/ club team":{"0":"sudbury wolves (noha)","1":"toronto marlboros (oha)","2":"charlottetown royals (nbshl)","3":"university of notre dame (ncaa)","4":"quebec remparts (qmjhl)","5":"montreal junior canadiens (oha)","6":"montreal junior canadiens (oha)","7":"estevan bruins (wchl)","8":"cornwall royals (qmjhl)","9":"calgary centennials (wchl)","10":"winnipeg jets (wchl)","11":"university of wisconsin (wcha)","12":"montreal junior canadiens (oha)","13":"st catharines black hawks (oha)"}}
pick player position nationality nhl team college / junior / club team 0 85 al simmons defence canada california golden seals winnipeg jets (wchl) 1 86 jim nahrgang defence canada detroit red wings michigan technological university (wcha) 2 87 bill green defence united states vancouver canucks university of notre dame (ncaa) 3 88 doug elliott defence canada pittsburgh penguins harvard university (ecac) 4 89 peter harasym left wing canada los angeles kings clarkson university (ecac) 5 90 norm dube left wing canada los angeles kings sherbrooke castors (qmjhl) 6 91 bruce abbey defence canada minnesota north stars peterborough petes (oha) 7 92 bobby gerard right wing canada philadelphia flyers regina pats (wchl) 8 93 dale smedsmo left wing united states toronto maple leafs bemidji state university (wcha) 9 94 dave smith defence canada st louis blues regina pats (wchl) 10 95 peter sullivan centre canada montreal canadiens oshawa generals (oha) 11 96 doug keeler centre canada new york rangers ottawa 67 's (oha) 12 97 jean - denis royal defence canada new york rangers saint - jérôme alouettes (qmjhl) 13 98 steve johnson defence canada toronto maple leafs verdun maple leafs (qmjhl)
{"pick":{"0":85,"1":86,"2":87,"3":88,"4":89,"5":90,"6":91,"7":92,"8":93,"9":94,"10":95,"11":96,"12":97,"13":98},"player":{"0":"al simmons","1":"jim nahrgang","2":"bill green","3":"doug elliott","4":"peter harasym","5":"norm dube","6":"bruce abbey","7":"bobby gerard","8":"dale smedsmo","9":"dave smith","10":"peter sullivan","11":"doug keeler","12":"jean - denis royal","13":"steve johnson"},"position":{"0":"defence","1":"defence","2":"defence","3":"defence","4":"left wing","5":"left wing","6":"defence","7":"right wing","8":"left wing","9":"defence","10":"centre","11":"centre","12":"defence","13":"defence"},"nationality":{"0":"canada","1":"canada","2":"united states","3":"canada","4":"canada","5":"canada","6":"canada","7":"canada","8":"united states","9":"canada","10":"canada","11":"canada","12":"canada","13":"canada"},"nhl team":{"0":"california golden seals","1":"detroit red wings","2":"vancouver canucks","3":"pittsburgh penguins","4":"los angeles kings","5":"los angeles kings","6":"minnesota north stars","7":"philadelphia flyers","8":"toronto maple leafs","9":"st louis blues","10":"montreal canadiens","11":"new york rangers","12":"new york rangers","13":"toronto maple leafs"},"college \/ junior \/ club team":{"0":"winnipeg jets (wchl)","1":"michigan technological university (wcha)","2":"university of notre dame (ncaa)","3":"harvard university (ecac)","4":"clarkson university (ecac)","5":"sherbrooke castors (qmjhl)","6":"peterborough petes (oha)","7":"regina pats (wchl)","8":"bemidji state university (wcha)","9":"regina pats (wchl)","10":"oshawa generals (oha)","11":"ottawa 67 's (oha)","12":"saint - jérôme alouettes (qmjhl)","13":"verdun maple leafs (qmjhl)"}}
year division league regular season playoffs open cup 0 1991 n / a sisl 4th , southeast did not qualify did not enter 1 1992 n / a usisl 5th , southeast did not qualify did not enter 2 1993 n / a usisl 6th , southeast did not qualify did not enter 3 1994 3 usisl 5th , midsouth divisional semifinals did not enter 4 1995 4 usisl premier 3rd , eastern divisional semifinals did not qualify 5 1996 4 usisl premier 4th , eastern northern division finals did not qualify 6 1997 2 usisl a - league 2nd , central division semifinals did not qualify 7 1998 2 usisl a - league 1st , central conference quarterfinals quarter finals 8 1999 2 usl a - league 6th , central did not qualify did not qualify 9 2000 2 usl a - league 5th , central did not qualify 2nd round 10 2001 2 usl a - league 4th , central 1st round 2nd round 11 2002 4 usl pdl 4th , mid south 1st round did not qualify 12 2003 4 usl pdl 3rd , mid south did not qualify did not qualify 13 2004 4 usl pdl 4th , mid south conference semifinals did not qualify 14 2005 4 usl pdl 5th , mid south did not qualify did not qualify 15 2006 4 usl pdl 5th , south atlantic did not qualify did not qualify 16 2007 4 usl pdl 7th , southeast did not qualify did not qualify 17 2008 4 usl pdl 7th , southeast did not qualify did not qualify 18 2009 4 usl pdl 7th , southeast did not qualify did not qualify 19 2010 4 usl pdl 7th , southeast did not qualify did not qualify 20 2011 4 usl pdl 5th , southeast did not qualify did not qualify
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Unnamed: 0 episode director writer original airdate viewers 0 1 episode 1 martin hutchings tony jordan 8 may 2007 5.46 m 1 2 episode 2 martin hutchings tony jordan 15 may 2007 5.16 m 2 3 episode 3 bryn higgins james payne 22 may 2007 4.42 m 3 4 episode 4 bryn higgins sarah phelps 29 may 2007 n / a 4 5 episode 5 barnaby southcombe jeff povey 5 june 2007 4.1 m 5 6 episode 6 barnaby southcombe richard davidson 12 june 2007 4 m 6 7 episode 7 martin hutchings marc pye 19 june 2007 4.13 m
{"Unnamed: 0":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7},"episode":{"0":"episode 1","1":"episode 2","2":"episode 3","3":"episode 4","4":"episode 5","5":"episode 6","6":"episode 7"},"director":{"0":"martin hutchings","1":"martin hutchings","2":"bryn higgins","3":"bryn higgins","4":"barnaby southcombe","5":"barnaby southcombe","6":"martin hutchings"},"writer":{"0":"tony jordan","1":"tony jordan","2":"james payne","3":"sarah phelps","4":"jeff povey","5":"richard davidson","6":"marc pye"},"original airdate":{"0":"8 may 2007","1":"15 may 2007","2":"22 may 2007","3":"29 may 2007","4":"5 june 2007","5":"12 june 2007","6":"19 june 2007"},"viewers":{"0":"5.46 m","1":"5.16 m","2":"4.42 m","3":"n \/ a","4":"4.1 m","5":"4 m","6":"4.13 m"}}
subjects first year second year third year fourth year 0 science general science biology chemistry physics 1 mathematics elementary algebra intermediate algebra geometry advanced algebra 2 english grammar and philippine literature grammar and afro - asian literature grammar and american literature grammar and world literature 3 filipino pag - unawa gramatika panitikang pilipino panitikang asyano 4 social studies (ap) philippine history and government asian history world history economics
{"subjects":{"0":"science","1":"mathematics","2":"english","3":"filipino","4":"social studies (ap)"},"first year":{"0":"general science","1":"elementary algebra","2":"grammar and philippine literature","3":"pag - unawa","4":"philippine history and government"},"second year":{"0":"biology","1":"intermediate algebra","2":"grammar and afro - asian literature","3":"gramatika","4":"asian history"},"third year":{"0":"chemistry","1":"geometry","2":"grammar and american literature","3":"panitikang pilipino","4":"world history"},"fourth year":{"0":"physics","1":"advanced algebra","2":"grammar and world literature","3":"panitikang asyano","4":"economics"}}
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.308 winchester cartridge type 100 m group (mm) 100 m group ( moa ) 300 m group (mm) 300 m group ( moa ) 0 ruag swiss p target 168 gr hp - bt 13 0.45 48 0.55 1 federal gm 168 gr sierra matchking 14 0.48 55 0.63 2 sellier & bellot 168 gr hp - bt 15 0.51 52 0.59 3 imi 168 gr match 13 0.44 52 0.59 4 .300 winchester magnum cartridge type 100 m group (mm) 100 m group ( moa ) 300 m group (mm) 300 m group ( moa ) 5 ruag swiss p target 200 gs hp - bt 13 0.45 38 0.43 6 sellier & bellot 168 gr hp - bt 14 0.48 45 0.51
{".308 winchester cartridge type":{"0":"ruag swiss p target 168 gr hp - bt","1":"federal gm 168 gr sierra matchking","2":"sellier & bellot 168 gr hp - bt","3":"imi 168 gr match","4":".300 winchester magnum cartridge type","5":"ruag swiss p target 200 gs hp - bt","6":"sellier & bellot 168 gr hp - bt"},"100 m group (mm)":{"0":"13","1":"14","2":"15","3":"13","4":"100 m group (mm)","5":"13","6":"14"},"100 m group ( moa )":{"0":"0.45","1":"0.48","2":"0.51","3":"0.44","4":"100 m group ( moa )","5":"0.45","6":"0.48"},"300 m group (mm)":{"0":"48","1":"55","2":"52","3":"52","4":"300 m group (mm)","5":"38","6":"45"},"300 m group ( moa )":{"0":"0.55","1":"0.63","2":"0.59","3":"0.59","4":"300 m group ( moa )","5":"0.43","6":"0.51"}}
year mens singles womens singles mens doubles womens doubles mixed doubles 0 1974 hermann fröhlich monika cassens gregor berden stane koprivsek monika cassens christine zierath joachim schimpke monika cassens 1 1976 erfried michalowsky monika cassens erfried michalowsky roland riese monika cassens angela michalowski edgar michalowski monika cassens 2 1978 rolf heyer monika cassens rolf heyer olaf rosenow monika cassens angela michalowski edgar michalowski monika cassens 3 1979 nick yates paula kilvington nick yates duncan bridge monika cassens angela michalowski herman leidelmeijer hanke de kort 4 1980 michal malý helen troke dipak tailor duncan bridge monika cassens ilona michalowsky edgar michalowski monika cassens 5 1981 dipak tailor gillian gowers dipak tailor chris dobson catharina troke gillian gowers dipak tailor gillian gowers 6 1982 michal malý monika cassens joe ford glen milton jill pringle fiona elliot edgar michalowski monika cassens 7 1983 johan ratheyser heidemarie krickhaus edgar michalowski erfried michalowsky monika cassens petra michalowsky erfried michalowsky petra michalowsky 8 1984 thomas künstler monika cassens peter skole ch norberg erica van dijck monique hoogland bas von barnau - sijthoff erica van dijck 9 1985 peter skole elena rybkina klaus fischer heinz fischer elena rybkina ludmila galyamova nikolay kalinskij elena rybkina 10 1986 klaus fischer svetlana belyasova klaus fischer heinz fischer svetlana belyasova vlada belyutina vitaliy shmakov svetlana belyasova 11 1987 klaus fischer bozena siemieniec jerzy dolhan grzegorz olchowik bozena haracz bozena siemieniec jerzy dolhan bozena haracz 12 1988 andrey antropov bozena siemieniec andrey antropov sergey melnikov monika cassens petra michalowsky jerzy dolhan marzena masiuk 13 1989 andrey antropov suk chun - sung shung han - kook hwan shen - jin suk chun - sung lee jung - mi han kook - sung chung meong - hee 14 1990 ahn joe - chang kang bok - seung lee sang - bok hwang shon - jin hwang young - hye jung soon - sooh lee sang - bok hwang hye - young 15 1991 yoo young - sung park joo - yun young gil lee dong - soo soo yun shin young young gil soo yun 16 1992 peter bush alison humby björn siegmund kai mitteldorf tanya groves joanne davies heinz fischer irina serova 17 1993 hans sperre yoo eun - young kai mitteldorf uwe ossenbrink kim kyung - ran chung jae - hee valerij strelcov elena nozdran 18 1994 t lundgaard hansen anne sondergaard damian plaweczki robert mateusiak sara hardaker rebeca pantaney ian pearson sara hardaker 19 1995 anders boesen michelle rasmussen julian robertson nathan robertson tanya groves alison humby jürgen koch irina serova 20 1996 peter janum tracey hallam jonas rasmussen jan ø jørgensen johanna holgersson astrid grabo jonas rasmussen ann - lou jorgensen 21 1997 chris bruil elena nozdran michail popov svetoslav stoyanov lotte jonathans ginny severien norbert van barneveld lotte jonanthans 22 1998 ruud kuijten christina sorensen michał łogosz robert mateusiak rikke broen sara runesten martin bruim sara runesten 23 1999 hwang sun - ho kim ji - hyun kim yong - hyun yim bang - eun lee hyo - jung yim kyung - jin kim yong - hyun yim kyung - jin 24 2000 przemysław wacha maja pohar valiyaveetil diju thomas sanave mercedes cuenca yoana martínez josé antonio crespo dolores marco 25 2001 jonas lyduch petya nedelcheva johan holm joakim andersson elin bergblom joana persson andrej pohar maja pohar 26 2002 stanislav pukhov elena sukhareva stanislav pukhov nikolai zuyev marina yakusheva elena schimko sergei ivlev natalia gorodnicheva 27 2003 jang soo - young susan hughes hwang ji - man lee jae - jin kamila augustyn nadiezda kostiuczyk nikolai zuyev marina yakusheva 28 2004 bobby milroy petya nedelcheva nikolai zuyev sergei ivlev lim pek siah chor hooi yee ong ewe hock lim pek siah 29 2005 anup sridhar atu rosalina jürgen koch peter zauner anastasia russkikh ekaterina ananina vladimir malkov anastasia russkikh 30 2006 george rimarcdi chie umezu imanuel hirschfeld imam sodikin ekaterina ananina anastasia russkikh vladimir malkov anastasia russkikh 31 2007 jan o jorgensen ragna ingolfsdottir mads pieler kolding peter mork line damkjaer kruse camilla sørensen zhang yi cai jiani 32 2008 anand pawar petya nedelcheva kasper henriksen christian skovgaard anastasia prokopenko olga golovanova vitaly durkin nina vislova 33 2009 dieter domke jeanine cicognini adam cwalina wojciech szkudlarczyk tatjana bibik olga golovanova wojciech szkudlarczyk agnieszka wojtkowska 34 2010 ville lang karin schnaase peter kaesbauer josche zurwonne johanna goliszewski carla nelte jacco arends selena piek 35 2011 rasmus fladberg stefani stoeva zvonimir durkinjak zvonimir hoelbling natalia pocztowiak stasa poznanovic viki indra okvana gustiani megawati
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year mens singles womens singles mens doubles womens doubles mixed doubles 0 1999 marvin steve maja pohar dmitry miznikov valery strelcov natalja esipenko natalia golovkina valery strelcov natalia golovkina 1 2000 richard vaughan anu weckstrom michał łogosz robert mateusiak felicity gallup joanne muggeridge michael beres kara solmudson 2 2001 oliver pongratz karina de wit kristof hopp thomas tesche erica van den heuvel nicole van hooren peter steffensen lene mork 3 2002 przemysław wacha petya nedelcheva vincent laigle svetoslav stoyanov tammy jenkins rhona robertson russel hogg kirsteen mcewan 4 2003 hendra wijaya pi hongyan vincent laigle svetoslav stoyanov miyuki tai yoshiko iwata carsten mogensen kamilla rytter juhl 5 2004 hidetaka yamada li li daniel glaser dennis von dahn jiang yanmei li li svetoslav stoyanov victoria wright 6 2005 holvy de pauw miyo akao simon mollyhus anders kristiansen frances liu fan shinta mulia sari hendra wijaya frances liu fan 7 2006 andrew smith petya nedelcheva chris tonks chris langridge liza parker jenny day chris langridge jenny day 8 2007 carl baxter guo xin wouter claes frederic mawet cai jiani guo xin wouter claes nathalie descamps 9 2008 ville lång kaori imabeppu rupesh kumar sanave thomas maria thorberg kati tolmoff baptiste careme laura choinet 10 2009 peter mikkelsen anita raj kaur mads conrad - petersen mads pieler kolding ezgi epice claudia vogelsang zvonimir djurkinjak stasa poznanovic 11 2010 ben beckman nicole grether joe morgan james phillips nicole grether charmaine reid zvonimir djurkinjak stasa poznanovic 12 2011 dieter domke minatsu mitani kim astrup sorensen rasmus fladberg sandra - maria jensen line kjaersfeldt zvonimir djurkinjak stasa poznanovic
{"year":{"0":1999,"1":2000,"2":2001,"3":2002,"4":2003,"5":2004,"6":2005,"7":2006,"8":2007,"9":2008,"10":2009,"11":2010,"12":2011},"mens singles":{"0":"marvin steve","1":"richard vaughan","2":"oliver pongratz","3":"przemysław wacha","4":"hendra wijaya","5":"hidetaka yamada","6":"holvy de pauw","7":"andrew smith","8":"carl baxter","9":"ville lång","10":"peter mikkelsen","11":"ben beckman","12":"dieter domke"},"womens singles":{"0":"maja pohar","1":"anu weckstrom","2":"karina de wit","3":"petya nedelcheva","4":"pi hongyan","5":"li li","6":"miyo akao","7":"petya nedelcheva","8":"guo xin","9":"kaori imabeppu","10":"anita raj kaur","11":"nicole grether","12":"minatsu mitani"},"mens doubles":{"0":"dmitry miznikov valery strelcov","1":"michał łogosz robert mateusiak","2":"kristof hopp thomas tesche","3":"vincent laigle svetoslav stoyanov","4":"vincent laigle svetoslav stoyanov","5":"daniel glaser dennis von dahn","6":"simon mollyhus anders kristiansen","7":"chris tonks chris langridge","8":"wouter claes frederic mawet","9":"rupesh kumar sanave thomas","10":"mads conrad - petersen mads pieler kolding","11":"joe morgan james phillips","12":"kim astrup sorensen rasmus fladberg"},"womens doubles":{"0":"natalja esipenko natalia golovkina","1":"felicity gallup joanne muggeridge","2":"erica van den heuvel nicole van hooren","3":"tammy jenkins rhona robertson","4":"miyuki tai yoshiko iwata","5":"jiang yanmei li li","6":"frances liu fan shinta mulia sari","7":"liza parker jenny day","8":"cai jiani guo xin","9":"maria thorberg kati tolmoff","10":"ezgi epice claudia vogelsang","11":"nicole grether charmaine reid","12":"sandra - maria jensen line kjaersfeldt"},"mixed doubles":{"0":"valery strelcov natalia golovkina","1":"michael beres kara solmudson","2":"peter steffensen lene mork","3":"russel hogg kirsteen mcewan","4":"carsten mogensen kamilla rytter juhl","5":"svetoslav stoyanov victoria wright","6":"hendra wijaya frances liu fan","7":"chris langridge jenny day","8":"wouter claes nathalie descamps","9":"baptiste careme laura choinet","10":"zvonimir djurkinjak stasa poznanovic","11":"zvonimir djurkinjak stasa poznanovic","12":"zvonimir djurkinjak stasa poznanovic"}}
overall pick afl team player position college 0 2 cincinnati bengals bob johnson center tennessee 1 4 san diego chargers russ washington offensive tackle missouri 2 6 new england patriots dennis byrd defensive tackle north carolina state 3 8 miami dolphins larry csonka running back syracuse 4 9 buffalo bills haven moses offensive end san diego st 5 17 new york jets lee white running back weber state 6 18 san diego chargers jim hill defensive back texas 7 19 kansas city chiefs mo moorman offensive guard texas a&m 8 22 kansas city chiefs george daney offensive guard utep 9 25 oakland raiders eldridge dickey quarterback tennessee state
{"overall pick":{"0":2,"1":4,"2":6,"3":8,"4":9,"5":17,"6":18,"7":19,"8":22,"9":25},"afl team":{"0":"cincinnati bengals","1":"san diego chargers","2":"new england patriots","3":"miami dolphins","4":"buffalo bills","5":"new york jets","6":"san diego chargers","7":"kansas city chiefs","8":"kansas city chiefs","9":"oakland raiders"},"player":{"0":"bob johnson","1":"russ washington","2":"dennis byrd","3":"larry csonka","4":"haven moses","5":"lee white","6":"jim hill","7":"mo moorman","8":"george daney","9":"eldridge dickey"},"position":{"0":"center","1":"offensive tackle","2":"defensive tackle","3":"running back","4":"offensive end","5":"running back","6":"defensive back","7":"offensive guard","8":"offensive guard","9":"quarterback"},"college":{"0":"tennessee","1":"missouri","2":"north carolina state","3":"syracuse","4":"san diego st","5":"weber state","6":"texas","7":"texas a&m","8":"utep","9":"tennessee state"}}
year mens singles womens singles mens doubles womens doubles mixed doubles 0 1969 flemming delfs anne berglund keit arthur ray stevens joke van beusekom marjan luesken gert perneklo karin lindqvist 1 1971 rob ridder anne berglund peter gardner john stretch anne berglund lene køppen peter gardner barbara giles 2 1973 jesper helledie mette myhre stefan karlsson willy nilson ann forest kathleen whiting jesper helledie susanne johansen 3 1975 bruno wackfelt pia nielsen bruno wackfelt goran sterner lise lotte gottsche lilli b pedersen tim stokes karen puttick 4 1977 andy goode karen bridge jesper toftlund niels christensen karen bridge karen puttick nigel tier karen puttick 5 1979 jens peter nierhoff kirsten larsen peter isaksson jan erik antonsson sally leadbeater gillian clark jens peter nierhoff charlotte pilgaard 6 1981 michael kjeldsen helen troke michael kjeldsen mark christiansen dorte kjaer nettie nielsen dipak tailor mary leeves 7 1983 claus thomsen helen troke christopher rees lyndon williams lisa chapman jane shipman anders nielsen gitte paulsen 8 1985 matthew smith lisbeth stuer - lauridsen jan paulsen lars pedersen lisbeth stuer - lauridsen lotte olsen jan paulsen marian christiansen 9 1987 pontus jantti helle andersen michael søgaard jens maibom catrine bengtsson margit borg jens maibom charlotte madsen 10 1989 thomas stuer - lauridsen camilla martin thomas stuer - lauridsen christian jacobsen marlene thomsen trine johansson christian jacobsen marlene thomsen 11 1991 jürgen koch lotte thomsen martin l hansen peter christensen trine pedersen mette pedersen peter christensen rikke broen 12 1993 jim laugesen mette sørensen jim laugesen janek roos mette sørensen rikke olsen thomas stavnsgaard sara runesten 13 1995 peter gade brenda beenhakker peter gade peder nissen joanne wright donna kellogg peder nissen mette hansen 14 1997 dicky palyama judith meulendijks kasper ødum ove svejstrup lene mork jane bramsen ove svejstrup britta andersen 15 1999 björn joppien petra overzier mathias boe kasper kim jensen petra overzier anne honscheid mathias boe karina sørensen 16 2001 eric pang juliane schenk carsten mogensen rasmus andersen kamila augustyn nadiezda kostiuczyk rasmus andersen mette nielsen 17 2003 marc zwiebler larisa griga mikkel delbo larsen martin bille larsen nina vislova valeria sorokina marc zwiebler birgit overzier 18 2005 rajiv ouseph janet köhler rasmus bonde kasper henriksen nina vislova olga kozlova rasmus bonde christinna pedersen 19 2007 mads conrad petersen karina jürgensen peter mills chris adcock kristina ludikova olga konon christian larsen joan christiansen 20 2009 emil holst anne hald sylvain grosjean sam magee anastasia chervyakova romina gabdullina jacco arends selena piek 21 2011 viktor axelsen carolina marín christopher coles matthew nottingham mette poulsen ditte strunge larsen kim astrup sørensen line kjaersfeldt
{"year":{"0":1969,"1":1971,"2":1973,"3":1975,"4":1977,"5":1979,"6":1981,"7":1983,"8":1985,"9":1987,"10":1989,"11":1991,"12":1993,"13":1995,"14":1997,"15":1999,"16":2001,"17":2003,"18":2005,"19":2007,"20":2009,"21":2011},"mens singles":{"0":"flemming delfs","1":"rob ridder","2":"jesper helledie","3":"bruno wackfelt","4":"andy goode","5":"jens peter nierhoff","6":"michael kjeldsen","7":"claus thomsen","8":"matthew smith","9":"pontus jantti","10":"thomas stuer - lauridsen","11":"jürgen koch","12":"jim laugesen","13":"peter gade","14":"dicky palyama","15":"björn joppien","16":"eric pang","17":"marc zwiebler","18":"rajiv ouseph","19":"mads conrad petersen","20":"emil holst","21":"viktor axelsen"},"womens singles":{"0":"anne berglund","1":"anne berglund","2":"mette myhre","3":"pia nielsen","4":"karen bridge","5":"kirsten larsen","6":"helen troke","7":"helen troke","8":"lisbeth stuer - lauridsen","9":"helle andersen","10":"camilla martin","11":"lotte thomsen","12":"mette sørensen","13":"brenda beenhakker","14":"judith meulendijks","15":"petra overzier","16":"juliane schenk","17":"larisa griga","18":"janet köhler","19":"karina jürgensen","20":"anne hald","21":"carolina marín"},"mens doubles":{"0":"keit arthur ray stevens","1":"peter gardner john stretch","2":"stefan karlsson willy nilson","3":"bruno wackfelt goran sterner","4":"jesper toftlund niels christensen","5":"peter isaksson jan erik antonsson","6":"michael kjeldsen mark christiansen","7":"christopher rees lyndon williams","8":"jan paulsen lars pedersen","9":"michael søgaard jens maibom","10":"thomas stuer - lauridsen christian jacobsen","11":"martin l hansen peter christensen","12":"jim laugesen janek roos","13":"peter gade peder nissen","14":"kasper ødum ove svejstrup","15":"mathias boe kasper kim jensen","16":"carsten mogensen rasmus andersen","17":"mikkel delbo larsen martin bille larsen","18":"rasmus bonde kasper henriksen","19":"peter mills chris adcock","20":"sylvain grosjean sam magee","21":"christopher coles matthew nottingham"},"womens doubles":{"0":"joke van beusekom marjan luesken","1":"anne berglund lene køppen","2":"ann forest kathleen whiting","3":"lise lotte gottsche lilli b pedersen","4":"karen bridge karen puttick","5":"sally leadbeater gillian clark","6":"dorte kjaer nettie nielsen","7":"lisa chapman jane shipman","8":"lisbeth stuer - lauridsen lotte olsen","9":"catrine bengtsson margit borg","10":"marlene thomsen trine johansson","11":"trine pedersen mette pedersen","12":"mette sørensen rikke olsen","13":"joanne wright donna kellogg","14":"lene mork jane bramsen","15":"petra overzier anne honscheid","16":"kamila augustyn nadiezda kostiuczyk","17":"nina vislova valeria sorokina","18":"nina vislova olga kozlova","19":"kristina ludikova olga konon","20":"anastasia chervyakova romina gabdullina","21":"mette poulsen ditte strunge larsen"},"mixed doubles":{"0":"gert perneklo karin lindqvist","1":"peter gardner barbara giles","2":"jesper helledie susanne johansen","3":"tim stokes karen puttick","4":"nigel tier karen puttick","5":"jens peter nierhoff charlotte pilgaard","6":"dipak tailor mary leeves","7":"anders nielsen gitte paulsen","8":"jan paulsen marian christiansen","9":"jens maibom charlotte madsen","10":"christian jacobsen marlene thomsen","11":"peter christensen rikke broen","12":"thomas stavnsgaard sara runesten","13":"peder nissen mette hansen","14":"ove svejstrup britta andersen","15":"mathias boe karina sørensen","16":"rasmus andersen mette nielsen","17":"marc zwiebler birgit overzier","18":"rasmus bonde christinna pedersen","19":"christian larsen joan christiansen","20":"jacco arends selena piek","21":"kim astrup sørensen line kjaersfeldt"}}
round date grand prix circuit 125cc winner 250cc winner motogp winner report 0 1 9 march qatar grand prix losail sergio gadea mattia pasini casey stoner report 1 2 30 march spanish grand prix jerez simone corsi mika kallio dani pedrosa report 2 3 13 april portuguese grand prix estoril simone corsi álvaro bautista jorge lorenzo report 3 4 4 may chinese grand prix shanghai andrea iannone mika kallio valentino rossi report 4 5 18 may french grand prix le mans mike di meglio alex debón valentino rossi report 5 6 1 june italian grand prix mugello simone corsi marco simoncelli valentino rossi report 6 7 8 june catalan grand prix catalunya mike di meglio marco simoncelli dani pedrosa report 7 8 22 june british grand prix donington scott redding mika kallio casey stoner report 8 9 28 june dutch tt assen gábor talmácsi álvaro bautista casey stoner report 9 10 13 july german grand prix sachsenring mike di meglio marco simoncelli casey stoner report 10 11 20 july united states grand prix laguna seca no 125cc and 250cc race no 125cc and 250cc race valentino rossi report 11 12 17 august czech republic grand prix brno stefan bradl alex debón valentino rossi report 12 13 31 august san marino grand prix misano gábor talmácsi álvaro bautista valentino rossi report 13 14 14 september indianapolis grand prix indianapolis nicolás terol race cancelled valentino rossi report 14 15 28 september japanese grand prix motegi stefan bradl marco simoncelli valentino rossi report 15 16 5 october australian grand prix phillip island mike di meglio marco simoncelli casey stoner report 16 17 19 october malaysian grand prix sepang gábor talmácsi álvaro bautista valentino rossi report
{"round":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":9,"9":10,"10":11,"11":12,"12":13,"13":14,"14":15,"15":16,"16":17},"date":{"0":"9 march","1":"30 march","2":"13 april","3":"4 may","4":"18 may","5":"1 june","6":"8 june","7":"22 june","8":"28 june","9":"13 july","10":"20 july","11":"17 august","12":"31 august","13":"14 september","14":"28 september","15":"5 october","16":"19 october"},"grand prix":{"0":"qatar grand prix","1":"spanish grand prix","2":"portuguese grand prix","3":"chinese grand prix","4":"french grand prix","5":"italian grand prix","6":"catalan grand prix","7":"british grand prix","8":"dutch tt","9":"german grand prix","10":"united states grand prix","11":"czech republic grand prix","12":"san marino grand prix","13":"indianapolis grand prix","14":"japanese grand prix","15":"australian grand prix","16":"malaysian grand prix"},"circuit":{"0":"losail","1":"jerez","2":"estoril","3":"shanghai","4":"le mans","5":"mugello","6":"catalunya","7":"donington","8":"assen","9":"sachsenring","10":"laguna seca","11":"brno","12":"misano","13":"indianapolis","14":"motegi","15":"phillip island","16":"sepang"},"125cc winner":{"0":"sergio gadea","1":"simone corsi","2":"simone corsi","3":"andrea iannone","4":"mike di meglio","5":"simone corsi","6":"mike di meglio","7":"scott redding","8":"gábor talmácsi","9":"mike di meglio","10":"no 125cc and 250cc race","11":"stefan bradl","12":"gábor talmácsi","13":"nicolás terol","14":"stefan bradl","15":"mike di meglio","16":"gábor talmácsi"},"250cc winner":{"0":"mattia pasini","1":"mika kallio","2":"álvaro bautista","3":"mika kallio","4":"alex debón","5":"marco simoncelli","6":"marco simoncelli","7":"mika kallio","8":"álvaro bautista","9":"marco simoncelli","10":"no 125cc and 250cc race","11":"alex debón","12":"álvaro bautista","13":"race cancelled","14":"marco simoncelli","15":"marco simoncelli","16":"álvaro bautista"},"motogp winner":{"0":"casey stoner","1":"dani pedrosa","2":"jorge lorenzo","3":"valentino rossi","4":"valentino rossi","5":"valentino rossi","6":"dani pedrosa","7":"casey stoner","8":"casey stoner","9":"casey stoner","10":"valentino rossi","11":"valentino rossi","12":"valentino rossi","13":"valentino rossi","14":"valentino rossi","15":"casey stoner","16":"valentino rossi"},"report":{"0":"report","1":"report","2":"report","3":"report","4":"report","5":"report","6":"report","7":"report","8":"report","9":"report","10":"report","11":"report","12":"report","13":"report","14":"report","15":"report","16":"report"}}
season mens singles womens singles mens doubles womens doubles mixed doubles 0 1930 / 1931 kaj andersen , københavns bk ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if sejlit raaskou sven strømann , skovshoved if gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if aksel hansen bodil clausen , skovshoved if 1 1931 / 1932 svend strømann , skovshoved if ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if sejlit raaskou sven strømann , skovshoved if gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if sejlit raaskou gerda frederiksen , skovshoved if 2 1932 / 1933 kaj andersen , københavns bk ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if sejlit raaskou sven strømann , skovshoved if gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if sven strømann ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if 3 1933 / 1934 svend strømann , skovshoved if ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if axel hansen sven strømann , skovshoved if gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if sven strømann ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if 4 1934 / 1935 poul vagn nielsen , gentofte bk ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if axel hansen sven strømann , skovshoved if gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if sven strømann ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if 5 1936 / 1937 eric kirchoff , gentofte bk ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if gerda frederiksen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if aksel hansen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if 6 1937 / 1938 tage madsen , skovshoved if tonny olsen , gentofte bk tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if bodil rise tonny olsen , gentofte bk tage madsen bodil strømann , skovshoved if 7 1938 / 1939 conny jepsen , skovshoved if tonny olsen , gentoftebk gunnar holm niels kjerns , skovshoved if bodil rise tonny olsen , gentofte bk tage madsen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if 8 1939 / 1940 tage madsen , skovshoved if tonny olsen , gentofte bk tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if bodil duus - rise tonny olsen , gentofte bk tage madsen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if 9 1941 / 1942 tage madsen , skovshoved if tonny olsen , gentofte bk tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if ruth dalsgaard jytte thayssen , skovshoved if tage madsen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if 10 1943 / 1944 tage madsen , skovshoved if agnete friis , amager bc tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if marie ussing jytte thayssen , skovshoved if jan schmidt jytte thayssen , skovshoved if 11 1944 / 1945 tage madsen , skovshoved if tonny olsen , gentofte bk tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if marie ussing jytte thayssen , skovshoved if jan schmidt jytte thayssen , skovshoved if 12 1949 / 1950 jørn skaarup , københavns bk tonny ahm , gentofte bk ib olesen , københavns bk john nygaard , amager bc agnete friis birgit rostgaard frøhne , gentofte bk poul holm tonny ahm , gentofte bk 13 1950 / 1951 poul holm , gentofte bk kirsten thorndahl , amager bk jørn skaarup preben dabelsteen , københavns bk aase schiøtt jacobsen tonny ahm , gentofte bk arve lossmann kirsten thorndahl , amager bc 14 1951 / 1952 poul holm , gentofte bk tonny ahm , gentofte bk poul holm ole jensen , gentofte bk jytte kjems - thayssen marie ussing , skovshoved if poul holm tonny ahm , gentofte bk 15 1966 / 1967 erland kops , københavns bk lonny funch , skovshoved if henning borch jørgen mortensen , amager bc marianne svensson ulla strand , københavns bk per walsøe pernille mølgaard hansen , gentofte bk 16 1969 / 1970 svend pri amager bc imre rietveld nielsen , nykøbing f svend pri , amager bc per walsøe , gentofte bk karin jørgensen ulla strand , københavns bk per walsøe pernille mølgaard hansen , gentofte bk 17 1970 / 1971 jørgen mortensen , amager bc lizbeth von barnekow , charlottenlund bk svend pri , amager bc per walsøe , gentofte bk karin jørgensen ulla strand , københavns bk svend pri , amager bc ulla strand , københavns bk 18 1971 / 1972 svend pri , amager bc lene køppen , valby bc poul petersen , østerbro bk per walsøe , gentofte bk pernille kaagaard anne flindt , gentofte bk svend pri , amager bc ulla strand , københavns bk 19 1972 / 1973 svend pri , amager bc lene køppen , valby bc svend pri , amager bc poul petersen , østerbro bk ulla strand , københavns bk lene køppen , valby bc svend pri , amager bc ulla strand , københavns bk 20 1974 / 1975 svend pri , søllerød - nærum ik lene køppen , gentofte bk elo hansen flemming delfs , københavns bk lene køppen , gentofte bk lnge borgstrøm , ringsted steen skovgaard pernille kaagaard , gentofte bk 21 1975 / 1976 flemming delfs , værløse lene køppen , gentofte bk elo hansen , hvidovre bc flemming delfs , værløse lene køppen , gentofte bk lnge borgstrøm , ringsted steen skovgaard pernille kaagaard , gentofte bk 22 1978 / 1979 morten frost , gentofte bk lene køppen , gentofte bk mogens neergaard kenneth larsen , triton , aalborg lene køppen susanne berg , gentofte bk steen skovgaard lene køppen , gentofte bk 23 1979 / 1980 morten frost , gentofte bk lene køppen , gentofte bk steen fladberg , køge morten frost , gentofte bk lene køppen anne skovgaard , gentofte bk steen fladberg lene køppen , gentofte bk 24 1981 / 1982 morten frost , gentofte bk lene køppen , gentofte bk steen fladberg , køge morten frost , gentofte bk lene køppen anne skovgaard , gentofte bk steen skovgaard anne skovgaard , gentofte bk 25 1983 / 1984 morten frost , gentofte bk kirsten larsen , gentofte bk jens peter nierhoff morten frost , gentofte bk hanne adsbøl , lyngby kirsten larsen , gentofte bk morten frost ulla - britt frost , gentofte bk 26 2001 / 2002 peter gade , gentofte camilla martin , gentofte jens eriksen , hvidovre martin lundgaard , værløse jane f bramsen ann - lou jørgensen , kmb michael søgaard rikke olsen , kmb 27 2002 / 2003 peter gade , gentofte camilla martin , værløse jim laugesen , gentofte michael søgaard , kmb rikke olsen ann - lou jørgensen , kmb jens eriksen mette schjoldager , hvidovre 28 2003 / 2004 kenneth jonassen , greve tine rasmussen , kmb lars paaske , kbk jonas rasmussen , kmb rikke olsen ann - lou jørgensen , kmb jens eriksen mette schjoldager , hvidovre 29 2004 / 2005 peter gade , gentofte tine rasmussen , kmb jens eriksen , hvidovre martin lundgaard , værløse rikke olsen , kmb mette schjoldager , hvidovre thomas laybourn kamilla rytter juhl , værløse
{"season":{"0":"1930 \/ 1931","1":"1931 \/ 1932","2":"1932 \/ 1933","3":"1933 \/ 1934","4":"1934 \/ 1935","5":"1936 \/ 1937","6":"1937 \/ 1938","7":"1938 \/ 1939","8":"1939 \/ 1940","9":"1941 \/ 1942","10":"1943 \/ 1944","11":"1944 \/ 1945","12":"1949 \/ 1950","13":"1950 \/ 1951","14":"1951 \/ 1952","15":"1966 \/ 1967","16":"1969 \/ 1970","17":"1970 \/ 1971","18":"1971 \/ 1972","19":"1972 \/ 1973","20":"1974 \/ 1975","21":"1975 \/ 1976","22":"1978 \/ 1979","23":"1979 \/ 1980","24":"1981 \/ 1982","25":"1983 \/ 1984","26":"2001 \/ 2002","27":"2002 \/ 2003","28":"2003 \/ 2004","29":"2004 \/ 2005"},"mens singles":{"0":"kaj andersen , københavns bk","1":"svend strømann , skovshoved if","2":"kaj andersen , københavns bk","3":"svend strømann , skovshoved if","4":"poul vagn nielsen , gentofte bk","5":"eric kirchoff , gentofte bk","6":"tage madsen , skovshoved if","7":"conny jepsen , skovshoved if","8":"tage madsen , skovshoved if","9":"tage madsen , skovshoved if","10":"tage madsen , skovshoved if","11":"tage madsen , skovshoved if","12":"jørn skaarup , københavns bk","13":"poul holm , gentofte bk","14":"poul holm , gentofte bk","15":"erland kops , københavns bk","16":"svend pri amager bc","17":"jørgen mortensen , amager bc","18":"svend pri , amager bc","19":"svend pri , amager bc","20":"svend pri , søllerød - nærum ik","21":"flemming delfs , værløse","22":"morten frost , gentofte bk","23":"morten frost , gentofte bk","24":"morten frost , gentofte bk","25":"morten frost , gentofte bk","26":"peter gade , gentofte","27":"peter gade , gentofte","28":"kenneth jonassen , greve","29":"peter gade , gentofte"},"womens singles":{"0":"ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","1":"ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","2":"ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","3":"ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","4":"ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","5":"ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","6":"tonny olsen , gentofte bk","7":"tonny olsen , gentoftebk","8":"tonny olsen , gentofte bk","9":"tonny olsen , gentofte bk","10":"agnete friis , amager bc","11":"tonny olsen , gentofte bk","12":"tonny ahm , gentofte bk","13":"kirsten thorndahl , amager bk","14":"tonny ahm , gentofte bk","15":"lonny funch , skovshoved if","16":"imre rietveld nielsen , nykøbing f","17":"lizbeth von barnekow , charlottenlund bk","18":"lene køppen , valby bc","19":"lene køppen , valby bc","20":"lene køppen , gentofte bk","21":"lene køppen , gentofte bk","22":"lene køppen , gentofte bk","23":"lene køppen , gentofte bk","24":"lene køppen , gentofte bk","25":"kirsten larsen , gentofte bk","26":"camilla martin , gentofte","27":"camilla martin , værløse","28":"tine rasmussen , kmb","29":"tine rasmussen , kmb"},"mens doubles":{"0":"sejlit raaskou sven strømann , skovshoved if","1":"sejlit raaskou sven strømann , skovshoved if","2":"sejlit raaskou sven strømann , skovshoved if","3":"axel hansen sven strømann , skovshoved if","4":"axel hansen sven strømann , skovshoved if","5":"tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if","6":"tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if","7":"gunnar holm niels kjerns , skovshoved if","8":"tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if","9":"tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if","10":"tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if","11":"tage madsen carl frøhlke , skovshoved if","12":"ib olesen , københavns bk john nygaard , amager bc","13":"jørn skaarup preben dabelsteen , københavns bk","14":"poul holm ole jensen , gentofte bk","15":"henning borch jørgen mortensen , amager bc","16":"svend pri , amager bc per walsøe , gentofte bk","17":"svend pri , amager bc per walsøe , gentofte bk","18":"poul petersen , østerbro bk per walsøe , gentofte bk","19":"svend pri , amager bc poul petersen , østerbro bk","20":"elo hansen flemming delfs , københavns bk","21":"elo hansen , hvidovre bc flemming delfs , værløse","22":"mogens neergaard kenneth larsen , triton , aalborg","23":"steen fladberg , køge morten frost , gentofte bk","24":"steen fladberg , køge morten frost , gentofte bk","25":"jens peter nierhoff morten frost , gentofte bk","26":"jens eriksen , hvidovre martin lundgaard , værløse","27":"jim laugesen , gentofte michael søgaard , kmb","28":"lars paaske , kbk jonas rasmussen , kmb","29":"jens eriksen , hvidovre martin lundgaard , værløse"},"womens doubles":{"0":"gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","1":"gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","2":"gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","3":"gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","4":"gerda frederiksen ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","5":"gerda frederiksen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if","6":"bodil rise tonny olsen , gentofte bk","7":"bodil rise tonny olsen , gentofte bk","8":"bodil duus - rise tonny olsen , gentofte bk","9":"ruth dalsgaard jytte thayssen , skovshoved if","10":"marie ussing jytte thayssen , skovshoved if","11":"marie ussing jytte thayssen , skovshoved if","12":"agnete friis birgit rostgaard frøhne , gentofte bk","13":"aase schiøtt jacobsen tonny ahm , gentofte bk","14":"jytte kjems - thayssen marie ussing , skovshoved if","15":"marianne svensson ulla strand , københavns bk","16":"karin jørgensen ulla strand , københavns bk","17":"karin jørgensen ulla strand , københavns bk","18":"pernille kaagaard anne flindt , gentofte bk","19":"ulla strand , københavns bk lene køppen , valby bc","20":"lene køppen , gentofte bk lnge borgstrøm , ringsted","21":"lene køppen , gentofte bk lnge borgstrøm , ringsted","22":"lene køppen susanne berg , gentofte bk","23":"lene køppen anne skovgaard , gentofte bk","24":"lene køppen anne skovgaard , gentofte bk","25":"hanne adsbøl , lyngby kirsten larsen , gentofte bk","26":"jane f bramsen ann - lou jørgensen , kmb","27":"rikke olsen ann - lou jørgensen , kmb","28":"rikke olsen ann - lou jørgensen , kmb","29":"rikke olsen , kmb mette schjoldager , hvidovre"},"mixed doubles":{"0":"aksel hansen bodil clausen , skovshoved if","1":"sejlit raaskou gerda frederiksen , skovshoved if","2":"sven strømann ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","3":"sven strømann ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","4":"sven strømann ruth frederiksen , skovshoved if","5":"aksel hansen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if","6":"tage madsen bodil strømann , skovshoved if","7":"tage madsen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if","8":"tage madsen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if","9":"tage madsen ruth dalsgaard , skovshoved if","10":"jan schmidt jytte thayssen , skovshoved if","11":"jan schmidt jytte thayssen , skovshoved if","12":"poul holm tonny ahm , gentofte bk","13":"arve lossmann kirsten thorndahl , amager bc","14":"poul holm tonny ahm , gentofte bk","15":"per walsøe pernille mølgaard hansen , gentofte bk","16":"per walsøe pernille mølgaard hansen , gentofte bk","17":"svend pri , amager bc ulla strand , københavns bk","18":"svend pri , amager bc ulla strand , københavns bk","19":"svend pri , amager bc ulla strand , københavns bk","20":"steen skovgaard pernille kaagaard , gentofte bk","21":"steen skovgaard pernille kaagaard , gentofte bk","22":"steen skovgaard lene køppen , gentofte bk","23":"steen fladberg lene køppen , gentofte bk","24":"steen skovgaard anne skovgaard , gentofte bk","25":"morten frost ulla - britt frost , gentofte bk","26":"michael søgaard rikke olsen , kmb","27":"jens eriksen mette schjoldager , hvidovre","28":"jens eriksen mette schjoldager , hvidovre","29":"thomas laybourn kamilla rytter juhl , værløse"}}
year mens singles womens singles mens doubles womens doubles mixed doubles 0 1991 alan budi kusuma huang hua li yongbo tian bingyi chung myung - hee hwang hye - young liu jianjun wang xiaoyuan 1 1992 hermawan susanto yao yan ricky subagja rexy mainaky yao fen lin yanfen aryono miranat eliza nathanael 2 1993 joko suprianto han jingna rudy gunawan bambang suprianto wu yuhong chen ying chen xingdong sun man 3 1995 dong jiong ye zhaoying huang zhanzhong jiang xin ge fei gu jun peng xinyong chen xingdong 4 1997 dong jiong gong zhichao ge cheng tao xiaoqiang ge fei gu jun kim dong - moon ra kyung - min 5 1999 dong jiong zhou mi ha tae - kwon kim dong - moon ge fei gu jun liu yong ge fei 6 2001 xia xuanze zhou mi zhang wei zhang jun zhang jiewen wei yili liu yong chen lin 7 2002 wong choong hann gong ruina pramote teerawiwatana tesana panvisvas gao ling huang sui zhang jun gao ling 8 2003 lin dan zhou mi lars paaske jonas rasmussen gao ling huang sui zhang jun gao ling 9 2004 lin dan xie xingfang candra wijaya sigit budiarto yang wei zhang jiewen jens eriksen mette schjoldager 10 2005 chen hong zhang ning candra wijaya sigit budiarto yang wei zhang jiewen nathan robertson gail emms 11 2006 chen hong zhang ning markis kido hendra setiawan yang wei zhang jiewen xie zhongbo zhang yawen 12 2007 bao chunlai wong mew choo markis kido hendra setiawan gao ling zhao tingting nova widianto lilyana natsir 13 2008 lin dan jiang yanjiao jung jae - sung lee yong - dae zhang yawen zhao tingting lee yong - dae lee hyo - jung 14 2009 lin dan jiang yanjiao jung jae - sung lee yong - dae tian qing zhang yawen lee yong - dae lee hyo - jung 15 2010 chen long jiang yanjiao jung jae - sung lee yong - dae cheng shu zhao yunlei tao jiaming tian qing 16 2011 lin dan wang yihan mathias boe carsten mogensen wang xiaoli yu yang zhang nan zhao yunlei 17 2012 chen long li xuerui mathias boe carsten mogensen wang xiaoli yu yang xu chen ma jin
{"year":{"0":1991,"1":1992,"2":1993,"3":1995,"4":1997,"5":1999,"6":2001,"7":2002,"8":2003,"9":2004,"10":2005,"11":2006,"12":2007,"13":2008,"14":2009,"15":2010,"16":2011,"17":2012},"mens singles":{"0":"alan budi kusuma","1":"hermawan susanto","2":"joko suprianto","3":"dong jiong","4":"dong jiong","5":"dong jiong","6":"xia xuanze","7":"wong choong hann","8":"lin dan","9":"lin dan","10":"chen hong","11":"chen hong","12":"bao chunlai","13":"lin dan","14":"lin dan","15":"chen long","16":"lin dan","17":"chen long"},"womens singles":{"0":"huang hua","1":"yao yan","2":"han jingna","3":"ye zhaoying","4":"gong zhichao","5":"zhou mi","6":"zhou mi","7":"gong ruina","8":"zhou mi","9":"xie xingfang","10":"zhang ning","11":"zhang ning","12":"wong mew choo","13":"jiang yanjiao","14":"jiang yanjiao","15":"jiang yanjiao","16":"wang yihan","17":"li xuerui"},"mens doubles":{"0":"li yongbo tian bingyi","1":"ricky subagja rexy mainaky","2":"rudy gunawan bambang suprianto","3":"huang zhanzhong jiang xin","4":"ge cheng tao xiaoqiang","5":"ha tae - kwon kim dong - moon","6":"zhang wei zhang jun","7":"pramote teerawiwatana tesana panvisvas","8":"lars paaske jonas rasmussen","9":"candra wijaya sigit budiarto","10":"candra wijaya sigit budiarto","11":"markis kido hendra setiawan","12":"markis kido hendra setiawan","13":"jung jae - sung lee yong - dae","14":"jung jae - sung lee yong - dae","15":"jung jae - sung lee yong - dae","16":"mathias boe carsten mogensen","17":"mathias boe carsten mogensen"},"womens doubles":{"0":"chung myung - hee hwang hye - young","1":"yao fen lin yanfen","2":"wu yuhong chen ying","3":"ge fei gu jun","4":"ge fei gu jun","5":"ge fei gu jun","6":"zhang jiewen wei yili","7":"gao ling huang sui","8":"gao ling huang sui","9":"yang wei zhang jiewen","10":"yang wei zhang jiewen","11":"yang wei zhang jiewen","12":"gao ling zhao tingting","13":"zhang yawen zhao tingting","14":"tian qing zhang yawen","15":"cheng shu zhao yunlei","16":"wang xiaoli yu yang","17":"wang xiaoli yu yang"},"mixed doubles":{"0":"liu jianjun wang xiaoyuan","1":"aryono miranat eliza nathanael","2":"chen xingdong sun man","3":"peng xinyong chen xingdong","4":"kim dong - moon ra kyung - min","5":"liu yong ge fei","6":"liu yong chen lin","7":"zhang jun gao ling","8":"zhang jun gao ling","9":"jens eriksen mette schjoldager","10":"nathan robertson gail emms","11":"xie zhongbo zhang yawen","12":"nova widianto lilyana natsir","13":"lee yong - dae lee hyo - jung","14":"lee yong - dae lee hyo - jung","15":"tao jiaming tian qing","16":"zhang nan zhao yunlei","17":"xu chen ma jin"}}
institution location founded type joined nickname colors 0 boston university boston , ma 1839 private 1973 terriers scarlet & white 1 university of connecticut storrs , ct 1881 public 1946 huskies national flag blue & white 2 university of delaware newark , de 1743 private and public 1986 fightin' blue hens royal blue & gold 3 college of the holy cross worcester , ma 1843 private 1971 crusaders purple & white 4 james madison university harrisonburg , va 1908 public 1993 dukes purple & gold 5 university of maine orono , me 1865 public 1946 black bears dark blue & light blue 6 university of massachusetts amherst amherst , ma 1863 public 1946 aggies / redmen / minutemen maroon & white 7 university of new hampshire durham , nh 1866 public 1946 wildcats unh blue & white 8 northeastern university boston , ma 1898 private 1993 huskies black & red 9 university of rhode island kingston , ri 1892 public 1946 rams keaney blue , white , & navy blue 10 university of richmond richmond , va 1830 private 1986 spiders ur blue & ur red 11 university of vermont burlington , vt 1791 public 1946 catamounts green & gold 12 villanova university villanova , pa 1842 private 1988 wildcats blue & white
{"institution":{"0":"boston university","1":"university of connecticut","2":"university of delaware","3":"college of the holy cross","4":"james madison university","5":"university of maine","6":"university of massachusetts amherst","7":"university of new hampshire","8":"northeastern university","9":"university of rhode island","10":"university of richmond","11":"university of vermont","12":"villanova university"},"location":{"0":"boston , ma","1":"storrs , ct","2":"newark , de","3":"worcester , ma","4":"harrisonburg , va","5":"orono , me","6":"amherst , ma","7":"durham , nh","8":"boston , ma","9":"kingston , ri","10":"richmond , va","11":"burlington , vt","12":"villanova , pa"},"founded":{"0":1839,"1":1881,"2":1743,"3":1843,"4":1908,"5":1865,"6":1863,"7":1866,"8":1898,"9":1892,"10":1830,"11":1791,"12":1842},"type":{"0":"private","1":"public","2":"private and public","3":"private","4":"public","5":"public","6":"public","7":"public","8":"private","9":"public","10":"private","11":"public","12":"private"},"joined":{"0":1973,"1":1946,"2":1986,"3":1971,"4":1993,"5":1946,"6":1946,"7":1946,"8":1993,"9":1946,"10":1986,"11":1946,"12":1988},"nickname":{"0":"terriers","1":"huskies","2":"fightin' blue hens","3":"crusaders","4":"dukes","5":"black bears","6":"aggies \/ redmen \/ minutemen","7":"wildcats","8":"huskies","9":"rams","10":"spiders","11":"catamounts","12":"wildcats"},"colors":{"0":"scarlet & white","1":"national flag blue & white","2":"royal blue & gold","3":"purple & white","4":"purple & gold","5":"dark blue & light blue","6":"maroon & white","7":"unh blue & white","8":"black & red","9":"keaney blue , white , & navy blue","10":"ur blue & ur red","11":"green & gold","12":"blue & white"}}
departure going to calling at arrival operator 0 3.54 peterborough east peterborough east 4.05 lnwr 1 8.29 peterborough north castor , overton , peterborough north 8.48 gnr 2 8.40 peterborough east castor , overton , peterborough east 9.04 lnwr 3 10.19 peterborough east castor , peterborough east 10.37 lnwr 4 10.50 peterborough east overton , peterborough east 11.05 lnwr 5 11.47 peterborough north castor , overton , peterborough north 12.06 gnr 6 12.28 peterborough east peterborough east 12.40 lnwr 7 13.52 peterborough east castor , overton , peterborough east 14.12 lnwr 8 14.49 peterborough east overton , peterborough east 15.05 lnwr 9 16.16 peterborough east castor , overton , peterborough east 16.33 lnwr 10 17.30 peterborough north castor , peterborough north 17.46 gnr 11 19.37 peterborough east castor , overton , peterborough east 19.58 lnwr 12 22.01 peterborough east peterborough east 22.15 lnwr
{"departure":{"0":3.54,"1":8.29,"2":8.4,"3":10.19,"4":10.5,"5":11.47,"6":12.28,"7":13.52,"8":14.49,"9":16.16,"10":17.3,"11":19.37,"12":22.01},"going to":{"0":"peterborough east","1":"peterborough north","2":"peterborough east","3":"peterborough east","4":"peterborough east","5":"peterborough north","6":"peterborough east","7":"peterborough east","8":"peterborough east","9":"peterborough east","10":"peterborough north","11":"peterborough east","12":"peterborough east"},"calling at":{"0":"peterborough east","1":"castor , overton , peterborough north","2":"castor , overton , peterborough east","3":"castor , peterborough east","4":"overton , peterborough east","5":"castor , overton , peterborough north","6":"peterborough east","7":"castor , overton , peterborough east","8":"overton , peterborough east","9":"castor , overton , peterborough east","10":"castor , peterborough north","11":"castor , overton , peterborough east","12":"peterborough east"},"arrival":{"0":4.05,"1":8.48,"2":9.04,"3":10.37,"4":11.05,"5":12.06,"6":12.4,"7":14.12,"8":15.05,"9":16.33,"10":17.46,"11":19.58,"12":22.15},"operator":{"0":"lnwr","1":"gnr","2":"lnwr","3":"lnwr","4":"lnwr","5":"gnr","6":"lnwr","7":"lnwr","8":"lnwr","9":"lnwr","10":"gnr","11":"lnwr","12":"lnwr"}}
no in series title directed by written by original air date production code 0 1 oliver buys a farm ralph levy jay sommers september 15 , 1965 1 1 2 lisa 's first day on the farm ralph levy jay sommers and dick chevillat september 22 , 1965 2 2 3 the decorator richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat september 29 , 1965 3 3 4 the best laid plans richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 6 , 1965 4 4 5 my husband , the rooster renter richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 13 , 1965 5 5 6 furniture , furniture , who 's got the furniture richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 20 , 1965 6 6 7 neighborliness richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 27 , 1965 7 7 9 you can't plug in a 2 with a 6 richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 10 , 1965 9 8 10 don't call us , we'll call you richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 17 , 1965 10 9 11 parity begins at home richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 24 , 1965 11 10 13 the wedding anniversary richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat december 15 , 1965 13 11 14 what happened in scranton richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat december 22 , 1965 14 12 15 how to enlarge a bedroom richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat december 29 , 1965 15 13 16 give me land , lots of land richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 5 , 1966 16 14 17 i didn't raise my husband to be a fireman richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 19 , 1966 17 15 18 lisa bakes a cake richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 26 , 1966 18 16 19 sprained ankle , country style richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 2 , 1966 19 17 20 the price of apples richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 9 , 1966 20 18 21 what 's in a name richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 16 , 1966 21 19 22 the day of decision richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 23 , 1966 22 20 23 a pig in a poke richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 9 , 1966 23 21 24 the deputy richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 16 , 1966 25 22 25 double drick richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 23 , 1966 26 23 26 the ballad of molly turgis richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat april 6 , 1966 24 24 27 never look a gift tractor in the mouth richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat april 27 , 1966 28 25 28 send a boy to college richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat may 4 , 1966 27 26 29 horse what horse richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat may 11 , 1966 29 27 31 culture richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat may 25 , 1966 30
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no in series no in season title directed by written by original air date production code 0 33 1 wings over hooterville richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat september 14 , 1966 33 1 34 2 water , water everywhere richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat september 21 , 1966 35 2 37 5 the ugly duckling richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 19 , 1966 34 3 38 6 one of our assemblymen is missing richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 26 , 1966 38 4 39 7 the good old days richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 2 , 1966 39 5 40 8 eb discovers the birds and the bees richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 9 , 1966 40 6 41 9 the hooterville image richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 16 , 1966 41 7 42 10 you ought to be in pictures richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 23 , 1966 42 8 43 11 a home isn't built in a day richard l bare dick chevillat & elon packard and jay sommers november 30 , 1966 43 9 44 12 a square is not round richard l bare elroy schwartz december 14 , 1966 44 10 45 13 an old - fashioned christmas richard l bare jay sommers and buddy atkinson december 21 , 1966 46 11 46 14 never trust a little old lady richard l bare jay sommers & dick chevillat and al schwartz december 28 , 1966 48 12 47 15 school days richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 4 , 1967 49 13 48 16 his honor richard l bare dick chevillat and al schwartz january 11 , 1967 47 14 49 17 it 's so peaceful in the country richard l bare david braverman and bob marcus january 18 , 1967 45 15 50 18 exodus to bleedswell richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 25 , 1967 50 16 51 19 it 's human to be humane richard l bare sam locke and joel rapp february 1 , 1967 51 17 52 20 never take your wife to a convention richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 8 , 1967 52 18 53 21 the computer age richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 15 , 1967 54 19 54 22 never start talking unless your voice comes out richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 22 , 1967 53 20 55 23 the beverly hillbillies richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 1 , 1967 55 21 56 24 lisa 's vegetable garden richard l bare jay sommers & dick chevillat march 8 , 1967 56 22 58 26 getting even with haney richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 22 , 1967 59 23 59 27 kimball gets fired richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 29 , 1967 60 24 60 28 the vulgar ring story richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat april 12 , 1967 58 25 61 29 who 's lisa richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat april 19 , 1967 61
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no in series no in season title directed by written by original air date production code 0 63 1 the man for the job richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat september 6 , 1967 64 1 64 2 lisa 's jam session richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat september 13 , 1967 66 2 65 3 love comes to arnold ziffel richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat september 20 , 1967 65 3 66 4 oliver vs the phone company richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat september 27 , 1967 67 4 67 5 oliver takes over the phone company richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 4 , 1967 68 5 68 6 a kind word for the president richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 11 , 1967 70 6 69 7 don't count your tomatoes before they 're picked richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 18 , 1967 69 7 70 8 eb elopes richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 25 , 1967 72 8 71 9 the thing richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 1 , 1967 73 9 72 10 das lumpen richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 8 , 1967 74 10 73 11 won't you come home , arnold ziffel richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 15 , 1967 75 11 74 12 jealousy , english style richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 22 , 1967 76 12 75 13 haney 's new image richard l bare bobby bell and bill lee november 29 , 1967 77 13 76 14 alf and ralph break up richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat december 13 , 1967 79 14 77 15 no trespassing richard l bare dan beaumont december 20 , 1967 78 15 78 16 eb returns richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat december 27 , 1967 80 16 79 17 not guilty richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 3 , 1968 71 17 80 18 home is where you run away from richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 10 , 1968 81 18 81 19 how to succeed on tv without really trying richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 24 , 1968 83 19 82 20 arnold ziffel , boy hero richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 31 , 1968 84 20 83 21 flight to nowhere richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 7 , 1968 82 21 84 22 my mother the countess richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 14 , 1968 62 22 85 23 the spring festival richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 21 , 1968 85 23 86 24 our son , the barber richard l bare dan beaumont february 28 , 1968 86 24 87 25 oliver 's jaded past richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 6 , 1968 87 25 88 26 the hungarian curse richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 13 , 1968 88 26 89 27 the rutabaga story richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 20 , 1968 89 27 90 28 instant family richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 27 , 1968 90 28 91 29 a star named arnold is born , part 1 richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat april 3 , 1968 91
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no in series no in season title directed by written by original air date production code 0 119 1 lisa 's mudder comes for a visit richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat september 27 , 1969 122 1 120 2 everybody tries to love a countess richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 4 , 1969 123 2 121 3 where there 's a will richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 11 , 1969 119 3 122 4 a tale of a tail richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 18 , 1969 120 4 123 5 you and your big shrunken head richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat october 25 , 1969 121 5 124 6 the road richard l bare jay sommers and john l greene november 1 , 1969 128 6 125 7 four of spades richard l bare jay sommers & john l greene november 8 , 1969 127 7 126 8 the youth center richard l bare jay sommers and john l greene november 15 , 1969 129 8 128 10 oliver 's schoolgirl crush richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat november 29 , 1969 126 9 129 11 ralph 's nuptials richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat december 13 , 1969 133 10 130 12 oliver and the cornstalk richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat december 20 , 1969 124 11 131 13 beauty is skin deep richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat december 27 , 1969 125 12 132 14 the wish - book richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 3 , 1970 131 13 133 15 rest and relaxation richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 10 , 1970 135 14 134 16 trapped richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 17 , 1970 136 15 136 18 the ex - con richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat january 31 , 1970 130 16 138 20 the confrontation richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat february 14 , 1970 138 17 140 22 the picnic richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 7 , 1970 140 18 141 23 the beeping rock richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 21 , 1970 141 19 142 24 uncle fedor richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat march 28 , 1970 143 20 143 25 the wealthy landowner richard l bare jay sommers and dick chevillat april 11 , 1970 142
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class ship name origin hull numbers service years previously note 0 ahmad yani class (ffghm) kri ahmad yani netherlands 351 1986 - present rnn hnlms tjerk hiddes (f804) reportedly still active as of 2009 1 ahmad yani class (ffghm) kri slamet riyadi netherlands 352 1986 - present rnn hnlms van speijk (f802) reportedly still active as of 2009 2 ahmad yani class (ffghm) kri yos sudarso netherlands 353 1987 - present rnn hnlms van galen (f803) reportedly still active as of 2009 3 ahmad yani class (ffghm) kri oswald siahaan netherlands 354 1987 - present rnn hnlms van nes (f805) reportedly still active as of 2012 4 ahmad yani class (ffghm) kri halim perdanakususma netherlands 355 1989 - present rnn hnlms evertsen (f815) reportedly still active as of 2009
{"class":{"0":"ahmad yani class (ffghm)","1":"ahmad yani class (ffghm)","2":"ahmad yani class (ffghm)","3":"ahmad yani class (ffghm)","4":"ahmad yani class (ffghm)"},"ship name":{"0":"kri ahmad yani","1":"kri slamet riyadi","2":"kri yos sudarso","3":"kri oswald siahaan","4":"kri halim perdanakususma"},"origin":{"0":"netherlands","1":"netherlands","2":"netherlands","3":"netherlands","4":"netherlands"},"hull numbers":{"0":351,"1":352,"2":353,"3":354,"4":355},"service years":{"0":"1986 - present","1":"1986 - present","2":"1987 - present","3":"1987 - present","4":"1989 - present"},"previously":{"0":"rnn hnlms tjerk hiddes (f804)","1":"rnn hnlms van speijk (f802)","2":"rnn hnlms van galen (f803)","3":"rnn hnlms van nes (f805)","4":"rnn hnlms evertsen (f815)"},"note":{"0":"reportedly still active as of 2009","1":"reportedly still active as of 2009","2":"reportedly still active as of 2009","3":"reportedly still active as of 2012","4":"reportedly still active as of 2009"}}