27 values
6 values
[ "The relevant information can be included in one single report or more reports according to ", "the specific data contained e.g. financial data, ownership structure, subsidiaries report, ", "etc. Reports should be available for downloading, saving and printing.", "However, whenever available, the access to original documents filed by the companies ", "shall be made accessible to the Agency. ", "The Contractor shall produce a monthly report, detailing the number", "of reports ", "produced/companies consulted by the Agency during the month. ", "The services will be performed at the contractor's premises. ", "The database which provides the business data must be accessible to the Agency’s staff ", "from any EU country.", "In accordance with art. 58 of the Council Directive 2006/112/EC, the place of supply for ", "the electronic services is Finland (namely the place where the Agency has its seat", ").", "The procedure will result in the conclusion of a direct contract.", "In direct contracts all the terms governing the provision of the services, supplies or works ", "are defined at the outset. Once signed, they can be implemented directly without any ", "further contract procedures.", "", " Tenderers need to take full account of the provisions of the Draft contract as the latter ", "will define and govern the contractual relationship(s) to be established between the ", "Contracting authority", " and the successful tenderer(s). Special attention is to be paid to ", "the provisions specifying the rights and obligations of the contractor, in particular those ", "on payments, ", "intellectual property rights", ", ", "performance of the contract, ", "confidentiality, and checks and audits. ", "The maximum price for the total duration of this contract is indicated under Heading ", "II.1.5 of the contract notice. Any tender exceeding the above-mentioned price may be ", "rejected. ", "Within three years following the signature of the contract(s) resulting from the current ", "call for tenders, the ", "Contracting authority", " may use the negotiated procedure under point ", "11.1.e of Annex 1 to ", "Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament ", "and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget ", "of the Union", "2", "to procure new services from the contractor(s) up to a maximum of 50 % ", "of the initial contract value. These services will consist in the repetition of similar services ", "entrusted to the contractor(s) and will be awarded under the following conditions: ", "increase of the Agency’s or outsourced SME verification activities. ", "1.7.", "Volume and value of the contract: how much do we plan to buy? ", "8", "1.6.", "Nature of the contract: how will the contract be implemented? ", "1.5.", "Place of performance: where will the contract be performed? " ]
[ [ 122, 75, 789, 45 ], [ 122, 75, 789, 45 ], [ 122, 75, 789, 45 ], [ 122, 136, 789, 31 ], [ 122, 136, 789, 31 ], [ 122, 183, 786, 31 ], [ 122, 183, 786, 31 ], [ 122, 183, 786, 31 ], [ 122, 266, 526, 16 ], [ 122, 298, 788, 31 ], [ 122, 298, 788, 31 ], [ 122, 345, 788, 33 ], [ 122, 345, 788, 33 ], [ 122, 345, 788, 33 ], [ 131, 435, 542, 16 ], [ 131, 466, 768, 46 ], [ 131, 466, 768, 46 ], [ 131, 466, 768, 46 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 526, 781, 90 ], [ 131, 686, 769, 46 ], [ 131, 686, 769, 46 ], [ 131, 686, 769, 46 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 131, 747, 771, 120 ], [ 153, 650, 670, 16 ], [ 153, 650, 670, 16 ], [ 532, 958, 9, 16 ], [ 153, 398, 652, 16 ], [ 153, 398, 652, 16 ], [ 153, 234, 637, 16 ], [ 153, 234, 637, 16 ] ]
[ [ 122, 75, 786, 16 ], [ 122, 90, 789, 16 ], [ 122, 105, 606, 16 ], [ 122, 136, 789, 16 ], [ 122, 151, 352, 16 ], [ 122, 183, 671, 16 ], [ 806, 183, 101, 16 ], [ 122, 198, 568, 16 ], [ 122, 266, 526, 16 ], [ 122, 298, 788, 16 ], [ 122, 313, 185, 16 ], [ 122, 345, 788, 16 ], [ 122, 361, 709, 16 ], [ 832, 358, 12, 19 ], [ 131, 435, 542, 16 ], [ 131, 466, 767, 16 ], [ 131, 480, 768, 16 ], [ 131, 495, 244, 16 ], [ 131, 528, 9, 13 ], [ 141, 526, 757, 16 ], [ 131, 541, 770, 16 ], [ 131, 556, 185, 16 ], [ 317, 556, 582, 16 ], [ 131, 571, 767, 16 ], [ 131, 586, 153, 16 ], [ 285, 585, 289, 16 ], [ 574, 586, 12, 16 ], [ 600, 586, 312, 16 ], [ 131, 601, 338, 16 ], [ 131, 686, 769, 16 ], [ 131, 701, 768, 16 ], [ 131, 716, 82, 16 ], [ 131, 747, 768, 16 ], [ 131, 762, 173, 16 ], [ 304, 762, 183, 16 ], [ 488, 762, 410, 16 ], [ 131, 777, 188, 16 ], [ 320, 777, 579, 16 ], [ 131, 791, 766, 16 ], [ 131, 806, 105, 16 ], [ 237, 806, 7, 10 ], [ 252, 806, 646, 16 ], [ 131, 821, 767, 16 ], [ 131, 836, 771, 16 ], [ 131, 851, 575, 16 ], [ 153, 650, 36, 16 ], [ 195, 650, 627, 16 ], [ 532, 958, 9, 16 ], [ 153, 398, 36, 16 ], [ 195, 398, 609, 16 ], [ 153, 234, 36, 16 ], [ 195, 234, 594, 16 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
EN-Tender specifications_ECHA-2020-724.pdf
[ "Notes to CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts", "Note 1 – Significant Accounting Policies (continued)", "REcENT accOuNTING PRONOuNcEMENTs:", "In September 2011, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued ASU No. 2011-08, “Intangibles–Goodwill and Other (Topic ", "350): Testing Goodwill for Impairment,” which includes new accounting guidance for the periodic testing of goodwill for impairment. ", "This guidance allows companies to assess qualitative factors to determine if goodwill might be impaired and whether it is necessary ", "to perform the two-step goodwill impairment test required under current accounting standards. This new guidance is effective for ", "the Company beginning after December 31, 2011, with early adoption permitted. Effective October 1, 2011, the Company adopted ", "this accounting guidance. The adoption of the new accounting guidance related to goodwill impairment testing had no impact on the ", "Company’s results of operations and financial condition.", "In June 2011, the FASB issued ASU No. 2011-05, “Comprehensive Income (Topic 220): Presentation of Comprehensive Income,” ", "which includes new accounting rules related to the presentation of comprehensive income. The new accounting rules require that ", "entities present a statement of other comprehensive income within the consolidated financial statements in one of two manners: a ", "single statement approach or a two-statement approach. The single statement approach consists of a single statement presenting the ", "components of net income and total net income, the components of other comprehensive income and a total for other comprehensive ", "income. The two-statement approach allows for the components of net income and total net income to be presented in a financial ", "statement, immediately followed by another financial statement presenting the components of other comprehensive income and ", "a total for comprehensive income. The new accounting rules are effective, on a retrospective basis, for fiscal years beginning after ", "December 15, 2011. The adoption of the new accounting rules related to the presentation of other comprehensive income is not ", "expected to have a material impact on the Company’s results of operations and financial condition, but it will affect how the Company ", "reports other comprehensive income. Management has evaluated the two methods of presentation for comprehensive income and will ", "apply the two-statement approach effective January 1, 2012.", "In May 2011, the FASB issued new accounting guidance updating ASU No. 2011-04, “Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820): Amendments ", "to Achieve Common Fair Value Measurement and Disclosure Requirements in U.S. GAAP and IFRSs.” The new accounting rules do not ", "extend the use of fair value accounting; they only provide additional guidance on the application and disclosure of fair value accounting ", "where its use is currently permitted. The new accounting rules also expand the required disclosures about fair value measurement. The ", "provisions for the new accounting rules are effective, on a prospective basis, for interim and fiscal periods beginning after December 15, ", "2011. The adoption of the new accounting rules for fair value measurements is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s ", "results of operations and financial condition.", "Use of Estimates:", " The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires ", "management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying ", "notes. These estimates and assumptions are reviewed and updated regularly to reflect recent experience.", "Reclassifications: ", "Certain amounts reported in the 2010 and 2009 Consolidated Financial Statements have been reclassified to ", "conform to the 2011 presentation. Such amounts include reclassifications of segment earnings and the reclassifications of certain ", "accruals between short-term and long-term liabilities.", "On October 3, 2011, the Company completed the acquisition of Drives LLC (Drives), a leading manufacturer of highly engineered ", "drive-chains, roller-chains and conveyor augers for agricultural and industrial markets, for $93.1 million in cash. Based in Fulton, Illinois ", "and employing approximately 430 people, Drives had trailing 12-month sales of approximately $100 million through September 2011. ", "The results of the operations of Drives were included in the Company’s Consolidated Statements of Income for the period subsequent ", "to the effective date of the acquisition and were reported in the Mobile Industries and Process Industries segments.", "On July 1, 2011, the Company completed the acquisition of substantially all assets of Philadelphia Gear, a leading provider of high-", "performance gear drives and components with a strong focus on value-added aftermarket capabilities in the industrial and military ", "marine sectors, for $199.0 million in cash. Based in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania and employing approximately 220 people, Philadelphia ", "Gear had trailing 12-month sales through June 2011 of approximately $100 million. The results of the operations of Philadelphia Gear ", "were included in the Company’s Consolidated Statements of Income for the period subsequent to the effective date of the acquisition ", "and were reported in the Process Industries segment.", "NOTE 2 – ACquIsITIONs ANd dIvEsTITurEs", "acquIsITIONs", "THE TIMKEN COMPANY", "50" ]
[ [ 105, 43, 458, 16 ], [ 105, 90, 342, 14 ], [ 105, 117, 306, 13 ], [ 105, 132, 849, 106 ], [ 105, 132, 849, 106 ], [ 105, 132, 849, 106 ], [ 105, 132, 849, 106 ], [ 105, 132, 849, 106 ], [ 105, 132, 849, 106 ], [ 105, 132, 849, 106 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 184 ], [ 105, 439, 848, 106 ], [ 105, 439, 848, 106 ], [ 105, 439, 848, 106 ], [ 105, 439, 848, 106 ], [ 105, 439, 848, 106 ], [ 105, 439, 848, 106 ], [ 105, 439, 848, 106 ], [ 105, 552, 849, 44 ], [ 105, 552, 849, 44 ], [ 105, 552, 849, 44 ], [ 105, 552, 849, 44 ], [ 105, 604, 850, 44 ], [ 105, 604, 850, 44 ], [ 105, 604, 850, 44 ], [ 105, 604, 850, 44 ], [ 105, 714, 849, 75 ], [ 105, 714, 849, 75 ], [ 105, 714, 849, 75 ], [ 105, 714, 849, 75 ], [ 105, 714, 849, 75 ], [ 105, 797, 849, 90 ], [ 105, 797, 849, 90 ], [ 105, 797, 849, 90 ], [ 105, 797, 849, 90 ], [ 105, 797, 849, 90 ], [ 105, 797, 849, 90 ], [ 105, 674, 387, 16 ], [ 105, 698, 103, 13 ], [ 456, 988, 143, 9 ], [ 60, 987, 14, 12 ] ]
[ [ 105, 43, 458, 16 ], [ 105, 90, 342, 14 ], [ 105, 117, 306, 13 ], [ 105, 132, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 148, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 163, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 179, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 194, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 210, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 225, 351, 13 ], [ 105, 247, 850, 13 ], [ 105, 262, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 278, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 293, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 309, 847, 13 ], [ 105, 324, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 340, 850, 13 ], [ 105, 355, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 371, 850, 13 ], [ 105, 386, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 402, 847, 13 ], [ 105, 417, 381, 13 ], [ 105, 439, 847, 13 ], [ 105, 454, 847, 13 ], [ 105, 470, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 485, 847, 13 ], [ 105, 501, 847, 13 ], [ 105, 516, 847, 13 ], [ 105, 532, 277, 13 ], [ 105, 552, 124, 14 ], [ 230, 553, 723, 13 ], [ 105, 568, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 584, 665, 13 ], [ 105, 604, 126, 14 ], [ 234, 605, 721, 13 ], [ 105, 620, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 636, 335, 13 ], [ 105, 714, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 729, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 745, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 760, 847, 13 ], [ 105, 776, 732, 13 ], [ 105, 797, 844, 13 ], [ 105, 812, 849, 13 ], [ 105, 828, 847, 13 ], [ 105, 844, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 859, 848, 13 ], [ 105, 875, 341, 13 ], [ 105, 674, 387, 16 ], [ 105, 698, 103, 13 ], [ 456, 988, 143, 9 ], [ 60, 987, 14, 12 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4, 4 ]
[ "●", "allow access into and from side roads, as blocking these will ", "add to congestion ", "●", "be aware of cyclists and motorcyclists who may be passing ", "on either side. ", "152.", "Residential streets. ", " You should drive slowly and carefully on ", "streets where there are likely to be pedestrians, cyclists and parked ", "cars. In some areas a 20 mph (32 km/h) maximum speed limit may ", "be in force. Look out for ", "●", "vehicles emerging from junctions or driveways ", "●", "vehicles moving off", "●", "car doors opening ", "●", "pedestrians ", "", "79 ", "Driving in built-up areas " ]
[ [ 207, 107, 738, 51 ], [ 207, 107, 738, 51 ], [ 207, 107, 738, 51 ], [ 207, 163, 722, 51 ], [ 207, 163, 722, 51 ], [ 207, 163, 722, 51 ], [ 124, 674, 833, 104 ], [ 124, 674, 833, 104 ], [ 124, 674, 833, 104 ], [ 124, 674, 833, 104 ], [ 124, 674, 833, 104 ], [ 124, 674, 833, 104 ], [ 207, 783, 583, 23 ], [ 207, 783, 583, 23 ], [ 207, 811, 253, 23 ], [ 207, 811, 253, 23 ], [ 207, 840, 253, 23 ], [ 207, 840, 253, 23 ], [ 207, 868, 179, 23 ], [ 207, 868, 179, 23 ], [ 649, 931, 285, 15 ], [ 649, 931, 285, 15 ], [ 161, 609, 458, 31 ] ]
[ [ 207, 107, 17, 22 ], [ 244, 110, 701, 20 ], [ 244, 138, 214, 20 ], [ 207, 163, 17, 22 ], [ 244, 166, 685, 20 ], [ 244, 195, 174, 20 ], [ 124, 674, 51, 20 ], [ 198, 674, 233, 20 ], [ 425, 674, 477, 20 ], [ 170, 702, 787, 20 ], [ 170, 730, 779, 20 ], [ 170, 758, 285, 20 ], [ 207, 783, 17, 22 ], [ 244, 786, 546, 20 ], [ 207, 811, 17, 22 ], [ 244, 815, 216, 20 ], [ 207, 840, 17, 22 ], [ 244, 843, 216, 20 ], [ 207, 868, 17, 22 ], [ 244, 871, 142, 20 ], [ 649, 931, 193, 15 ], [ 911, 931, 24, 15 ], [ 161, 609, 458, 31 ] ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 7 ]
[ "04-HP-876_newMDA.qxd", "12/15/04", "3:04 PM", "Page 58", "Consolidated S", "tatements", "of Cash Flows", "59", "Years", "Ended September 30,", "2004", "2003", "2002", "(in thousands)", "OPERATING ACTIVITIES:", "Income from continuing operations", "$", "4,359", "$", "17,873", "$", "53,706", "Adjustments to reconcile income from continuing", "operations to net cash provided by operating activities:", "Depreciation", "94,425", "82,513", "61,447", "Asset impairment charge", "51,516", "—", "—", "Equity in (income) loss of affiliates before income taxes", "(1,168)", "2,290", "(5,014)", "Amortization of deferred compensation", "10", "180", "1,122", "Gain on sales of securities", "(22,766)", "(5,529)", "(25,551)", "Non-monetary investment (gain) loss", "(2,521)", "—", "1,204", "Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment", "(5,377)", "(3,689)", "(1,392)", "Deferred income tax expense", "5,934", "41,391", "21,147", "Other – net", "(98)", "336", "791", "Change in assets and liabilities:", "Accounts receivable", "(25,335)", "1,516", "24,148", "Inventories", "1,707", "251", "1,042 ", "Prepaid expenses and other", "24,142", "(29,355)", "24,381 ", "Accounts payable", "(1,618)", "(11,415)", "(3,769)", "Accrued liabilities", "2,870", "(1,281)", "955 ", "Deferred income taxes", "2,323", "(166)", "2,986 ", "Other noncurrent liabilities", "6,997", "1,589", "(5,429) ", "131,041", "78,631", "98,068 ", "Net cash provided by operating activities", "135,400", "96,504", "151,774 ", "INVESTING ACTIVITIES:", "Capital expenditures", "(88,972)", "(246,301)", "(312,064)", "Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment", "7,941", "6,720", "4,135", "Purchase of investments", "—", "—", "(5,656)", "Proceeds from sale of securities", "14,033", "18,215", "47,146", "Net cash used in investing activities", "(66,998)", "(221,366)", "(266,439)", "FINANCING ACTIVITIES:", "Proceeds from long-term debt", "—", "100,000", "100,000", "Payments on long-term debt", "—", "—", "(50,000)", "(Decrease) increase in short-term notes", "(30,000)", "30,000", "—", "Dividends paid", "(16,222)", "(16,026)", "(15,221)", "Proceeds from exercise of stock options", "4,927", "2,194", "3,554", "Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities", "(41,295)", "116,168", "38,333", "DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS:", "Net cash provided by operating activities", "—", "—", "62,792", "Net cash (used in) investing activities", "—", "—", "(55,232)", "Cash of discontinued operations at spinoff", "—", "—", "(13,171)", "Net cash used in discontinued operations", "—", "—", "(5,611)", "Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents", "27,107", "(8,694)", "(81,943)", "Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period", "38,189", "46,883", "128,826", "Cash and cash equivalents, end of period", "$", "65,296", "$", "38,189", "$", "46,883", "The accompanying notes are an integral par", "of these statements." ]
[ [ 58, 31, 345, 7 ], [ 58, 31, 345, 7 ], [ 58, 31, 345, 7 ], [ 58, 31, 345, 7 ], [ 163, 136, 701, 33 ], [ 163, 136, 701, 33 ], [ 163, 136, 701, 33 ], [ 505, 916, 13, 7 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 160, 203, 703, 680 ], [ 163, 900, 377, 9 ], [ 163, 900, 377, 9 ] ]
[ [ 58, 31, 143, 7 ], [ 216, 31, 57, 7 ], [ 288, 31, 50, 7 ], [ 353, 31, 50, 7 ], [ 163, 136, 268, 33 ], [ 430, 136, 159, 33 ], [ 515, 136, 349, 33 ], [ 505, 916, 13, 7 ], [ 385, 207, 28, 9 ], [ 517, 207, 29, 9 ], [ 630, 207, 33, 9 ], [ 723, 207, 33, 9 ], [ 812, 207, 33, 9 ], [ 700, 222, 69, 8 ], [ 163, 234, 120, 8 ], [ 171, 248, 175, 8 ], [ 610, 248, 7, 8 ], [ 630, 248, 33, 8 ], [ 702, 248, 6, 8 ], [ 719, 248, 37, 8 ], [ 790, 248, 6, 8 ], [ 807, 248, 37, 8 ], [ 171, 261, 246, 8 ], [ 178, 275, 279, 8 ], [ 190, 288, 62, 8 ], [ 622, 288, 40, 8 ], [ 719, 288, 37, 8 ], [ 807, 288, 37, 8 ], [ 190, 302, 125, 8 ], [ 623, 302, 39, 8 ], [ 745, 302, 11, 8 ], [ 833, 302, 11, 8 ], [ 190, 316, 279, 8 ], [ 627, 316, 41, 8 ], [ 726, 316, 31, 8 ], [ 811, 316, 37, 8 ], [ 190, 329, 197, 8 ], [ 648, 329, 14, 8 ], [ 736, 329, 20, 8 ], [ 814, 329, 31, 8 ], [ 190, 343, 133, 8 ], [ 619, 343, 48, 8 ], [ 722, 343, 37, 8 ], [ 805, 343, 44, 8 ], [ 190, 356, 182, 8 ], [ 627, 356, 41, 8 ], [ 745, 356, 11, 8 ], [ 814, 356, 31, 8 ], [ 190, 370, 231, 8 ], [ 627, 370, 41, 8 ], [ 723, 370, 37, 8 ], [ 811, 370, 37, 8 ], [ 190, 383, 148, 8 ], [ 630, 383, 33, 8 ], [ 719, 383, 37, 8 ], [ 807, 383, 37, 8 ], [ 190, 397, 56, 8 ], [ 645, 397, 22, 8 ], [ 736, 397, 20, 8 ], [ 825, 397, 20, 8 ], [ 190, 410, 158, 8 ], [ 205, 424, 101, 8 ], [ 619, 424, 48, 8 ], [ 726, 424, 31, 8 ], [ 807, 424, 37, 8 ], [ 205, 437, 54, 8 ], [ 630, 437, 33, 8 ], [ 736, 437, 20, 8 ], [ 814, 437, 34, 8 ], [ 205, 451, 141, 8 ], [ 622, 451, 40, 8 ], [ 716, 451, 44, 8 ], [ 807, 451, 41, 8 ], [ 205, 465, 88, 8 ], [ 627, 465, 41, 8 ], [ 716, 465, 44, 8 ], [ 811, 465, 37, 8 ], [ 205, 478, 87, 8 ], [ 630, 478, 33, 8 ], [ 723, 478, 37, 8 ], [ 825, 478, 24, 8 ], [ 205, 492, 114, 8 ], [ 630, 492, 33, 8 ], [ 733, 492, 26, 8 ], [ 814, 492, 34, 8 ], [ 205, 505, 131, 8 ], [ 630, 505, 33, 8 ], [ 726, 505, 31, 8 ], [ 811, 505, 40, 8 ], [ 615, 519, 48, 8 ], [ 719, 519, 37, 8 ], [ 807, 519, 41, 8 ], [ 216, 532, 206, 8 ], [ 615, 532, 48, 8 ], [ 719, 532, 37, 8 ], [ 800, 532, 48, 8 ], [ 163, 559, 116, 8 ], [ 171, 573, 102, 8 ], [ 619, 573, 48, 8 ], [ 709, 573, 51, 8 ], [ 798, 573, 51, 8 ], [ 171, 587, 267, 8 ], [ 630, 587, 33, 8 ], [ 726, 587, 31, 8 ], [ 814, 587, 31, 8 ], [ 171, 600, 123, 8 ], [ 632, 600, 11, 8 ], [ 727, 600, 11, 8 ], [ 811, 600, 37, 8 ], [ 171, 614, 164, 8 ], [ 622, 614, 40, 8 ], [ 719, 614, 37, 8 ], [ 807, 614, 37, 8 ], [ 216, 627, 180, 8 ], [ 619, 627, 48, 8 ], [ 709, 627, 51, 8 ], [ 798, 627, 51, 8 ], [ 163, 654, 117, 8 ], [ 171, 668, 151, 8 ], [ 631, 668, 11, 8 ], [ 712, 668, 44, 8 ], [ 801, 668, 44, 8 ], [ 171, 681, 142, 8 ], [ 631, 681, 11, 8 ], [ 727, 681, 11, 8 ], [ 805, 681, 44, 8 ], [ 171, 695, 199, 8 ], [ 619, 695, 48, 8 ], [ 719, 695, 37, 8 ], [ 817, 695, 11, 8 ], [ 171, 709, 73, 8 ], [ 619, 709, 48, 8 ], [ 716, 709, 44, 8 ], [ 805, 709, 44, 8 ], [ 171, 722, 205, 8 ], [ 630, 722, 33, 8 ], [ 726, 722, 31, 8 ], [ 814, 722, 31, 8 ], [ 216, 736, 249, 8 ], [ 619, 736, 48, 8 ], [ 712, 736, 44, 8 ], [ 808, 736, 37, 8 ], [ 163, 763, 151, 8 ], [ 171, 776, 206, 8 ], [ 632, 776, 11, 8 ], [ 727, 776, 11, 8 ], [ 807, 776, 37, 8 ], [ 171, 790, 186, 8 ], [ 632, 790, 11, 8 ], [ 727, 790, 11, 8 ], [ 805, 790, 44, 8 ], [ 171, 803, 213, 8 ], [ 632, 803, 11, 8 ], [ 727, 803, 11, 8 ], [ 805, 803, 44, 8 ], [ 216, 817, 208, 8 ], [ 632, 817, 11, 8 ], [ 727, 817, 11, 8 ], [ 811, 817, 37, 8 ], [ 163, 844, 268, 8 ], [ 622, 844, 40, 8 ], [ 723, 844, 37, 8 ], [ 805, 844, 44, 8 ], [ 163, 858, 239, 8 ], [ 622, 858, 40, 8 ], [ 719, 858, 37, 8 ], [ 800, 858, 44, 8 ], [ 163, 871, 209, 8 ], [ 603, 871, 7, 8 ], [ 622, 871, 40, 8 ], [ 702, 871, 6, 8 ], [ 719, 871, 37, 8 ], [ 790, 871, 6, 8 ], [ 807, 871, 37, 8 ], [ 163, 900, 251, 9 ], [ 532, 900, 8, 9 ] ]
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[ [ 933, 37, 8, 12 ], [ 98, 71, 13, 11 ], [ 124, 71, 66, 11 ], [ 197, 71, 35, 11 ], [ 240, 71, 260, 11 ], [ 121, 85, 26, 7 ], [ 147, 85, 69, 11 ], [ 98, 98, 13, 11 ], [ 123, 98, 376, 11 ], [ 121, 112, 260, 11 ], [ 98, 125, 13, 11 ], [ 124, 125, 306, 11 ], [ 438, 126, 26, 7 ], [ 464, 125, 35, 11 ], [ 121, 139, 343, 11 ], [ 469, 140, 26, 7 ], [ 496, 139, 4, 11 ], [ 121, 152, 379, 11 ], [ 121, 166, 10, 11 ], [ 138, 167, 26, 7 ], [ 164, 166, 336, 11 ], [ 121, 179, 121, 11 ], [ 247, 180, 17, 7 ], [ 265, 179, 107, 11 ], [ 98, 193, 13, 11 ], [ 124, 193, 79, 11 ], [ 208, 193, 33, 11 ], [ 245, 193, 255, 11 ], [ 121, 207, 11, 11 ], [ 137, 207, 26, 7 ], [ 164, 207, 84, 11 ], [ 98, 220, 13, 11 ], [ 123, 220, 377, 11 ], [ 121, 234, 26, 7 ], [ 147, 234, 353, 11 ], [ 98, 247, 12, 11 ], [ 122, 247, 48, 11 ], [ 173, 247, 32, 11 ], [ 210, 247, 191, 11 ], [ 405, 248, 17, 7 ], [ 423, 247, 77, 11 ], [ 121, 261, 46, 11 ], [ 98, 274, 13, 11 ], [ 124, 274, 81, 11 ], [ 210, 274, 33, 11 ], [ 249, 274, 251, 11 ], [ 121, 288, 54, 11 ], [ 179, 289, 26, 7 ], [ 206, 288, 294, 11 ], [ 530, 253, 20, 11 ], [ 565, 253, 72, 11 ], [ 645, 253, 37, 11 ], [ 690, 253, 220, 11 ], [ 919, 254, 17, 7 ], [ 936, 253, 4, 11 ], [ 561, 267, 98, 11 ], [ 530, 213, 21, 11 ], [ 565, 213, 78, 11 ], [ 653, 213, 12, 11 ], [ 675, 213, 16, 11 ], [ 701, 213, 240, 11 ], [ 561, 227, 196, 10 ], [ 773, 226, 24, 11 ], [ 812, 226, 40, 11 ], [ 866, 226, 46, 11 ], [ 927, 226, 13, 11 ], [ 561, 240, 306, 10 ], [ 869, 240, 4, 11 ], [ 530, 199, 18, 11 ], [ 561, 199, 185, 11 ], [ 752, 200, 17, 7 ], [ 770, 199, 131, 11 ], [ 530, 172, 18, 11 ], [ 561, 172, 64, 11 ], [ 618, 172, 6, 11 ], [ 631, 172, 35, 11 ], [ 672, 172, 202, 11 ], [ 881, 173, 26, 7 ], [ 907, 172, 33, 11 ], [ 561, 186, 46, 11 ], [ 530, 118, 20, 11 ], [ 564, 118, 210, 11 ], [ 779, 118, 11, 11 ], [ 790, 116, 5, 7 ], [ 796, 116, 6, 7 ], [ 796, 116, 5, 7 ], [ 790, 124, 18, 7 ], [ 814, 118, 13, 11 ], [ 832, 110, 108, 19 ], [ 561, 132, 38, 11 ], [ 605, 132, 11, 19 ], [ 618, 132, 7, 11 ], [ 625, 132, 4, 11 ], [ 629, 132, 46, 11 ], [ 678, 132, 7, 11 ], [ 686, 132, 34, 11 ], [ 721, 132, 53, 11 ], [ 774, 132, 166, 11 ], [ 561, 145, 14, 11 ], [ 589, 145, 351, 11 ], [ 561, 159, 95, 11 ], [ 561, 71, 169, 11 ], [ 735, 72, 26, 7 ], [ 762, 71, 69, 11 ], [ 530, 88, 20, 11 ], [ 564, 88, 65, 11 ], [ 637, 88, 11, 11 ], [ 649, 86, 6, 7 ], [ 656, 83, 8, 6 ], [ 674, 88, 11, 19 ], [ 694, 88, 4, 11 ], [ 698, 88, 12, 11 ], [ 712, 86, 6, 7 ], [ 719, 83, 8, 6 ], [ 734, 88, 11, 19 ], [ 751, 88, 12, 11 ], [ 765, 86, 6, 7 ], [ 772, 88, 15, 11 ], [ 787, 88, 7, 11 ], [ 795, 88, 4, 11 ], [ 799, 88, 12, 11 ], [ 813, 86, 6, 7 ], [ 820, 83, 8, 6 ], [ 836, 88, 11, 11 ], [ 852, 88, 12, 11 ], [ 866, 86, 6, 7 ], [ 873, 88, 67, 11 ], [ 561, 104, 11, 11 ], [ 573, 103, 6, 7 ], [ 580, 101, 9, 5 ], [ 595, 104, 11, 11 ], [ 611, 104, 11, 19 ], [ 623, 104, 11, 11 ], [ 635, 103, 6, 7 ], [ 642, 104, 14, 11 ], [ 790, 116, 5, 7 ], [ 796, 116, 6, 7 ], [ 796, 116, 5, 7 ] ]
[ 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "myisamchk — MyISAM Table-Maintenance Utility", "To ensure that ", "myisamchk", " and the server use the same values for full-text parameters, you can place", "each one in both the ", "[mysqld]", " and ", "[myisamchk]", " sections of an option file:", "An alternative to using ", "myisamchk", " is to use the ", "REPAIR TABLE", ", ", "ANALYZE TABLE", ", ", "OPTIMIZE TABLE", ",", "or ", "ALTER TABLE", ". These statements are performed by the server, which knows the proper full-text", "parameter values to use.", "myisamchk", " supports the following options for table checking operations:", "Check the table for errors. This is the default operation if you specify no option that selects an operation", "type explicitly.", "Check only tables that have changed since the last check.", "Check the table very thoroughly. This is quite slow if the table has many indexes. This option should only", "be used in extreme cases. Normally, ", "myisamchk", " or ", "myisamchk --medium-check", " should be able to", "determine whether there are any errors in the table.", "If you are using ", "--extend-check", " and have plenty of memory, setting the ", "key_buffer_size", " variable", "to a large value helps the repair operation run faster.", "See also the description of this option under table repair options.", "For a description of the output format, see Section, “Obtaining Table Information with", "myisamchk”", ".", "Check only tables that haven’t been closed properly.", "Do a repair operation automatically if ", "myisamchk", " finds any errors in the table. The repair type is the", "same as that specified with the ", "--recover", " or ", "-r", " option.", "Print informational statistics about the table that is checked.", "Do a check that is faster than an ", "--extend-check", " operation. This finds only 99.99% of all errors,", "which should be good enough in most cases.", "568", "•", "--read-only", ", ", "-T", "•", "--medium-check", ", ", "-m", "•", "--information", ", ", "-i", "•", "--force", ", ", "-f", "•", "--fast", ", ", "-F", "•", "--extend-check", ", ", "-e", "•", "--check-only-changed", ", ", "-C", "•", "--check", ", ", "-c", "[mysqld]", "ft_min_word_len=3", "[myisamchk]", "ft_min_word_len=3", "", "myisamchk Check Options" ]
[ [ 314, 48, 369, 11 ], [ 140, 94, 757, 27 ], [ 140, 94, 757, 27 ], [ 140, 94, 757, 27 ], [ 140, 94, 757, 27 ], [ 140, 94, 757, 27 ], [ 140, 94, 757, 27 ], [ 140, 94, 757, 27 ], [ 140, 94, 757, 27 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 212, 775, 43 ], [ 140, 302, 539, 11 ], [ 140, 302, 539, 11 ], [ 157, 358, 766, 27 ], [ 157, 358, 766, 27 ], [ 157, 429, 430, 11 ], [ 157, 484, 774, 43 ], [ 157, 484, 774, 43 ], [ 157, 484, 774, 43 ], [ 157, 484, 774, 43 ], [ 157, 484, 774, 43 ], [ 157, 484, 774, 43 ], [ 157, 484, 774, 43 ], [ 157, 543, 771, 27 ], [ 157, 543, 771, 27 ], [ 157, 543, 771, 27 ], [ 157, 543, 771, 27 ], [ 157, 543, 771, 27 ], [ 157, 543, 771, 27 ], [ 157, 586, 477, 11 ], [ 157, 614, 697, 27 ], [ 157, 614, 697, 27 ], [ 157, 614, 697, 27 ], [ 157, 685, 388, 11 ], [ 157, 741, 741, 27 ], [ 157, 741, 741, 27 ], [ 157, 741, 741, 27 ], [ 157, 741, 741, 27 ], [ 157, 741, 741, 27 ], [ 157, 741, 741, 27 ], [ 157, 741, 741, 27 ], [ 157, 741, 741, 27 ], [ 157, 812, 440, 11 ], [ 157, 867, 730, 27 ], [ 157, 867, 730, 27 ], [ 157, 867, 730, 27 ], [ 157, 867, 730, 27 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 140, 911, 156, 11 ], [ 140, 911, 156, 11 ], [ 140, 911, 156, 11 ], [ 140, 911, 156, 11 ], [ 140, 839, 186, 11 ], [ 140, 839, 186, 11 ], [ 140, 839, 186, 11 ], [ 140, 839, 186, 11 ], [ 140, 784, 176, 11 ], [ 140, 784, 176, 11 ], [ 140, 784, 176, 11 ], [ 140, 784, 176, 11 ], [ 140, 713, 116, 11 ], [ 140, 713, 116, 11 ], [ 140, 713, 116, 11 ], [ 140, 713, 116, 11 ], [ 140, 657, 106, 11 ], [ 140, 657, 106, 11 ], [ 140, 657, 106, 11 ], [ 140, 657, 106, 11 ], [ 140, 456, 186, 11 ], [ 140, 456, 186, 11 ], [ 140, 456, 186, 11 ], [ 140, 456, 186, 11 ], [ 140, 401, 247, 11 ], [ 140, 401, 247, 11 ], [ 140, 401, 247, 11 ], [ 140, 401, 247, 11 ], [ 140, 330, 116, 11 ], [ 140, 330, 116, 11 ], [ 140, 330, 116, 11 ], [ 140, 330, 116, 11 ], [ 140, 137, 136, 57 ], [ 140, 137, 136, 57 ], [ 140, 137, 136, 57 ], [ 140, 137, 136, 57 ], [ 60, 271, 323, 14 ], [ 60, 271, 323, 14 ] ]
[ [ 314, 48, 369, 11 ], [ 140, 94, 112, 11 ], [ 253, 96, 90, 10 ], [ 343, 94, 554, 11 ], [ 140, 110, 156, 11 ], [ 297, 111, 80, 10 ], [ 377, 110, 37, 11 ], [ 414, 111, 110, 10 ], [ 525, 110, 188, 11 ], [ 140, 212, 170, 11 ], [ 311, 213, 90, 10 ], [ 401, 212, 99, 11 ], [ 501, 213, 120, 10 ], [ 621, 212, 9, 11 ], [ 631, 213, 130, 10 ], [ 761, 212, 9, 11 ], [ 770, 213, 140, 10 ], [ 911, 212, 4, 11 ], [ 140, 228, 19, 11 ], [ 160, 229, 110, 10 ], [ 270, 228, 597, 11 ], [ 140, 243, 184, 11 ], [ 140, 303, 90, 10 ], [ 231, 302, 448, 11 ], [ 157, 358, 766, 11 ], [ 157, 373, 104, 11 ], [ 157, 429, 430, 11 ], [ 157, 484, 774, 11 ], [ 157, 500, 275, 11 ], [ 432, 501, 90, 10 ], [ 523, 500, 24, 11 ], [ 547, 501, 241, 10 ], [ 788, 500, 132, 11 ], [ 157, 515, 381, 11 ], [ 157, 543, 119, 11 ], [ 276, 544, 140, 10 ], [ 417, 543, 297, 11 ], [ 715, 544, 150, 10 ], [ 865, 543, 63, 11 ], [ 157, 558, 389, 11 ], [ 157, 586, 477, 11 ], [ 157, 614, 697, 11 ], [ 157, 630, 103, 11 ], [ 246, 630, 4, 11 ], [ 157, 685, 388, 11 ], [ 157, 741, 277, 11 ], [ 434, 742, 90, 10 ], [ 525, 741, 373, 11 ], [ 157, 756, 233, 11 ], [ 391, 757, 90, 10 ], [ 481, 756, 24, 11 ], [ 505, 757, 20, 10 ], [ 525, 756, 54, 11 ], [ 157, 812, 440, 11 ], [ 157, 867, 244, 11 ], [ 402, 868, 140, 10 ], [ 542, 867, 345, 11 ], [ 157, 883, 334, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 140, 911, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 912, 110, 10 ], [ 267, 911, 9, 11 ], [ 277, 912, 20, 10 ], [ 140, 839, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 841, 140, 10 ], [ 298, 839, 9, 11 ], [ 307, 841, 20, 10 ], [ 140, 784, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 785, 130, 10 ], [ 288, 784, 9, 11 ], [ 297, 785, 20, 10 ], [ 140, 713, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 714, 70, 10 ], [ 227, 713, 9, 11 ], [ 237, 714, 20, 10 ], [ 140, 657, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 658, 60, 10 ], [ 217, 657, 9, 11 ], [ 227, 658, 20, 10 ], [ 140, 456, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 458, 140, 10 ], [ 298, 456, 9, 11 ], [ 307, 458, 20, 10 ], [ 140, 401, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 402, 200, 10 ], [ 358, 401, 9, 11 ], [ 367, 402, 20, 10 ], [ 140, 330, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 331, 70, 10 ], [ 227, 330, 9, 11 ], [ 237, 331, 20, 10 ], [ 140, 137, 64, 8 ], [ 140, 149, 136, 8 ], [ 140, 174, 88, 8 ], [ 140, 187, 136, 8 ], [ 60, 271, 61, 14 ], [ 127, 271, 256, 14 ] ]
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[ "0.5", "1", "1.5", "2", "0", "10", "20", "30", "40", "n=2", "n=1", "c", "d=2", "1", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "0", "10", "20", "30", "n=1", "n=2", "c", "→", "→", "d=3", "23", "are two stable states (inhomogeneous) and one unstable", "state (homogeneous). The pairs of inhomogeneous states", "have the same entropy. Therefore, the central density", "α", "plays the role of an order parameter (see Fig. 28).", "The microcanonical phase diagram is represented in", "Figs.", "45", "and 46 where we have plotted Λ", "∗", "$_{c}$, Λ$_{∗}$", "and Λ$_{t}$", "as a function of", "µ", ".", "The three energies coincide at the", "microcanonical tricritical point", "µ", "=", "µ$_{m}$", ". At that point,", "the phase transition goes from second order (", "µ < µ$_{m}$", ") to", "first order (", "µ > µ$_{m}$", "). We have also represented the region", "of negative specific heats which appears at the canonical", "tricritical point", "µ", "=", "µ$_{c}$", ". For", "µ$_{c}$ < µ < µ$_{m}$", ", it is delimited", "by Λ", "∗", "c", "and Λ", "′", "and for", "µ > µ$_{m}$", ", it is delimited by Λ$_{∗}$ and", "Λ", "$^{′}$. This region of negative specific heats also defines the", "physical region of ensembles inequivalence, i.e. the states", "that are stable in MCE but unstable in CE (metastable", "states are considered here as stable states). Finally, we", "have represented the strict region of ensembles inequiva-", "lence, i.e. the states that are stable in MCE but unstable", "or metastable in CE. It is delimited by Λ$_{1}$ and Λ$_{2}$ and,", "of course, contains the negative specific heats region.", "The strict caloric curve (see Figs. 39, 43 and 44), cor-", "responding to the fully stable states, is denoted (S). The", "states (U) are unstable. The states (M) are metastable", "but they are long-lived. We see that there exists a fully", "stable equilibrium state for any accessible energy and any", "screening length. This is consistent with the usual New-", "tonian model in", "d", "= 1 [20, 29].", "In conclusion, for", "µ < µ$_{c}$", ", the system displays canon-", "ical and microcanonical second order phase transitions.", "For", "µ$_{c}$ < µ < µ$_{m}$", "(canonical tricritical point), the system", "displays canonical first order phase transitions and micro-", "canonical second order phase transitions.", "For", "µ > µ$_{m}$", "(microcanonical tricritical point), the system displays", "canonical and microcanonical first order phase transi-", "tions.", "Note that the canonical and microcanonical tri-", "critcal points do not coincide as also observed in other", "models [28, 38, 40].", "FIG. 47: Caloric curve in", "d", "= 2 for", "µ", "= 1.", "FIG. 48: Caloric curve in", "d", "= 3 for", "µ", "= 1.", "equation (64). We first consider the spectral stability of", "the homogeneous phase with respect to the Smoluchowski", "equation or, equivalently, with respect to the Keller-Segel", "model. This will allow us to determine the growth rate", "(unstable case) or the damping rate (stable case) of the", "perturbation.", "Then, we investigate the dynamical and", "thermodynamical stability of a larger class of systems by", "determining whether the homogeneous phase is a maxi-", "mum of entropy at fixed mass and energy in MCE or a", "minimum of free energy at fixed mass in CE.", "In Figs. 47 and 48, we plot the series of equilibria in", "d", "= 2 and", "d", "= 3. We have considered different values of", "µ", "but only the case", "µ", "= 1 is shown. We have observed that", "the shape of the diagrams does not significantly depend", "on the value of the screening parameter", "µ", ". Therefore, the", "description of these diagrams is similar to the one given", "in Secs.", "III", "F 2 and III F 3 for the modified Newtonian", "model.", "We consider the mean field Smoluchowski equation", "In this section, we study the stability of the homoge-", "neous phase in the case where the potential satisfies the", "modified Poisson equation (43) or the screened Poisson", "coupled to the modified Poisson equation (43) or to the", "screened Poisson equation (64).", "The boundary condi-", "tions are given by Eq. (45). Up to a change of notation,", "these equations also describe the Keller-Segel model (31)-", "(37)", "or (31)-(39). In the modified Newtonian model, the", "∂ρ", "∂t", "=", "∇ ·", "[", "1", "ξ", "(", "k$_{B}$T", "m", "∇", "ρ", "+", "ρ", "∇", "Φ", ")]", ",", "(88)", "A.", "Spectral stability", "2.", "The dimensions", "d", "= 2", "and", "d", "= 3", "V.", "STABILITY OF THE HOMOGENEOUS", "PHASE" ]
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[ "8/15/19", "AIM ", "10,000 feet during the day, and above 5,000 feet at", "night. The CFRs require that at the minimum, flight", "crew be provided with and use supplemental oxygen", "after 30 minutes of exposure to cabin pressure", "altitudes between 12,500 and 14,000 feet and", "immediately on exposure to cabin pressure altitudes", "above 14,000 feet. Every occupant of the aircraft", "must be provided with supplemental oxygen at cabin", "pressure altitudes above 15,000 feet.", "1.", "As the aircraft cabin pressure decreases", "during ascent, the expanding air in the middle ear", "pushes the eustachian tube open, and by escaping", "down it to the nasal passages, equalizes in pressure", "with the cabin pressure. But during descent, the pilot", "must periodically open the eustachian tube to", "equalize pressure. This can be accomplished by", "swallowing, yawning, tensing muscles in the throat,", "or if these do not work, by a combination of closing", "the mouth, pinching the nose closed, and attempting", "to blow through the nostrils (Valsalva maneuver).", "2.", "Either an upper respiratory infection, such as", "a cold or sore throat, or a nasal allergic condition can", "produce enough congestion around the eustachian", "tube to make equalization difficult. Consequently, the", "difference in pressure between the middle ear and", "aircraft cabin can build up to a level that will hold the", "eustachian tube closed, making equalization difficult", "if not impossible. The problem is commonly referred", "to as an “ear block.”", "3.", "An ear block produces severe ear pain and", "loss of hearing that can last from several hours to", "several days. Rupture of the ear drum can occur in", "flight or after landing. Fluid can accumulate in the", "middle ear and become infected.", "4.", "An ear block is prevented by not flying with", "an upper respiratory infection or nasal allergic", "condition. Adequate protection is usually not", "provided by decongestant sprays or drops to reduce", "congestion around the eustachian tubes. Oral", "decongestants have side effects that can significantly", "impair pilot performance.", "5.", "If an ear block does not clear shortly after", "landing, a physician should be consulted.", "2.", "T", "he recommended waiting time before going", "to flight altitudes of up to 8,000 feet is at least", "12", "hours after diving which has not required", "controlled ascent (nondecompression stop diving),", "and at least 24 hours after diving which has required", "controlled ascent (decompression stop diving). The", "waiting time before going to flight altitudes above", "8,000 feet should be at least 24 hours after any", "SCUBA dive. These recommended altitudes are", "actual flight altitudes above mean sea level (AMSL)", "and not pressurized cabin altitudes. This takes into", "consideration the risk of decompression of the", "aircraft during flight.", "1.", "A pilot or passenger who intends to fly after", "scuba diving should allow the body sufficient time to", "rid itself of excess nitrogen absorbed during diving.", "If not, decompression sickness due to evolved gas can", "occur during exposure to low altitude and create a", "serious inflight emergency.", "4.", "If a sinus block does not clear shortly after", "landing, a physician should be consulted.", "3.", "A sinus block is prevented by not flying with", "an upper respiratory infection or nasal allergic", "condition. Adequate protection is usually not", "provided by decongestant sprays or drops to reduce", "congestion around the sinus openings. Oral decon-", "gestants have side effects that can impair pilot", "performance.", "2.", "A sinus block can occur in the frontal sinuses,", "located above each eyebrow, or in the maxillary", "sinuses, located in each upper cheek. It will usually", "produce excruciating pain over the sinus area. A", "maxillary sinus block can also make the upper teeth", "ache. Bloody mucus may discharge from the nasal", "passages.", "1.", "During ascent and descent, air pressure in the", "sinuses equalizes with the aircraft cabin pressure", "through small openings that connect the sinuses to the", "nasal passages. Either an upper respiratory infection,", "such as a cold or sinusitis, or a nasal allergic condition", "can produce enough congestion around an opening to", "slow equalization, and as the difference in pressure", "between the sinus and cabin mounts, eventually plug", "the opening. This “sinus block” occurs most", "frequently during descent.", "b.", "Ear Block.", "c.", "Sinus Block.", "Fitness for Flight", "8", "−", "1", "−", "4", "d.", "Decompression Sickness After Scuba", "Diving." ]
[ [ 864, 39, 51, 15 ], [ 108, 39, 36, 15 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 148 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 148 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 148 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 148 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 148 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 148 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 148 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 148 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 148 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 283, 385, 181 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 479, 384, 148 ], [ 108, 641, 384, 82 ], [ 108, 641, 384, 82 ], [ 108, 641, 384, 82 ], [ 108, 641, 384, 82 ], [ 108, 641, 384, 82 ], [ 108, 641, 384, 82 ], [ 108, 738, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 738, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 738, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 738, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 738, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 738, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 738, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 738, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 868, 384, 33 ], [ 108, 868, 384, 33 ], [ 108, 868, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 717, 385, 214 ], [ 532, 608, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 608, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 608, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 608, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 608, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 608, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 608, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 519, 383, 33 ], [ 532, 519, 383, 33 ], [ 532, 519, 383, 33 ], [ 532, 393, 385, 115 ], [ 532, 393, 385, 115 ], [ 532, 393, 385, 115 ], [ 532, 393, 385, 115 ], [ 532, 393, 385, 115 ], [ 532, 393, 385, 115 ], [ 532, 393, 385, 115 ], [ 532, 393, 385, 115 ], [ 532, 266, 384, 115 ], [ 532, 266, 384, 115 ], [ 532, 266, 384, 115 ], [ 532, 266, 384, 115 ], [ 532, 266, 384, 115 ], [ 532, 266, 384, 115 ], [ 532, 266, 384, 115 ], [ 532, 266, 384, 115 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 532, 90, 385, 164 ], [ 125, 256, 108, 12 ], [ 125, 256, 108, 12 ], [ 125, 918, 119, 12 ], [ 125, 918, 119, 12 ], [ 795, 969, 115, 15 ], [ 108, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 108, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 108, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 108, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 108, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 532, 567, 385, 29 ], [ 532, 567, 385, 29 ], [ 532, 567, 385, 29 ] ]
[ [ 864, 39, 51, 15 ], [ 108, 39, 36, 15 ], [ 108, 90, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 107, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 123, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 140, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 156, 385, 16 ], [ 108, 172, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 189, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 205, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 222, 269, 16 ], [ 141, 287, 13, 12 ], [ 166, 283, 326, 16 ], [ 108, 300, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 316, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 333, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 349, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 366, 385, 16 ], [ 108, 382, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 399, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 415, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 432, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 448, 365, 16 ], [ 141, 482, 13, 12 ], [ 164, 479, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 495, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 512, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 528, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 545, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 561, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 578, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 594, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 611, 150, 16 ], [ 141, 645, 13, 12 ], [ 164, 641, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 658, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 674, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 691, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 707, 240, 16 ], [ 141, 742, 13, 12 ], [ 164, 738, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 754, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 771, 385, 16 ], [ 108, 787, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 804, 385, 16 ], [ 108, 820, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 837, 189, 16 ], [ 141, 871, 13, 12 ], [ 164, 868, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 884, 303, 16 ], [ 565, 721, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 718, 11, 16 ], [ 600, 717, 316, 16 ], [ 532, 733, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 750, 21, 16 ], [ 559, 750, 357, 16 ], [ 532, 766, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 783, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 799, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 816, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 832, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 849, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 865, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 882, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 898, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 915, 155, 16 ], [ 565, 611, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 608, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 624, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 640, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 657, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 673, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 690, 199, 16 ], [ 565, 523, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 519, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 536, 303, 16 ], [ 565, 396, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 393, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 409, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 426, 385, 16 ], [ 532, 442, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 459, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 475, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 492, 97, 16 ], [ 565, 270, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 266, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 283, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 299, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 316, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 332, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 349, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 365, 69, 16 ], [ 565, 94, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 90, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 107, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 123, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 140, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 156, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 173, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 189, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 206, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 222, 385, 16 ], [ 532, 239, 193, 16 ], [ 125, 256, 15, 12 ], [ 145, 256, 87, 12 ], [ 125, 918, 13, 12 ], [ 143, 918, 101, 12 ], [ 795, 969, 115, 15 ], [ 108, 971, 8, 15 ], [ 116, 971, 9, 15 ], [ 125, 971, 8, 15 ], [ 133, 971, 9, 15 ], [ 142, 971, 8, 15 ], [ 549, 567, 17, 12 ], [ 572, 567, 345, 12 ], [ 532, 583, 56, 12 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "10", "distance of the users from their serving BSs remain nearly the same, however, the small scale fading gain", "on the considered subcarrier may vary from one time slot to the other. We select the user with maximum", "SNR in each time slot", "T$_{w}$", ", however once a user is selected from a ring, all users located in that ring will", "not be scheduled for transmission for the next", "K", "−", "1", "time slots. Note that all BSs are considered to be", "time synchronized in terms of scheduling. Clearly, the probability of allocating a ring", "k", "at", "T$_{1}$", "can simply", "be given by (11). However, the probability of selecting a ring", "k", "at", "T$_{2}$", "is a dependent event and can be", "derived using Bayes theorem as follows:", "where,", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r", "T", "2", "k", ") =", "K", "∑", "j", "=1", "j", "=", "k", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{k}$", "T", "2", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{j}$", "T", "1", ")", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r", "T", "1", "j", ")", "(18)", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{k}$", "T", "2", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{j}$", "T", "1", ")", "=", "∫", "∞", "0", "K", "∏", "i", "=", "k", "i", "=", "j", "(", "F$_{ζ}$", "(", "γ$_{k}$r", "β", "$_{i}$)", ")", "u$_{i}$", "u$_{k}$f$_{ζ}$", "(", "γ$_{k}$r", "β", "$_{k}$)", "r", "−", "β", "k", "(", "F$_{ζ}$", "(", "γ$_{k}$r", "β", "$_{k}$)", ")", "u$_{k}$", "−", "$^{1}$dγ$_{k}$", "(19)", "Since the probability of allocating any ring", "k", "within time slot", "T$_{w}$", "depends on all previous states, therefore,", "the principle of Markov chain transition probabilities is not directly applicable. For more clarity, the", "probability of selecting a ring", "k", "at", "T$_{3}$", "is given as follows:", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r", "T", "3", "k", ") =", "K", "∑", "m", "=", "k", "K", "∑", "j", "=", "m", "j", "=", "k", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{k}$", "T", "3", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{j}$", "T", "2", "∩", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{m}$", "T", "1", ")", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{j}$", "T", "2", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{m}$", "T", "1", ")", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r", "T", "1", "$_{m}$)", "(20)", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{k}$", "T", "3", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{j}$", "T", "2", "∩", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{m}$", "T", "1", ")", "=", "∫", "∞", "0", "K", "∏", "i", "=", "k", "i", "=", "j,i", "=", "$_{m}$(", "F$_{ζ}$", "(", "γ$_{k}$r", "β", "$_{i}$)", ")", "u$_{i}$", "u$_{k}$f$_{ζ}$", "(", "γ$_{k}$r", "β", "$_{k}$)", "r", "−", "β", "k", "(", "F$_{ζ}$", "(", "γ$_{k}$r", "β", "$_{k}$)", ")", "u$_{k}$", "−", "$^{1}$dγ$_{k}$", "(21)", "Computational Efficiency:", "The time complexity of the greedy round robin scheme is heavily based on", "the computational time of the", "NIntegrate", "operation in", "MATHEMATICA", ". One", "NIntegrate", "operation", "requires around 0.95 sec which is equivalent to the computational complexity of (i)", "greedy", "scheme and", "K", "∑", "n", "=", "k", "K", "∑", "s", "=", "n,", "s", "=", "k", "· · ·", "∑", "j", "=", "s,n,..", "j", "=", "k", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{k}$", "T$_{w}$", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{j}$", "T$_{w}$$_{−}$", "1", "· · · ∩", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{s}$", "T", "2", "∩", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{n}$", "T", "1", ")", "· · ·", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{s}$", "T", "2", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r$_{n}$", "T", "1", ")", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r", "T", "1", "n", ")", "(22)", "In general, the probability of selecting any ring", "k", "at a time slot", "T$_{w}$", ", i.e.,", "P", "(", "r$_{sel}$", "=", "r", "T$_{w}$", "k", ")", "can be written as:", "where," ]
[ [ 929, 38, 13, 9 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 192 ], [ 82, 362, 53, 13 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 638, 58 ], [ 304, 286, 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[ [ 929, 38, 13, 9 ], [ 81, 76, 861, 13 ], [ 81, 105, 861, 13 ], [ 81, 135, 182, 13 ], [ 270, 134, 21, 15 ], [ 293, 135, 649, 13 ], [ 82, 165, 382, 13 ], [ 472, 164, 16, 15 ], [ 495, 164, 15, 15 ], [ 515, 164, 9, 15 ], [ 532, 165, 410, 13 ], [ 82, 194, 701, 13 ], [ 789, 193, 10, 15 ], [ 807, 194, 14, 13 ], [ 828, 193, 18, 15 ], [ 854, 194, 89, 13 ], [ 81, 224, 516, 13 ], [ 605, 223, 10, 15 ], [ 624, 224, 14, 13 ], [ 646, 223, 18, 15 ], [ 673, 224, 269, 13 ], [ 82, 254, 334, 13 ], [ 82, 362, 53, 13 ], [ 304, 301, 12, 15 ], [ 320, 301, 7, 15 ], [ 328, 301, 24, 15 ], [ 358, 301, 15, 15 ], [ 379, 301, 8, 15 ], [ 389, 298, 8, 10 ], [ 397, 302, 6, 6 ], [ 388, 310, 7, 10 ], [ 405, 301, 28, 15 ], [ 447, 286, 11, 10 ], [ 439, 298, 28, 46 ], [ 441, 323, 5, 10 ], [ 447, 323, 18, 10 ], [ 440, 334, 5, 10 ], [ 447, 334, 11, 10 ], [ 458, 334, 7, 10 ], [ 471, 301, 12, 15 ], [ 489, 291, 14, 46 ], [ 506, 291, 24, 15 ], [ 537, 291, 15, 15 ], [ 558, 291, 16, 15 ], [ 576, 289, 8, 10 ], [ 584, 293, 6, 6 ], [ 507, 312, 24, 15 ], [ 538, 312, 15, 15 ], [ 559, 312, 14, 15 ], [ 575, 311, 8, 10 ], [ 583, 315, 6, 6 ], [ 594, 291, 14, 46 ], [ 612, 301, 12, 15 ], [ 627, 301, 7, 15 ], [ 635, 301, 24, 15 ], [ 666, 301, 15, 15 ], [ 687, 301, 8, 15 ], [ 696, 298, 8, 10 ], [ 704, 302, 6, 6 ], [ 695, 309, 5, 10 ], [ 712, 301, 7, 15 ], [ 909, 302, 33, 13 ], [ 208, 391, 12, 15 ], [ 226, 381, 14, 46 ], [ 243, 381, 24, 15 ], [ 274, 381, 15, 15 ], [ 295, 381, 16, 15 ], [ 312, 379, 8, 10 ], [ 321, 383, 6, 6 ], [ 244, 402, 24, 15 ], [ 275, 402, 15, 15 ], [ 296, 402, 14, 15 ], [ 312, 401, 8, 10 ], [ 320, 405, 6, 6 ], [ 331, 381, 14, 46 ], [ 351, 391, 15, 15 ], [ 372, 381, 11, 46 ], [ 392, 378, 14, 10 ], [ 383, 409, 7, 10 ], [ 416, 376, 11, 10 ], [ 410, 388, 25, 46 ], [ 411, 414, 4, 10 ], [ 416, 414, 11, 10 ], [ 427, 414, 7, 10 ], [ 412, 424, 4, 10 ], [ 417, 424, 11, 10 ], [ 428, 424, 5, 10 ], [ 439, 385, 11, 46 ], [ 451, 391, 18, 15 ], [ 472, 391, 7, 15 ], [ 479, 391, 27, 15 ], [ 507, 388, 7, 10 ], [ 507, 391, 17, 15 ], [ 524, 385, 11, 46 ], [ 536, 382, 12, 10 ], [ 556, 381, 35, 15 ], [ 593, 381, 7, 15 ], [ 601, 381, 27, 15 ], [ 629, 377, 7, 10 ], [ 629, 381, 17, 15 ], [ 586, 404, 8, 15 ], [ 596, 401, 11, 10 ], [ 607, 401, 7, 10 ], [ 595, 412, 7, 10 ], [ 652, 385, 11, 46 ], [ 664, 391, 18, 15 ], [ 684, 391, 7, 15 ], [ 692, 391, 27, 15 ], [ 720, 388, 7, 10 ], [ 719, 391, 17, 15 ], [ 737, 385, 11, 46 ], [ 749, 382, 14, 10 ], [ 765, 382, 11, 10 ], [ 776, 391, 39, 15 ], [ 909, 392, 33, 13 ], [ 81, 453, 347, 13 ], [ 435, 452, 10, 15 ], [ 452, 453, 127, 13 ], [ 584, 452, 21, 15 ], [ 613, 453, 329, 13 ], [ 81, 482, 861, 13 ], [ 81, 512, 244, 13 ], [ 333, 511, 10, 15 ], [ 351, 512, 14, 13 ], [ 373, 511, 18, 15 ], [ 399, 512, 160, 13 ], [ 158, 560, 12, 15 ], [ 174, 560, 7, 15 ], [ 181, 560, 24, 15 ], [ 212, 560, 15, 15 ], [ 233, 560, 8, 15 ], [ 242, 557, 8, 10 ], [ 251, 561, 6, 6 ], [ 242, 568, 7, 10 ], [ 258, 560, 28, 15 ], [ 302, 544, 11, 10 ], [ 294, 556, 28, 46 ], [ 292, 582, 12, 10 ], [ 305, 582, 11, 10 ], [ 316, 582, 7, 10 ], [ 336, 544, 11, 10 ], [ 327, 556, 28, 46 ], [ 327, 582, 5, 10 ], [ 334, 582, 11, 10 ], [ 345, 582, 12, 10 ], [ 329, 592, 5, 10 ], [ 336, 592, 11, 10 ], [ 347, 592, 7, 10 ], [ 360, 560, 12, 15 ], [ 379, 549, 14, 46 ], [ 451, 549, 24, 15 ], [ 482, 549, 15, 15 ], [ 503, 549, 16, 15 ], [ 521, 548, 8, 10 ], [ 529, 551, 6, 6 ], [ 396, 570, 24, 15 ], [ 427, 570, 15, 15 ], [ 448, 570, 14, 15 ], [ 464, 570, 8, 10 ], [ 472, 573, 6, 6 ], [ 484, 570, 13, 15 ], [ 502, 570, 24, 15 ], [ 533, 570, 15, 15 ], [ 554, 570, 21, 15 ], [ 576, 570, 8, 10 ], [ 585, 573, 6, 6 ], [ 594, 549, 14, 46 ], [ 612, 560, 12, 15 ], [ 631, 549, 14, 46 ], [ 651, 549, 24, 15 ], [ 682, 549, 15, 15 ], [ 703, 549, 14, 15 ], [ 719, 548, 8, 10 ], [ 727, 551, 6, 6 ], [ 648, 570, 24, 15 ], [ 679, 570, 15, 15 ], [ 700, 570, 21, 15 ], [ 722, 570, 8, 10 ], [ 730, 573, 6, 6 ], [ 740, 549, 14, 46 ], [ 758, 560, 12, 15 ], [ 773, 560, 7, 15 ], [ 781, 560, 24, 15 ], [ 812, 560, 15, 15 ], [ 833, 560, 8, 15 ], [ 842, 557, 8, 10 ], [ 851, 561, 6, 6 ], [ 842, 560, 24, 15 ], [ 909, 561, 33, 13 ], [ 121, 667, 12, 15 ], [ 140, 657, 14, 46 ], [ 212, 657, 24, 15 ], [ 243, 657, 15, 15 ], [ 264, 657, 16, 15 ], [ 282, 655, 8, 10 ], [ 290, 659, 6, 6 ], [ 157, 678, 24, 15 ], [ 188, 678, 15, 15 ], [ 209, 678, 14, 15 ], [ 225, 677, 8, 10 ], [ 233, 681, 6, 6 ], [ 245, 678, 13, 15 ], [ 263, 678, 24, 15 ], [ 294, 678, 15, 15 ], [ 315, 678, 21, 15 ], [ 337, 677, 8, 10 ], [ 345, 681, 6, 6 ], [ 355, 657, 14, 46 ], [ 376, 667, 15, 15 ], [ 396, 657, 11, 46 ], [ 416, 654, 14, 10 ], [ 407, 685, 7, 10 ], [ 455, 652, 11, 10 ], [ 449, 664, 25, 46 ], [ 450, 690, 4, 10 ], [ 455, 690, 11, 10 ], [ 466, 690, 7, 10 ], [ 435, 700, 4, 10 ], [ 440, 700, 11, 10 ], [ 451, 700, 14, 10 ], [ 465, 700, 11, 10 ], [ 476, 661, 27, 46 ], [ 504, 667, 18, 15 ], [ 525, 667, 7, 15 ], [ 532, 667, 27, 15 ], [ 560, 664, 7, 10 ], [ 560, 667, 17, 15 ], [ 578, 661, 11, 46 ], [ 589, 658, 12, 10 ], [ 609, 657, 35, 15 ], [ 646, 657, 7, 15 ], [ 654, 657, 27, 15 ], [ 682, 653, 7, 10 ], [ 682, 657, 17, 15 ], [ 639, 680, 8, 15 ], [ 649, 677, 11, 10 ], [ 660, 677, 7, 10 ], [ 648, 688, 7, 10 ], [ 705, 661, 11, 46 ], [ 717, 667, 18, 15 ], [ 737, 667, 7, 15 ], [ 745, 667, 27, 15 ], [ 773, 664, 7, 10 ], [ 773, 667, 17, 15 ], [ 790, 661, 11, 46 ], [ 802, 658, 14, 10 ], [ 818, 658, 11, 10 ], [ 829, 667, 39, 15 ], [ 909, 668, 33, 13 ], [ 81, 876, 225, 13 ], [ 304, 876, 638, 13 ], [ 81, 905, 240, 13 ], [ 328, 907, 120, 11 ], [ 454, 905, 97, 13 ], [ 558, 907, 132, 11 ], [ 690, 905, 44, 13 ], [ 741, 907, 120, 11 ], [ 867, 905, 75, 13 ], [ 81, 935, 695, 13 ], [ 785, 935, 53, 13 ], [ 846, 935, 96, 13 ], [ 109, 769, 11, 10 ], [ 102, 781, 28, 46 ], [ 102, 807, 8, 10 ], [ 111, 807, 11, 10 ], [ 122, 807, 7, 10 ], [ 142, 769, 11, 10 ], [ 134, 781, 28, 46 ], [ 134, 807, 6, 10 ], [ 140, 807, 11, 10 ], [ 151, 807, 12, 10 ], [ 136, 817, 6, 10 ], [ 143, 817, 11, 10 ], [ 154, 817, 7, 10 ], [ 167, 785, 23, 15 ], [ 204, 781, 28, 46 ], [ 194, 807, 5, 10 ], [ 201, 807, 11, 10 ], [ 212, 807, 31, 10 ], [ 206, 817, 5, 10 ], [ 212, 817, 11, 10 ], [ 223, 817, 7, 10 ], [ 246, 785, 12, 15 ], [ 264, 774, 14, 46 ], [ 409, 774, 24, 15 ], [ 440, 774, 15, 15 ], [ 461, 774, 16, 15 ], [ 478, 772, 17, 10 ], [ 281, 795, 24, 15 ], [ 312, 795, 15, 15 ], [ 333, 795, 14, 15 ], [ 349, 795, 26, 10 ], [ 376, 798, 6, 6 ], [ 387, 795, 41, 15 ], [ 433, 795, 24, 15 ], [ 464, 795, 15, 15 ], [ 485, 795, 15, 15 ], [ 501, 795, 8, 10 ], [ 509, 798, 6, 6 ], [ 522, 795, 13, 15 ], [ 540, 795, 24, 15 ], [ 570, 795, 15, 15 ], [ 591, 795, 17, 15 ], [ 610, 795, 8, 10 ], [ 618, 798, 6, 6 ], [ 628, 774, 14, 46 ], [ 646, 785, 23, 15 ], [ 672, 785, 12, 15 ], [ 691, 774, 14, 46 ], [ 709, 774, 24, 15 ], [ 740, 774, 15, 15 ], [ 761, 774, 15, 15 ], [ 777, 772, 8, 10 ], [ 785, 776, 6, 6 ], [ 708, 795, 24, 15 ], [ 739, 795, 15, 15 ], [ 760, 795, 17, 15 ], [ 778, 795, 8, 10 ], [ 786, 798, 6, 6 ], [ 796, 774, 14, 46 ], [ 814, 785, 12, 15 ], [ 830, 785, 7, 15 ], [ 837, 785, 24, 15 ], [ 870, 785, 15, 15 ], [ 893, 785, 8, 15 ], [ 902, 782, 8, 10 ], [ 910, 786, 6, 6 ], [ 902, 792, 8, 10 ], [ 918, 785, 7, 15 ], [ 909, 839, 33, 13 ], [ 81, 732, 388, 13 ], [ 476, 731, 10, 15 ], [ 494, 732, 108, 13 ], [ 608, 731, 21, 15 ], [ 631, 732, 41, 13 ], [ 679, 731, 12, 15 ], [ 695, 731, 7, 15 ], [ 702, 731, 24, 15 ], [ 733, 731, 15, 15 ], [ 754, 731, 8, 15 ], [ 763, 728, 17, 10 ], [ 763, 739, 7, 10 ], [ 783, 731, 7, 15 ], [ 797, 732, 145, 13 ], [ 82, 621, 53, 13 ] ]
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[ "MongoDB Documentation, Release 3.0.4", "Miscellaneous", "The following table displays some miscellaneous methods:", "Method", "Description", "Object.bsonsize(<document>)", "Prints the", "BSON", "size of a <document> in bytes", "See the MongoDB JavaScript API Documentation", "110", "for a full list of JavaScript methods .", "Additional Resources", "Consider the following reference material that addresses the", "mongo", "shell and its interface:", "•", "mongo", "•", "js-administrative-methods", "•", "database-commands", "•", "Aggregation Reference", "(page 469)", "•", "Getting Started Guide", "111", "Additionally, the MongoDB source code repository includes a jstests directory", "112", "which contains numerous", "mongo", "shell scripts.", "5.2.4", "MongoDB Tutorials", "This page lists the tutorials available as part of the", "MongoDB Manual", ". In addition to these tutorial in the manual,", "MongoDB provides", "Getting Started Guides", "in various driver editions. If there is a process or pattern that you would", "like to see included here, please open a Jira Case$^{113}$.", "Installation", "•", "Install MongoDB on Linux Systems", "(page 22)", "•", "Install MongoDB on Red Hat Enterprise or CentOS Linux", "(page 7)", "•", "Install MongoDB on Debian", "(page 19)", "•", "Install MongoDB on Ubuntu", "(page 16)", "•", "Install MongoDB on Amazon Linux", "(page 13)", "•", "Install MongoDB on SUSE", "(page 10)", "•", "Install MongoDB on OS X", "(page 24)", "•", "Install MongoDB on Windows", "(page 27)", "$^{110}$", "$^{111}$", "$^{112}$", "$^{113}$", "5.2.", "Administration Tutorials", "283" ]
[ [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 102, 10 ], [ 120, 133, 393, 11 ], [ 120, 153, 629, 33 ], [ 120, 153, 629, 33 ], [ 120, 153, 629, 33 ], [ 120, 153, 629, 33 ], [ 120, 153, 629, 33 ], [ 120, 153, 629, 33 ], [ 120, 195, 600, 13 ], [ 120, 195, 600, 13 ], [ 120, 195, 600, 13 ], [ 120, 237, 153, 10 ], [ 120, 273, 605, 11 ], [ 120, 273, 605, 11 ], [ 120, 273, 605, 11 ], [ 148, 296, 64, 11 ], [ 148, 296, 64, 11 ], [ 148, 320, 188, 11 ], [ 148, 320, 188, 11 ], [ 148, 343, 151, 11 ], [ 148, 343, 151, 11 ], [ 148, 366, 242, 11 ], [ 148, 366, 242, 11 ], [ 148, 366, 242, 11 ], [ 148, 387, 178, 13 ], [ 148, 387, 178, 13 ], [ 148, 387, 178, 13 ], [ 120, 410, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 410, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 410, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 410, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 410, 783, 29 ], [ 120, 469, 237, 14 ], [ 120, 469, 237, 14 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 575, 88, 12 ], [ 148, 607, 318, 11 ], [ 148, 607, 318, 11 ], [ 148, 607, 318, 11 ], [ 148, 630, 461, 11 ], [ 148, 630, 461, 11 ], [ 148, 630, 461, 11 ], [ 148, 653, 272, 11 ], [ 148, 653, 272, 11 ], [ 148, 653, 272, 11 ], [ 148, 677, 272, 11 ], [ 148, 677, 272, 11 ], [ 148, 677, 272, 11 ], [ 148, 700, 319, 11 ], [ 148, 700, 319, 11 ], [ 148, 700, 319, 11 ], [ 148, 723, 262, 11 ], [ 148, 723, 262, 11 ], [ 148, 723, 262, 11 ], [ 148, 746, 258, 11 ], [ 148, 746, 258, 11 ], [ 148, 746, 258, 11 ], [ 148, 769, 283, 11 ], [ 148, 769, 283, 11 ], [ 148, 769, 283, 11 ], [ 128, 794, 211, 9 ], [ 128, 807, 261, 9 ], [ 128, 820, 310, 9 ], [ 128, 832, 226, 9 ], [ 120, 961, 229, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 229, 12 ], [ 876, 961, 27, 12 ] ]
[ [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 102, 10 ], [ 120, 133, 393, 11 ], [ 131, 156, 59, 12 ], [ 422, 156, 91, 12 ], [ 131, 173, 270, 9 ], [ 422, 172, 63, 11 ], [ 490, 172, 41, 11 ], [ 537, 172, 200, 11 ], [ 120, 197, 335, 11 ], [ 455, 195, 17, 8 ], [ 478, 197, 243, 11 ], [ 120, 237, 153, 10 ], [ 120, 273, 400, 11 ], [ 525, 274, 50, 9 ], [ 579, 273, 146, 11 ], [ 148, 296, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 297, 50, 9 ], [ 148, 320, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 320, 174, 11 ], [ 148, 343, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 343, 137, 11 ], [ 148, 366, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 366, 152, 11 ], [ 318, 366, 71, 11 ], [ 148, 389, 16, 11 ], [ 168, 389, 140, 11 ], [ 308, 387, 17, 8 ], [ 120, 412, 532, 11 ], [ 653, 410, 17, 8 ], [ 676, 412, 172, 11 ], [ 854, 413, 50, 9 ], [ 120, 428, 83, 11 ], [ 120, 469, 45, 14 ], [ 171, 469, 186, 14 ], [ 120, 503, 341, 11 ], [ 467, 504, 140, 9 ], [ 607, 503, 297, 11 ], [ 120, 519, 133, 11 ], [ 258, 519, 154, 11 ], [ 418, 519, 486, 11 ], [ 120, 534, 347, 11 ], [ 120, 575, 88, 12 ], [ 148, 607, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 607, 236, 11 ], [ 402, 607, 63, 11 ], [ 148, 630, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 630, 388, 11 ], [ 554, 630, 55, 11 ], [ 148, 653, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 653, 190, 11 ], [ 356, 653, 63, 11 ], [ 148, 677, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 677, 191, 11 ], [ 357, 677, 63, 11 ], [ 148, 700, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 700, 237, 11 ], [ 403, 700, 63, 11 ], [ 148, 723, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 723, 180, 11 ], [ 347, 723, 63, 11 ], [ 148, 746, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 746, 176, 11 ], [ 343, 746, 63, 11 ], [ 148, 769, 5, 11 ], [ 162, 770, 201, 11 ], [ 368, 769, 63, 11 ], [ 128, 794, 211, 9 ], [ 128, 807, 261, 9 ], [ 128, 820, 310, 9 ], [ 128, 832, 226, 9 ], [ 120, 961, 28, 12 ], [ 153, 961, 196, 12 ], [ 876, 961, 27, 12 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "Ein Service des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz", "sowie des Bundesamts für Justiz ‒", "Lfd.", "Nr.", "Frequenzbereich", "(kHz)", "Zuweisung an Funkdienste", "Nutzung", "D82", "2", "5", "MOBILER SEEFUNKDIENST D79", " 27", "435 – 472", "1", "2 5", "FLUGNAVIGATIONSFUNKDIENST", "MOBILER SEEFUNKDIENST D79", "ziv., mil.", " 28", "472 – 479", "D82", "2", "5", "FLUGNAVIGATIONSFUNKDIENST", "MOBILER SEEFUNKDIENST D79", "Amateurfunkdienst D80A", "ziv., mil.", " 29", "479 – 495", "D82", "2", "5", "FLUGNAVIGATIONSFUNKDIENST", "MOBILER SEEFUNKDIENST D79", "ziv., mil.", " 30", "495 – 505", "2", "5", "MOBILER SEEFUNKDIENST", "ziv., mil.", " 31", "505 – 526,5", "2", "5", "FLUGNAVIGATIONSFUNKDIENST", "MOBILER SEEFUNKDIENST D79 D84", "ziv., mil.", " 32", "526,5 – 1 606,5", "2", "5 6", "RUNDFUNKDIENST", "ziv.", " 33", "1", "606,5 – 1 625", "D92", "2", "5", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "MOBILER LANDFUNKDIENST", "MOBILER SEEFUNKDIENST", "ziv., mil.", " 34", "1", "625 – 1 635", "2", "5", "NICHTNAVIGATORISCHER ORTUNGSFUNKDIENST", "ziv., mil.", " 35", "1", "635 – 1 800", "D92", "2", "5", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "MOBILER LANDFUNKDIENST", "MOBILER SEEFUNKDIENST", "ziv., mil.", " 36", "1", "800 – 1 810", "2", "5", "NICHTNAVIGATORISCHER ORTUNGSFUNKDIENST", "ziv., mil.", " 37", "1", "810 – 1 850", "2", "5", "AMATEURFUNKDIENST", "ziv.", " 38", "1", "850 – 1 890", "2", "5", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "MOBILFUNKDIENST außer mobiler Flugfunkdienst", "Amateurfunkdienst D96", "Nichtnavigatorischer Ortungsfunkdienst D92", "ziv., mil.", " 39", "1", "890 – 2 000", "2", "5", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "MOBILFUNKDIENST außer mobiler Flugfunkdienst", "Amateurfunkdienst D96", "Nichtnavigatorischer Ortungsfunkdienst D92", "ziv., mil.", " 40", "2", "000 – 2 025", "5", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "MOBILFUNKDIENST außer mobiler Flugfunkdienst (R)", "Nichtnavigatorischer Ortungsfunkdienst D92", "ziv., mil.", " 41", "2", "025 – 2 045", "5", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "MOBILFUNKDIENST außer mobiler Flugfunkdienst (R)", "Nichtnavigatorischer Ortungsfunkdienst D92", "Wetterhilfenfunkdienst D104", "ziv., mil.", " 42", "2", "045 – 2 160", "5", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "MOBILER LANDFUNKDIENST", "MOBILER SEEFUNKDIENST", "Nichtnavigatorischer Ortungsfunkdienst D92", "ziv., mil.", " 43", "2", "160 – 2 170", "5", "NICHTNAVIGATORISCHER ORTUNGSFUNKDIENST", "ziv., mil.", "- Seite 7 von 56 -" ]
[ [ 480, 14, 456, 27 ], [ 480, 14, 456, 27 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 87, 76, 891, 886 ], [ 476, 993, 106, 15 ] ]
[ [ 480, 14, 456, 15 ], [ 545, 25, 391, 15 ], [ 116, 77, 28, 19 ], [ 119, 92, 22, 19 ], [ 200, 77, 129, 19 ], [ 244, 92, 40, 19 ], [ 499, 84, 208, 19 ], [ 884, 84, 65, 19 ], [ 181, 110, 31, 19 ], [ 181, 125, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 125, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 110, 239, 19 ], [ 118, 147, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 147, 83, 19 ], [ 181, 162, 12, 19 ], [ 199, 162, 21, 19 ], [ 359, 147, 247, 19 ], [ 359, 162, 239, 19 ], [ 884, 147, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 184, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 184, 83, 19 ], [ 181, 199, 31, 19 ], [ 181, 213, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 213, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 184, 247, 19 ], [ 359, 199, 239, 19 ], [ 359, 213, 195, 19 ], [ 884, 184, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 235, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 235, 83, 19 ], [ 181, 250, 31, 19 ], [ 181, 264, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 264, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 235, 247, 19 ], [ 359, 250, 239, 19 ], [ 884, 235, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 287, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 286, 83, 19 ], [ 181, 301, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 301, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 287, 203, 19 ], [ 884, 287, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 323, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 323, 99, 19 ], [ 181, 338, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 338, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 323, 247, 19 ], [ 359, 338, 276, 19 ], [ 884, 323, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 360, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 360, 132, 19 ], [ 181, 375, 10, 19 ], [ 198, 375, 22, 19 ], [ 359, 360, 144, 19 ], [ 903, 360, 26, 19 ], [ 118, 397, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 397, 8, 19 ], [ 197, 397, 115, 19 ], [ 181, 411, 31, 19 ], [ 181, 426, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 426, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 397, 162, 19 ], [ 359, 411, 216, 19 ], [ 359, 426, 203, 19 ], [ 884, 397, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 448, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 448, 9, 19 ], [ 198, 448, 98, 19 ], [ 181, 463, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 463, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 448, 378, 19 ], [ 884, 448, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 485, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 485, 8, 19 ], [ 197, 485, 98, 19 ], [ 181, 499, 31, 19 ], [ 181, 514, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 514, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 485, 162, 19 ], [ 359, 499, 216, 19 ], [ 359, 514, 203, 19 ], [ 884, 485, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 536, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 536, 9, 19 ], [ 198, 536, 98, 19 ], [ 181, 551, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 551, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 536, 378, 19 ], [ 884, 536, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 573, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 573, 9, 19 ], [ 198, 573, 98, 19 ], [ 181, 588, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 588, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 573, 174, 19 ], [ 903, 573, 26, 19 ], [ 118, 610, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 610, 9, 19 ], [ 199, 610, 97, 19 ], [ 181, 624, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 624, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 610, 162, 19 ], [ 359, 624, 381, 19 ], [ 359, 639, 185, 19 ], [ 359, 653, 345, 19 ], [ 884, 610, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 676, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 675, 9, 19 ], [ 198, 675, 98, 19 ], [ 181, 690, 11, 19 ], [ 200, 690, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 676, 162, 19 ], [ 359, 690, 381, 19 ], [ 359, 705, 185, 19 ], [ 359, 719, 345, 19 ], [ 884, 676, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 742, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 741, 6, 19 ], [ 195, 741, 101, 19 ], [ 200, 756, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 742, 162, 19 ], [ 359, 756, 409, 19 ], [ 359, 771, 345, 19 ], [ 884, 742, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 793, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 793, 6, 19 ], [ 195, 793, 100, 19 ], [ 200, 807, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 793, 162, 19 ], [ 359, 807, 409, 19 ], [ 359, 822, 345, 19 ], [ 359, 837, 224, 19 ], [ 884, 793, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 859, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 859, 6, 19 ], [ 195, 859, 101, 19 ], [ 200, 873, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 859, 162, 19 ], [ 359, 873, 216, 19 ], [ 359, 888, 203, 19 ], [ 359, 903, 345, 19 ], [ 884, 859, 64, 19 ], [ 118, 925, 24, 19 ], [ 181, 925, 6, 19 ], [ 195, 925, 101, 19 ], [ 200, 939, 6, 19 ], [ 359, 925, 378, 19 ], [ 884, 925, 64, 19 ], [ 476, 993, 106, 15 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4 ]
[ "Branches and Pull Requests", "In the previous section a ", "Jenkinsfile", " which could be checked into source control was implemented.", "This section covers the concept of ", "Multibranch", " Pipelines which build on the ", "Jenkinsfile", "foundation to provide more dynamic and automatic functionality in Jenkins.", "43" ]
[ [ 83, 43, 647, 44 ], [ 83, 102, 858, 17 ], [ 83, 102, 858, 17 ], [ 83, 102, 858, 17 ], [ 83, 121, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 121, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 121, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 121, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 121, 858, 36 ], [ 922, 995, 17, 14 ] ]
[ [ 83, 43, 647, 44 ], [ 83, 102, 217, 17 ], [ 300, 105, 99, 12 ], [ 399, 102, 542, 17 ], [ 83, 121, 342, 17 ], [ 425, 121, 114, 17 ], [ 539, 121, 302, 17 ], [ 842, 124, 99, 12 ], [ 83, 141, 658, 17 ], [ 922, 995, 17, 14 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "2012 Annual Report ", "Sprycel ", "Sustiva", " – EU ", "GENERAL COMMERCIAL LITIGATION ", "Clayworth Litigation ", "In September 2010, Apotex filed an aNDA to manufacture and market generic versions of ", "Sprycel", ". The Company received a ", "Paragraph IV certification letter from Apotex challenging the four Orange Book listed patents for ", ", including the composition ", "of matter patent. In November 2010, the Company filed a patent infringement lawsuit in the NJ District Court against Apotex for ", "infringement of the four Orange Book listed patents covering ", "Sprycel", ", which triggered an automatic 30-month stay of approval of ", "Apotex’s aNDA. In October 2011, the Company received a Paragraph IV notice letter from Apotex informing the Company that it is ", "seeking approval of generic versions of the 80 mg and 140 mg dosage strengths of ", "Sprycel", " and challenging the same four Orange ", "Book listed patents. In November 2011, BMS filed a patent infringement suit against Apotex on the 80 mg and 140 mg dosage ", "strengths in the NJ District Court. This case has been consolidated with the suit filed in November 2010. Trial is currently scheduled ", "for September 2013. Discovery in this matter is ongoing. It is not possible at this time to reasonably assess the outcome of this ", "lawsuit or its impact on the Company. ", "In January 2012, Teva obtained a European marketing authorization for Efavirenz Teva 600 mg tablets. In February 2012, the ", "Company and Merck filed lawsuits and requests for injunctions against Teva in the Netherlands, Germany and the U.K. for ", "infringement of Merck’s European Patent No. 0582455 and Supplementary Protection Certificates expiring in November 2013. As of ", "December 2012, requests for injunctions have been granted in the U.K. and denied in the Netherlands and Germany. The Company ", "and Merck are appealing the denial of the request for injunction in the Netherlands. It is not possible at this time to reasonably assess ", "the outcome of these lawsuits or their impact on the Company. ", "As previously disclosed, the Company, together with a number of other pharmaceutical manufacturers, was named as a defendant in ", "an action filed in California Superior Court in Oakland,", " James Clayworth et al. v. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, et al", "., alleging that ", "the defendants conspired to fix the prices of pharmaceuticals by agreeing to charge more for their drugs in the U.S. than they charge ", "outside the U.S., particularly Canada, and asserting claims under California’s Cartwright Act and unfair competition law. The ", "plaintiffs sought trebled monetary damages, injunctive relief and other relief. In December 2006, the Court granted the Company and ", "the other manufacturers’ motion for summary judgment based on the pass-on defense, and judgment was then entered in favor of ", "defendants. In July 2008, judgment in favor of defendants was affirmed by the California Court of Appeals. In July 2010, the ", "California Supreme Court reversed the California Court of Appeal’s judgment and the matter was remanded to the California Superior ", "Court for further proceedings. In March 2011, the defendants’ motion for summary judgment was granted and judgment was entered ", "in favor of the defendants. The plaintiffs appealed that decision and the California Court of Appeals affirmed summary judgment for ", "the defendants. In October 2012, the plaintiffs filed a petition seeking review by the California Supreme Court which was denied in ", "November 2012.", "As previously disclosed, in November 2008, Apotex filed a lawsuit in New Jersey Superior Court entitled, ", "Apotex Inc., et al. v. sanofi-", "aventis, et al", "., seeking payment of $60 million, plus interest calculated at the rate of 1% per month from the date of the filing of the ", "lawsuit, until paid, related to the break-up of a March 2006 proposed settlement agreement relating to the-then pending ", "Plavix ", "patent ", "litigation against Apotex. In April 2011, the New Jersey Superior Court granted the Company’s cross-motion for summary judgment ", "motion and denied Apotex’s motion for summary judgment. Apotex appealed these decisions and the New Jersey Appellate Division ", "reversed the grant of summary judgments. The case has been remanded back to the Superior Court for additional proceedings. It is not ", "possible at this time to reasonably assess the outcome of this lawsuit or its impact on the Company. ", "In January 2011, Apotex filed a lawsuit in Florida State Court, Broward County, alleging breach of contract relating to the May 2006 ", "proposed settlement agreement with Apotex relating to the then pending ", "Plavix", " patent litigation. Apotex is seeking damages for the ", "amount of profits it alleges it would have received from selling its generic clopidogrel bisulfate for somewhere between 8 and 11.5 ", "months had the May 2006 agreement been approved by regulators. Discovery has concluded. The Company moved for summary ", "judgment which was denied in November 2012. The case is now scheduled for a trial beginning in March 2013. It is not possible at ", "this time to reasonably assess the outcome of this lawsuit or its impact on the Company. ", "Remaining Apotex Matters Related to ", "Plavix", "67 " ]
[ [ 818, 35, 136, 16 ], [ 73, 63, 53, 16 ], [ 73, 251, 91, 16 ], [ 73, 251, 91, 16 ], [ 73, 381, 311, 16 ], [ 73, 410, 150, 16 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 92, 885, 146 ], [ 73, 280, 885, 88 ], [ 73, 280, 885, 88 ], [ 73, 280, 885, 88 ], [ 73, 280, 885, 88 ], [ 73, 280, 885, 88 ], [ 73, 280, 885, 88 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 439, 884, 175 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 655, 882, 103 ], [ 73, 771, 882, 88 ], [ 73, 771, 882, 88 ], [ 73, 771, 882, 88 ], [ 73, 771, 882, 88 ], [ 73, 771, 882, 88 ], [ 73, 771, 882, 88 ], [ 73, 771, 882, 88 ], [ 73, 771, 882, 88 ], [ 73, 626, 310, 16 ], [ 73, 626, 310, 16 ], [ 504, 939, 20, 16 ] ]
[ [ 818, 35, 136, 16 ], [ 73, 63, 53, 16 ], [ 73, 251, 48, 16 ], [ 122, 251, 42, 16 ], [ 73, 381, 311, 16 ], [ 73, 410, 150, 16 ], [ 73, 92, 642, 16 ], [ 716, 92, 48, 16 ], [ 765, 92, 193, 16 ], [ 73, 107, 648, 16 ], [ 770, 107, 185, 16 ], [ 73, 121, 883, 16 ], [ 73, 136, 419, 16 ], [ 493, 135, 48, 16 ], [ 542, 136, 414, 16 ], [ 73, 150, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 164, 565, 16 ], [ 639, 164, 48, 16 ], [ 688, 164, 268, 16 ], [ 73, 179, 883, 16 ], [ 73, 193, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 208, 882, 16 ], [ 73, 222, 251, 16 ], [ 73, 280, 884, 16 ], [ 73, 294, 885, 16 ], [ 73, 309, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 323, 882, 16 ], [ 73, 338, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 352, 411, 16 ], [ 73, 439, 882, 16 ], [ 73, 453, 363, 16 ], [ 437, 453, 419, 16 ], [ 857, 453, 98, 16 ], [ 73, 468, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 482, 884, 16 ], [ 73, 496, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 511, 883, 16 ], [ 73, 525, 884, 16 ], [ 73, 540, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 554, 882, 16 ], [ 73, 569, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 583, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 597, 109, 16 ], [ 73, 655, 697, 16 ], [ 771, 655, 180, 16 ], [ 73, 669, 84, 16 ], [ 158, 670, 797, 16 ], [ 73, 684, 791, 16 ], [ 865, 684, 45, 16 ], [ 911, 684, 43, 16 ], [ 73, 698, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 713, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 727, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 742, 649, 16 ], [ 73, 771, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 785, 483, 16 ], [ 557, 785, 41, 16 ], [ 599, 785, 357, 16 ], [ 73, 800, 882, 16 ], [ 73, 814, 882, 16 ], [ 73, 828, 881, 16 ], [ 73, 843, 576, 16 ], [ 73, 626, 267, 16 ], [ 341, 626, 42, 16 ], [ 504, 939, 20, 16 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4 ]
[ "Model description and ordering media supplies", "This section includes two tables to help you easily find the media description and several ", "methods that can be used to order the media.", "Table B-4 lists the models of the IBM Storage Tape Media 3589 for use with IBM Ultrium tape ", "drives. IBM 3589 now supports volume serial (VOLSER) labels with embedded ", "radio-frequency identification (RFID)-enabled bar code labels, which store and allow remote ", "retrieval of VOLSER information. RFID labels contain a 216-bit unique pre-programmed field ", "and a 256-bit user-defined field. These RFID labels work with most standard asset tracking ", "and management software. RFID labels for LTO-8 tape cartridges are available from media ", "resellers.", "474 ", "IBM Tape Library Guide for Open Systems", "Table B-4", "3589 media (20-pack) ", "Model", "Description", "Media ", "identifier", "Feature ", "code", "3589-02", " IBM Ultrium 1 cartridge (100 GB) with labels", "L1", "FC2020", "3589-03", " IBM Ultrium 1 cartridge (100 GB) without labels", "FC3020", "3589-06", " IBM Ultrium 2 cartridge (200 GB) with labels", "L2", "FC6020", "3589-07", " IBM Ultrium 2 cartridge (200 GB) without labels", "FC7020", "3589-08", " IBM Ultrium 3 cartridge (400 GB) with labels", "L3", "FC0820", "3589-09", " IBM Ultrium 3 cartridge (400 GB) without labels", "FC0920", "3589-10", "IBM Ultrium 4 cartridge (800 GB) with labels", "L4", "FC1020", "3589-11", "IBM Ultrium 4 cartridge (800 GB) without labels", "FC1120", "3589-14", "IBM Ultrium 5 cartridge (1.5 TB) with labels", "L5", "FC1420", "3589-15", "IBM Ultrium 5 cartridge (1.5 TB) without labels", "FC1520", "3589-550", "IBM Ultrium 6 cartridge (2.5 TB) with labels", "L6", "FC5500", "3589-650", "IBM Ultrium 6 cartridges (2.5 TB) without labels", "FC6500", "3589-551", "IBM Ultrium 7 cartridge (6 TB) with labels", "L7", "FC5501", "3589-651", "IBM Ultrium 7 cartridge (6 TB) without labels", "FC6501", "3589-452", "IBM Ultrium 7 M8 cartridge (9 TB) with labels", "M8", "FC5521", "3589-552", "IBM Ultrium 8 cartridge (12 TB) with labels", "L8", "FC5502", "3589 652", "IBM Ultrium 8 cartridge (12 TB) without labels", "FC6502", "3589-28", "IBM Ultrium 3 WORM cartridge (400 GB) with labels", "LT", "FC2820", "3589-29", "IBM Ultrium 3 WORM cartridge (400 GB) without labels ", "FC2920", "3589-32", "IBM Ultrium 4 WORM cartridge (800 GB) with labels", "LU", "FC3220", "3589-33", "IBM Ultrium 4 WORM cartridge (800 GB) without labels", "FC3320", "3589-34", "IBM Ultrium 5 WORM cartridge (1.5 TB) with labels", "LV", "FC3420", "3589-35", "IBM Ultrium 5 WORM cartridge (1.5 TB) without labels", "FC3520", "3589-570", "IBM Ultrium 6 WORM cartridge (2.5 TB) with labels", "LW", "FC5700", "3589-670", "IBM Ultrium 6 WORM cartridge (2.5 TB) without labels", "FC6700" ]
[ [ 108, 92, 488, 15 ], [ 229, 119, 660, 27 ], [ 229, 119, 660, 27 ], [ 229, 163, 687, 105 ], [ 229, 163, 687, 105 ], [ 229, 163, 687, 105 ], [ 229, 163, 687, 105 ], [ 229, 163, 687, 105 ], [ 229, 163, 687, 105 ], [ 229, 163, 687, 105 ], [ 108, 976, 353, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 353, 11 ], [ 229, 285, 228, 11 ], [ 229, 285, 228, 11 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ], [ 227, 298, 688, 656 ] ]
[ [ 108, 92, 488, 15 ], [ 229, 119, 660, 11 ], [ 229, 135, 337, 11 ], [ 229, 163, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 179, 587, 11 ], [ 229, 194, 682, 11 ], [ 229, 210, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 225, 676, 11 ], [ 229, 241, 679, 11 ], [ 229, 256, 67, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 32, 11 ], [ 165, 977, 296, 10 ], [ 229, 285, 65, 11 ], [ 306, 285, 150, 11 ], [ 239, 307, 43, 10 ], [ 324, 307, 82, 10 ], [ 735, 307, 46, 10 ], [ 735, 321, 63, 10 ], [ 829, 307, 58, 10 ], [ 829, 321, 35, 10 ], [ 239, 346, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 346, 297, 10 ], [ 735, 346, 16, 10 ], [ 829, 346, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 370, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 370, 318, 10 ], [ 829, 370, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 395, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 395, 297, 10 ], [ 735, 395, 16, 10 ], [ 829, 395, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 420, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 420, 318, 10 ], [ 829, 420, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 444, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 444, 297, 10 ], [ 735, 444, 16, 10 ], [ 829, 444, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 469, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 469, 318, 10 ], [ 829, 469, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 493, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 493, 293, 10 ], [ 735, 493, 16, 10 ], [ 829, 493, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 518, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 518, 314, 10 ], [ 829, 518, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 542, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 542, 286, 10 ], [ 735, 542, 16, 10 ], [ 829, 542, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 567, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 567, 307, 10 ], [ 830, 567, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 592, 63, 10 ], [ 324, 592, 286, 10 ], [ 735, 592, 16, 10 ], [ 829, 592, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 616, 63, 10 ], [ 324, 616, 315, 10 ], [ 829, 616, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 641, 63, 10 ], [ 324, 641, 274, 10 ], [ 735, 641, 16, 10 ], [ 830, 641, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 665, 63, 10 ], [ 324, 665, 295, 10 ], [ 830, 665, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 690, 63, 10 ], [ 324, 690, 299, 10 ], [ 735, 690, 20, 10 ], [ 829, 690, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 715, 63, 10 ], [ 324, 715, 282, 10 ], [ 735, 715, 16, 10 ], [ 829, 715, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 739, 62, 10 ], [ 324, 739, 303, 10 ], [ 829, 739, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 764, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 764, 346, 10 ], [ 735, 764, 17, 10 ], [ 829, 764, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 788, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 788, 372, 10 ], [ 829, 788, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 813, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 813, 346, 10 ], [ 735, 813, 19, 10 ], [ 829, 813, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 838, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 838, 367, 10 ], [ 829, 838, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 862, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 862, 340, 10 ], [ 735, 862, 18, 10 ], [ 829, 862, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 887, 55, 10 ], [ 324, 887, 361, 10 ], [ 829, 887, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 911, 63, 10 ], [ 324, 911, 340, 10 ], [ 735, 911, 22, 10 ], [ 829, 911, 53, 10 ], [ 239, 936, 63, 10 ], [ 324, 936, 361, 10 ], [ 829, 936, 53, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "", "NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009 (currencies in millions)", "At December 31, 2010", "LEVEL 1", "LEVEL 2", "TOTAL", "Assets:", "Marketable debt securities ", "U.S. tax-exempt securities ", "$365.4 ", "$365.4", "U.S. corporate securities ", "27.6 ", "27.6", "U.S. government and agency securities ", "$2.7 ", "2.7", "Non-U.S. corporate securities ", "37.0 ", "37.0", "Other debt securities ", "17.8", "17.8", "Total marketable debt securities ", "$2.7 ", "$447.8 ", "$450.5", "Derivatives", "Interest-rate swaps ", "$ ", "5.8 ", "$ ", "5.8", "Cross currency swaps ", "3.3 ", "3.3", "Foreign-exchange contracts ", "1.0", "1.0", "Total derivative assets ", "$ 10.1 ", "$ 10.1", "Liabilities:", "Derivatives ", "Cross currency swaps ", "$ 73.8 ", "$ 73.8", "Interest-rate swaps ", "37.2 ", "37.2", "Foreign-exchange contracts ", "1.6", "1.6", "Total derivative liabilities ", "$112.6 ", "$112.6", "The Company used the following methods and assumptions to determine the fair value of financial instruments ", "that are not recognized at fair value as described below. ", "Debt:", " The carrying amounts of financial services commercial paper, variable-rate bank loans and variable-rate term ", "notes approximate fair value. For fixed-rate debt, fair values are estimated using discounted cash flow analysis based ", "on current rates for comparable debt.", "Fixed-rate loans and debt that are not carried at approximate fair value are as follows:", "Financial Services Net Receivables:", " For floating-rate loans, wholesale financings, and interest and other receivables, ", "fair values approximate carrying values. For fixed-rate loans, fair values are estimated using discounted cash flow ", "analysis based on current rates for comparable loans. Finance lease receivables and related allowance for credit ", "losses provisions have been excluded from the accompanying table.", "Cash and Cash Equivalents:", " Carrying amounts approximate fair value.", "Trade Receivables and Payables:", " Carrying amounts approximate fair value.", "At December 31,", "2011", "2010", "CARRYING", "FAIR", "CARRYING", "FAIR", "AMOUNT", "VALUE", "AMOUNT", "VALUE", "Assets:", "Financial Services fixed-rate loans ", "$ 2,740.1 ", "$ 2,776.1", "$ 2,444.1 ", "$ 2,483.3", "Liabilities:", "Truck and Other fixed-rate debt ", "$ ", "150.0 ", "$ ", "167.6", "$ ", "173.5 ", "$ ", "196.9", "Financial Services fixed-rate debt ", "$ 1,958.6 ", "$ 2,021.1", "$ 1,870.7 ", "$ 1,967.9" ]
[ [ 990, 133, 10, 8 ], [ 211, 52, 677, 15 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 153, 75, 789, 404 ], [ 154, 492, 759, 28 ], [ 154, 492, 759, 28 ], [ 154, 647, 784, 44 ], [ 154, 647, 784, 44 ], [ 154, 647, 784, 44 ], [ 154, 647, 784, 44 ], [ 154, 741, 579, 13 ], [ 154, 570, 771, 59 ], [ 154, 570, 771, 59 ], [ 154, 570, 771, 59 ], [ 154, 570, 771, 59 ], [ 154, 570, 771, 59 ], [ 154, 539, 471, 13 ], [ 154, 539, 471, 13 ], [ 154, 710, 496, 13 ], [ 154, 710, 496, 13 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ], [ 152, 772, 788, 137 ] ]
[ [ 990, 133, 10, 8 ], [ 211, 52, 677, 15 ], [ 155, 87, 350, 10 ], [ 155, 132, 118, 10 ], [ 644, 133, 41, 8 ], [ 770, 133, 41, 8 ], [ 904, 133, 31, 8 ], [ 155, 148, 44, 13 ], [ 176, 164, 179, 13 ], [ 184, 179, 179, 13 ], [ 766, 179, 48, 13 ], [ 893, 179, 43, 13 ], [ 184, 195, 168, 13 ], [ 782, 195, 32, 13 ], [ 909, 195, 27, 13 ], [ 184, 210, 263, 13 ], [ 657, 210, 32, 13 ], [ 916, 210, 19, 13 ], [ 183, 226, 203, 13 ], [ 782, 226, 32, 13 ], [ 909, 226, 27, 13 ], [ 184, 241, 146, 13 ], [ 783, 241, 27, 13 ], [ 908, 241, 27, 13 ], [ 202, 259, 214, 13 ], [ 657, 259, 32, 13 ], [ 766, 259, 48, 13 ], [ 893, 259, 43, 13 ], [ 176, 288, 73, 13 ], [ 183, 303, 131, 13 ], [ 766, 303, 11, 13 ], [ 791, 303, 23, 13 ], [ 893, 303, 11, 13 ], [ 916, 303, 19, 13 ], [ 183, 319, 149, 13 ], [ 791, 319, 23, 13 ], [ 916, 319, 19, 13 ], [ 183, 334, 189, 13 ], [ 791, 334, 19, 13 ], [ 916, 334, 19, 13 ], [ 202, 352, 148, 13 ], [ 766, 352, 48, 13 ], [ 893, 352, 43, 13 ], [ 154, 381, 68, 13 ], [ 176, 396, 77, 13 ], [ 183, 412, 149, 13 ], [ 766, 412, 48, 13 ], [ 893, 412, 43, 13 ], [ 183, 428, 131, 13 ], [ 781, 428, 32, 13 ], [ 908, 428, 27, 13 ], [ 183, 443, 189, 13 ], [ 791, 443, 19, 13 ], [ 916, 443, 19, 13 ], [ 202, 461, 170, 13 ], [ 766, 461, 48, 13 ], [ 893, 461, 43, 13 ], [ 154, 492, 759, 13 ], [ 154, 508, 378, 13 ], [ 154, 647, 35, 13 ], [ 190, 647, 745, 13 ], [ 154, 663, 784, 13 ], [ 154, 679, 253, 13 ], [ 154, 741, 579, 13 ], [ 154, 570, 227, 13 ], [ 382, 570, 543, 13 ], [ 154, 585, 763, 13 ], [ 154, 601, 747, 13 ], [ 154, 616, 451, 13 ], [ 154, 539, 184, 13 ], [ 339, 539, 287, 13 ], [ 154, 710, 208, 13 ], [ 363, 710, 287, 13 ], [ 155, 774, 89, 10 ], [ 591, 773, 26, 11 ], [ 841, 774, 26, 10 ], [ 507, 788, 53, 8 ], [ 662, 788, 23, 8 ], [ 757, 789, 53, 8 ], [ 915, 789, 22, 8 ], [ 514, 799, 47, 8 ], [ 652, 799, 32, 8 ], [ 763, 799, 47, 8 ], [ 905, 799, 32, 8 ], [ 155, 814, 42, 13 ], [ 176, 830, 231, 13 ], [ 497, 829, 68, 13 ], [ 623, 829, 62, 13 ], [ 749, 830, 65, 13 ], [ 878, 830, 60, 13 ], [ 155, 861, 68, 13 ], [ 176, 876, 219, 13 ], [ 497, 876, 11, 13 ], [ 525, 876, 39, 13 ], [ 623, 876, 11, 13 ], [ 649, 876, 36, 13 ], [ 749, 876, 11, 13 ], [ 775, 876, 39, 13 ], [ 878, 876, 11, 13 ], [ 902, 876, 35, 13 ], [ 176, 892, 226, 13 ], [ 497, 891, 67, 13 ], [ 623, 891, 62, 13 ], [ 749, 892, 65, 13 ], [ 878, 892, 60, 13 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "c.", "Select the ", "Use field name or facet path as XML element", " check box, ", "which is ", "crucial", " for exported documents to be consumable by Content ", "Collector.", "d.", "Click ", "OK", ".", "5.", "Click ", "Collections", " in the toolbar.", "6.", "Restart the document processor service. To restart the service:", "a.", "Click ", "Details in Parse and Index", ".", "b.", "Click ", "Stop", ". ", "c.", "When the service is stopped, click ", "Start", ".", "If you already built a collection, you must rebuild it after making this ", "configuration change. To rebuild the index, click ", "Details", ", and then click ", "Restart a full index build ", "(circled in Figure 10-14 on page 368).", " Chapter 10. Importing CSV files, exporting data, and performing deep inspection ", "367", "Figure 10-13", "Crawled document export configuration" ]
[ [ 299, 78, 547, 52 ], [ 299, 78, 547, 52 ], [ 299, 78, 547, 52 ], [ 299, 78, 547, 52 ], [ 299, 78, 547, 52 ], [ 299, 78, 547, 52 ], [ 299, 78, 547, 52 ], [ 299, 78, 547, 52 ], [ 299, 143, 94, 14 ], [ 299, 143, 94, 14 ], [ 299, 143, 94, 14 ], [ 299, 143, 94, 14 ], [ 274, 622, 260, 14 ], [ 274, 622, 260, 14 ], [ 274, 622, 260, 14 ], [ 274, 622, 260, 14 ], [ 274, 649, 491, 14 ], [ 274, 649, 491, 14 ], [ 299, 676, 275, 14 ], [ 299, 676, 275, 14 ], [ 299, 676, 275, 14 ], [ 299, 676, 275, 14 ], [ 299, 695, 110, 14 ], [ 299, 695, 110, 14 ], [ 299, 695, 110, 14 ], [ 299, 695, 110, 14 ], [ 299, 714, 324, 14 ], [ 299, 714, 324, 14 ], [ 299, 714, 324, 14 ], [ 299, 714, 324, 14 ], [ 299, 741, 525, 52 ], [ 299, 741, 525, 52 ], [ 299, 741, 525, 52 ], [ 299, 741, 525, 52 ], [ 299, 741, 525, 52 ], [ 299, 741, 525, 52 ], [ 277, 971, 592, 14 ], [ 277, 971, 592, 14 ], [ 299, 581, 359, 13 ], [ 299, 581, 359, 13 ] ]
[ [ 299, 78, 13, 14 ], [ 323, 78, 79, 14 ], [ 402, 78, 354, 14 ], [ 756, 78, 88, 14 ], [ 323, 97, 64, 14 ], [ 387, 97, 52, 15 ], [ 439, 97, 406, 14 ], [ 323, 116, 69, 14 ], [ 299, 143, 15, 14 ], [ 319, 143, 44, 14 ], [ 363, 143, 24, 14 ], [ 388, 143, 4, 14 ], [ 274, 622, 15, 14 ], [ 295, 622, 44, 14 ], [ 339, 622, 90, 14 ], [ 429, 622, 105, 14 ], [ 274, 649, 14, 14 ], [ 293, 649, 472, 14 ], [ 299, 676, 15, 14 ], [ 319, 676, 44, 14 ], [ 363, 676, 206, 14 ], [ 570, 676, 4, 14 ], [ 299, 695, 13, 14 ], [ 323, 695, 40, 14 ], [ 363, 695, 37, 14 ], [ 400, 695, 9, 14 ], [ 299, 714, 13, 14 ], [ 323, 714, 256, 14 ], [ 580, 714, 38, 14 ], [ 618, 714, 4, 14 ], [ 299, 741, 500, 14 ], [ 299, 760, 354, 14 ], [ 653, 760, 54, 14 ], [ 708, 760, 115, 14 ], [ 299, 779, 198, 14 ], [ 497, 779, 279, 14 ], [ 277, 973, 543, 13 ], [ 841, 971, 27, 14 ], [ 299, 581, 85, 13 ], [ 396, 581, 261, 13 ] ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 0, 0 ]
[ "Evaluation of terrain is another important component of analyzing the flight environment. To avoid terrain and obstacles, especially at ", "night or in low visibility, determine safe altitudes in advance by using the altitudes shown on VFR and IFR charts during preflight ", "planning. Use maximum elevation figures (MEFs) and other easily obtainable data to minimize chances of an inflight collision with ", "terrain or obstacles. ", "Airport considerations include: ", "Airspace considerations include: ", "Night flying requires special consideration: ", "External pressures are influences external to the flight that create a sense of pressure to complete a flight—often at the expense of ", "safety. Factors that can be external pressures include the following: ", "1-6", "⦁ $_{Emotional pressure associated with acknowledging that skill and experience levels may be lower than a }$", "pilot would like them to be. Pride can be a powerful external factor! ", "⦁ $_{The pilot’s general goal-completion orientation. }$", "⦁ $_{The desire to satisfy a specific personal goal (“get-home-itis,” “get-there-itis,” and “let’s-go-itis\"). }$", "⦁ $_{The desire to impress someone. (Probably the two most dangerous words in aviation are “Watch this!”)}$$_{ }$", "⦁ $_{The desire to demonstrate pilot qualifications. }$", "⦁ $_{A passenger the pilot does not want to disappoint. }$", "⦁ $_{Someone waiting at the airport for the flight’s arrival.}$$_{ }$", "⦁ $_{Are the aircraft lights found to be operational during preflight and is a flashlight available that is }$", "appropriate for intended use before and during flight? ", "⦁ $_{Will the flight conditions allow a safe emergency landing at night? }$", "⦁ $_{Will the trip include flying over water or unpopulated areas? }$", "E = External Pressures ", "⦁ $_{Will there be any airspace or temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) along the route of flight? }$", "⦁ $_{If the trip includes flying over water or unpopulated areas might there be a loss of visual references? }$", "⦁ $_{If the trip is over remote areas, are appropriate clothing, water, and survival gear onboard? }$", "⦁ $_{Are there shorter or obstructed fields at the destination and/or alternate airports? }$", "⦁ $_{Choose the flight route wisely. An engine failure gives the nearby airports (and terrain) supreme }$", "importance. ", "⦁ $_{Check the Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) for closed runways or airports. Look for runway or beacon lights }$", "out, nearby towers, etc. ", "⦁ $_{What lights are available at the destination and alternate airports? VASI/PAPI or ILS glideslope guidance? }$", "Is the terminal airport equipped with them? Are they working? Will the pilot need to use the radio to ", "activate the airport lights? " ]
[ [ 61, 44, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 44, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 44, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 44, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 118, 211, 14 ], [ 61, 333, 221, 14 ], [ 61, 459, 292, 14 ], [ 61, 629, 900, 28 ], [ 61, 629, 900, 28 ], [ 494, 982, 24, 14 ], [ 91, 865, 705, 31 ], [ 91, 865, 705, 31 ], [ 91, 833, 336, 16 ], [ 91, 800, 670, 16 ], [ 91, 769, 705, 16 ], [ 91, 737, 323, 16 ], [ 91, 704, 349, 16 ], [ 91, 673, 373, 16 ], [ 91, 552, 658, 31 ], [ 91, 552, 658, 31 ], [ 91, 520, 460, 16 ], [ 91, 488, 420, 16 ], [ 61, 609, 168, 14 ], [ 91, 427, 621, 16 ], [ 91, 395, 685, 16 ], [ 91, 363, 620, 16 ], [ 91, 301, 551, 16 ], [ 91, 255, 656, 31 ], [ 91, 255, 656, 31 ], [ 91, 208, 729, 31 ], [ 91, 208, 729, 31 ], [ 91, 147, 729, 46 ], [ 91, 147, 729, 46 ], [ 91, 147, 729, 46 ] ]
[ [ 61, 44, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 59, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 74, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 88, 135, 14 ], [ 61, 118, 211, 14 ], [ 61, 333, 221, 14 ], [ 61, 459, 292, 14 ], [ 61, 629, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 643, 452, 14 ], [ 494, 982, 24, 14 ], [ 91, 865, 705, 16 ], [ 104, 882, 457, 14 ], [ 91, 833, 336, 16 ], [ 91, 800, 670, 16 ], [ 91, 769, 705, 16 ], [ 91, 737, 323, 16 ], [ 91, 704, 349, 16 ], [ 91, 673, 373, 16 ], [ 91, 552, 658, 16 ], [ 104, 570, 362, 14 ], [ 91, 520, 460, 16 ], [ 91, 488, 420, 16 ], [ 61, 609, 168, 14 ], [ 91, 427, 621, 16 ], [ 91, 395, 685, 16 ], [ 91, 363, 620, 16 ], [ 91, 301, 551, 16 ], [ 91, 255, 656, 16 ], [ 104, 272, 83, 14 ], [ 91, 208, 729, 16 ], [ 104, 225, 159, 14 ], [ 91, 147, 729, 16 ], [ 104, 164, 674, 14 ], [ 104, 179, 177, 14 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "4", "if no conditions are imposed, an obvious upper bound", "on the number of proper", "q", "-colorings of the vertices of", "G", "is", "P", "(", "G, q", ")", "≤", "q", "$^{n}$.", "This yields the corresponding upper", "bound", "W", "(", "{", "G", "}", ", q", ")", "< q", ". Hence, it is natural to define a", "reduced function that has a finite limit as", "q", "→ ∞", ",", "As noted above, lower bounds on", "W", "(Λ", ", q", ") obtained", "from the inequality (2.12) for two-dimensional lattices Λ", "were found to be quite close to the actual values of the", "respective", "W", "(Λ", ", q", ") for a large range of values of", "q", ". This", "can be understood for large values of", "q", "from the fact that", "they coincide with the large-", "q", "expansions to many orders,", "and the agreement actually extends to values of", "q", "only", "moderately above", "q", "= 2. For example, the lower bound", "on", "W", "(", "sq, q", ") in [11] is equivalent to", "W", "(", "sq, q", ")", "≥", "(1 +", "y", "$^{3}$).", "This agrees with the small-", "y", "series up to order", "O", "(", "y", "$^{6}$), as", "is evident from comparison with Eq. (4.6). This lower", "bound also agrees quite closely with the value of", "W", "(", "sq, q", ")", "determined by Monte Carlo simulations in [10, 12, 13]", "(see Table 1 of [10] and Table 1 of [12]).", "We include", "this comparison here in Table I.", "For our purposes, it", "is sufficient to quote the results from Ref.", "[10]", "only to", "three significant figures. Since we are using large-", "q", "series", "for this comparison, we list the results in Table I for", "a set of values", "q", "≥", "4.", "As another example, the lower", "bound obtained for the honeycomb lattice in Ref. [13],", "W", "(", "hc, q", ")", "≥", "(1 +", "y", "$^{5}$)1", "/", "$^{2}$, agreed with the small-", "y", "series", "for", "W", "(", "hc, q", ") to", "O", "(", "y", "$^{10}$). Thus, it was found that for all", "of the cases studied,", "W", "(Λ", ", q", ")$_{ℓ}$ provides not only a lower", "bound on", "W", "(Λ", ", q", "), but a rather good approximation to", "the latter function. It is thus reasonable to expect that", "this will also be true for the lower bounds", "W", "(", "S$_{(}$$_{L}$$_{z}$$_{)}$$_{BC}$$_{z}$ , q", ")$_{ℓ}$", "for the slabs", "S$_{L}$$_{z}$", "of the simple cubic lattice considered", "here, of infinite extent in the", "x", "and", "y", "directions and of", "thickness", "L$_{z}$", "in the", "z", "direction.", "For a lattice or, more generally, a graph whose vertices", "have bounded degree,", "W$_{r}$", "(", "{", "G", "}", ", q", ") is analytic about 1", "/q", "=", "0.", "(", "W$_{r}$", "(", "{", "G", "}", ", q", ") is non-analytic at 1", "/q", "= 0 for certain", "families of graphs that contain one or more vertices with", "unbounded degree as", "n", "→ ∞", ", although the presence of", "a vertex with unbounded degree in this limit does not", "necessarily imply non-analyticity of", "W$_{r}$", "(", "{", "G", "}", ", q", ") at 1", "/q", "=", "0", "[21, 22].) It is conventional to express the large-", "q", "Taylor", "series for a function that has some factors removed from", "W$_{r}$", ", since this function yields a simpler expansion.", "A", "chromatic polynomial has the general form", "W$_{r}$", "(", "{", "G", "}", ", q", ") =", "q", "$^{$^{−}$1}$W", "(", "{", "G", "}", ", q", ")", ".", "(4.1)", "P", "(", "G, q", ") =", "n", "$^{−}$k", "(", "G", ")", "∑", "j", "=0", "(", "−", "1)", "$^{j}$a$_{n}$", "−", "$_{j}$q", "n", "$^{−}$j", ",", "(4.2)", "W", "(", "sc, q", ") = 1 + 3", "y", "3", "+ 22", "y", "5", "+ 31", "y", "6", "+", "O", "(", "y", "$^{7}$)", ".", "(4.7)", "W", "(Λ", ", q", ") =", "W", "(Λ", ", q", ")", "q", "(1", "−", "q", "$^{$^{−}$1}$)", "κ/", "2", ".", "(4.3)", "W", "(Λ", ", q", ") = 1 +", "∞", "∑", "j", "=1", "w$_{Λ}$$_{,j}$y", "j", ",", "(4.4)", "where the", "a$_{n}$", "$^{−}$j", ">", "0", "and", "k", "(", "G", ") is the number of connected", "components of", "G", "(taken here to be", "k", "(", "G", ") = 1 without", "loss of generality). One has", "a$_{n}$", "= 1,", "a$_{n}$", "$^{−}$1", "=", "e", "(", "G", "), and,", "provided that the girth", "g", "(", "G", ")", ">", "3", "[23], as is the case here,", "a$_{n}$", "$^{−}$2", "=", "(", "e", "(", "G", ")", "2", ")", ". A", "κ", "-regular graph is a graph such that", "each vertex has degree (coordination number)", "κ", ". For a", "κ", "-regular graph,", "e", "(", "G", ") =", "κn/", "2.", "The coefficients of the", "three terms of highest degree in", "q", "in", "P", "(", "G, q", ") for a", "κ", "-", "regular graph are precisely the terms that would result", "from the expansion of [", "q", "(1", "−", "q", "$^{$^{−}$1}$)", "κ/", "$^{2}$]", "$^{n}$. Hence, for a", "κ", "-", "regular graph or lattice, one usually displays the large-", "q", "series expansions for the reduced function", "From ingredients given in Ref. [25], we have calculated", "a large-", "q", "expansion of the", "W", "(", "sc, q", ") for the simple cubic", "(", "sc", ") lattice and obtain", "In Table I we list the corresponding values of", "W", "(", "sc, q", ")", "obtained from this large-", "q", "series, denoted", "W", "(", "sc, q", ")$_{ser.}$,", "for", "q", "≥", "4.", "We also list estimates of", "W", "(", "sc, q", "), denoted", "W", "(", "sc, q", ")$_{MC}$, for 4", "≤", "q", "≤", "6", "from the Monte Carlo calcu-", "lations in Ref. [29]. One sees that the approximate values", "obtained from the large-", "q", "series are close to the estimates", "from Monte Carlo simulations even for", "q", "values as low as", "q", "= 4.", "The large-", "q", "Taylor series for this function can be written", "in the form", "The coordination number for the", "S$_{2}$$_{F}$", "slab of the sim-", "ple cubic lattice (of infinite extent in the", "x", "and", "y", "direc-", "tions) is", "κ", "(", "S$_{2}$$_{F}$", ") = 5. We thus analyze the reduced func-", "tion", "W", "(", "S$_{2}$, q", ")$_{ℓ}$ =", "W", "(", "S$_{2}$, q", ")$_{ℓ}$", "/", "[", "q", "(1", "−", "q", "$^{$^{−}$1}$)", "5", "/", "$^{2}$]. This has the", "large-", "q", "(small-", "y", ") expansion", "where", "As this shows,", "W", "(", "S$_{2}$, q", ")$_{ℓ}$ provides an interpolation be-", "tween", "W", "(", "sq, q", ") and", "W", "(", "sc, q", "); for example, the coefficient", "of the", "y", "3", "term is 1 for Λ =", "sq", ", 2 for Λ =", "S$_{2}$", ", and 3 for", "Λ =", "sc", ".", "Furthermore, the coefficient of the", "y", "5", "term is", "0", "for Λ =", "sq", ", 2 for Λ =", "S$_{2}$", ", and 22 for Λ =", "sc", ".", "This", "is in agreement with the fact that the exact functions", "W", "(", "S$_{(}$$_{L}$$_{z}$$_{)}$$_{F}$ , q", ") interpolate between", "W", "(", "sc, q", ") and", "W", "(", "sc, q", ")", "as", "L$_{z}$", "increases from 1 to", "∞", "[30]", "and the expectation,", "The two results that we shall need here are the large-", "q", "(i.e., small-", "y", ") Taylor series for", "W", "(", "sq, q", ") and", "W", "(", "sc, q", ").", "The large-", "q", "series for", "W", "(", "sq, q", ") was calculated to succes-", "sively higher orders in [24]-[28]. Here we only quote the", "terms to", "O", "(", "y", "$^{11}$):", "W", "(", "S$_{2}$, q", ")$_{ℓ}$ = 1 + 2", "y", "3", "+ 2", "y", "5", "+ 9", "y", "6", "+", "O", "(", "y", "$^{7}$)", ".", "(4.8)", "y", "=", "1", "q", "−", "1", ".", "(4.5)", "W", "(", "sq, q", ") = 1 +", "y", "3", "+", "y", "7", "+ 3", "y", "8", "+ 4", "y", "9", "+ 3", "y", "10", "+ 3", "y", "11", "+", "O", "(", "y", "$^{12}$)", ".", "(4.6)" ]
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688, 13, 7 ], [ 307, 698, 24, 30 ], [ 308, 719, 5, 9 ], [ 314, 719, 16, 9 ], [ 334, 701, 40, 12 ], [ 375, 699, 5, 9 ], [ 388, 701, 4, 12 ], [ 466, 701, 34, 12 ], [ 90, 416, 70, 12 ], [ 165, 416, 17, 12 ], [ 182, 421, 15, 9 ], [ 204, 416, 12, 12 ], [ 222, 416, 6, 12 ], [ 241, 416, 20, 12 ], [ 266, 416, 8, 12 ], [ 276, 416, 6, 12 ], [ 282, 416, 13, 12 ], [ 295, 416, 205, 12 ], [ 90, 431, 107, 12 ], [ 205, 431, 13, 12 ], [ 225, 431, 131, 12 ], [ 364, 431, 8, 12 ], [ 373, 431, 6, 12 ], [ 380, 431, 13, 12 ], [ 393, 431, 107, 12 ], [ 90, 446, 205, 12 ], [ 301, 446, 17, 12 ], [ 325, 446, 31, 12 ], [ 364, 446, 17, 12 ], [ 381, 450, 17, 9 ], [ 405, 446, 12, 12 ], [ 424, 446, 7, 12 ], [ 432, 446, 6, 12 ], [ 438, 446, 13, 12 ], [ 451, 446, 49, 12 ], [ 90, 460, 166, 12 ], [ 261, 460, 7, 12 ], [ 270, 460, 6, 12 ], [ 276, 460, 13, 12 ], [ 289, 460, 6, 12 ], [ 301, 460, 12, 12 ], [ 318, 460, 6, 12 ], [ 336, 460, 164, 12 ], [ 90, 477, 17, 12 ], [ 107, 482, 17, 9 ], [ 132, 477, 12, 12 ], [ 151, 476, 7, 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530, 515, 55, 12 ], [ 586, 515, 7, 12 ], [ 600, 515, 120, 12 ], [ 727, 515, 15, 12 ], [ 745, 515, 6, 12 ], [ 752, 515, 29, 12 ], [ 782, 515, 158, 12 ], [ 530, 530, 6, 12 ], [ 537, 530, 15, 12 ], [ 552, 530, 141, 12 ], [ 530, 586, 341, 12 ], [ 879, 586, 15, 12 ], [ 897, 586, 6, 12 ], [ 904, 586, 29, 12 ], [ 934, 586, 6, 12 ], [ 530, 601, 188, 12 ], [ 719, 601, 7, 12 ], [ 734, 601, 109, 12 ], [ 851, 601, 15, 12 ], [ 870, 601, 6, 12 ], [ 876, 601, 29, 12 ], [ 907, 601, 34, 12 ], [ 530, 616, 19, 12 ], [ 558, 616, 7, 12 ], [ 573, 615, 12, 22 ], [ 593, 616, 13, 12 ], [ 619, 616, 183, 12 ], [ 810, 616, 15, 12 ], [ 828, 616, 6, 12 ], [ 834, 616, 29, 12 ], [ 865, 616, 76, 12 ], [ 530, 630, 15, 12 ], [ 549, 630, 6, 12 ], [ 555, 630, 29, 12 ], [ 586, 630, 76, 12 ], [ 667, 630, 12, 22 ], [ 685, 630, 7, 12 ], [ 699, 630, 12, 22 ], [ 717, 630, 6, 12 ], [ 737, 630, 203, 12 ], [ 530, 645, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 660, 174, 12 ], [ 705, 660, 7, 12 ], [ 717, 660, 223, 12 ], [ 530, 675, 279, 12 ], [ 815, 675, 7, 12 ], [ 828, 675, 113, 12 ], [ 530, 690, 7, 12 ], [ 543, 690, 30, 12 ], [ 90, 651, 74, 12 ], [ 165, 651, 7, 12 ], [ 178, 651, 322, 12 ], [ 90, 666, 82, 12 ], [ 547, 705, 241, 12 ], [ 794, 705, 24, 12 ], [ 828, 705, 113, 12 ], [ 530, 719, 300, 12 ], [ 837, 719, 9, 12 ], [ 852, 719, 26, 12 ], [ 885, 719, 8, 12 ], [ 900, 719, 40, 12 ], [ 530, 734, 58, 12 ], [ 595, 734, 9, 12 ], [ 604, 734, 6, 12 ], [ 611, 734, 24, 12 ], [ 638, 734, 302, 12 ], [ 530, 749, 28, 12 ], [ 564, 749, 15, 12 ], [ 582, 749, 6, 12 ], [ 589, 749, 32, 12 ], [ 622, 749, 30, 12 ], [ 657, 749, 15, 12 ], [ 675, 749, 6, 12 ], [ 681, 749, 32, 12 ], [ 715, 749, 12, 12 ], [ 728, 749, 8, 12 ], [ 736, 749, 4, 12 ], [ 741, 749, 7, 12 ], [ 749, 749, 14, 12 ], [ 766, 749, 12, 22 ], [ 782, 749, 7, 12 ], [ 790, 749, 24, 12 ], [ 814, 747, 6, 9 ], [ 820, 747, 6, 9 ], [ 827, 749, 113, 12 ], [ 530, 764, 41, 12 ], [ 572, 764, 7, 12 ], [ 585, 764, 50, 12 ], [ 635, 764, 8, 12 ], [ 644, 764, 84, 12 ], [ 90, 742, 42, 12 ], [ 530, 820, 108, 12 ], [ 646, 820, 15, 12 ], [ 664, 820, 6, 12 ], [ 671, 820, 32, 12 ], [ 704, 820, 236, 12 ], [ 530, 835, 41, 12 ], [ 577, 835, 15, 12 ], [ 595, 835, 6, 12 ], [ 601, 835, 30, 12 ], [ 633, 835, 38, 12 ], [ 676, 835, 15, 12 ], [ 694, 835, 6, 12 ], [ 700, 835, 29, 12 ], [ 731, 835, 210, 12 ], [ 530, 850, 42, 12 ], [ 580, 850, 8, 12 ], [ 589, 848, 6, 9 ], [ 603, 850, 130, 12 ], [ 739, 850, 15, 12 ], [ 755, 850, 83, 12 ], [ 844, 850, 16, 12 ], [ 862, 850, 79, 12 ], [ 530, 864, 31, 12 ], [ 569, 864, 15, 12 ], [ 585, 864, 4, 12 ], [ 601, 864, 256, 12 ], [ 865, 864, 8, 12 ], [ 874, 863, 6, 9 ], [ 888, 864, 52, 12 ], [ 530, 879, 5, 12 ], [ 548, 879, 57, 12 ], [ 612, 879, 15, 12 ], [ 628, 879, 86, 12 ], [ 722, 879, 16, 12 ], [ 740, 879, 129, 12 ], [ 876, 879, 15, 12 ], [ 891, 879, 4, 12 ], [ 908, 879, 32, 12 ], [ 530, 894, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 909, 15, 12 ], [ 549, 909, 6, 12 ], [ 555, 909, 61, 12 ], [ 618, 909, 155, 12 ], [ 779, 909, 15, 12 ], [ 797, 909, 6, 12 ], [ 804, 909, 29, 12 ], [ 834, 909, 39, 12 ], [ 879, 909, 15, 12 ], [ 897, 909, 6, 12 ], [ 904, 909, 29, 12 ], [ 934, 909, 6, 12 ], [ 530, 924, 15, 12 ], [ 553, 924, 17, 12 ], [ 579, 924, 143, 12 ], [ 730, 923, 16, 22 ], [ 754, 924, 22, 12 ], [ 791, 924, 149, 12 ], [ 107, 807, 394, 12 ], [ 90, 822, 7, 12 ], [ 104, 822, 82, 12 ], [ 187, 822, 8, 12 ], [ 196, 822, 130, 12 ], [ 333, 822, 15, 12 ], [ 351, 822, 6, 12 ], [ 357, 822, 30, 12 ], [ 388, 822, 39, 12 ], [ 434, 822, 15, 12 ], [ 452, 822, 6, 12 ], [ 459, 822, 29, 12 ], [ 489, 822, 11, 12 ], [ 90, 837, 75, 12 ], [ 166, 837, 7, 12 ], [ 179, 837, 65, 12 ], [ 250, 837, 15, 12 ], [ 268, 837, 6, 12 ], [ 274, 837, 30, 12 ], [ 306, 837, 194, 12 ], [ 90, 852, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 867, 61, 12 ], [ 157, 867, 12, 12 ], [ 170, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 176, 867, 8, 12 ], [ 185, 867, 25, 12 ], [ 564, 792, 15, 12 ], [ 582, 792, 6, 12 ], [ 588, 792, 32, 12 ], [ 622, 792, 72, 12 ], [ 694, 792, 8, 12 ], [ 703, 789, 6, 9 ], [ 714, 792, 25, 12 ], [ 739, 792, 8, 12 ], [ 748, 789, 6, 9 ], [ 759, 792, 25, 12 ], [ 784, 792, 8, 12 ], [ 793, 789, 6, 9 ], [ 804, 792, 12, 12 ], [ 821, 792, 12, 12 ], [ 834, 792, 6, 12 ], [ 840, 792, 8, 12 ], [ 849, 792, 14, 12 ], [ 869, 792, 4, 12 ], [ 907, 792, 34, 12 ], [ 254, 773, 8, 12 ], [ 268, 773, 12, 12 ], [ 301, 764, 8, 12 ], [ 287, 782, 7, 12 ], [ 299, 782, 12, 22 ], [ 316, 782, 8, 12 ], [ 332, 773, 4, 12 ], [ 466, 773, 34, 12 ], [ 136, 894, 15, 12 ], [ 154, 894, 6, 12 ], [ 160, 894, 30, 12 ], [ 192, 894, 64, 12 ], [ 260, 894, 8, 12 ], [ 269, 892, 6, 9 ], [ 280, 894, 12, 12 ], [ 297, 894, 8, 12 ], [ 305, 892, 6, 9 ], [ 317, 894, 25, 12 ], [ 342, 894, 8, 12 ], [ 351, 892, 6, 9 ], [ 362, 894, 25, 12 ], [ 387, 894, 8, 12 ], [ 396, 892, 6, 9 ], [ 406, 894, 25, 12 ], [ 432, 894, 8, 12 ], [ 441, 892, 13, 9 ], [ 208, 924, 31, 12 ], [ 240, 924, 8, 12 ], [ 249, 921, 13, 9 ], [ 266, 924, 12, 12 ], [ 283, 924, 12, 12 ], [ 296, 924, 6, 12 ], [ 302, 924, 8, 12 ], [ 311, 924, 20, 12 ], [ 338, 924, 4, 12 ], [ 466, 924, 34, 12 ] ]
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[ "Customer Solution Profiles", "The following profiles offer a glimpse at how some of our IT systems and solutions are benefiting businesses,", "institutions and people in their everyday lives. ", "Along with the diffusion and increasing performance", "of Linux servers in recent years, Linux cluster systems", "– multiple Linux servers linked in a single high-speed", "network – have been adopted by universities and", "research institutions throughout Japan and abroad for", "use as supercomputers.", "functions of genes and proteins in biotechnology, the", "system is expected to make major contributions to", "advanced research and development and support Japan’s", "position as leading innovator in science and technology.", "Tokai University School of Medicine", "WorldGLYPH<213>s Fastest Quantum Chemical Computational", "Techniques and Software Speed Drug Development", "Riken", "JapanGLYPH<213>s Highest Performance Linux Cluster", "System Powers Biotech Research", "Genomic drug design can be described as the process", "of discovering target molecules – and therefore new", "drug candidates – that control the abnormal behavior", "of proteins related to diseases.", "Traditionally, this", "process of discovery involved an enormous amount of", "time and sacrifice, requiring the use of actual tissues", "and cells, or numerous test animals.", "Seeking to help new drug developers overcome", "these hurdles, we developed new techniques and", "software enabling the world’s fastest quantum", "chemical computations based on the molecular orbital", "method. Working together with Tokai University’s", "Since March of 2004, Japan's Institute of Physical and", "Chemical Research, known as Riken, has begun", "operating a supercomputer system that uses as its core", "a Linux cluster system built by Fujitsu. This is the", "highest performance Linux cluster system in Japan and", "represents the first adoption by a large-scale Japanese", "computing center of a Linux cluster core for its main", "system.", "It is considered a model case and has", "received considerable attention both in Japan and", "abroad.", "Slated for use in the analysis of the structures and", "JapanGLYPH<213>s highest performance Linux cluster system is powering biotech research.", "10" ]
[ [ 143, 80, 259, 14 ], [ 143, 100, 812, 31 ], [ 143, 100, 812, 31 ], [ 143, 219, 383, 103 ], [ 143, 219, 383, 103 ], [ 143, 219, 383, 103 ], [ 143, 219, 383, 103 ], [ 143, 219, 383, 103 ], [ 143, 219, 383, 103 ], [ 570, 153, 383, 68 ], [ 570, 153, 383, 68 ], [ 570, 153, 383, 68 ], [ 570, 153, 383, 68 ], [ 570, 246, 246, 12 ], [ 570, 262, 383, 29 ], [ 570, 262, 383, 29 ], [ 143, 152, 39, 12 ], [ 143, 169, 298, 29 ], [ 143, 169, 298, 29 ], [ 570, 312, 383, 122 ], [ 570, 312, 383, 122 ], [ 570, 312, 383, 122 ], [ 570, 312, 383, 122 ], [ 570, 312, 383, 122 ], [ 570, 312, 383, 122 ], [ 570, 312, 383, 122 ], [ 570, 312, 383, 122 ], [ 570, 442, 384, 85 ], [ 570, 442, 384, 85 ], [ 570, 442, 384, 85 ], [ 570, 442, 384, 85 ], [ 570, 442, 384, 85 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 143, 330, 384, 177 ], [ 157, 515, 368, 11 ], [ 70, 955, 363, 7 ], [ 44, 990, 13, 8 ] ]
[ [ 143, 80, 259, 14 ], [ 143, 100, 812, 11 ], [ 143, 120, 341, 11 ], [ 143, 219, 383, 11 ], [ 143, 238, 383, 11 ], [ 143, 256, 382, 11 ], [ 143, 274, 383, 11 ], [ 143, 293, 383, 11 ], [ 143, 311, 161, 11 ], [ 570, 153, 382, 11 ], [ 570, 173, 383, 11 ], [ 570, 192, 382, 11 ], [ 570, 210, 373, 11 ], [ 570, 246, 246, 12 ], [ 570, 262, 383, 12 ], [ 570, 279, 354, 12 ], [ 143, 152, 39, 12 ], [ 143, 169, 298, 12 ], [ 143, 186, 232, 12 ], [ 570, 312, 383, 11 ], [ 570, 331, 382, 11 ], [ 570, 349, 383, 11 ], [ 570, 368, 237, 11 ], [ 819, 368, 134, 11 ], [ 570, 386, 383, 11 ], [ 570, 405, 382, 11 ], [ 570, 423, 248, 11 ], [ 586, 442, 367, 11 ], [ 570, 460, 383, 11 ], [ 570, 479, 384, 11 ], [ 570, 497, 383, 11 ], [ 570, 516, 383, 11 ], [ 154, 330, 371, 11 ], [ 143, 348, 384, 11 ], [ 143, 367, 383, 11 ], [ 143, 385, 383, 11 ], [ 143, 404, 383, 11 ], [ 143, 422, 383, 11 ], [ 143, 441, 382, 11 ], [ 143, 459, 60, 11 ], [ 215, 459, 311, 11 ], [ 143, 478, 383, 11 ], [ 143, 496, 51, 11 ], [ 157, 515, 368, 11 ], [ 70, 955, 363, 7 ], [ 44, 990, 13, 8 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 4 ]
[ "5.", "Verify the xCAT networks configuration.", "You can run the ", "lsdef", " command to list the configuration of a specific xCAT network or ", "networks. The following example lists the management network and application network ", "for InfiniBand port 1:", "You can run the ", "tabdump", " command to list the configuration of all xCAT networks:", "The xCAT configures the DNS server based on the attributes of the ", "site", " table, the ", "/etc/hosts", " file, and node definitions. The ", "makedns", " command applies the configuration.", "The following attributes of the ", "site", " table are used to configure the DNS server:", "For more information, see the manual page of the ", "site", " table by running the following ", "command:", "$ man 5 site", "Running the ", "makedns", " command generates the following configuration files for the DNS server, ", "and reloads it:", "78 ", "IBM High-Performance Computing Insights with IBM Power System AC922 Clustered Solution ", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "/etc/named.conf", ": Main configuration file (generated by ", "makedns -n", ")", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "/var/named/*", ": Zone files for network names and addresses (generated by ", "makedns -n", ")", "5.4.6", "DNS server", "$ lsdef -t network ", "net-mgmt,net-app-ib", "Object name: net-mgmt", "gateway=<xcatmaster>", "mask=", "mgtifname=enP5p1s0f0", "net=", "tftpserver=", "Object name: net-app-ib", "mask=", "net=", "$ tabdump networks", "#netname,net,mask,mgtifname,<...>", "\"net-mgmt\",\"\",\"\",\"enP5p1s0f0\",<...>", "\"net-svc\",\"\",\"\",\"enp1s0f3\",<...>", "\"net-app-ib\",\"\",\"\",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", "dnsinterfaces", ":", "Host name (optional) and network interfaces for the DNS server to ", "listen on.", "domain", ":", "DNS domain name for the cluster.", "forwarders", ":", "DNS servers for resolving non-cluster names, that is, the site’s or ", "external DNS servers.", "master", ":", "IP address of the xCAT management node on the management (OS) ", "network, as known by the nodes.", "nameservers", ":", "DNS servers that are used by the compute nodes (usually, the IP ", "address of the management node). The value ", "<", "xcatmaster", ">", " indicates ", "that the management node or service node that is managing a node ", "(automatically defined to the correct IP address in the respective xCAT ", "network) is more portable." ]
[ [ 229, 92, 317, 11 ], [ 229, 92, 317, 11 ], [ 253, 114, 654, 42 ], [ 253, 114, 654, 42 ], [ 253, 114, 654, 42 ], [ 253, 114, 654, 42 ], [ 253, 114, 654, 42 ], [ 253, 329, 594, 11 ], [ 253, 329, 594, 11 ], [ 253, 329, 594, 11 ], [ 229, 486, 639, 27 ], [ 229, 486, 639, 27 ], [ 229, 486, 639, 27 ], [ 229, 486, 639, 27 ], [ 229, 486, 639, 27 ], [ 229, 486, 639, 27 ], [ 229, 486, 639, 27 ], [ 229, 529, 583, 11 ], [ 229, 529, 583, 11 ], [ 229, 529, 583, 11 ], [ 229, 777, 631, 27 ], [ 229, 777, 631, 27 ], [ 229, 777, 631, 27 ], [ 229, 777, 631, 27 ], [ 229, 814, 100, 11 ], [ 229, 843, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 843, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 843, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 843, 687, 27 ], [ 108, 976, 704, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 704, 11 ], [ 229, 880, 523, 11 ], [ 229, 880, 523, 11 ], [ 229, 880, 523, 11 ], [ 229, 880, 523, 11 ], [ 229, 880, 523, 11 ], [ 229, 896, 665, 11 ], [ 229, 896, 665, 11 ], [ 229, 896, 665, 11 ], [ 229, 896, 665, 11 ], [ 229, 896, 665, 11 ], [ 108, 452, 177, 15 ], [ 108, 452, 177, 15 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 167, 318, 151 ], [ 253, 351, 451, 73 ], [ 253, 351, 451, 73 ], [ 253, 351, 451, 73 ], [ 253, 351, 451, 73 ], [ 253, 351, 451, 73 ], [ 229, 552, 663, 27 ], [ 229, 552, 663, 27 ], [ 229, 552, 663, 27 ], [ 229, 552, 663, 27 ], [ 229, 589, 421, 11 ], [ 229, 589, 421, 11 ], [ 229, 589, 421, 11 ], [ 229, 611, 671, 27 ], [ 229, 611, 671, 27 ], [ 229, 611, 671, 27 ], [ 229, 611, 671, 27 ], [ 229, 649, 684, 27 ], [ 229, 649, 684, 27 ], [ 229, 649, 684, 27 ], [ 229, 649, 684, 27 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ], [ 229, 686, 687, 74 ] ]
[ [ 229, 92, 14, 11 ], [ 248, 92, 299, 11 ], [ 253, 114, 122, 11 ], [ 376, 114, 41, 11 ], [ 417, 114, 477, 11 ], [ 253, 130, 654, 11 ], [ 253, 145, 150, 11 ], [ 253, 329, 122, 11 ], [ 376, 329, 58, 11 ], [ 434, 329, 413, 11 ], [ 229, 486, 502, 11 ], [ 731, 486, 33, 11 ], [ 765, 486, 78, 11 ], [ 229, 501, 83, 11 ], [ 312, 501, 227, 11 ], [ 540, 501, 58, 11 ], [ 599, 501, 269, 11 ], [ 229, 529, 223, 11 ], [ 452, 530, 33, 11 ], [ 485, 529, 326, 11 ], [ 229, 777, 372, 11 ], [ 601, 777, 33, 11 ], [ 634, 777, 225, 11 ], [ 229, 792, 78, 11 ], [ 229, 814, 100, 11 ], [ 229, 843, 93, 11 ], [ 322, 843, 58, 11 ], [ 381, 843, 535, 11 ], [ 229, 858, 105, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 22, 11 ], [ 156, 977, 656, 10 ], [ 229, 880, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 880, 125, 11 ], [ 378, 880, 284, 11 ], [ 663, 880, 83, 11 ], [ 747, 880, 5, 11 ], [ 229, 896, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 896, 100, 11 ], [ 353, 896, 451, 11 ], [ 804, 896, 83, 11 ], [ 888, 896, 5, 11 ], [ 108, 452, 50, 15 ], [ 164, 452, 121, 15 ], [ 253, 167, 158, 11 ], [ 412, 167, 159, 11 ], [ 253, 183, 175, 11 ], [ 286, 198, 167, 11 ], [ 286, 214, 133, 11 ], [ 286, 229, 167, 11 ], [ 286, 245, 100, 11 ], [ 286, 261, 158, 11 ], [ 253, 276, 192, 11 ], [ 286, 292, 133, 11 ], [ 286, 307, 108, 11 ], [ 253, 351, 150, 11 ], [ 253, 367, 276, 11 ], [ 253, 382, 451, 11 ], [ 253, 398, 426, 11 ], [ 253, 413, 451, 11 ], [ 229, 552, 108, 11 ], [ 337, 552, 4, 11 ], [ 397, 552, 494, 11 ], [ 397, 567, 67, 11 ], [ 229, 589, 50, 11 ], [ 279, 589, 4, 11 ], [ 397, 589, 252, 11 ], [ 229, 611, 83, 11 ], [ 312, 611, 4, 11 ], [ 397, 611, 502, 11 ], [ 397, 627, 163, 11 ], [ 229, 649, 50, 11 ], [ 279, 649, 4, 11 ], [ 397, 649, 515, 11 ], [ 397, 664, 243, 11 ], [ 229, 686, 92, 11 ], [ 321, 686, 4, 11 ], [ 397, 686, 486, 11 ], [ 397, 702, 342, 11 ], [ 740, 702, 8, 11 ], [ 749, 702, 83, 11 ], [ 832, 702, 8, 11 ], [ 841, 702, 75, 11 ], [ 397, 717, 507, 11 ], [ 397, 733, 518, 11 ], [ 397, 748, 193, 11 ] ]
[ 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
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[ [ 881, 49, 19, 15 ], [ 120, 50, 259, 13 ], [ 158, 95, 742, 42 ], [ 158, 95, 742, 42 ], [ 158, 95, 742, 42 ], [ 158, 95, 742, 42 ], [ 120, 151, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 151, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 151, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 151, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 151, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 207, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 207, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 207, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 207, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 207, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 207, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 263, 780, 14 ], [ 120, 263, 780, 14 ], [ 120, 263, 780, 14 ], [ 120, 263, 780, 14 ], [ 120, 291, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 291, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 291, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 291, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 291, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 347, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 347, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 347, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 347, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 347, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 403, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 403, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 403, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 403, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 403, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 403, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 403, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 488, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 488, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 488, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 488, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 488, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 544, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 544, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 544, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 544, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 600, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 600, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 600, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 600, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 600, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 600, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 656, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 656, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 656, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 656, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 656, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 712, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 712, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 712, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 712, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 712, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 712, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 712, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 768, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 768, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 768, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 768, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 768, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 824, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 824, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 824, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 824, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 824, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 880, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 880, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 880, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 880, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 936, 780, 14 ], [ 120, 936, 780, 14 ] ]
[ [ 881, 49, 19, 15 ], [ 120, 50, 259, 13 ], [ 158, 95, 519, 14 ], [ 685, 95, 181, 13 ], [ 867, 95, 34, 14 ], [ 158, 123, 116, 14 ], [ 120, 151, 23, 14 ], [ 158, 151, 742, 14 ], [ 158, 179, 351, 14 ], [ 518, 180, 58, 13 ], [ 577, 179, 159, 14 ], [ 120, 207, 23, 14 ], [ 159, 207, 741, 14 ], [ 158, 235, 15, 14 ], [ 190, 235, 428, 14 ], [ 627, 236, 58, 13 ], [ 686, 235, 178, 14 ], [ 120, 263, 23, 14 ], [ 158, 263, 405, 14 ], [ 572, 264, 187, 13 ], [ 759, 263, 141, 14 ], [ 120, 291, 22, 14 ], [ 157, 291, 528, 14 ], [ 691, 292, 107, 13 ], [ 799, 291, 101, 14 ], [ 158, 319, 50, 14 ], [ 120, 347, 24, 14 ], [ 160, 347, 484, 14 ], [ 657, 348, 148, 13 ], [ 805, 347, 94, 14 ], [ 158, 375, 51, 14 ], [ 120, 403, 23, 14 ], [ 159, 403, 741, 14 ], [ 158, 432, 75, 14 ], [ 247, 432, 491, 14 ], [ 747, 432, 149, 13 ], [ 896, 432, 5, 14 ], [ 158, 459, 304, 14 ], [ 120, 488, 22, 14 ], [ 157, 488, 526, 14 ], [ 689, 488, 109, 13 ], [ 799, 488, 101, 14 ], [ 158, 516, 41, 14 ], [ 120, 544, 23, 14 ], [ 159, 544, 496, 14 ], [ 662, 544, 238, 13 ], [ 158, 572, 121, 14 ], [ 120, 600, 24, 14 ], [ 161, 600, 310, 14 ], [ 485, 600, 359, 14 ], [ 857, 600, 43, 13 ], [ 158, 628, 77, 13 ], [ 236, 628, 169, 14 ], [ 120, 656, 23, 14 ], [ 158, 656, 742, 14 ], [ 158, 684, 339, 14 ], [ 506, 684, 169, 13 ], [ 675, 684, 150, 14 ], [ 120, 712, 25, 14 ], [ 162, 712, 103, 14 ], [ 281, 712, 186, 14 ], [ 481, 712, 249, 14 ], [ 746, 712, 155, 13 ], [ 158, 740, 101, 13 ], [ 260, 740, 132, 14 ], [ 120, 768, 23, 14 ], [ 159, 768, 336, 14 ], [ 505, 769, 296, 13 ], [ 801, 768, 99, 14 ], [ 158, 796, 112, 14 ], [ 120, 824, 21, 14 ], [ 155, 824, 745, 14 ], [ 158, 852, 339, 14 ], [ 505, 853, 53, 13 ], [ 559, 852, 141, 14 ], [ 120, 880, 22, 14 ], [ 157, 880, 744, 14 ], [ 158, 909, 204, 13 ], [ 363, 908, 123, 14 ], [ 120, 936, 24, 14 ], [ 160, 936, 741, 14 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "DEAR SHAREHOLDERS", "In fiscal 2004 the Middleby Corporation continued to execute ", "on its growth strategy by generating double-digit sales growth, ", "further strengthening the company’s position as a global leader ", "in the commercial cooking equipment industry. Our success has", "been due to the introduction of patented, innovative cooking ", "equipment and serving emerging markets.", "The year 2004 was a record-breaking", "year from a financial perspective as ", "significant gains were posted in virtually", "every financial category including ", "net sales, net earnings, and earnings", "per share.", "The acquisition of Nu-Vu Foodservice", "Systems was completed at the begin-", "ning of 2005. Nu-Vu is a leader in ", "baking ovens with the world’s leading", "sandwich chain as one of its customers.", "This acquisition allows us a foothold ", "in the fast-growing sandwich market.", "Our fiscal 2005 growth drivers are:", "As a market leader we are a top ", "supplier in nearly all of the market ", "categories in which we compete.", "Our Middleby Marshall conveyor oven", "continues to lead the market and has", "virtually every large global pizza chain", "as a customer. At Blodgett, sales ", "grew in double digits as the brand’s ", "reputation for quality and durability", "allows us to retain a favored status", "among foodservice professionals.", "At Southbend, the new Platinum Series", "of ranges, broilers and griddles is a", "huge hit with its waterproof controls", "and non-clog burners. Pitco continues ", "to gain momentum with the success ", "of the Solstice series of fryers providing", "energy efficiency and an advanced oil ", "filtering system. At Toastmaster, the", "counterline equipment series introduced", "in 2004 has expanded the market ", "for the brand previously known best ", "for toasters.", "Middleby introduced nine new products", "in 2004 across all of its brands, on ", "top of the ten new products that were", "introduced in 2003. This pattern of", "R&D will continue in 2005 with products", "focused on energy savings, automation,", "speed and safety.", "•", "Product Innovation", "•", "Emerging Industry Trends ", "To attract low-carbohydrate eaters,", "we introduced steamers and griddles ", "to restaurants wanting to offer more", "options to these diners. While some ", "people are not eating bread on ", "low-carbohydrate diets, a completely ", "different trend is catering to those ", "who crave the taste and smell of freshly", "baked bread from sandwich shops ", "and fast-casual restaurants. With the", "acquisition of Nu-Vu, Middleby has", "become a leading manufacturer of", "baking ovens for on-premise baking and", "is well positioned to supply restaurants", "with the top baking equipment in ", "coming years. Another recent trend is", "the rapid growth of fast-casual dining", "establishments. These dining establish-", "ments fall between fast food and ", "traditional casual dining with an average", "$6 to $9 customer tab and often", "include ethnic food concepts. Middleby", "is a leader in cooking equipment for", "this segment. We also anticipate ", "growth of “co-branded” restaurants ", "with multiple dining concepts combined", "in one location. Middleby is well ", "positioned to serve many of the leading", "restaurant chains as they pursue the ", "co-branding strategy.", "GROWTH DRIVERS", "MARKET LEADER", "Speed", "Energy", "Savings", "Safety", "Automation", "Product Innovation" ]
[ [ 80, 94, 169, 11 ], [ 80, 153, 712, 136 ], [ 80, 153, 712, 136 ], [ 80, 153, 712, 136 ], [ 80, 153, 712, 136 ], [ 80, 153, 712, 136 ], [ 80, 153, 712, 136 ], [ 80, 390, 257, 103 ], [ 80, 390, 257, 103 ], [ 80, 390, 257, 103 ], [ 80, 390, 257, 103 ], [ 80, 390, 257, 103 ], [ 80, 390, 257, 103 ], [ 371, 390, 258, 121 ], [ 371, 390, 258, 121 ], [ 371, 390, 258, 121 ], [ 371, 390, 258, 121 ], [ 371, 390, 258, 121 ], [ 371, 390, 258, 121 ], [ 371, 390, 258, 121 ], [ 371, 551, 223, 10 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 80, 532, 258, 417 ], [ 371, 592, 259, 121 ], [ 371, 592, 259, 121 ], [ 371, 592, 259, 121 ], [ 371, 592, 259, 121 ], [ 371, 592, 259, 121 ], [ 371, 592, 259, 121 ], [ 371, 592, 259, 121 ], [ 371, 573, 137, 10 ], [ 371, 573, 137, 10 ], [ 664, 390, 184, 10 ], [ 664, 390, 184, 10 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 664, 408, 258, 547 ], [ 371, 533, 124, 9 ], [ 80, 515, 113, 9 ], [ 369, 736, 256, 176 ], [ 369, 736, 256, 176 ], [ 369, 736, 256, 176 ], [ 369, 736, 256, 176 ], [ 369, 736, 256, 176 ], [ 369, 736, 256, 176 ] ]
[ [ 80, 94, 169, 11 ], [ 80, 153, 690, 15 ], [ 80, 177, 710, 15 ], [ 80, 202, 712, 15 ], [ 80, 226, 710, 15 ], [ 80, 250, 686, 15 ], [ 80, 274, 466, 15 ], [ 80, 390, 237, 10 ], [ 80, 408, 232, 10 ], [ 80, 427, 257, 10 ], [ 80, 445, 218, 10 ], [ 80, 464, 236, 10 ], [ 80, 482, 63, 10 ], [ 391, 390, 237, 10 ], [ 371, 408, 240, 10 ], [ 371, 427, 223, 10 ], [ 371, 445, 238, 10 ], [ 371, 464, 258, 10 ], [ 371, 482, 236, 10 ], [ 371, 501, 235, 10 ], [ 371, 551, 223, 10 ], [ 80, 532, 209, 10 ], [ 80, 551, 228, 10 ], [ 80, 569, 207, 10 ], [ 80, 588, 237, 10 ], [ 80, 606, 239, 10 ], [ 80, 625, 244, 10 ], [ 80, 643, 215, 10 ], [ 80, 662, 234, 10 ], [ 80, 680, 227, 10 ], [ 80, 699, 223, 10 ], [ 80, 717, 213, 10 ], [ 80, 736, 251, 10 ], [ 80, 754, 229, 10 ], [ 80, 773, 233, 10 ], [ 80, 791, 248, 10 ], [ 80, 810, 237, 10 ], [ 80, 828, 258, 10 ], [ 80, 847, 244, 10 ], [ 80, 865, 230, 10 ], [ 80, 884, 258, 10 ], [ 80, 902, 221, 10 ], [ 80, 921, 233, 10 ], [ 80, 939, 77, 10 ], [ 371, 592, 252, 10 ], [ 371, 611, 231, 10 ], [ 371, 629, 243, 10 ], [ 371, 648, 225, 10 ], [ 371, 666, 259, 10 ], [ 371, 685, 253, 10 ], [ 371, 703, 111, 10 ], [ 371, 573, 13, 10 ], [ 388, 573, 120, 10 ], [ 664, 390, 13, 10 ], [ 681, 390, 167, 10 ], [ 664, 408, 222, 10 ], [ 664, 427, 242, 10 ], [ 664, 445, 231, 10 ], [ 664, 464, 233, 10 ], [ 664, 482, 201, 10 ], [ 664, 501, 239, 10 ], [ 664, 519, 223, 10 ], [ 664, 538, 256, 10 ], [ 664, 556, 224, 10 ], [ 664, 575, 235, 10 ], [ 664, 593, 223, 10 ], [ 664, 612, 219, 10 ], [ 664, 630, 255, 10 ], [ 664, 649, 251, 10 ], [ 664, 667, 217, 10 ], [ 664, 686, 241, 10 ], [ 664, 704, 241, 10 ], [ 664, 723, 251, 10 ], [ 664, 741, 214, 10 ], [ 664, 760, 258, 10 ], [ 664, 778, 209, 10 ], [ 664, 797, 249, 10 ], [ 664, 815, 231, 10 ], [ 664, 834, 212, 10 ], [ 664, 852, 232, 10 ], [ 664, 871, 255, 10 ], [ 664, 889, 209, 10 ], [ 664, 908, 254, 10 ], [ 664, 926, 239, 10 ], [ 664, 945, 134, 10 ], [ 371, 533, 124, 9 ], [ 80, 515, 113, 9 ], [ 381, 746, 37, 10 ], [ 381, 880, 40, 10 ], [ 381, 892, 45, 10 ], [ 577, 892, 36, 10 ], [ 546, 746, 68, 10 ], [ 440, 820, 112, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "PUBLIC LAW 116–20—JUNE 6, 2019 ", "133 STAT. 900 ", "any additional action plan revisions shall follow the requirements ", "contained therein. ", "42", "USC 5322. ", "(b)", "Amounts made available for administrative costs for activi-", "ties authorized under title I of the Housing and Community ", "Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to disaster ", "relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing, ", "economic revitalization, and mitigation in the most impacted and ", "distressed areas under this Act or any future Act, and amounts ", "previously provided under section 420 of division L of Public Law ", "114–113, section 145 of division C of Public Law 114–223, section ", "192 of division C of Public Law 114–223 (as added by section ", "101(3) of division A of Public Law 114–254), section 421 of division ", "K of Public Law 115–31, and under the heading ‘‘Department of ", "Housing and Urban Development—Community Planning and ", "Development—Community Development Fund’’ of division B of ", "Public Law 115–56, Public Law 115–123, and Public Law 115– ", "254, shall be available for eligible administrative costs of the ", "grantee related to any disaster relief funding identified in this ", "subsection without regard to the particular disaster appropriation ", "from which such funds originated. ", "(c)", "The additional uses pursuant to this section for amounts ", "that were previously designated by the Congress, respectively, as ", "an emergency requirement or as being for disaster relief pursuant ", "to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act are ", "designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement ", "pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and ", "Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 or as being for disaster ", "relief pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and ", "Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. ", "SEC. 1102. Of all amounts made available for mitigation activi-", "ties under the heading ‘‘Department of Housing and Urban Develop-", "ment—Community Development Fund’’ in Public Law 115–123, the ", "Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register the allocations to ", "all eligible grantees, and the necessary administrative requirements ", "applicable to such allocations within 90 days after enactment of ", "this Act: ", "(1)", "For any plans or amendments addressing the use of ", "any funds provided under Public Law 115–123 and received ", "by the Secretary prior to December 22, 2018, the Secretary ", "shall review pending amendments within 15 days of enactment ", "of this Act and pending plans within 30 days of enactment ", "of this Act; ", "Certification. ", "Reviews. ", "Deadlines. ", "Federal Register, ", "publication. ", "Deadline. ", "(2)", "After the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary ", "may not apply the statutory waiver or alternative requirement ", "authority provided by Public Law 115–123 to extend or other-", "wise alter existing statutory and regulatory provisions gov-", "erning the timeline for review of required grantee plans: ", "Provided", ", That any amounts allocated pursuant to this section ", "to any such grantee shall not be available for draw down and ", "expenditure by a grantee that has entered into alternative proce-", "dures under section 428 of the Stafford Act as of the date of ", "enactment of this Act until such grantee has reached a final agree-", "ment on all fixed cost estimates within the timeline provided by ", "the Federal Emergency Management Agency: ", "Provided further", ", That ", "prior to making any grant of funds allocated pursuant to this ", "section, the Secretary must receive from the grantee information ", "that allows the Secretary to certify that such grantee has in place " ]
[ [ 406, 121, 337, 13 ], [ 185, 121, 134, 13 ], [ 306, 152, 540, 25 ], [ 306, 152, 540, 25 ], [ 185, 180, 83, 9 ], [ 185, 180, 83, 9 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 178, 548, 232 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 411, 543, 115 ], [ 306, 527, 541, 89 ], [ 306, 527, 541, 89 ], [ 306, 527, 541, 89 ], [ 306, 527, 541, 89 ], [ 306, 527, 541, 89 ], [ 306, 527, 541, 89 ], [ 306, 527, 541, 89 ], [ 339, 618, 508, 76 ], [ 339, 618, 508, 76 ], [ 339, 618, 508, 76 ], [ 339, 618, 508, 76 ], [ 339, 618, 508, 76 ], [ 339, 618, 508, 76 ], [ 339, 618, 508, 76 ], [ 185, 840, 80, 9 ], [ 185, 620, 64, 20 ], [ 185, 620, 64, 20 ], [ 185, 529, 104, 30 ], [ 185, 529, 104, 30 ], [ 185, 529, 104, 30 ], [ 339, 695, 506, 63 ], [ 339, 695, 506, 63 ], [ 339, 695, 506, 63 ], [ 339, 695, 506, 63 ], [ 339, 695, 506, 63 ], [ 339, 695, 506, 63 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ], [ 306, 760, 543, 128 ] ]
[ [ 406, 121, 337, 13 ], [ 185, 121, 134, 13 ], [ 306, 152, 540, 12 ], [ 306, 165, 145, 12 ], [ 185, 180, 14, 9 ], [ 203, 180, 66, 9 ], [ 339, 178, 21, 12 ], [ 365, 178, 473, 12 ], [ 306, 191, 545, 12 ], [ 306, 204, 538, 12 ], [ 306, 216, 537, 12 ], [ 306, 229, 540, 12 ], [ 306, 242, 541, 12 ], [ 306, 255, 540, 12 ], [ 306, 268, 539, 12 ], [ 306, 281, 542, 12 ], [ 306, 294, 538, 12 ], [ 306, 307, 540, 12 ], [ 306, 320, 548, 12 ], [ 306, 333, 544, 12 ], [ 306, 346, 542, 12 ], [ 306, 359, 544, 12 ], [ 306, 372, 542, 12 ], [ 306, 385, 540, 12 ], [ 306, 398, 268, 12 ], [ 339, 411, 20, 12 ], [ 365, 411, 482, 12 ], [ 306, 424, 540, 12 ], [ 306, 436, 539, 12 ], [ 306, 449, 542, 12 ], [ 306, 462, 538, 12 ], [ 306, 475, 543, 12 ], [ 306, 488, 542, 12 ], [ 306, 501, 539, 12 ], [ 306, 514, 306, 12 ], [ 339, 527, 498, 12 ], [ 306, 540, 532, 12 ], [ 306, 553, 538, 12 ], [ 306, 566, 540, 12 ], [ 306, 579, 537, 12 ], [ 306, 592, 541, 12 ], [ 306, 605, 69, 12 ], [ 373, 618, 22, 12 ], [ 401, 618, 447, 12 ], [ 339, 631, 508, 12 ], [ 339, 644, 508, 12 ], [ 339, 656, 504, 12 ], [ 339, 669, 508, 12 ], [ 339, 682, 88, 12 ], [ 185, 840, 80, 9 ], [ 185, 620, 54, 9 ], [ 185, 630, 64, 9 ], [ 185, 529, 104, 9 ], [ 185, 539, 72, 9 ], [ 185, 550, 59, 9 ], [ 373, 695, 21, 12 ], [ 400, 695, 446, 12 ], [ 339, 708, 505, 12 ], [ 339, 721, 499, 12 ], [ 339, 734, 499, 12 ], [ 339, 747, 440, 12 ], [ 306, 760, 69, 12 ], [ 375, 760, 474, 12 ], [ 306, 773, 542, 12 ], [ 306, 786, 532, 12 ], [ 306, 799, 543, 12 ], [ 306, 812, 532, 12 ], [ 306, 825, 540, 12 ], [ 306, 838, 357, 12 ], [ 664, 838, 128, 12 ], [ 792, 838, 51, 12 ], [ 306, 851, 543, 12 ], [ 306, 864, 541, 12 ], [ 306, 876, 539, 12 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Servizi di fabbricazione meccaniche ", "Versione settembre 2018 ", "Procedura n. JRC/IPR/2019/OP/0139 ", "Il/La firmatario/a dichiara che la suddetta persona è in grado di fornire, su richiesta e senza ", "indugio, i necessari documenti giustificativi elencati nelle pertinenti parti del capitolato ", "d'oneri e non disponibili in forma elettronica. ", "La persona non è tenuta a fornire gli elementi di prova se gli stessi sono già stati presentati per ", "un'altra procedura d'appalto della stessa amministrazione aggiudicatrice$^{3}$. I documenti devono ", "essere stati rilasciati in data non anteriore a un anno dalla data di richiesta da parte ", "dell'amministrazione aggiudicatrice e devono essere ancora validi a tale data.", "Il/La firmatario/a dichiara che la persona ha già fornito le prove documentali per una ", "precedente procedura e conferma che non sono intervenuti cambiamenti nella sua situazione:", "La suddetta persona può incorrere nel rigetto dalla presente procedura e in sanzioni ", "amministrative (esclusione o sanzione pecuniaria) qualora una dichiarazione resa o ", "informazione fornita in quanto condizione per la partecipazione alla presente procedura ", "risulti falsa. ", "Nome e cognome ", "Data ", "Firma ", "$^{3}$ La stessa istituzione o agenzia.", "Pagina ", "6", " di ", "6", "Documento ", "Riferimento completo alla procedura ", "precedente ", "Aggiungere le righe necessarie", "(2)", "se la persona di cui sopra è ", "offerente unico", " o ", "capofila in caso di ", "offerta congiunta", ", dichiara che: ", "SÌ ", "NO ", "N.", "P. ", "(g)", "l'offerente, compresi tutti i membri del raggruppamento in caso di ", "offerta congiunta e, se del caso, i subappaltatori, soddisfa tutti i criteri ", "di selezione per i quali verrà effettuata una valutazione consolidata ", "conformemente al capitolato d'oneri. ", "(c)", "soddisfa i ", "criteri tecnici e professionali", "applicabili di cui al punto ", "2.3.3", "del capitolato d'oneri, Allegato I – Parte 1 del contratto,", " criterio ", "T1", "; ", "(d)", "soddisfa i criteri tecnici e professionali applicabili di cui al punto ", "2.3.3", "del capitolato d'oneri, Allegato I – Parte 1 del contratto, ", "criterio ", "T2", "; ", "(e)", "soddisfa i criteri tecnici e professionali applicabili di cui al punto ", "2.3.3", "del capitolato d'oneri, Allegato I – Parte 1 del contratto, ", "criterio ", "T3", "; ", "(f)", "soddisfa i criteri tecnici e professionali applicabili di cui al punto ", "2.3.3", "del capitolato d'oneri, Allegato I – Parte 1 del contratto, ", "criterio ", "T4", "; ", "VIII", "– ELEMENTI DI PROVA AI FINI DELLA SELEZIONE " ]
[ [ 122, 40, 253, 13 ], [ 645, 40, 262, 31 ], [ 645, 40, 262, 31 ], [ 122, 508, 785, 49 ], [ 122, 508, 785, 49 ], [ 122, 508, 785, 49 ], [ 122, 576, 785, 66 ], [ 122, 576, 785, 66 ], [ 122, 576, 785, 66 ], [ 122, 576, 785, 66 ], [ 122, 660, 785, 32 ], [ 122, 660, 785, 32 ], [ 122, 782, 785, 66 ], [ 122, 782, 785, 66 ], [ 122, 782, 785, 66 ], [ 122, 782, 785, 66 ], [ 122, 871, 150, 16 ], [ 500, 871, 44, 16 ], [ 793, 871, 54, 16 ], [ 122, 950, 222, 13 ], [ 812, 976, 90, 13 ], [ 812, 976, 90, 13 ], [ 812, 976, 90, 13 ], [ 812, 976, 90, 13 ], [ 110, 710, 815, 49 ], [ 110, 710, 815, 49 ], [ 110, 710, 815, 49 ], [ 110, 710, 815, 49 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 330, 818, 123 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 111, 89, 818, 224 ], [ 122, 475, 464, 16 ], [ 122, 475, 464, 16 ] ]
[ [ 122, 40, 253, 13 ], [ 730, 40, 176, 13 ], [ 645, 57, 262, 13 ], [ 122, 508, 785, 16 ], [ 122, 525, 785, 16 ], [ 122, 542, 379, 16 ], [ 122, 576, 785, 16 ], [ 122, 593, 785, 16 ], [ 122, 609, 785, 16 ], [ 122, 626, 637, 16 ], [ 122, 660, 785, 16 ], [ 122, 677, 768, 16 ], [ 122, 782, 785, 16 ], [ 122, 799, 785, 16 ], [ 122, 816, 785, 16 ], [ 122, 832, 107, 16 ], [ 122, 871, 150, 16 ], [ 500, 871, 44, 16 ], [ 793, 871, 54, 16 ], [ 122, 950, 222, 13 ], [ 812, 976, 50, 13 ], [ 863, 976, 8, 13 ], [ 872, 976, 22, 13 ], [ 894, 976, 8, 13 ], [ 272, 712, 97, 14 ], [ 576, 712, 304, 14 ], [ 681, 727, 93, 14 ], [ 122, 743, 257, 16 ], [ 134, 338, 39, 16 ], [ 179, 338, 230, 16 ], [ 412, 338, 134, 16 ], [ 547, 338, 22, 16 ], [ 572, 338, 168, 16 ], [ 165, 355, 152, 16 ], [ 317, 355, 121, 16 ], [ 754, 346, 23, 16 ], [ 815, 346, 34, 16 ], [ 866, 346, 18, 16 ], [ 889, 346, 24, 16 ], [ 122, 382, 35, 16 ], [ 163, 382, 577, 16 ], [ 153, 399, 587, 16 ], [ 153, 416, 587, 16 ], [ 153, 433, 308, 16 ], [ 122, 93, 32, 16 ], [ 159, 93, 81, 16 ], [ 244, 93, 259, 16 ], [ 514, 93, 226, 16 ], [ 153, 109, 46, 16 ], [ 204, 109, 460, 16 ], [ 664, 109, 75, 16 ], [ 153, 126, 24, 16 ], [ 177, 126, 10, 16 ], [ 122, 149, 36, 16 ], [ 164, 149, 576, 16 ], [ 153, 165, 46, 16 ], [ 204, 165, 465, 16 ], [ 670, 165, 70, 16 ], [ 153, 182, 24, 16 ], [ 177, 182, 10, 16 ], [ 122, 204, 35, 16 ], [ 163, 204, 577, 16 ], [ 153, 221, 46, 16 ], [ 204, 221, 465, 16 ], [ 670, 221, 70, 16 ], [ 153, 238, 24, 16 ], [ 177, 238, 10, 16 ], [ 122, 260, 33, 16 ], [ 161, 260, 579, 16 ], [ 153, 277, 46, 16 ], [ 204, 277, 465, 16 ], [ 670, 277, 70, 16 ], [ 153, 294, 24, 16 ], [ 177, 294, 10, 16 ], [ 122, 475, 32, 16 ], [ 158, 475, 427, 16 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7 ]
IT-5.Allegato I - Parte 1.1 - Dichiarazione sull'onore.pdf
[ "EP 3 800 013 A1", "12" ]
[ [ 459, 53, 131, 16 ], [ 516, 977, 16, 14 ] ]
[ [ 459, 53, 131, 16 ], [ 516, 977, 16, 14 ] ]
[ 5, 4 ]
[ "39 ", "In case tasks and activities under this call relate to the processing of personal data, Article ", "II.9.2 of the draft contract in Annex 2 shall be observed. ", "For further information on data", "protection, please refer to the ", "EFSA guidance for ", "tenderers", " on the EFSA website, page 13. ", "EFSA will disregard general statements that the whole tender or substantial parts of it ", "contain confidential information. Tenderers need to mark clearly the information they ", "consider confidential and explain why it may not be disclosed. EFSA reserves the right to ", "make its own assessment of the confidential nature of any information contained in the ", "tender. ", "Processing of personal data by the selected contractor", "Confidentiality ", " ", "available on the European Commission’s website, here", ":" ]
[ [ 978, 974, 25, 16 ], [ 124, 253, 783, 29 ], [ 124, 253, 783, 29 ], [ 124, 298, 783, 29 ], [ 124, 298, 783, 29 ], [ 124, 298, 783, 29 ], [ 124, 298, 783, 29 ], [ 124, 298, 783, 29 ], [ 124, 372, 782, 73 ], [ 124, 372, 782, 73 ], [ 124, 372, 782, 73 ], [ 124, 372, 782, 73 ], [ 124, 372, 782, 73 ], [ 124, 238, 470, 14 ], [ 124, 342, 130, 14 ], [ 124, 209, 761, 14 ], [ 124, 194, 481, 14 ], [ 124, 194, 481, 14 ] ]
[ [ 978, 974, 25, 16 ], [ 124, 253, 783, 14 ], [ 124, 268, 498, 14 ], [ 124, 298, 289, 14 ], [ 426, 298, 283, 14 ], [ 715, 298, 191, 14 ], [ 124, 312, 93, 14 ], [ 217, 312, 278, 14 ], [ 124, 372, 782, 14 ], [ 124, 386, 782, 14 ], [ 124, 401, 782, 14 ], [ 124, 416, 782, 14 ], [ 124, 431, 68, 14 ], [ 124, 238, 470, 14 ], [ 124, 342, 130, 14 ], [ 124, 209, 761, 14 ], [ 124, 194, 472, 14 ], [ 596, 194, 8, 14 ] ]
[ 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9 ]
EN-Tender specs - Open call - ERA - mCRA - NAMs (1).pdf
[ "Unit 16", "119", "4", "Gemma’s father was a sailor.", "5", "Claudia and Monica didn’t come on holiday with us this time.", "6", "My parents usually went out at eight.", "7", "My father worked in India for three years.", "8", "What time did you [pl.] get the bus yesterday morning?", "9", "Last year we did gym on Monday mornings.", "10", "Where did you [sing.] buy those shoes?", "11", "I", "didn’t call you [sing.] because you were asleep.", "12", "When you [pl.] were living in London, I was living in Paris.", "13", "How old was Susanna when she went to university?", "15", "Paolo and Giulia didn’t come because Paolo was too tired.", "14", "While I was watching the television, Anna came in and switched it o", "ff", "." ]
[ [ 779, 49, 151, 15 ], [ 779, 49, 151, 15 ], [ 104, 89, 347, 15 ], [ 104, 89, 347, 15 ], [ 104, 109, 710, 15 ], [ 104, 109, 710, 15 ], [ 104, 129, 439, 15 ], [ 104, 129, 439, 15 ], [ 104, 149, 489, 15 ], [ 104, 149, 489, 15 ], [ 104, 170, 627, 15 ], [ 104, 170, 627, 15 ], [ 104, 190, 515, 15 ], [ 104, 190, 515, 15 ], [ 91, 210, 464, 15 ], [ 91, 210, 464, 15 ], [ 91, 230, 564, 15 ], [ 91, 230, 564, 15 ], [ 91, 230, 564, 15 ], [ 91, 250, 684, 15 ], [ 91, 250, 684, 15 ], [ 91, 270, 605, 15 ], [ 91, 270, 605, 15 ], [ 91, 310, 686, 15 ], [ 91, 310, 686, 15 ], [ 91, 290, 808, 15 ], [ 91, 290, 808, 15 ], [ 91, 290, 808, 15 ], [ 91, 290, 808, 15 ] ]
[ [ 779, 49, 82, 15 ], [ 887, 49, 43, 15 ], [ 104, 89, 12, 15 ], [ 135, 89, 316, 15 ], [ 104, 109, 12, 15 ], [ 135, 109, 679, 15 ], [ 104, 129, 12, 15 ], [ 135, 129, 408, 15 ], [ 104, 149, 12, 15 ], [ 135, 149, 458, 15 ], [ 104, 170, 12, 15 ], [ 135, 170, 596, 15 ], [ 104, 190, 12, 15 ], [ 135, 190, 484, 15 ], [ 91, 210, 25, 15 ], [ 135, 210, 420, 15 ], [ 91, 230, 25, 15 ], [ 135, 230, 9, 15 ], [ 151, 230, 504, 15 ], [ 91, 250, 25, 15 ], [ 135, 250, 640, 15 ], [ 91, 270, 25, 15 ], [ 135, 270, 561, 15 ], [ 91, 310, 25, 15 ], [ 135, 310, 642, 15 ], [ 91, 290, 25, 15 ], [ 135, 290, 742, 15 ], [ 878, 291, 15, 15 ], [ 893, 290, 7, 15 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
Basic Italian.PDF
[ "Foreign currency risk", "Credit/counterparty risk", "Liquidity risk", "102 CRH", "The undrawn committed facilities available to the Group as at the balance sheet date are quantified in note 24; these facilities span a wide number of highly-rated ", "financial institutions thus minimising any potential exposure arising from concentrations in borrowing sources. The repayment schedule (analysed by maturity date) ", "applicable to the Group’s outstanding interest-bearing loans and borrowings as at the balance sheet date is also presented in note 24.", "The principal liquidity risks faced by the Group stem from the maturation of debt obligations and derivative transactions. A downgrade of CRH’s credit ratings may ", "give rise to increases in funding costs in respect of future debt and may impair the Group’s ability to raise funds on acceptable terms. The Group’s corporate treasury ", "function ensures that sufficient resources are available to meet such liabilities as they fall due through a combination of liquid investments, cash and cash ", "equivalents, cash flows and undrawn committed bank facilities. Flexibility in funding sources is achieved through a variety of means including (i) maintaining cash ", "and cash equivalents and liquid resources only with a diversity of highly-rated counterparties; (ii) limiting the maturity of such balances; (iii) borrowing the bulk of the ", "Group’s debt requirements under committed bank lines or other term financing; and (iv) having surplus committed lines of credit.", "Credit risk arising in the context of the Group’s operations is not significant with the total bad debt provision at the balance sheet date amounting to 5.8% of gross ", "trade receivables (2011: 6.7%). Customer credit risk is managed at appropriate Group locations according to established policies, procedures and controls. ", "Customer credit quality is assessed in line with strict credit rating criteria and credit limits established where appropriate. Outstanding customer balances are ", "regularly monitored and a review for indicators of impairment (evidence of financial difficulty of the customer, payment default, breach of contract etc.) is carried out ", "at each reporting date. Significant balances are reviewed individually while smaller balances are grouped and assessed collectively. Receivables balances are in ", "general unsecured and non-interest-bearing. The trade receivables balances disclosed in note 18 comprise a large number of customers spread across the Group’s ", "activities and geographies with balances classified as neither past due nor impaired representing 74% of the total trade receivables balance at the balance sheet ", "date (2011: 75%); amounts receivable from related parties (notes 18 and 32) are immaterial. Factoring and credit guarantee arrangements are employed in certain ", "of the Group’s operations where deemed to be of benefit by operational management.", "In its worldwide insurance programme, the Group carries appropriate levels of insurance for typical business risks (including product liability) with various leading ", "insurance companies. However, in the event of the failure of one or more of its insurance counterparties, the Group could be impacted by losses where recovery ", "from such counterparties is not possible.", "In addition to cash at bank and in hand, the Group holds significant cash balances which are invested on a short-term basis and are classified as either cash ", "equivalents or liquid investments (see note 23). These deposits and other financial instruments (principally certain derivatives and loans and receivables included ", "within financial assets) give rise to credit risk on amounts due from counterparty financial institutions (stemming from their insolvency or a downgrade in their credit ", "ratings). Credit risk is managed by limiting the aggregate amount and duration of exposure to any one counterparty primarily depending on its credit rating and by ", "regular review of these ratings. Acceptable credit ratings are high investment-grade ratings - generally counterparties have ratings of A2/A or higher from Moody’s/", "Standard & Poor’s ratings agencies. The maximum exposure arising in the event of default on the part of the counterparty (including insolvency) is the carrying value ", "of the relevant financial instrument.", "Financial instruments include deposits, money market funds, bank loans, medium term notes and other fixed term debt, interest rate swaps, commodity swaps ", "and foreign exchange contracts. They exclude trade receivables and trade payables.", "The following table demonstrates the sensitivity of profit before tax and equity to selected movements in the relevant €/US$ exchange rate (with all other variables ", "held constant); the US Dollar has been selected as the appropriate currency for this analysis given the materiality of the Group’s activities in the United States. The ", "impact on profit before tax is based on changing the €/US$ exchange rate used in calculating profit before tax for the period. The impact on total equity and financial ", "instruments is calculated by changing the €/US$ exchange rate used in measuring the closing balance sheet.", "Given the Group’s presence in 35 countries worldwide, the principal foreign exchange risk arises from fluctuations in the euro value of the Group’s net investment ", "in a wide basket of currencies other than the euro; such changes are reported separately within the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income. A currency ", "profile of the Group’s net debt and net worth is presented in note 21. The Group’s established policy is to spread its net worth across the currencies of its various ", "operations with the objective of limiting its exposure to individual currencies and thus promoting consistency with the geographical balance of its operations. In order ", "to achieve this objective, the Group manages its borrowings, where practicable and cost effective, to hedge a portion of its foreign currency assets. Hedging is done ", "using currency borrowings in the same currency as the assets being hedged or through the use of other hedging methods such as currency swaps. ", "Due to the nature of building materials, which in general exhibit a low value-to-weight ratio, CRH’s activities are conducted primarily in the local currency of the ", "country of operation resulting in low levels of foreign currency transaction risk; variances arising in this regard are reflected in operating costs or cost of sales in the ", "Consolidated Income Statement in the period in which they arise.", "22.", "Capital and Financial Risk Management", " | ", "continued", "Percentage change in relevant €/US$ exchange rate", "+/- 5%", "+/- 2.5%", "Impact on profit before tax ", "2012", "-/+ €14m", "-/+ €7m", "2011", "-/+ €8m", "-/+ €4m", "Impact on total equity*", "2012 -/+ €210m -/+ €108m", "2011", "-/+ €203m", "-/+ €104m", "* Includes the impact on financial instruments which is as follows:", "2012", "+/- €90m", "+/- €46m", "2011", "+/- €105m", "+/- €54m" ]
[ [ 52, 83, 116, 9 ], [ 52, 487, 131, 9 ], [ 52, 765, 68, 9 ], [ 52, 999, 47, 7 ], [ 52, 862, 905, 35 ], [ 52, 862, 905, 35 ], [ 52, 862, 905, 35 ], [ 52, 778, 908, 74 ], [ 52, 778, 908, 74 ], [ 52, 778, 908, 74 ], [ 52, 778, 908, 74 ], [ 52, 778, 908, 74 ], [ 52, 778, 908, 74 ], [ 52, 642, 907, 113 ], [ 52, 642, 907, 113 ], [ 52, 642, 907, 113 ], [ 52, 642, 907, 113 ], [ 52, 642, 907, 113 ], [ 52, 642, 907, 113 ], [ 52, 642, 907, 113 ], [ 52, 642, 907, 113 ], [ 52, 642, 907, 113 ], [ 52, 597, 906, 35 ], [ 52, 597, 906, 35 ], [ 52, 597, 906, 35 ], [ 52, 500, 906, 87 ], [ 52, 500, 906, 87 ], [ 52, 500, 906, 87 ], [ 52, 500, 906, 87 ], [ 52, 500, 906, 87 ], [ 52, 500, 906, 87 ], [ 52, 500, 906, 87 ], [ 52, 446, 906, 22 ], [ 52, 446, 906, 22 ], [ 52, 225, 905, 48 ], [ 52, 225, 905, 48 ], [ 52, 225, 905, 48 ], [ 52, 225, 905, 48 ], [ 52, 141, 906, 74 ], [ 52, 141, 906, 74 ], [ 52, 141, 906, 74 ], [ 52, 141, 906, 74 ], [ 52, 141, 906, 74 ], [ 52, 141, 906, 74 ], [ 52, 96, 906, 35 ], [ 52, 96, 906, 35 ], [ 52, 96, 906, 35 ], [ 52, 54, 430, 12 ], [ 52, 54, 430, 12 ], [ 52, 54, 430, 12 ], [ 52, 54, 430, 12 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ], [ 50, 293, 898, 137 ] ]
[ [ 52, 83, 116, 9 ], [ 52, 487, 131, 9 ], [ 52, 765, 68, 9 ], [ 52, 999, 47, 7 ], [ 52, 862, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 875, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 887, 750, 9 ], [ 52, 778, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 791, 904, 9 ], [ 52, 803, 908, 9 ], [ 52, 816, 906, 9 ], [ 52, 829, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 842, 716, 9 ], [ 52, 642, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 655, 907, 9 ], [ 52, 668, 907, 9 ], [ 52, 681, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 694, 906, 9 ], [ 52, 706, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 719, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 732, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 745, 482, 9 ], [ 52, 597, 906, 9 ], [ 52, 610, 906, 9 ], [ 52, 622, 227, 9 ], [ 52, 500, 906, 9 ], [ 52, 513, 906, 9 ], [ 52, 525, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 538, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 551, 902, 9 ], [ 52, 564, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 577, 194, 9 ], [ 52, 446, 906, 9 ], [ 52, 459, 472, 9 ], [ 52, 225, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 238, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 251, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 264, 611, 9 ], [ 52, 141, 906, 9 ], [ 52, 154, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 167, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 180, 904, 9 ], [ 52, 193, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 206, 830, 9 ], [ 52, 96, 906, 9 ], [ 52, 109, 905, 9 ], [ 52, 121, 365, 9 ], [ 52, 54, 23, 12 ], [ 80, 54, 317, 12 ], [ 398, 54, 13, 12 ], [ 411, 54, 71, 12 ], [ 52, 296, 292, 9 ], [ 837, 296, 39, 9 ], [ 898, 296, 50, 9 ], [ 52, 318, 151, 9 ], [ 776, 318, 29, 9 ], [ 821, 318, 55, 9 ], [ 900, 318, 47, 9 ], [ 776, 332, 29, 9 ], [ 830, 332, 46, 9 ], [ 902, 332, 46, 9 ], [ 52, 362, 126, 9 ], [ 776, 362, 172, 9 ], [ 776, 376, 29, 9 ], [ 816, 376, 60, 9 ], [ 888, 376, 60, 9 ], [ 52, 406, 371, 9 ], [ 776, 405, 29, 9 ], [ 821, 405, 55, 9 ], [ 893, 405, 55, 9 ], [ 776, 420, 29, 9 ], [ 816, 420, 60, 9 ], [ 895, 420, 53, 9 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "m", "+ [GeV]", "Events/50 GeV/ 30 fb", "−1", "0", "500", "1000", "1500", "2000", "2500", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "SM background", "Signal (m = 700 GeV)", "(a)", "m$_{T}$", "0", " [GeV]", "Events/ 50 GeV/ 30 fb", "−1", "0", "500", "1000", "1500", "2000", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "SM background", "Signal (m = 700 GeV)", "(b)", "FIG. 5: (a) Reconstructed invariant mass of the heavy charged lepton. (b) Reconstructed transverse", "mass of the neutral heavy lepton.", "E.", "Obtaining flavor constraints", "Our analysis allows us to test two of these predictions, namely", "For the flavored cross section ratio estimates, we considered events within a window of", "150 GeV around the mass peak of both", "m$_{χ}$", "±", "and", "m", "χ", "0", "T", ". As is evident in Fig. 5, standard", "model background in this region is negligible. In Fig. 6, the reconstructed transverse mass", "m", "χ", "0", "T", "is shown separately for the three different flavor compositions,", "e", "$^{+}$e", "$^{−}$,", "µ", "$^{+}$µ", "−", "and", "e", "$^{±}$µ$^{∓}$.", "Ideally, there should be no events in the", "eµ", "final state. In practice, however, a small number", "of the signal events are reconstructed as such, mostly due to misclassification of leptons", "in the event. Another possible source of contamination are", "τ", "pairs, decaying to", "e", "and", "µ", ",", "however this contribution was found to be negligible.", "13", "N$_{ee}$", "=", "N$_{µµ}$,", "N$_{eµ}$", "= 0", ".", "(3.7)", "N$_{ee}$", "=", "N$_{µµ}$", "=", "N$_{τ τ}$,", "N$_{eµ}$", "=", "N$_{eτ}$", "=", "N$_{µτ}$", "= 0", ".", "(3.6)", "We focus here on model LL, which has three quasi-degenerate heavy leptons, each de-", "caying to one of the light lepton flavors,", "e, µ, τ", ". Events are classified by the flavor of the", "two leptons associated with the heavy pair decay. We are interested in", "N$_{ij}$", ", the observed", "numbers of events in each flavor composition", "ℓ", "±", "i", "ℓ", "∓", "j", ". The MLFV prediction is that" ]
[ [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 136, 101, 740, 249 ], [ 120, 365, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 365, 780, 42 ], [ 145, 451, 297, 12 ], [ 145, 451, 297, 12 ], [ 120, 678, 536, 15 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 120, 750, 781, 204 ], [ 491, 978, 19, 15 ], [ 415, 714, 486, 15 ], [ 415, 714, 486, 15 ], [ 415, 714, 486, 15 ], [ 415, 714, 486, 15 ], [ 415, 714, 486, 15 ], [ 415, 714, 486, 15 ], [ 415, 714, 486, 15 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 411, 611, 489, 46 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ], [ 120, 494, 780, 99 ] ]
[ [ 406, 296, 12, 10 ], [ 424, 300, 46, 5 ], [ 145, 149, 13, 101 ], [ 140, 142, 9, 6 ], [ 174, 284, 6, 8 ], [ 227, 284, 19, 8 ], [ 282, 284, 25, 8 ], [ 341, 284, 25, 8 ], [ 400, 284, 25, 8 ], [ 459, 284, 25, 8 ], [ 168, 252, 6, 8 ], [ 162, 228, 12, 8 ], [ 162, 204, 12, 8 ], [ 162, 179, 12, 8 ], [ 162, 155, 12, 8 ], [ 162, 131, 12, 8 ], [ 162, 107, 12, 8 ], [ 339, 127, 81, 8 ], [ 339, 147, 113, 8 ], [ 307, 332, 21, 12 ], [ 797, 300, 19, 10 ], [ 815, 292, 4, 5 ], [ 819, 300, 41, 10 ], [ 531, 147, 13, 103 ], [ 526, 140, 9, 6 ], [ 560, 284, 6, 8 ], [ 627, 284, 19, 8 ], [ 698, 284, 25, 8 ], [ 771, 284, 25, 8 ], [ 845, 284, 25, 8 ], [ 554, 255, 6, 8 ], [ 548, 234, 12, 8 ], [ 548, 212, 12, 8 ], [ 548, 191, 12, 8 ], [ 548, 170, 12, 8 ], [ 548, 149, 12, 8 ], [ 548, 127, 12, 8 ], [ 548, 106, 12, 8 ], [ 725, 127, 81, 8 ], [ 725, 147, 113, 8 ], [ 692, 332, 22, 12 ], [ 120, 365, 780, 14 ], [ 120, 393, 267, 14 ], [ 145, 451, 19, 12 ], [ 186, 451, 256, 12 ], [ 120, 678, 536, 15 ], [ 145, 750, 755, 15 ], [ 120, 777, 347, 15 ], [ 475, 777, 25, 15 ], [ 501, 782, 9, 6 ], [ 520, 777, 31, 15 ], [ 560, 777, 17, 15 ], [ 577, 774, 8, 9 ], [ 586, 772, 6, 6 ], [ 577, 785, 8, 9 ], [ 593, 777, 307, 15 ], [ 120, 804, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 831, 17, 15 ], [ 137, 828, 8, 9 ], [ 146, 826, 6, 6 ], [ 137, 839, 8, 9 ], [ 161, 831, 536, 15 ], [ 704, 831, 9, 15 ], [ 713, 831, 21, 15 ], [ 734, 831, 17, 15 ], [ 758, 831, 11, 15 ], [ 770, 831, 23, 15 ], [ 794, 830, 11, 9 ], [ 812, 831, 31, 15 ], [ 851, 831, 9, 15 ], [ 860, 831, 41, 15 ], [ 120, 858, 337, 15 ], [ 464, 858, 20, 15 ], [ 490, 858, 410, 15 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 912, 517, 15 ], [ 646, 912, 8, 15 ], [ 665, 912, 154, 15 ], [ 827, 912, 9, 15 ], [ 844, 912, 31, 15 ], [ 884, 912, 11, 15 ], [ 896, 912, 5, 15 ], [ 120, 939, 454, 15 ], [ 491, 978, 19, 15 ], [ 415, 714, 28, 15 ], [ 450, 714, 15, 15 ], [ 471, 714, 38, 15 ], [ 533, 714, 30, 15 ], [ 570, 714, 30, 15 ], [ 601, 714, 5, 15 ], [ 861, 714, 40, 15 ], [ 413, 611, 28, 15 ], [ 453, 611, 15, 15 ], [ 478, 611, 32, 15 ], [ 517, 611, 15, 15 ], [ 538, 611, 37, 15 ], [ 411, 642, 30, 15 ], [ 453, 642, 15, 15 ], [ 478, 642, 28, 15 ], [ 515, 642, 15, 15 ], [ 535, 642, 30, 15 ], [ 574, 642, 30, 15 ], [ 604, 642, 5, 15 ], [ 861, 642, 40, 15 ], [ 145, 494, 755, 15 ], [ 120, 522, 352, 15 ], [ 481, 522, 47, 15 ], [ 530, 522, 371, 15 ], [ 120, 549, 622, 15 ], [ 750, 549, 26, 15 ], [ 778, 549, 122, 15 ], [ 120, 576, 384, 15 ], [ 511, 576, 8, 15 ], [ 520, 574, 11, 9 ], [ 520, 584, 4, 9 ], [ 531, 576, 8, 15 ], [ 540, 574, 11, 9 ], [ 540, 584, 5, 9 ], [ 552, 576, 267, 15 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "eral respects. While Direct Sampling focuses on the shape of the data likelihood alone, we are", "concerned with the characteristics of the entire posterior density. Our method bypasses the need", "for Bernstein polynomial approximations, which are integral to the Direct Sampling algorithm.", "Finally, while Direct Sampling takes proposal draws from the prior (which may conflict with the", "data), our method samples proposals from a separate density that is ideally a good approximation", "to the target posterior density itself.", "We have already mentioned the key advantage of our method over traditional MCMC: generating", "independent samples that can be collected in parallel.", "We do not need to be concerned with", "issues like autocorrelation, convergence of estimation chains, and so forth. Without delving into a", "discussion of all possible variations and improvements to MCMC that have been proposed in the", "last few decades, there have been some attempts to parallelize MCMC that deserve some mention.", "For a deeper analysis, see Suchard et al. (2010).", "It is possible to run multiple independent MCMC chains that start from different starting", "points. Once all of those chains have converged to the posterior distribution, we can estimate the", "posterior by combining samples from all of the chains. The numerical efficiency of that approxi-", "mation should be higher than if we used only one chain, because there should be no correlation", "between samples collected in different chains. However, each chain still needs to converge to the", "posterior independently, and only after that convergence could we start collecting samples. If it", "takes a long time for one chain to converge, it will take at least that long for all chains to converge.", "Thus, the potential for parallelization is much greater for our method than for MCMC.", "Another approach to parallelization is to exploit parallel processing power for individual steps", "in an algorithm. One example is a parallel implementation of a multivariate slice sampler (MSS),", "as in Tibbits et al. (2010). The benefits of parallelizing the MSS come from parallel evaluation of", "the target density at each of the vertices of the slice, and from more efficient use of resources to", "execute linear algebra operations (e.g, Cholesky decompositions). But the MSS itself remains a", "Markovian algorithm, and thus will still generate dependent draws. Using parallel technology to", "generate a single draw from a distribution is not the same as generating all of the required draws", "11", "2.4.3", "Markov chain Monte Carlo" ]
[ [ 120, 97, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 97, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 327, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 327, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 327, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 327, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 327, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 327, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 327, 783, 155 ], [ 120, 497, 783, 212 ], [ 120, 497, 783, 212 ], [ 120, 497, 783, 212 ], [ 120, 497, 783, 212 ], [ 120, 497, 783, 212 ], [ 120, 497, 783, 212 ], [ 120, 497, 783, 212 ], [ 120, 497, 783, 212 ], [ 120, 724, 783, 184 ], [ 120, 724, 783, 184 ], [ 120, 724, 783, 184 ], [ 120, 724, 783, 184 ], [ 120, 724, 783, 184 ], [ 120, 724, 783, 184 ], [ 120, 724, 783, 184 ], [ 503, 960, 18, 14 ], [ 120, 289, 280, 13 ], [ 120, 289, 280, 13 ] ]
[ [ 120, 97, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 125, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 154, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 182, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 210, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 239, 287, 14 ], [ 120, 327, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 355, 451, 14 ], [ 585, 355, 318, 14 ], [ 120, 384, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 412, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 440, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 469, 377, 14 ], [ 148, 497, 755, 14 ], [ 120, 525, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 554, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 582, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 611, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 639, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 667, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 696, 696, 14 ], [ 148, 724, 755, 14 ], [ 120, 752, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 781, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 809, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 838, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 866, 783, 14 ], [ 120, 894, 783, 14 ], [ 503, 960, 18, 14 ], [ 120, 289, 36, 13 ], [ 175, 289, 225, 13 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 7, 7 ]
[ "236", "JPMorgan Chase & Co./2020 Form 10-K", "Gains and losses on sales of loans", "Notes to consolidated financial statements", "The following tables summarize the Firm’s loan balances by portfolio segment.", "The following tables provide information about the carrying value of retained loans purchased, sold and reclassified to held-for-sale during the", "periods indicated. Loans that were reclassified to held-for-sale and sold in a subsequent period are excluded from the sales line of this table.", "Net gains/(losses) on sales of loans and lending-related commitments (including adjustments to record loans and lending-related commitments held-", "for-sale at the lower of cost or fair value) recognized in noninterest revenue was $(43) million for the year ended December 31, 2020 of which", "$(36) million was related to loans. Net gains on sales of loans was $394 million for the year ended December 31, 2019. Gains and losses on sales of", "loans was not material for the year ended December 31, 2018. In addition, the sale of loans may also result in write downs, recoveries or changes in", "the allowance recognized in the provision for credit losses.", "2020", "Year ended December 31,", "(in millions)", "Consumer, excluding ", "credit card", "Credit card", "Wholesale", "Total", "Purchases", "$", "3,474", "$", "—", "$", "1,159", "$", "4,633", "Sales", "352", "—", "17,916", "18,268", "Retained loans reclassified to held-for-sale", "2,084", "787", "1,580", "4,451", "2019", "Year ended December 31,", "(in millions)", "Consumer, excluding ", "credit card", "Credit card", "Wholesale", "Total", "Purchases", "$", "1,282 ", "$", "— ", "$", "1,291 ", "$", "2,573 ", "Sales", "30,474 ", "— ", "23,445 ", "53,919 ", "Retained loans reclassified to held-for-sale", "9,188 ", "— ", "2,371 ", "11,559 ", "2018", "Year ended December 31,", "(in millions)", "Consumer, excluding ", "credit card", "Credit card", "Wholesale", "Total", "Purchases", "$", "2,543 ", "$", "— ", "$", "2,354 ", "$", "4,897 ", "Sales", "9,984 ", "— ", "16,741 ", "26,725 ", "Retained loans reclassified to held-for-sale", "36 ", "— ", "2,276 ", "2,312 ", "(b)(c)", "(a)", "(b)(c)", "(a)", "(b)(c)", "(a)", "December 31, 2020", "Consumer, excluding", "credit card", "Credit card", "Wholesale", "Total", "(in millions)", "Retained", "$", "302,127", "$", "143,432", "$", "514,947", "$", "960,506", "Held-for-sale", "1,305", "784", "5,784", "7,873", "At fair value", "15,147", "—", "29,327", "44,474", "Total", "$", "318,579", "$", "144,216", "$", "550,058", "$", "1,012,853", "December 31, 2019", "Consumer, excluding", "credit card", "Credit card", "Wholesale", "Total", "(in millions)", "Retained", "$", "294,999 ", "$", "168,924 ", "$", "481,678 ", "$", "945,601 ", "Held-for-sale", "3,002 ", "— ", "4,062 ", "7,064 ", "At fair value", "19,816 ", "— ", "25,139 ", "44,955 ", "Total", "$", "317,817 ", "$", "168,924 ", "$", "510,879 ", "$", "997,620 ", "(b)(c)", "(a)", "(b)(c)", "(a)", "(a)", "In the third quarter of 2020, the Firm reclassified certain fair value option elected lending-related positions from trading assets to loans. Prior-period amounts have been", "revised to conform with the current presentation.", "(b)", "Excludes $2.9 billion of accrued interest receivables at both December 31, 2020 and 2019. The Firm wrote off accrued interest receivables of $121 million and $50 million for", "the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively.", "(c)", "Loans (other than those for which the fair value option has been elected) are presented net of unamortized discounts and premiums and net deferred loan", "fees or costs.", "These amounts were not material as of December 31, 2020 and 2019.", "(a)", "Reclassifications of loans to held-for-sale are non-cash transactions.", "(b)", "Predominantly includes purchases of residential real estate loans, including the Firm’s voluntary repurchases of certain delinquent loans from loan pools as permitted by", "Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”) guidelines for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018. The Firm typically elects to repurchase these", "delinquent loans as it continues to service them and/or manage the foreclosure process in accordance with applicable requirements of Ginnie Mae, FHA, RHS, and/or VA.", "(c)", "Excludes purchases of retained loans sourced through the correspondent origination channel and underwritten in accordance with the Firm’s standards. Such purchases", "were $15.3 billion, $16.6 billion and $18.6 billion for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018, respectively." ]
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[ [ 28, 695, 20, 8 ], [ 782, 695, 212, 8 ], [ 24, 576, 248, 10 ], [ 24, 17, 385, 13 ], [ 24, 59, 510, 10 ], [ 24, 277, 922, 10 ], [ 24, 288, 911, 10 ], [ 24, 587, 965, 10 ], [ 24, 599, 921, 10 ], [ 24, 610, 958, 10 ], [ 24, 621, 962, 10 ], [ 24, 632, 379, 10 ], [ 683, 307, 30, 8 ], [ 26, 317, 143, 8 ], [ 26, 324, 63, 8 ], [ 398, 317, 118, 8 ], [ 428, 324, 58, 8 ], [ 603, 324, 60, 8 ], [ 759, 324, 56, 8 ], [ 917, 324, 27, 8 ], [ 26, 335, 55, 8 ], [ 400, 335, 7, 8 ], [ 476, 335, 34, 8 ], [ 584, 335, 7, 8 ], [ 666, 335, 10, 8 ], [ 738, 335, 7, 8 ], [ 794, 335, 34, 8 ], [ 892, 335, 7, 8 ], [ 958, 335, 34, 8 ], [ 26, 344, 29, 8 ], [ 488, 344, 22, 8 ], [ 666, 344, 10, 8 ], [ 787, 344, 42, 8 ], [ 951, 344, 42, 8 ], [ 26, 354, 232, 8 ], [ 476, 354, 34, 8 ], [ 655, 354, 22, 8 ], [ 794, 354, 34, 8 ], [ 958, 354, 34, 8 ], [ 683, 378, 27, 8 ], [ 26, 389, 143, 8 ], [ 26, 396, 63, 8 ], [ 395, 389, 118, 8 ], [ 425, 396, 58, 8 ], [ 597, 396, 60, 8 ], [ 755, 396, 56, 8 ], [ 916, 396, 27, 8 ], [ 26, 406, 55, 8 ], [ 397, 406, 6, 8 ], [ 476, 406, 34, 8 ], [ 581, 406, 6, 8 ], [ 662, 406, 14, 8 ], [ 734, 406, 6, 8 ], [ 796, 406, 34, 8 ], [ 891, 406, 6, 8 ], [ 962, 406, 34, 8 ], [ 26, 416, 29, 8 ], [ 469, 416, 41, 8 ], [ 662, 416, 14, 8 ], [ 789, 416, 41, 8 ], [ 955, 416, 41, 8 ], [ 26, 426, 232, 8 ], [ 476, 426, 34, 8 ], [ 662, 426, 14, 8 ], [ 796, 426, 34, 8 ], [ 955, 426, 41, 8 ], [ 683, 450, 27, 8 ], [ 26, 460, 143, 8 ], [ 26, 467, 63, 8 ], [ 395, 460, 118, 8 ], [ 425, 467, 58, 8 ], [ 597, 467, 60, 8 ], [ 755, 467, 56, 8 ], [ 916, 467, 27, 8 ], [ 26, 478, 55, 8 ], [ 397, 478, 6, 8 ], [ 476, 478, 34, 8 ], [ 581, 478, 6, 8 ], [ 662, 478, 14, 8 ], [ 734, 478, 6, 8 ], [ 796, 478, 34, 8 ], [ 891, 478, 6, 8 ], [ 962, 478, 34, 8 ], [ 26, 488, 29, 8 ], [ 476, 488, 34, 8 ], [ 662, 488, 14, 8 ], [ 789, 488, 41, 8 ], [ 955, 488, 41, 8 ], [ 26, 497, 232, 8 ], [ 493, 497, 17, 8 ], [ 662, 497, 14, 8 ], [ 796, 497, 34, 8 ], [ 962, 497, 34, 8 ], [ 517, 335, 19, 5 ], [ 259, 355, 9, 5 ], [ 514, 406, 19, 5 ], [ 259, 426, 9, 5 ], [ 514, 478, 19, 5 ], [ 259, 497, 9, 5 ], [ 26, 74, 119, 8 ], [ 456, 78, 115, 8 ], [ 484, 85, 58, 8 ], [ 634, 85, 60, 8 ], [ 782, 85, 56, 8 ], [ 916, 85, 27, 8 ], [ 26, 85, 63, 8 ], [ 26, 95, 48, 8 ], [ 465, 95, 7, 8 ], [ 500, 95, 49, 8 ], [ 614, 95, 7, 8 ], [ 653, 95, 49, 8 ], [ 768, 95, 7, 8 ], [ 802, 95, 49, 8 ], [ 906, 95, 7, 8 ], [ 943, 95, 49, 8 ], [ 26, 105, 69, 8 ], [ 515, 105, 34, 8 ], [ 680, 105, 22, 8 ], [ 817, 105, 34, 8 ], [ 958, 105, 34, 8 ], [ 26, 115, 66, 8 ], [ 508, 115, 42, 8 ], [ 692, 115, 10, 8 ], [ 809, 115, 42, 8 ], [ 951, 115, 42, 8 ], [ 26, 126, 31, 8 ], [ 465, 126, 7, 8 ], [ 500, 126, 49, 8 ], [ 614, 126, 7, 8 ], [ 653, 126, 49, 8 ], [ 768, 126, 7, 8 ], [ 802, 126, 49, 8 ], [ 906, 126, 7, 8 ], [ 931, 126, 61, 8 ], [ 26, 146, 108, 8 ], [ 456, 150, 115, 8 ], [ 484, 157, 58, 8 ], [ 630, 157, 60, 8 ], [ 784, 157, 56, 8 ], [ 929, 157, 27, 8 ], [ 26, 157, 63, 8 ], [ 26, 168, 48, 8 ], [ 465, 168, 6, 8 ], [ 505, 168, 48, 8 ], [ 614, 168, 6, 8 ], [ 658, 168, 48, 8 ], [ 768, 168, 6, 8 ], [ 806, 168, 48, 8 ], [ 906, 168, 6, 8 ], [ 948, 168, 48, 8 ], [ 26, 177, 69, 8 ], [ 519, 177, 34, 8 ], [ 692, 177, 14, 8 ], [ 820, 177, 34, 8 ], [ 962, 177, 34, 8 ], [ 26, 187, 66, 8 ], [ 512, 187, 41, 8 ], [ 692, 187, 14, 8 ], [ 813, 187, 41, 8 ], [ 955, 187, 41, 8 ], [ 26, 198, 31, 8 ], [ 465, 198, 6, 8 ], [ 505, 198, 48, 8 ], [ 614, 198, 6, 8 ], [ 658, 198, 48, 8 ], [ 768, 198, 6, 8 ], [ 806, 198, 48, 8 ], [ 906, 198, 6, 8 ], [ 948, 198, 48, 8 ], [ 943, 85, 19, 5 ], [ 92, 115, 9, 5 ], [ 956, 157, 19, 5 ], [ 92, 187, 9, 5 ], [ 24, 213, 13, 8 ], [ 41, 213, 928, 8 ], [ 42, 222, 270, 8 ], [ 24, 230, 14, 8 ], [ 42, 230, 954, 8 ], [ 42, 239, 333, 8 ], [ 24, 247, 13, 8 ], [ 42, 247, 853, 8 ], [ 905, 247, 78, 8 ], [ 42, 255, 385, 8 ], [ 24, 512, 12, 8 ], [ 41, 512, 376, 8 ], [ 24, 521, 12, 8 ], [ 41, 521, 929, 8 ], [ 42, 529, 948, 8 ], [ 42, 537, 925, 8 ], [ 24, 546, 13, 8 ], [ 41, 546, 926, 8 ], [ 42, 554, 656, 8 ] ]
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[ "(5)", "Before giving up possession of land of which temporary possession has been taken under ", "this article, the Authority must remove all temporary works and restore the land to the reasonable ", "satisfaction of the owners of the land. ", "(6)", "The Authority must pay compensation to the owners and occupiers of land of which ", "temporary possession is taken under this article for any loss or damage arising from the exercise in ", "relation to the land of the powers conferred by this article. ", "(7)", "Any dispute as to a person’s entitlement to compensation under paragraph (6), or as to the ", "amount of the compensation, is to be determined under Part 1 (determination of questions of ", "disputed compensation) of the 1961 Act. ", "(8)", "Without affecting article 38 (no double recovery), nothing in this article affects any liability ", "to pay compensation under section 10(2) (further provision as to compensation for injurious ", "affection) of the 1965 Act or under any other enactment in respect of loss or damage arising from ", "the execution of any works, other than loss or damage for which compensation is payable under ", "paragraph (6). ", "(9)", "Where the Authority takes possession of land under this article, the Authority is not required ", "to acquire the land or any interest in it. ", "(10)", "The powers conferred by this article must not be exercised in relation to any street without ", "the consent of the street authority, which must not be unreasonably withheld. ", "(11)", "Section 13 (refusal to give possession to acquiring authority) of the 1965 Act applies to the ", "temporary use of land under this article to the same extent as it applies to the acquisition of land ", "under this Order by virtue of article 29(1) (application of Part 1 of the 1965 Act). ", "(12)", "In this article, “the maintenance period”, in relation to a scheduled work, means the period ", "of 5 years beginning with the date on which the work is opened for public use. ", "36.", "—(1) In assessing the compensation (if any) payable to any person on the acquisition from ", "that person of any land or interest in land under this Order, the tribunal must not take into ", "account— ", "if the tribunal is satisfied that the creation of the interest, the erection of the building, the execution ", "of the works or the making of the improvement or alteration was not reasonably necessary and ", "was undertaken with a view to obtaining compensation or increased compensation. ", "(2)", "In paragraph (1) “relevant land” means the land acquired from the person concerned or any ", "other land with which that person is, or was at the time when the building was erected, the works ", "executed or the improvement or alteration made, directly or indirectly concerned. ", "37.", "—(1) In assessing the compensation payable to any person in respect of the acquisition from ", "that person under this Order of any land (including the subsoil) the tribunal must set off against the ", "value of the land so acquired any increase in value of any contiguous or adjacent land belonging to ", "that person in the same capacity, which will accrue to that person by reason of the construction of ", "the authorised works. ", "(2)", "In assessing the compensation payable to any person in respect of the acquisition from that ", "person of any new rights over land (including the subsoil) under article 31 (powers to acquire new ", "rights), the tribunal must set off against the value of the rights so acquired— ", "27", "(a)", "any increase in the value of the land over which the new rights are acquired; and ", "(a)", "any interest in land; or ", "(b)", "any enhancement of the value of any interest in land by reason of any building erected, ", "works executed or improvement or alteration made on relevant land, ", "Set-off for enhancement in value of retained land ", "Disregard of certain interests and improvements ", "Compensation " ]
[ [ 154, 90, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 90, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 90, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 90, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 139, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 139, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 139, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 139, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 188, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 188, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 188, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 188, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 237, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 237, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 237, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 237, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 237, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 237, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 315, 720, 26 ], [ 154, 315, 720, 26 ], [ 154, 315, 720, 26 ], [ 154, 349, 720, 26 ], [ 154, 349, 720, 26 ], [ 154, 349, 720, 26 ], [ 154, 384, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 384, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 384, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 384, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 433, 720, 26 ], [ 154, 433, 720, 26 ], [ 154, 433, 720, 26 ], [ 154, 540, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 540, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 540, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 540, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 643, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 643, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 643, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 692, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 692, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 692, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 692, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 780, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 780, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 780, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 780, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 780, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 780, 720, 70 ], [ 154, 858, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 858, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 858, 720, 41 ], [ 154, 858, 720, 41 ], [ 503, 969, 18, 11 ], [ 184, 907, 620, 11 ], [ 184, 907, 620, 11 ], [ 184, 589, 201, 11 ], [ 184, 589, 201, 11 ], [ 184, 609, 691, 26 ], [ 184, 609, 691, 26 ], [ 184, 609, 691, 26 ], [ 154, 756, 382, 11 ], [ 154, 516, 378, 11 ], [ 460, 482, 109, 11 ] ]
[ [ 169, 90, 22, 11 ], [ 196, 90, 679, 11 ], [ 154, 105, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 119, 276, 11 ], [ 169, 139, 23, 11 ], [ 197, 139, 677, 11 ], [ 154, 154, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 168, 424, 11 ], [ 169, 188, 21, 11 ], [ 195, 188, 679, 11 ], [ 154, 203, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 217, 298, 11 ], [ 169, 237, 21, 11 ], [ 195, 237, 679, 11 ], [ 154, 252, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 266, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 281, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 296, 107, 11 ], [ 169, 315, 21, 11 ], [ 195, 315, 680, 11 ], [ 154, 330, 284, 11 ], [ 169, 349, 30, 11 ], [ 204, 349, 670, 11 ], [ 154, 364, 561, 11 ], [ 169, 384, 30, 11 ], [ 204, 384, 670, 11 ], [ 154, 398, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 413, 591, 11 ], [ 169, 433, 29, 11 ], [ 203, 433, 671, 11 ], [ 154, 447, 572, 11 ], [ 169, 540, 22, 11 ], [ 192, 540, 683, 11 ], [ 154, 555, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 570, 78, 11 ], [ 154, 643, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 658, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 672, 604, 11 ], [ 169, 692, 20, 11 ], [ 194, 692, 680, 11 ], [ 154, 707, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 721, 593, 11 ], [ 169, 780, 22, 11 ], [ 192, 780, 683, 11 ], [ 154, 795, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 809, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 824, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 839, 159, 11 ], [ 169, 858, 21, 11 ], [ 195, 858, 679, 11 ], [ 154, 873, 720, 11 ], [ 154, 888, 557, 11 ], [ 503, 969, 18, 11 ], [ 184, 907, 20, 11 ], [ 218, 907, 586, 11 ], [ 184, 589, 20, 11 ], [ 218, 589, 167, 11 ], [ 184, 609, 21, 11 ], [ 218, 609, 657, 11 ], [ 218, 623, 499, 11 ], [ 154, 756, 382, 11 ], [ 154, 516, 378, 11 ], [ 460, 482, 109, 11 ] ]
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[ "Python Frequently Asked Questions, Release 3.9.5", "def", "remove_gray_shades", "(", "colors:list[tuple[int,int,int]])->list[tuple[int,int,int]]:", "pass", "Color =tuple[int,int,int]", "def", "remove_gray_shades", "(colors:list[Color])->list[Color]:", "pass", "could be made more readable like this:", "See$_{typing}$and", "PEP 484", ", which describe this functionality.", "Type hints are optional and are not enforced by Python but they are useful to static type analysis tools, and aid", "IDEs with code completion and refactoring.", "Type hints of global variables, class attributes, and functions, but not local variables, can be accessed using", "typing.get_type_hints()", ".", "See", "typing", "and", "PEP 484", ", which describe this functionality.", "type hint", "An", "annotation", "that specifies the expected type for a variable, a class attribute, or a function parameter or", "return value.", "universal newlines", "A manner of interpreting text streams in which all of the following are recognized as ending", "a line: the Unix end-of-line convention", "'\n'", ", the Windows convention", "'\\r\n'", ", and the old Macintosh", "convention$_{'\\r'}$", ". See", "PEP 278", "and", "PEP 3116", ", as well as$_{bytes.splitlines()}$", "for an additional use.", "variable annotation", "An", "annotation", "of a variable or a class attribute.", "virtual environment", "A cooperatively isolated runtime environment that allows Python users and applications to", "install and upgrade Python distribution packages without interfering with the behaviour of other Python appli-", "cations running on the same system.", "virtual machine", "A computer defined entirely in software. Python’s virtual machine executes the", "bytecode", "emitted", "by the bytecode compiler.", "Zen of Python", "Listing of Python design principles and philosophies that are helpful in understanding and using the", "language. The listing can be found by typing “$_{import this}$ ” at the interactive prompt.", "Appendix A. Glossary", "88", "See also$_{venv}$", ".", "Variable annotation syntax is explained in section annassign.", "See", "function annotation", ",", "PEP 484", "and", "PEP 526", ", which describe this functionality.", "Variable annotations are usually used for", "type hints", ": for example this variable is expected to take$_{int}$ values:", "classC", ":", "field:'annotation'", "count:int =0", "When annotating a variable or a class attribute, assignment is optional:" ]
[ [ 123, 43, 415, 12 ], [ 166, 98, 692, 36 ], [ 166, 98, 692, 36 ], [ 166, 98, 692, 36 ], [ 166, 98, 692, 36 ], [ 166, 98, 692, 36 ], [ 166, 179, 554, 49 ], [ 166, 179, 554, 49 ], [ 166, 179, 554, 49 ], [ 166, 179, 554, 49 ], [ 166, 179, 554, 49 ], [ 166, 152, 260, 12 ], [ 166, 247, 417, 12 ], [ 166, 247, 417, 12 ], [ 166, 247, 417, 12 ], [ 166, 305, 734, 26 ], [ 166, 305, 734, 26 ], [ 166, 341, 734, 26 ], [ 166, 341, 734, 26 ], [ 166, 341, 734, 26 ], [ 166, 378, 417, 12 ], [ 166, 378, 417, 12 ], [ 166, 378, 417, 12 ], [ 166, 378, 417, 12 ], [ 166, 378, 417, 12 ], [ 123, 269, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 269, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 269, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 269, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 269, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 400, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 451, 465, 12 ], [ 123, 451, 465, 12 ], [ 123, 451, 465, 12 ], [ 123, 451, 465, 12 ], [ 123, 638, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 638, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 638, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 638, 777, 41 ], [ 123, 711, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 711, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 711, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 711, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 711, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 747, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 747, 777, 26 ], [ 123, 747, 777, 26 ], [ 718, 964, 182, 12 ], [ 123, 964, 19, 12 ], [ 166, 689, 113, 12 ], [ 166, 689, 113, 12 ], [ 166, 594, 404, 12 ], [ 166, 616, 558, 12 ], [ 166, 616, 558, 12 ], [ 166, 616, 558, 12 ], [ 166, 616, 558, 12 ], [ 166, 616, 558, 12 ], [ 166, 616, 558, 12 ], [ 166, 616, 558, 12 ], [ 166, 540, 729, 12 ], [ 166, 540, 729, 12 ], [ 166, 540, 729, 12 ], [ 166, 499, 221, 23 ], [ 166, 499, 221, 23 ], [ 166, 499, 221, 23 ], [ 166, 567, 137, 9 ], [ 166, 472, 472, 12 ] ]
[ [ 123, 43, 415, 12 ], [ 166, 98, 29, 9 ], [ 203, 98, 180, 9 ], [ 370, 98, 17, 9 ], [ 240, 111, 618, 9 ], [ 203, 125, 40, 9 ], [ 166, 179, 258, 9 ], [ 166, 206, 29, 9 ], [ 203, 206, 180, 9 ], [ 370, 206, 350, 9 ], [ 203, 219, 40, 9 ], [ 166, 152, 260, 12 ], [ 166, 247, 118, 12 ], [ 290, 247, 63, 12 ], [ 353, 247, 231, 12 ], [ 166, 305, 734, 12 ], [ 166, 320, 294, 12 ], [ 166, 341, 734, 12 ], [ 166, 357, 282, 10 ], [ 403, 356, 4, 12 ], [ 166, 378, 24, 12 ], [ 195, 379, 66, 10 ], [ 261, 378, 24, 12 ], [ 290, 378, 63, 12 ], [ 353, 378, 231, 12 ], [ 123, 269, 64, 12 ], [ 197, 269, 20, 12 ], [ 222, 269, 71, 12 ], [ 298, 269, 602, 12 ], [ 166, 283, 84, 12 ], [ 123, 400, 132, 12 ], [ 265, 400, 635, 12 ], [ 166, 414, 272, 12 ], [ 445, 416, 60, 10 ], [ 486, 414, 180, 12 ], [ 673, 416, 79, 10 ], [ 734, 414, 166, 12 ], [ 166, 429, 134, 12 ], [ 285, 429, 34, 12 ], [ 323, 429, 63, 12 ], [ 391, 429, 24, 12 ], [ 420, 429, 72, 12 ], [ 492, 429, 299, 12 ], [ 758, 429, 141, 12 ], [ 123, 451, 141, 12 ], [ 273, 451, 20, 12 ], [ 298, 451, 71, 12 ], [ 374, 451, 215, 12 ], [ 123, 638, 144, 12 ], [ 277, 638, 623, 12 ], [ 166, 653, 734, 12 ], [ 166, 667, 242, 12 ], [ 123, 711, 114, 12 ], [ 247, 711, 535, 12 ], [ 787, 711, 57, 12 ], [ 849, 711, 51, 12 ], [ 166, 725, 174, 12 ], [ 123, 747, 104, 12 ], [ 236, 747, 664, 12 ], [ 166, 762, 604, 12 ], [ 718, 964, 182, 12 ], [ 123, 964, 19, 12 ], [ 166, 689, 113, 12 ], [ 267, 689, 4, 12 ], [ 166, 594, 404, 12 ], [ 166, 616, 24, 12 ], [ 195, 616, 130, 12 ], [ 325, 616, 4, 12 ], [ 334, 616, 63, 12 ], [ 402, 616, 24, 12 ], [ 430, 616, 63, 12 ], [ 494, 616, 231, 12 ], [ 166, 540, 272, 12 ], [ 443, 540, 62, 12 ], [ 506, 540, 390, 12 ], [ 166, 499, 63, 9 ], [ 231, 499, 17, 9 ], [ 203, 512, 183, 9 ], [ 166, 567, 137, 9 ], [ 166, 472, 472, 12 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "impairments of proved and unproved properties of $33.6 million ($21.9 million after income taxes), loss", "on early extinguishment of debt of $17.9 million ($11.6 million after income taxes), losses on our oil", "derivatives of $8.4 million ($5.5 million after income taxes) and losses on sales of properties of", "$2.0 million ($1.3 million after income taxes) which were offset in part by gains on sales of marketable", "securities of $7.9 million ($5.1 million after income taxes). The loss in 2012 included impairments of", "proved and unproved properties of $86.7 million ($56.3 million after income taxes) which were offset in", "part by gains on sales of properties of $24.3 million ($15.8 million after income taxes), sales of", "marketable securities of $26.6 million ($17.3 million after income taxes) and gains on our oil derivatives", "of $21.3 million ($13.8 million after tax).", "Net income from discontinued operations for 2013 of $147.8 million, or $3.07 per share, included a", "gain on the sale of our West Texas oil and gas properties of $230.0 million ($148.6 million after income", "taxes). Excluding the gain, the net loss from discontinued operations for the year ended December 31,", "2013 was $0.8 million as compared to net income of $3.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2012.", "Our operating data for 2011 and 2012 is summarized below:", "(1)", "Includes ad valorem taxes.", "(2)", "Represents depreciation, depletion and amortization of oil and gas properties only.", "Oil and gas sales.", "Our oil and gas sales decreased $49.6 million (11%) in 2012 to $384.8 million", "from sales of $434.4 million in 2011. Our oil production in 2012 increased by 114% while our natural gas", "production decreased by 10% from our 2011 production levels. On an equivalent unit basis, our", "production in 2012 decreased by 3% over 2011. Our successful drilling program grew our oil production", "which offset the decline in natural gas production. Prices realized for oil sales increased by 6% in 2012 as", "compared to 2011 while the average price we realized for natural gas sales decreased by 36% in 2012 as", "compared to 2011.", "Production taxes.", "Production taxes increased $8.0 million or 220% to $11.7 million in 2012 from", "$3.7 million in 2011. The increase in 2012 is due to the significant growth in our oil sales during the year.", "Much of our natural gas sales in 2011 and 2012 qualified for exemption from state production taxes.", "50", "Year Ended December 31,", "2011", "2012", "Oil & Gas Sales (in thousands):", "Oil sales ..............................................", "$80,244", "$181,163", "Natural gas sales ........................................", "354,123", "203,651", "Total oil and gas sales .................................", "$434,367", "$384,814", "Net Production Data:", "Natural gas (MMcf) .....................................", "90,593", "81,762", "Oil (MBbls) ...........................................", "838", "1,792", "Natural gas equivalent (MMcfe) ...........................", "95,622", "92,515", "Average Sales Price:", "Oil ($/Bbl) ............................................", "$95.73", "$101.09", "Natural gas ($/Mcf) .....................................", "$3.91", "$2.49", "Average equivalent price ($/Mcfe) .........................", "$4.54", "$4.16", "Expenses ($ per Mcfe):", "Production taxes ........................................", "$0.04", "$0.13", "Gathering and transportation ..............................", "$0.30", "$0.28", "Lease operating", "(1)", ".......................................", "$0.48", "$0.55", "Depreciation, depletion and amortization", "(2)", "...................", "$3.00", "$3.76", "Year Ended December 31, 2012 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 2011" ]
[ [ 120, 76, 783, 147 ], [ 120, 76, 783, 147 ], [ 120, 76, 783, 147 ], [ 120, 76, 783, 147 ], [ 120, 76, 783, 147 ], [ 120, 76, 783, 147 ], [ 120, 76, 783, 147 ], [ 120, 76, 783, 147 ], [ 120, 76, 783, 147 ], [ 120, 243, 783, 63 ], [ 120, 243, 783, 63 ], [ 120, 243, 783, 63 ], [ 120, 243, 783, 63 ], [ 157, 358, 444, 13 ], [ 120, 684, 127, 7 ], [ 120, 684, 127, 7 ], [ 120, 692, 350, 7 ], [ 120, 692, 350, 7 ], [ 120, 719, 783, 113 ], [ 120, 719, 783, 113 ], [ 120, 719, 783, 113 ], [ 120, 719, 783, 113 ], [ 120, 719, 783, 113 ], [ 120, 719, 783, 113 ], [ 120, 719, 783, 113 ], [ 120, 719, 783, 113 ], [ 120, 853, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 853, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 853, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 853, 783, 46 ], [ 503, 943, 18, 13 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 219, 385, 587, 287 ], [ 139, 326, 587, 12 ] ]
[ [ 120, 76, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 93, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 110, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 127, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 144, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 160, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 177, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 194, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 211, 305, 13 ], [ 157, 243, 746, 13 ], [ 120, 260, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 277, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 294, 773, 13 ], [ 157, 358, 444, 13 ], [ 120, 684, 9, 7 ], [ 138, 684, 108, 7 ], [ 120, 692, 9, 7 ], [ 138, 692, 333, 7 ], [ 157, 719, 135, 12 ], [ 311, 719, 592, 13 ], [ 120, 736, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 753, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 770, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 787, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 804, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 820, 137, 13 ], [ 157, 853, 131, 12 ], [ 307, 853, 597, 13 ], [ 120, 870, 783, 13 ], [ 120, 886, 739, 13 ], [ 503, 943, 18, 13 ], [ 669, 387, 131, 8 ], [ 682, 401, 23, 8 ], [ 763, 401, 23, 8 ], [ 221, 418, 202, 10 ], [ 236, 433, 408, 10 ], [ 673, 433, 48, 10 ], [ 747, 433, 56, 10 ], [ 236, 447, 408, 10 ], [ 673, 447, 48, 10 ], [ 754, 447, 48, 10 ], [ 251, 466, 393, 10 ], [ 665, 466, 56, 10 ], [ 747, 466, 56, 10 ], [ 221, 488, 138, 10 ], [ 236, 503, 408, 10 ], [ 680, 503, 41, 10 ], [ 762, 503, 41, 10 ], [ 236, 517, 408, 10 ], [ 699, 517, 26, 10 ], [ 770, 517, 33, 10 ], [ 236, 531, 408, 10 ], [ 680, 531, 41, 10 ], [ 762, 531, 41, 10 ], [ 221, 545, 132, 10 ], [ 236, 559, 408, 10 ], [ 680, 559, 41, 10 ], [ 754, 559, 48, 10 ], [ 236, 574, 408, 10 ], [ 688, 574, 33, 10 ], [ 770, 574, 33, 10 ], [ 236, 588, 408, 10 ], [ 688, 588, 33, 10 ], [ 770, 588, 33, 10 ], [ 221, 602, 147, 10 ], [ 236, 616, 408, 10 ], [ 688, 616, 33, 10 ], [ 770, 616, 33, 10 ], [ 236, 631, 408, 10 ], [ 688, 631, 33, 10 ], [ 770, 631, 33, 10 ], [ 236, 645, 95, 10 ], [ 332, 645, 11, 6 ], [ 350, 645, 293, 10 ], [ 688, 645, 33, 10 ], [ 770, 645, 33, 10 ], [ 236, 659, 247, 10 ], [ 483, 659, 11, 6 ], [ 501, 659, 143, 10 ], [ 688, 659, 33, 10 ], [ 770, 659, 33, 10 ], [ 139, 326, 587, 12 ] ]
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[ "control bar movement is required to level the wings as well ", "as pull the bar back to reduce the angle of attack. ", "The practice of power-off stalls is usually performed with ", "normal landing approach conditions in simulation of an ", "accidental stall occurring during landing approaches. Aircraft ", "equipped with trim should be trimmed to the approach ", "configuration. Initially, airspeed in excess of the normal ", "approach speed should not be carried into a stall entry since ", "it could result in an abnormally nose-high attitude. Before ", "executing these practice stalls, the pilot must be sure the area ", "is clear of other air traffi c.", "To start the power-off stall maneuver, reduce the throttle to ", "idle (or normal approach power). Increase airspeed to the ", "normal approach speed and maintain that airspeed. When the ", "approach attitude and airspeed have stabilized, the aircraft’s ", "nose should be smoothly raised to an attitude that induces a ", "stall. If the aircraft’s attitude is raised too slowly, the WSC ", "aircraft may slow only to minimum controlled airspeed and ", "not be able to reach an angle of attack that is high enough ", "to stall. The position of the control bar at which the WSC ", "stalls can vary greatly for different manufacturers and makes/", "models. Some can stall abruptly when the control bar is inches ", "from the front tube.", "If the aircraft’s attitude is raised too quickly, the pitch attitude ", "could rise above the manufacturer’s limitation. A good rule ", "of thumb is 3 to 4 seconds from stabilized approach speed to ", "pull the control bar full forward. The wings should be kept ", "level and a constant pitch attitude maintained until the stall ", "occurs. The stall is recognized by clues, such as buffeting, ", "increasing descent rate, and nose down pitching.", "Recovering from the stall should be accomplished by ", "reducing the angle of attack by pulling the bar back and ", "accelerating only to the trim speed while simultaneously ", "increasing the throttle to minimize altitude loss if needed. ", "Once the WSC accelerated to trim speed, the control bar can ", "be pushed out to return back to normal trim attitude and speed. ", "If there is any rolling during the stall or the stall recovery ", "the control bar should be moved side to side to maintain a ", "straight heading.", "It is not necessary to go into a steep dive in a WSC aircraft ", "to recover from a stall. This only loses more altitude than ", "required and should be discouraged. The nose should be ", "lowered as necessary to regain flying speed and returned to ", "a normal flight attitude as soon as possible. ", "[Figure 6-22]", "Recovery from power-off stalls should also be practiced from ", "shallow banked turns to simulate an inadvertent stall during ", "a turn from base leg to final approach. During the practice of ", "these stalls, care should be taken that the turn continues at a ", "uniform rate until the complete stall occurs. When stalling in ", "a turn, it does not affect the recovery procedure. The angle of ", "attack is reduced and the wings leveled simultaneously with ", "power applied if needed for altitude control. In the practice of ", "turning stalls, no attempt should be made to stall the aircraft ", "on a predetermined heading. However, to simulate a turn ", "from base to final approach, the stall normally should be ", "made to occur within a heading change of approximately 90°. ", "After the stall occurs, the recovery should be made straight ", "ahead with minimum loss of altitude, and accomplished in ", "accordance with the recovery procedure discussed earlier.", "Establish normal", "approach", "Raise nose", "maintain heading", "When stall occurs,", "reduce angle of attack", "Resume", "normal flight", "Increase power as ", "required to minimize ", "altitude loss", "Figure 6-22.", "Power-off stall and recovery.", "6-23", " Power-Off Stall Manuever" ]
[ [ 124, 60, 413, 28 ], [ 124, 60, 413, 28 ], [ 124, 127, 415, 144 ], [ 124, 127, 415, 144 ], [ 124, 127, 415, 144 ], [ 124, 127, 415, 144 ], [ 124, 127, 415, 144 ], [ 124, 127, 415, 144 ], [ 124, 127, 415, 144 ], [ 124, 127, 415, 144 ], [ 124, 127, 415, 144 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 292, 415, 194 ], [ 124, 508, 414, 111 ], [ 124, 508, 414, 111 ], [ 124, 508, 414, 111 ], [ 124, 508, 414, 111 ], [ 124, 508, 414, 111 ], [ 124, 508, 414, 111 ], [ 124, 508, 414, 111 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 144 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 144 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 144 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 144 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 144 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 144 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 144 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 144 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 144 ], [ 553, 225, 415, 78 ], [ 553, 225, 415, 78 ], [ 553, 225, 415, 78 ], [ 553, 225, 415, 78 ], [ 553, 225, 415, 78 ], [ 553, 225, 415, 78 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 553, 325, 415, 243 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 637, 840, 191 ], [ 124, 840, 263, 10 ], [ 124, 840, 263, 10 ], [ 928, 966, 34, 12 ], [ 124, 109, 209, 12 ] ]
[ [ 124, 60, 413, 12 ], [ 124, 76, 342, 12 ], [ 124, 127, 414, 12 ], [ 124, 143, 415, 12 ], [ 124, 160, 412, 12 ], [ 124, 176, 415, 12 ], [ 124, 193, 415, 12 ], [ 124, 210, 413, 12 ], [ 124, 226, 414, 12 ], [ 124, 243, 412, 12 ], [ 124, 259, 180, 12 ], [ 124, 292, 413, 12 ], [ 124, 309, 415, 12 ], [ 124, 325, 412, 12 ], [ 124, 342, 412, 12 ], [ 124, 359, 413, 12 ], [ 124, 375, 413, 12 ], [ 124, 392, 413, 12 ], [ 124, 408, 414, 12 ], [ 124, 425, 414, 12 ], [ 124, 441, 408, 12 ], [ 124, 458, 412, 12 ], [ 124, 474, 135, 12 ], [ 124, 508, 412, 12 ], [ 124, 524, 413, 12 ], [ 124, 541, 412, 12 ], [ 124, 557, 413, 12 ], [ 124, 574, 413, 12 ], [ 124, 590, 414, 12 ], [ 124, 607, 334, 12 ], [ 553, 60, 415, 12 ], [ 553, 76, 415, 12 ], [ 553, 93, 415, 12 ], [ 553, 110, 414, 12 ], [ 553, 126, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 143, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 159, 414, 12 ], [ 553, 176, 414, 12 ], [ 553, 192, 115, 12 ], [ 553, 225, 413, 12 ], [ 553, 242, 414, 12 ], [ 553, 259, 415, 12 ], [ 553, 275, 413, 12 ], [ 553, 292, 301, 12 ], [ 855, 292, 96, 11 ], [ 553, 325, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 341, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 358, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 374, 413, 12 ], [ 553, 391, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 408, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 424, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 441, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 457, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 474, 415, 12 ], [ 553, 490, 415, 12 ], [ 553, 507, 412, 12 ], [ 553, 523, 413, 12 ], [ 553, 540, 414, 12 ], [ 553, 557, 399, 12 ], [ 139, 674, 102, 9 ], [ 161, 685, 57, 9 ], [ 330, 703, 69, 9 ], [ 312, 714, 105, 9 ], [ 537, 663, 112, 9 ], [ 525, 673, 135, 9 ], [ 695, 704, 51, 9 ], [ 683, 714, 75, 9 ], [ 555, 778, 116, 9 ], [ 549, 788, 127, 9 ], [ 577, 799, 72, 9 ], [ 124, 841, 77, 9 ], [ 206, 840, 182, 10 ], [ 928, 966, 34, 12 ], [ 124, 109, 209, 12 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 4, 7 ]
[ "VEVs also lead to automatically successful inflation similarly to chaotic inflation. In the", "inflationary valley,", "〈", "ψ", "〉", "= 0, the effective potential is given by:", "whose phenomenology has been studied around Eq. (168), using", "p", "= 2,", "V$_{0}$", "=", "λM", "$^{4}$/", "4, and", "V$_{0}$/M", "2", "P", "=", "m", "$^{2}$/", "2.", "Therefore, the predictions are disfavored by the data because of a blue tilt", "in the spectrum, i.e.", "n$_{s}$ >", "1, in the small field regime,", "φ$_{Q}$ < M$_{P}$", ". Note however that if its", "end is accompanied by the formation of cosmic strings, a slightly blue spectrum is found in", "agreement with the data, if these cosmic strings contribute to the CMB anisotropies around", "10% [263]. It was also suggeste in [510] that loop corrections to the hybrid tree level potential", "due to a Yukawa coupling to the right handed neutrino can render the spectral index of the", "model below 1, like for the chaotic model. This was confirmed recently in [539], where a", "red spectral tilt was found, even in the small field regime. These Yukawa couplings were", "also found suitable for a successful reheating phase and the generation of lepton/baryon", "asymmetry after inflation.", "Note that a more realistic version of the model would include a quartic term for", "φ", "allowed", "by symmetries and generated by the Feynman diagrams involving loops of", "ψ", "fields. If this", "term dominates over the quadratic term in the inflationary valley, it was found that the", "spectral index would then be very close to unity [206]. Note that the coupling to a Higgs-type", "waterfall field has potentially important cosmological consequences [540, 541], as topological", "defects generically form during this symmetry breaking", "after", "inflation. This will be discussed", "in Sec. IV E 2.", "Two variations of the hybrid inflation idea were proposed soon after the original model,", "both assuming that the term", "φ", "2", "is negligible.", "They share the common feature of having an inflationary trajectory during which", "〈", "ψ", "〉", "is", "varying and not vanishing.", "They also both reduce, in the one-field approximation to the", "form of Eq. (175).", "The two-field scalar potentials are of the form:", "2.", "Mutated and smooth hybrid inflation", "V$_{eff}$", "(", "φ", ")", "≃", "λM", "4", "4", "+", "1", "2", "m", "$^{2}$φ2", ",", "(178)", "V$_{pq}$", "(", "φ, ψ", ") =", "M", "4", "[", "1", "−", "(", "ψ", "m", ")", "p", "]", "2", "+", "λφ", "$^{2}$ψ", "q", ".", "(179)", "84" ]
[ [ 120, 94, 780, 53 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 53 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 53 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 53 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 53 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 53 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 194, 780, 286 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 491, 781, 177 ], [ 120, 756, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 756, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 756, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 756, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 756, 780, 42 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 70 ], [ 120, 885, 780, 70 ], [ 145, 810, 399, 15 ], [ 145, 711, 324, 14 ], [ 145, 711, 324, 14 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 400, 145, 500, 38 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 339, 827, 562, 56 ], [ 491, 978, 19, 15 ] ]
[ [ 120, 94, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 121, 157, 15 ], [ 284, 121, 7, 26 ], [ 292, 121, 12, 15 ], [ 306, 121, 7, 26 ], [ 319, 121, 331, 15 ], [ 120, 194, 557, 15 ], [ 685, 194, 9, 15 ], [ 702, 194, 37, 15 ], [ 747, 194, 18, 15 ], [ 774, 194, 15, 15 ], [ 796, 194, 30, 15 ], [ 829, 194, 17, 15 ], [ 846, 194, 54, 15 ], [ 120, 221, 47, 15 ], [ 169, 219, 7, 10 ], [ 167, 228, 9, 10 ], [ 183, 221, 15, 15 ], [ 204, 221, 17, 15 ], [ 221, 221, 17, 15 ], [ 239, 221, 12, 15 ], [ 267, 221, 634, 15 ], [ 120, 248, 174, 15 ], [ 305, 248, 40, 15 ], [ 353, 248, 237, 15 ], [ 597, 248, 80, 15 ], [ 679, 248, 222, 15 ], [ 120, 275, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 302, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 329, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 356, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 383, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 410, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 437, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 464, 223, 15 ], [ 145, 491, 670, 15 ], [ 821, 491, 11, 15 ], [ 838, 491, 62, 15 ], [ 120, 518, 642, 15 ], [ 770, 518, 12, 15 ], [ 790, 518, 111, 15 ], [ 120, 546, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 573, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 600, 781, 15 ], [ 120, 627, 463, 15 ], [ 588, 627, 39, 14 ], [ 635, 627, 265, 15 ], [ 120, 654, 119, 15 ], [ 145, 756, 755, 15 ], [ 120, 783, 247, 15 ], [ 375, 783, 11, 15 ], [ 386, 781, 7, 10 ], [ 401, 783, 105, 15 ], [ 120, 885, 721, 15 ], [ 850, 885, 7, 26 ], [ 858, 885, 12, 15 ], [ 872, 885, 7, 26 ], [ 888, 885, 13, 15 ], [ 120, 912, 232, 15 ], [ 366, 912, 534, 15 ], [ 120, 939, 154, 15 ], [ 145, 810, 399, 15 ], [ 145, 711, 14, 14 ], [ 179, 711, 291, 14 ], [ 400, 157, 25, 15 ], [ 428, 157, 7, 15 ], [ 436, 157, 11, 15 ], [ 447, 157, 7, 15 ], [ 461, 157, 15, 26 ], [ 484, 147, 30, 15 ], [ 516, 145, 7, 10 ], [ 499, 168, 9, 15 ], [ 531, 157, 15, 15 ], [ 552, 147, 9, 15 ], [ 552, 168, 9, 15 ], [ 564, 157, 17, 15 ], [ 581, 157, 26, 15 ], [ 615, 157, 5, 15 ], [ 856, 157, 44, 15 ], [ 339, 849, 25, 15 ], [ 365, 849, 7, 15 ], [ 372, 849, 33, 15 ], [ 406, 849, 28, 15 ], [ 440, 849, 18, 15 ], [ 461, 846, 7, 10 ], [ 472, 827, 10, 56 ], [ 483, 849, 9, 15 ], [ 497, 848, 15, 26 ], [ 517, 827, 14, 56 ], [ 536, 838, 12, 15 ], [ 534, 859, 17, 15 ], [ 553, 827, 14, 56 ], [ 568, 834, 7, 10 ], [ 576, 827, 10, 56 ], [ 587, 834, 7, 10 ], [ 599, 849, 15, 15 ], [ 619, 849, 23, 15 ], [ 642, 849, 20, 15 ], [ 663, 846, 6, 10 ], [ 677, 849, 5, 15 ], [ 856, 849, 44, 15 ], [ 491, 978, 19, 15 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4 ]
[ "14" ]
[ [ 507, 983, 10, 7 ] ]
[ [ 507, 983, 10, 7 ] ]
[ 4 ]
[ "H", "arsco's MultiServ mill ", "services", "division", "is", "the", "world's", "single", "largest", "pr", "ovider", "of", "on-site,", "outsourced mill services", "to", "the", "steel", "and", "metals", "industries.", "The", "global", "MultiServ", "division", "operates under long-term ", "contracts", "at", "mor", "e", "than", "160", "mills", "in", "over", "30", "countries,", "serving", "its", "customers as a 24/7 on-site", "partner", ".", "Harsco's", "mill", "services", "support", "the", "entir", "e", "steelmaking", "pr", "ocess.", "Similar services are provided", "to", "the", "world's", "non-ferr", "ous", "metals", "pr", "oducers,", "including", "aluminum,", "copper and nickel.", "z", "Steelmakers", "outsour", "ce", "to", "maximize", "r", "etur", "ns", "on", "their", "inter", "nal", "r", "esour", "ces", "and", "incr", "ease", "their", "competitive", "advantages.", "Harsco", "pr", "ovides", "valuable", "capital", "re", "l", "i", "e", "f", "a", "n", "d", "c", "o", "s", "t", "-", "e", "ff", "e", "c", "t", "i", "v", "e", "s", "e", "r", "v", "i", "c", "e", "e", "x", "p", "e", "r", "t", "i", "s", "e", ",", "d", "e", "v", "e", "l", "o", "p", "e", "d", "f", "ro", "m", "o", "v", "e", "r", "1", "0", "0", "y", "e", "a", "r", "s", "o", "f", "operational", "experience.", "z", "Harsco's", "services", "ar", "e", "pr", "ovided", "thr", "ough", "long-term,", "annuity-like", "contracts", "that", "deliver", "a", "pr", "edictable", "cost", "and", "r", "evenue", "base", "to", "Harsco's", "performance.", "z", "Harsco's", "market", "shar", "e", "is", "appr", "oximately", "20%", "of", "the", "estimated", "$4", "billion", "annual", "target", "market", "for", "outsour", "ced", "mill", "services.", "Considerable", "opportunities", "ar", "e", "available", "to", "substantially", "incr", "ease", "Harsco's", "shar", "e.", "z", "The", "Company's", "gr", "owth", "strategy", "is", "focused", "in", "four", "ar", "eas:", "„", "Add-on", "Development", "_", "Intr", "oduce", "additional", "services", "to", "existing", "customers,", "or", "to", "new", "customers", "wher", "e", "we", "can", "leverage", "our", "existing", "infrastructur", "e", "„", "Service", "Development", "_", "Develop", "new", "service-cr", "eating", "technologies,", "either", "with", "existing", "or", "new", "customers", "„", "Geographic", "Development", "_", "Enter", "new", "countries", "wher", "e", "the", "risks", "and", "r", "ewar", "ds", "ar", "e", "pr", "operly", "evaluated", "and", "appr", "opriately", "balanced", "„", "Acquisition", "_", "Consider", "acquisitions", "which", "ar", "e", "accr", "etive", "and", "add", "market", "shar", "e", "and/or", "technologies", "z", "The", "new", "MultiServ", "logo", "symbolizes", "the", "close", "partnership", "that", "exists", "between", "z", "At", "year", "-end", "2003,", "the", "estimated", "futur", "e", "value", "of", "Harsco's", "worldwide", "multi-", "year", "mill", "services", "contracts", "totaled", "$3.4", "billion.", "4", "HARSCO CORPORATION 2003 ANNUAL REPORT", "MultiServ's efficient on-site", "management of semi-finished", "materials ", "is of critical importance to", "steelmaking operations. This specialized", "slab carrier can transport 100 tons of", "steel slabs.", "MILL", "SER", "VICES", "Harsco", "serves", "almost", "every", "major", "r", "egion", "of", "the", "world", "with", "the", "competitive", "quality", ",", "specialized", "technologies,", "and", "pr", "ofessional", "expertise", "demanded", "by", "the", "world's", "top", "metals", "pr", "oducers.", "MultiServ", "and", "its", "customers.", "The", "r", "ed", "stripes", "portray", "the", "fir", "e", "of", "the", "metals", "industry", ",", "while", "the", "gr", "een", "stripes", "signify", "MultiServ", "and", "the", "envir", "onment." ]
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15 ], [ 491, 457, 3, 15 ], [ 505, 457, 7, 15 ], [ 520, 457, 32, 15 ], [ 552, 457, 61, 15 ], [ 625, 457, 25, 15 ], [ 666, 457, 9, 15 ], [ 686, 457, 17, 15 ], [ 714, 457, 63, 15 ], [ 789, 457, 11, 15 ], [ 813, 457, 42, 15 ], [ 342, 475, 41, 15 ], [ 395, 475, 37, 15 ], [ 443, 475, 43, 15 ], [ 498, 475, 15, 15 ], [ 524, 475, 54, 15 ], [ 579, 475, 18, 15 ], [ 609, 475, 20, 15 ], [ 639, 475, 53, 15 ], [ 708, 475, 93, 15 ], [ 342, 493, 88, 15 ], [ 442, 493, 13, 15 ], [ 455, 493, 3, 15 ], [ 469, 493, 56, 15 ], [ 535, 493, 9, 15 ], [ 555, 493, 82, 15 ], [ 648, 493, 26, 15 ], [ 674, 493, 25, 15 ], [ 710, 493, 53, 15 ], [ 775, 493, 29, 15 ], [ 804, 493, 13, 15 ], [ 315, 529, 2, 10 ], [ 342, 525, 19, 15 ], [ 373, 525, 71, 15 ], [ 458, 525, 14, 15 ], [ 473, 525, 29, 15 ], [ 515, 525, 51, 15 ], [ 577, 525, 7, 15 ], [ 592, 525, 49, 15 ], [ 653, 525, 8, 15 ], [ 671, 525, 24, 15 ], [ 706, 525, 13, 15 ], [ 720, 525, 27, 15 ], [ 344, 550, 3, 8 ], [ 376, 545, 46, 15 ], [ 435, 545, 87, 15 ], [ 535, 541, 8, 15 ], [ 548, 545, 24, 15 ], [ 572, 545, 36, 15 ], [ 621, 545, 65, 15 ], [ 697, 545, 48, 15 ], [ 756, 545, 9, 15 ], [ 776, 545, 53, 15 ], [ 376, 561, 70, 15 ], [ 458, 561, 9, 15 ], [ 478, 561, 9, 15 ], [ 498, 561, 22, 15 ], [ 534, 561, 65, 15 ], [ 611, 561, 36, 15 ], [ 647, 561, 3, 15 ], [ 661, 561, 13, 15 ], [ 687, 561, 18, 15 ], [ 718, 561, 53, 15 ], [ 782, 561, 18, 15 ], [ 812, 561, 53, 15 ], [ 376, 576, 87, 15 ], [ 463, 576, 8, 15 ], [ 344, 601, 3, 8 ], [ 376, 596, 43, 15 ], [ 430, 596, 87, 15 ], [ 530, 592, 8, 15 ], [ 543, 596, 50, 15 ], [ 606, 596, 30, 15 ], [ 376, 612, 66, 15 ], [ 441, 612, 38, 15 ], [ 491, 612, 88, 15 ], [ 591, 612, 40, 15 ], [ 376, 627, 25, 15 ], [ 412, 627, 48, 15 ], [ 471, 627, 9, 15 ], [ 491, 627, 22, 15 ], [ 527, 627, 72, 15 ], [ 344, 652, 3, 8 ], [ 376, 648, 75, 15 ], [ 463, 648, 87, 15 ], [ 563, 643, 8, 15 ], [ 577, 648, 31, 15 ], [ 619, 648, 30, 15 ], [ 376, 663, 59, 15 ], [ 446, 663, 36, 15 ], [ 482, 663, 3, 15 ], [ 495, 663, 17, 15 ], [ 524, 663, 26, 15 ], [ 559, 663, 19, 15 ], [ 592, 663, 5, 15 ], [ 597, 663, 35, 15 ], [ 632, 663, 15, 15 ], [ 376, 679, 13, 15 ], [ 389, 679, 3, 15 ], [ 403, 679, 14, 15 ], [ 417, 679, 38, 15 ], [ 466, 679, 62, 15 ], [ 540, 679, 26, 15 ], [ 376, 694, 32, 15 ], [ 408, 694, 56, 15 ], [ 474, 694, 64, 15 ], [ 344, 719, 3, 8 ], [ 376, 714, 73, 15 ], [ 460, 710, 8, 15 ], [ 473, 714, 56, 15 ], [ 542, 714, 82, 15 ], [ 376, 730, 35, 15 ], [ 423, 730, 13, 15 ], [ 437, 730, 3, 15 ], [ 451, 730, 28, 15 ], [ 479, 730, 28, 15 ], [ 518, 730, 19, 15 ], [ 550, 730, 19, 15 ], [ 582, 730, 50, 15 ], [ 376, 746, 29, 15 ], [ 405, 746, 3, 15 ], [ 418, 746, 40, 15 ], [ 470, 746, 90, 15 ], [ 315, 781, 2, 10 ], [ 342, 778, 19, 15 ], [ 373, 778, 22, 15 ], [ 409, 778, 60, 15 ], [ 481, 778, 25, 15 ], [ 517, 778, 69, 15 ], [ 599, 778, 23, 15 ], [ 342, 796, 30, 15 ], [ 382, 796, 74, 15 ], [ 468, 796, 23, 15 ], [ 502, 796, 33, 15 ], [ 545, 796, 62, 15 ], [ 315, 868, 2, 10 ], [ 342, 864, 10, 15 ], [ 363, 864, 29, 15 ], [ 392, 864, 26, 15 ], [ 430, 864, 34, 15 ], [ 477, 864, 17, 15 ], [ 505, 864, 63, 15 ], [ 580, 864, 35, 15 ], [ 615, 864, 3, 15 ], [ 629, 864, 31, 15 ], [ 671, 864, 9, 15 ], [ 691, 864, 53, 15 ], [ 756, 864, 68, 15 ], [ 836, 864, 41, 15 ], [ 342, 882, 24, 15 ], [ 376, 882, 20, 15 ], [ 407, 882, 48, 15 ], [ 466, 882, 59, 15 ], [ 536, 882, 44, 15 ], [ 591, 882, 26, 15 ], [ 629, 882, 47, 15 ], [ 61, 976, 8, 15 ], [ 91, 980, 223, 10 ], [ 61, 435, 151, 10 ], [ 61, 446, 162, 10 ], [ 61, 457, 54, 10 ], [ 116, 458, 130, 10 ], [ 61, 468, 203, 10 ], [ 61, 479, 186, 10 ], [ 61, 490, 53, 10 ], [ 271, 55, 77, 25 ], [ 271, 83, 59, 25 ], [ 331, 83, 89, 25 ], [ 659, 752, 31, 10 ], [ 699, 752, 29, 10 ], [ 737, 752, 31, 10 ], [ 777, 752, 25, 10 ], [ 811, 752, 26, 10 ], [ 846, 752, 4, 10 ], [ 851, 752, 30, 10 ], [ 885, 753, 6, 10 ], [ 899, 753, 16, 10 ], [ 659, 763, 23, 10 ], [ 691, 763, 17, 10 ], [ 717, 763, 12, 10 ], [ 737, 763, 53, 10 ], [ 798, 763, 33, 10 ], [ 830, 763, 1, 10 ], [ 837, 763, 53, 10 ], [ 659, 774, 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[ [ 670, 112, 68, 9 ], [ 279, 112, 68, 9 ], [ 686, 93, 33, 12 ], [ 435, 73, 143, 13 ], [ 300, 92, 23, 13 ], [ 155, 126, 339, 133 ], [ 155, 126, 339, 133 ], [ 155, 126, 339, 133 ], [ 155, 126, 339, 133 ], [ 155, 126, 339, 133 ], [ 547, 127, 340, 175 ], [ 547, 127, 340, 175 ], [ 547, 127, 340, 175 ], [ 547, 127, 340, 175 ], [ 547, 127, 340, 175 ], [ 547, 127, 340, 175 ], [ 547, 127, 340, 175 ], [ 546, 305, 342, 161 ], [ 546, 305, 342, 161 ], [ 546, 305, 342, 161 ], [ 546, 305, 342, 161 ], [ 546, 305, 342, 161 ], [ 546, 305, 342, 161 ], [ 157, 266, 336, 120 ], [ 157, 266, 336, 120 ], [ 157, 266, 336, 120 ], [ 157, 266, 336, 120 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 157, 393, 337, 151 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 547, 475, 340, 163 ], [ 156, 583, 338, 162 ], [ 156, 583, 338, 162 ], [ 156, 583, 338, 162 ], [ 156, 583, 338, 162 ], [ 156, 583, 338, 162 ], [ 156, 583, 338, 162 ], [ 156, 583, 338, 162 ], [ 549, 645, 335, 105 ], [ 549, 645, 335, 105 ], [ 549, 645, 335, 105 ], [ 549, 645, 335, 105 ], [ 549, 645, 335, 105 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 158, 779, 336, 174 ], [ 546, 791, 342, 167 ], [ 546, 791, 342, 167 ], [ 546, 791, 342, 167 ], [ 546, 791, 342, 167 ], [ 546, 791, 342, 167 ], [ 546, 791, 342, 167 ] ]
[ [ 670, 112, 68, 9 ], [ 279, 112, 68, 9 ], [ 686, 93, 33, 12 ], [ 435, 73, 143, 13 ], [ 300, 92, 23, 13 ], [ 460, 128, 33, 7 ], [ 159, 138, 150, 44 ], [ 186, 164, 59, 38 ], [ 302, 188, 8, 7 ], [ 279, 213, 8, 7 ], [ 851, 128, 33, 7 ], [ 549, 130, 43, 39 ], [ 600, 127, 48, 44 ], [ 573, 152, 24, 7 ], [ 603, 152, 10, 7 ], [ 572, 173, 140, 31 ], [ 669, 212, 8, 7 ], [ 851, 308, 33, 7 ], [ 550, 312, 82, 25 ], [ 573, 328, 12, 7 ], [ 591, 328, 23, 7 ], [ 577, 338, 196, 31 ], [ 716, 380, 8, 7 ], [ 460, 269, 33, 7 ], [ 159, 273, 82, 25 ], [ 182, 294, 167, 31 ], [ 279, 341, 8, 7 ], [ 460, 395, 33, 7 ], [ 158, 397, 43, 39 ], [ 209, 393, 49, 44 ], [ 182, 419, 24, 7 ], [ 212, 419, 10, 7 ], [ 182, 427, 12, 7 ], [ 200, 427, 23, 7 ], [ 185, 442, 119, 31 ], [ 302, 448, 8, 7 ], [ 279, 479, 8, 7 ], [ 851, 476, 33, 7 ], [ 549, 479, 43, 39 ], [ 600, 475, 48, 44 ], [ 573, 501, 24, 7 ], [ 603, 501, 10, 7 ], [ 573, 509, 12, 7 ], [ 591, 509, 23, 7 ], [ 577, 524, 118, 31 ], [ 692, 529, 8, 7 ], [ 669, 561, 8, 7 ], [ 460, 585, 33, 7 ], [ 159, 589, 82, 25 ], [ 182, 605, 12, 7 ], [ 199, 605, 23, 7 ], [ 185, 621, 119, 31 ], [ 302, 626, 8, 7 ], [ 279, 658, 8, 7 ], [ 851, 647, 33, 7 ], [ 550, 651, 82, 25 ], [ 573, 667, 12, 7 ], [ 591, 667, 23, 7 ], [ 579, 654, 134, 65 ], [ 460, 781, 33, 7 ], [ 158, 784, 43, 39 ], [ 209, 780, 49, 44 ], [ 182, 806, 24, 7 ], [ 212, 806, 10, 7 ], [ 182, 814, 12, 7 ], [ 200, 814, 23, 7 ], [ 185, 829, 119, 31 ], [ 302, 834, 8, 7 ], [ 279, 866, 8, 7 ], [ 851, 792, 33, 7 ], [ 549, 794, 43, 39 ], [ 600, 790, 48, 44 ], [ 573, 816, 24, 7 ], [ 603, 816, 10, 7 ], [ 572, 824, 67, 46 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "(1) ", "Area ", "(2) ", "Number of land shown on the ", "deposited plans ", "(3) ", "Purposes for which land may ", "be acquired ", "0738 ", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0745 ", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0756 ", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0786a", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0787 ", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0809 ", "Worksite and access for ", "construction and maintenance. ", "0823 ", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0834 ", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0884a ", "Worksite and access for ", "construction and maintenance. ", "0868 ", "Worksite and access for ", "construction, a maintenance ", "compound and environmental ", "mitigation. ", "0904, 0907, 0909 ", "Worksite and access for ", "construction and maintenance ", "compound. ", "0911, 0917, 0921, 0930 ", "Environmental mitigation and ", "access for maintenance. ", "0912a ", "Worksite and access for ", "construction and maintenance. ", "0928 ", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0934 ", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0945, 0951 ", "Worksite and access for ", "construction and maintenance ", "compound. ", "0948, 0954, 0955 ", "Environmental mitigation. ", "0953, 0956 ", "Worksite and access for ", "construction and maintenance, ", "environmental mitigation and ", "vehicle restraint barrier. ", "37" ]
[ [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 141, 84, 743, 850 ], [ 503, 969, 18, 11 ] ]
[ [ 257, 93, 25, 11 ], [ 250, 110, 39, 11 ], [ 502, 93, 25, 11 ], [ 406, 110, 218, 11 ], [ 456, 125, 117, 11 ], [ 747, 93, 25, 11 ], [ 651, 110, 216, 11 ], [ 714, 125, 90, 11 ], [ 399, 157, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 157, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 189, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 189, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 221, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 221, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 253, 44, 11 ], [ 644, 253, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 285, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 285, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 316, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 316, 177, 11 ], [ 644, 331, 225, 11 ], [ 399, 363, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 363, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 395, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 395, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 427, 48, 11 ], [ 644, 427, 177, 11 ], [ 644, 441, 225, 11 ], [ 399, 473, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 473, 177, 11 ], [ 644, 488, 207, 11 ], [ 644, 503, 220, 11 ], [ 644, 517, 83, 11 ], [ 399, 549, 131, 11 ], [ 644, 549, 177, 11 ], [ 644, 564, 220, 11 ], [ 644, 578, 85, 11 ], [ 399, 610, 176, 11 ], [ 644, 610, 221, 11 ], [ 644, 625, 176, 11 ], [ 399, 657, 48, 11 ], [ 644, 657, 177, 11 ], [ 644, 672, 225, 11 ], [ 399, 703, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 703, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 735, 40, 11 ], [ 644, 735, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 767, 85, 11 ], [ 644, 767, 177, 11 ], [ 644, 782, 220, 11 ], [ 644, 796, 85, 11 ], [ 399, 828, 131, 11 ], [ 644, 828, 195, 11 ], [ 399, 860, 85, 11 ], [ 644, 860, 177, 11 ], [ 644, 875, 225, 11 ], [ 644, 889, 218, 11 ], [ 644, 904, 177, 11 ], [ 503, 969, 18, 11 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4 ]
[ "Copyright 2012", "CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc.", "Philippine Law Encyclopedia 2011", "46", "SECTION ", "138", ".", "Qualifications for Delegate to Assembly", ". — No person", "shall be eligible to election as a delegate to the Assembly unless he is a qualified", "elector of the election district in which he may be chosen, is loyal to the United", "[1582-5 (2).]", "If any new province should be found to be entitled to more than one", "delegate it shall be divided into as many districts as it is entitled to delegates. Said", "districts shall be composed of contiguous and compact territory as near as may be", "and contain as ne", "arly as practicable an equal number of inhabitants.", "SECTION ", "137", ".", "Apportionment of Delegates for Additional Province", ". —", "When an additional province is given representation in the Assembly, the delegate", "or delegates apportioned to it shall be in addition to the number eighty-one and", "shall be in the ratio of o", "ne for every ninety thousand of population and one for an", "additional major fraction thereof. If at any time any change is made in the", "boundaries of the provinces or any new province is created, a readjustment of the", "apportionment of delegates of all provin", "ces affected shall be made, on the basis of", "the original adjustment herein provided for. But at no time shall the total number", "of delegates exceed one hundred.", "[1582-5; 1952-1.]", "Albay, three; Ambos Camarines, three; Antique, one; Bataan, one; Batanes,", "one; Batangas, three; Bohol, three; Bulacan, two; Cagayan, two; Capiz, three;", "Cavite, one; Cebu, seven; Ilocos Norte, two; Ilocos Sur, three; Iloilo, five; Isabela,", "one; Laguna, two;", " La Union, two; Leyte, four; Manila, two; Mindoro, one;", "Misamis, two; Nueva Ecija, one; Occidental Negros, three; Oriental Negros, two;", "Palawan,", "one;", "Pampanga,", "two;", "Pangasinan,", "five;", "Rizal,", "two;", "Samar,", "three;", "Sorsogon, two; Surigao, one; Tarlac, two; Tayab", "as, two; and Zambales, one.", "SECTION ", "136", ".", "Apportionment of Membership of Philippine Assembly", ".", "— The Philippine Assembly consists of eighty-one members, or delegates, elected", "by the people and apportioned as follows:", "[See Act of Cong., July 1, 1902.]", "SECTION ", "135", ". ", "Philippine Assembly as Popular Branch of Legislature", ". —", "The", "Philippine", "Assembly", "constitutes", "the", "popular", "branch", "of", "the", "Philippine", "Legislature, and in this capacity it participates with the Philippine Commission in", "the exercise of such power as ", "is within the competency of the Legislature.", "Constitution and Organization of Philippine Assembly" ]
[ [ 123, 925, 305, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 305, 9 ], [ 469, 925, 158, 9 ], [ 886, 925, 11, 9 ], [ 140, 840, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 840, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 840, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 840, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 840, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 840, 745, 59 ], [ 140, 840, 745, 59 ], [ 202, 808, 107, 19 ], [ 140, 715, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 715, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 715, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 715, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 715, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 140, 525, 744, 176 ], [ 202, 493, 147, 19 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 342, 745, 137 ], [ 140, 269, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 269, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 269, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 269, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 269, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 269, 744, 59 ], [ 140, 269, 744, 59 ], [ 202, 236, 273, 19 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 140, 143, 744, 79 ], [ 269, 109, 485, 20 ] ]
[ [ 123, 925, 70, 9 ], [ 208, 925, 220, 9 ], [ 469, 925, 158, 9 ], [ 886, 925, 11, 9 ], [ 202, 841, 99, 20 ], [ 301, 841, 33, 20 ], [ 335, 841, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 840, 371, 20 ], [ 743, 841, 141, 20 ], [ 140, 860, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 880, 745, 20 ], [ 202, 808, 107, 19 ], [ 202, 715, 682, 20 ], [ 140, 735, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 754, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 773, 154, 20 ], [ 294, 773, 449, 20 ], [ 202, 526, 99, 20 ], [ 301, 526, 33, 20 ], [ 335, 526, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 525, 477, 20 ], [ 849, 526, 35, 20 ], [ 140, 545, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 564, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 584, 219, 20 ], [ 359, 584, 525, 20 ], [ 140, 603, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 623, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 642, 363, 20 ], [ 503, 642, 381, 20 ], [ 140, 662, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 681, 297, 20 ], [ 202, 493, 147, 19 ], [ 202, 342, 682, 20 ], [ 140, 361, 745, 20 ], [ 140, 381, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 400, 176, 20 ], [ 316, 400, 568, 20 ], [ 140, 419, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 439, 81, 20 ], [ 236, 439, 38, 20 ], [ 289, 439, 98, 20 ], [ 402, 439, 39, 20 ], [ 457, 439, 107, 20 ], [ 579, 439, 41, 20 ], [ 635, 439, 52, 20 ], [ 702, 439, 39, 20 ], [ 757, 439, 62, 20 ], [ 834, 439, 50, 20 ], [ 140, 458, 433, 20 ], [ 573, 458, 248, 20 ], [ 202, 269, 99, 20 ], [ 301, 269, 33, 20 ], [ 335, 269, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 269, 507, 20 ], [ 879, 269, 5, 20 ], [ 140, 288, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 308, 372, 20 ], [ 202, 236, 273, 19 ], [ 202, 143, 99, 20 ], [ 303, 143, 33, 20 ], [ 337, 143, 11, 20 ], [ 350, 143, 499, 20 ], [ 849, 143, 35, 20 ], [ 140, 163, 34, 20 ], [ 190, 163, 91, 20 ], [ 297, 163, 88, 20 ], [ 402, 163, 95, 20 ], [ 513, 163, 27, 20 ], [ 556, 163, 68, 20 ], [ 639, 163, 60, 20 ], [ 716, 163, 18, 20 ], [ 750, 163, 27, 20 ], [ 793, 163, 91, 20 ], [ 140, 182, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 201, 268, 20 ], [ 408, 201, 391, 20 ], [ 269, 109, 485, 20 ] ]
[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5 ]
[ "Server System Variables", "Type", "Integer", "The maximum number of rows to return from ", "SELECT", " statements. For more information, see Using Safe-", "Updates Mode (--safe-updates).", "The default value for a new connection is the maximum number of rows that the server permits per table.", "Typical default values are (2$^{32}$)", "−", "1", "or (2$^{64}$)", "−", "1.", "If you have changed the limit, the default value can be", "restored by assigning a value of ", "DEFAULT", ".", "If a ", "SELECT", " has a ", "LIMIT", " clause, the ", "LIMIT", " takes precedence over the value of ", "sql_select_limit", "•", "sql_warnings", "System Variable", "sql_warnings", "Scope", "Global, Session", "Dynamic", "Yes", "SET_VAR", " Hint Applies", "No", "Type", "Boolean", "Default Value", "OFF", "Command-Line Format", "--ssl-ca=file_name", "System Variable", "ssl_ca", "Scope", "Global", "Dynamic (", "≥", " 8.0.16)", "Yes", "Dynamic (", "≤", " 8.0.15)", "No", "SET_VAR", " Hint Applies", "No", "Type", "File name", "Default Value", "NULL", "•", "ssl_ca", "This variable controls whether single-row ", "INSERT", " statements produce an information string if warnings", "occur. The default is ", "OFF", ". Set the value to ", "ON", " to produce an information string.", "The path name of the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate file in PEM format. The file contains a list of", "trusted SSL Certificate Authorities.", "As of MySQL 8.0.16, this variable is dynamic and can be modified at runtime to affect the TSL context", "the server uses for new connections. See Server-Side Runtime Configuration and Monitoring for", "Encrypted Connections. Prior to MySQL 8.0.16, this variable can be set only at server startup.", "•", "ssl_capath", "890", "Command-Line Format", "--ssl-capath=dir_name", "System Variable", "ssl_capath", "Scope", "Global", "Dynamic (", "≥", " 8.0.16)", "Yes", "Dynamic (", "≤", " 8.0.15)", "No" ]
[ [ 405, 48, 184, 11 ], [ 154, 91, 780, 22 ], [ 154, 91, 780, 22 ], [ 157, 131, 776, 27 ], [ 157, 131, 776, 27 ], [ 157, 131, 776, 27 ], [ 157, 131, 776, 27 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 43 ], [ 157, 240, 760, 11 ], [ 157, 240, 760, 11 ], [ 157, 240, 760, 11 ], [ 157, 240, 760, 11 ], [ 157, 240, 760, 11 ], [ 157, 240, 760, 11 ], [ 157, 240, 760, 11 ], [ 157, 240, 760, 11 ], [ 140, 268, 137, 11 ], [ 140, 268, 137, 11 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 153, 306, 782, 131 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 156, 535, 777, 173 ], [ 140, 497, 77, 11 ], [ 140, 497, 77, 11 ], [ 157, 453, 761, 27 ], [ 157, 453, 761, 27 ], [ 157, 453, 761, 27 ], [ 157, 453, 761, 27 ], [ 157, 453, 761, 27 ], [ 157, 453, 761, 27 ], [ 157, 453, 761, 27 ], [ 157, 453, 761, 27 ], [ 157, 726, 751, 27 ], [ 157, 726, 751, 27 ], [ 157, 772, 753, 43 ], [ 157, 772, 753, 43 ], [ 157, 772, 753, 43 ], [ 140, 832, 117, 11 ], [ 140, 832, 117, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ], [ 154, 869, 780, 111 ] ]
[ [ 405, 48, 184, 11 ], [ 161, 97, 37, 11 ], [ 549, 97, 52, 11 ], [ 157, 131, 335, 11 ], [ 493, 132, 60, 10 ], [ 553, 131, 379, 11 ], [ 157, 147, 237, 11 ], [ 157, 178, 775, 11 ], [ 157, 193, 228, 11 ], [ 386, 189, 9, 18 ], [ 396, 193, 5, 11 ], [ 404, 193, 59, 11 ], [ 464, 189, 9, 18 ], [ 473, 193, 13, 11 ], [ 492, 193, 400, 11 ], [ 157, 209, 241, 11 ], [ 398, 210, 70, 10 ], [ 468, 209, 4, 11 ], [ 157, 240, 27, 11 ], [ 185, 241, 60, 10 ], [ 245, 240, 50, 11 ], [ 295, 241, 50, 10 ], [ 346, 240, 90, 11 ], [ 436, 241, 50, 10 ], [ 486, 240, 269, 11 ], [ 756, 241, 160, 10 ], [ 140, 268, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 270, 120, 10 ], [ 161, 313, 121, 11 ], [ 549, 314, 120, 10 ], [ 161, 334, 47, 11 ], [ 549, 334, 117, 11 ], [ 161, 355, 65, 11 ], [ 549, 355, 28, 11 ], [ 161, 378, 70, 10 ], [ 231, 377, 94, 11 ], [ 549, 377, 21, 11 ], [ 161, 398, 37, 11 ], [ 549, 398, 61, 11 ], [ 161, 419, 100, 11 ], [ 549, 421, 30, 10 ], [ 161, 542, 172, 11 ], [ 549, 543, 180, 10 ], [ 161, 563, 121, 11 ], [ 549, 564, 60, 10 ], [ 161, 584, 47, 11 ], [ 549, 584, 48, 11 ], [ 161, 606, 75, 11 ], [ 236, 601, 9, 18 ], [ 246, 606, 56, 11 ], [ 549, 606, 28, 11 ], [ 161, 627, 75, 11 ], [ 236, 623, 9, 18 ], [ 246, 627, 56, 11 ], [ 549, 627, 21, 11 ], [ 161, 650, 70, 10 ], [ 231, 649, 94, 11 ], [ 549, 649, 21, 11 ], [ 161, 670, 37, 11 ], [ 549, 670, 73, 11 ], [ 161, 692, 100, 11 ], [ 549, 693, 40, 10 ], [ 140, 497, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 499, 60, 10 ], [ 157, 453, 308, 11 ], [ 465, 455, 60, 10 ], [ 525, 453, 392, 11 ], [ 157, 469, 155, 11 ], [ 312, 470, 30, 10 ], [ 343, 469, 130, 11 ], [ 473, 470, 20, 10 ], [ 493, 469, 244, 11 ], [ 157, 726, 751, 11 ], [ 157, 741, 255, 11 ], [ 157, 772, 753, 11 ], [ 157, 788, 711, 11 ], [ 157, 803, 694, 11 ], [ 140, 832, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 833, 100, 10 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 161, 876, 172, 11 ], [ 549, 877, 211, 10 ], [ 161, 897, 121, 11 ], [ 549, 898, 100, 10 ], [ 161, 919, 47, 11 ], [ 549, 919, 48, 11 ], [ 161, 940, 75, 11 ], [ 236, 936, 9, 18 ], [ 246, 940, 56, 11 ], [ 549, 940, 28, 11 ], [ 161, 962, 75, 11 ], [ 236, 957, 9, 18 ], [ 246, 962, 56, 11 ], [ 549, 962, 21, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "offering to repay borrowings under its Credit Facility and used the remainder for general corporate purposes, including property ", "acquisitions.", "In December 2011, NNN filed a prospectus supplement to the prospectus contained in its February 2009 shelf registration ", "statement and issued 8,050,000 shares (including 1,050,000 shares in connection with the underwriters' over allotment) of ", "common stock at a price of $25.75 per share and received net proceeds of $198,228,000. In connection with this offering, ", "NNN incurred stock issuance costs totaling approximately $9,060,000, consisting primarily of underwriters' fees and ", "commissions, legal and accounting fees and printing expenses. The Company used a portion of the net proceeds from the ", "offering to repay borrowings under its Credit Facility and used the remainder for general corporate purposes, including property ", "acquisitions.", "In May 2012, NNN established an at-the-market equity program (\"2012 ATM\") which allows NNN to sell up to an aggregate of ", "9,000,000 shares of common stock from time to time through May 2015. NNN intends to use the net proceeds from this ", "offering to repay outstanding indebtedness under the Credit Facility, to finance NNN's potential development and acquisition ", "activities and for other general corporate purposes. The following table outlines the common stock issuances pursuant to the ", "2012 ATM (dollars in thousands, except per share data):", " (1)", "Stock issuance costs consist primarily of underwriters' fees and commissions, and legal and accounting fees.", "In March 2013, NNN established a second ATM equity program (\"2013 ATM\") which allows NNN to sell up to an aggregate of ", "9,000,000 shares of common stock from time to time through March 2015. NNN intends to use the net proceeds from this ", "offering to repay outstanding indebtedness under the Credit Facility, to finance NNN's potential development and acquisition ", "activities and for other general corporate purposes. The following table outlines the common stock issuances pursuant to the ", "2013 ATM (dollars in thousands, except per share data):", "Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan.", "In February 2012, NNN filed a shelf registration statement which was ", "automatically effective, with the Commission for its DRIP, which permits the issuance by NNN of 16,000,000 shares of ", "common stock. NNN’s DRIP provides an economical and convenient way for current stockholders and other interested new ", "investors to invest in NNN’s common stock. The following outlines the common stock issuances pursuant to NNN’s DRIP for ", "each of the years ended December 31 (dollars in thousands):", "(1)", "Stock issuance costs consist primarily of underwriters' fees and commissions, and legal and accounting fees.", "The proceeds from the issuances were used to pay down outstanding indebtedness under NNN’s Credit Facility.", " 37", "2013", "2012", "Shares of common stock", "4,676,542", "4,282,298", "Average price per share (net)", "$", "32.60", "$", "29.64", "Net proceeds", "152,435", "126,947", "Stock issuance costs ", "(1)", "2,161", "2,145", "2013", "Shares of common stock", "2,280,450", "Average price per share (net)", "$", "37.80", "Net proceeds", "86,208", "Stock issuance costs ", "(1)", "1,613", "2013", "2012", "2011", "Shares of common stock", "764,891", "2,101,644", "3,745,896", "Net proceeds", "$", "25,407", "$", "56,102", "$", "93,451" ]
[ [ 77, 47, 874, 30 ], [ 77, 47, 874, 30 ], [ 77, 94, 874, 108 ], [ 77, 94, 874, 108 ], [ 77, 94, 874, 108 ], [ 77, 94, 874, 108 ], [ 77, 94, 874, 108 ], [ 77, 94, 874, 108 ], [ 77, 94, 874, 108 ], [ 77, 216, 873, 77 ], [ 77, 216, 873, 77 ], [ 77, 216, 873, 77 ], [ 77, 216, 873, 77 ], [ 77, 216, 873, 77 ], [ 161, 420, 693, 14 ], [ 161, 420, 693, 14 ], [ 77, 448, 872, 77 ], [ 77, 448, 872, 77 ], [ 77, 448, 872, 77 ], [ 77, 448, 872, 77 ], [ 77, 448, 872, 77 ], [ 77, 675, 861, 77 ], [ 77, 675, 861, 77 ], [ 77, 675, 861, 77 ], [ 77, 675, 861, 77 ], [ 77, 675, 861, 77 ], [ 77, 675, 861, 77 ], [ 169, 647, 686, 14 ], [ 169, 647, 686, 14 ], [ 77, 841, 759, 14 ], [ 501, 977, 21, 14 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 172, 317, 679, 95 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 166, 545, 689, 93 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ], [ 168, 765, 688, 54 ] ]
[ [ 77, 47, 874, 14 ], [ 77, 63, 85, 14 ], [ 77, 94, 832, 14 ], [ 77, 110, 833, 14 ], [ 77, 126, 834, 14 ], [ 77, 142, 798, 14 ], [ 77, 157, 827, 14 ], [ 77, 173, 874, 14 ], [ 77, 189, 85, 14 ], [ 77, 216, 873, 14 ], [ 77, 232, 819, 14 ], [ 77, 248, 853, 14 ], [ 77, 263, 848, 14 ], [ 77, 279, 380, 14 ], [ 161, 420, 19, 8 ], [ 192, 421, 663, 13 ], [ 77, 448, 872, 14 ], [ 77, 463, 832, 14 ], [ 77, 479, 853, 14 ], [ 77, 495, 848, 14 ], [ 77, 510, 380, 14 ], [ 77, 675, 336, 14 ], [ 422, 675, 479, 14 ], [ 77, 691, 818, 14 ], [ 77, 707, 846, 14 ], [ 77, 722, 861, 14 ], [ 77, 738, 411, 14 ], [ 169, 647, 11, 8 ], [ 192, 649, 663, 13 ], [ 77, 841, 759, 14 ], [ 501, 977, 21, 14 ], [ 664, 320, 30, 13 ], [ 780, 320, 30, 13 ], [ 176, 339, 150, 13 ], [ 668, 339, 61, 13 ], [ 783, 339, 61, 13 ], [ 176, 359, 178, 13 ], [ 630, 359, 7, 13 ], [ 694, 359, 34, 13 ], [ 746, 359, 7, 13 ], [ 810, 359, 34, 13 ], [ 176, 378, 80, 13 ], [ 679, 378, 49, 13 ], [ 795, 378, 49, 13 ], [ 176, 398, 128, 13 ], [ 305, 396, 11, 8 ], [ 694, 398, 34, 13 ], [ 810, 398, 34, 13 ], [ 785, 547, 30, 13 ], [ 171, 567, 150, 13 ], [ 788, 567, 61, 13 ], [ 171, 586, 178, 13 ], [ 751, 586, 7, 13 ], [ 815, 586, 34, 13 ], [ 171, 606, 80, 13 ], [ 807, 606, 42, 13 ], [ 171, 626, 128, 13 ], [ 300, 624, 11, 8 ], [ 815, 626, 34, 13 ], [ 553, 767, 30, 13 ], [ 668, 767, 30, 13 ], [ 784, 767, 30, 13 ], [ 172, 784, 150, 13 ], [ 568, 786, 49, 13 ], [ 672, 786, 61, 13 ], [ 787, 786, 61, 13 ], [ 172, 804, 80, 13 ], [ 519, 806, 7, 13 ], [ 575, 806, 42, 13 ], [ 634, 806, 7, 13 ], [ 691, 806, 42, 13 ], [ 750, 806, 7, 13 ], [ 807, 806, 42, 13 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "1", "Plane Sense", "Figure 1-5. ", "ASRS Incident Report.", " You can obtain an ASRS Incident Report and/or file the form online at the ", "NASA website at ", "", "SAMPL", "E", "1-18" ]
[ [ 26, 52, 12, 17 ], [ 74, 34, 97, 15 ], [ 75, 879, 813, 31 ], [ 75, 879, 813, 31 ], [ 75, 879, 813, 31 ], [ 75, 879, 813, 31 ], [ 75, 879, 813, 31 ], [ 99, 70, 779, 777 ], [ 99, 70, 779, 777 ], [ 44, 983, 31, 12 ] ]
[ [ 26, 52, 12, 17 ], [ 74, 34, 97, 15 ], [ 75, 879, 92, 15 ], [ 167, 879, 168, 14 ], [ 335, 879, 553, 14 ], [ 75, 896, 126, 14 ], [ 202, 896, 190, 14 ], [ 174, 302, 499, 239 ], [ 716, 283, 62, 161 ], [ 44, 983, 31, 12 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 4 ]
[ "Installing MySQL on Linux Using RPM Packages from Oracle", "•An SSL certificate and key files are generated in the data directory.", "•", "validate_password", " is installed and enabled.", "•A superuser account ", "’root’@’localhost’", " is created. A password for the superuser is set and stored", "in the error log file. To reveal it, use the following command for RHEL, Oracle Linux, CentOS, and", "Fedora systems:", "Use the following command for SLES systems:", "The next step is to log in with the generated, temporary password and set a custom password for the", "superuser account:", "shell> ", "sudo grep ’temporary password’ /var/log/mysqld.log", "shell> ", "sudo grep ’temporary password’ /var/log/mysql/mysqld.log", "shell> ", "mysql -uroot -p ", "mysql> ", "ALTER USER ’root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ’MyNewPass4!’;", "Note", "validate_password", " is installed by default. The default password policy", "implemented by ", "validate_password", " requires that passwords contain at least", "one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one digit, and one special character,", "and that the total password length is at least 8 characters.", "If something goes wrong during installation, you might find debug information in the error log file ", "/var/", "log/mysqld.log", ".", "For some Linux distributions, it might be necessary to increase the limit on number of file descriptors", "available to ", "mysqld", ". See Section B.3.2.16, “File Not Found and Similar Errors”", "Installing Client Libraries from Multiple MySQL Versions. ", " It is possible to install multiple client library", "versions, such as for the case that you want to maintain compatibility with older applications linked against", "previous libraries. To install an older client library, use the ", "--oldpackage", " option with ", "rpm", ". For example,", "to install ", "mysql-community-libs-5.5", " on an EL6 system that has ", "libmysqlclient.21", " from MySQL", "8.0, use a command like this:", "Debug Package. ", " A special variant of MySQL Server compiled with the debug package has been", "included in the server RPM packages. It performs debugging and memory allocation checks and produces", "a trace file when the server is running. To use that debug version, start MySQL with ", "/usr/sbin/mysqld-", "debug", ", instead of starting it as a service or with ", "/usr/sbin/mysqld", ". See Section 5.9.4, “The DBUG", "Package”", " for the debug options you can use.", "shell> ", "rpm --oldpackage -ivh mysql-community-libs-5.5.50-2.el6.x86_64.rpm", "The default plugin directory for debug builds changed from ", "/usr/lib64/mysql/", "plugin", " to ", "/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/debug", " in MySQL 8.0.4. Previously, it", "was necessary to change ", "plugin_dir", " to ", "/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/debug", "for debug builds.", "Rebuilding RPMs from source SRPMs. ", " Source code SRPM packages for MySQL are available for", "download. They can be used as-is to rebuild the MySQL RPMs with the standard ", "rpmbuild", " tool chain.", "Note", "180" ]
[ [ 270, 48, 454, 11 ], [ 140, 94, 512, 11 ], [ 140, 123, 371, 11 ], [ 140, 123, 371, 11 ], [ 140, 123, 371, 11 ], [ 140, 151, 788, 43 ], [ 140, 151, 788, 43 ], [ 140, 151, 788, 43 ], [ 140, 151, 788, 43 ], [ 140, 151, 788, 43 ], [ 157, 239, 348, 11 ], [ 157, 295, 745, 27 ], [ 157, 295, 745, 27 ], [ 157, 211, 458, 8 ], [ 157, 211, 458, 8 ], [ 157, 267, 506, 8 ], [ 157, 267, 506, 8 ], [ 140, 342, 184, 8 ], [ 140, 342, 184, 8 ], [ 140, 368, 522, 8 ], [ 140, 368, 522, 8 ], [ 281, 396, 37, 11 ], [ 281, 426, 593, 58 ], [ 281, 426, 593, 58 ], [ 281, 426, 593, 58 ], [ 281, 426, 593, 58 ], [ 281, 426, 593, 58 ], [ 281, 426, 593, 58 ], [ 281, 426, 593, 58 ], [ 140, 502, 763, 27 ], [ 140, 502, 763, 27 ], [ 140, 502, 763, 27 ], [ 140, 502, 763, 27 ], [ 140, 548, 741, 27 ], [ 140, 548, 741, 27 ], [ 140, 548, 741, 27 ], [ 140, 548, 741, 27 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 593, 792, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 711, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 684, 586, 8 ], [ 140, 684, 586, 8 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 281, 833, 608, 58 ], [ 140, 910, 764, 27 ], [ 140, 910, 764, 27 ], [ 140, 910, 764, 27 ], [ 140, 910, 764, 27 ], [ 140, 910, 764, 27 ], [ 281, 803, 37, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ] ]
[ [ 270, 48, 454, 11 ], [ 140, 94, 512, 11 ], [ 140, 123, 19, 11 ], [ 157, 124, 170, 10 ], [ 328, 123, 184, 11 ], [ 140, 151, 175, 11 ], [ 315, 153, 180, 10 ], [ 496, 151, 432, 11 ], [ 157, 167, 721, 11 ], [ 157, 182, 123, 11 ], [ 157, 239, 348, 11 ], [ 157, 295, 745, 11 ], [ 157, 311, 142, 11 ], [ 157, 211, 56, 8 ], [ 213, 211, 401, 8 ], [ 157, 267, 56, 8 ], [ 213, 267, 450, 8 ], [ 140, 342, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 342, 128, 8 ], [ 140, 368, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 368, 466, 8 ], [ 281, 396, 37, 11 ], [ 281, 427, 170, 10 ], [ 452, 426, 377, 11 ], [ 281, 441, 122, 11 ], [ 404, 443, 170, 10 ], [ 575, 441, 299, 11 ], [ 281, 457, 590, 11 ], [ 281, 472, 428, 11 ], [ 140, 502, 713, 11 ], [ 853, 503, 50, 10 ], [ 140, 519, 140, 10 ], [ 281, 518, 4, 11 ], [ 140, 548, 741, 11 ], [ 140, 563, 89, 11 ], [ 230, 564, 60, 10 ], [ 290, 563, 463, 11 ], [ 140, 593, 456, 11 ], [ 614, 593, 319, 11 ], [ 140, 609, 785, 11 ], [ 140, 624, 430, 11 ], [ 571, 625, 120, 10 ], [ 692, 624, 89, 11 ], [ 781, 625, 30, 10 ], [ 811, 624, 107, 11 ], [ 140, 640, 66, 11 ], [ 206, 641, 241, 10 ], [ 447, 640, 207, 11 ], [ 655, 641, 170, 10 ], [ 826, 640, 98, 11 ], [ 140, 655, 216, 11 ], [ 140, 711, 134, 11 ], [ 291, 711, 587, 11 ], [ 140, 727, 785, 11 ], [ 140, 742, 622, 11 ], [ 763, 744, 170, 10 ], [ 140, 759, 50, 10 ], [ 190, 758, 307, 11 ], [ 498, 759, 160, 10 ], [ 658, 758, 252, 11 ], [ 140, 774, 84, 11 ], [ 211, 774, 261, 11 ], [ 140, 684, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 684, 530, 8 ], [ 281, 833, 437, 11 ], [ 719, 834, 170, 10 ], [ 281, 850, 60, 10 ], [ 342, 849, 23, 11 ], [ 365, 850, 291, 10 ], [ 656, 849, 224, 11 ], [ 281, 864, 193, 11 ], [ 475, 865, 100, 10 ], [ 575, 864, 23, 11 ], [ 599, 865, 291, 10 ], [ 281, 880, 123, 11 ], [ 140, 910, 310, 11 ], [ 468, 910, 436, 11 ], [ 140, 925, 603, 11 ], [ 743, 926, 80, 10 ], [ 824, 925, 80, 11 ], [ 281, 803, 37, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 4 ]
[ "TIDEWATER INC.", "NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "Years ended March 31, 2010, 2009, and 2008 ", "capitalization of 0.45 as compared to a maximum ratio of consolidated debt to total capitalization of ", "0.55", "with the prior agreement. All other terms, including the financial and negative covenants, are customary ", "for facilities of its type and consistent with the prior agreement in all material respects. ", "The revolving credit facility provides, among other things, for the issuance of letters of credit that the ", "company may utilize to guarantee performance under some of our operating contracts, as well as ", "insurance, tax and other obligations in various jurisdictions. The facility also provides for customary fees and ", "expense reimbursements and includes other covenants (including limitations on the incurrence of debt, ", "mergers and other fundamental changes, limits on the company’s ability to encumber its assets for the ", "benefit of others and asset sales) and events of default (including a change of control) that are customary ", "for similar facilities.", "There were no borrowings outstanding under the amended and restated revolving credit agreement at ", "March 31, 2010, and the full $450.0 million was available at March 31, 2010. There were no outstanding ", "borrowings under the company’s previous revolving credit agreement at March 31, 2009. ", "The company capitalizes a portion of its interest costs incurred on borrowed funds used to construct ", "vessels. Interest and debt costs incurred, net of interest capitalized for fiscal 2010, 2009, and 2008 and was ", "approximately $1.7 million, $0.7 million, and $7.0 million, respectively. Interest costs capitalized during fiscal ", "2010, 2009 and 2008 was approximately $15.6 million, $13.8 million, and $10.5 million, respectively.", "Debt Costs ", "(5)", "EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLANS", "U.S. Defined Benefit Pension Plan ", "A defined benefit pension plan (pension plan) covers certain U.S. citizen employees and employees who ", "are permanent residents of the United States. Benefits are based on years of service and employee ", "compensation. Approximately 99% of the pension plan assets are invested in fixed income securities with ", "the balance invested in cash and cash equivalents. The plan does not invest in Tidewater stock. The ", "company’s policy is to contribute no less than the minimum required contribution by law and no more than ", "the maximum deductible amount. The company contributed $4.7 million and $4.4 million to the defined ", "benefit pension trust during fiscal 2010 and 2009, respectively. The company does not expect to contribute ", "to the plan during fiscal 2011.", "In December 2009, the Board of Directors adopted amendments to the pension plan whereby effective ", "December 31, 2010, the accrual of benefits would be discontinued. On that date, previously accrued ", "pension benefits under the pension plan will be frozen for the approximately 70 active employees who ", "participate in the plan. This change will not affect benefits earned by participants prior to January 1, 2011. ", "Because future benefit accruals under the pension plan will be eliminated, the active employees who are ", "participants in the pension plan will become participants in the company’s defined contribution retirement ", "plan effective January 1, 2011. These changes will provide the company more predictable retirement plan ", "costs and cash flows. By freezing the benefits, the company’s future benefit obligations and requirements ", "for cash contributions for the frozen pension plan will be reduced. Any gains or losses associated with the ", "curtailment of the pension plan were immaterial.", "The company also offers a supplemental retirement plan (supplemental plan) that provides pension benefits ", "to certain employees in excess of those allowed under the company’s tax-qualified pension plan. Assets of ", "this non-contributory defined benefit plan are held in a Rabbi Trust, invested in a variety of marketable ", "securities, none of which is Tidewater stock. The Trust assets, which are included in “other assets” in the ", "company’s consolidated balance sheet, are recorded at fair value with unrealized gains or losses included in ", "other comprehensive income. Included in other assets at March 31, 2010 and 2009, is $16.2 million and ", "$12.4 million, respectively, of investments held in a Rabbi Trust for the benefit of participants in the ", "Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan ", "F-19" ]
[ [ 290, 36, 443, 45 ], [ 290, 36, 443, 45 ], [ 290, 36, 443, 45 ], [ 108, 98, 816, 45 ], [ 108, 98, 816, 45 ], [ 108, 98, 816, 45 ], [ 108, 98, 816, 45 ], [ 108, 159, 817, 106 ], [ 108, 159, 817, 106 ], [ 108, 159, 817, 106 ], [ 108, 159, 817, 106 ], [ 108, 159, 817, 106 ], [ 108, 159, 817, 106 ], [ 108, 159, 817, 106 ], [ 108, 281, 815, 45 ], [ 108, 281, 815, 45 ], [ 108, 281, 815, 45 ], [ 108, 372, 816, 60 ], [ 108, 372, 816, 60 ], [ 108, 372, 816, 60 ], [ 108, 372, 816, 60 ], [ 108, 342, 95, 14 ], [ 108, 449, 318, 14 ], [ 108, 449, 318, 14 ], [ 108, 479, 282, 14 ], [ 108, 510, 816, 121 ], [ 108, 510, 816, 121 ], [ 108, 510, 816, 121 ], [ 108, 510, 816, 121 ], [ 108, 510, 816, 121 ], [ 108, 510, 816, 121 ], [ 108, 510, 816, 121 ], [ 108, 510, 816, 121 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 647, 816, 151 ], [ 108, 845, 816, 106 ], [ 108, 845, 816, 106 ], [ 108, 845, 816, 106 ], [ 108, 845, 816, 106 ], [ 108, 845, 816, 106 ], [ 108, 845, 816, 106 ], [ 108, 845, 816, 106 ], [ 108, 814, 339, 14 ], [ 498, 977, 28, 11 ] ]
[ [ 442, 36, 139, 14 ], [ 290, 51, 443, 14 ], [ 340, 66, 348, 14 ], [ 108, 98, 816, 14 ], [ 108, 114, 32, 14 ], [ 146, 114, 774, 14 ], [ 108, 129, 641, 14 ], [ 108, 159, 816, 14 ], [ 108, 175, 817, 14 ], [ 108, 190, 812, 14 ], [ 108, 205, 815, 14 ], [ 108, 220, 815, 14 ], [ 108, 235, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 251, 141, 14 ], [ 108, 281, 815, 14 ], [ 108, 296, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 312, 665, 14 ], [ 108, 372, 816, 14 ], [ 108, 388, 812, 14 ], [ 108, 403, 812, 14 ], [ 108, 418, 746, 14 ], [ 108, 342, 95, 14 ], [ 108, 449, 20, 14 ], [ 155, 449, 271, 14 ], [ 108, 479, 282, 14 ], [ 108, 510, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 525, 816, 14 ], [ 108, 540, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 555, 815, 14 ], [ 108, 570, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 586, 815, 14 ], [ 108, 601, 812, 14 ], [ 108, 616, 219, 14 ], [ 108, 647, 815, 14 ], [ 108, 662, 816, 14 ], [ 108, 677, 815, 14 ], [ 108, 692, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 708, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 723, 814, 14 ], [ 108, 738, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 753, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 768, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 784, 357, 14 ], [ 108, 845, 812, 14 ], [ 108, 860, 812, 14 ], [ 108, 875, 814, 14 ], [ 108, 890, 813, 14 ], [ 108, 905, 812, 14 ], [ 108, 921, 814, 14 ], [ 108, 936, 816, 14 ], [ 108, 814, 339, 14 ], [ 498, 977, 28, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 4 ]
[ "36", "Power Reduced to Idle ", "After Turn to Base Leg ", "at Base Reference Position", "45°", "Reference Position", "36", "18", "90°", "Reference Position", "Downwind Leg Key Position", "Close Throttle Normal Glide Speed", "Figure 11-33.", "180° power-off approach example.", "11-24", "Figure 11-32.", "90° power-off approach showing 45° reference position." ]
[ [ 58, 58, 840, 356 ], [ 58, 58, 840, 356 ], [ 58, 58, 840, 356 ], [ 58, 58, 840, 356 ], [ 58, 58, 840, 356 ], [ 58, 58, 840, 356 ], [ 58, 452, 844, 356 ], [ 58, 452, 844, 356 ], [ 58, 452, 844, 356 ], [ 58, 452, 844, 356 ], [ 58, 452, 844, 356 ], [ 58, 452, 844, 356 ], [ 62, 821, 306, 10 ], [ 62, 821, 306, 10 ], [ 62, 966, 44, 12 ], [ 62, 426, 440, 10 ], [ 62, 426, 440, 10 ] ]
[ [ 637, 282, 103, 7 ], [ 109, 101, 143, 9 ], [ 110, 112, 142, 9 ], [ 98, 122, 167, 9 ], [ 396, 234, 36, 0 ], [ 97, 290, 116, 9 ], [ 614, 661, 69, 1 ], [ 838, 529, 3, 4 ], [ 507, 574, 41, 0 ], [ 98, 773, 116, 9 ], [ 423, 621, 171, 9 ], [ 178, 476, 214, 9 ], [ 62, 822, 85, 9 ], [ 151, 821, 216, 10 ], [ 62, 966, 44, 12 ], [ 62, 427, 85, 9 ], [ 151, 426, 351, 10 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 ]
[ "Retrieving Information from a Table", "| Buffy | 1989-05-13 |", "+-------+------------+", "mysql> ", "SELECT name, birth FROM pet", "WHERE MONTH(birth) = MONTH(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 MONTH));", "mysql> ", "SELECT name, birth FROM pet", "WHERE MONTH(birth) = MOD(MONTH(CURDATE()), 12) + 1;", "mysql> ", "SELECT ’2018-10-31’ + INTERVAL 1 DAY;", "+-------------------------------+", "| ’2018-10-31’ + INTERVAL 1 DAY |", "+-------------------------------+", "| 2018-11-01", "|", "+-------------------------------+", "mysql> ", "SELECT ’2018-10-32’ + INTERVAL 1 DAY;", "+-------------------------------+", "| ’2018-10-32’ + INTERVAL 1 DAY |", "+-------------------------------+", "| NULL", "|", "+-------------------------------+", "mysql> ", "SHOW WARNINGS;", "+---------+------+----------------------------------------+", "| Level", "| Code | Message", "|", "+---------+------+----------------------------------------+", "| Warning | 1292 | Incorrect datetime value: ’2018-10-32’ |", "+---------+------+----------------------------------------+", "mysql> ", "SELECT 1 IS NULL, 1 IS NOT NULL;", "+-----------+---------------+", "| 1 IS NULL | 1 IS NOT NULL |", "+-----------+---------------+", "|", "0", "|", "1", "|", "+-----------+---------------+", "", "Working with NULL Values", "318", "There is a small complication if the current month is December. You cannot merely add one to the month", "number (", "12", ") and look for animals born in month ", "13", ", because there is no such month. Instead, you look for", "animals born in January (month ", "1", ").", "You can write the query so that it works no matter what the current month is, so that you do not have to", "use the number for a particular month. ", "DATE_ADD()", " enables you to add a time interval to a given date.", "If you add a month to the value of ", "CURDATE()", ", then extract the month part with ", "MONTH()", ", the result", "produces the month in which to look for birthdays:", "A different way to accomplish the same task is to add ", "1", " to get the next month after the current one after", "using the modulo function (", "MOD", ") to wrap the month value to ", "0", " if it is currently ", "12", ":", "MONTH()", " returns a number between ", "1", " and ", "12", ". And ", "MOD(something,12)", " returns a number between ", "0", "and ", "11", ". So the addition has to be after the ", "MOD()", ", otherwise we would go from November (", "11", ") to January", "(", "1", ").", "If a calculation uses invalid dates, the calculation fails and produces warnings:", "To test for ", "NULL", ", use the ", "IS NULL", " and ", "IS NOT NULL", " operators, as shown here:", "You cannot use arithmetic comparison operators such as ", "=", ", ", "<", ", or ", "<>", " to test for ", "NULL", ". To demonstrate this", "for yourself, try the following query:", "The ", "NULL", " value can be surprising until you get used to it. Conceptually, ", "NULL", " means “a missing unknown", "value”", " and it is treated somewhat differently from other values." ]
[ [ 366, 48, 262, 11 ], [ 140, 95, 176, 20 ], [ 140, 95, 176, 20 ], [ 140, 267, 578, 20 ], [ 140, 267, 578, 20 ], [ 140, 267, 578, 20 ], [ 140, 348, 466, 20 ], [ 140, 348, 466, 20 ], [ 140, 348, 466, 20 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 474, 474, 219 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 140, 814, 313, 70 ], [ 60, 711, 322, 14 ], [ 60, 711, 322, 14 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 140, 133, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 133, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 133, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 133, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 133, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 133, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 133, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 133, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 133, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 193, 763, 58 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 305, 765, 27 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 387, 785, 43 ], [ 140, 446, 578, 11 ], [ 140, 786, 605, 11 ], [ 140, 786, 605, 11 ], [ 140, 786, 605, 11 ], [ 140, 786, 605, 11 ], [ 140, 786, 605, 11 ], [ 140, 786, 605, 11 ], [ 140, 786, 605, 11 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 902, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 743, 795, 27 ], [ 140, 743, 795, 27 ], [ 140, 743, 795, 27 ], [ 140, 743, 795, 27 ], [ 140, 743, 795, 27 ], [ 140, 743, 795, 27 ], [ 140, 743, 795, 27 ] ]
[ [ 366, 48, 262, 11 ], [ 140, 95, 176, 8 ], [ 140, 107, 176, 8 ], [ 140, 267, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 267, 217, 8 ], [ 196, 279, 522, 8 ], [ 140, 348, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 348, 217, 8 ], [ 196, 361, 409, 8 ], [ 140, 474, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 474, 297, 8 ], [ 140, 486, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 499, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 511, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 523, 96, 8 ], [ 397, 523, 8, 8 ], [ 140, 536, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 548, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 548, 297, 8 ], [ 140, 561, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 573, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 586, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 598, 48, 8 ], [ 397, 598, 8, 8 ], [ 140, 610, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 623, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 623, 112, 8 ], [ 140, 635, 474, 8 ], [ 140, 648, 56, 8 ], [ 221, 648, 128, 8 ], [ 606, 648, 8, 8 ], [ 140, 660, 474, 8 ], [ 140, 672, 474, 8 ], [ 140, 685, 474, 8 ], [ 140, 814, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 814, 257, 8 ], [ 140, 826, 233, 8 ], [ 140, 839, 233, 8 ], [ 140, 851, 233, 8 ], [ 140, 863, 8, 8 ], [ 221, 863, 8, 8 ], [ 237, 863, 8, 8 ], [ 349, 863, 8, 8 ], [ 365, 863, 8, 8 ], [ 140, 876, 233, 8 ], [ 60, 711, 61, 14 ], [ 127, 711, 255, 14 ], [ 60, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 140, 133, 775, 11 ], [ 140, 149, 67, 11 ], [ 207, 150, 20, 10 ], [ 227, 149, 271, 11 ], [ 499, 150, 20, 10 ], [ 519, 149, 406, 11 ], [ 140, 164, 239, 11 ], [ 379, 166, 10, 10 ], [ 389, 164, 10, 11 ], [ 140, 193, 762, 11 ], [ 140, 208, 288, 11 ], [ 429, 209, 100, 10 ], [ 529, 208, 374, 11 ], [ 140, 224, 253, 11 ], [ 393, 225, 90, 10 ], [ 484, 224, 248, 11 ], [ 732, 225, 70, 10 ], [ 803, 224, 78, 11 ], [ 140, 239, 368, 11 ], [ 140, 305, 399, 11 ], [ 540, 307, 10, 10 ], [ 550, 305, 355, 11 ], [ 140, 321, 201, 11 ], [ 341, 322, 30, 10 ], [ 371, 321, 212, 11 ], [ 584, 322, 10, 10 ], [ 594, 321, 116, 11 ], [ 710, 322, 20, 10 ], [ 730, 321, 4, 11 ], [ 140, 388, 70, 10 ], [ 211, 387, 204, 11 ], [ 415, 388, 10, 10 ], [ 425, 387, 37, 11 ], [ 463, 388, 20, 10 ], [ 483, 387, 43, 11 ], [ 526, 388, 170, 10 ], [ 697, 387, 204, 11 ], [ 902, 388, 10, 10 ], [ 140, 402, 32, 11 ], [ 173, 404, 20, 10 ], [ 193, 402, 265, 11 ], [ 458, 404, 50, 10 ], [ 508, 402, 309, 11 ], [ 817, 404, 20, 10 ], [ 838, 402, 88, 11 ], [ 140, 418, 5, 11 ], [ 146, 419, 10, 10 ], [ 156, 418, 10, 11 ], [ 140, 446, 578, 11 ], [ 140, 786, 80, 11 ], [ 220, 788, 40, 10 ], [ 260, 786, 68, 11 ], [ 329, 788, 70, 10 ], [ 400, 786, 37, 11 ], [ 437, 788, 110, 10 ], [ 547, 786, 198, 11 ], [ 140, 902, 427, 11 ], [ 567, 903, 10, 10 ], [ 578, 902, 9, 11 ], [ 587, 903, 10, 10 ], [ 597, 902, 28, 11 ], [ 626, 903, 20, 10 ], [ 646, 902, 79, 11 ], [ 725, 903, 40, 10 ], [ 765, 902, 157, 11 ], [ 140, 918, 259, 11 ], [ 140, 743, 33, 11 ], [ 174, 744, 40, 10 ], [ 214, 743, 459, 11 ], [ 674, 744, 40, 10 ], [ 714, 743, 221, 11 ], [ 140, 758, 59, 11 ], [ 186, 758, 416, 11 ] ]
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[ "137", "AGL Energy Limited Annual Report 2012", "The following table details the consolidated entity’s liquidity analysis for its derivative financial instruments. The table has been drawn up ", "based on the undiscounted net cash inflows and outflows on those derivatives instruments that settle on a net basis, and the undiscounted ", "gross inflows and outflows on those derivatives that require gross settlement. For interest rate swaps, the amount disclosed has been ", "determined by reference to the projected interest rates as illustrated by the yield curves at the end of the reporting period.", "Less than", "6", "months", "$m", "6–12", "months", "$m", "1–2", "years", "$m", "2–5", "years", "$m", "More than", "5", "years", "$m", "Total", "$m", "2012", "Derivative financial instruments", "Gross settled", "– Cross currency swap contracts – pay leg", "(10.5)", "(10.4)", "(19.1)", "(66.5)", "(497.9)", "(604.4)", "– Cross currency swap contracts – receive leg", "7.6 ", "7.6 ", "15.1 ", "45.4 ", "397.2 ", "472.9 ", "Net pay", "(2.9)", "(2.8)", "(4.0)", "(21.1)", "(100.7)", "(131.5)", "Net settled", "– Interest rate swap contracts", "(30.1)", "(35.5)", "(65.0)", "(78.5)", "(2.8)", "(211.9)", "– Forward foreign exchange contracts", "(10.1)", "(0.4)", "– ", "– ", "– ", "(10.5)", "– Electricity derivatives", "(201.9)", "(68.3)", "(53.6)", "(9.6)", "– ", "(333.4)", "(245.0)", "(107.0)", "(122.6)", "(109.2)", "(103.5)", "(687.3)", "2011", "Derivative financial instruments", "Gross settled", "– Cross currency swap contracts – pay leg", "(13.0)", "(12.8)", "(26.5)", "(85.5)", "(568.0)", "(705.8)", "– Cross currency swap contracts – receive leg", "7.2 ", "7.2 ", "14.5 ", "43.4 ", "447.5 ", "519.8 ", "Net pay", "(5.8)", "(5.6)", "(12.0)", "(42.1)", "(120.5)", "(186.0)", "Net settled", "– Interest rate swap contracts", "(2.9)", "(1.5)", "(1.9)", "1.5 ", "1.3 ", "(3.5)", "– Forward foreign exchange contracts", "(24.1)", "(32.6)", "(2.0)", "– ", "– ", "(58.7)", "– Electricity derivatives", "(217.9)", "(58.6)", "(103.5)", "(16.9)", "– ", "(396.9)", "(250.7)", "(98.3)", "(119.4)", "(57.5)", "(119.2)", "(645.1)" ]
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[ [ 954, 17, 20, 11 ], [ 97, 17, 216, 11 ], [ 97, 124, 860, 14 ], [ 97, 137, 875, 14 ], [ 97, 151, 843, 14 ], [ 97, 164, 773, 14 ], [ 430, 189, 47, 11 ], [ 429, 199, 6, 11 ], [ 441, 199, 36, 11 ], [ 461, 209, 16, 11 ], [ 547, 189, 27, 11 ], [ 537, 199, 38, 11 ], [ 559, 209, 16, 11 ], [ 652, 189, 20, 11 ], [ 645, 199, 27, 11 ], [ 656, 209, 16, 11 ], [ 749, 189, 21, 11 ], [ 743, 199, 27, 11 ], [ 754, 209, 16, 11 ], [ 815, 189, 53, 11 ], [ 831, 199, 5, 11 ], [ 841, 199, 26, 11 ], [ 851, 209, 16, 11 ], [ 940, 199, 24, 11 ], [ 949, 209, 16, 11 ], [ 97, 224, 29, 13 ], [ 97, 241, 178, 13 ], [ 97, 257, 75, 13 ], [ 97, 274, 242, 13 ], [ 443, 274, 39, 13 ], [ 541, 274, 39, 13 ], [ 641, 274, 37, 13 ], [ 735, 274, 40, 13 ], [ 826, 274, 46, 13 ], [ 922, 274, 49, 13 ], [ 97, 291, 262, 13 ], [ 458, 291, 23, 13 ], [ 555, 291, 23, 13 ], [ 645, 291, 31, 13 ], [ 741, 291, 33, 13 ], [ 831, 291, 40, 13 ], [ 927, 291, 41, 13 ], [ 97, 308, 43, 13 ], [ 451, 308, 32, 13 ], [ 549, 308, 32, 13 ], [ 647, 308, 31, 13 ], [ 738, 308, 37, 13 ], [ 825, 308, 48, 13 ], [ 924, 308, 46, 13 ], [ 97, 325, 63, 13 ], [ 97, 341, 172, 13 ], [ 444, 341, 38, 13 ], [ 540, 341, 40, 13 ], [ 638, 341, 40, 13 ], [ 735, 341, 41, 13 ], [ 841, 341, 32, 13 ], [ 924, 341, 46, 13 ], [ 97, 358, 217, 13 ], [ 445, 358, 37, 13 ], [ 549, 358, 32, 13 ], [ 664, 358, 12, 13 ], [ 761, 358, 12, 13 ], [ 859, 358, 12, 13 ], [ 931, 358, 39, 13 ], [ 97, 375, 133, 13 ], [ 435, 375, 48, 13 ], [ 540, 375, 40, 13 ], [ 638, 375, 40, 13 ], [ 744, 375, 31, 13 ], [ 859, 375, 12, 13 ], [ 923, 375, 48, 13 ], [ 434, 392, 49, 13 ], [ 534, 392, 46, 13 ], [ 630, 392, 47, 13 ], [ 728, 392, 48, 13 ], [ 825, 392, 48, 13 ], [ 924, 392, 47, 13 ], [ 97, 409, 29, 13 ], [ 97, 425, 178, 13 ], [ 97, 442, 75, 13 ], [ 97, 459, 242, 13 ], [ 448, 459, 33, 13 ], [ 546, 459, 33, 13 ], [ 642, 459, 35, 13 ], [ 740, 459, 35, 13 ], [ 829, 459, 43, 13 ], [ 927, 459, 44, 13 ], [ 97, 476, 262, 13 ], [ 460, 476, 21, 13 ], [ 557, 476, 21, 13 ], [ 647, 476, 29, 13 ], [ 744, 476, 29, 13 ], [ 835, 476, 37, 13 ], [ 932, 476, 36, 13 ], [ 97, 493, 43, 13 ], [ 455, 493, 27, 13 ], [ 552, 493, 27, 13 ], [ 644, 493, 33, 13 ], [ 742, 493, 32, 13 ], [ 831, 493, 41, 13 ], [ 928, 493, 42, 13 ], [ 97, 509, 63, 13 ], [ 97, 526, 172, 13 ], [ 455, 526, 27, 13 ], [ 553, 526, 26, 13 ], [ 651, 526, 25, 13 ], [ 752, 526, 21, 13 ], [ 850, 526, 21, 13 ], [ 943, 526, 27, 13 ], [ 97, 543, 217, 13 ], [ 449, 543, 32, 13 ], [ 545, 543, 34, 13 ], [ 650, 543, 27, 13 ], [ 762, 543, 12, 13 ], [ 859, 543, 12, 13 ], [ 935, 543, 35, 13 ], [ 97, 560, 133, 13 ], [ 441, 560, 40, 13 ], [ 544, 560, 35, 13 ], [ 635, 560, 42, 13 ], [ 741, 560, 34, 13 ], [ 859, 560, 12, 13 ], [ 927, 560, 43, 13 ], [ 439, 576, 43, 13 ], [ 544, 576, 35, 13 ], [ 637, 576, 40, 13 ], [ 741, 576, 33, 13 ], [ 832, 576, 40, 13 ], [ 929, 576, 40, 13 ] ]
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[ "5", "TABLE II: Calculated charges and volumes according to Bader partitioning as well as the Th", "−", "H distances and correlated", "minimum values of charge densities along the Th", "−", "H bonds for thorium hydrides. As a comparison, other theoretical work and", "available experimental data are also listed. Note that some properties of Th", "4", "H", "15", "have two values (first for H1 and second for", "H2).", "Compound", "Q$_{B}$(Th)", "Q$_{B}$(H)", "V$_{B}$(Th)", "V$_{B}$(H)", "Th", "−", "H", "Charge density", "min", ".", "(", "e", ")", "(", "e", ")", "(", "˚", "A", "$^{3}$)", "(", "˚", "A", "$^{3}$)", "(", "˚", "A)", "(", "e", "/", "˚", "A", "$^{3}$)", "bct ThH", "2", "10.530", "1.735", "25.59", "7.50", "2.375 (2.385)", "a", "0.273", "fcc ThH", "2", "10.488", "1.756", "25.72", "7.77", "2.375 (2.337)", "b", "0.271", "Th", "4", "H", "15", "9.870", "1.590, 1.563", "20.15", "7.16, 7.35", "2.465 (2.46)", "$^{a}$, 2.343 (2.29)a", "0.231, 0.296", "a", "Reference", "$^{19}$,", "b", "Reference", "$^{5}$.", "stable due to the fact that its elastic constants satisfy", "the following mechanical stability criteria", "23", "of tetragonal", "structure:", "notice from Table II that our calculated Th", "−", "H distances", "are all well consistent with the previous theoretical", "5", "and", "experimental", "19", "results.", "As for Bader analysis, it is a", "well established analysis tool for studying the topology", "of the electron density and thus is particularly suitable", "for discussing the mixed ionic/covalent character of a", "compound. The charge (Q$_{B}$) enclosed within the Bader", "volume (V$_{B}$) is a good approximation to the total elec-", "tronic charge of an atom. In the present study, the de-", "fault charge density grids for one unit cell are 56", "×", "56", "×", "72,", "56", "×", "56", "×", "56, and 112", "×", "112", "×", "112 for bct ThH$_{2}$, fcc ThH$_{2}$,", "and bcc Th$_{4}$H$_{15}$, respectively.", "To check the precision,", "the charge density distribution for fcc ThH$_{2}$ is calculated", "with a series of", "n", "times finer grids (", "n", "= 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The", "deviation of the effective charge between the five and the", "six times finer grids is less than 0.02%. Thus we perform", "the charge density calculations using the six times finer", "grid (336", "×", "336", "×", "432, 336", "×", "336", "×", "336, and 672", "×", "672", "×", "672", "for bct ThH$_{2}$, fcc ThH$_{2}$, and bcc Th$_{4}$H$_{15}$, respectively).", "The calculated results are presented in Table II.", "Note", "that although we have included the core charge in charge", "density calculations, since we do not expect variations as", "far as the trends are concerned, only the valence charge", "are listed.", "From Table II the following prominent fea-", "tures can be seen: (i) The Bader charges and volumes for", "bct and fcc ThH$_{2}$ are almost equal to each other. This", "shows the same ionic character, through a flux of charge", "(about 1.5 electrons for each Th atom) from cations to-", "wards anions, for thorium dihydride both in their sta-", "ble phase and metastable phase. (ii) The Bader charges", "and volumes for bcc Th$_{4}$H$_{15}$ are different comparing to", "thorium dihydride.", "This originates from their different", "hydrogen concentration. For bcc Th$_{4}$H$_{15}$, about 2.1 elec-", "trons transfer from each Th atom to H. This indicates", "that the Th atoms in Th$_{4}$H$_{15}$ are more ionized than that", "in thorium dihydrides.", "Our calculated elastic constants, various moduli, pres-", "sure derivative of the bulk modulus", "B", "$^{′}$, and Poisson’s", "ratio", "υ", "for bct ThH$_{2}$, fcc ThH$_{2}$, and bcc Th$_{4}$H$_{15}$ are col-", "lected in Table III. Obviously, bct ThH$_{2}$ is mechanically", "Employing the Hellmann-Feynman theorem and the", "direct method, we have calculated the phonon curves", "along some high-symmetry directions in the Brillouin", "zone (BZ), together with the phonon PDOS. For the", "phonon dispersion calculation, we use the 2", "×", "2", "×", "2", "bct", "(fcc) supercell containing 48 (96) atoms for bct (fcc)", "ThH$_{2}$.", "To calculate the Hellmann-Feynman forces,", "we", "displace four", "and", "eight", "atoms,", "respectively,", "for", "bct", "and", "fcc", "ThH$_{2}$", "from", "their", "equilibrium", "positions", "and the amplitude", "of all the displacements is", "0.03", "˚", "A.", "The calculated phonon dispersion curves along the", "However, the ThH$_{2}$ in its metastable cubic phase is me-", "chanically unstable.", "In fact, one can see from Table", "III", "that", "C$_{11}$", "is much smaller than", "C$_{12}$", "for fcc ThH$_{2}$.", "Therefore, the mechanical stability criteria", "23", "C$_{11}$>", "|", "C$_{12}$", "|", "can not be satisfied and the shear modulus, Young’s", "modulus, and Poisson’s ratio also can not be obtained.", "As for bulk modulus", "B", ", each derived value from VRH", "approximations", "16", "for all the thorium hydrides turns out", "to be very close to that obtained by fitting Murnaghan", "EOS", "$^{12}$.", "Moreover, we notice that our calculated", "B", "for", "fcc ThH$_{2}$ is approximately equal to previous LMTO the-", "oretical result", "$^{5}$. For shear modulus", "G", "and Young’s mod-", "ulus", "E", ", their values for bcc Th$_{4}$H$_{15}$ are approximately", "2.5", "times of those for bct ThH$_{2}$. For Poisson’s ratio, the", "values for both bct ThH$_{2}$ and bcc Th$_{4}$H$_{15}$ are within the", "range from 0.25 to 0.45 for typical metals.", "Th$_{4}$H$_{15}$ is also mechanically stable because its elas-", "tic constants satisfy the following mechanical stability", "criteria", "23", "of cubic structure:", "C$_{11}$ >", "0", ",C$_{33}$ >", "0", ",C$_{44}$ >", "0", ",C$_{66}$ >", "0", ",", "(", "C$_{11}$", "−", "C$_{12}$", ")", ">", "0", ",", "(", "C$_{11}$", "+", "C$_{33}$", "−", "2", "C$_{13}$", ")", ">", "0", ",", "[2(", "C$_{11}$", "+", "C$_{12}$", ") +", "C$_{33}$", "+ 4", "C$_{13}$", "]", ">", "0", ".", "(6)", "C$_{11}$ >", "0", ",C$_{44}$ >", "0", ",C$_{11}$ >", "|", "C$_{12}$", "|", ",", "(", "C$_{11}$", "+ 2", "C$_{12}$", ")", ">", "0", ".", "(7)", "C.", "Phonon dispersion curves of thorium dihydrides", "B.", "Mechanical properties of thorium hydrides" ]
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[ [ 933, 37, 8, 12 ], [ 90, 79, 654, 11 ], [ 745, 85, 11, 5 ], [ 757, 79, 184, 11 ], [ 90, 93, 328, 11 ], [ 419, 98, 11, 5 ], [ 431, 93, 509, 11 ], [ 90, 106, 517, 11 ], [ 607, 111, 6, 5 ], [ 614, 106, 11, 11 ], [ 626, 111, 12, 5 ], [ 644, 106, 296, 11 ], [ 90, 120, 29, 11 ], [ 93, 145, 74, 11 ], [ 198, 145, 54, 11 ], [ 300, 145, 46, 11 ], [ 394, 145, 53, 11 ], [ 488, 145, 45, 11 ], [ 643, 145, 19, 11 ], [ 663, 150, 11, 5 ], [ 675, 145, 11, 11 ], [ 787, 145, 101, 11 ], [ 889, 149, 20, 5 ], [ 909, 149, 3, 6 ], [ 216, 161, 5, 11 ], [ 222, 162, 7, 8 ], [ 229, 161, 5, 11 ], [ 314, 161, 5, 11 ], [ 320, 162, 7, 8 ], [ 327, 161, 5, 11 ], [ 406, 161, 5, 11 ], [ 412, 159, 11, 11 ], [ 412, 161, 11, 11 ], [ 423, 161, 12, 11 ], [ 496, 161, 5, 11 ], [ 502, 159, 11, 11 ], [ 502, 161, 11, 11 ], [ 513, 161, 12, 11 ], [ 653, 161, 5, 11 ], [ 659, 159, 11, 11 ], [ 659, 161, 17, 11 ], [ 828, 161, 5, 11 ], [ 834, 162, 7, 8 ], [ 841, 161, 7, 11 ], [ 848, 159, 11, 11 ], [ 848, 161, 11, 11 ], [ 860, 161, 13, 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[ 90, 302, 94, 12 ], [ 184, 301, 13, 7 ], [ 207, 302, 52, 12 ], [ 275, 302, 225, 12 ], [ 90, 317, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 332, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 347, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 362, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 377, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 391, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 406, 346, 12 ], [ 437, 406, 12, 12 ], [ 450, 406, 16, 12 ], [ 467, 406, 12, 12 ], [ 480, 406, 21, 12 ], [ 90, 421, 16, 12 ], [ 107, 421, 12, 12 ], [ 120, 421, 16, 12 ], [ 137, 421, 12, 12 ], [ 150, 421, 86, 12 ], [ 236, 421, 12, 12 ], [ 249, 421, 25, 12 ], [ 275, 421, 12, 12 ], [ 288, 421, 212, 12 ], [ 90, 436, 223, 12 ], [ 327, 436, 173, 12 ], [ 90, 451, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 466, 106, 12 ], [ 201, 466, 9, 9 ], [ 216, 466, 126, 12 ], [ 342, 466, 9, 9 ], [ 357, 466, 142, 12 ], [ 90, 480, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 495, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 510, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 525, 69, 12 ], [ 159, 525, 12, 12 ], [ 172, 525, 25, 12 ], [ 197, 525, 12, 12 ], [ 211, 525, 63, 12 ], [ 274, 525, 12, 12 ], [ 287, 525, 25, 12 ], [ 313, 525, 12, 12 ], [ 326, 525, 98, 12 ], [ 425, 525, 12, 12 ], [ 438, 525, 25, 12 ], [ 463, 525, 12, 12 ], [ 476, 525, 25, 12 ], [ 90, 540, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 555, 363, 12 ], [ 466, 555, 34, 12 ], [ 90, 569, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 584, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 599, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 614, 73, 12 ], [ 176, 614, 324, 12 ], [ 90, 629, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 643, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 658, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 673, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 688, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 703, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 718, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 732, 138, 12 ], [ 241, 732, 259, 12 ], [ 90, 747, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 762, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 777, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 792, 163, 12 ], [ 107, 879, 393, 12 ], [ 90, 894, 271, 12 ], [ 369, 895, 11, 9 ], [ 381, 894, 119, 12 ], [ 90, 909, 34, 12 ], [ 129, 909, 9, 12 ], [ 144, 909, 356, 12 ], [ 90, 924, 410, 12 ], [ 547, 775, 393, 12 ], [ 530, 790, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 805, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 820, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 835, 335, 12 ], [ 866, 835, 12, 12 ], [ 879, 835, 8, 12 ], [ 888, 835, 12, 12 ], [ 901, 835, 6, 12 ], [ 922, 835, 19, 12 ], [ 530, 850, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 864, 45, 12 ], [ 601, 864, 339, 12 ], [ 530, 879, 19, 12 ], [ 561, 879, 98, 12 ], [ 671, 879, 26, 12 ], [ 710, 879, 35, 12 ], [ 757, 879, 48, 12 ], [ 819, 879, 88, 12 ], [ 921, 879, 19, 12 ], [ 530, 894, 23, 12 ], [ 566, 894, 26, 12 ], [ 605, 894, 19, 12 ], [ 636, 894, 40, 12 ], [ 689, 894, 33, 12 ], [ 735, 894, 34, 12 ], [ 782, 894, 83, 12 ], [ 876, 894, 64, 12 ], [ 530, 909, 145, 12 ], [ 688, 909, 211, 12 ], [ 911, 909, 29, 12 ], [ 530, 921, 12, 12 ], [ 530, 924, 14, 12 ], [ 560, 924, 380, 12 ], [ 530, 477, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 492, 146, 12 ], [ 694, 492, 246, 12 ], [ 530, 507, 16, 12 ], [ 562, 507, 27, 12 ], [ 597, 507, 25, 12 ], [ 632, 507, 161, 12 ], [ 803, 507, 25, 12 ], [ 838, 507, 103, 12 ], [ 530, 522, 315, 12 ], [ 846, 520, 13, 7 ], [ 867, 522, 39, 12 ], [ 906, 522, 4, 12 ], [ 910, 522, 25, 12 ], [ 936, 522, 4, 12 ], [ 530, 536, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 551, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 566, 155, 12 ], [ 693, 567, 11, 9 ], [ 705, 566, 235, 12 ], [ 530, 581, 112, 12 ], [ 643, 580, 13, 7 ], [ 663, 581, 278, 12 ], [ 530, 596, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 611, 33, 12 ], [ 564, 611, 18, 12 ], [ 595, 611, 298, 12 ], [ 900, 611, 11, 9 ], [ 921, 611, 19, 12 ], [ 530, 625, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 640, 99, 12 ], [ 630, 640, 153, 12 ], [ 789, 641, 12, 9 ], [ 809, 640, 132, 12 ], [ 530, 655, 29, 12 ], [ 568, 656, 11, 9 ], [ 579, 655, 362, 12 ], [ 530, 670, 14, 12 ], [ 556, 670, 385, 12 ], [ 530, 685, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 699, 307, 12 ], [ 530, 394, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 408, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 423, 52, 12 ], [ 583, 422, 13, 7 ], [ 602, 423, 133, 12 ], [ 607, 329, 43, 12 ], [ 656, 329, 8, 12 ], [ 664, 329, 50, 12 ], [ 720, 329, 8, 12 ], [ 728, 329, 50, 12 ], [ 784, 329, 8, 12 ], [ 792, 329, 50, 12 ], [ 848, 329, 8, 12 ], [ 856, 329, 4, 12 ], [ 585, 348, 6, 12 ], [ 591, 348, 25, 12 ], [ 621, 348, 12, 12 ], [ 638, 348, 25, 12 ], [ 664, 348, 6, 12 ], [ 675, 348, 12, 12 ], [ 692, 348, 8, 12 ], [ 701, 348, 4, 12 ], [ 708, 348, 6, 12 ], [ 715, 348, 25, 12 ], [ 745, 348, 12, 12 ], [ 761, 348, 25, 12 ], [ 791, 348, 12, 12 ], [ 808, 348, 8, 12 ], [ 816, 348, 25, 12 ], [ 842, 348, 6, 12 ], [ 853, 348, 12, 12 ], [ 871, 348, 8, 12 ], [ 879, 348, 4, 12 ], [ 616, 367, 19, 12 ], [ 635, 367, 25, 12 ], [ 665, 367, 12, 12 ], [ 682, 367, 25, 12 ], [ 708, 367, 23, 12 ], [ 735, 367, 25, 12 ], [ 764, 367, 25, 12 ], [ 790, 367, 25, 12 ], [ 816, 367, 4, 12 ], [ 825, 367, 12, 12 ], [ 842, 367, 8, 12 ], [ 851, 367, 4, 12 ], [ 920, 367, 21, 12 ], [ 552, 450, 43, 12 ], [ 600, 450, 8, 12 ], [ 608, 450, 50, 12 ], [ 664, 450, 8, 12 ], [ 672, 450, 50, 12 ], [ 728, 450, 4, 12 ], [ 733, 450, 25, 12 ], [ 759, 450, 4, 12 ], [ 763, 450, 4, 12 ], [ 771, 450, 6, 12 ], [ 777, 450, 25, 12 ], [ 807, 450, 25, 12 ], [ 832, 450, 25, 12 ], [ 858, 450, 6, 12 ], [ 869, 450, 12, 12 ], [ 887, 450, 8, 12 ], [ 895, 450, 4, 12 ], [ 920, 450, 21, 12 ], [ 531, 744, 17, 10 ], [ 566, 744, 374, 10 ], [ 111, 846, 17, 10 ], [ 146, 846, 332, 10 ] ]
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[ "J", "′", "ij", "=", "J$_{ij}$", "−", "δ$_{ij}$", "N", "∑", "k", "=1", "J$_{kj}$,", "(5)", "N", "∑", "j", "=1", "J", "′", "$_{ij}$e", "α", "j", "=", "Q$_{α}$e", "α", "i", ".", "(6)", "Following [27], let us define the eigenvalues", "Q$_{α}$", "and", "(normalized) eigenvectors", "e", "α", "= (", "e", "α", "$_{1}$, . . . , e", "α", "$_{N}$) of the Lapla-", "cian matrix [29]", "J", "′", "ij", ":", "The effect of the competitive interactions can be de-", "scribed by the so-called participation ratio of eigenvec-", "tor", "e", "$^{α}$, defined as PR$_{α}$", "= 1", "/", "∑", "N", "i", "$_{=1}$[", "e", "α", "i", "]", "$^{4}$.", "It quantifies", "the number of components that participate significantly", "in each eigenvector.", "A state", "α", "with equal components", "has PR$_{α}$ =", "N", ", and one with only one component has", "PR$_{α}$ = 1. When PR$_{α}$ = 1 on a fraction", "f", "of elements,", "and 0 elsewhere, then PR$_{α}$ =", "f", ", which justifies its name.", "More precisely, we will define “localized” modes as the", "ones whose participation ratio is less than 0", ".", "1", "N", ".", "Our", "first observation (Fig. 10) is that at the optimal region", "We have already commented that the optimal prob-", "ability of repulsive links drives the system to a glassy", "of a larger system is best amplified at a higher probability", "of repulsive links. As the fraction of repulsive links must", "not exceed the fraction of positive ones, there can be a", "limit on how large can a system be, to be able to amplify", "a signal. The same behavior, focusing on the number of", "neighbors was found in a previous study of an Ising-like", "network model [28].", "phase. Anderson [34, 35] has proposed a connection be-", "tween a glass and a delocalization-localization transition,", "relating the existence of many metastable states with a", "localization of modes. From this proposal, we retain the", "idea to work in the eigenspace of the interaction matrix,", "and to look for the fraction of repulsive links where mode", "localization becomes significant. This approach has the", "virtue of not only identifying the steady states, but also", "to shed light onto how the reaction to perturbations is", "sustained and spreads along the system, depending on", "the fraction of repulsive links. In this manner, we hope", "to locate the region where multistability is expected, and", "also to understand the mechanism of response to external", "p", "erturbations.", "FIG. 9: System size induced resonance, as revealed by the", "resonant trajectory at optimal", "N", "= 250. Values of", "T", ",", "A", "and", "C", "as in Fig. 3.", "FIG. 7: Coupling-induced resonance, as revealed by the reso-", "nant trajectory at optimal", "C", "= 11. Values of", "N", ",", "A", "and", "T", "as", "in Fig. 3.", "FIG. 8: System-size induced resonance.", "Main plot: the re-", "sponse", "R", "shows a maximum as a function of the number", "of units, that follows the same pattern as the maximum", "M", "(", "K", "= 0", ".", "2)", "(inset). Since", "N", "decreases the influence of a single", "neighbor, and", "C", "increases it, when the coupling intensity is", "larger, the optimal system size increases. Values of", "T", "and", "A", "as in Fig. 3.", "IV.", "SPECTRAL ANALYSIS", "5", "0", "500", "1000", "1500", "2000", "2500", "3000", "3500", "t", "-1", "-0.5", "0", "0.5", "1", "S", "N=50", "N=250", "N=400", "Signal", "0", "500", "1000", "1500", "2000", "2500", "3000", "3500", "t", "-1", "-0.5", "0", "0.5", "1", "S", "C=1", "C=11", "C=20", "Signal", "0", "200", "400", "600", "800 1000", "N", "0", "0.02", "0.04", "0.06", "M", "p=0.44, C=15", "p=0.44, C=8", "p=0.47, C=15", "p=0.47, C=8", "0", "200", "400", "600", "800", "1000", "N", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50", "R" ]
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[ [ 655, 664, 9, 12 ], [ 666, 663, 3, 7 ], [ 664, 670, 10, 9 ], [ 680, 664, 12, 12 ], [ 698, 664, 19, 12 ], [ 723, 664, 12, 12 ], [ 739, 664, 17, 12 ], [ 767, 651, 10, 9 ], [ 761, 661, 24, 38 ], [ 761, 682, 7, 9 ], [ 768, 683, 16, 7 ], [ 788, 664, 28, 12 ], [ 920, 664, 21, 12 ], [ 677, 719, 10, 9 ], [ 671, 729, 24, 38 ], [ 672, 750, 5, 9 ], [ 678, 751, 16, 7 ], [ 698, 732, 9, 12 ], [ 709, 731, 3, 7 ], [ 707, 732, 19, 12 ], [ 727, 730, 8, 9 ], [ 727, 738, 5, 9 ], [ 741, 732, 12, 12 ], [ 758, 732, 30, 12 ], [ 789, 730, 8, 9 ], [ 789, 738, 4, 9 ], [ 798, 732, 4, 12 ], [ 920, 732, 21, 12 ], [ 547, 591, 328, 12 ], [ 883, 591, 21, 12 ], [ 914, 591, 26, 12 ], [ 530, 606, 184, 12 ], [ 719, 606, 7, 12 ], [ 727, 604, 8, 9 ], [ 741, 606, 23, 12 ], [ 765, 606, 7, 12 ], [ 772, 604, 8, 9 ], [ 772, 606, 54, 12 ], [ 827, 604, 8, 9 ], [ 827, 606, 114, 12 ], [ 530, 621, 115, 12 ], [ 651, 621, 9, 12 ], [ 662, 621, 3, 7 ], [ 661, 627, 10, 9 ], [ 678, 621, 4, 12 ], [ 530, 774, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 789, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 805, 21, 12 ], [ 560, 805, 7, 12 ], [ 568, 805, 138, 12 ], [ 716, 805, 30, 12 ], [ 746, 805, 8, 12 ], [ 757, 805, 17, 38 ], [ 774, 801, 10, 9 ], [ 774, 812, 4, 9 ], [ 779, 805, 22, 12 ], [ 802, 805, 7, 12 ], [ 809, 803, 8, 9 ], [ 809, 811, 4, 9 ], [ 819, 805, 4, 12 ], [ 824, 805, 12, 12 ], [ 851, 805, 90, 12 ], [ 530, 820, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 835, 146, 12 ], [ 689, 835, 55, 12 ], [ 751, 835, 10, 12 ], [ 769, 835, 171, 12 ], [ 530, 850, 85, 12 ], [ 624, 850, 13, 12 ], [ 639, 850, 301, 12 ], [ 530, 864, 300, 12 ], [ 837, 864, 8, 12 ], [ 854, 864, 87, 12 ], [ 530, 879, 212, 12 ], [ 747, 879, 8, 12 ], [ 757, 879, 183, 12 ], [ 530, 894, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 909, 335, 12 ], [ 866, 909, 4, 12 ], [ 870, 909, 8, 12 ], [ 879, 909, 13, 12 ], [ 894, 909, 4, 12 ], [ 912, 909, 28, 12 ], [ 530, 924, 410, 12 ], [ 107, 909, 393, 12 ], [ 90, 924, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 744, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 759, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 773, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 788, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 803, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 818, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 833, 143, 12 ], [ 530, 383, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 398, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 413, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 428, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 443, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 457, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 472, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 487, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 502, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 517, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 532, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 546, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 561, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 576, 9, 12 ], [ 540, 576, 94, 12 ], [ 530, 303, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 316, 205, 11 ], [ 741, 316, 12, 11 ], [ 760, 316, 113, 11 ], [ 878, 316, 8, 11 ], [ 889, 316, 4, 11 ], [ 899, 316, 11, 11 ], [ 916, 316, 24, 11 ], [ 530, 330, 11, 11 ], [ 548, 330, 80, 11 ], [ 90, 303, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 316, 178, 11 ], [ 273, 316, 11, 11 ], [ 290, 316, 104, 11 ], [ 400, 316, 12, 11 ], [ 414, 316, 4, 11 ], [ 423, 316, 11, 11 ], [ 440, 316, 24, 11 ], [ 470, 316, 8, 11 ], [ 487, 316, 13, 11 ], [ 90, 330, 61, 11 ], [ 90, 610, 272, 11 ], [ 373, 610, 127, 11 ], [ 90, 624, 44, 11 ], [ 142, 624, 11, 11 ], [ 162, 624, 338, 11 ], [ 90, 637, 387, 11 ], [ 484, 637, 14, 11 ], [ 90, 651, 5, 11 ], [ 96, 651, 13, 11 ], [ 114, 651, 23, 11 ], [ 138, 651, 4, 11 ], [ 143, 651, 11, 11 ], [ 167, 651, 84, 11 ], [ 256, 651, 12, 11 ], [ 275, 651, 224, 11 ], [ 90, 664, 93, 11 ], [ 190, 664, 11, 11 ], [ 208, 664, 292, 11 ], [ 90, 678, 346, 11 ], [ 442, 678, 8, 11 ], [ 459, 678, 24, 11 ], [ 489, 678, 11, 11 ], [ 90, 691, 80, 11 ], [ 178, 877, 25, 8 ], [ 221, 877, 192, 8 ], [ 933, 37, 8, 12 ], [ 568, 264, 7, 9 ], [ 612, 265, 21, 9 ], [ 658, 265, 28, 9 ], [ 709, 265, 28, 9 ], [ 759, 264, 28, 9 ], [ 809, 265, 28, 9 ], [ 860, 264, 28, 9 ], [ 910, 265, 28, 9 ], [ 748, 273, 5, 14 ], [ 558, 242, 11, 9 ], [ 546, 201, 22, 9 ], [ 561, 161, 7, 9 ], [ 551, 121, 17, 9 ], [ 562, 80, 7, 9 ], [ 533, 159, 11, 14 ], [ 880, 128, 44, 13 ], [ 872, 100, 53, 13 ], [ 874, 244, 53, 13 ], [ 879, 179, 49, 13 ], [ 128, 264, 7, 9 ], [ 171, 265, 21, 9 ], [ 218, 265, 28, 9 ], [ 268, 265, 28, 9 ], [ 319, 264, 28, 9 ], [ 369, 265, 28, 9 ], [ 419, 264, 28, 9 ], [ 470, 265, 28, 9 ], [ 308, 273, 5, 14 ], [ 117, 242, 11, 9 ], [ 106, 201, 22, 9 ], [ 121, 161, 7, 9 ], [ 111, 121, 17, 9 ], [ 122, 80, 7, 9 ], [ 92, 159, 11, 14 ], [ 429, 146, 33, 13 ], [ 432, 100, 43, 13 ], [ 432, 200, 43, 13 ], [ 439, 172, 49, 13 ], [ 307, 454, 5, 6 ], [ 329, 454, 15, 6 ], [ 356, 454, 15, 6 ], [ 384, 454, 15, 6 ], [ 411, 454, 44, 6 ], [ 374, 462, 7, 6 ], [ 301, 448, 5, 6 ], [ 288, 424, 17, 6 ], [ 288, 400, 17, 6 ], [ 288, 376, 17, 6 ], [ 276, 412, 8, 6 ], [ 172, 390, 80, 10 ], [ 172, 403, 73, 10 ], [ 172, 416, 80, 10 ], [ 172, 429, 73, 10 ], [ 123, 570, 7, 9 ], [ 187, 570, 21, 9 ], [ 259, 570, 21, 9 ], [ 331, 570, 21, 9 ], [ 403, 570, 21, 9 ], [ 471, 570, 28, 9 ], [ 298, 580, 14, 14 ], [ 116, 544, 7, 9 ], [ 109, 525, 14, 9 ], [ 109, 506, 14, 9 ], [ 109, 486, 14, 9 ], [ 109, 467, 14, 9 ], [ 109, 447, 14, 9 ], [ 109, 428, 14, 9 ], [ 109, 408, 14, 9 ], [ 109, 389, 14, 9 ], [ 109, 370, 14, 9 ], [ 92, 465, 13, 14 ] ]
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[ "The Company’s debt outstanding as of March 31, 2003 primarily consists of approximately $131.0 million", "principal amount of 9.5% Senior Notes (the ‘‘Notes’’) due August 2006. Interest is payable semi-annually. The", "indenture under which the Notes were issued limits the creation of liens, sale and leaseback transactions,", "consolidations, mergers and transfers of all or substantially all of the Company’s assets, and indebtedness of the", "Company’s restricted subsidiaries. The Notes are subject to mandatory repurchase by the Company at the option", "of the holders in the event of a change in control of the Company. The fair value of the Notes was $137.2 million", "and $141.0 million at March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.", "In March 2003, the Company submitted a Tender Offer to purchase the Notes for cash, at a price of", "$1,047.50 per $1,000 principal amount. The Company received valid tenders for and repurchased Senior Notes", "approximating $19.0 million. The premium paid, as well as the disposition of other financing fees, resulted in a", "charge of approximately $1.2 million, which is included in the ‘‘Other (Income) Expense’’ section of the accompa-", "nying Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year ended March 31, 2003.", "8", "INCOME TAXES", "The components of income (loss) before income taxes from continuing operations and provision for income taxes", "from continuing operations for the years ended March 31 are as follows:", "(Dollars in Thousands)", "2003", "2002", "2001", "Income (loss) before income taxes", "Domestic", "$(29,381)", "$ 3,180", "$(13,679)", "Foreign", "(2,103)", "1,764", "(2,045)", "Income (loss) before income taxes", "$(31,484)", "$ 4,944", "$(15,724)", "Provision (benefit) for income taxes", "Current", "Federal", "$ (3,330)", "$ 4,104", "$ (8,059)", "State", "131", "(65)", "180", "Total current", "$ (3,199)", "$ 4,039", "$ (7,879)", "Deferred", "Federal", "$ (6,949)", "$(2,018)", "$", "3,998", "State", "(380)", "(403)", "168", "Foreign", "(1,211)", "—", "—", "Total deferred", "(8,540)", "(2,421)", "4,166", "Provision (benefit) for income taxes", "$(11,739)", "$ 1,618", "$ (3,713)", "2003", "2002", "2001", "Statutory rate", "(35.0%)", "35.0%", "(35.0%)", "Provision (benefit) for state taxes", "(6.5)", "(29.5)", "(1.8)", "Change in valuation allowance", "3.6", "12.5", "5.5", "Foreign rate differential", "(0.8)", "3.6", "2.3", "Meals & entertainment", "0.7", "6.0", "2.3", "Non-deductible goodwill", "—", "6.9", "2.2", "Equity investment and other, net", "0.7", "(1.8)", "0.9", "Effective rate", "(37.3%)", "32.7%", "(23.6%)", "A reconciliation of the federal statutory rate to the Company’s effective income tax rate for the years ended", "March 31 follows:", "43" ]
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[ [ 137, 97, 746, 8 ], [ 106, 113, 777, 8 ], [ 106, 128, 777, 8 ], [ 106, 144, 777, 8 ], [ 106, 159, 777, 8 ], [ 106, 175, 777, 8 ], [ 106, 190, 442, 8 ], [ 137, 206, 746, 8 ], [ 106, 221, 777, 8 ], [ 106, 237, 777, 8 ], [ 106, 253, 777, 8 ], [ 106, 268, 565, 8 ], [ 106, 300, 29, 27 ], [ 106, 330, 104, 8 ], [ 106, 361, 777, 8 ], [ 106, 377, 507, 8 ], [ 106, 400, 155, 8 ], [ 629, 400, 37, 8 ], [ 732, 400, 37, 8 ], [ 845, 400, 37, 8 ], [ 106, 423, 248, 8 ], [ 121, 439, 64, 8 ], [ 599, 439, 73, 8 ], [ 713, 439, 56, 8 ], [ 817, 439, 70, 8 ], [ 121, 454, 49, 8 ], [ 618, 454, 54, 8 ], [ 728, 454, 42, 8 ], [ 836, 454, 51, 8 ], [ 137, 474, 248, 8 ], [ 599, 474, 73, 8 ], [ 713, 474, 56, 8 ], [ 817, 474, 70, 8 ], [ 106, 495, 255, 8 ], [ 106, 510, 50, 8 ], [ 121, 526, 50, 8 ], [ 599, 526, 73, 8 ], [ 713, 526, 56, 8 ], [ 817, 526, 70, 8 ], [ 121, 541, 36, 8 ], [ 638, 541, 28, 8 ], [ 746, 541, 28, 8 ], [ 855, 541, 28, 8 ], [ 137, 561, 86, 8 ], [ 599, 561, 73, 8 ], [ 713, 561, 56, 8 ], [ 817, 561, 70, 8 ], [ 106, 576, 59, 8 ], [ 121, 592, 50, 8 ], [ 599, 592, 73, 8 ], [ 713, 592, 61, 8 ], [ 817, 592, 9, 8 ], [ 841, 592, 42, 8 ], [ 121, 607, 36, 8 ], [ 632, 607, 40, 8 ], [ 737, 607, 37, 8 ], [ 855, 607, 28, 8 ], [ 121, 623, 49, 8 ], [ 618, 623, 54, 8 ], [ 754, 623, 15, 8 ], [ 867, 623, 15, 8 ], [ 137, 642, 95, 8 ], [ 618, 642, 54, 8 ], [ 723, 642, 51, 8 ], [ 841, 642, 42, 8 ], [ 137, 661, 255, 8 ], [ 599, 661, 73, 8 ], [ 713, 661, 56, 8 ], [ 817, 661, 70, 8 ], [ 654, 729, 37, 8 ], [ 750, 729, 37, 8 ], [ 845, 729, 37, 8 ], [ 106, 752, 95, 8 ], [ 642, 752, 55, 8 ], [ 743, 752, 43, 8 ], [ 834, 752, 53, 8 ], [ 106, 768, 230, 8 ], [ 662, 768, 35, 8 ], [ 750, 768, 42, 8 ], [ 855, 768, 32, 8 ], [ 106, 783, 210, 8 ], [ 668, 783, 23, 8 ], [ 754, 783, 32, 8 ], [ 860, 783, 23, 8 ], [ 106, 799, 162, 8 ], [ 662, 799, 35, 8 ], [ 764, 799, 23, 8 ], [ 860, 799, 23, 8 ], [ 106, 814, 161, 8 ], [ 668, 814, 23, 8 ], [ 764, 814, 23, 8 ], [ 860, 814, 23, 8 ], [ 106, 830, 162, 8 ], [ 676, 830, 15, 8 ], [ 764, 830, 23, 8 ], [ 860, 830, 23, 8 ], [ 106, 845, 226, 8 ], [ 668, 845, 23, 8 ], [ 759, 845, 32, 8 ], [ 860, 845, 23, 8 ], [ 106, 865, 95, 8 ], [ 642, 865, 55, 8 ], [ 743, 865, 43, 8 ], [ 834, 865, 53, 8 ], [ 137, 690, 746, 8 ], [ 106, 705, 125, 8 ], [ 940, 529, 16, 7 ] ]
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[ "MCCORMICK & COMPANY 2004 ANNUAL REPORT", "Jeff Carter", "Product Development Manager,", "U.S. Consumer Products Division", "”", "It’s not your old-fash-", "ioned pickling ingredient.", "McCormick pickling spice", "is a versatile blend of", "spices and herbs that has", "many comfort food applica-", "tions. Slow cookers are ", "coming back. Try pickling", "spice with popular slow", "cooker", "recipes", "such as", "corned", "beef", "& cabbage,", "sauerbraten", "beefor", "german", "style pot roast. ", "An", "old favorite, McCormick", "pickling", "spice,", "can be a", "great", "addition to today’s", "meals.", "”", "merchandising, effective marketing and a dynamic website.", "Our actions are driving category growth in many key markets.", "In 2004, the spice and seasoning category rose 2% in the U.S.,", "5% in Canada and 1% in the U.K. A tough competitive situation", "in France, however, led to a 1% category decline in 2004.", "With both brand and private label products, we enjoy a", "leading share in our largest markets. In the U.S. and the U.K. our", "share has increased to nearly 50%, and in France and Canada", "our share exceeds 50%. We also have a leading share in China", "and a strong presence in additional markets in Europe and Asia.", "As a result of marketing initiatives and expanded distribu-", "tion we continue to gain market share. In 2004, we added 1.4", "percentage points to our U.S. market share of branded spices", "and seasonings. ", "> Throughout Europe, achieved 8% growth of dessert aids with", "new products and new distribution.", "> In the U.K., converted more than 5,000 stores to new pack-", "aging and merchandising of the Schwartz brand spices and", "herbs in only two months. With this change, we have signifi-", "cantly reduced the variety of packaging formats in Europe. ", "> In the U.S., strengthened a leading position with Hispanic", "consumers with new products and a focused expansion into", "Texas and Chicago markets. In 2005, for the first time,", "McCormick will advertise on Hispanic networks.", "Our unique", "grinder top adds", "fresh taste right", "at the table. With", "the introduction of new ", "flavors and the addition of ", "new markets, worldwide sales", "of grinders grew by 36% in 2004.", "> In the Netherlands, acquired the", "Silvo business, gaining entry into the", "Dutch market with a 63% market share.", "> Launched new products in the last", "3", "years that accounted for 6% of", "2004 sales.", "> In the U.S., increased sales of the", "Zatarain’s brand 20% with expanded", "product penetration and new items.", "> In the U.S., significantly increased", "the effectiveness of trade promotions.", "This was one of the key factors in a", "17% sales increase in the Americas.", "> In China, substantially improved our distributor network and", "streamlined our business to 75 well-qualified distributors. This", "was a reduction from 250 distributors in the network in 2003. ", "> Worldwide, grew sales of grinders by 36%. This innovative", "package originated in France, under the Ducros label.", "> Increased sales of our grilling products, including seasonings,", "marinade blends and sauces, 8% worldwide. Rubs are featured", "in the new product line up for 2005.", "10", "Following the acquisition of Zatarain’s in 2003, we", "increased 2004 sales of this brand 20%. The increase", "was due in part to the successful introduction of a new", "“Ready-to-Serve” line of rice mixes.", "2004 highlights" ]
[ [ 367, 34, 269, 7 ], [ 301, 70, 145, 27 ], [ 301, 70, 145, 27 ], [ 301, 70, 145, 27 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 299, 111, 192, 260 ], [ 71, 399, 404, 11 ], [ 71, 419, 421, 70 ], [ 71, 419, 421, 70 ], [ 71, 419, 421, 70 ], [ 71, 419, 421, 70 ], [ 71, 496, 421, 89 ], [ 71, 496, 421, 89 ], [ 71, 496, 421, 89 ], [ 71, 496, 421, 89 ], [ 71, 496, 421, 89 ], [ 71, 593, 421, 70 ], [ 71, 593, 421, 70 ], [ 71, 593, 421, 70 ], [ 71, 593, 421, 70 ], [ 516, 897, 421, 31 ], [ 516, 897, 421, 31 ], [ 516, 815, 421, 70 ], [ 516, 815, 421, 70 ], [ 516, 815, 421, 70 ], [ 516, 815, 421, 70 ], [ 516, 732, 422, 70 ], [ 516, 732, 422, 70 ], [ 516, 732, 422, 70 ], [ 516, 732, 422, 70 ], [ 535, 89, 170, 127 ], [ 535, 89, 170, 127 ], [ 535, 89, 170, 127 ], [ 535, 89, 170, 127 ], [ 535, 89, 170, 127 ], [ 535, 89, 170, 127 ], [ 535, 89, 170, 127 ], [ 535, 89, 170, 127 ], [ 516, 288, 266, 50 ], [ 516, 288, 266, 50 ], [ 516, 288, 266, 50 ], [ 516, 351, 244, 50 ], [ 516, 351, 244, 50 ], [ 516, 351, 244, 50 ], [ 516, 351, 244, 50 ], [ 516, 415, 252, 50 ], [ 516, 415, 252, 50 ], [ 516, 415, 252, 50 ], [ 516, 478, 260, 70 ], [ 516, 478, 260, 70 ], [ 516, 478, 260, 70 ], [ 516, 478, 260, 70 ], [ 516, 561, 421, 50 ], [ 516, 561, 421, 50 ], [ 516, 561, 421, 50 ], [ 516, 624, 421, 31 ], [ 516, 624, 421, 31 ], [ 516, 668, 421, 50 ], [ 516, 668, 421, 50 ], [ 516, 668, 421, 50 ], [ 498, 983, 12, 12 ], [ 182, 888, 291, 60 ], [ 182, 888, 291, 60 ], [ 182, 888, 291, 60 ], [ 182, 888, 291, 60 ], [ 516, 258, 121, 15 ] ]
[ [ 367, 34, 269, 7 ], [ 302, 70, 59, 8 ], [ 301, 81, 139, 7 ], [ 301, 90, 145, 7 ], [ 299, 111, 19, 22 ], [ 316, 114, 145, 10 ], [ 301, 129, 175, 10 ], [ 301, 144, 177, 10 ], [ 301, 159, 147, 10 ], [ 301, 174, 174, 10 ], [ 301, 189, 190, 10 ], [ 301, 203, 166, 10 ], [ 301, 218, 176, 10 ], [ 301, 233, 163, 10 ], [ 301, 248, 39, 10 ], [ 412, 248, 20, 10 ], [ 435, 248, 23, 10 ], [ 301, 263, 40, 10 ], [ 417, 263, 11, 10 ], [ 450, 263, 14, 10 ], [ 301, 278, 72, 10 ], [ 360, 278, 57, 10 ], [ 301, 293, 37, 10 ], [ 421, 293, 44, 10 ], [ 301, 308, 10, 10 ], [ 473, 308, 18, 10 ], [ 301, 323, 50, 10 ], [ 405, 323, 20, 10 ], [ 438, 323, 24, 10 ], [ 301, 337, 28, 10 ], [ 429, 337, 40, 10 ], [ 301, 352, 44, 10 ], [ 345, 350, 19, 22 ], [ 71, 399, 404, 11 ], [ 101, 419, 391, 11 ], [ 71, 438, 421, 11 ], [ 71, 458, 421, 11 ], [ 71, 477, 383, 11 ], [ 101, 496, 391, 11 ], [ 71, 516, 421, 11 ], [ 71, 535, 421, 11 ], [ 71, 555, 421, 11 ], [ 71, 574, 421, 11 ], [ 105, 593, 387, 11 ], [ 71, 613, 421, 11 ], [ 71, 632, 421, 11 ], [ 71, 652, 113, 11 ], [ 516, 897, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 917, 240, 11 ], [ 516, 815, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 834, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 853, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 873, 397, 11 ], [ 516, 732, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 751, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 771, 422, 11 ], [ 516, 790, 326, 11 ], [ 535, 89, 58, 9 ], [ 535, 106, 86, 9 ], [ 535, 122, 83, 9 ], [ 535, 139, 90, 9 ], [ 535, 156, 126, 9 ], [ 535, 173, 140, 9 ], [ 535, 190, 160, 9 ], [ 535, 207, 170, 9 ], [ 516, 288, 242, 11 ], [ 516, 307, 258, 11 ], [ 516, 327, 266, 11 ], [ 516, 351, 242, 11 ], [ 516, 371, 9, 11 ], [ 530, 371, 231, 11 ], [ 516, 390, 77, 11 ], [ 516, 415, 249, 11 ], [ 516, 434, 252, 11 ], [ 516, 453, 242, 11 ], [ 516, 478, 257, 11 ], [ 516, 497, 260, 11 ], [ 516, 517, 255, 11 ], [ 516, 536, 245, 11 ], [ 516, 561, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 580, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 600, 418, 11 ], [ 516, 624, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 644, 359, 11 ], [ 516, 668, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 688, 421, 11 ], [ 516, 707, 241, 11 ], [ 498, 983, 12, 12 ], [ 182, 888, 264, 9 ], [ 182, 904, 278, 9 ], [ 182, 921, 291, 9 ], [ 182, 938, 190, 9 ], [ 516, 258, 121, 15 ] ]
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[ "MCCORMICK & COMPANY 2004 ANNUAL REPORT", "historical financial summary", "56", "(millions except per share data)", "2004", "2003", "2002", "2001", "2000", "1999", "1998", "1997", "1996", "1995", "1994", "For the year", "Net sales under EITF 01-09", "(1)", "$2,526.2", "$2,269.6", "$2,044.9", "$1,939.1 $1,863.5 ", "– ", "– ", "– ", "– ", "– ", "– ", "Net sales prior to EITF 01-09", "(1)", "–", "–", "–", "2,092.9", "1,945.1", "$1,837.2", "$1,722.3", "$1,621.1", "$1,571.1", "$1,543.3", "$1,389.1", "Percent increase", "11.3%", "11.0%", "5.5%", "4.1%", "5.9%", "6.7%", "6.2%", "3.2%", "1.8%", "11.1%", "8.9%", "Operating income", "332.7", "295.5", "262.4", "219.6", "200.5", "149.2", "163.9", "153.9", "92.3", "152.2", "66.3", "Income from unconsolidated", "operations", "14.6", "16.4", "22.4", "21.5", "18.6", "13.4", "6.2", "7.7", "5.6", "2.1", "7.9", "Net income from continuing ", "operations", "214.5", "199.2", "173.8", "137.1", "124.5", "88.1", "95.3", "89.4", "45.4", "77.8", "32.1", "Net income ", "(2)", "(3) (4) (5) (6)", "214.5", "210.8", "179.8", "146.6", "137.5", "103.3", "103.8", "98.4", "41.9", "97.5", "61.2", "Per common share ", "(7)", "Earnings per share – diluted", "Continuing operations", "$1.52", "$1.40", "$1.22", "$.98", "$.89", "$.61", "$.65", "$.59", "$.28", "$.48", "$.20", "Discontinued operations ", "(2)", "(5)", "–", ".09", ".04", ".07", ".09", ".07", ".06", ".06", ".03", ".12", ".18", "Extraordinary item", "–", "–", "–", "–", "– ", "– ", "– ", "–", "(.05)", "– ", "–", "Accounting change ", "(3)", "(6)", "–", "(.01)", "–", "–", "–", ".04", "– ", "– ", "– ", "– ", "–", "Net income", "1.52", "1.48", "1.26", "1.05", ".99", ".72", ".71", ".65", ".26", ".60", ".38", "Earnings per share – basic", "(2)", "(3) (5) (6)", "1.57", "1.51", "1.29", "1.06", "1.00", ".72", ".70", ".65", ".26", ".60", ".38", "Common dividends declared", "(8)", ".58", ".49", ".425", ".405", ".385", ".350", ".325", ".305", ".285", ".265", ".245", "Market closing price – end of year", "36.45", "28.69", "23.79", "21.50", "18.63", "16.03", "16.69", "13.25", "12.32", "11.82", "9.50", "Book value per share", "6.57", "5.50", "4.23", "3.36 ", "2.63", "2.72", "2.68", "2.66", "2.88", "3.20", "3.02", "At Year-End", "(5)", "Total assets", "$2,369.6", "$2,145.5", "$1,930.8", "$1,772.0", "$1,659.9", "$1,188.8", "$1,259.1", "$1,256.2", "$1,326.6", "$1,614.3", "$1,555.7", "Current debt", "173.2", "171.0", "137.3", "210.8", "551.9", "100.6", "163.6", "121.3", "108.9", "297.3", "214.0", "Long-term debt", "465.0", "448.6", "450.9", "451.1", "157.2", "238.4", "247.4", "276.5", "291.2", "349.1", "374.3", "Shareholders’ equity", "889.7", "755.2", "592.3", "463.1", "359.3", "382.4", "388.1", "393.1", "450.0", "519.3", "490.0", "Total capital ", "(9)", "1,558.9", "1,397.0", "1,199.4", "1,138.0", "1,079.8", "721.4", "799.1", "790.9", "850.1", "1,165.7", "1,078.3", "Statistics & Ratios", "Percentage of net sales", "Gross profit under EITF 01-09 ", "(1)", "39.9%", "39.6%", "39.1%", "38.0%", "35.2%", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "Gross profit prior to EITF 01-09 ", "(1)", "–", "–", "–", "43.5%", "38.5%", "36.2%", "35.0%", "35.5%", "36.0%", "34.9%", "36.8%", "Operating income", "under EITF 01-09 ", "(1)", "13.2%", "13.0%", "12.8%", "11.3%", "10.8%", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "Operating income ", "prior to EITF 01-09 ", "(1)", "–", "–", "–", "10.5%", "10.3%", "8.1%", "9.5%", "9.5%", "5.9%", "9.9%", "4.8%", "Net income from continuing ", "operations", "8.5%", "8.8%", "8.5%", "7.1%", "6.7%", "4.8%", "5.5%", "5.5%", "2.9%", "5.0%", "2.3%", "Effective tax rate", "30.3%", "30.9%", "31.0%", "32.6%", "35.5%", "40.4%", "35.7%", "36.8%", "38.6%", "35.7%", "40.5%", "Depreciation and amortization", "(4)", "$72.0", "$65.3", "$53.4", "$60.7", "$49.7", "$46.1", "$43.7", "$38.6", "$52.6", "$52.2", "$52.0", "Capital expenditures", "$69.8", "$91.6", "$100.4", "$96.8", "$42.0", "$41.0", "$37.8", "$34.2", "$63.8", "$71.3", "$71.0", "Debt-to-total-capital", "40.9%", "44.4%", "49.0%", "58.2%", "65.7%", "47.0%", "51.4%", "50.3%", "47.1%", "55.5%", "54.6%", "Average shares outstanding ", "(7)", "Basic", "137.0", "139.2", "139.5", "137.8", "137.6", "142.8", "146.6", "151.4", "161.2", "162.4", "162.4", "Diluted", "141.3", "142.6", "142.3", "140.2", "139.2", "144.0", "147.6", "151.8", "161.4", "162.6", "163.2", "(1)", "In 2002, the Company implemented EITF 01-09. Results have been reclassified for 2001 and 2000.", "(2)", "The Company sold both Gilroy Foods, Incorporated and Gilroy Energy Company, Inc. in 1996. ", "(3)", "In 1999, the Company changed its actuarial method for computing pension expense. ", "(4)", "In 2002, the Company adopted SFAS No. 142, “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets.” Prior year results have not been adjusted.", "(5)", "In 2003, the Company sold its packaging segment and Jenks Sales Brokers in the U.K. All years have been restated for the sale of the packaging segment. ", "Only 2002 and 2001 have been restated for the sale of Jenks.", "(6)", "In 2003, the Company consolidated the lessor of a leased distribution center in accordance with FASB Interpretation No. 46, “Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities,” as revised.", "(7)", "All share data adjusted for 2-for-1 stock split effective April 2002.", "(8)", "Includes fourth quarter dividends which, in some years, were declared in December following the close of each fiscal year.", "(9)", "Total capital includes debt, minority interest and shareholders’ equity." ]
[ [ 371, 34, 269, 7 ], [ 71, 62, 311, 15 ], [ 497, 983, 14, 12 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 840, 607 ], [ 84, 120, 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659, 29, 8 ], [ 521, 659, 29, 8 ], [ 580, 659, 29, 8 ], [ 639, 659, 29, 8 ], [ 698, 659, 29, 8 ], [ 756, 659, 29, 8 ], [ 816, 659, 29, 8 ], [ 875, 659, 29, 8 ], [ 87, 672, 100, 8 ], [ 293, 672, 33, 8 ], [ 352, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 411, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 469, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 528, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 587, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 646, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 705, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 763, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 823, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 882, 672, 34, 8 ], [ 87, 685, 151, 8 ], [ 239, 685, 8, 5 ], [ 95, 697, 28, 8 ], [ 286, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 345, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 404, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 463, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 521, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 580, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 639, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 698, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 756, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 816, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 875, 697, 29, 8 ], [ 95, 710, 37, 8 ], [ 286, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 345, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 404, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 463, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 521, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 580, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 639, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 698, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 756, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 816, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 875, 710, 29, 8 ], [ 87, 738, 11, 7 ], [ 102, 738, 447, 7 ], [ 87, 752, 11, 7 ], [ 102, 752, 423, 7 ], [ 87, 765, 11, 7 ], [ 102, 765, 386, 7 ], [ 87, 779, 11, 7 ], [ 101, 779, 586, 7 ], [ 87, 792, 11, 7 ], [ 102, 792, 704, 7 ], [ 103, 803, 279, 7 ], [ 87, 816, 11, 7 ], [ 101, 816, 814, 7 ], [ 87, 830, 11, 7 ], [ 102, 830, 293, 7 ], [ 87, 843, 11, 7 ], [ 102, 843, 555, 7 ], [ 87, 857, 11, 7 ], [ 101, 857, 312, 7 ] ]
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[ "Deploying Group Replication Locally", "At this point server s3 is booted and running, has joined the group and caught up with the other servers in", "the group. Consulting the ", "performance_schema.replication_group_members", " table again confirms", "this is the case.", "mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members;", "| CHANNEL_NAME", "| MEMBER_ID", "| MEMBER_HOST | MEMBER_PORT |", "MEMBER_STATE", "| group_replication_applier | 395409e1-6dfa-11e6-970b-00212844f856 |", "s1", "|", "3306", "|", "ONLINE", "| group_replication_applier | 7eb217ff-6df3-11e6-966c-00212844f856 |", "s3", "|", "3306", "|", "ONLINE", "| group_replication_applier | ac39f1e6-6dfa-11e6-a69d-00212844f856 |", "s2", "|", "3306", "|", "ONLINE", "Issuing this same query on server s2 or server s1 yields the same result. Also, you can verify that server s3", "has caught up:", "mysql> ", "SHOW DATABASES LIKE ’test’;", "+-----------------+", "| Database (test) |", "+-----------------+", "| test", "|", "+-----------------+", "mysql> ", "SELECT * FROM test.t1;", "+----+------+", "| c1 | c2", "|", "+----+------+", "|", "1", "| Luis |", "+----+------+", "mysql> ", "SHOW BINLOG EVENTS;", "| Log_name", "| Pos", "| Event_type", "| Server_id | End_log_pos | Info", "| binlog.000001 |", "4", "| Format_desc", "|", "3", "|", "123 |", "Server ver: 8.0.25-log, Binlog ver: 4", "| binlog.000001 |", "123 | Previous_gtids |", "3", "|", "150 |", "| binlog.000001 |", "150 | Gtid", "|", "1", "|", "211 |", "| binlog.000001 |", "211 | Query", "|", "1", "|", "270 | BEGIN", "| binlog.000001 |", "270 | View_change", "|", "1", "|", "369 | view_id=14724832985483517:1", "| binlog.000001 |", "369 | Query", "|", "1", "|", "434 | COMMIT", "| binlog.000001 |", "434 | Gtid", "|", "1", "|", "495 |", "| binlog.000001 |", "495 | Query", "|", "1", "|", "585 | CREATE DATABASE test", "| binlog.000001 |", "585 | Gtid", "|", "1", "|", "646 |", "| binlog.000001 |", "646 | Query", "|", "1", "|", "770 |", "| binlog.000001 |", "770 | Gtid", "|", "1", "|", "831 |", "| binlog.000001 |", "831 | Query", "|", "1", "|", "890 | BEGIN", "| binlog.000001 |", "890 | Table_map", "|", "1", "|", "933 | table_id: 108 (test.t1)", "| binlog.000001 |", "933 | Write_rows", "|", "1", "|", "975 | table_id: 108 flags: STMT_END_F", "| binlog.000001 |", "975 | Xid", "|", "1", "|", "1002 | COMMIT /* xid=29 */", "| binlog.000001 | 1002 | Gtid", "|", "1", "|", "1063 |", "| binlog.000001 | 1063 | Query", "|", "1", "|", "1122 | BEGIN", "| binlog.000001 | 1122 | View_change", "|", "1", "|", "1261 | view_id=14724832985483517:2", "| binlog.000001 | 1261 | Query", "|", "1", "|", "1326 | COMMIT", "| binlog.000001 | 1326 | Gtid", "|", "1", "|", "1387 |", "| binlog.000001 | 1387 | Query", "|", "1", "|", "1446 | BEGIN", "| binlog.000001 | 1446 | View_change", "|", "1", "|", "1585 | view_id=14724832985483517:3", "| binlog.000001 | 1585 | Query", "|", "1", "|", "1650 | COMMIT", "18.2.2", "Deploying Group Replication Locally", "The most common way to deploy Group Replication is using multiple server instances, to provide high", "availability. It is also possible to deploy Group Replication locally, for example for testing purposes. This", "section explains how you can deploy Group Replication locally.", "3714" ]
[ [ 362, 48, 269, 11 ], [ 140, 94, 788, 43 ], [ 140, 94, 788, 43 ], [ 140, 94, 788, 43 ], [ 140, 94, 788, 43 ], [ 140, 94, 788, 43 ], [ 140, 154, 530, 8 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 138, 165, 886, 82 ], [ 140, 269, 793, 27 ], [ 140, 269, 793, 27 ], [ 140, 313, 273, 70 ], [ 140, 313, 273, 70 ], [ 140, 313, 273, 70 ], [ 140, 313, 273, 70 ], [ 140, 313, 273, 70 ], [ 140, 313, 273, 70 ], [ 140, 313, 273, 70 ], [ 140, 313, 273, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 400, 233, 70 ], [ 140, 487, 209, 8 ], [ 140, 487, 209, 8 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 139, 499, 885, 330 ], [ 60, 851, 482, 16 ], [ 60, 851, 482, 16 ], [ 140, 887, 766, 43 ], [ 140, 887, 766, 43 ], [ 140, 887, 766, 43 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 362, 48, 269, 11 ], [ 140, 94, 781, 11 ], [ 140, 110, 191, 11 ], [ 332, 111, 442, 10 ], [ 774, 110, 154, 11 ], [ 140, 126, 115, 11 ], [ 140, 154, 530, 8 ], [ 140, 179, 112, 8 ], [ 365, 179, 88, 8 ], [ 679, 179, 233, 8 ], [ 1012, 179, 4, 8 ], [ 140, 204, 546, 8 ], [ 711, 204, 16, 8 ], [ 791, 204, 8, 8 ], [ 856, 204, 32, 8 ], [ 904, 204, 8, 8 ], [ 964, 204, 4, 8 ], [ 140, 216, 546, 8 ], [ 711, 216, 16, 8 ], [ 791, 216, 8, 8 ], [ 856, 216, 32, 8 ], [ 904, 216, 8, 8 ], [ 964, 216, 4, 8 ], [ 140, 229, 546, 8 ], [ 711, 229, 16, 8 ], [ 791, 229, 8, 8 ], [ 856, 229, 32, 8 ], [ 904, 229, 8, 8 ], [ 964, 229, 4, 8 ], [ 140, 269, 793, 11 ], [ 140, 284, 109, 11 ], [ 140, 313, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 313, 217, 8 ], [ 140, 326, 152, 8 ], [ 140, 338, 152, 8 ], [ 140, 350, 152, 8 ], [ 140, 363, 48, 8 ], [ 285, 363, 8, 8 ], [ 140, 375, 152, 8 ], [ 140, 400, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 400, 176, 8 ], [ 140, 413, 104, 8 ], [ 140, 425, 72, 8 ], [ 237, 425, 8, 8 ], [ 140, 437, 104, 8 ], [ 140, 450, 8, 8 ], [ 164, 450, 8, 8 ], [ 180, 450, 64, 8 ], [ 140, 462, 104, 8 ], [ 140, 487, 56, 8 ], [ 196, 487, 152, 8 ], [ 140, 512, 80, 8 ], [ 269, 512, 40, 8 ], [ 325, 512, 96, 8 ], [ 462, 512, 257, 8 ], [ 140, 537, 136, 8 ], [ 309, 537, 8, 8 ], [ 325, 537, 104, 8 ], [ 462, 537, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 537, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 537, 8, 8 ], [ 639, 537, 40, 8 ], [ 980, 537, 4, 8 ], [ 140, 549, 136, 8 ], [ 293, 549, 176, 8 ], [ 542, 549, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 549, 8, 8 ], [ 639, 549, 40, 8 ], [ 140, 562, 135, 8 ], [ 291, 562, 79, 8 ], [ 459, 562, 7, 8 ], [ 538, 562, 7, 8 ], [ 554, 562, 7, 8 ], [ 634, 562, 39, 8 ], [ 140, 574, 136, 8 ], [ 293, 574, 88, 8 ], [ 462, 574, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 574, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 574, 8, 8 ], [ 639, 574, 88, 8 ], [ 140, 587, 136, 8 ], [ 293, 587, 136, 8 ], [ 462, 587, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 587, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 587, 8, 8 ], [ 639, 587, 265, 8 ], [ 140, 599, 136, 8 ], [ 293, 599, 88, 8 ], [ 462, 599, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 599, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 599, 8, 8 ], [ 639, 599, 96, 8 ], [ 140, 611, 135, 8 ], [ 291, 611, 79, 8 ], [ 459, 611, 7, 8 ], [ 538, 611, 7, 8 ], [ 554, 611, 7, 8 ], [ 634, 611, 39, 8 ], [ 140, 624, 136, 8 ], [ 293, 624, 88, 8 ], [ 462, 624, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 624, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 624, 8, 8 ], [ 639, 624, 209, 8 ], [ 140, 636, 135, 8 ], [ 291, 636, 79, 8 ], [ 459, 636, 7, 8 ], [ 538, 636, 7, 8 ], [ 554, 636, 7, 8 ], [ 634, 636, 39, 8 ], [ 140, 649, 135, 8 ], [ 291, 649, 87, 8 ], [ 459, 649, 7, 8 ], [ 538, 649, 7, 8 ], [ 554, 649, 7, 8 ], [ 634, 649, 39, 8 ], [ 140, 661, 135, 8 ], [ 291, 661, 79, 8 ], [ 459, 661, 7, 8 ], [ 538, 661, 7, 8 ], [ 554, 661, 7, 8 ], [ 634, 661, 39, 8 ], [ 140, 674, 136, 8 ], [ 293, 674, 88, 8 ], [ 462, 674, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 674, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 674, 8, 8 ], [ 639, 674, 88, 8 ], [ 140, 686, 136, 8 ], [ 293, 686, 120, 8 ], [ 462, 686, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 686, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 686, 8, 8 ], [ 639, 686, 233, 8 ], [ 140, 698, 136, 8 ], [ 293, 698, 128, 8 ], [ 462, 698, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 698, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 698, 8, 8 ], [ 639, 698, 297, 8 ], [ 140, 711, 136, 8 ], [ 293, 711, 72, 8 ], [ 462, 711, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 711, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 711, 8, 8 ], [ 631, 711, 209, 8 ], [ 140, 723, 230, 8 ], [ 459, 723, 7, 8 ], [ 538, 723, 7, 8 ], [ 554, 723, 7, 8 ], [ 626, 723, 47, 8 ], [ 140, 736, 241, 8 ], [ 462, 736, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 736, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 736, 8, 8 ], [ 631, 736, 96, 8 ], [ 140, 748, 289, 8 ], [ 462, 748, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 748, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 748, 8, 8 ], [ 631, 748, 273, 8 ], [ 140, 760, 241, 8 ], [ 462, 760, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 760, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 760, 8, 8 ], [ 631, 760, 104, 8 ], [ 140, 773, 230, 8 ], [ 459, 773, 7, 8 ], [ 538, 773, 7, 8 ], [ 554, 773, 7, 8 ], [ 626, 773, 47, 8 ], [ 140, 785, 241, 8 ], [ 462, 785, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 785, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 785, 8, 8 ], [ 631, 785, 96, 8 ], [ 140, 798, 289, 8 ], [ 462, 798, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 798, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 798, 8, 8 ], [ 631, 798, 273, 8 ], [ 140, 810, 241, 8 ], [ 462, 810, 8, 8 ], [ 542, 810, 8, 8 ], [ 558, 810, 8, 8 ], [ 631, 810, 104, 8 ], [ 60, 851, 65, 16 ], [ 131, 851, 410, 16 ], [ 140, 887, 753, 11 ], [ 140, 902, 766, 11 ], [ 140, 918, 466, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
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[ "Thermal Inflation with a", "Thermal Waterfall Scalar Field", "Coupled to a Light Spectator", "Scalar Field", "Arron Rumsey", "September 2016", "This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the", "degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) at Lancaster University. No part of", "this thesis has been previously submitted for the award of a higher degree.", "arXiv:1610.00146v1 [astro-ph.CO] 1 Oct 2016" ]
[ [ 185, 268, 653, 210 ], [ 185, 268, 653, 210 ], [ 185, 268, 653, 210 ], [ 185, 268, 653, 210 ], [ 404, 551, 215, 20 ], [ 417, 665, 189, 18 ], [ 178, 790, 667, 72 ], [ 178, 790, 667, 72 ], [ 178, 790, 667, 72 ], [ 31, 275, 31, 470 ] ]
[ [ 251, 268, 520, 30 ], [ 185, 328, 653, 30 ], [ 203, 388, 616, 30 ], [ 387, 449, 249, 30 ], [ 404, 551, 215, 20 ], [ 417, 665, 189, 18 ], [ 195, 790, 632, 14 ], [ 178, 819, 667, 14 ], [ 189, 849, 644, 14 ], [ 31, 275, 31, 470 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5 ]
[ "When UHS built the new ", "Cumberland Hall Hospital", " in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, ", "it included a wing dedicated solely to treating members of the military.", "The décor and colors of the special wing were chosen to help reduce anxiety ", "among the soldiers being treated there.", "The Behavioral Health Division also experienced", "an increase in regulatory oversight and audits from ", "the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ", "(CMS), which expanded its national revenue recovery ", "initiatives. In response, UHS developed procedures", "to respond to audit requests, and ensure that all", "facilities keep detailed medical records and thorough ", "documentation of correspondence with auditing", "and credentialing bodies.", "Many states struggled in 2011 to maintain Medicaid ", "programs, despite budget reductions, increased", "caseloads and higher costs. Some attempted to", "contain costs by reducing reimbursements, services ", "and eligibility, or by increasing cost sharing and", "restricting care through managed care systems. ", "UHS saw an increase in admissions from many", "states, but also experienced more stringent utilization", "management and stricter criteria for insurance", "authorizations, as well as reductions in length of stay. ", "Pricing pressures are evident as referral sources", "continue to place patients in lower cost alternatives, ", "such as community-based care that is not available", "24", "hours per day. UHS advocates for a full continuum ", "of services, including inpatient care and residential ", "treatment services because inappropriate", "placements can delay the delivery of proper care", "and be more costly in the long run.", "In 2011, the industry began to experience the", "critical implementation phase of the federal", "Mental Health Parity Act. The act improves access", "to mental health care for millions of Americans", "by requiring large group health insurance plans to", "treat mental health benefits the same as medical/ ", "surgical benefits. The Mental Health Parity Act,", "however, exempts small businesses and does", "not mandate coverage for mental health and", "addiction services.", "14", "UNIVERSAL HEALTH SERVICES, INC. ", "PREPARING FOR CHANGE", "INCREASING PRESSURE ON THE", "COST OF CARE", "INTEGRATION, GROWTH ", "AND EXPANSION" ]
[ [ 44, 102, 471, 49 ], [ 44, 102, 471, 49 ], [ 44, 102, 471, 49 ], [ 44, 102, 471, 49 ], [ 44, 102, 471, 49 ], [ 44, 102, 471, 49 ], [ 522, 470, 386, 173 ], [ 522, 470, 386, 173 ], [ 522, 470, 386, 173 ], [ 522, 470, 386, 173 ], [ 522, 470, 386, 173 ], [ 522, 470, 386, 173 ], [ 522, 470, 386, 173 ], [ 522, 470, 386, 173 ], [ 522, 470, 386, 173 ], [ 105, 519, 379, 113 ], [ 105, 519, 379, 113 ], [ 105, 519, 379, 113 ], [ 105, 519, 379, 113 ], [ 105, 519, 379, 113 ], [ 105, 519, 379, 113 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 105, 658, 387, 232 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 522, 716, 370, 192 ], [ 60, 978, 235, 10 ], [ 60, 978, 235, 10 ], [ 522, 686, 231, 16 ], [ 105, 469, 286, 36 ], [ 105, 469, 286, 36 ], [ 105, 333, 768, 101 ], [ 105, 333, 768, 101 ] ]
[ [ 44, 102, 151, 11 ], [ 195, 102, 160, 11 ], [ 355, 102, 159, 11 ], [ 44, 115, 429, 11 ], [ 44, 127, 463, 11 ], [ 44, 140, 242, 11 ], [ 522, 470, 354, 14 ], [ 522, 489, 375, 14 ], [ 522, 509, 357, 14 ], [ 522, 529, 383, 14 ], [ 522, 549, 374, 14 ], [ 522, 569, 352, 14 ], [ 522, 588, 386, 14 ], [ 522, 608, 355, 14 ], [ 522, 628, 187, 14 ], [ 105, 519, 379, 14 ], [ 105, 539, 357, 14 ], [ 105, 559, 354, 14 ], [ 105, 579, 375, 14 ], [ 105, 598, 338, 14 ], [ 105, 618, 343, 14 ], [ 105, 658, 318, 14 ], [ 105, 678, 370, 14 ], [ 105, 697, 318, 14 ], [ 105, 717, 369, 14 ], [ 105, 737, 335, 14 ], [ 105, 757, 380, 14 ], [ 105, 777, 367, 14 ], [ 105, 796, 16, 14 ], [ 126, 796, 365, 14 ], [ 105, 816, 370, 14 ], [ 105, 836, 300, 14 ], [ 105, 856, 353, 14 ], [ 105, 876, 253, 14 ], [ 522, 716, 336, 14 ], [ 522, 736, 323, 14 ], [ 522, 756, 368, 14 ], [ 522, 776, 344, 14 ], [ 522, 795, 370, 14 ], [ 522, 815, 370, 14 ], [ 522, 835, 346, 14 ], [ 522, 855, 334, 14 ], [ 522, 875, 332, 14 ], [ 522, 894, 137, 14 ], [ 60, 978, 13, 10 ], [ 86, 978, 209, 10 ], [ 522, 686, 231, 16 ], [ 105, 469, 286, 16 ], [ 105, 489, 134, 16 ], [ 105, 333, 768, 56 ], [ 105, 378, 525, 56 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "CHAIRMAn’S REPORT", "The 2011 financial year can be summarised as busy technically and commercially with exciting outcomes ", "from seismic work and preparations for drilling getting underway. The year was spent assessing the ", "results of the three seismic acquisition programs completed in 2009-2010 in Australia, Brazil and Peru. ", "Karoon also farmed into Santos Basin Blocks with Petrobras, which led to participation in the light oil ", "discovery at Maruja-1. Preparations have also commenced for Karoon’s first Brazilian offshore drilling ", "campaign to start during calendar year 2012. ", "Results from the three different 3D seismic acquisitions conducted in 2009-2010 have been very encouraging. Interpretation", "of each seismic data set has added more leads and prospects to Karoon’s portfolio. This has the potential to significantly increase ", "the Company’s current risked prospective resources. ", "Seismic work has now progressed to a point where new drilling targets can be selected in Australia, Brazil and Peru and drilling ", "rigs have been contracted for Australia and Brazil. Karoon expects to have a rig secured for Peru in early calendar year 2012. In ", "preparation for the commencement of drilling in Brazil and Peru, Karoon is building a highly experienced drilling team of industry ", "experts with a history in the region. Well planning and logistical work for Brazil will be ongoing into calendar year 2012.", "Karoon was encouraged by the outstanding drill stem test at Kronos-1 in the Browse Basin northwest Australia. This test provided ", "legitimacy to the reservoirs in the greater Poseidon trend and this information, when viewed with the Poseidon 3D seismic data, ", "creates a better understanding of the greater Poseidon trend. There are now additional prospects in the immediate area around ", "Poseidon that have the potential to add to the prospectivity of the Poseidon trend. ", "After delays in obtaining necessary Australian environmental regulatory approvals, Karoon is progressing to the phase-2 drilling ", "campaign in the coming months. The Karoon/ConocoPhillips Joint Venture will be utilising the ‘Transocean Legend’ drilling rig, the ", "same rig that drilled and tested Kronos-1. The rig is contracted for five firm wells and three optional wells. This new drilling ", "campaign will be targeted at exploring further untested fault block culminations within the greater Poseidon structure, in ", "preparation for decision making on future development of the area. At the completion of this drilling campaign, Karoon is optimistic ", "that the program results will provide the necessary information and certainty to conduct gas sales negotiations and arrange ", "financing for a potential project.", "Karoon’s Brazilian operations have seen a large amount of activity over the financial year both in the corporate and geological ", "sense. While seismic processing and interpretation has yielded good results during the financial year, Karoon’s attempted initial ", "public offering (‘IPO’) of its South American assets was not successful due to a poor market environment. Karoon proposed to ", "list 30% of its South American asset base on the Brazilian Stock Exchange, the BM&FBOVESPA in São Paulo. However, market ", "conditions in the immediate period around the offering close date were not favourable, with a distinct change in sentiment as a ", "result of both a temporary over supply of Brazilian equities through the largest capital raising in market history and poor performance ", "of recent IPOs. ", "In the period around the IPO, Karoon moved to secure a specialist team in South America with excellent results. This team of advisers ", "and geotechnical staff have proven themselves and added significant depth of expertise and knowledge to the Karoon team. ", "Work on Karoon’s Santos Basin acreage data is continuing. Karoon has further confirmation of the majority of its existing prospects ", "and now has additional prospects and leads at the pre, sub and post salt levels. ", "The signing of the ‘Blackford Dolphin’ semi-submersible drilling rig contract to commence drilling in the Santos Basin in the first ", "half of calendar year 2012 for a firm commitment of three wells will allow Karoon to start testing the suite of prospects by ", "targeting the lowest risk, highest value targets. ", "During August 2010, Karoon signed a farm-in agreement with Petrobras in the Maruja Block. This agreement was the culmination ", "of a significant amount of work both commercially and technically. Two exploration wells and one appraisal well were drilled. The ", "outcome of these wells was the discovery, subsequent drill stem test and the first appraisal of the Maruja field. Karoon hopes to ", "have more news on the forward plan for the Maruja field in the coming months.", "2", "Karoon Gas Australia Ltd", " Annual Report 2011" ]
[ [ 97, 73, 273, 21 ], [ 97, 170, 835, 101 ], [ 97, 170, 835, 101 ], [ 97, 170, 835, 101 ], [ 97, 170, 835, 101 ], [ 97, 170, 835, 101 ], [ 97, 170, 835, 101 ], [ 97, 287, 833, 41 ], [ 97, 287, 833, 41 ], [ 97, 287, 833, 41 ], [ 97, 346, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 346, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 346, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 346, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 419, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 419, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 419, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 419, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 492, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 492, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 492, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 492, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 492, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 492, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 492, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 609, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 609, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 609, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 609, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 609, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 609, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 609, 834, 100 ], [ 97, 726, 833, 27 ], [ 97, 726, 833, 27 ], [ 97, 769, 833, 27 ], [ 97, 769, 833, 27 ], [ 97, 813, 833, 41 ], [ 97, 813, 833, 41 ], [ 97, 813, 833, 41 ], [ 97, 872, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 872, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 872, 833, 56 ], [ 97, 872, 833, 56 ], [ 25, 990, 11, 16 ], [ 97, 995, 253, 10 ], [ 97, 995, 253, 10 ] ]
[ [ 97, 73, 273, 21 ], [ 97, 170, 834, 16 ], [ 97, 187, 834, 16 ], [ 97, 204, 834, 16 ], [ 97, 221, 835, 16 ], [ 97, 238, 834, 16 ], [ 97, 255, 362, 16 ], [ 97, 287, 827, 12 ], [ 97, 302, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 316, 347, 12 ], [ 97, 346, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 360, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 375, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 390, 769, 12 ], [ 97, 419, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 433, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 448, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 463, 536, 12 ], [ 97, 492, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 506, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 521, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 536, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 550, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 565, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 579, 204, 12 ], [ 97, 609, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 623, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 638, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 653, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 667, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 682, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 696, 102, 12 ], [ 97, 726, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 740, 789, 12 ], [ 97, 769, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 784, 518, 12 ], [ 97, 813, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 828, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 842, 309, 12 ], [ 97, 872, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 886, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 901, 833, 12 ], [ 97, 916, 518, 12 ], [ 25, 990, 11, 16 ], [ 97, 995, 144, 10 ], [ 241, 995, 109, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "0033 00 ", "TM 10-1670-287-23&P ", "UNIT MAINTENANCE ", "MC-4 RAM AIR FREE-FALL PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM ", "MAIN RISERS ", "THIS TASK COVERS: ", "INITIAL SETUP: ", "Tools", "Materials/Parts ", "Personnel Required ", "Equipment Condition ", "Follow-Up Procedure ", "REPLACE", "NOTE", "Needle, Tacking (Item 29, WP 0063 00) ", "Shears (Item 39, WP 0063 00) ", "Wrench, Open End, $^{7}$/$_{16}$-IN. (Item 45, WP 0063 00) ", "Riser Set, Main, 3-Ring (Item 11, WP 0065 00) ", "Tape, Lacing and Tying (Item 33, WP 0076 00)", "Lay out on packing table or other ", "suitable area. ", "92R (10) Parachute Rigger ", "Initial receipt (WP 0006 00)", "• ", "Replace ", "Risers will be replaced in pairs. ", "1. ", "Remove overhand knots on rear riser control toggles. ", "Change 1 ", "0033 00-1 ", "Guide Ring", "Control Line", "Toggle Ring", "Control Toggle", "Overhand ", "Knots " ]
[ [ 866, 49, 65, 11 ], [ 426, 49, 175, 11 ], [ 150, 79, 511, 41 ], [ 150, 79, 511, 41 ], [ 150, 79, 511, 41 ], [ 150, 139, 174, 11 ], [ 150, 185, 129, 11 ], [ 150, 200, 44, 11 ], [ 150, 278, 123, 11 ], [ 679, 200, 162, 11 ], [ 679, 247, 174, 11 ], [ 679, 307, 173, 11 ], [ 150, 354, 80, 11 ], [ 519, 400, 46, 11 ], [ 150, 216, 379, 43 ], [ 150, 216, 379, 43 ], [ 150, 216, 379, 43 ], [ 150, 293, 350, 27 ], [ 150, 293, 350, 27 ], [ 679, 262, 248, 26 ], [ 679, 262, 248, 26 ], [ 679, 216, 204, 11 ], [ 679, 323, 201, 11 ], [ 150, 154, 96, 12 ], [ 150, 154, 96, 12 ], [ 427, 432, 235, 11 ], [ 150, 478, 429, 11 ], [ 150, 478, 429, 11 ], [ 874, 966, 79, 11 ], [ 489, 966, 80, 11 ], [ 158, 520, 643, 383 ], [ 158, 520, 643, 383 ], [ 158, 520, 643, 383 ], [ 158, 520, 643, 383 ], [ 158, 520, 643, 383 ], [ 158, 520, 643, 383 ] ]
[ [ 866, 49, 65, 11 ], [ 426, 49, 175, 11 ], [ 150, 79, 172, 11 ], [ 150, 94, 511, 11 ], [ 150, 108, 114, 11 ], [ 150, 139, 174, 11 ], [ 150, 185, 129, 11 ], [ 150, 200, 44, 11 ], [ 150, 278, 123, 11 ], [ 679, 200, 162, 11 ], [ 679, 247, 174, 11 ], [ 679, 307, 173, 11 ], [ 150, 354, 80, 11 ], [ 519, 400, 46, 11 ], [ 150, 216, 298, 11 ], [ 150, 231, 230, 11 ], [ 150, 247, 379, 11 ], [ 150, 293, 350, 11 ], [ 150, 309, 348, 11 ], [ 679, 262, 248, 11 ], [ 679, 277, 105, 11 ], [ 679, 216, 204, 11 ], [ 679, 323, 201, 11 ], [ 150, 154, 11, 11 ], [ 180, 154, 66, 11 ], [ 427, 432, 235, 11 ], [ 150, 478, 18, 11 ], [ 180, 478, 398, 11 ], [ 874, 966, 79, 11 ], [ 489, 966, 80, 11 ], [ 256, 638, 89, 11 ], [ 259, 680, 98, 11 ], [ 187, 766, 96, 11 ], [ 160, 802, 119, 11 ], [ 333, 863, 82, 11 ], [ 348, 878, 52, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 9, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "110 ", "Pascal", "User", "Manual ", "4.", "Variable", "Parameters. ", "Procedllre ", "MinMax ", "shows", "the", "case", "ofthe ", "variable", "parameter. ", "The", "actual", "parameter ", "must", "be", "a", "variable; ", "the", "corresponding", "formal", "pw'ameter", "must", "be", "preceded", "by", "the ", "symbol ", "var", "and", "becomes", "a", ",ynonym", "for", "this", "actual", "variable ", "during", "the", "entire", "execution ", "If ", "the", "procedure.", "Any", "operation ", "involving", "the", "formal", "paran", "leter", "is", "then", "performed", "directly ", "upon ", "the ", "actual ", "parameter, ", "Use ", "variable ", "parameters ", "to ", "represent", "the ", "results ", "of", "a", "pn Icedure", "-", "as", "is", "the", "case", "for ", "Min ", "and ", "Max ", "in", "Program", "11.2.", "J", "urthermore,", "if ", "Xl", "... Xn ", "are", "the ", "actual ", "variables ", "that ", "com~pond ", "to ", "the ", "formal ", "variable ", "parameters ", "VI", "... Vn, ", "then, ", "1", "... Xn ", "should ", "be ", "distinct ", "variables.", "All", "address", "calcuLltions are", "done", "at", "the", "time", "of the ", "procedure", "activation.", "Hence, ", "I", "f ", "a", "variable", "is", "a", "component", "of an ", "array,", "its", "index", "expression", "is", ",'valuated", "when", "the", "procedure", "is ", "activated.", "Note", "that", "a", "compolllcnt", "of a", "packed", "structure", "or a", "tag ", "field", "in", "a", "variant", "record", "must", "not", "appear", "as", "an", "actual", "variable ", "parameter, ", "thus ", "avoiding ", "implementation ", "problems ", "for ", "calculating", "addresses. ", "When", "no", "symbol", "heads", "the", "paumeter", "section,", "the", "parameter(s)", "of ", "this", "section", "are", "said", "to", "be ", "value", "parameter(s). ", "In", "this", "case", "the", "actual ", "parameter ", "must", "be", "an", "expression ", "(of", "which", "a", "variable", "is", "a", "simple", "case). ", "The", "corresponding", "formal", "parameter", "represents", "a", "local", "variable", "in", "the ", "activated", "procedure.", "As", "its", "initial ", "value,", "this", "variable", "receives", "the ", "current", "value", "of", "the", "corresponding", "actual", "parameter", "(i.e.,", "the", "value", "of ", "the", "expression", "at", "the", "time", "of the", "prlCedure", "activation).", "The", "procedure ", "may", "then", "change", "the", "value", "of this", "\\", ".lriable", "through", "an", "assignment;", "this ", "cannot,", "however,", "affect", "the", "value ", "()f", "the", "actual", "parameter.", "Hence,", "a ", "value", "parameter can", "never", "represen.", "a", "result", "of a", "computation.", "Note", "that ", "file", "parameters", "or", "structured", "variahles", "with", "files", "as", "components", "may ", "not", "be", "specified", "as", "actual", "value", "par. ", "I ", "meters,", "as", "this", "would", "constitute", "an ", "assignment. ", "The", "difference", "in", "the", "effects ", "01 ", "value", "and", "variable", "parameters", "is ", "shown", "in", "Program", "11.3. ", "The", "following", "table", "summarize',", "the", "correct", "kinds", "of parameters", "for ", "formal", "and", "actual", "parameter", "lists. " ]
[ [ 142, 47, 252, 17 ], [ 142, 47, 252, 17 ], [ 142, 47, 252, 17 ], [ 142, 47, 252, 17 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 675, 411 ], [ 175, 88, 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[ [ 142, 47, 30, 17 ], [ 207, 47, 38, 17 ], [ 275, 47, 28, 17 ], [ 334, 47, 60, 17 ], [ 175, 88, 13, 19 ], [ 223, 88, 61, 19 ], [ 320, 88, 104, 19 ], [ 430, 88, 106, 19 ], [ 542, 92, 80, 13 ], [ 632, 88, 37, 19 ], [ 700, 88, 18, 19 ], [ 748, 88, 25, 19 ], [ 804, 88, 45, 19 ], [ 207, 111, 64, 19 ], [ 311, 111, 105, 19 ], [ 422, 111, 26, 19 ], [ 483, 111, 41, 19 ], [ 559, 111, 85, 19 ], [ 649, 111, 26, 19 ], [ 704, 111, 13, 19 ], [ 745, 111, 7, 19 ], [ 781, 111, 65, 19 ], [ 207, 134, 19, 19 ], [ 259, 134, 92, 19 ], [ 385, 134, 43, 19 ], [ 460, 134, 66, 19 ], [ 560, 134, 31, 19 ], [ 624, 134, 15, 19 ], [ 672, 134, 58, 19 ], [ 763, 134, 16, 19 ], [ 812, 134, 36, 19 ], [ 207, 157, 78, 19 ], [ 292, 160, 20, 15 ], [ 343, 160, 22, 15 ], [ 398, 160, 54, 15 ], [ 484, 160, 6, 15 ], [ 522, 160, 55, 15 ], [ 609, 160, 18, 15 ], [ 659, 160, 22, 15 ], [ 713, 160, 37, 15 ], [ 782, 160, 66, 15 ], [ 207, 181, 44, 19 ], [ 285, 181, 20, 19 ], [ 340, 181, 38, 19 ], [ 412, 181, 82, 19 ], [ 512, 181, 16, 18 ], [ 534, 181, 21, 19 ], [ 591, 181, 74, 19 ], [ 700, 181, 30, 19 ], [ 765, 181, 83, 19 ], [ 207, 204, 64, 19 ], [ 305, 204, 20, 19 ], [ 359, 204, 44, 19 ], [ 437, 204, 37, 19 ], [ 507, 204, 29, 19 ], [ 570, 204, 11, 19 ], [ 615, 204, 28, 19 ], [ 677, 204, 69, 19 ], [ 780, 204, 67, 19 ], [ 207, 226, 51, 19 ], [ 277, 226, 31, 19 ], [ 326, 226, 62, 19 ], [ 406, 226, 110, 19 ], [ 536, 226, 38, 19 ], [ 593, 226, 84, 19 ], [ 695, 226, 116, 19 ], [ 828, 226, 19, 19 ], [ 206, 249, 63, 19 ], [ 304, 249, 38, 19 ], [ 351, 249, 68, 19 ], [ 428, 249, 11, 19 ], [ 466, 249, 5, 19 ], [ 499, 249, 67, 19 ], [ 593, 249, 4, 19 ], [ 624, 249, 10, 19 ], [ 659, 249, 8, 19 ], [ 691, 249, 14, 19 ], [ 730, 249, 20, 19 ], [ 775, 249, 26, 19 ], [ 808, 253, 41, 13 ], [ 207, 272, 37, 19 ], [ 252, 276, 40, 13 ], [ 309, 272, 12, 19 ], [ 352, 272, 53, 19 ], [ 436, 272, 30, 19 ], [ 498, 272, 6, 19 ], [ 535, 272, 72, 19 ], [ 638, 272, 24, 19 ], [ 668, 276, 11, 13 ], [ 707, 276, 54, 13 ], [ 777, 272, 16, 19 ], [ 819, 272, 29, 19 ], [ 207, 296, 63, 19 ], [ 287, 296, 94, 19 ], [ 399, 296, 40, 19 ], [ 455, 302, 66, 10 ], [ 590, 296, 19, 19 ], [ 627, 296, 31, 19 ], [ 676, 296, 69, 19 ], [ 763, 296, 85, 19 ], [ 206, 318, 116, 19 ], [ 340, 322, 12, 13 ], [ 380, 322, 59, 13 ], [ 455, 318, 76, 19 ], [ 533, 322, 6, 13 ], [ 563, 322, 47, 13 ], [ 643, 318, 70, 19 ], [ 730, 318, 23, 19 ], [ 771, 318, 79, 19 ], [ 207, 342, 60, 19 ], [ 298, 342, 19, 19 ], [ 350, 342, 46, 19 ], [ 428, 342, 112, 19 ], [ 571, 342, 30, 19 ], [ 633, 342, 11, 19 ], [ 675, 342, 19, 19 ], [ 726, 342, 27, 19 ], [ 785, 342, 63, 19 ], [ 206, 365, 75, 19 ], [ 319, 365, 78, 19 ], [ 435, 365, 71, 19 ], [ 514, 370, 1, 12 ], [ 521, 370, 6, 12 ], [ 532, 365, 6, 19 ], [ 566, 365, 44, 19 ], [ 638, 365, 9, 19 ], [ 674, 365, 6, 19 ], [ 708, 365, 60, 19 ], [ 796, 365, 51, 19 ], [ 207, 389, 35, 19 ], [ 273, 389, 14, 19 ], [ 319, 389, 34, 19 ], [ 384, 389, 66, 19 ], [ 482, 389, 10, 19 ], [ 523, 389, 59, 19 ], [ 613, 389, 33, 19 ], [ 678, 389, 18, 19 ], [ 728, 389, 61, 19 ], [ 821, 389, 25, 19 ], [ 207, 411, 56, 19 ], [ 293, 411, 28, 19 ], [ 351, 411, 22, 19 ], [ 402, 411, 6, 19 ], [ 438, 411, 70, 19 ], [ 538, 411, 33, 19 ], [ 600, 411, 41, 19 ], [ 671, 411, 51, 19 ], [ 752, 411, 33, 19 ], [ 815, 411, 32, 19 ], [ 207, 434, 26, 19 ], [ 262, 434, 11, 19 ], [ 302, 434, 6, 19 ], [ 337, 434, 39, 19 ], [ 406, 434, 36, 19 ], [ 471, 434, 28, 19 ], [ 528, 434, 18, 19 ], [ 575, 434, 38, 19 ], [ 642, 434, 11, 19 ], [ 683, 434, 13, 19 ], [ 726, 434, 34, 19 ], [ 789, 434, 60, 19 ], [ 206, 457, 112, 19 ], [ 338, 457, 43, 19 ], [ 402, 457, 92, 19 ], [ 516, 457, 164, 19 ], [ 700, 457, 98, 19 ], [ 819, 457, 29, 19 ], [ 207, 480, 88, 19 ], [ 335, 480, 102, 19 ], [ 183, 525, 39, 19 ], [ 255, 525, 16, 19 ], [ 304, 525, 48, 19 ], [ 386, 525, 37, 19 ], [ 456, 525, 20, 19 ], [ 509, 525, 61, 19 ], [ 603, 525, 50, 19 ], [ 687, 525, 20, 19 ], [ 739, 525, 83, 19 ], [ 855, 525, 30, 19 ], [ 143, 548, 19, 19 ], [ 191, 548, 39, 19 ], [ 257, 548, 16, 19 ], [ 302, 548, 22, 19 ], [ 352, 548, 10, 19 ], [ 390, 548, 26, 19 ], [ 427, 547, 42, 19 ], [ 510, 547, 128, 19 ], [ 647, 548, 11, 19 ], [ 687, 548, 20, 19 ], [ 735, 548, 24, 19 ], [ 788, 548, 17, 19 ], [ 833, 548, 47, 19 ], [ 143, 570, 108, 19 ], [ 255, 570, 28, 19 ], [ 315, 570, 14, 19 ], [ 359, 570, 15, 19 ], [ 405, 570, 80, 19 ], [ 491, 570, 16, 19 ], [ 534, 570, 33, 19 ], [ 596, 570, 6, 19 ], [ 629, 570, 44, 19 ], [ 701, 570, 9, 19 ], [ 738, 570, 6, 19 ], [ 771, 570, 36, 19 ], [ 835, 570, 45, 19 ], [ 143, 593, 25, 19 ], [ 202, 593, 94, 19 ], [ 330, 593, 44, 19 ], [ 407, 593, 66, 19 ], [ 506, 593, 67, 19 ], [ 606, 593, 7, 19 ], [ 647, 593, 32, 19 ], [ 712, 593, 53, 19 ], [ 799, 593, 12, 19 ], [ 845, 593, 36, 19 ], [ 143, 616, 62, 19 ], [ 241, 616, 73, 19 ], [ 349, 616, 19, 19 ], [ 403, 616, 16, 19 ], [ 455, 616, 57, 19 ], [ 529, 616, 41, 19 ], [ 604, 616, 24, 19 ], [ 663, 616, 55, 19 ], [ 753, 616, 56, 19 ], [ 843, 616, 38, 19 ], [ 143, 639, 45, 19 ], [ 221, 639, 34, 19 ], [ 288, 639, 13, 19 ], [ 333, 639, 19, 19 ], [ 385, 639, 91, 19 ], [ 509, 639, 38, 19 ], [ 580, 639, 64, 19 ], [ 676, 639, 29, 19 ], [ 737, 639, 19, 19 ], [ 789, 639, 34, 19 ], [ 856, 639, 29, 19 ], [ 144, 661, 19, 19 ], [ 196, 661, 69, 19 ], [ 298, 661, 11, 19 ], [ 343, 661, 19, 19 ], [ 395, 661, 28, 19 ], [ 457, 661, 49, 19 ], [ 539, 661, 65, 19 ], [ 637, 661, 73, 19 ], [ 743, 661, 25, 19 ], [ 801, 661, 81, 19 ], [ 144, 684, 25, 19 ], [ 199, 684, 25, 19 ], [ 255, 684, 42, 19 ], [ 327, 684, 18, 19 ], [ 375, 684, 32, 19 ], [ 438, 684, 49, 19 ], [ 517, 684, 4, 19 ], [ 551, 684, 41, 19 ], [ 623, 684, 46, 19 ], [ 699, 684, 14, 19 ], [ 743, 684, 71, 19 ], [ 845, 684, 36, 19 ], [ 143, 707, 49, 19 ], [ 227, 707, 63, 19 ], [ 325, 707, 38, 19 ], [ 398, 707, 20, 19 ], [ 453, 707, 54, 19 ], [ 519, 707, 15, 18 ], [ 566, 707, 19, 18 ], [ 617, 707, 37, 18 ], [ 686, 707, 66, 18 ], [ 784, 707, 44, 18 ], [ 860, 707, 22, 18 ], [ 144, 730, 33, 19 ], [ 209, 730, 100, 19 ], [ 341, 730, 34, 19 ], [ 407, 730, 57, 19 ], [ 495, 730, 6, 19 ], [ 534, 730, 34, 19 ], [ 600, 730, 35, 19 ], [ 667, 730, 82, 19 ], [ 781, 730, 30, 19 ], [ 843, 730, 39, 19 ], [ 144, 753, 22, 19 ], [ 200, 753, 73, 19 ], [ 307, 753, 13, 19 ], [ 354, 753, 67, 19 ], [ 455, 753, 60, 19 ], [ 549, 753, 29, 19 ], [ 612, 753, 28, 19 ], [ 675, 753, 13, 19 ], [ 722, 753, 81, 19 ], [ 837, 753, 45, 19 ], [ 144, 776, 18, 19 ], [ 190, 776, 13, 19 ], [ 233, 776, 51, 19 ], [ 313, 776, 11, 19 ], [ 353, 776, 34, 19 ], [ 416, 776, 30, 19 ], [ 476, 776, 36, 19 ], [ 517, 784, 3, 8 ], [ 523, 776, 44, 19 ], [ 598, 776, 12, 19 ], [ 641, 776, 22, 19 ], [ 693, 776, 38, 19 ], [ 762, 776, 59, 19 ], [ 852, 776, 29, 19 ], [ 144, 800, 125, 19 ], [ 184, 823, 24, 19 ], [ 240, 823, 64, 19 ], [ 337, 823, 12, 19 ], [ 381, 823, 19, 19 ], [ 433, 823, 58, 19 ], [ 501, 825, 16, 16 ], [ 533, 823, 36, 19 ], [ 602, 823, 24, 19 ], [ 659, 823, 53, 19 ], [ 746, 823, 72, 19 ], [ 852, 823, 27, 19 ], [ 145, 846, 41, 19 ], [ 218, 846, 12, 19 ], [ 262, 846, 54, 19 ], [ 349, 846, 47, 19 ], [ 184, 869, 25, 19 ], [ 242, 869, 63, 19 ], [ 338, 869, 31, 19 ], [ 403, 869, 78, 19 ], [ 514, 869, 19, 19 ], [ 567, 869, 45, 19 ], [ 645, 869, 35, 19 ], [ 712, 869, 101, 19 ], [ 847, 869, 35, 19 ], [ 144, 892, 44, 19 ], [ 222, 892, 23, 19 ], [ 279, 892, 39, 19 ], [ 352, 892, 66, 19 ], [ 452, 892, 47, 19 ] ]
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Pascal - Manual & Report.pdf
[ "EP 3 800 021 A1", "Beschreibung", "Technisches Gebiet", "Stand der Technik", "Darstellung der Erfindung", "2", "[0006]", "In einer bevorzugten Weiterbildung des Kantenfräsaggregats kann vorgesehen sein, dass die zumindest zwei", "Tastelemente aus der jeweiligen Warteposition wechselseitig in unterschiedliche Tastpositionen überführbar sind, so-", "dass durch die Tastelemente während der Durchlaufbewegung des Werkstücks verschiedene Abschnitte der Werk-", "stückkontur abtastbar sind. Indem die Tastelemente wechselseitig in verschiedene Tastpositionen überführbar sind,", "55", "50", "45", "[0005]", "Diese Aufgabe wird durch ein Kantenfräsaggregat für eine Holzbearbeitungseinrichtung zum Bearbeiten von", "plattenförmigen Werkstücken,die in einerDurchlaufrichtungrelativ zu einemBearbeitungswerkzeug bewegbarsind und", "die wenigstens an einer dem Bearbeitungswerkzeug zugewandten Schmalfläche ein Schmalflächenbeschichtungsma-", "terialaufweisen, das zumindest bereichsweise gegenüber einerdie Schmalfläche begrenzenden Werkstückkante über-", "steht, wobei das Bearbeitungswerkzeug relativ zu dem in Durchlaufrichtung bewegbaren Werkstück verfahrbar vorge-", "sehen ist,umzumindestdas gegenüberderWerkstücckanteüberstehende Schmalflächenbeschichtungsmaterialspan-", "nehmend zu bearbeiten, sowie mit einer Tasteinrichtung, durch die eine an die Schmalfläche angrenzende Werkstück-", "konturzumindestabschnittsweise abtastbar ist, wobeidie Verfahrbewegung des BearbeitungswerkzeugszumBearbei-", "ten des Werkstücks in Abhängigkeit von der abgetasteten Werkstückkontur vorgesehen ist, gelöst, wobei die Tastein-", "richtung zumindest zwei Tastelemente zum Abtasten von wenigstens zwei Abschnitten der Werkstückkontur aufweist,", "wobei die zumindest zwei Tastelemente während der Durchlaufbewegung des Werkstücks wechselseitig aus einer", "Warteposition in eine Tastposition überführbarsind. Mit einemsolchen verfahrbaren Kantenfräsaggregat kann während", "derDurchlaufbewegung des Werkstücks ein Überstand des SchmalflächenbeschichtungsmaterialsgegenüberderWerk-", "stückkante in wenigstens zwei Abschnitten der Werkstückkante spannehmend bearbeitet werden. Dabei erfolgt die", "Bearbeitung des Schmalflächenbeschichtungsmaterials in Abschnitten der Werkstückkante die benachbart bzw. an-", "grenzend zuden wenigstens zweiabzutastenden Werkstückkonturabschnitten angeordnetsind.IndemdieTastelemente", "wechselseitig aus einer Warteposition in eine Tastposition überführbar sind, kann die Bearbeitung des Schmalflächen-", "beschichtungsmaterials in den Abschnitten der Werkstückkante nacheinander erfolgen. Dabei erfolgt zunächst ein Ab-", "tasten und Bearbeiten entlang eines ersten Werkstückkantenabschnitts und darauffolgend ein Abtasten und Bearbeiten", "entlang eines zweiten Werkstückkantenabschnitts.", "40", "35", "30", "25", "20", "[0004]", "Aufgabe der vorliegenden Erfindung ist es ein Kantenfräsaggregat sowie eine Holzbearbeitungseinrichtung", "vorzuschlagen, durch welche eine Bearbeitung verschiedenartiger Werkstücke ermöglicht ist. Zudem ist es Aufgabe", "der Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Bearbeiten von Werkstücken vorzuschlagen, durch welches eine zeit- und kostenspa-", "rende Bearbeitung ermöglicht ist.", "[0003]", "Aus der EP 1 882 549 B1 ist eine als Durchlaufmaschine ausgebildete Holzbearbeitungseinrichtung zum Be-", "arbeiten von Schmalflächen plattenförmiger Werkstücke bekannt. Bei dieser werden die zu bearbeitenden Werkstücke", "in einer Durchlaufrichtung relativ zu einem Kantenfräsaggregat bewegt, wobei an einer dem Kantenfräsaggregat zuge-", "wandten Schmalfläche ein Schmalflächenbeschichtungsmaterial angebracht ist, welches gegenüber der die Schmal-", "fläche begrenzenden Werkstückkante übersteht. Zur Bearbeitung des Schmalflächenbeschichtungsmaterials wird das", "Kantenfräsaggregat vollumfänglich entlang der Werkstückkanten bewegt, wobei zur Führung des Kantenfräsaggregats", "eine Tastrolle vorgesehen ist, die während des Bearbeitungsvorgangs auf einer zur Schmalfläche benachbarten Werk-", "stückoberfläche abrollt. Mit dieser Holzbearbeitungseinrichtung können insbesondere rechteckförmige Werkstücke mit", "geradenWerkstückkonturen bearbeitetwerden,wohingegen Werkstückkanten miteinerProf", "ilierung,insbesondere eine", "Profilierung mit geringen Kurvenradien, nicht bearbeitet werden können.", "15", "10", "5", "[0001]", "Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kantenfräsaggregat für eine Holzbearbeitungseinrichtung zum Bearbeiten von plat-", "tenförmigen Werkstücken, eine Holzbearbeitungseinrichtung mit einem Kantenfräsaggregat sowie ein Verfahren zum", "Bearbeiten von plattenförmigen Werkstücken mit einem Kantenfräsaggregat.", "[0002]", "Im Bereich der Möbel- und Bauelementefertigung werden Werkstücke aus optischen sowie funktionalen Grün-", "den häufigmiteinemBeschichtungsmaterialversehen,wobeiplattenförmigeWerkstücke zumeistauch an deren Schmal-", "flächen miteinemsolchen Schmalflächenbeschichtungs-bzw.Kantenmaterialbeschichtetwerden.Nach demAnbringen", "des Schmalflächenbeschichtungsmaterials an die Schmalfläche kann dieses gegenüber der begrenzenden Werkstück-", "kante überstehen,sodass eine nachfolgende Bearbeitung derWerkstückkantebzw.des überstehenden Schmalflächen-", "beschichtungsmaterials erforderlich ist, um einen bündigen Übergang von der beschichteten Schmalfläche zu den an-", "grenzenden Plattenseiten auszubilden." ]
[ [ 459, 53, 131, 16 ], [ 121, 82, 103, 14 ], [ 121, 111, 137, 14 ], [ 121, 198, 125, 14 ], [ 121, 485, 175, 14 ], [ 520, 977, 8, 14 ], [ 121, 858, 821, 57 ], [ 121, 858, 821, 57 ], [ 121, 858, 821, 57 ], [ 121, 858, 821, 57 ], [ 121, 858, 821, 57 ], [ 78, 859, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 787, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 715, 13, 11 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 121, 571, 826, 287 ], [ 78, 643, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 572, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 500, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 428, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 356, 13, 11 ], [ 121, 514, 816, 57 ], [ 121, 514, 816, 57 ], [ 121, 514, 816, 57 ], [ 121, 514, 816, 57 ], [ 121, 514, 816, 57 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 121, 327, 810, 143 ], [ 78, 284, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 213, 13, 11 ], [ 81, 141, 6, 11 ], [ 121, 140, 810, 43 ], [ 121, 140, 810, 43 ], [ 121, 140, 810, 43 ], [ 121, 140, 810, 43 ], [ 121, 226, 801, 100 ], [ 121, 226, 801, 100 ], [ 121, 226, 801, 100 ], [ 121, 226, 801, 100 ], [ 121, 226, 801, 100 ], [ 121, 226, 801, 100 ], [ 121, 226, 801, 100 ], [ 121, 226, 801, 100 ] ]
[ [ 459, 53, 131, 16 ], [ 121, 82, 103, 14 ], [ 121, 111, 137, 14 ], [ 121, 198, 125, 14 ], [ 121, 485, 175, 14 ], [ 520, 977, 8, 14 ], [ 121, 858, 44, 14 ], [ 183, 858, 735, 14 ], [ 121, 873, 806, 14 ], [ 121, 887, 821, 14 ], [ 121, 901, 820, 14 ], [ 78, 859, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 787, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 715, 13, 11 ], [ 121, 571, 44, 14 ], [ 183, 571, 744, 14 ], [ 121, 585, 787, 14 ], [ 121, 600, 802, 14 ], [ 121, 614, 793, 14 ], [ 121, 628, 801, 14 ], [ 121, 643, 794, 14 ], [ 121, 657, 801, 14 ], [ 121, 671, 793, 14 ], [ 121, 686, 807, 14 ], [ 121, 700, 807, 14 ], [ 121, 715, 826, 14 ], [ 121, 729, 791, 14 ], [ 121, 743, 781, 14 ], [ 121, 758, 821, 14 ], [ 121, 772, 819, 14 ], [ 121, 787, 783, 14 ], [ 121, 801, 801, 14 ], [ 121, 815, 801, 14 ], [ 121, 829, 792, 14 ], [ 121, 844, 344, 14 ], [ 78, 643, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 572, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 500, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 428, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 356, 13, 11 ], [ 121, 514, 44, 14 ], [ 183, 514, 752, 14 ], [ 121, 528, 816, 14 ], [ 121, 542, 795, 14 ], [ 121, 557, 227, 14 ], [ 121, 327, 44, 14 ], [ 183, 327, 739, 14 ], [ 121, 341, 801, 14 ], [ 121, 356, 801, 14 ], [ 121, 370, 810, 14 ], [ 121, 384, 806, 14 ], [ 121, 399, 798, 14 ], [ 121, 413, 795, 14 ], [ 121, 427, 802, 14 ], [ 121, 442, 610, 14 ], [ 745, 442, 180, 14 ], [ 121, 456, 490, 14 ], [ 78, 284, 13, 11 ], [ 78, 213, 13, 11 ], [ 81, 141, 6, 11 ], [ 121, 140, 44, 14 ], [ 183, 140, 744, 14 ], [ 121, 154, 810, 14 ], [ 121, 169, 525, 14 ], [ 121, 226, 44, 14 ], [ 183, 226, 729, 14 ], [ 121, 240, 780, 14 ], [ 121, 255, 784, 14 ], [ 121, 269, 798, 14 ], [ 121, 284, 788, 14 ], [ 121, 298, 801, 14 ], [ 121, 312, 266, 14 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Changes in MySQL 8.0", "image not found", "Warning: mysqli_connect(): The server requested authentication", "method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]", "For information about writing connectors to gracefully handle requests from the server for unknown", "default authentication plugins, see Authentication Plugin Connector-Writing Considerations.", "•Clients that use an account that authenticates with ", "caching_sha2_password", " must use either", "a secure connection (made using TCP using TLS/SSL credentials, a Unix socket file, or shared", "memory), or an unencrypted connection that supports password exchange using an RSA key", "pair. This security requirement does not apply to ", "mysql_native_passsword", ", so the switch to", "caching_sha2_password", " may require additional configuration (see Section, “Caching SHA-2", "Pluggable Authentication”", "). However, client connections in MySQL 8.0 prefer use of TLS/SSL by default,", "so clients that already conform to that preference may need no additional configuration.", "•Clients and connectors that have not been updated to know about ", "caching_sha2_password", "cannot", "connect to accounts that authenticate with ", "caching_sha2_password", " because they do not recognize", "this plugin as valid. (This is a particular instance of how client/server authentication plugin compatibility", "requirements apply, as discussed at Authentication Plugin Client/Server Compatibility.) To work around", "this issue, relink clients against ", "libmysqlclient", " from MySQL 8.0 or higher, or obtain an updated", "connector that recognizes ", "caching_sha2_password", ".", "•Because ", "caching_sha2_password", " is also now the default authentication plugin in the", "libmysqlclient", " client library, authentication requires an extra round trip in the client/server", "protocol for connections from MySQL 8.0 clients to accounts that use ", "mysql_native_password", "(the previous default authentication plugin), unless the client program is invoked with a ", "--default-", "auth=mysql_native_password", " option.", "•Standard MySQL clients such as ", "mysql", " and ", "mysqladmin", " are ", "libmysqlclient", "-based.", "•The DBD::mysql driver for Perl DBI is ", "libmysqlclient", "-based.", "•MySQL Connector/Python has a C Extension module that is ", "libmysqlclient", "-based. To use it, include", "the ", "use_pure=False", " option at connect time.", "•Prior to the upgrade, DBI scripts that use DBD::mysql can connect to a MySQL 8.0 server, except for", "accounts that authenticate with ", "caching_sha2_password", ".", "•After the upgrade, the same scripts become able to use ", "caching_sha2_password", " accounts as well.", "269", "However, the preceding results occur because ", "libmysqlclient", " instances from MySQL 8.0 installations", "prior to 8.0.4 are binary compatible: They both use a shared library major version number of 21.", "For clients linked to ", "libmysqlclient", " from MySQL 5.7 or older, they link to a shared library with", "a different version number that is not binary compatible. In this case, the client must be recompiled", "against ", "libmysqlclient", " from 8.0.4 or higher for full compatibility with MySQL 8.0 servers and", "caching_sha2_password", " accounts.", "When an existing MySQL 8.0 installation is upgraded to MySQL 8.0.4 or higher, some older", "libmysqlclient", "-based clients may “automatically”", " upgrade if they are dynamically linked, because they", "use the new client library installed by the upgrade. For example, if the DBD::mysql driver for Perl DBI uses", "dynamic linking, it can use the ", "libmysqlclient", " in place after an upgrade to MySQL 8.0.4 or higher, with", "this result:", "The ", "libmysqlclient", " client library for pre-8.0 MySQL versions is able to connect to MySQL 8.0 servers", "(except for accounts that authenticate with ", "caching_sha2_password", "). That means pre-8.0 clients based", "on ", "libmysqlclient", " should also be able to connect. Examples:" ]
[ [ 441, 48, 173, 11 ], [ 187, 95, 120, 8 ], [ 187, 120, 498, 20 ], [ 187, 120, 498, 20 ], [ 187, 158, 730, 27 ], [ 187, 158, 730, 27 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 202, 795, 105 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 323, 779, 89 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 429, 761, 74 ], [ 170, 578, 682, 11 ], [ 170, 578, 682, 11 ], [ 170, 578, 682, 11 ], [ 170, 578, 682, 11 ], [ 170, 578, 682, 11 ], [ 170, 578, 682, 11 ], [ 170, 578, 682, 11 ], [ 170, 606, 494, 11 ], [ 170, 606, 494, 11 ], [ 170, 606, 494, 11 ], [ 170, 634, 793, 27 ], [ 170, 634, 793, 27 ], [ 170, 634, 793, 27 ], [ 170, 634, 793, 27 ], [ 170, 634, 793, 27 ], [ 170, 634, 793, 27 ], [ 170, 768, 762, 27 ], [ 170, 768, 762, 27 ], [ 170, 768, 762, 27 ], [ 170, 768, 762, 27 ], [ 170, 811, 776, 11 ], [ 170, 811, 776, 11 ], [ 170, 811, 776, 11 ], [ 936, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 839, 783, 89 ], [ 170, 677, 789, 74 ], [ 170, 677, 789, 74 ], [ 170, 677, 789, 74 ], [ 170, 677, 789, 74 ], [ 170, 677, 789, 74 ], [ 170, 677, 789, 74 ], [ 170, 677, 789, 74 ], [ 170, 677, 789, 74 ], [ 170, 677, 789, 74 ], [ 170, 519, 792, 43 ], [ 170, 519, 792, 43 ], [ 170, 519, 792, 43 ], [ 170, 519, 792, 43 ], [ 170, 519, 792, 43 ], [ 170, 519, 792, 43 ], [ 170, 519, 792, 43 ], [ 170, 519, 792, 43 ], [ 170, 519, 792, 43 ] ]
[ [ 441, 48, 173, 11 ], [ 187, 95, 120, 8 ], [ 187, 120, 498, 8 ], [ 187, 132, 418, 8 ], [ 187, 158, 730, 11 ], [ 187, 174, 675, 11 ], [ 170, 202, 394, 11 ], [ 565, 203, 211, 10 ], [ 776, 202, 119, 11 ], [ 187, 217, 702, 11 ], [ 187, 233, 688, 11 ], [ 187, 248, 362, 11 ], [ 549, 249, 221, 10 ], [ 770, 248, 124, 11 ], [ 187, 265, 211, 10 ], [ 398, 264, 567, 11 ], [ 187, 279, 204, 11 ], [ 378, 279, 581, 11 ], [ 187, 295, 646, 11 ], [ 170, 323, 509, 11 ], [ 680, 324, 211, 10 ], [ 895, 323, 50, 11 ], [ 187, 338, 316, 11 ], [ 504, 340, 211, 10 ], [ 715, 338, 232, 11 ], [ 187, 354, 758, 11 ], [ 187, 369, 762, 11 ], [ 187, 385, 234, 11 ], [ 422, 386, 140, 10 ], [ 562, 385, 360, 11 ], [ 187, 401, 196, 11 ], [ 384, 402, 211, 10 ], [ 595, 401, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 429, 86, 11 ], [ 257, 430, 211, 10 ], [ 468, 429, 374, 11 ], [ 187, 445, 140, 10 ], [ 328, 444, 553, 11 ], [ 187, 460, 515, 11 ], [ 703, 461, 211, 10 ], [ 187, 475, 644, 11 ], [ 831, 476, 100, 10 ], [ 187, 492, 261, 10 ], [ 448, 491, 54, 11 ], [ 170, 578, 264, 11 ], [ 435, 579, 50, 10 ], [ 485, 578, 37, 11 ], [ 522, 579, 100, 10 ], [ 623, 578, 33, 11 ], [ 656, 579, 140, 10 ], [ 797, 578, 55, 11 ], [ 170, 606, 297, 11 ], [ 468, 607, 140, 10 ], [ 609, 606, 55, 11 ], [ 170, 634, 465, 11 ], [ 636, 635, 140, 10 ], [ 776, 634, 187, 11 ], [ 187, 649, 27, 11 ], [ 215, 651, 140, 10 ], [ 356, 649, 173, 11 ], [ 170, 768, 762, 11 ], [ 187, 783, 234, 11 ], [ 422, 784, 211, 10 ], [ 633, 783, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 811, 432, 11 ], [ 603, 812, 211, 10 ], [ 814, 811, 132, 11 ], [ 936, 964, 27, 11 ], [ 170, 839, 349, 11 ], [ 519, 840, 140, 10 ], [ 660, 839, 294, 11 ], [ 170, 855, 707, 11 ], [ 170, 870, 148, 11 ], [ 319, 871, 140, 10 ], [ 460, 870, 431, 11 ], [ 170, 886, 728, 11 ], [ 170, 901, 58, 11 ], [ 229, 902, 140, 10 ], [ 370, 901, 512, 11 ], [ 170, 918, 211, 10 ], [ 381, 917, 76, 11 ], [ 170, 677, 676, 11 ], [ 170, 694, 140, 10 ], [ 311, 693, 280, 11 ], [ 564, 693, 393, 11 ], [ 170, 708, 785, 11 ], [ 170, 724, 228, 11 ], [ 398, 725, 140, 10 ], [ 539, 724, 420, 11 ], [ 170, 740, 76, 11 ], [ 170, 519, 33, 11 ], [ 204, 520, 140, 10 ], [ 345, 519, 605, 11 ], [ 170, 534, 318, 11 ], [ 489, 535, 211, 10 ], [ 700, 534, 263, 11 ], [ 170, 550, 23, 11 ], [ 194, 551, 140, 10 ], [ 334, 550, 318, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "20", "Corr", "Correlation p$_{t}$ greater 0.8 and less 4.0 GeV/c", "Au Au Central 200 GeV ", " 0.9", "Parton Bubble Model", "FIG. 16:", "Correlation function of pairs formed to exhibit the effects of longitudinal momentum boosts by the color", "electric field as defined in the text. This correlation shows that there are more aligned pairs (correlation is larger", "by", "∼", "0.5% between 1.0", "<", "Δ", "η", "1", "+ Δ", "η", "2", "<", "2.0", "compared to between -2.0", "<", "Δ", "η", "1", "+ Δ", "η", "2", "<", "-1.0). Δ", "η", "1", "+ Δ", "η", "2", "is equal", "to", "|", "Δ", "η", "1", "|", "+", "|", "Δ", "η", "2", "|", ". As explained in the text this means there are more pairs of pairs aligned in the same direction", "compared to pairs not aligned as predicted by the color electric field. The signs and more detail are also explained", "in the text.", "Δ", "P", "t", ". Our variable is related to the sum of the abso-", "lute values of the individual Δ", "P", "t", "’s (", "|", "Δ", "P", "$^{t}$1", "|", "+", "|", "Δ", "P", "$^{t}$2", "|", ").", "We assign a sign to this sum such that if the sign of", "the individual Δ", "P", "t", "’s are the same it is a plus sign,", "while if they are different it is a minus sign.", "For", "the flux tube the color magnetic field extends over", "a large pseudorapidity range where quarks and anti-", "quarks rotate around the flux tube axis, therefore we", "want to sample pairs at the different sides of the tube", "making a separation in", "φ", "(Δ", "φ", ") between 40", "◦", "to 48", "◦", ".", "We are interested in sampling the pairs on the other", "side so we require the separation in", "η", "(Δ", "η", ") be 0.2 or", "less. For the numerator of the correlation function", "we consider all combinations of unique pairs (sign", "(", "|", "Δ", "P", "$^{t}$1", "|", "+", "|", "Δ", "P", "$^{t}$2", "|", ")) from a given central Au Au event", "divided by a mixed event denominator created from", "while for the", "π", "−", "it will be the other way around.", "This will lead to an anti-alignment between pairs.", "In Fig. 17 we show two pairs which would fall into", "the above cuts.", "Both pairs are at the limit of the", "opening angle cut", "θ", "1", "and", "θ", "2", "equal 16", "◦", ". The", "p", "t", "of the", "plus particle for pair number 1 is 1.14 GeV/c, while", "the minus particle is 1.39 GeV/c. Thus Δ", "P", "$^{t}$1", "is equal", "to -0.25 GeV/c. The", "p", "t", "of the plus particle for pair", "number 2 is 1.31 GeV/c, the minus particle is 0.91", "GeV/c and Δ", "P", "$^{t}$2", "is equal to 0.40 GeV/c.", "Finally", "the mean value shown on Fig. 17 is the mid-point", "between the", "π", "+", "and the", "π", "−", "where one really uses", "the vector sum of the", "π", "+", "and the", "π", "−", "which moves", "this point toward the harder pion.", "Considering the above cuts we defined a correla-", "tion function where we combine pairs each having a" ]
[ [ 904, 115, 16, 12 ], [ 233, 149, 609, 470 ], [ 233, 149, 609, 470 ], [ 233, 149, 609, 470 ], [ 233, 149, 609, 470 ], [ 233, 149, 609, 470 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 137, 634, 783, 79 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 544, 742, 377, 235 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 742, 377, 205 ], [ 137, 960, 377, 27 ], [ 137, 960, 377, 27 ] ]
[ [ 904, 115, 16, 12 ], [ 244, 445, 23, 37 ], [ 310, 160, 465, 18 ], [ 352, 186, 261, 18 ], [ 677, 186, 39, 18 ], [ 407, 211, 224, 18 ], [ 137, 634, 57, 11 ], [ 208, 634, 712, 11 ], [ 137, 648, 783, 11 ], [ 137, 661, 16, 11 ], [ 159, 661, 11, 19 ], [ 171, 661, 119, 11 ], [ 297, 662, 11, 10 ], [ 315, 661, 12, 11 ], [ 328, 662, 7, 10 ], [ 335, 666, 6, 5 ], [ 347, 661, 28, 11 ], [ 376, 662, 7, 10 ], [ 383, 666, 6, 5 ], [ 396, 662, 11, 10 ], [ 415, 661, 16, 11 ], [ 444, 661, 173, 11 ], [ 624, 662, 11, 10 ], [ 642, 661, 12, 11 ], [ 655, 662, 7, 10 ], [ 662, 666, 6, 5 ], [ 674, 661, 28, 11 ], [ 703, 662, 7, 10 ], [ 710, 666, 6, 5 ], [ 723, 662, 11, 10 ], [ 742, 661, 58, 11 ], [ 800, 662, 7, 10 ], [ 807, 666, 6, 5 ], [ 818, 661, 29, 11 ], [ 848, 662, 7, 10 ], [ 855, 666, 6, 5 ], [ 868, 661, 52, 11 ], [ 137, 675, 13, 11 ], [ 157, 675, 4, 19 ], [ 161, 675, 12, 11 ], [ 174, 675, 7, 10 ], [ 181, 679, 6, 5 ], [ 188, 675, 4, 19 ], [ 197, 675, 11, 11 ], [ 213, 675, 4, 19 ], [ 217, 675, 12, 11 ], [ 230, 675, 7, 10 ], [ 238, 679, 6, 5 ], [ 245, 675, 4, 19 ], [ 249, 675, 671, 11 ], [ 137, 688, 783, 11 ], [ 137, 702, 76, 11 ], [ 544, 742, 13, 12 ], [ 558, 742, 10, 12 ], [ 568, 747, 5, 6 ], [ 574, 742, 346, 12 ], [ 544, 757, 217, 12 ], [ 762, 757, 10, 12 ], [ 772, 762, 5, 6 ], [ 778, 757, 22, 12 ], [ 800, 757, 4, 22 ], [ 805, 757, 13, 12 ], [ 819, 757, 10, 12 ], [ 830, 762, 11, 7 ], [ 842, 757, 4, 22 ], [ 848, 757, 12, 12 ], [ 863, 757, 4, 22 ], [ 868, 757, 13, 12 ], [ 882, 757, 10, 12 ], [ 892, 762, 11, 7 ], [ 905, 757, 4, 22 ], [ 910, 757, 11, 12 ], [ 544, 772, 376, 12 ], [ 544, 786, 122, 12 ], [ 666, 786, 10, 12 ], [ 677, 792, 5, 6 ], [ 683, 786, 237, 12 ], [ 544, 801, 338, 12 ], [ 896, 801, 24, 12 ], [ 544, 816, 377, 12 ], [ 544, 831, 376, 12 ], [ 544, 846, 376, 12 ], [ 544, 861, 376, 12 ], [ 544, 875, 168, 12 ], [ 718, 875, 9, 12 ], [ 733, 875, 20, 12 ], [ 754, 875, 9, 12 ], [ 764, 875, 93, 12 ], [ 858, 876, 6, 6 ], [ 871, 875, 37, 12 ], [ 909, 876, 6, 6 ], [ 916, 875, 4, 12 ], [ 544, 890, 376, 12 ], [ 544, 905, 254, 12 ], [ 803, 905, 8, 12 ], [ 817, 905, 20, 12 ], [ 837, 905, 8, 12 ], [ 846, 905, 74, 12 ], [ 544, 920, 376, 12 ], [ 544, 935, 376, 12 ], [ 544, 950, 6, 12 ], [ 550, 950, 4, 22 ], [ 555, 950, 13, 12 ], [ 569, 950, 10, 12 ], [ 579, 955, 11, 7 ], [ 592, 950, 4, 22 ], [ 599, 950, 12, 12 ], [ 614, 950, 4, 22 ], [ 619, 950, 13, 12 ], [ 633, 950, 10, 12 ], [ 644, 955, 11, 7 ], [ 656, 950, 4, 22 ], [ 661, 950, 259, 12 ], [ 544, 964, 376, 12 ], [ 137, 742, 96, 12 ], [ 240, 742, 9, 12 ], [ 251, 743, 10, 6 ], [ 269, 742, 244, 12 ], [ 137, 757, 377, 12 ], [ 137, 772, 376, 12 ], [ 137, 786, 113, 12 ], [ 262, 786, 251, 12 ], [ 137, 801, 127, 12 ], [ 269, 801, 7, 12 ], [ 277, 807, 6, 7 ], [ 289, 801, 26, 12 ], [ 321, 801, 7, 12 ], [ 329, 807, 6, 7 ], [ 341, 801, 59, 12 ], [ 401, 802, 6, 6 ], [ 408, 801, 40, 12 ], [ 453, 801, 8, 12 ], [ 462, 807, 5, 6 ], [ 472, 801, 41, 12 ], [ 137, 816, 376, 12 ], [ 137, 831, 296, 12 ], [ 433, 831, 10, 12 ], [ 444, 836, 11, 7 ], [ 460, 831, 53, 12 ], [ 137, 846, 151, 12 ], [ 295, 846, 8, 12 ], [ 303, 851, 5, 6 ], [ 315, 846, 199, 12 ], [ 137, 861, 377, 12 ], [ 137, 875, 104, 12 ], [ 241, 875, 10, 12 ], [ 252, 881, 11, 7 ], [ 272, 875, 177, 12 ], [ 462, 875, 51, 12 ], [ 137, 890, 376, 12 ], [ 137, 905, 89, 12 ], [ 233, 905, 9, 12 ], [ 243, 904, 10, 7 ], [ 261, 905, 57, 12 ], [ 326, 905, 9, 12 ], [ 336, 906, 10, 6 ], [ 354, 905, 159, 12 ], [ 137, 920, 159, 12 ], [ 303, 920, 9, 12 ], [ 313, 919, 10, 7 ], [ 330, 920, 56, 12 ], [ 393, 920, 9, 12 ], [ 403, 921, 10, 6 ], [ 421, 920, 92, 12 ], [ 137, 935, 249, 12 ], [ 153, 960, 360, 12 ], [ 137, 974, 376, 12 ] ]
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[ "Table 6-8 shows the help for adding hardware resources.", "Table 6-8", "Context-sensitive help for adding hardware resource provisioning", "Name and fast path", "Context-sensitive help (F1)", "Application Controller ", "Name", "This is the application controller for which you configure DLPAR and CoD ", "resource provisioning.", "Use desired level from ", "the LPAR profile", "There is no default value. You must make one of the following choices:", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Enter ", "Yes", " if you want the LPAR hosting your node to reach only the ", "level of resources that is indicated by the desired level of the LPAR’s ", "profile. By selecting ", "Yes", ", you trust the desired level of LPAR profile to ", "fit the needs of your application controller. ", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Enter ", "No", " if you prefer to enter exact optimal values for memory, ", "processor (CPU), or both. These optimal values match the needs of ", "your application controller, and you have better control of the level of ", "resources that are allocated to your application controller.", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Enter nothing if you do not need to provision any resource for your ", "application controller. ", "For all application controllers that have this tunable set to ", "Yes", ", the ", "allocation that is performed lets the LPAR reach the LPAR desired value of ", "the profile. ", "Suppose that you have a mixed configuration, in which some application ", "controllers have this tunable set to ", "Yes", ", and other application controllers ", "have this tunable set to ", "No", " with some optimal level of resources specified. ", "In this case, the allocation that is performed lets the LPAR reach the ", "desired value of the profile that is added to the optimal values.", "Optimal number of ", "gigabytes of memory ", "Enter the amount of memory that PowerHA SystemMirror attempts to ", "acquire for the node before starting this application controller. ", "This ", "Optimal number of gigabytes of memory", " value can be set only if the ", "Used desired level from the LPAR profile", " value is set to ", "No", ". ", "Enter the value in multiples of …, ‰, ¾, or 1 GB. For example, 1 represents ", "1", "GB or 1024 MB, 1.25 represents 1.25 GB or 1280 MB, 1.50 represents ", "1.50", "GB or 1536 MB, and 1.75 represents 1.75 GB or 1792 MB.", "If this amount of memory is not satisfied, PowerHA SystemMirror takes ", "resource group (RG) recovery actions to move the RG with this application ", "to another node. Alternatively, PowerHA SystemMirror can allocate less ", "memory depending on the ", "Start RG even if resources are ", "insufficient", " cluster tunable.", "Optimal number of ", "dedicated processors", "Enter the number of processors that PowerHA SystemMirror attempts to ", "allocate to the node before starting this application controller. ", "This attribute is only for nodes running on an LPAR with Dedicated ", "Processing Mode.", "This ", "Optimal number of dedicated processors", " value can be set only if ", "the ", "Used desired level from the LPAR profile", " value is set to ", "No", ". ", "If this number of CPUs is not satisfied, PowerHA SystemMirror takes RG ", "recovery actions to move the RG with this application to another node. ", "Alternatively, PowerHA SystemMirror can allocate fewer CPUs depending ", "on the ", "Start RG even if resources are insufficient", " cluster tunable.", "For more information about how to acquire mobile resources at the RG ", "onlining stage, see 6.6, “Introduction to resource acquisition” on page 198.", "For more information about how to release mobile resources at the RG ", "offlining stage, see 6.7, “Introduction", " to the release of resources” on ", "page 207.", "180 ", "IBM PowerHA SystemMirror V7.2.3 for IBM AIX and V7.2.2 for Linux" ]
[ [ 229, 92, 423, 11 ], [ 229, 121, 509, 10 ], [ 229, 121, 509, 10 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 224, 134, 709, 754 ], [ 108, 976, 532, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 532, 11 ] ]
[ [ 229, 92, 423, 11 ], [ 229, 121, 63, 10 ], [ 305, 121, 433, 10 ], [ 250, 143, 138, 10 ], [ 567, 143, 192, 10 ], [ 239, 167, 147, 10 ], [ 239, 181, 40, 10 ], [ 420, 167, 486, 10 ], [ 420, 181, 147, 10 ], [ 239, 206, 153, 10 ], [ 239, 220, 109, 10 ], [ 420, 206, 470, 10 ], [ 420, 220, 7, 10 ], [ 444, 220, 40, 10 ], [ 484, 220, 22, 10 ], [ 506, 220, 388, 10 ], [ 444, 234, 475, 10 ], [ 444, 249, 134, 10 ], [ 578, 249, 22, 10 ], [ 601, 249, 305, 10 ], [ 444, 263, 282, 10 ], [ 420, 277, 7, 10 ], [ 444, 277, 40, 10 ], [ 484, 277, 14, 10 ], [ 499, 277, 368, 10 ], [ 444, 291, 454, 10 ], [ 444, 306, 460, 10 ], [ 444, 320, 382, 10 ], [ 420, 334, 7, 10 ], [ 444, 334, 445, 10 ], [ 444, 348, 146, 10 ], [ 420, 363, 384, 10 ], [ 804, 363, 22, 10 ], [ 826, 363, 33, 10 ], [ 420, 377, 486, 10 ], [ 420, 391, 74, 10 ], [ 420, 405, 485, 10 ], [ 420, 420, 232, 10 ], [ 652, 420, 22, 10 ], [ 675, 420, 225, 10 ], [ 420, 434, 156, 10 ], [ 576, 434, 15, 10 ], [ 591, 434, 314, 10 ], [ 420, 448, 457, 10 ], [ 420, 462, 413, 10 ], [ 239, 487, 127, 10 ], [ 239, 501, 143, 10 ], [ 420, 487, 464, 10 ], [ 420, 501, 412, 10 ], [ 420, 515, 32, 10 ], [ 452, 515, 272, 10 ], [ 724, 515, 181, 10 ], [ 420, 530, 301, 10 ], [ 721, 529, 100, 10 ], [ 821, 530, 15, 10 ], [ 836, 529, 8, 10 ], [ 420, 544, 491, 10 ], [ 420, 558, 8, 10 ], [ 432, 558, 473, 10 ], [ 420, 572, 29, 10 ], [ 453, 572, 391, 10 ], [ 420, 586, 475, 10 ], [ 420, 601, 486, 10 ], [ 420, 615, 480, 10 ], [ 420, 629, 179, 10 ], [ 599, 629, 233, 10 ], [ 420, 644, 90, 10 ], [ 510, 643, 106, 10 ], [ 239, 668, 127, 10 ], [ 239, 682, 143, 10 ], [ 420, 668, 484, 10 ], [ 420, 682, 409, 10 ], [ 420, 696, 447, 10 ], [ 420, 711, 120, 10 ], [ 420, 725, 32, 10 ], [ 452, 725, 285, 10 ], [ 738, 725, 161, 10 ], [ 420, 739, 25, 10 ], [ 445, 739, 301, 10 ], [ 746, 739, 100, 10 ], [ 846, 739, 15, 10 ], [ 861, 739, 8, 10 ], [ 420, 753, 486, 10 ], [ 420, 768, 471, 10 ], [ 420, 782, 486, 10 ], [ 420, 796, 46, 10 ], [ 466, 796, 323, 10 ], [ 789, 796, 106, 10 ], [ 420, 810, 475, 10 ], [ 420, 825, 511, 10 ], [ 420, 839, 475, 10 ], [ 420, 853, 254, 10 ], [ 662, 853, 224, 10 ], [ 420, 867, 66, 10 ], [ 108, 976, 32, 11 ], [ 165, 977, 475, 10 ] ]
[ 9, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4 ]
[ "myCursor.forEach(", "function", "(x)", "{ printjson (x); } );", "Previous versions returned a single document with a field", "results", "that contained an array of the result set,", "subject to the", "BSON Document size", "limit. Accessing the result set in the previous versions of MongoDB required", "accessing the", "results", "field and iterating the array. For example:", "MongoDB Documentation, Release 3.0.4", "var", "returnedDoc = db.orders.aggregate( [", "{", "$group: {", "_id: \"$cust_id\",", "total: { $sum: \"$price\" }", "}", "}", "] );", "var", "myArray = returnedDoc.result;", "// access the result field", "myArray.forEach(", "function", "(x)", "{ printjson (x); } );", "Solution", "Update scripts that currently expect", "db.collection.aggregate()", "to return a document with a", "results", "array to handle cursors instead.", "Description", "Specifying a write concern that includes", "j:", "true", "to a", "mongod", "or", "mongos", "instance running with", "--nojournal", "option now errors. Previous versions would ignore the", "j:", "true", ".", "Solution", "Either remove the", "j:", "true", "specification from the write concern when issued against a", "mongod", "or", "mongos", "instance with", "--nojournal", "or run", "mongod", "or", "mongos", "with journaling.", "Write Concern Validation", "See also:", "Aggregation Enhancements", "(page 851),", "db.collection.aggregate()", ",", "Security Changes", "New Authorization Model", "Description", "MongoDB 2.6", "authorization model", "(page 324) changes how MongoDB stores and manages user privi-", "lege information:", "Solution", "Ensure that at least one user exists in the admin database. If no user exists in the admin database, add a", "user. Then upgrade to MongoDB 2.6. Finally, upgrade the user privilege model. See", "Upgrade MongoDB to 2.6", "(page 866).", "•", "Before the upgrade, MongoDB 2.6 requires at least one user in the admin database.", "•", "MongoDB versions using older models cannot create/modify users or create user-defined roles.", "Important:", "Before upgrading the authorization model, you should first upgrade MongoDB binaries to 2.6. For", "sharded clusters, ensure that", "all", "cluster components are 2.6. If there are users in any database, be sure you have", "at least one user in the", "admin", "database", "before", "upgrading the MongoDB binaries.", "Security Improvements", "(page 852)", "See also:", "859", "12.2.", "Previous Stable Releases" ]
[ [ 162, 109, 459, 8 ], [ 162, 109, 459, 8 ], [ 162, 109, 459, 8 ], [ 162, 109, 459, 8 ], [ 162, 137, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 137, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 137, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 137, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 137, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 137, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 137, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 137, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 137, 742, 42 ], [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 162, 193, 540, 164 ], [ 120, 377, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 377, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 377, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 377, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 377, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 377, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 503, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 542, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 480, 184, 11 ], [ 120, 415, 61, 11 ], [ 120, 439, 522, 11 ], [ 120, 439, 522, 11 ], [ 120, 439, 522, 11 ], [ 120, 439, 522, 11 ], [ 120, 598, 124, 11 ], [ 120, 640, 184, 11 ], [ 120, 663, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 663, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 663, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 663, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 663, 783, 27 ], [ 120, 748, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 748, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 748, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 748, 783, 42 ], [ 120, 748, 783, 42 ], [ 184, 702, 569, 11 ], [ 184, 702, 569, 11 ], [ 184, 725, 649, 11 ], [ 184, 725, 649, 11 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 162, 810, 742, 39 ], [ 120, 897, 228, 11 ], [ 120, 897, 228, 11 ], [ 120, 874, 61, 11 ], [ 876, 961, 27, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 249, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 249, 12 ] ]
[ [ 162, 109, 153, 8 ], [ 324, 109, 72, 8 ], [ 396, 109, 27, 8 ], [ 432, 109, 189, 8 ], [ 162, 137, 390, 11 ], [ 558, 138, 70, 9 ], [ 633, 137, 270, 11 ], [ 162, 153, 87, 11 ], [ 253, 153, 142, 11 ], [ 398, 153, 505, 11 ], [ 162, 168, 88, 11 ], [ 254, 169, 70, 9 ], [ 329, 168, 276, 11 ], [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 162, 193, 27, 8 ], [ 198, 193, 324, 8 ], [ 198, 207, 9, 8 ], [ 216, 221, 81, 8 ], [ 243, 235, 144, 8 ], [ 243, 250, 225, 8 ], [ 216, 264, 9, 8 ], [ 198, 278, 9, 8 ], [ 162, 292, 36, 8 ], [ 162, 321, 27, 8 ], [ 198, 321, 261, 8 ], [ 468, 321, 234, 8 ], [ 162, 349, 144, 8 ], [ 315, 349, 72, 8 ], [ 387, 349, 27, 8 ], [ 423, 349, 189, 8 ], [ 120, 377, 59, 11 ], [ 188, 377, 250, 11 ], [ 446, 377, 250, 9 ], [ 703, 377, 200, 11 ], [ 162, 393, 70, 9 ], [ 236, 392, 208, 11 ], [ 120, 503, 82, 11 ], [ 211, 503, 274, 11 ], [ 490, 504, 20, 9 ], [ 530, 504, 40, 9 ], [ 576, 503, 25, 11 ], [ 607, 504, 60, 9 ], [ 672, 503, 13, 11 ], [ 692, 504, 60, 9 ], [ 757, 503, 146, 11 ], [ 162, 519, 110, 9 ], [ 276, 519, 362, 11 ], [ 642, 519, 20, 9 ], [ 682, 519, 40, 9 ], [ 723, 519, 4, 11 ], [ 120, 542, 59, 11 ], [ 188, 542, 124, 11 ], [ 319, 542, 20, 9 ], [ 359, 542, 40, 9 ], [ 406, 542, 410, 11 ], [ 823, 542, 60, 9 ], [ 890, 542, 13, 11 ], [ 162, 558, 60, 9 ], [ 226, 557, 88, 11 ], [ 319, 558, 110, 9 ], [ 433, 557, 40, 11 ], [ 478, 558, 60, 9 ], [ 542, 557, 13, 11 ], [ 560, 558, 60, 9 ], [ 624, 557, 106, 11 ], [ 120, 480, 184, 11 ], [ 120, 415, 61, 11 ], [ 120, 439, 183, 11 ], [ 308, 439, 75, 11 ], [ 388, 439, 250, 9 ], [ 638, 439, 4, 11 ], [ 120, 598, 124, 11 ], [ 120, 640, 184, 11 ], [ 120, 663, 82, 11 ], [ 211, 663, 97, 11 ], [ 313, 663, 135, 11 ], [ 453, 663, 450, 11 ], [ 162, 678, 115, 11 ], [ 120, 748, 59, 11 ], [ 188, 748, 716, 11 ], [ 162, 764, 562, 11 ], [ 729, 764, 174, 11 ], [ 162, 779, 75, 11 ], [ 184, 702, 16, 11 ], [ 205, 702, 548, 11 ], [ 184, 725, 16, 11 ], [ 205, 725, 628, 11 ], [ 162, 810, 79, 11 ], [ 251, 810, 652, 11 ], [ 162, 823, 188, 11 ], [ 354, 822, 17, 11 ], [ 376, 823, 527, 11 ], [ 162, 838, 148, 11 ], [ 315, 839, 50, 9 ], [ 369, 838, 57, 11 ], [ 431, 838, 44, 11 ], [ 479, 838, 228, 11 ], [ 120, 897, 152, 11 ], [ 277, 897, 71, 11 ], [ 120, 874, 61, 11 ], [ 876, 961, 27, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 37, 12 ], [ 163, 961, 206, 12 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "RSM Bird Cameron Partners ", "8", "St George’s Terrace Perth WA 6000 ", "GPO Box R1253 Perth WA 6844 ", "T", " +61 8 9261 9100", "F", " +61 8 9261 9101 ", " ", "INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT ", "TO THE MEMBERS OF ", "MINERAL RESOURCES LIMITED ", "Report on the Financial Report ", "We have audited the accompanying financial report of Mineral Resources Limited, which comprises the statement ", "of financial position", "as at 30", "June", "2014,", "the", "statement", "of profit", "or loss and", "other comprehensive", "income, ", "statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes comprising a summary ", "of", "significant", "accounting", "policies", "and", "other", "explanatory", "information,", "and", "the", "directors'", "declaration", "of", "the ", "consolidated entity comprising the company and the entities it controlled at the year’s end or from time to time ", "during the financial year. ", "The directors of the company are responsible for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair ", "view in", "accordance", "with", "Australian", "Accounting", "Standards and", "the ", "Corporations Act", "2001 ", "and", "for such", "internal ", "control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that is free from ", "material misstatement,", "whether due", "to", "fraud", "or error.", "In", "Note", "1,", "the", "directors also", "state,", "in", "accordance with ", "Accounting Standard AASB 101 ", "Presentation of Financial Statements", ", that the financial statements comply with ", "International Financial Reporting Standards", ".", "Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conducted our audit in ", "accordance", "with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing", "Standards require that", "we comply with relevant ", "ethical requirements relating", "to", "audit", "engagements and", "plan", "and", "perform", "the", "audit", "to", "obtain", "reasonable ", "assurance about whether the financial report is free from material misstatement.", "An", "audit", "involves performing", "procedures to", "obtain", "audit", "evidence", "about", "the amounts and", "disclosures in the ", "financial report.", "The", "procedures selected", "depend", "on the", "auditor's judgement,", "including", "the", "assessment", "of the ", "risks of material misstatement", "of the", "financial report,", "whether due", "to", "fraud or error.", "In", "making", "those", "risk ", "assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the ", "financial report", "in", "order to design", "audit", "procedures that", "are appropriate", "in", "the circumstances,", "but", "not", "for the ", "purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the", "entity's internal control.", "An", "audit", "also includes ", "evaluating", "the appropriateness of accounting policies used", "and the", "reasonableness of accounting", "estimates ", "made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report.", "We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit ", "opinion. ", "Liability limited by a ", "scheme approved", "under Professional ", "Standards Legislation ", "Major Offices in: ", "Perth, Sydney, Melbourne,", "Adelaide and Canberra ", "ABN 36 965 185 036 ", "RSM Bird Cameron Partners is a member of the RSM network.", "Each member ", "of the RSM network is an independent accounting and advisory firm which ", "practises in its own right.", "The RSM network is not itself a separate legal entity ", "in any jurisdiction. ", "94", "Mineral Resources Limited", "Annual Report 2014", "Independent ", "Auditor’s Report", "Directors’ Responsibility for the Financial Report ", "Auditor’s Responsibility ", "30", "June 2014", "Independent Auditor’s Report ", "to the Members of Mineral Resources Limited", "Independent ", "For", "personal", "use only" ]
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[ [ 614, 288, 131, 6 ], [ 614, 297, 4, 6 ], [ 623, 297, 155, 6 ], [ 614, 306, 141, 6 ], [ 614, 314, 5, 6 ], [ 619, 314, 68, 6 ], [ 705, 314, 5, 6 ], [ 711, 314, 77, 6 ], [ 614, 323, 78, 6 ], [ 374, 355, 241, 9 ], [ 420, 366, 150, 9 ], [ 387, 377, 215, 9 ], [ 148, 411, 203, 9 ], [ 148, 433, 695, 9 ], [ 148, 444, 126, 9 ], [ 287, 444, 48, 9 ], [ 347, 444, 24, 9 ], [ 383, 444, 30, 9 ], [ 426, 444, 18, 9 ], [ 456, 444, 54, 9 ], [ 523, 444, 54, 9 ], [ 589, 444, 66, 9 ], [ 668, 444, 114, 9 ], [ 795, 444, 48, 9 ], [ 148, 456, 695, 9 ], [ 148, 467, 11, 9 ], [ 171, 467, 63, 9 ], [ 245, 467, 57, 9 ], [ 314, 467, 45, 9 ], [ 372, 467, 17, 9 ], [ 401, 467, 28, 9 ], [ 441, 467, 63, 9 ], [ 515, 467, 68, 9 ], [ 596, 467, 17, 9 ], [ 625, 467, 17, 9 ], [ 653, 467, 57, 9 ], [ 722, 467, 63, 9 ], [ 797, 467, 11, 9 ], [ 820, 467, 22, 9 ], [ 148, 478, 695, 9 ], [ 148, 489, 153, 9 ], [ 148, 534, 695, 9 ], [ 148, 545, 41, 9 ], [ 201, 545, 59, 9 ], [ 272, 545, 23, 9 ], [ 308, 545, 59, 9 ], [ 379, 545, 59, 9 ], [ 450, 545, 77, 9 ], [ 539, 545, 23, 9 ], [ 564, 545, 99, 9 ], [ 676, 545, 31, 9 ], [ 709, 545, 16, 9 ], [ 737, 545, 44, 9 ], [ 793, 545, 50, 9 ], [ 148, 556, 695, 9 ], [ 148, 567, 125, 9 ], [ 284, 567, 62, 9 ], [ 359, 567, 11, 9 ], [ 381, 567, 28, 9 ], [ 421, 567, 51, 9 ], [ 484, 567, 11, 9 ], [ 507, 567, 22, 9 ], [ 541, 567, 11, 9 ], [ 564, 567, 17, 9 ], [ 592, 567, 79, 9 ], [ 683, 567, 34, 9 ], [ 729, 567, 11, 9 ], [ 752, 567, 91, 9 ], [ 148, 578, 201, 9 ], [ 350, 578, 227, 9 ], [ 578, 578, 264, 9 ], [ 148, 589, 263, 9 ], [ 411, 589, 3, 9 ], [ 148, 634, 695, 9 ], [ 148, 645, 62, 9 ], [ 222, 645, 310, 9 ], [ 545, 645, 136, 9 ], [ 694, 645, 149, 9 ], [ 148, 656, 176, 9 ], [ 337, 656, 12, 9 ], [ 361, 656, 30, 9 ], [ 404, 656, 91, 9 ], [ 508, 656, 24, 9 ], [ 544, 656, 18, 9 ], [ 575, 656, 42, 9 ], [ 630, 656, 18, 9 ], [ 660, 656, 30, 9 ], [ 703, 656, 12, 9 ], [ 727, 656, 36, 9 ], [ 776, 656, 67, 9 ], [ 148, 667, 479, 9 ], [ 148, 689, 12, 9 ], [ 172, 689, 30, 9 ], [ 214, 689, 114, 9 ], [ 341, 689, 78, 9 ], [ 432, 689, 36, 9 ], [ 480, 689, 30, 9 ], [ 523, 689, 48, 9 ], [ 583, 689, 30, 9 ], [ 625, 689, 90, 9 ], [ 728, 689, 114, 9 ], [ 148, 701, 100, 9 ], [ 260, 701, 17, 9 ], [ 289, 701, 111, 9 ], [ 413, 701, 35, 9 ], [ 460, 701, 35, 9 ], [ 507, 701, 117, 9 ], [ 637, 701, 53, 9 ], [ 702, 701, 17, 9 ], [ 731, 701, 58, 9 ], [ 802, 701, 41, 9 ], [ 148, 712, 178, 9 ], [ 338, 712, 35, 9 ], [ 385, 712, 101, 9 ], [ 498, 712, 65, 9 ], [ 576, 712, 11, 9 ], [ 599, 712, 89, 9 ], [ 700, 712, 11, 9 ], [ 724, 712, 35, 9 ], [ 772, 712, 29, 9 ], [ 813, 712, 29, 9 ], [ 148, 723, 695, 9 ], [ 148, 734, 91, 9 ], [ 250, 734, 11, 9 ], [ 273, 734, 85, 9 ], [ 370, 734, 28, 9 ], [ 410, 734, 85, 9 ], [ 507, 734, 85, 9 ], [ 604, 734, 11, 9 ], [ 626, 734, 102, 9 ], [ 740, 734, 17, 9 ], [ 769, 734, 17, 9 ], [ 797, 734, 45, 9 ], [ 148, 745, 362, 9 ], [ 523, 745, 157, 9 ], [ 692, 745, 12, 9 ], [ 716, 745, 30, 9 ], [ 758, 745, 84, 9 ], [ 148, 756, 63, 9 ], [ 224, 756, 297, 9 ], [ 533, 756, 44, 9 ], [ 590, 756, 176, 9 ], [ 780, 756, 63, 9 ], [ 148, 767, 543, 9 ], [ 148, 790, 695, 9 ], [ 148, 801, 51, 9 ], [ 148, 845, 85, 7 ], [ 148, 854, 71, 7 ], [ 148, 863, 82, 7 ], [ 148, 871, 94, 7 ], [ 254, 845, 71, 7 ], [ 254, 854, 109, 7 ], [ 254, 863, 100, 7 ], [ 254, 871, 91, 7 ], [ 381, 845, 267, 7 ], [ 658, 845, 56, 7 ], [ 381, 854, 316, 7 ], [ 381, 863, 108, 7 ], [ 497, 863, 216, 7 ], [ 381, 871, 78, 7 ], [ 75, 988, 12, 14 ], [ 100, 990, 177, 12 ], [ 281, 989, 129, 12 ], [ 47, 795, 14, 48 ], [ 35, 795, 14, 59 ], [ 148, 511, 296, 9 ], [ 148, 611, 145, 9 ], [ 75, 34, 28, 19 ], [ 109, 34, 104, 19 ], [ 75, 51, 373, 25 ], [ 75, 70, 570, 25 ], [ 47, 795, 14, 48 ], [ 8, 178, 10, 667 ], [ 83, 178, 6, 667 ], [ 91, 178, 7, 667 ] ]
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[ "Allegheny Technologies Incorporated", "Financial Information for Subsidiary and Guarantor Parent", "Statements of Operations", "For the year ended December 31, 2003", "Non-", "Guarantor", "guarantor", "(In millions)", "Parent", "Subsidiary", "Subsidiaries", "Eliminations)", "Consolidated", "Sales", "$000,0––)", "$0,962.1)", "$0,975.3)", "$0000,––)", "$1,937.4)", "Cost of sales", "94.5)", "963.9)", "815.2)", "––)", "1,873.6)", "Selling and administrative expenses", "87.4)", "19.2)", "142.2)", "––)", "248.8)", "Restructuring costs", "7.6)", "49.1)", "5.7)", "––)", "62.4)", "Income (loss) before interest, other income ", "and income taxes and cumulative effect of", "change in accounting principle", "(189.5)", "(70.1)", "12.2)", "––)", "(247.4)", "Interest expense (income), net ", "20.2)", "10.0)", "(2.5)", "––)", "27.7)", "Other income (expense) including equity ", "in income (loss) of unconsolidated subsidiaries ", "(71.8)", "(7.3)", "9.1)", "64.9)", "(5.1)", "Income (loss) before income tax provision", "(benefit) and cumulative effect of change in", "accounting principle", "(281.5)", "(87.4)", "23.8)", "64.9)", "(280.2)", "Income tax provision (benefit) ", "31.8)", "(29.1)", "140.7)", "(110.3)", "33.1)", "Net income (loss) before cumulative effect of", "change in accounting principle", "(313.3)", "(58.3)", "(116.9)", "175.2)", "(313.3)", "Cumulative effect of change in accounting", "principle, net of tax", "(1.3)", "––)", "––)", "––)", "(1.3)", "Net income (loss)", "$0,(314.6)", "$00(58.3)", "$0(116.9)", "$0,175.2)", "$0(314.6)", "Allegheny Technologies Incorporated", "Financial Information for Subsidiary and Guarantor Parent", "Condensed Statements of Cash Flows", "For the year ended December 31, 2003", "Non-", "Guarantor", "guarantor", "(In millions)", "Parent", "Subsidiary", "Subsidiaries", "Eliminations)", "Consolidated", "Cash flows provided by (used in)", "operating activities", "$00,(57.5)", "$0,136.7)", "$00,24.5)", "$00(21.7)", "$00,82.0)", "Cash flows provided by (used in) ", "investing activities", "––)", "(28.2)", "(46.3)", "4.2)", "(70.3)", "Cash flows provided by (used in) ", "financing activities", "57.6)", "(109.2)", "42.6)", "17.5)", "8.5)", "Increase (decrease) in cash ", "and cash equivalents", "$00000.1)", "$000(0.7)", "$00,20.8)", "$0000,––)", "$00,20.2)", "ATI", "Annual Report 2003", "57" ]
[ [ 92, 81, 565, 50 ], [ 92, 81, 565, 50 ], [ 92, 81, 565, 50 ], [ 92, 153, 236, 9 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 87, 162, 849, 417 ], [ 92, 622, 565, 50 ], [ 92, 622, 565, 50 ], [ 92, 622, 565, 50 ], [ 92, 694, 236, 9 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 87, 704, 849, 202 ], [ 764, 982, 172, 9 ], [ 764, 982, 172, 9 ], [ 764, 982, 172, 9 ] ]
[ [ 92, 81, 354, 14 ], [ 92, 99, 565, 14 ], [ 92, 117, 250, 14 ], [ 92, 153, 236, 9 ], [ 706, 166, 29, 9 ], [ 476, 179, 58, 9 ], [ 679, 179, 55, 9 ], [ 92, 192, 63, 9 ], [ 496, 192, 37, 9 ], [ 574, 192, 59, 9 ], [ 665, 192, 69, 9 ], [ 764, 192, 71, 9 ], [ 858, 192, 76, 9 ], [ 92, 215, 42, 11 ], [ 464, 215, 69, 11 ], [ 567, 215, 67, 11 ], [ 668, 215, 67, 11 ], [ 765, 215, 69, 11 ], [ 867, 215, 67, 11 ], [ 92, 234, 92, 11 ], [ 498, 234, 35, 11 ], [ 590, 234, 44, 11 ], [ 690, 234, 44, 11 ], [ 815, 234, 20, 11 ], [ 876, 234, 58, 11 ], [ 92, 254, 250, 11 ], [ 498, 254, 35, 11 ], [ 599, 254, 35, 11 ], [ 690, 254, 44, 11 ], [ 815, 254, 20, 11 ], [ 890, 254, 44, 11 ], [ 92, 273, 137, 11 ], [ 507, 273, 26, 11 ], [ 599, 273, 35, 11 ], [ 708, 273, 26, 11 ], [ 815, 273, 20, 11 ], [ 899, 273, 35, 11 ], [ 92, 293, 305, 11 ], [ 112, 312, 298, 11 ], [ 112, 331, 215, 11 ], [ 485, 331, 48, 11 ], [ 595, 331, 39, 11 ], [ 699, 331, 35, 11 ], [ 815, 331, 20, 11 ], [ 886, 331, 48, 11 ], [ 92, 351, 216, 11 ], [ 498, 351, 35, 11 ], [ 599, 351, 35, 11 ], [ 704, 351, 30, 11 ], [ 815, 351, 20, 11 ], [ 899, 351, 35, 11 ], [ 92, 370, 287, 11 ], [ 112, 390, 331, 11 ], [ 494, 390, 39, 11 ], [ 604, 390, 30, 11 ], [ 708, 390, 26, 11 ], [ 800, 390, 35, 11 ], [ 904, 390, 30, 11 ], [ 92, 409, 319, 11 ], [ 112, 428, 330, 11 ], [ 112, 448, 155, 11 ], [ 485, 448, 48, 11 ], [ 595, 448, 39, 11 ], [ 699, 448, 35, 11 ], [ 800, 448, 35, 11 ], [ 886, 448, 48, 11 ], [ 92, 467, 211, 11 ], [ 498, 467, 35, 11 ], [ 595, 467, 39, 11 ], [ 690, 467, 44, 11 ], [ 787, 467, 48, 11 ], [ 899, 467, 35, 11 ], [ 92, 487, 313, 11 ], [ 112, 506, 215, 11 ], [ 485, 506, 48, 11 ], [ 595, 506, 39, 11 ], [ 686, 506, 48, 11 ], [ 791, 506, 44, 11 ], [ 886, 506, 48, 11 ], [ 92, 525, 296, 11 ], [ 112, 545, 135, 11 ], [ 503, 545, 30, 11 ], [ 614, 545, 20, 11 ], [ 715, 545, 20, 11 ], [ 815, 545, 20, 11 ], [ 904, 545, 30, 11 ], [ 92, 564, 135, 11 ], [ 463, 564, 71, 11 ], [ 568, 564, 66, 11 ], [ 668, 564, 66, 11 ], [ 766, 564, 68, 11 ], [ 868, 564, 66, 11 ], [ 92, 622, 354, 14 ], [ 92, 640, 565, 14 ], [ 92, 658, 363, 14 ], [ 92, 694, 236, 9 ], [ 706, 707, 29, 9 ], [ 476, 720, 58, 9 ], [ 679, 720, 55, 9 ], [ 92, 733, 63, 9 ], [ 496, 733, 37, 9 ], [ 574, 733, 59, 9 ], [ 665, 733, 69, 9 ], [ 764, 733, 71, 9 ], [ 858, 733, 76, 9 ], [ 92, 756, 253, 11 ], [ 112, 775, 148, 11 ], [ 463, 775, 71, 11 ], [ 567, 775, 67, 11 ], [ 668, 775, 67, 11 ], [ 766, 775, 69, 11 ], [ 867, 775, 67, 11 ], [ 92, 795, 258, 11 ], [ 112, 814, 144, 11 ], [ 514, 814, 20, 11 ], [ 595, 814, 39, 11 ], [ 695, 814, 39, 11 ], [ 809, 814, 26, 11 ], [ 895, 814, 39, 11 ], [ 92, 833, 258, 11 ], [ 112, 853, 145, 11 ], [ 498, 853, 35, 11 ], [ 586, 853, 48, 11 ], [ 699, 853, 35, 11 ], [ 800, 853, 35, 11 ], [ 908, 853, 26, 11 ], [ 92, 872, 218, 11 ], [ 112, 892, 164, 11 ], [ 462, 892, 71, 11 ], [ 568, 892, 66, 11 ], [ 668, 892, 67, 11 ], [ 765, 892, 69, 11 ], [ 867, 892, 67, 11 ], [ 764, 982, 18, 9 ], [ 797, 982, 108, 9 ], [ 922, 982, 13, 9 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "obvious clustering of events is discernible for any of our datasets.", "We use LSTMVis (Strobelt et al., 2016), which is motivated by earlier work by", "Karpathy et al. (2015), to examine the activation of hidden state cells for different", "inputs", "$^{6}$. The visualization assists in identifying cells that are active for some input", "but not others (the ”hypothesis selection process”, Strobelt et al., 2016), and then", "confirming such hypotheses by comparing activation patterns against similar input", "(the ”matching process”, Strobelt et al., 2016).", "Figure 10 shows the tool in use with hidden states on the first level of the", "trained RNN for the BPI2012 dataset with 16 embedding dimensions. The event", "sequence ”ADECLINED [EOC]” is selected in the timeline (top part of figure). The", "inputs that match the activation pattern of the selected event sequence are sequences", "of the same two events, shown at the bottom of the image.", "This cell appears", "to represent the ending of cases with declined loan applications.", "In some cases,", "another event occurs in between the ”ADECLINED” and ”[EOC]” and this input is", "represented by the same cell activation pattern. Other hidden state cells represent", "the events ”WNABELLENOFFERTES”, ”WCOMPLETERENANVRAAG”, and", "the sequence ”AACCEPTED AFINALIZED OSELECTED”.", "This paper introduced the use of deep learning for process prediction.", "Our", "approach does not rely on explicit process models and can be applied when models", "do not exist or are difficult to obtain. Our results, surpassing or close to the state-", "of-the-art and with cross-validated precision in excess of 80% on many problems,", "demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of this approach.", "7.", "Discussion and Conclusion", "$^{6}$Because LSTMVis provides an interactive visualization for exploring state dynamics, it is dif-", "ficult to provide in static form in this paper.", "The fully interactive visualization is available at", "", "28" ]
[ [ 180, 144, 520, 12 ], [ 180, 172, 663, 154 ], [ 180, 172, 663, 154 ], [ 180, 172, 663, 154 ], [ 180, 172, 663, 154 ], [ 180, 172, 663, 154 ], [ 180, 172, 663, 154 ], [ 180, 172, 663, 154 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 342, 663, 267 ], [ 180, 689, 663, 126 ], [ 180, 689, 663, 126 ], [ 180, 689, 663, 126 ], [ 180, 689, 663, 126 ], [ 180, 689, 663, 126 ], [ 180, 689, 663, 126 ], [ 180, 649, 270, 12 ], [ 180, 649, 270, 12 ], [ 180, 848, 663, 38 ], [ 180, 848, 663, 38 ], [ 180, 848, 663, 38 ], [ 180, 848, 663, 38 ], [ 503, 914, 18, 12 ] ]
[ [ 180, 144, 520, 12 ], [ 209, 172, 634, 12 ], [ 180, 200, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 229, 49, 12 ], [ 230, 229, 613, 12 ], [ 180, 257, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 286, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 314, 376, 12 ], [ 209, 342, 634, 12 ], [ 180, 371, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 399, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 427, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 456, 504, 12 ], [ 702, 456, 141, 12 ], [ 180, 484, 530, 12 ], [ 726, 484, 117, 12 ], [ 180, 512, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 541, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 569, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 598, 489, 12 ], [ 209, 689, 586, 12 ], [ 812, 689, 31, 12 ], [ 180, 718, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 746, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 774, 663, 12 ], [ 180, 803, 473, 12 ], [ 180, 649, 14, 12 ], [ 212, 649, 239, 12 ], [ 201, 848, 642, 10 ], [ 180, 862, 314, 10 ], [ 508, 862, 336, 10 ], [ 180, 877, 228, 9 ], [ 503, 914, 18, 12 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ "TOURNAMENTS ", "SECTION XIII - WTA TOURNAMENT RESPONSIBILITIES/BENEFITS TO WTA", "b. ", "Back Walls, Sidewalls, and/or Scoreboards", "i. ", "Website Logo", "ii. ", "WTA Logo", "Where possible, and with individual Tournament approval, each ", "Tournament may place the WTA website logo on its back walls, ", "sidewalls, and/or scoreboards.", "Where possible, and with individual Tournament approval, each ", "Tournament may place the WTA Logo on its back walls, sidewalls, ", "video boards, and/or scoreboards in order to expose its affiliation ", "with the WTA.", "Each Tournament will prominently display one (1) WTA/sponsor sign or ", "banner measuring a maximum of three (3) feet by seven (7) feet (.91 m by ", "2.12", "m) bearing the WTA Logo as close to the precincts of center court so as to ", "maximize its visibility to tennis patrons without dislocating any commercial or ", "sponsor banners that have been sold by or are obligations of the Tournament ", "Director.", "WTA/sponsor shall receive exposure on satellite interview backdrops and ", "on the press area/interview room backdrops and microphone flags at each ", "Tournament.", "6. ", "Signage Within Precincts of Center Court", "7. ", "Press Area/Interview Room", "8. ", "On-Site Display", "a. ", "Tournament Obligations", "At each Tournament, WTA/sponsor shall have the right to a complimentary ", "on-site display space for sampling, couponing, demonstration, promotion, ", "sale of product or merchandise, etc.", "This right to on-site display space will be available at all Tournament ", "sessions for such activities and shall be at no charge to WTA/sponsor so ", "long as the display space consists of at least a basic structure with lighting ", "and a lockable storage area and is consistent with the equipment and ", "services provided to other Tournament display sponsors.", "233" ]
[ [ 182, 34, 659, 36 ], [ 182, 34, 659, 36 ], [ 143, 81, 470, 18 ], [ 143, 81, 470, 18 ], [ 186, 118, 187, 18 ], [ 186, 118, 187, 18 ], [ 186, 230, 152, 18 ], [ 186, 230, 152, 18 ], [ 232, 156, 710, 55 ], [ 232, 156, 710, 55 ], [ 232, 156, 710, 55 ], [ 232, 268, 710, 74 ], [ 232, 268, 710, 74 ], [ 232, 268, 710, 74 ], [ 232, 268, 710, 74 ], [ 139, 399, 804, 111 ], [ 139, 399, 804, 111 ], [ 139, 399, 804, 111 ], [ 139, 399, 804, 111 ], [ 139, 399, 804, 111 ], [ 139, 399, 804, 111 ], [ 139, 399, 804, 111 ], [ 139, 568, 803, 55 ], [ 139, 568, 803, 55 ], [ 139, 568, 803, 55 ], [ 93, 360, 493, 20 ], [ 93, 360, 493, 20 ], [ 93, 529, 343, 20 ], [ 93, 529, 343, 20 ], [ 93, 642, 215, 20 ], [ 93, 642, 215, 20 ], [ 145, 681, 293, 18 ], [ 145, 681, 293, 18 ], [ 186, 719, 748, 55 ], [ 186, 719, 748, 55 ], [ 186, 719, 748, 55 ], [ 173, 793, 768, 93 ], [ 173, 793, 768, 93 ], [ 173, 793, 768, 93 ], [ 173, 793, 768, 93 ], [ 173, 793, 768, 93 ], [ 471, 960, 35, 17 ] ]
[ [ 421, 34, 187, 21 ], [ 182, 53, 659, 16 ], [ 143, 81, 24, 18 ], [ 186, 81, 427, 18 ], [ 186, 118, 16, 18 ], [ 232, 118, 141, 18 ], [ 186, 230, 22, 18 ], [ 232, 230, 106, 18 ], [ 232, 156, 710, 18 ], [ 232, 174, 710, 18 ], [ 232, 193, 309, 18 ], [ 232, 268, 710, 18 ], [ 232, 287, 707, 18 ], [ 232, 305, 707, 18 ], [ 232, 324, 144, 18 ], [ 139, 399, 804, 18 ], [ 139, 418, 800, 18 ], [ 139, 437, 42, 18 ], [ 187, 437, 749, 18 ], [ 139, 456, 797, 18 ], [ 139, 474, 797, 18 ], [ 139, 493, 88, 18 ], [ 139, 568, 803, 18 ], [ 139, 587, 800, 18 ], [ 139, 606, 132, 18 ], [ 93, 360, 25, 20 ], [ 139, 360, 446, 20 ], [ 93, 529, 25, 20 ], [ 139, 529, 296, 20 ], [ 93, 642, 25, 20 ], [ 139, 642, 169, 20 ], [ 145, 681, 22, 18 ], [ 186, 681, 252, 18 ], [ 186, 719, 748, 18 ], [ 186, 737, 748, 18 ], [ 186, 756, 367, 18 ], [ 173, 793, 768, 18 ], [ 186, 812, 752, 18 ], [ 186, 831, 749, 18 ], [ 186, 850, 753, 18 ], [ 186, 868, 582, 18 ], [ 471, 960, 35, 17 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "US 2020/0133122 Al ", "99 ", "Apr. 30, 2020 ", "-continued ", "0 ", "CF3 ", "A,......s03-", "0 ", "C ", "F2 ", ">y", "0", "~", "0", "J:,:s~ ", "0 ", "CF3 ", "o~0Ac,......s03-", "F2 ", "0 ", "NYO ", "0 ", "0 ", "AcO ", "0 ", "[0167] ", "In formula (3B), W1’", "1 ", "and W1’", "2 ", "are each indepen›", "dently fluorine or a C$_{1 }$-C$_{40 }$monovalent hydrocarbon group ", "which may contain a heteroatom. The monovalent hydro›", "carbon groups may be straight, branched or cyclic, and ", "examples thereof are as exemplified above for R", "112", ". Pref›", "erably ", "W1’", "1 ", "and W1’", "2 ", "each are fluorine or a straight C$_{1 }$-C$_{4 }$", "fluorinated alkyl group. A pair of W1’", "1 ", "and W1’", "2 ", "may bond ", "together to form a ring with the linkage (-CF$_{2}$-SO$_{2}$", "-", "N--SO$_{2}$----CF $_{2}$-) to which they are attached, and prefer›", "ably the pair is a fluorinated ethylene or fluorinated propyl›", "ene group. ", "[0168] ", "In formula (3C), ", "Rf’cl, wc", "2 ", "and ", "Wc3 ", "are each inde›", "pendently fluorine or a C$_{1 }$-C$_{40 }$ monovalent hydrocarbon ", "group which may contain a heteroatom. The monovalent ", "hydrocarbon groups may be straight, branched or cyclic, and ", "examples thereof are as exemplified above for R ", "112", ". Pref›", "erably wc1, ", "wc", "2 ", "and ", "Wc3 ", "each are fluorine or a straight ", "cl ", "-C4 fluorinated alkyl group. A pair of wc1 and ", "wc", "2 ", "may ", "bond together to form a ring with the linkage (--CF ", "2", "-", "SO2-c--SO", "2", "-CF ", "2", "-) to which they are attached, and ", "preferably the pair is a fluorinated ethylene or fluorinated ", "propylene group. ", "[0169] ", "In formula (3D), ", "wd ", "is a Cl-C40 monovalent hydro›", "carbon group which may contain a heteroatom. The mon›", "ovalent hydrocarbon groups may be straight, branched or ", "cyclic, and examples thereof are as exemplified above for ", "R112_ ", "[0170] ", "With respect to the synthesis of the sulfonium salt ", "having an anion of formula (3D), reference is made to JP-A ", "2010-215608 and JP-A 2014-133723. ", "[0171] ", "Examples of the anion having formula (3D) are ", "shown below, but not limited thereto. ", ", ", "l", "$_{0}$~so, ~", "$_{0}$~so; ", "A ", ", ", "c~ ", "u ", "c~ ", "~", "$_{0}$~so; ", "u ", "CF3 ", "~o~s~ ", "llJ ", "CF3 ", "o", "o~s~ ", "CF3 ", "0 ", "W", "$_{0}$~s~ ", "CF3 " ]
[ [ 129, 73, 181, 13 ], [ 496, 92, 23, 13 ], [ 766, 73, 116, 13 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 99, 120, 397, 726 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 129, 865, 366, 106 ], [ 520, 140, 361, 37 ], [ 520, 140, 361, 37 ], [ 520, 140, 361, 37 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 185, 365, 148 ], [ 520, 338, 366, 66 ], [ 520, 338, 366, 66 ], [ 520, 338, 366, 66 ], [ 520, 338, 366, 66 ], [ 520, 338, 366, 66 ], [ 520, 338, 366, 66 ], [ 520, 338, 366, 66 ], [ 520, 338, 366, 66 ], [ 520, 417, 365, 36 ], [ 520, 417, 365, 36 ], [ 520, 417, 365, 36 ], [ 520, 417, 365, 36 ], [ 521, 464, 364, 23 ], [ 521, 464, 364, 23 ], [ 521, 464, 364, 23 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ], [ 510, 496, 397, 464 ] ]
[ [ 129, 73, 181, 13 ], [ 496, 92, 23, 13 ], [ 766, 73, 116, 13 ], [ 279, 143, 68, 9 ], [ 295, 156, 8, 7 ], [ 341, 156, 19, 7 ], [ 327, 168, 83, 20 ], [ 318, 186, 9, 8 ], [ 365, 186, 11, 8 ], [ 365, 194, 12, 8 ], [ 158, 323, 65, 56 ], [ 225, 347, 5, 7 ], [ 233, 361, 5, 7 ], [ 341, 358, 5, 7 ], [ 350, 339, 87, 37 ], [ 310, 406, 8, 7 ], [ 357, 406, 19, 7 ], [ 263, 420, 161, 20 ], [ 380, 444, 12, 8 ], [ 240, 457, 8, 7 ], [ 159, 462, 120, 69 ], [ 356, 477, 8, 7 ], [ 240, 529, 8, 7 ], [ 138, 693, 25, 7 ], [ 135, 828, 8, 7 ], [ 130, 867, 40, 10 ], [ 184, 867, 127, 9 ], [ 312, 865, 6, 6 ], [ 323, 867, 46, 9 ], [ 369, 865, 6, 6 ], [ 381, 867, 109, 9 ], [ 129, 880, 364, 9 ], [ 129, 894, 360, 9 ], [ 129, 907, 366, 9 ], [ 129, 921, 304, 9 ], [ 434, 916, 16, 9 ], [ 451, 921, 38, 9 ], [ 129, 934, 41, 9 ], [ 173, 933, 19, 12 ], [ 193, 933, 6, 6 ], [ 204, 934, 46, 9 ], [ 250, 933, 6, 6 ], [ 262, 934, 228, 9 ], [ 129, 948, 231, 9 ], [ 361, 946, 6, 6 ], [ 371, 948, 47, 9 ], [ 417, 946, 6, 6 ], [ 428, 948, 66, 9 ], [ 129, 961, 344, 9 ], [ 475, 964, 2, 6 ], [ 520, 140, 360, 10 ], [ 520, 154, 360, 9 ], [ 520, 168, 67, 9 ], [ 521, 187, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 187, 102, 9 ], [ 680, 188, 50, 8 ], [ 731, 186, 6, 5 ], [ 741, 187, 26, 9 ], [ 767, 185, 25, 12 ], [ 796, 187, 85, 9 ], [ 520, 201, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 215, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 228, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 242, 307, 9 ], [ 825, 237, 15, 9 ], [ 843, 242, 38, 9 ], [ 520, 255, 74, 9 ], [ 600, 248, 17, 18 ], [ 618, 253, 6, 5 ], [ 631, 255, 26, 9 ], [ 659, 253, 25, 12 ], [ 690, 255, 195, 9 ], [ 520, 266, 21, 12 ], [ 536, 271, 289, 6 ], [ 826, 262, 17, 18 ], [ 845, 267, 6, 5 ], [ 855, 269, 30, 9 ], [ 520, 282, 344, 9 ], [ 860, 288, 4, 5 ], [ 866, 285, 2, 5 ], [ 521, 296, 91, 9 ], [ 611, 299, 7, 9 ], [ 616, 296, 40, 10 ], [ 651, 299, 7, 9 ], [ 656, 296, 230, 9 ], [ 520, 310, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 323, 107, 9 ], [ 521, 343, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 343, 100, 9 ], [ 676, 338, 22, 16 ], [ 699, 343, 182, 9 ], [ 520, 357, 360, 9 ], [ 520, 370, 366, 9 ], [ 520, 384, 364, 9 ], [ 520, 394, 31, 9 ], [ 521, 417, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 417, 309, 9 ], [ 520, 431, 365, 9 ], [ 520, 444, 233, 9 ], [ 521, 464, 40, 10 ], [ 575, 465, 309, 9 ], [ 521, 478, 233, 9 ], [ 523, 517, 28, 39 ], [ 555, 517, 15, 39 ], [ 589, 538, 112, 11 ], [ 783, 538, 107, 11 ], [ 533, 544, 37, 26 ], [ 583, 544, 20, 26 ], [ 613, 556, 24, 11 ], [ 694, 521, 62, 57 ], [ 807, 556, 24, 11 ], [ 550, 612, 6, 7 ], [ 639, 609, 107, 11 ], [ 550, 597, 59, 55 ], [ 663, 633, 19, 7 ], [ 550, 667, 105, 30 ], [ 562, 682, 62, 35 ], [ 676, 703, 19, 7 ], [ 643, 746, 20, 11 ], [ 684, 746, 87, 11 ], [ 690, 769, 19, 7 ], [ 550, 790, 8, 7 ], [ 550, 791, 91, 67 ], [ 675, 834, 107, 11 ], [ 699, 850, 19, 7 ] ]
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[ "Kliniken im Naturpark Altmühltal GmbH", "Grabmannstraße 9", "80572 Eichstätt", "Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzplan", "gem. §2 BaustellV", "583-2019 Sanierung und Erweiterung der Klinik Eichstätt 2. BA", "Grabmannstraße 9", "85072 Eichstätt", "Gewerk, Arbeitsbereich:", "Gemeinsam genutzte Sicherheitseinrichtungen", "Gefährdung, Einrichtung: Absturz beim Zugang zu hochgelegenen Arbeitsplätzen und Verkehrswegen", "Lösungen, Maßnahmen:", "Treppenturm errichten und ", "instandhalten;", "* Montageanweisung beachten; Statik ", "berücksichtigen, standfester Untergrund; ", "standsicher aufstellen und verankern", "* Aufbau- und Verwendungsanleitung ", "beachten", "* Gerüstfreigabeprotokoll", "Leitergänge dürfen als Aufstiege nicht ", "mehr bei einer Höhe von über 5,00 m ", "verwendet werden.", "Für den Aufgang ist eine Beleuchtung ", "vorzusehen. Sie sind im Winter schnee-", "und eisfrei zu halten, wenn sie in ", "Benutzung sind. Dieses gilt vor allem bei ", "einer möglichen Verwendung als Flucht-", "und Rettungsweg für den Klinikbetrieb. ", "Regelwerke:", "DGUV 38", "GM B 113", "Bestandstreppen nutzen - abgetrennt ", "vom übrigen Klinikbetrieb", "Fluchtwegebeziehungen überprüfen!", "Gefährdung, Einrichtung: Absturz von hochgelegenen Arbeitsplätzen und Verkehrswegen", "Lösungen, Maßnahmen:", "Arbeitsgerüst mit Treppenturm errichten ", "und instandhalten: siehe oben", "Regelwerke:", "DGUV 38", "GM B 113", "Konsolgerüst montieren:", "*Konsolgerüste nur bis zu einer ", "Belastung von höchstens 200 kg/m³ ", "verwenden!", "*die Auskragung der Konsolgerüste ", "muss mind. 0,6 m betragen und darf ", "max. 1,3 m breit sein!", "*Brauchbarkeitsnachweis muss ", "vorliegen (d.h. statische Berechnung, ", "Typenprüfung, Bauartzulassung oder ", "Bescheinigung der Arbeitssicherheit", "Regelwerke:", "GM B 119", "Seitenschutz anbringen; *An der ", "Absturzkante ist ein dreiteiliger ", "Seitenschutz anzubringen. *Die Montage ", "sollte, wenn möglich so erfolgen, dass ", "Folgegewerke den Seitenschutz nicht ", "demontieren müssen, um ihre Arbeiten ", "auszuführen.", "Regelwerke:", "DGUV 38", "GM B 100", "Absperrungen; Die Deckenkante ist in ", "2,0 m Abstand von der Absturzkante ", "abzusperren.", "Regelwerke:", "DGUV 38", "GM B 100", "Seite 72 von 76" ]
[ [ 675, 63, 298, 38 ], [ 675, 63, 298, 38 ], [ 675, 63, 298, 38 ], [ 102, 29, 476, 72 ], [ 102, 29, 476, 72 ], [ 102, 29, 476, 72 ], [ 102, 29, 476, 72 ], [ 102, 29, 476, 72 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 101, 122, 882, 818 ], [ 845, 943, 119, 11 ] ]
[ [ 675, 63, 298, 11 ], [ 828, 76, 144, 11 ], [ 855, 90, 117, 11 ], [ 102, 29, 429, 15 ], [ 102, 47, 188, 15 ], [ 102, 63, 476, 11 ], [ 102, 76, 144, 11 ], [ 102, 90, 117, 11 ], [ 107, 126, 198, 11 ], [ 326, 126, 383, 11 ], [ 107, 159, 839, 11 ], [ 107, 192, 198, 11 ], [ 326, 192, 208, 11 ], [ 326, 205, 106, 11 ], [ 326, 219, 291, 11 ], [ 326, 232, 314, 11 ], [ 326, 246, 280, 11 ], [ 326, 259, 288, 11 ], [ 326, 272, 70, 11 ], [ 326, 286, 189, 11 ], [ 326, 313, 292, 11 ], [ 326, 326, 288, 11 ], [ 326, 340, 144, 11 ], [ 326, 367, 291, 11 ], [ 326, 380, 302, 11 ], [ 326, 393, 252, 11 ], [ 326, 407, 312, 11 ], [ 326, 420, 305, 11 ], [ 326, 434, 298, 11 ], [ 647, 192, 101, 11 ], [ 856, 192, 73, 11 ], [ 856, 205, 77, 11 ], [ 328, 478, 287, 11 ], [ 328, 491, 192, 11 ], [ 328, 518, 277, 11 ], [ 107, 551, 739, 11 ], [ 107, 584, 198, 11 ], [ 326, 583, 308, 11 ], [ 326, 597, 228, 11 ], [ 647, 584, 101, 11 ], [ 856, 583, 73, 11 ], [ 856, 597, 77, 11 ], [ 328, 614, 185, 11 ], [ 328, 627, 242, 11 ], [ 328, 641, 277, 11 ], [ 328, 654, 88, 11 ], [ 328, 668, 274, 11 ], [ 328, 681, 281, 11 ], [ 328, 694, 164, 11 ], [ 328, 708, 248, 11 ], [ 328, 721, 287, 11 ], [ 328, 735, 286, 11 ], [ 328, 748, 273, 11 ], [ 649, 615, 101, 11 ], [ 858, 614, 77, 11 ], [ 328, 765, 249, 11 ], [ 328, 779, 237, 11 ], [ 328, 792, 314, 11 ], [ 328, 806, 294, 11 ], [ 328, 819, 289, 11 ], [ 328, 832, 300, 11 ], [ 328, 846, 98, 11 ], [ 649, 767, 101, 11 ], [ 858, 765, 73, 11 ], [ 858, 779, 77, 11 ], [ 328, 863, 292, 11 ], [ 328, 876, 282, 11 ], [ 328, 890, 99, 11 ], [ 649, 864, 101, 11 ], [ 858, 863, 73, 11 ], [ 858, 876, 77, 11 ], [ 845, 943, 119, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4 ]
Sigeplan_ Klinikum_ Eichst則t_25-08-20.pdf
[ "Purge Configuration", "The ", "innodb_spin_wait_delay", " and ", "innodb_spin_wait_pause_multiplier", " variables are", "dynamic. They can be specified in a MySQL option file or modified at runtime using a ", "SET GLOBAL", "statement. Modifying the variables at runtime requires privileges sufficient to set global system variables.", "See Section, “System Variable Privileges”", ".", "InnoDB", " does not physically remove a row from the database immediately when you delete it with an SQL", "statement. A row and its index records are only physically removed when ", "InnoDB", " discards the undo log", "record written for the deletion. This removal operation, which only occurs after the row is no longer required", "for multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) or rollback, is called a purge.", "Purge runs on a periodic schedule. It parses and processes undo log pages from the history list, which is", "a list of undo log pages for committed transactions that is maintained by the ", "InnoDB", " transaction system.", "Purge frees the undo log pages from the history list after processing them.", "Purge operations are performed in the background by one or more purge threads. The number of purge", "threads is controlled by the ", "innodb_purge_threads", " variable. The default value is 4.", "If DML action is concentrated on a single table, purge operations for the table are performed by a", "single purge thread, which can result in slowed purge operations, increased purge lag, and increased", "tablespace file size if the DML operations involve large object values. From MySQL 8.0.26, if the", "innodb_max_purge_lag", " setting is exceeded, purge work is automatically redistributed among available", "purge threads. Too many active purge threads in this scenario can cause contention with user threads, so", "manage the ", "innodb_purge_threads", " setting accordingly. The ", "innodb_max_purge_lag", " variable is set", "to 0 by default, which means that there is no maximum purge lag by default.", "If DML action is concentrated on few tables, keep the ", "innodb_purge_threads", " setting low so that the", "threads do not contend with each other for access to the busy tables. If DML operations are spread across", "many tables, consider a higher ", "innodb_purge_threads", " setting. The maximum number of purge threads", "is 32.", "The ", "innodb_purge_threads", " setting is the maximum number of purge threads permitted. The purge", "system automatically adjusts the number of purge threads that are used.", "The ", "innodb_purge_batch_size", " variable defines the number of undo log pages that purge", "parses and processes in one batch from the history list. The default value is 300. In a multithreaded", "purge configuration, the coordinator purge thread divides ", "innodb_purge_batch_size", " by", "innodb_purge_threads", " and assigns that number of pages to each purge thread.", "The purge system also frees the undo log pages that are no longer required. It does so every 128 iterations", "through the undo logs. In addition to defining the number of undo log pages parsed and processed in a", "batch, the ", "innodb_purge_batch_size", " variable defines the number of undo log pages that purge frees", "every 128 iterations through the undo logs.", "The ", "innodb_purge_batch_size", " variable is intended for advanced performance tuning and", "experimentation. Most users need not change ", "innodb_purge_batch_size", " from its default value.", "The ", "innodb_max_purge_lag", " variable defines the desired maximum purge lag. When the purge lag", "exceeds the ", "innodb_max_purge_lag", " threshold, a delay is imposed on ", "INSERT", ", ", "UPDATE", ", and ", "DELETE", "15.8.9", "Purge Configuration", "Configuring Purge Threads", "Configuring Purge Batch Size", "Configuring the Maximum Purge Lag", "3129" ]
[ [ 453, 48, 148, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 94, 773, 58 ], [ 170, 203, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 203, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 203, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 203, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 203, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 203, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 203, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 277, 774, 43 ], [ 170, 277, 774, 43 ], [ 170, 277, 774, 43 ], [ 170, 277, 774, 43 ], [ 170, 277, 774, 43 ], [ 170, 367, 766, 27 ], [ 170, 367, 766, 27 ], [ 170, 367, 766, 27 ], [ 170, 367, 766, 27 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 410, 788, 105 ], [ 170, 531, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 531, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 531, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 531, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 531, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 531, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 531, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 531, 791, 58 ], [ 170, 605, 758, 27 ], [ 170, 605, 758, 27 ], [ 170, 605, 758, 27 ], [ 170, 605, 758, 27 ], [ 170, 679, 735, 58 ], [ 170, 679, 735, 58 ], [ 170, 679, 735, 58 ], [ 170, 679, 735, 58 ], [ 170, 679, 735, 58 ], [ 170, 679, 735, 58 ], [ 170, 679, 735, 58 ], [ 170, 679, 735, 58 ], [ 170, 679, 735, 58 ], [ 170, 754, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 754, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 754, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 754, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 754, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 754, 793, 58 ], [ 170, 828, 739, 27 ], [ 170, 828, 739, 27 ], [ 170, 828, 739, 27 ], [ 170, 828, 739, 27 ], [ 170, 828, 739, 27 ], [ 170, 828, 739, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 777, 27 ], [ 90, 169, 298, 16 ], [ 90, 169, 298, 16 ], [ 90, 336, 260, 14 ], [ 90, 649, 283, 14 ], [ 90, 872, 351, 14 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 453, 48, 148, 11 ], [ 170, 94, 33, 11 ], [ 204, 96, 221, 10 ], [ 425, 94, 37, 11 ], [ 462, 96, 331, 10 ], [ 794, 94, 100, 11 ], [ 170, 110, 632, 11 ], [ 803, 111, 100, 10 ], [ 170, 126, 773, 11 ], [ 170, 141, 393, 11 ], [ 536, 141, 4, 11 ], [ 170, 204, 60, 10 ], [ 231, 203, 721, 11 ], [ 170, 218, 545, 11 ], [ 716, 219, 60, 10 ], [ 776, 218, 163, 11 ], [ 170, 234, 793, 11 ], [ 170, 249, 552, 11 ], [ 170, 277, 774, 11 ], [ 170, 293, 564, 11 ], [ 734, 294, 60, 10 ], [ 795, 293, 148, 11 ], [ 170, 308, 549, 11 ], [ 170, 367, 766, 11 ], [ 170, 382, 204, 11 ], [ 375, 383, 200, 10 ], [ 576, 382, 236, 11 ], [ 170, 410, 717, 11 ], [ 170, 425, 748, 11 ], [ 170, 441, 712, 11 ], [ 170, 458, 200, 10 ], [ 371, 457, 582, 11 ], [ 170, 472, 781, 11 ], [ 170, 488, 93, 11 ], [ 263, 489, 200, 10 ], [ 464, 488, 186, 11 ], [ 651, 489, 200, 10 ], [ 852, 488, 107, 11 ], [ 170, 503, 561, 11 ], [ 170, 531, 398, 11 ], [ 569, 532, 200, 10 ], [ 770, 531, 166, 11 ], [ 170, 546, 786, 11 ], [ 170, 562, 232, 11 ], [ 403, 563, 200, 10 ], [ 604, 562, 357, 11 ], [ 170, 577, 40, 11 ], [ 170, 605, 33, 11 ], [ 204, 606, 200, 10 ], [ 405, 605, 524, 11 ], [ 170, 621, 536, 11 ], [ 170, 679, 33, 11 ], [ 204, 680, 231, 10 ], [ 435, 679, 429, 11 ], [ 170, 695, 735, 11 ], [ 170, 710, 425, 11 ], [ 596, 712, 231, 10 ], [ 827, 710, 22, 11 ], [ 170, 727, 200, 10 ], [ 371, 726, 420, 11 ], [ 170, 754, 793, 11 ], [ 170, 769, 759, 11 ], [ 170, 785, 78, 11 ], [ 249, 786, 231, 10 ], [ 480, 785, 471, 11 ], [ 170, 800, 317, 11 ], [ 170, 828, 33, 11 ], [ 204, 829, 231, 10 ], [ 435, 828, 431, 11 ], [ 170, 843, 344, 11 ], [ 515, 845, 231, 10 ], [ 746, 843, 163, 11 ], [ 170, 902, 33, 11 ], [ 204, 903, 200, 10 ], [ 405, 902, 516, 11 ], [ 170, 918, 94, 11 ], [ 265, 919, 200, 10 ], [ 466, 918, 249, 11 ], [ 716, 919, 60, 10 ], [ 776, 918, 9, 11 ], [ 785, 919, 60, 10 ], [ 846, 918, 41, 11 ], [ 888, 919, 60, 10 ], [ 90, 169, 65, 16 ], [ 162, 169, 226, 16 ], [ 90, 336, 260, 14 ], [ 90, 649, 283, 14 ], [ 90, 872, 351, 14 ], [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4 ]
[ "Because the optimal number of volume paths is four, you must create two or more hosts on ", "FlashSystem 9100. During volume assignment, alternate which volume is assigned to each of ", "the “pseudo-hosts,” in a round-robin fashion. ", "Note:", " Pseudo-hosts is not a defined function or feature of SAN Volume Controller/ ", "Storwize. To create a pseudo-host, you simply need to add another host ID to the SAN ", "Volume Controller and Storwize host configuration. Instead of creating one host ID with ", "four WWPNs, you define two hosts with two WWPNs, therefore you need to pay extra ", "attention to the scsi ids assigned to each of the pseudo-hosts to avoid having 2 different ", "volumes from the same storage subsystem with the same scsi id.", "For ESX Clusters, you must create separate zones for each host node in the ESX Cluster as ", "shown in Figure 2-16.", "ESX Cluster zoning", "Ensure that you apply the following preferred practices to your ESX VMware clustered hosts ", "configuration:", "When allocating a LUN/volume to a clustered system, it is highly recommended to use host ", "cluster on FlashSystem 9100, this way you will have your hosts with the same scsi id for every ", "volume, which will avoid outages due to scsi mismatch.", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Zone a single ESX cluster in a manner that avoids ISL I/O traversing.", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Spread multiple host clusters evenly across the FlashSystem 9100 node ports and I/O ", "Groups.", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Create one host entity for each host node in FlashSystem 9100 and group them in a ", "hostcluster", " entity.", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Create separate zones for each host node in FlashSystem 9100 and on the ESX cluster.", "Chapter 2. Storage area network ", "31", "Figure 2-16", "ESX Cluster zoning" ]
[ [ 229, 92, 687, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 687, 42 ], [ 229, 92, 687, 42 ], [ 239, 159, 654, 89 ], [ 239, 159, 654, 89 ], [ 239, 159, 654, 89 ], [ 239, 159, 654, 89 ], [ 239, 159, 654, 89 ], [ 239, 159, 654, 89 ], [ 239, 159, 654, 89 ], [ 229, 294, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 294, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 274, 185, 14 ], [ 229, 735, 685, 27 ], [ 229, 735, 685, 27 ], [ 229, 898, 687, 42 ], [ 229, 898, 687, 42 ], [ 229, 898, 687, 42 ], [ 229, 772, 534, 11 ], [ 229, 772, 534, 11 ], [ 229, 794, 665, 27 ], [ 229, 794, 665, 27 ], [ 229, 794, 665, 27 ], [ 229, 832, 650, 27 ], [ 229, 832, 650, 27 ], [ 229, 832, 650, 27 ], [ 229, 832, 650, 27 ], [ 229, 869, 678, 11 ], [ 229, 869, 678, 11 ], [ 654, 976, 262, 11 ], [ 654, 976, 262, 11 ], [ 229, 701, 220, 10 ], [ 229, 701, 220, 10 ] ]
[ [ 229, 92, 680, 11 ], [ 229, 108, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 123, 361, 11 ], [ 239, 159, 42, 11 ], [ 281, 159, 570, 11 ], [ 239, 175, 645, 11 ], [ 239, 190, 648, 11 ], [ 239, 206, 638, 11 ], [ 239, 221, 654, 11 ], [ 239, 237, 482, 11 ], [ 229, 294, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 309, 161, 11 ], [ 229, 274, 185, 14 ], [ 229, 735, 685, 11 ], [ 229, 750, 100, 11 ], [ 229, 898, 678, 11 ], [ 229, 913, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 929, 408, 11 ], [ 229, 773, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 772, 510, 11 ], [ 229, 795, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 794, 641, 11 ], [ 253, 810, 59, 11 ], [ 229, 832, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 832, 626, 11 ], [ 253, 844, 83, 15 ], [ 334, 847, 49, 11 ], [ 229, 870, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 869, 654, 11 ], [ 654, 977, 222, 10 ], [ 897, 976, 18, 11 ], [ 229, 701, 76, 10 ], [ 318, 701, 130, 10 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 0, 0 ]
[ "III. FINANCIAL", "III. FINANCIAL", "D. ", "Tournaments may not pay travel expenses without special written permission from ", "ATP.", "3.16", "Release from Financial Commitment", "B. ", "No refund shall be made for any sums paid whether or not the event is actually held, ", "unless ATP in its sole discretion determines that extraordinary circumstances exist ", "justifying such action.", "A. ", "Each ATP Tour tournament is required to pay its financial commitment for each cal", "-", "endar year tournament. ", "3.17", "Tournament Financial Information", "A. ", "Every two years all ATP Tour tournaments are required to provide accurate and com", "-", "plete actual and projected financial and other relevant information as requested by ", "an independent consultant appointed by the ATP Board of Directors (Consultant), ", "and otherwise provide reasonable cooperation to Consultant, including, if requested, ", "permitting Consultant to undertake reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of tour", "-", "nament financial data, for the sole purpose of enabling Consultant to provide group ", "tournament data and its evaluation of such data to the ATP Board of Directors.", "B", ".Consultant will be instructed not to provide to ATP or its staff, except for the COO/", "CFO and ATP CEO, individual tournament information or any information that could ", "reasonably lead to the calculation of individual tournament information and the ", "matching of the information to a particular tournament.", "C.", " Any tournament that fails to comply with this rule shall be subject to an annual fine in ", "an amount up to a maximum of one half of a respective tournament’s Fee Obligation ", "for that year not to exceed $100,000. The ATP CEO shall recommend any such fine ", "after completion of an investigation into the circumstances that lead to the failure to ", "comply. All fines shall be subject to approval by the ATP Board of Directors.", "D. ", "A tournament may petition the ATP Board for an exemption from complying with this ", "rule. The ATP Board will consider such petitions that demonstrate clearly that a par", "-", "ticular tournament’s organization/financial structure is such that it is not permitted to ", "provide the information, or the requested financial information, when combined with ", "other tournaments, will result in incorrect or misleading implications.", "3.18", "Supplemental Tournament Financial Information Rule - ", "Prize Money Revenue and Audit", "A.", " Each ATP Tour tournament member is required to annually provide to the Committee ", "Auditor (as defined below) a complete and accurate determination and calculation of ", "its actual Gross Revenue (as defined below) and all other financial information and ", "supporting documentation relating thereto, in each case, as requested by the Com", "-", "mittee Auditor and in accordance with the terms of this rule. In connection with the ", "foregoing, each ATP Tour tournament member shall provide its full cooperation to the ", "Committee Auditor, who will examine and verify the accuracy of such information.", "42", "43", "B.", " The following terms used in this Section B shall have the meanings set forth below:", "“Committee”", " means the committee appointed by the ATP Board of Directors and ", "authorized to act in accordance with this rule, which shall be comprised of the ATP ", "Chairman, an Independent Member (as defined below) and an equal number of tour", "-", "nament and player representatives, with only one (1) tournament representative and ", "one (1) player representative serving on such Committee being designated by the ", "class of ATP Board of Directors that appointed such representatives with the right to ", "vote on any Committee matters, regardless of the number of tournament and player ", "representatives appointed to serve on the Committee. The player representative ", "and the tournament representative designated with the right to vote on Committee ", "matters shall be collectively referred to herein as the “Voting Members”.", "“Committee Auditor”", "means an independent accounting firm appointed by the ", "Committee to (i) receive and evaluate each tournament member’s Submissions, (ii) ", "perform agreed upon procedures regarding financial information included in each ", "Submission, and (iii) prepare reports to be provided to the Committee and to the ATP ", "Board of Directors in accordance with this rule summarizing the Submissions. The ", "Committee Auditor will also act as advisor to the Committee on financial and account", "-", "ing related matters and Gross Revenue reporting issues and questions", "“Independent Member”", " means the independent member of the Committee appoint", "-", "ed by the ATP Board of Directors by a super majority vote to serve on the Committee ", "for a 3-year term. The Independent Member is subject to removal at any time by the ", "ATP Board of Directors by a super majority vote.", "“Player Auditor”", " means an independent certified public accountant and/or financial ", "advisor selected by the player member(s) of the Committee and approved by the ", "Committee in accordance with Section C below who meets the appropriate level of ", "expertise and experience to evaluate the accuracy of the Submissions. The Player ", "Auditor will act as advisor to the player member(s) of Committee. The Player Auditor ", "may also review items and information related to the application of the ATP Prize ", "Money rules to the extent requested by the player member(s) of the Committee and ", "shall provide comfort to such member(s) as to the accuracy of the Submissions to ", "confirm the reasonableness of the Committee Auditor’s evaluation thereof. ", "“Gross Revenues” ", "means the total amount of gross revenues related to a tourna", "-", "ment event determined on the basis of the generally accepted accounting principles ", "in the United States (“GAAP”) or the International Financial Reporting Standards ", "(“IFRS”) (depending on the applicable accounting rules in the country in which the ", "tournament operates), in each case, as in effect on such date of determination and ", "consistently applied, which shall include all revenues related to the tournament’s ", "event operations regardless of which entity affiliated with the tournament event re", "-", "ceives, or accounts for, such revenues or which jurisdiction such revenues are re", "ported. All such revenues shall be reported in the tournament’s domestic reporting ", "currency. For combined events, total Gross Revenues should be broken out by event ", "and categorized by those identifiable only to the men’s event, those identifiable only ", "to the women’s event and all other revenues. The Committee has the power to cre", "-", "ate additional rules for reporting Gross Revenues. Consistent with both GAAP and ", "IFRS, tournaments will report estimated revenues for those revenue sources where ", "final revenue amounts are not determinable by the deadline for completing the Sub", "-", "mission. Subsequent adjustments of these estimates to actual will be included in " ]
[ [ 561, 37, 136, 35 ], [ 49, 37, 136, 35 ], [ 50, 73, 417, 36 ], [ 50, 73, 417, 36 ], [ 50, 73, 417, 36 ], [ 50, 126, 264, 25 ], [ 50, 126, 264, 25 ], [ 50, 207, 417, 53 ], [ 50, 207, 417, 53 ], [ 50, 207, 417, 53 ], [ 50, 207, 417, 53 ], [ 50, 157, 414, 36 ], [ 50, 157, 414, 36 ], [ 50, 157, 414, 36 ], [ 50, 157, 414, 36 ], [ 50, 277, 248, 25 ], [ 50, 277, 248, 25 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 309, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 444, 417, 70 ], [ 50, 444, 417, 70 ], [ 50, 444, 417, 70 ], [ 50, 444, 417, 70 ], [ 50, 444, 417, 70 ], [ 50, 528, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 528, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 528, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 528, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 528, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 528, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 630, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 630, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 630, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 630, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 630, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 630, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 630, 417, 87 ], [ 50, 734, 386, 59 ], [ 50, 734, 386, 59 ], [ 50, 734, 386, 59 ], [ 50, 799, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 799, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 799, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 799, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 799, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 799, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 799, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 799, 417, 122 ], [ 50, 799, 417, 122 ], [ 251, 965, 12, 20 ], [ 763, 965, 12, 20 ], [ 561, 70, 410, 20 ], [ 561, 70, 410, 20 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 103, 405, 173 ], [ 573, 290, 405, 122 ], [ 573, 290, 405, 122 ], [ 573, 290, 405, 122 ], [ 573, 290, 405, 122 ], [ 573, 290, 405, 122 ], [ 573, 290, 405, 122 ], [ 573, 290, 405, 122 ], [ 573, 290, 405, 122 ], [ 573, 290, 405, 122 ], [ 573, 425, 405, 70 ], [ 573, 425, 405, 70 ], [ 573, 425, 405, 70 ], [ 573, 425, 405, 70 ], [ 573, 425, 405, 70 ], [ 573, 425, 405, 70 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 509, 405, 156 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ], [ 573, 679, 405, 275 ] ]
[ [ 561, 37, 136, 35 ], [ 49, 37, 136, 35 ], [ 50, 73, 13, 20 ], [ 62, 73, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 91, 20, 19 ], [ 50, 126, 26, 25 ], [ 80, 126, 234, 25 ], [ 50, 207, 13, 20 ], [ 62, 208, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 225, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 242, 103, 19 ], [ 50, 157, 13, 20 ], [ 62, 157, 399, 19 ], [ 462, 157, 3, 19 ], [ 62, 175, 115, 19 ], [ 50, 277, 26, 25 ], [ 80, 277, 218, 25 ], [ 50, 309, 13, 20 ], [ 62, 309, 399, 19 ], [ 462, 309, 3, 19 ], [ 62, 326, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 343, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 360, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 377, 399, 19 ], [ 462, 377, 3, 19 ], [ 62, 394, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 411, 374, 19 ], [ 50, 444, 7, 20 ], [ 58, 444, 407, 19 ], [ 62, 461, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 478, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 496, 260, 19 ], [ 50, 528, 10, 20 ], [ 61, 529, 407, 19 ], [ 62, 546, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 563, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 580, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 597, 359, 19 ], [ 50, 630, 13, 20 ], [ 62, 630, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 647, 399, 19 ], [ 462, 647, 3, 19 ], [ 62, 664, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 681, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 698, 324, 19 ], [ 50, 734, 26, 25 ], [ 80, 734, 356, 25 ], [ 80, 767, 205, 25 ], [ 50, 799, 10, 20 ], [ 61, 799, 407, 19 ], [ 62, 816, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 833, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 850, 399, 19 ], [ 462, 850, 3, 19 ], [ 62, 868, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 885, 405, 19 ], [ 62, 902, 388, 19 ], [ 251, 965, 12, 20 ], [ 763, 965, 12, 20 ], [ 561, 70, 10, 20 ], [ 572, 70, 399, 19 ], [ 573, 103, 66, 20 ], [ 640, 103, 338, 19 ], [ 573, 120, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 137, 399, 19 ], [ 972, 137, 3, 19 ], [ 573, 154, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 171, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 188, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 205, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 222, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 240, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 257, 342, 19 ], [ 573, 290, 110, 20 ], [ 690, 290, 288, 19 ], [ 573, 307, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 324, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 341, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 358, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 375, 399, 19 ], [ 972, 375, 3, 19 ], [ 573, 392, 339, 19 ], [ 573, 425, 119, 20 ], [ 692, 425, 279, 19 ], [ 972, 425, 3, 19 ], [ 573, 442, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 460, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 477, 231, 19 ], [ 573, 509, 84, 20 ], [ 658, 510, 321, 19 ], [ 573, 527, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 544, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 561, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 578, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 595, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 612, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 629, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 646, 358, 19 ], [ 573, 679, 100, 20 ], [ 673, 679, 298, 19 ], [ 972, 679, 3, 19 ], [ 573, 697, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 714, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 731, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 748, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 765, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 782, 399, 19 ], [ 972, 782, 3, 19 ], [ 573, 799, 399, 19 ], [ 573, 816, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 833, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 850, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 867, 399, 19 ], [ 972, 867, 3, 19 ], [ 573, 884, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 902, 405, 19 ], [ 573, 919, 399, 19 ], [ 972, 919, 3, 19 ], [ 573, 936, 405, 19 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "[1397-18 (", "g", ").]", "In case the person convicted is unable or unwilling to pay such fine he shall", "satisfy its amount by labor upon public works within the township at the rate per", "day to be fixed for each township by the provincial board, with the approval of the", "Department h", "ead; but women shall not be compelled to perform work unsuitable to", "their sex.", "[1397-29 ", "(p)", "]", "S", "ECTION ", "2373", ".", "Appeal to Court of First Instance. — ", "An appeal shall lie", "to the Court of First Instance, next to be held within the province, in all cases", "where the judgment shall be for a fine exceeding fifteen pesos or for imprisonment", "exceeding fifteen da", "ys; and it shall be the duty of the provincial fiscal to appear for", "and represent the prosecution and the appellant in such appeal cases to the end that", "justice may be done. Pending the appeal the defendant shall remain in custody", "unless released upon suff", "icient bail, in accordance with the general provisions of", "law, to await the judgment of the appellate court.", "[1397-29 (", "g", ").]", "S", "ECTION ", "2374", ".", "Docket of Trials. — ", "The president shall keep a docket of", "the trials held by the township court, in which shall be recorded in a summary", "manner the name of the defendant, the charge against him, and the name of the", "prosecuting witness, the dat", "e of the arrest, the date of the trial, the presence of the", "defendant, and the nature of the judgment, together with the fines collected, if any,", "in accordance with the judgment.", "[1397-18 (", "l", ").]", "S", "ECTION ", "2375", ".", "Payment of Fines. — ", "Fines shall be paid to the treasurer", "of the township upon the order of the president, and the treasurer shall issue a", "receipt therefor, which shall be countersigned by the president, who shall, upon", "countersigning said rec", "eipt, record the payment of the fine in the docket. If the", "charge be against a township officer or employee for violating his official duty, the", "president shall have jurisdiction to suspend him, pending action on such violation", "by the council; and, if a fi", "ne is imposed against such officer, it may be collected by", "withholding the requisite amount from such salary as is or may thereafter become", "due to him.", "[1397-18 (", "k", ").]", "S", "ECTION ", "2376", ".", "Civil Jurisdiction of Township Court. — ", "The township", "Copyright 2012", "CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc.", "Philippine Law Encyclopedia 2011", "701" ]
[ [ 202, 109, 117, 19 ], [ 202, 109, 117, 19 ], [ 202, 109, 117, 19 ], [ 140, 142, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 142, 744, 98 ], [ 202, 254, 111, 19 ], [ 202, 254, 111, 19 ], [ 202, 254, 111, 19 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 140, 287, 745, 157 ], [ 202, 458, 117, 19 ], [ 202, 458, 117, 19 ], [ 202, 458, 117, 19 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 140, 491, 745, 118 ], [ 202, 622, 112, 19 ], [ 202, 622, 112, 19 ], [ 202, 622, 112, 19 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 140, 655, 745, 176 ], [ 202, 845, 115, 19 ], [ 202, 845, 115, 19 ], [ 202, 845, 115, 19 ], [ 202, 878, 682, 20 ], [ 202, 878, 682, 20 ], [ 202, 878, 682, 20 ], [ 202, 878, 682, 20 ], [ 202, 878, 682, 20 ], [ 202, 878, 682, 20 ], [ 123, 925, 503, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 503, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 503, 9 ], [ 880, 925, 17, 9 ] ]
[ [ 202, 110, 87, 19 ], [ 289, 109, 10, 19 ], [ 300, 110, 18, 19 ], [ 202, 142, 682, 20 ], [ 140, 162, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 181, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 201, 122, 20 ], [ 262, 201, 622, 20 ], [ 140, 220, 81, 20 ], [ 202, 255, 81, 19 ], [ 283, 254, 23, 19 ], [ 306, 255, 6, 19 ], [ 202, 287, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 287, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 287, 44, 20 ], [ 346, 287, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 287, 342, 20 ], [ 714, 287, 170, 20 ], [ 140, 307, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 326, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 346, 181, 20 ], [ 321, 346, 563, 20 ], [ 140, 365, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 385, 745, 20 ], [ 140, 404, 231, 20 ], [ 372, 404, 512, 20 ], [ 140, 424, 437, 20 ], [ 202, 458, 87, 19 ], [ 289, 458, 10, 19 ], [ 300, 458, 19, 19 ], [ 202, 491, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 491, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 491, 44, 20 ], [ 346, 491, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 491, 185, 20 ], [ 557, 491, 327, 20 ], [ 140, 510, 745, 20 ], [ 140, 530, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 549, 251, 20 ], [ 391, 549, 493, 20 ], [ 140, 569, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 588, 296, 20 ], [ 202, 622, 87, 19 ], [ 289, 622, 5, 19 ], [ 295, 622, 18, 19 ], [ 202, 655, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 655, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 655, 44, 20 ], [ 346, 655, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 655, 198, 20 ], [ 570, 655, 314, 20 ], [ 140, 675, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 694, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 714, 214, 20 ], [ 354, 714, 530, 20 ], [ 140, 733, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 753, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 772, 232, 20 ], [ 372, 772, 513, 20 ], [ 140, 791, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 811, 100, 20 ], [ 202, 845, 87, 19 ], [ 289, 845, 9, 19 ], [ 298, 845, 19, 19 ], [ 202, 878, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 878, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 878, 44, 20 ], [ 346, 878, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 878, 387, 20 ], [ 759, 878, 125, 20 ], [ 123, 925, 70, 9 ], [ 208, 925, 220, 9 ], [ 469, 925, 158, 9 ], [ 880, 925, 17, 9 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "Criterion 4. Case proposal for handling a hypothetical case study (max 130 ", "–", "minimum threshold 85 points)", "A.", "Briefing and Background information ", "24 ", "In addition to the above points, the tenderer should provide a case proposal to handle the ", "hypothetical case below.", "Case study", "–", "define and implement a plan for data integration with SSD2 and prepare ", "web-based scientific reports.", "EFSA Scientific Data Warehouse for chemical contaminants is based on SSD2 data ", "model. The SSD2 is designed to harmonise the transmission of data from data ", "providers to EFSA covering several data collection domains, namely: food additive ", "occurrence data, chemical contaminants occurrence data, pesticide residues ", "occurrence data, residues of veterinary medicinal products.", "The EFSA Scientific Data Warehouse is complemented by different Data Marts that ", "allow data to be aggregated and reported for specific needs and with different ", "historization purposes (e.g. snapshotting, slowly changing dimensions of type 2 etc.). ", "The actual dimension of the scientific data warehouse is around 437 GB and growing ", "of an estimate 30 GB every year. ", "As the scientific data warehouse architecture makes use of different decoding levels ", "for specific data points, the controlled terminology, an additional data layer of 110 GB ", "with a", "constant dimension, is used to decode the elements of the star schema’s ", "dimensions. ", "In this simulation (please note that the streams we will describe do not exist and are ", "merely used to evaluate data connection and collection capacity) EFSA scientific data ", "needs to be complemented with new data which can be considered structured and ", "unstructured. ", "The new hypothetical data streams will include: ", "Data on feed samples are considered sensitive and are submitted via the DCF by official ", "data providers, and data on wild animals is scraped from websites and is considered ", "non sensitive. ", "The estimated amount of data is around 50 GB, growing every year by 15 GB. ", "In this simulation the data will be then used by EFSA staff to address issues related to ", "feed and will be made available to the public in an aggregated dashboard form through ", "•", "Data on feed, including information about type, size and the year of sampling ", "of feed samples collected in a specific European area (identified by NUTS ", "nomenclature) and", "•", "data on wild-animal population found dead, including the species, the ", "geographical coordinates expressed as latitude and longitude together with the ", "cause of death including chemical contaminants found in the carcase." ]
[ [ 122, 148, 780, 29 ], [ 122, 148, 780, 29 ], [ 122, 148, 780, 29 ], [ 122, 280, 401, 14 ], [ 122, 280, 401, 14 ], [ 948, 986, 21, 13 ], [ 122, 184, 787, 29 ], [ 122, 184, 787, 29 ], [ 153, 221, 755, 29 ], [ 153, 221, 755, 29 ], [ 153, 221, 755, 29 ], [ 153, 221, 755, 29 ], [ 158, 305, 750, 82 ], [ 158, 305, 750, 82 ], [ 158, 305, 750, 82 ], [ 158, 305, 750, 82 ], [ 158, 305, 750, 82 ], [ 158, 397, 750, 48 ], [ 158, 397, 750, 48 ], [ 158, 397, 750, 48 ], [ 158, 455, 749, 31 ], [ 158, 455, 749, 31 ], [ 158, 497, 749, 65 ], [ 158, 497, 749, 65 ], [ 158, 497, 749, 65 ], [ 158, 497, 749, 65 ], [ 158, 497, 749, 65 ], [ 158, 572, 750, 65 ], [ 158, 572, 750, 65 ], [ 158, 572, 750, 65 ], [ 158, 572, 750, 65 ], [ 158, 652, 420, 14 ], [ 158, 808, 750, 48 ], [ 158, 808, 750, 48 ], [ 158, 808, 750, 48 ], [ 158, 871, 686, 14 ], [ 158, 901, 749, 31 ], [ 158, 901, 749, 31 ], [ 195, 682, 712, 48 ], [ 195, 682, 712, 48 ], [ 195, 682, 712, 48 ], [ 195, 682, 712, 48 ], [ 195, 745, 712, 48 ], [ 195, 745, 712, 48 ], [ 195, 745, 712, 48 ], [ 195, 745, 712, 48 ] ]
[ [ 122, 148, 764, 14 ], [ 890, 148, 12, 14 ], [ 122, 162, 294, 14 ], [ 122, 280, 19, 14 ], [ 158, 280, 364, 14 ], [ 948, 986, 21, 13 ], [ 122, 184, 787, 14 ], [ 122, 199, 212, 14 ], [ 153, 221, 104, 14 ], [ 257, 221, 12, 14 ], [ 275, 221, 632, 14 ], [ 153, 236, 249, 14 ], [ 158, 305, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 322, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 339, 750, 14 ], [ 158, 356, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 373, 515, 14 ], [ 158, 397, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 414, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 431, 750, 14 ], [ 158, 455, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 473, 294, 14 ], [ 158, 497, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 514, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 531, 55, 14 ], [ 241, 531, 666, 14 ], [ 158, 548, 109, 14 ], [ 158, 572, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 589, 750, 14 ], [ 158, 606, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 623, 122, 14 ], [ 158, 652, 420, 14 ], [ 158, 808, 750, 14 ], [ 158, 825, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 842, 126, 14 ], [ 158, 871, 686, 14 ], [ 158, 901, 749, 14 ], [ 158, 917, 749, 14 ], [ 195, 682, 7, 14 ], [ 226, 682, 681, 14 ], [ 226, 699, 681, 14 ], [ 226, 716, 164, 14 ], [ 195, 745, 7, 14 ], [ 226, 745, 681, 14 ], [ 226, 762, 681, 14 ], [ 226, 779, 603, 14 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "unit cell in each direction, giving rise to a non-primitive unit cell consisting of 24 oxygen", "positions (8 octahedra). The oxygen positions are displaced from the ideal face-centered", "positions by the appropriate rotation angle. To calculate the intensity of a given peak, the", "relative volume of all possible structural domains (", "D$_{j}$", ") is needed. When calculating the", "structure factor, these domains determine whether the octahedron nearest to the chosen", "origin rotates clockwise or counterclockwise about each axis. Within this tilt pattern there", "are four domains that give rise to different structure factors: one where", "α", ",", "β", ", and", "γ", "are", "all positive, and three where two of the angles are positive and the third is negative. The", "domain volume fractions are obtained from a set of symmetrically equivalent half-order peaks", "with fixed", "l", ", for instance (", "±", "1", "/", "2", "±", "1", "/", "2", "3", "/", "2", "), the relative intensities of which depend directly on", "the domain populations. We employ standard non-linear regression analysis to determine", "the optimal values of", "α", "and", "γ", "and their respective errors.", "The films grown on cubic STO and rhombohedral LAO substrates exhibit different domain", "populations. In the LNO/STO film, we find an equal volume fraction of the four possible", "domains, indicating that the four domains are energetically equivalent when LNO is grown", "on a cubic substrate. In contrast the LNO/LAO film shows unequal domain populations", "between only two domains with an approximate 1:2 ratio. To explain this difference, we note", "that our LAO substrates contain extensive twinning, which we observed as two distinct peaks", "in", "ω", "-scans rocked about a (0 0", "l", ") peak. For our LAO substrate the ratio of the two peaks", "is also 1:2 suggesting that the octahedral rotations and domain pattern of the substrate", "are transferred to the film. Since the rhombohedral distortion determines the trigonal axis", "about which the octahedra rotate in bulk LAO, this result demonstrates that substrates", "may be used to texture octahedral rotations by choosing appropriate substrate orientations.", "Heteroepitaxy therefore affords an additional mechanism by which epitaxial thin film growth", "can be used to engineer the physical properties of complex oxides. Additionally, imprinting", "of rotational behavior may play an important role in the interfacial properties of oxides.", "For LNO on STO, we obtain", "α", "=", "β", "= 7", ".", "1", "±", "0", ".", "2", "◦", "and", "γ", "= 0", ".", "3", "±", "0", ".", "7", "$^{◦}$. The measured and", "calculated intensities are given in Fig. 2c. For LNO on LAO, we obtain", "α", "=", "β", "= 1", ".", "7", "±", "0", ".", "2", "◦", "and", "γ", "= 7", ".", "9", "±", "0", ".", "9", "$^{◦}$; the peak intensities are provided in Fig. 2d. Knowing the tilt angles, and", "thus the oxygen positions, the atomic structures are obtained (Fig. 3).", "As anticipated, the epitaxial strain strongly modifies the in-plane (equatorial) Ni-O bond", "lengths (", "d$_{Ni}$$_{−}$$_{O}$", ") due to coherency across the heterointerface. The in-plane", "d$_{Ni}$$_{−}$$_{O}$", "decreases", "6" ]
[ [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 119, 95, 781, 311 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 420, 784, 365 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 796, 780, 97 ], [ 120, 907, 780, 40 ], [ 120, 907, 780, 40 ], [ 120, 907, 780, 40 ], [ 120, 907, 780, 40 ], [ 120, 907, 780, 40 ], [ 120, 907, 780, 40 ], [ 496, 979, 9, 13 ] ]
[ [ 120, 95, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 122, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 149, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 176, 452, 13 ], [ 573, 176, 22, 13 ], [ 597, 176, 304, 13 ], [ 120, 203, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 230, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 257, 636, 13 ], [ 764, 257, 12, 13 ], [ 777, 257, 5, 13 ], [ 790, 257, 11, 13 ], [ 802, 257, 45, 13 ], [ 855, 257, 10, 13 ], [ 874, 257, 26, 13 ], [ 120, 284, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 311, 780, 13 ], [ 119, 339, 85, 13 ], [ 211, 339, 5, 13 ], [ 217, 339, 125, 13 ], [ 343, 338, 15, 14 ], [ 358, 339, 7, 9 ], [ 363, 339, 9, 13 ], [ 372, 342, 7, 9 ], [ 386, 338, 15, 14 ], [ 401, 339, 7, 9 ], [ 406, 339, 9, 13 ], [ 415, 342, 7, 9 ], [ 428, 339, 7, 9 ], [ 433, 339, 9, 13 ], [ 442, 342, 7, 9 ], [ 449, 339, 452, 13 ], [ 120, 366, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 393, 179, 13 ], [ 306, 393, 12, 13 ], [ 326, 393, 31, 13 ], [ 364, 393, 10, 13 ], [ 381, 393, 230, 13 ], [ 145, 420, 755, 13 ], [ 120, 447, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 474, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 501, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 528, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 555, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 582, 16, 13 ], [ 143, 582, 12, 13 ], [ 156, 582, 230, 13 ], [ 393, 582, 5, 13 ], [ 399, 582, 501, 13 ], [ 120, 609, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 636, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 663, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 691, 784, 13 ], [ 120, 718, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 745, 780, 13 ], [ 120, 772, 756, 13 ], [ 145, 799, 248, 13 ], [ 400, 799, 12, 13 ], [ 418, 799, 15, 13 ], [ 439, 799, 11, 13 ], [ 457, 799, 30, 13 ], [ 488, 799, 5, 13 ], [ 493, 799, 9, 13 ], [ 508, 798, 15, 14 ], [ 528, 799, 9, 13 ], [ 538, 799, 5, 13 ], [ 543, 799, 9, 13 ], [ 553, 796, 7, 9 ], [ 567, 799, 31, 13 ], [ 606, 799, 10, 13 ], [ 623, 799, 30, 13 ], [ 653, 799, 5, 13 ], [ 659, 799, 9, 13 ], [ 673, 798, 15, 14 ], [ 693, 799, 9, 13 ], [ 703, 799, 5, 13 ], [ 709, 799, 9, 13 ], [ 718, 799, 182, 13 ], [ 120, 826, 614, 13 ], [ 741, 826, 12, 13 ], [ 759, 826, 15, 13 ], [ 780, 826, 11, 13 ], [ 797, 826, 30, 13 ], [ 828, 826, 5, 13 ], [ 834, 826, 9, 13 ], [ 848, 825, 15, 14 ], [ 868, 826, 9, 13 ], [ 878, 826, 5, 13 ], [ 883, 826, 9, 13 ], [ 893, 823, 7, 9 ], [ 120, 853, 30, 13 ], [ 157, 853, 10, 13 ], [ 174, 853, 30, 13 ], [ 204, 853, 5, 13 ], [ 210, 853, 9, 13 ], [ 223, 852, 15, 14 ], [ 243, 853, 9, 13 ], [ 252, 853, 5, 13 ], [ 258, 853, 9, 13 ], [ 267, 853, 633, 13 ], [ 120, 880, 604, 13 ], [ 145, 907, 755, 13 ], [ 120, 934, 75, 13 ], [ 196, 934, 49, 13 ], [ 247, 934, 511, 13 ], [ 764, 934, 49, 13 ], [ 822, 934, 79, 13 ], [ 496, 979, 9, 13 ] ]
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[ "2", "H$_{A}$", "is the Hamilton operator of the ground state atoms", "inside the cavity, given by", "[18, 20–25], namely, that the atom-photon cross corre-", "lations are negligible and mean values of the light and", "atomic operators can be decoupled.", "The paper is organized as follows.", "The backbone of", "the paper is Sec. II, where the model and the theoret-", "ical description of the system in mean-field level is pre-", "sented in great detail.", "Many of the elements of other", "theoretical models, e.g., the cavity cooling of BEC ex-", "citations [21], spatial self-organization of a BEC in the", "cavity [22, 26], and the transient collective atomic recoil", "lasing [27, 28] will be recapitulated here to give a full ac-", "count of the mean field dynamics of a BEC in a cavity.", "The aim, partially, is to reach the optomechanical model", "and discuss the assumptions and approximations to ar-", "rive there. Special attention is paid to the effect of nonlin-", "earities: (i) the nonlinearity caused by atom-light inter-", "action, responsible for the creation of a periodic optical", "potential and also for an effective atom-atom collective", "interaction, and (ii) the nonlinearity caused by atomic", "s-wave collisions. In Sec. III we present first mean-field", "results and compare them to experimental observations,", "wherever applicable. Furthermore, the auto- and cross-", "correlations of the quantum fluctuations of the fields will", "be calculated in the stationary state formed by the bal-", "ance of cavity loss and vacuum noise driving. Finally, a", "summary is given in Sec. IV.", "with", "m", "being the mass of the atoms,", "V$_{ext}$", "(", "x", ") is the exter-", "nal confining potential along the cavity axis and", "g", "being", "the s-wave scattering constant in 1-dimension. The term", "H$_{C}$", "of the Hamiltonian describes the radiation field of", "the empty, single-mode cavity,", "H$_{A}$", "=$^{∫}$ Ψ", "†", "(", "x", ")", "[", "−", "ℏ", "2", "2", "m", "d", "2", "dx", "$_{2}$+", "V$_{ext}$", "(", "x", ")+", "g", "2", "Ψ", "†", "(", "x", ")Ψ(", "x", ")", "$^{]}$Ψ(", "x", ")", "dx,", "(1b)", "H$_{C}$", "=", "−", "ℏ", "Δ$_{C}$", "a", "†", "a.", "(1c)", "H$_{AC}$", "=", "ℏ", "U$_{0}$ a", "†", "a$^{∫}$", "Ψ", "†", "(", "x", ")Ψ(", "x", ") cos", "$^{2}$(", "k x", ")", "dx,", "(1d)", "H$_{CL}$", "=", "η", "∗", "a", "+", "η a", "†", ",", "(1e)", "The dispersive interaction between the cavity radiation", "field and the atoms in this low excitation limit is given", "by the AC-Stark shift, or light shift:", "with", "U$_{0}$", "being the single atom light-shift,", "U$_{0}$", "=", "g", "2", "$_{CA}$/", "Δ$_{A}$;", "the unique longitudinal mode function of the single mode", "cavity is cos(", "k x", ") with wavenumber", "k", "=", "ω$_{P}$ /c", "= 2", "π/λ", ".", "The part describing the coupling of the cavity field to", "that of the pump laser is given by", "with", "η", "being the strength of the driving field; and the", "asterisk stands for complex conjugation.", "The last part", "of the Hamiltonian,", "H$_{vac}$", "describes the interaction of the", "cavity field with the broadband reservoir of external ra-", "diation field modes via the partially transmissive mir-", "rors. We will give account for this interaction within the", "Markov approximation, by means of introducing a loss", "rate 2", "κ", "and a Gaussian white noise operator", "ξ", "(", "t", ") in the", "Heisenberg equation of motion for the field operators [29].", "The system consists of a single mode, high-finesse op-", "tical Fabry-P´", "erot resonator with a waist much smaller", "than the cavity length and a sample of dilute, ultracold", "bosonic atoms prepared to be Bose-Einstein condensed.", "The condensate is supposed to be cigar shaped along the", "cavity axis, with a strong transverse confinement.", "The", "radiation field inside the cavity is pumped through one of", "its mirrors by a laser with frequency", "ω$_{P}$", "and wavenum-", "ber", "k", "=", "ω$_{P}$ /c", ", with", "c", "being the speed of light.", "The", "laser frequency is far detuned from the atomic transi-", "tions, so the populations of the electronic excited states", "are negligible. In this limit the atomic internal degrees", "of freedom are frozen; and the atom-light interaction is", "purely dispersive.", "On the other hand, the cavity fre-", "quency", "ω$_{C}$", "lies close to the pump frequency", "ω$_{P}$", ": the de-", "tuning Δ$_{C}$ =", "ω$_{P}$", "−", "ω$_{C}$", "is comparable to", "κ", ", this latter", "being half of the inverse lifetime of a photon inside the", "cavity.", "The equation of motion of the photonic annihilation", "operator is given by", "with", "U", "(", "x", ") =", "U$_{0}$", "cos", "$^{2}$(", "k x", ") the local single atom light-shift,", "which is a periodic function. Its period is noticeably", "L", "=", "λ/", "2, since it contains the mode function squared.", "The", "operator", "ξ", "(", "t", ") describes Gaussian white noise with zero", "mean and with the only non-vanishing correlation", "In the frame co-rotating with the pumping laser field", "the Hamiltonian of the system can be approximated as", "II.", "THEORETICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE", "SYSTEM", "B.", "Equations of motion", "A.", "Hamiltonian", "i", "d", "d", "t", "a", "(", "t", ") =", "[", "−", "Δ$_{C}$ +$^{∫}$ Ψ", "†", "(", "x, t", ")Ψ(", "x, t", ")", "U", "(", "x", ")", "dx", "−", "iκ", "$^{]}$a", "(", "t", ")", "+", "iη", "+", "iξ", "(", "t", ")", ",", "(2a)", "$^{〈}$ξ", "(", "t", ")", "ξ", "†", "(", "t", "′", ")", "〉", "= 2", "κδ", "(", "t", "−", "t", "′", ")", ".", "(2b)", "H", "=", "H$_{A}$", "+", "H$_{C}$", "+", "H$_{AC}$", "+", "H$_{CL}$", "+", "H$_{vac}$.", "(1a)", "It is nicely exhibited in Eq. (2a), that the dispersive inter-", "action between the atoms and the radiation field causes", "a shift in the resonator frequency proportional to the" ]
[ [ 933, 37, 8, 12 ], [ 530, 70, 410, 27 ], [ 530, 70, 410, 27 ], [ 530, 70, 410, 27 ], [ 90, 70, 410, 42 ], [ 90, 70, 410, 42 ], [ 90, 70, 410, 42 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 90, 116, 410, 339 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 ], [ 530, 157, 410, 72 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[ [ 933, 37, 8, 12 ], [ 530, 70, 23, 12 ], [ 561, 70, 379, 12 ], [ 530, 85, 189, 12 ], [ 90, 70, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 85, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 100, 258, 12 ], [ 107, 116, 256, 12 ], [ 375, 116, 124, 12 ], [ 90, 131, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 146, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 161, 165, 12 ], [ 270, 161, 230, 12 ], [ 90, 175, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 190, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 205, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 220, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 235, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 249, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 264, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 279, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 294, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 309, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 324, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 338, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 353, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 368, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 383, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 398, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 413, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 427, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 442, 212, 12 ], [ 530, 157, 32, 12 ], [ 568, 157, 14, 12 ], [ 587, 157, 206, 12 ], [ 799, 157, 27, 12 ], [ 827, 157, 6, 12 ], [ 834, 157, 9, 12 ], [ 844, 157, 97, 12 ], [ 530, 172, 351, 12 ], [ 888, 172, 7, 12 ], [ 902, 172, 39, 12 ], [ 530, 186, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 201, 23, 12 ], [ 563, 201, 377, 12 ], [ 530, 216, 221, 12 ], [ 530, 120, 23, 12 ], [ 560, 120, 44, 12 ], [ 604, 117, 6, 15 ], [ 611, 120, 6, 12 ], [ 618, 120, 9, 12 ], [ 627, 120, 6, 12 ], [ 634, 115, 7, 8 ], [ 644, 111, 12, 22 ], [ 657, 115, 9, 8 ], [ 666, 109, 6, 9 ], [ 647, 129, 8, 12 ], [ 655, 129, 14, 12 ], [ 682, 111, 8, 12 ], [ 691, 109, 6, 9 ], [ 677, 129, 18, 12 ], [ 695, 120, 23, 12 ], [ 719, 120, 27, 12 ], [ 748, 120, 6, 12 ], [ 754, 120, 9, 12 ], [ 764, 120, 20, 12 ], [ 786, 111, 7, 12 ], [ 786, 129, 8, 12 ], [ 797, 120, 12, 12 ], [ 810, 117, 6, 15 ], [ 817, 120, 6, 12 ], [ 823, 120, 9, 12 ], [ 833, 120, 25, 12 ], [ 859, 120, 9, 12 ], [ 868, 120, 6, 12 ], [ 875, 120, 27, 12 ], [ 902, 120, 9, 12 ], [ 912, 120, 6, 12 ], [ 918, 120, 22, 12 ], [ 910, 142, 30, 12 ], [ 672, 243, 23, 12 ], [ 702, 243, 12, 12 ], [ 720, 242, 12, 22 ], [ 733, 246, 9, 8 ], [ 742, 243, 23, 12 ], [ 770, 243, 8, 12 ], [ 779, 240, 6, 15 ], [ 785, 243, 13, 12 ], [ 912, 243, 28, 12 ], [ 569, 332, 33, 12 ], [ 609, 332, 12, 12 ], [ 626, 336, 9, 8 ], [ 635, 332, 30, 12 ], [ 666, 330, 6, 15 ], [ 673, 332, 20, 12 ], [ 704, 332, 12, 12 ], [ 717, 330, 6, 15 ], [ 724, 332, 6, 12 ], [ 730, 332, 9, 12 ], [ 740, 332, 25, 12 ], [ 766, 332, 9, 12 ], [ 775, 332, 31, 12 ], [ 807, 332, 13, 12 ], [ 821, 332, 21, 12 ], [ 842, 332, 6, 12 ], [ 849, 332, 22, 12 ], [ 910, 332, 30, 12 ], [ 667, 453, 33, 12 ], [ 706, 453, 12, 12 ], [ 724, 453, 8, 12 ], [ 733, 450, 6, 15 ], [ 743, 453, 8, 12 ], [ 755, 453, 12, 12 ], [ 772, 453, 20, 12 ], [ 793, 450, 6, 15 ], [ 800, 453, 4, 12 ], [ 912, 453, 28, 12 ], [ 530, 269, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 284, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 299, 264, 12 ], [ 530, 367, 32, 12 ], [ 568, 367, 18, 12 ], [ 592, 367, 235, 12 ], [ 833, 367, 18, 12 ], [ 856, 367, 12, 12 ], [ 874, 367, 7, 12 ], [ 883, 365, 6, 9 ], [ 882, 367, 29, 12 ], [ 912, 367, 29, 12 ], [ 530, 382, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 397, 97, 12 ], [ 628, 397, 21, 12 ], [ 649, 397, 143, 12 ], [ 800, 397, 8, 12 ], [ 816, 397, 12, 12 ], [ 836, 397, 37, 12 ], [ 880, 397, 28, 12 ], [ 908, 397, 28, 12 ], [ 936, 397, 4, 12 ], [ 530, 412, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 426, 248, 12 ], [ 530, 480, 32, 12 ], [ 570, 480, 8, 12 ], [ 586, 480, 354, 12 ], [ 530, 495, 299, 12 ], [ 841, 495, 99, 12 ], [ 530, 510, 141, 12 ], [ 678, 510, 32, 12 ], [ 716, 510, 224, 12 ], [ 530, 524, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 539, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 554, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 569, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 584, 43, 12 ], [ 574, 584, 9, 12 ], [ 589, 584, 269, 12 ], [ 865, 584, 7, 12 ], [ 873, 584, 6, 12 ], [ 879, 584, 6, 12 ], [ 885, 584, 55, 12 ], [ 530, 599, 410, 12 ], [ 107, 541, 393, 12 ], [ 90, 556, 106, 12 ], [ 188, 556, 311, 12 ], [ 90, 571, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 585, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 600, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 615, 370, 12 ], [ 472, 615, 28, 12 ], [ 90, 630, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 645, 270, 12 ], [ 367, 645, 18, 12 ], [ 394, 645, 105, 12 ], [ 90, 660, 23, 12 ], [ 122, 660, 8, 12 ], [ 140, 660, 12, 12 ], [ 162, 660, 37, 12 ], [ 199, 660, 46, 12 ], [ 254, 660, 7, 12 ], [ 269, 660, 187, 12 ], [ 472, 660, 28, 12 ], [ 90, 674, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 689, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 704, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 719, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 734, 129, 12 ], [ 235, 734, 265, 12 ], [ 90, 749, 50, 12 ], [ 147, 749, 19, 12 ], [ 174, 749, 235, 12 ], [ 415, 749, 18, 12 ], [ 437, 749, 63, 12 ], [ 90, 763, 100, 12 ], [ 198, 763, 18, 12 ], [ 225, 763, 12, 22 ], [ 243, 763, 19, 12 ], [ 272, 763, 124, 12 ], [ 404, 763, 9, 12 ], [ 413, 763, 86, 12 ], [ 90, 778, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 793, 46, 12 ], [ 547, 674, 393, 12 ], [ 530, 689, 145, 12 ], [ 530, 781, 32, 12 ], [ 567, 781, 11, 12 ], [ 580, 781, 6, 12 ], [ 587, 781, 9, 12 ], [ 596, 781, 24, 12 ], [ 625, 781, 18, 12 ], [ 647, 781, 22, 12 ], [ 669, 781, 13, 12 ], [ 683, 781, 21, 12 ], [ 704, 781, 236, 12 ], [ 530, 796, 376, 12 ], [ 912, 796, 11, 12 ], [ 928, 796, 12, 12 ], [ 530, 811, 18, 12 ], [ 549, 811, 351, 12 ], [ 912, 811, 28, 12 ], [ 530, 826, 61, 12 ], [ 600, 826, 7, 12 ], [ 608, 826, 6, 12 ], [ 614, 826, 6, 12 ], [ 620, 826, 320, 12 ], [ 530, 841, 364, 12 ], [ 107, 878, 393, 12 ], [ 90, 893, 401, 12 ], [ 107, 494, 18, 10 ], [ 144, 494, 338, 10 ], [ 258, 508, 74, 10 ], [ 639, 643, 17, 10 ], [ 675, 643, 157, 10 ], [ 229, 845, 18, 10 ], [ 265, 845, 96, 10 ], [ 547, 726, 5, 12 ], [ 558, 718, 9, 12 ], [ 555, 735, 9, 12 ], [ 564, 735, 6, 12 ], [ 572, 726, 8, 12 ], [ 581, 726, 6, 12 ], [ 587, 726, 6, 12 ], [ 594, 726, 24, 12 ], [ 622, 721, 7, 8 ], [ 633, 726, 12, 22 ], [ 649, 726, 76, 12 ], [ 725, 724, 6, 15 ], [ 732, 726, 6, 12 ], [ 739, 726, 22, 12 ], [ 762, 726, 25, 12 ], [ 788, 726, 22, 12 ], [ 811, 726, 6, 12 ], [ 817, 726, 11, 12 ], [ 830, 726, 6, 12 ], [ 837, 726, 9, 12 ], [ 846, 726, 6, 12 ], [ 853, 726, 18, 12 ], [ 874, 726, 12, 22 ], [ 890, 726, 15, 12 ], [ 905, 726, 16, 12 ], [ 922, 726, 6, 12 ], [ 928, 726, 6, 12 ], [ 934, 726, 6, 12 ], [ 805, 753, 12, 12 ], [ 822, 753, 14, 12 ], [ 840, 753, 12, 12 ], [ 857, 753, 13, 12 ], [ 871, 753, 6, 12 ], [ 877, 753, 6, 12 ], [ 883, 753, 6, 12 ], [ 890, 753, 4, 12 ], [ 911, 753, 29, 12 ], [ 645, 867, 15, 12 ], [ 661, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 667, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 673, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 680, 867, 7, 12 ], [ 688, 865, 6, 15 ], [ 695, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 701, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 707, 865, 3, 15 ], [ 712, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 718, 866, 7, 8 ], [ 731, 867, 25, 12 ], [ 757, 867, 17, 12 ], [ 775, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 781, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 791, 867, 12, 22 ], [ 808, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 814, 865, 3, 15 ], [ 818, 867, 6, 12 ], [ 825, 867, 4, 12 ], [ 910, 867, 30, 12 ], [ 157, 924, 13, 12 ], [ 177, 924, 12, 12 ], [ 194, 924, 23, 12 ], [ 223, 924, 12, 12 ], [ 240, 924, 23, 12 ], [ 268, 924, 12, 12 ], [ 285, 924, 33, 12 ], [ 324, 924, 12, 12 ], [ 341, 924, 33, 12 ], [ 379, 924, 12, 12 ], [ 395, 924, 38, 12 ], [ 471, 924, 29, 12 ], [ 530, 894, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 909, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 924, 410, 12 ] ]
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[ "motion means that", "The value of", "θ", "does not need to remain constant, and we could instead", "consider selecting a sequence of constants,", "θ", "(", "i", "$^{)}$. In particular, when the SDE", "is bounded as in the Dirichlet problem, then we can exactly simulate the", "absorption time of the path by adaptively choosing", "θ", "(", "i", ")", "so that one side of the", "interval coincides with the nearest boundary. It is also beneficial to include", "an upper limit,", "˜", "θ", "=", "√$_{t}$", "−", "ς", "(", "$^{i}$−", "$^{1)}$, where", "t", "is the target time, in order to avoid", "the extra computational expense incurred when sampled first passage times", "are significantly larger than the target time. When a sampled", "ς", "(", "i", ")", "exceeds", "the target time, the terminal value,", "W$_{t}$", ", can be sampled using the law of a", "Bessel bridge with minimum (or maximum)", "W$_{ς}$", "(", "i", ")", ".", "Denoting", "Q$_{[}$$_{ς}$", "(", "i", "−", "$^{1)}$,ς(", "i", "$^{)}$∧", "t", "]", "as the law of the transformed SDE, and", "W$_{[}$$_{ς}$", "(", "i", "−", "$^{1)}$,ς(", "i", "$^{)}$∧", "t", "]", "as the law of a standard Brownian motion, the Radon-Nikod´", "ym derivative", "of", "Q$_{[}$$_{ς}$", "(", "i", "−", "$^{1)}$,ς(", "i", "$^{)}$∧", "t", "]", "with respect to", "W$_{[}$$_{ς}$", "(", "i", "−", "$^{1)}$,ς(", "i", "$^{)}$∧", "t", "]", "is", "where", "A", "(", "v", ") =", "∫", "v", "0", "α", "(", "z", ")", "dz", ", and", "φ", "(", "v", ") =", "1", "2", "(", "α", "(", "v", ")", "2", "+", "α", "′", "(", "v", ")).", "It was noted in", "Chen and Huang (2013) that the continuity of", "φ", "(", "v", ") ensures that the Radon-", "Nikod´", "ym derivative is bounded, allowing the construction of a valid accep-", "13", "d", "Q$_{[}$$_{ς}$", "(", "i", "−", "$^{1)}$,ς(", "i", "$^{)}$∧", "t", "]", "d", "W$_{[}$$_{ς}$", "(", "i", "−", "$^{1)}$,ς(", "i", "$^{)}$∧", "t", "]", "(", "Y", ")", "∝", "exp", "{", "A", "(", "W$_{ς}$", "(", "i", "$^{)}$∧", "$_{t}$)", "−", "∫", "ς", "(", "i", "$^{)}$∧", "t", "ς", "(", "i", "−", "1)", "φ", "(", "Y$_{s}$", ")d", "s", "}", ",", "(5)", "P", "(Δ", "W", "(", "i", ")", "=", "θ", ") =", "P", "(Δ", "W", "(", "i", ")", "=", "−", "θ", ") =", "1", "2", "." ]
[ [ 185, 166, 162, 15 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 279, 650, 293 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 589, 652, 86 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 185, 766, 650, 81 ], [ 501, 897, 19, 15 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 269, 695, 567, 51 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ], [ 346, 212, 329, 36 ] ]
[ [ 185, 166, 162, 15 ], [ 185, 279, 113, 15 ], [ 308, 280, 9, 14 ], [ 327, 279, 508, 15 ], [ 185, 310, 359, 15 ], [ 552, 311, 9, 14 ], [ 561, 308, 5, 10 ], [ 567, 309, 4, 9 ], [ 572, 310, 264, 15 ], [ 185, 341, 650, 15 ], [ 185, 372, 429, 15 ], [ 620, 373, 9, 14 ], [ 630, 370, 5, 10 ], [ 635, 371, 4, 9 ], [ 640, 370, 5, 10 ], [ 651, 372, 184, 15 ], [ 185, 403, 650, 15 ], [ 185, 434, 129, 15 ], [ 322, 430, 9, 15 ], [ 321, 434, 9, 14 ], [ 336, 434, 15, 15 ], [ 357, 420, 23, 26 ], [ 385, 434, 15, 26 ], [ 405, 434, 7, 14 ], [ 414, 433, 5, 10 ], [ 419, 434, 15, 17 ], [ 435, 434, 75, 15 ], [ 517, 434, 7, 14 ], [ 531, 434, 304, 15 ], [ 185, 465, 650, 15 ], [ 185, 496, 545, 15 ], [ 739, 496, 7, 14 ], [ 747, 494, 5, 10 ], [ 753, 495, 4, 9 ], [ 758, 494, 5, 10 ], [ 772, 496, 63, 15 ], [ 185, 527, 307, 15 ], [ 501, 527, 23, 14 ], [ 525, 527, 310, 15 ], [ 185, 558, 374, 15 ], [ 567, 558, 23, 14 ], [ 592, 564, 4, 7 ], [ 596, 565, 4, 6 ], [ 601, 564, 4, 7 ], [ 607, 558, 5, 15 ], [ 215, 589, 78, 15 ], [ 297, 589, 24, 13 ], [ 323, 595, 4, 7 ], [ 328, 596, 4, 6 ], [ 332, 595, 9, 7 ], [ 342, 596, 26, 9 ], [ 368, 596, 4, 6 ], [ 373, 597, 15, 17 ], [ 388, 596, 5, 9 ], [ 393, 596, 3, 10 ], [ 402, 589, 326, 15 ], [ 733, 589, 29, 13 ], [ 763, 595, 4, 7 ], [ 768, 596, 4, 6 ], [ 773, 595, 9, 7 ], [ 782, 596, 26, 9 ], [ 809, 596, 4, 6 ], [ 813, 597, 15, 17 ], [ 829, 596, 5, 9 ], [ 834, 596, 3, 10 ], [ 185, 620, 542, 15 ], [ 718, 620, 117, 15 ], [ 185, 651, 15, 15 ], [ 208, 651, 24, 13 ], [ 233, 657, 4, 7 ], [ 238, 658, 4, 6 ], [ 242, 657, 9, 7 ], [ 252, 658, 26, 9 ], [ 279, 658, 4, 6 ], [ 283, 658, 15, 17 ], [ 299, 658, 5, 9 ], [ 304, 658, 3, 10 ], [ 315, 651, 129, 15 ], [ 451, 651, 29, 13 ], [ 481, 657, 4, 7 ], [ 486, 658, 4, 6 ], [ 490, 657, 9, 7 ], [ 500, 658, 26, 9 ], [ 527, 658, 4, 6 ], [ 531, 658, 15, 17 ], [ 546, 658, 5, 9 ], [ 551, 658, 3, 10 ], [ 562, 651, 13, 15 ], [ 185, 770, 49, 15 ], [ 244, 770, 14, 14 ], [ 259, 770, 7, 15 ], [ 267, 770, 9, 14 ], [ 277, 770, 33, 15 ], [ 321, 768, 9, 46 ], [ 334, 766, 6, 9 ], [ 330, 779, 7, 10 ], [ 346, 770, 12, 14 ], [ 358, 770, 7, 15 ], [ 366, 770, 9, 14 ], [ 376, 770, 7, 15 ], [ 383, 770, 19, 14 ], [ 403, 770, 47, 15 ], [ 460, 770, 11, 14 ], [ 472, 770, 7, 15 ], [ 479, 770, 9, 14 ], [ 489, 770, 32, 15 ], [ 535, 768, 7, 10 ], [ 535, 779, 7, 10 ], [ 547, 770, 7, 15 ], [ 555, 770, 12, 14 ], [ 567, 770, 7, 15 ], [ 575, 770, 9, 14 ], [ 585, 770, 7, 15 ], [ 593, 768, 7, 10 ], [ 605, 770, 15, 15 ], [ 625, 770, 12, 14 ], [ 638, 768, 3, 17 ], [ 642, 770, 7, 15 ], [ 650, 770, 9, 14 ], [ 660, 770, 20, 15 ], [ 698, 770, 137, 15 ], [ 185, 801, 395, 15 ], [ 586, 801, 11, 14 ], [ 598, 801, 7, 15 ], [ 606, 801, 9, 14 ], [ 616, 801, 219, 15 ], [ 185, 832, 61, 15 ], [ 236, 832, 599, 15 ], [ 501, 897, 19, 15 ], [ 271, 699, 10, 15 ], [ 282, 699, 24, 13 ], [ 308, 705, 4, 7 ], [ 312, 705, 4, 6 ], [ 317, 705, 9, 7 ], [ 326, 706, 26, 9 ], [ 353, 705, 4, 6 ], [ 358, 706, 15, 17 ], [ 373, 706, 5, 9 ], [ 378, 706, 3, 10 ], [ 269, 721, 10, 15 ], [ 280, 722, 29, 13 ], [ 310, 728, 4, 7 ], [ 315, 728, 4, 6 ], [ 319, 728, 9, 7 ], [ 329, 729, 26, 9 ], [ 356, 728, 4, 6 ], [ 360, 729, 15, 17 ], [ 375, 729, 5, 9 ], [ 380, 729, 3, 10 ], [ 387, 711, 7, 15 ], [ 395, 711, 11, 14 ], [ 411, 711, 7, 15 ], [ 424, 710, 15, 26 ], [ 445, 711, 29, 15 ], [ 478, 695, 16, 46 ], [ 494, 711, 14, 14 ], [ 509, 711, 7, 15 ], [ 516, 711, 23, 14 ], [ 541, 717, 4, 7 ], [ 546, 718, 4, 6 ], [ 550, 718, 15, 17 ], [ 566, 711, 13, 15 ], [ 584, 710, 15, 26 ], [ 604, 701, 11, 46 ], [ 624, 698, 5, 9 ], [ 630, 696, 4, 7 ], [ 635, 696, 4, 6 ], [ 639, 698, 15, 17 ], [ 654, 698, 5, 9 ], [ 615, 729, 5, 9 ], [ 621, 727, 4, 7 ], [ 626, 728, 4, 6 ], [ 630, 728, 9, 7 ], [ 640, 727, 10, 7 ], [ 664, 711, 11, 14 ], [ 675, 711, 7, 15 ], [ 683, 711, 18, 14 ], [ 702, 711, 18, 15 ], [ 720, 711, 9, 14 ], [ 729, 695, 16, 46 ], [ 749, 711, 5, 14 ], [ 811, 711, 25, 15 ], [ 346, 223, 12, 14 ], [ 361, 223, 23, 15 ], [ 385, 223, 18, 14 ], [ 406, 220, 5, 10 ], [ 412, 221, 4, 9 ], [ 417, 220, 5, 10 ], [ 429, 223, 15, 15 ], [ 449, 223, 9, 14 ], [ 459, 223, 28, 15 ], [ 493, 223, 12, 14 ], [ 509, 223, 23, 15 ], [ 533, 223, 18, 14 ], [ 554, 220, 5, 10 ], [ 559, 221, 4, 9 ], [ 564, 220, 5, 10 ], [ 576, 223, 15, 15 ], [ 597, 222, 15, 26 ], [ 612, 223, 9, 14 ], [ 622, 223, 28, 15 ], [ 658, 212, 9, 15 ], [ 658, 233, 9, 15 ], [ 670, 223, 5, 14 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "In this section, we consider the case where nonasymptotic densities and first deriva-", "tives are known along a T-shaped set (i.e., for all", "s", "with a fixed radius ˆ", "r", "and for all", "r", "≤", "ˆ", "r", "with a fixed ˆ", "s", "). We show that this information is sufficient to guarantee recon-", "structability modulo reparametrizations, translations, and rotations.", "Lemma 4.5.1.", "Assume that", "γ", "is TGL for", "ˆ", "r", "(and thus all", "r", "≤", "ˆ", "r", ").", "Then if we know", "g", "(", "s, r", ")", ",", "g$_{s}$", "(", "s, r", ") =", "∂ g", "(", "s,r", ")", "∂s", ", and", "g$_{r}$", "(", "s, r", ") =", "∂ g", "(", "s,r", ")", "∂r", "for", "(", "s, r", ")", "∈", "([0", ", L", "]", "× {", "ˆ", "r", "}", ")", "∪", "(", "{", "ˆ", "s", "} ×", "(0", ",", "ˆ", "r", "])", ",", "we can reconstruct", "γ", "(", "s", ")", "∈", "R", "2", "for all", "s", "∈", "[0", ", L", "]", "modulo reparametrizations, translation,", "and rotations. (See figure 4.10.)", "Proof:", "As was shown in section 4.4,", "g$_{r}$", "gives us the length of the arc", "∂D", "(", "s,", "ˆ", "r", ")", "∩", "Ω", "and", "g$_{s}$", "tells us precisely what position this arc is along", "∂D", "(", "s,", "ˆ", "r", ") with respect to the", "direction", "γ", "$^{′}$(", "s", ").", "The assumption of TGL for", "r", "= ˆ", "r", "implies TGL for 0", "< r <", "ˆ", "r", "(see", "remark 4.2.12) and this implies that", "γ", "has the 2 arc property and transverse intersections", "with", "∂", "D(", "s, r", ") for all disks corresponding to (", "s, r", ")", "∈", "([0", ", L", "]", "× {", "ˆ", "r", "}", ")", "∪", "(", "{", "ˆ", "s", "} ×", "[0", ",", "ˆ", "r", "]). Since", "we care only about reconstructing a curve", "γ", "isometric to the original curve, we choose", "γ", "(ˆ", "s", ") = (0", ",", "0)", "∈", "R", "2", "and", "γ", "$^{′}$(ˆ", "s", ") = (1", ",", "0). Taken together,", "g$_{s}$", "(ˆ", "s, r", ") and", "g$_{r}$", "(ˆ", "s, r", ") locate both", "points in", "∂D", "(ˆ", "s, r", ")", "∩", "γ", "for all", "r", "∈", "[0", ",", "ˆ", "r", "]. This yields", "γ", "∩", "D(", "γ", "(ˆ", "s", ")", ",", "ˆ", "r", "). Now, simply increase", "s", ", sliding the center of a disk of radius ˆ", "r", "along", "γ", "∩", "D(", "γ", "(ˆ", "s", ")", ",", "ˆ", "r", "), using", "g$_{r}$", "(", "s,", "ˆ", "r", ") to find the", "element of", "γ", "∩", "D(", "γ", "(", "s", ")", ",", "ˆ", "r", ") outside", "D", "(", "γ", "(ˆ", "s", ")", ",", "ˆ", "r", "), using the fact that the other element of", "γ", "∩", "D(", "γ", "(", "s", ")", ",", "ˆ", "r", ") is inside D(", "γ", "(ˆ", "s", ")", ",", "ˆ", "r", ") and known. This process can be continued until the", "entire curve is traced out in", "R", "$^{2}$.", "103" ]
[ [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 159, 747, 108 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 747, 107 ], [ 150, 295, 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[ [ 180, 159, 718, 15 ], [ 150, 190, 437, 15 ], [ 596, 190, 9, 15 ], [ 614, 190, 184, 15 ], [ 788, 190, 8, 15 ], [ 806, 190, 92, 15 ], [ 150, 220, 8, 15 ], [ 167, 220, 15, 26 ], [ 190, 220, 9, 15 ], [ 190, 220, 8, 15 ], [ 207, 220, 121, 15 ], [ 318, 220, 9, 15 ], [ 327, 220, 570, 15 ], [ 150, 251, 585, 15 ], [ 150, 296, 134, 13 ], [ 294, 296, 107, 13 ], [ 410, 295, 10, 15 ], [ 429, 296, 96, 13 ], [ 535, 295, 9, 15 ], [ 535, 295, 8, 15 ], [ 552, 296, 112, 13 ], [ 673, 295, 8, 15 ], [ 691, 295, 15, 26 ], [ 715, 295, 9, 15 ], [ 715, 295, 8, 15 ], [ 724, 296, 14, 13 ], [ 751, 296, 146, 13 ], [ 150, 326, 9, 15 ], [ 160, 326, 7, 15 ], [ 168, 326, 26, 15 ], [ 195, 326, 7, 15 ], [ 203, 327, 6, 13 ], [ 216, 326, 15, 15 ], [ 233, 326, 7, 15 ], [ 241, 326, 26, 15 ], [ 268, 326, 28, 15 ], [ 305, 323, 15, 9 ], [ 322, 323, 5, 9 ], [ 327, 323, 16, 9 ], [ 344, 323, 5, 9 ], [ 320, 336, 14, 9 ], [ 352, 327, 44, 13 ], [ 404, 326, 15, 15 ], [ 421, 326, 7, 15 ], [ 428, 326, 26, 15 ], [ 456, 326, 28, 15 ], [ 493, 323, 15, 9 ], [ 509, 323, 5, 9 ], [ 515, 323, 16, 9 ], [ 532, 323, 5, 9 ], [ 507, 336, 14, 9 ], [ 547, 327, 24, 13 ], [ 578, 326, 7, 15 ], [ 586, 326, 26, 15 ], [ 613, 326, 7, 15 ], [ 627, 326, 13, 26 ], [ 646, 326, 22, 15 ], [ 669, 326, 22, 15 ], [ 691, 326, 5, 15 ], [ 701, 326, 30, 26 ], [ 733, 326, 9, 15 ], [ 732, 326, 8, 15 ], [ 741, 326, 10, 26 ], [ 751, 326, 7, 15 ], [ 763, 326, 13, 26 ], [ 781, 326, 7, 15 ], [ 789, 326, 10, 26 ], [ 800, 326, 9, 15 ], [ 799, 326, 9, 15 ], [ 808, 326, 30, 26 ], [ 843, 326, 17, 15 ], [ 861, 326, 5, 15 ], [ 870, 326, 9, 15 ], [ 869, 326, 8, 15 ], [ 879, 326, 13, 15 ], [ 892, 327, 6, 13 ], [ 150, 358, 159, 13 ], [ 318, 357, 10, 15 ], [ 329, 357, 7, 15 ], [ 337, 357, 9, 15 ], [ 346, 357, 7, 15 ], [ 361, 357, 13, 26 ], [ 381, 362, 14, 10 ], [ 396, 356, 7, 9 ], [ 412, 358, 53, 13 ], [ 473, 357, 9, 15 ], [ 489, 357, 13, 26 ], [ 509, 357, 15, 15 ], [ 525, 357, 22, 15 ], [ 547, 357, 5, 15 ], [ 560, 358, 337, 13 ], [ 150, 389, 275, 13 ], [ 150, 433, 51, 13 ], [ 217, 432, 258, 15 ], [ 486, 432, 15, 15 ], [ 512, 432, 265, 15 ], [ 787, 432, 27, 15 ], [ 815, 432, 7, 15 ], [ 823, 432, 14, 15 ], [ 842, 432, 9, 15 ], [ 841, 432, 8, 15 ], [ 850, 432, 7, 15 ], [ 864, 432, 13, 26 ], [ 884, 432, 14, 15 ], [ 150, 463, 31, 15 ], [ 191, 463, 15, 15 ], [ 216, 463, 424, 15 ], [ 649, 463, 27, 15 ], [ 677, 463, 7, 15 ], [ 685, 463, 14, 15 ], [ 704, 463, 9, 15 ], [ 703, 463, 8, 15 ], [ 712, 463, 185, 15 ], [ 150, 494, 75, 15 ], [ 234, 494, 10, 15 ], [ 245, 494, 12, 15 ], [ 258, 494, 9, 15 ], [ 267, 494, 13, 15 ], [ 295, 494, 246, 15 ], [ 550, 494, 8, 15 ], [ 568, 494, 34, 15 ], [ 592, 494, 8, 15 ], [ 610, 494, 160, 15 ], [ 780, 494, 57, 15 ], [ 848, 494, 9, 15 ], [ 847, 494, 8, 15 ], [ 865, 494, 32, 15 ], [ 150, 525, 302, 15 ], [ 457, 525, 10, 15 ], [ 474, 525, 424, 15 ], [ 150, 556, 38, 15 ], [ 195, 556, 10, 15 ], [ 210, 556, 22, 15 ], [ 232, 556, 26, 15 ], [ 260, 556, 277, 15 ], [ 537, 556, 26, 15 ], [ 565, 556, 7, 15 ], [ 578, 555, 13, 26 ], [ 597, 556, 22, 15 ], [ 620, 556, 22, 15 ], [ 642, 556, 5, 15 ], [ 652, 555, 30, 26 ], [ 683, 556, 9, 15 ], [ 682, 556, 8, 15 ], [ 691, 555, 10, 26 ], [ 701, 556, 7, 15 ], [ 713, 555, 13, 26 ], [ 731, 556, 7, 15 ], [ 739, 555, 10, 26 ], [ 750, 556, 9, 15 ], [ 749, 556, 9, 15 ], [ 758, 555, 30, 26 ], [ 793, 556, 15, 15 ], [ 808, 556, 5, 15 ], [ 817, 556, 9, 15 ], [ 817, 556, 8, 15 ], [ 826, 556, 71, 15 ], [ 150, 587, 363, 15 ], [ 521, 587, 10, 15 ], [ 539, 587, 358, 15 ], [ 150, 618, 10, 15 ], [ 161, 618, 18, 15 ], [ 169, 618, 9, 15 ], [ 178, 618, 54, 15 ], [ 233, 618, 5, 15 ], [ 241, 618, 17, 15 ], [ 266, 617, 13, 26 ], [ 286, 622, 14, 10 ], [ 300, 616, 7, 9 ], [ 316, 618, 31, 15 ], [ 355, 618, 10, 15 ], [ 366, 618, 22, 15 ], [ 378, 618, 9, 15 ], [ 387, 618, 54, 15 ], [ 442, 618, 5, 15 ], [ 450, 618, 169, 15 ], [ 627, 618, 15, 15 ], [ 644, 618, 18, 15 ], [ 652, 618, 26, 15 ], [ 679, 618, 46, 15 ], [ 733, 618, 15, 15 ], [ 750, 618, 18, 15 ], [ 758, 618, 26, 15 ], [ 785, 618, 112, 15 ], [ 150, 649, 75, 15 ], [ 232, 649, 27, 15 ], [ 260, 649, 18, 15 ], [ 268, 649, 26, 15 ], [ 295, 649, 7, 15 ], [ 307, 648, 13, 26 ], [ 325, 649, 10, 15 ], [ 342, 649, 50, 15 ], [ 399, 649, 8, 15 ], [ 414, 648, 13, 26 ], [ 433, 649, 15, 15 ], [ 449, 649, 5, 15 ], [ 458, 649, 9, 15 ], [ 457, 649, 8, 15 ], [ 467, 649, 112, 15 ], [ 586, 649, 10, 15 ], [ 602, 648, 13, 26 ], [ 619, 649, 22, 15 ], [ 642, 649, 10, 15 ], [ 653, 649, 18, 15 ], [ 661, 649, 9, 15 ], [ 670, 649, 7, 15 ], [ 678, 649, 5, 15 ], [ 687, 649, 9, 15 ], [ 686, 649, 8, 15 ], [ 696, 649, 202, 15 ], [ 150, 679, 9, 15 ], [ 159, 679, 340, 15 ], [ 489, 679, 8, 15 ], [ 506, 679, 45, 15 ], [ 558, 679, 10, 15 ], [ 574, 679, 13, 26 ], [ 592, 679, 22, 15 ], [ 615, 679, 10, 15 ], [ 626, 679, 18, 15 ], [ 634, 679, 9, 15 ], [ 643, 679, 7, 15 ], [ 651, 679, 5, 15 ], [ 660, 679, 9, 15 ], [ 659, 679, 8, 15 ], [ 669, 679, 64, 15 ], [ 740, 679, 15, 15 ], [ 757, 679, 7, 15 ], [ 765, 679, 14, 15 ], [ 784, 679, 9, 15 ], [ 783, 679, 8, 15 ], [ 792, 679, 105, 15 ], [ 150, 710, 89, 15 ], [ 248, 710, 10, 15 ], [ 265, 710, 13, 26 ], [ 284, 710, 22, 15 ], [ 307, 710, 10, 15 ], [ 318, 710, 7, 15 ], [ 326, 710, 9, 15 ], [ 335, 710, 7, 15 ], [ 343, 710, 5, 15 ], [ 352, 710, 9, 15 ], [ 351, 710, 8, 15 ], [ 361, 710, 77, 15 ], [ 446, 710, 16, 15 ], [ 463, 710, 7, 15 ], [ 471, 710, 10, 15 ], [ 482, 710, 18, 15 ], [ 489, 710, 9, 15 ], [ 499, 710, 7, 15 ], [ 506, 710, 5, 15 ], [ 516, 710, 9, 15 ], [ 515, 710, 8, 15 ], [ 525, 710, 373, 15 ], [ 150, 741, 10, 15 ], [ 166, 741, 13, 26 ], [ 185, 741, 22, 15 ], [ 207, 741, 10, 15 ], [ 219, 741, 7, 15 ], [ 226, 741, 9, 15 ], [ 235, 741, 7, 15 ], [ 243, 741, 5, 15 ], [ 253, 741, 9, 15 ], [ 252, 741, 8, 15 ], [ 261, 741, 114, 15 ], [ 376, 741, 10, 15 ], [ 387, 741, 18, 15 ], [ 394, 741, 9, 15 ], [ 404, 741, 7, 15 ], [ 411, 741, 5, 15 ], [ 421, 741, 9, 15 ], [ 420, 741, 8, 15 ], [ 429, 741, 468, 15 ], [ 150, 772, 238, 15 ], [ 395, 777, 14, 10 ], [ 409, 772, 13, 15 ], [ 509, 963, 29, 15 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "@Library('utils') _", " 'Starting'", "log.warning 'Nothing to do!'", "@Library('utils') _", "pipeline {", "agent none", "stage ('Example') {", "steps {", "script { ", "①", " 'Starting'", "log.warning 'Nothing to do!'", "}", "}", "}", "}", "①", "script", " directive required to access global variables in Declarative Pipeline.", "Jenkinsfile", "Jenkinsfile", "Declarative Pipeline does not allow global variable usage outside of a ", "script", " directive (JENKINS-", "42360).", "A variable defined in a shared library will only show up in ", "Global Variables", "Reference", " (under ", "Pipeline Syntax", ") after Jenkins loads and uses that library as part of", "a successful Pipeline run.", "Avoid preserving state in global variables", "Avoid defining global variables with methods that interact or preserve state.", "Use a static class or instantiate a local variable of a class instead.", "Shared Libraries can also define global variables which behave similarly to built-in steps, such as ", "sh", "or ", "git", ". Global variables defined in Shared Libraries ", "must", " be named with all lower-case or", "\"camelCased\" in order to be loaded properly by Pipeline. [18:", "e5e57f075af381fce4ed3ae57aa1f0c2]", "For example, to define ", "sayHello", ", the file ", "vars/sayHello.groovy", " should be created and should", "implement a ", "call", " method. The ", "call", " method allows the global variable to be invoked in a manner", "similar to a step:", "Defining custom steps", "WARNING", "NOTE", "69" ]
[ [ 102, 83, 265, 67 ], [ 102, 83, 265, 67 ], [ 102, 83, 265, 67 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 102, 272, 426, 228 ], [ 87, 524, 664, 17 ], [ 87, 524, 664, 17 ], [ 87, 524, 664, 17 ], [ 83, 44, 82, 16 ], [ 83, 234, 82, 16 ], [ 83, 181, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 181, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 181, 858, 36 ], [ 83, 181, 858, 36 ], [ 197, 563, 724, 55 ], [ 197, 563, 724, 55 ], [ 197, 563, 724, 55 ], [ 197, 563, 724, 55 ], [ 197, 563, 724, 55 ], [ 197, 563, 724, 55 ], [ 197, 563, 724, 55 ], [ 240, 645, 680, 40 ], [ 240, 645, 680, 40 ], [ 240, 687, 552, 17 ], [ 83, 775, 858, 75 ], [ 83, 775, 858, 75 ], [ 83, 775, 858, 75 ], [ 83, 775, 858, 75 ], [ 83, 775, 858, 75 ], [ 83, 775, 858, 75 ], [ 83, 775, 858, 75 ], [ 83, 775, 858, 75 ], [ 83, 775, 858, 75 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 866, 858, 55 ], [ 83, 731, 344, 29 ], [ 104, 666, 94, 17 ], [ 103, 582, 51, 17 ], [ 922, 995, 17, 14 ] ]
[ [ 102, 83, 179, 13 ], [ 102, 119, 179, 13 ], [ 102, 137, 265, 13 ], [ 102, 272, 179, 13 ], [ 102, 308, 94, 13 ], [ 146, 326, 88, 13 ], [ 147, 344, 172, 13 ], [ 181, 362, 62, 13 ], [ 228, 380, 81, 13 ], [ 310, 380, 18, 13 ], [ 267, 398, 175, 13 ], [ 268, 416, 259, 13 ], [ 225, 434, 8, 13 ], [ 178, 452, 8, 13 ], [ 141, 469, 7, 13 ], [ 102, 487, 9, 13 ], [ 87, 526, 18, 12 ], [ 110, 527, 54, 12 ], [ 164, 524, 587, 17 ], [ 83, 44, 82, 16 ], [ 83, 234, 82, 16 ], [ 83, 181, 627, 17 ], [ 710, 183, 54, 12 ], [ 764, 181, 177, 17 ], [ 83, 200, 61, 17 ], [ 197, 563, 579, 17 ], [ 776, 563, 144, 17 ], [ 197, 582, 81, 17 ], [ 278, 582, 69, 17 ], [ 347, 582, 128, 17 ], [ 476, 582, 444, 17 ], [ 197, 601, 217, 17 ], [ 240, 645, 330, 16 ], [ 240, 668, 680, 17 ], [ 240, 687, 552, 17 ], [ 83, 775, 840, 17 ], [ 923, 777, 18, 12 ], [ 83, 794, 29, 17 ], [ 112, 796, 27, 12 ], [ 140, 794, 438, 17 ], [ 578, 794, 45, 17 ], [ 624, 794, 317, 17 ], [ 83, 813, 858, 17 ], [ 83, 832, 312, 17 ], [ 83, 866, 222, 17 ], [ 305, 869, 72, 12 ], [ 378, 866, 93, 17 ], [ 471, 869, 180, 12 ], [ 652, 866, 289, 17 ], [ 83, 885, 117, 17 ], [ 200, 888, 36, 12 ], [ 236, 885, 122, 17 ], [ 358, 888, 36, 12 ], [ 394, 885, 547, 17 ], [ 83, 904, 142, 17 ], [ 83, 731, 344, 29 ], [ 104, 666, 94, 17 ], [ 103, 582, 51, 17 ], [ 922, 995, 17, 14 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 4 ]
[ "Management’s Report on Internal Control over", "Financial Reporting", "Management of ADTRAN, Inc. is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial", "reporting as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. ADTRAN’s ", "internal control over financial reporting is designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial ", "reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted", "accounting principles. ADTRAN’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that:", "Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, ", "projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate ", "because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.", "Management assessed the effectiveness of ADTRAN’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2013.", "In making this assessment, management used the criteria set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the ", "Treadway Commission (COSO) in ", "Internal Control-Integrated Framework (1992)", ".", "Based on our assessment and those criteria, management has concluded that ADTRAN maintained effective internal ", "control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2013.", "The effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an ", "independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in their report which appears herein.", "n", "pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and", "dispositions of the assets of ADTRAN;", "n", "provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements ", "in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of ADTRAN are being ", "made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of ADTRAN; and", "n", "provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition", "of ADTRAN’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.", "Financial Results", "33" ]
[ [ 150, 86, 620, 65 ], [ 150, 86, 620, 65 ], [ 150, 151, 701, 77 ], [ 150, 151, 701, 77 ], [ 150, 151, 701, 77 ], [ 150, 151, 701, 77 ], [ 150, 151, 701, 77 ], [ 150, 364, 723, 46 ], [ 150, 364, 723, 46 ], [ 150, 364, 723, 46 ], [ 150, 417, 706, 46 ], [ 150, 417, 706, 46 ], [ 150, 417, 706, 46 ], [ 150, 417, 706, 46 ], [ 150, 417, 706, 46 ], [ 150, 470, 693, 31 ], [ 150, 470, 693, 31 ], [ 150, 508, 699, 31 ], [ 150, 508, 699, 31 ], [ 165, 236, 650, 31 ], [ 165, 236, 650, 31 ], [ 165, 236, 650, 31 ], [ 165, 273, 696, 46 ], [ 165, 273, 696, 46 ], [ 165, 273, 696, 46 ], [ 165, 273, 696, 46 ], [ 165, 326, 685, 31 ], [ 165, 326, 685, 31 ], [ 165, 326, 685, 31 ], [ 838, 977, 113, 12 ], [ 838, 977, 113, 12 ] ]
[ [ 150, 86, 620, 36 ], [ 150, 114, 263, 36 ], [ 150, 151, 677, 15 ], [ 150, 167, 701, 15 ], [ 150, 182, 685, 15 ], [ 150, 198, 646, 15 ], [ 150, 214, 678, 15 ], [ 173, 364, 701, 15 ], [ 150, 379, 698, 15 ], [ 150, 395, 652, 15 ], [ 173, 417, 683, 15 ], [ 150, 433, 691, 15 ], [ 150, 448, 202, 15 ], [ 353, 448, 259, 15 ], [ 612, 448, 3, 15 ], [ 173, 470, 670, 15 ], [ 150, 486, 325, 15 ], [ 173, 508, 676, 15 ], [ 150, 523, 533, 15 ], [ 165, 240, 7, 7 ], [ 179, 236, 636, 15 ], [ 179, 251, 220, 15 ], [ 165, 277, 7, 7 ], [ 179, 273, 675, 15 ], [ 179, 289, 682, 15 ], [ 179, 304, 534, 15 ], [ 165, 330, 7, 7 ], [ 179, 326, 671, 15 ], [ 179, 342, 460, 15 ], [ 838, 977, 80, 12 ], [ 939, 977, 12, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 ]
[ "US 9,703,193 B2 ", "41 ", "42 ", "-continued ", "-continued ", "(L4-2) ", "(L4-3) ", "(L4-4) ", "In formulas (L4-1) to (L4-4), the broken line denotes a ", "bonding site and direction. RL", "41 ", "is each independently a ", "monovalent ", "hydrocarbon ", "group, ", "typically ", "a ", "straight, ", "branched or cyclic C$_{1 }$-C$_{10 }$alkyl group, such as methyl, ethyl, ", "propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, s-butyl, t-butyl, t-pentyl, n-pen›", "tyl, n-hexyl, cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl. ", "For formulas (L4-1) to (L4-4), there can exist enantiomers ", "and diastereomers. Each of formulae (L4-1) to (L4-4) col›", "lectively represents all such stereoisomers. When ", "XA ", "is an ", "acid labile group of formula (L4), a plurality of stereoiso›", "mers may be contained. ", "For example, the formula (L4-3) represents one or a ", "mixture of two selected from groups having the following ", "formulas (L4-3-l) and (L4-3-2). ", "Similarly, the formula (L4-4) represents one or a mixture ", "of two or more selected from groups having the following ", "formulas (L4-4-1) to (L4-4-4 ). ", "It is noted that in the above formulas (L4-1) to (L4-4), ", "(L4-3-l) and (L4-3-2), and (L4-4-1) to (L4-4-4), the bond ", "direction is on the exo side relative to the bioyclo[2.2.1] ", "heptane ring, which ensures high reactivity for acid cata›", "lyzed elimination reaction (see JP-A 2000-336121). In pre›", "paring these monomers having a tertiary exo-alkyl group of ", "bicyclo[2.2.l]heptane skeleton as a substituent group, there ", "may be contained monomers substituted with an endo-alkyl ", "group as represented by the following formulas (L4-1-endo) ", "to (L4-4-endo ). For good reactivity, an exo proportion of at ", "least 50 mo! ", "% is preferred, with an exo proportion of at least ", "80", "mo! % being more preferred. ", "Each of formulas (L4-1) to (L4-4), (L4-3-l) and (L4-3-2), ", "and ", "(L4-4-1) ", "to ", "(L4-4-4) ", "collectively ", "represents ", "an ", "enantiomer thereof and a mixture of enantiomers. ", "Herein ", "RL", "41 ", "is as defined above. ", "(L4-3-1) ", "(L4-3-2) ", "(L4-4-1) ", "(L4-3-endo) ", "(L4-2-endo) ", "(L4-1-endo) ", "(L4-4-4) ", "(L4-4-3) ", "(L4-4-2) " ]
[ [ 434, 73, 147, 13 ], [ 300, 92, 22, 13 ], [ 691, 92, 23, 13 ], [ 670, 111, 68, 10 ], [ 278, 111, 68, 10 ], [ 159, 123, 334, 93 ], [ 159, 222, 334, 76 ], [ 159, 305, 334, 76 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 409, 364, 78 ], [ 129, 494, 366, 64 ], [ 129, 494, 366, 64 ], [ 129, 494, 366, 64 ], [ 129, 494, 366, 64 ], [ 129, 494, 366, 64 ], [ 129, 494, 366, 64 ], [ 129, 494, 366, 64 ], [ 129, 566, 364, 37 ], [ 129, 566, 364, 37 ], [ 129, 566, 364, 37 ], [ 129, 816, 365, 37 ], [ 129, 816, 365, 37 ], [ 129, 816, 365, 37 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 530, 368, 151 ], [ 520, 486, 366, 37 ], [ 520, 486, 366, 37 ], [ 520, 486, 366, 37 ], [ 520, 486, 366, 37 ], [ 520, 486, 366, 37 ], [ 520, 486, 366, 37 ], [ 520, 486, 366, 37 ], [ 520, 486, 366, 37 ], [ 520, 486, 366, 37 ], [ 520, 467, 202, 11 ], [ 520, 467, 202, 11 ], [ 520, 467, 202, 11 ], [ 520, 467, 202, 11 ], [ 159, 631, 335, 75 ], [ 159, 712, 336, 75 ], [ 160, 881, 335, 75 ], [ 550, 883, 334, 73 ], [ 550, 788, 335, 89 ], [ 551, 712, 333, 74 ], [ 550, 358, 334, 82 ], [ 551, 238, 334, 83 ], [ 550, 124, 335, 78 ] ]
[ [ 434, 73, 147, 13 ], [ 300, 92, 22, 13 ], [ 691, 92, 23, 13 ], [ 670, 111, 68, 10 ], [ 278, 111, 68, 10 ], [ 461, 124, 32, 7 ], [ 461, 223, 32, 7 ], [ 461, 306, 32, 7 ], [ 145, 409, 349, 10 ], [ 129, 422, 192, 10 ], [ 322, 421, 13, 5 ], [ 341, 422, 153, 10 ], [ 129, 436, 75, 10 ], [ 213, 436, 80, 10 ], [ 303, 436, 41, 10 ], [ 355, 436, 56, 10 ], [ 421, 436, 9, 10 ], [ 442, 436, 51, 10 ], [ 129, 449, 364, 10 ], [ 129, 463, 360, 10 ], [ 129, 477, 254, 10 ], [ 145, 494, 349, 10 ], [ 129, 508, 360, 10 ], [ 129, 521, 307, 10 ], [ 438, 521, 18, 10 ], [ 461, 521, 34, 10 ], [ 129, 535, 360, 10 ], [ 129, 548, 149, 10 ], [ 145, 566, 349, 10 ], [ 129, 579, 364, 10 ], [ 129, 593, 200, 10 ], [ 145, 816, 349, 10 ], [ 129, 829, 364, 10 ], [ 129, 843, 188, 10 ], [ 535, 530, 348, 10 ], [ 521, 543, 365, 10 ], [ 520, 556, 363, 10 ], [ 520, 569, 360, 10 ], [ 520, 582, 360, 10 ], [ 520, 595, 368, 10 ], [ 520, 608, 365, 10 ], [ 520, 621, 364, 10 ], [ 520, 634, 364, 10 ], [ 520, 646, 365, 10 ], [ 520, 659, 74, 10 ], [ 595, 660, 289, 9 ], [ 521, 672, 15, 10 ], [ 540, 672, 182, 10 ], [ 535, 486, 348, 10 ], [ 520, 500, 25, 10 ], [ 556, 500, 54, 10 ], [ 620, 500, 13, 10 ], [ 645, 500, 54, 10 ], [ 710, 500, 74, 10 ], [ 793, 500, 64, 10 ], [ 867, 500, 19, 10 ], [ 520, 513, 308, 10 ], [ 520, 469, 45, 10 ], [ 566, 471, 16, 7 ], [ 582, 467, 13, 5 ], [ 599, 469, 123, 10 ], [ 451, 631, 42, 7 ], [ 451, 712, 42, 7 ], [ 451, 882, 42, 7 ], [ 825, 883, 58, 7 ], [ 825, 789, 58, 7 ], [ 825, 712, 58, 7 ], [ 842, 358, 41, 7 ], [ 842, 238, 41, 7 ], [ 842, 124, 41, 7 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
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[ [ 177, 113, 160, 14 ], [ 816, 113, 30, 14 ], [ 177, 163, 587, 72 ], [ 177, 163, 587, 72 ], [ 177, 163, 587, 72 ], [ 177, 163, 587, 72 ], [ 177, 163, 587, 72 ], [ 177, 163, 587, 72 ], [ 177, 163, 587, 72 ], [ 177, 163, 587, 72 ], [ 177, 163, 587, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 262, 660, 72 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 362, 661, 101 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 490, 658, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 590, 576, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 689, 663, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ], [ 177, 789, 645, 72 ] ]
[ [ 177, 113, 160, 14 ], [ 816, 113, 30, 14 ], [ 177, 163, 24, 14 ], [ 218, 163, 545, 14 ], [ 218, 192, 170, 14 ], [ 389, 192, 5, 14 ], [ 401, 192, 86, 14 ], [ 494, 192, 40, 14 ], [ 542, 192, 129, 14 ], [ 218, 222, 328, 13 ], [ 546, 221, 5, 14 ], [ 177, 262, 25, 14 ], [ 219, 262, 377, 14 ], [ 603, 262, 173, 14 ], [ 218, 292, 409, 14 ], [ 628, 292, 5, 14 ], [ 640, 292, 86, 14 ], [ 734, 292, 40, 14 ], [ 781, 292, 56, 14 ], [ 218, 321, 66, 14 ], [ 291, 322, 370, 13 ], [ 661, 321, 5, 14 ], [ 177, 362, 25, 14 ], [ 219, 362, 377, 14 ], [ 603, 362, 234, 14 ], [ 218, 391, 556, 14 ], [ 775, 391, 5, 14 ], [ 218, 420, 86, 14 ], [ 311, 420, 40, 14 ], [ 359, 420, 129, 14 ], [ 495, 421, 253, 13 ], [ 218, 450, 105, 13 ], [ 324, 449, 5, 14 ], [ 177, 490, 26, 14 ], [ 221, 490, 99, 14 ], [ 327, 490, 508, 14 ], [ 218, 520, 254, 14 ], [ 473, 520, 5, 14 ], [ 485, 520, 53, 14 ], [ 545, 520, 46, 14 ], [ 598, 520, 98, 14 ], [ 218, 549, 370, 13 ], [ 588, 549, 5, 14 ], [ 177, 590, 26, 14 ], [ 221, 590, 98, 14 ], [ 327, 590, 426, 14 ], [ 218, 619, 87, 14 ], [ 306, 619, 5, 14 ], [ 318, 619, 194, 14 ], [ 519, 619, 34, 14 ], [ 560, 619, 139, 14 ], [ 218, 649, 370, 13 ], [ 589, 648, 5, 14 ], [ 177, 689, 26, 14 ], [ 221, 689, 98, 14 ], [ 327, 689, 461, 14 ], [ 218, 719, 79, 14 ], [ 298, 719, 5, 14 ], [ 310, 719, 86, 14 ], [ 404, 719, 40, 14 ], [ 451, 719, 129, 14 ], [ 587, 719, 253, 13 ], [ 218, 748, 105, 13 ], [ 324, 748, 5, 14 ], [ 177, 789, 27, 14 ], [ 222, 789, 133, 14 ], [ 362, 789, 460, 14 ], [ 218, 818, 87, 14 ], [ 306, 818, 5, 14 ], [ 318, 818, 86, 14 ], [ 411, 818, 40, 14 ], [ 459, 818, 129, 14 ], [ 218, 848, 370, 13 ], [ 588, 847, 5, 14 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "Table of Contents", "procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis", "for our opinions.", "A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance", "regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in", "accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting", "includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail,", "accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable", "assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance", "with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made", "only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable", "assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s", "assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.", "Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements.", "Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become", "inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may", "deteriorate.", "/s/ KPMG LLP", "We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2002.", "Phoenix, Arizona", "August 15, 2019", "41", "Definition and Limitations of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting" ]
[ [ 124, 12, 115, 10 ], [ 124, 51, 773, 21 ], [ 124, 51, 773, 21 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 111 ], [ 124, 214, 773, 44 ], [ 124, 214, 773, 44 ], [ 124, 214, 773, 44 ], [ 124, 214, 773, 44 ], [ 530, 279, 91, 10 ], [ 124, 308, 353, 10 ], [ 124, 324, 110, 21 ], [ 124, 324, 110, 21 ], [ 503, 369, 16, 10 ], [ 124, 79, 467, 10 ] ]
[ [ 124, 12, 115, 10 ], [ 124, 51, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 63, 108, 10 ], [ 124, 96, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 107, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 119, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 130, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 141, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 152, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 164, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 175, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 186, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 197, 443, 10 ], [ 124, 214, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 225, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 237, 773, 10 ], [ 124, 248, 77, 10 ], [ 530, 279, 91, 10 ], [ 124, 308, 353, 10 ], [ 124, 324, 110, 10 ], [ 124, 335, 107, 10 ], [ 503, 369, 16, 10 ], [ 124, 79, 467, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 7 ]
[ "Table 4: Astrometric corrections for the Mauna Kea post-encounter astrometry. These", "corrections are obtained by extrapolating to the limit of zero-sized aperture and were", "added to the positions reported to the MPC.", "the encounter (see Table 3).", "To quantify the discrepancy between the pre-encounter solution and the", "post-encounter data, we measured how much extending the data arc after", "the encounter changes the orbital solution.", "As shown by the fourth row", "in Table 5, there is a statistically unacceptable", ">", "10", "σ", "correction from the", "pre-encounter best-fit solution to the full arc best-fit solution.", "The observed discrepancy points to the need of refining the nongravita-", "tional perturbation model. The Marsden et al. (1973) model does a good job", "at fitting the pre-encounter observations of C/2013 A1, actually none of the", "other models discussed below improves the fit to the pre-encounter arc. How-", "ever, this model proves inadequate as the trajectory is further constrained", "by post-encounter data.", "3.3.", "Dynamical models", "22", "Date", "East bias", "North bias", "2015-02-17", "0.175", "′′", "0.025", "′′", "2015-02-26", "0.175", "′′", "0.00", "′′", "2015-02-27", "0.16", "′′", "0.00", "′′", "2014-03-19", "0.145", "′′", "0.04", "′′", "2015-03-20", "0.155", "′′", "0.035", "′′", "2015-03-24", "0.13", "′′", "0.045", "′′", "2015-03-26", "0.145", "′′", "0.055", "′′", "2015-04-22", "0.10", "′′", "0.12", "′′", "2015-04-28", "0.06", "′′", "0.125", "′′" ]
[ [ 185, 382, 650, 42 ], [ 185, 382, 650, 42 ], [ 185, 382, 650, 42 ], [ 185, 455, 239, 13 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 486, 650, 137 ], [ 185, 691, 650, 168 ], [ 185, 691, 650, 168 ], [ 185, 691, 650, 168 ], [ 185, 691, 650, 168 ], [ 185, 691, 650, 168 ], [ 185, 691, 650, 168 ], [ 185, 656, 196, 13 ], [ 185, 656, 196, 13 ], [ 501, 897, 19, 13 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ], [ 349, 161, 323, 190 ] ]
[ [ 185, 382, 650, 11 ], [ 185, 397, 650, 11 ], [ 185, 413, 328, 11 ], [ 185, 455, 239, 13 ], [ 215, 486, 621, 13 ], [ 185, 517, 650, 13 ], [ 185, 548, 380, 13 ], [ 582, 548, 253, 13 ], [ 185, 578, 417, 13 ], [ 611, 578, 15, 13 ], [ 626, 578, 19, 13 ], [ 646, 578, 11, 13 ], [ 666, 578, 169, 13 ], [ 185, 609, 529, 13 ], [ 215, 691, 621, 13 ], [ 185, 722, 650, 13 ], [ 185, 752, 650, 13 ], [ 185, 783, 650, 13 ], [ 185, 814, 650, 13 ], [ 185, 845, 203, 13 ], [ 185, 656, 28, 13 ], [ 231, 656, 150, 13 ], [ 501, 897, 19, 13 ], [ 360, 165, 41, 13 ], [ 471, 165, 78, 13 ], [ 570, 165, 91, 13 ], [ 360, 184, 91, 13 ], [ 484, 184, 44, 13 ], [ 529, 182, 7, 9 ], [ 589, 184, 44, 13 ], [ 634, 182, 7, 9 ], [ 360, 203, 91, 13 ], [ 484, 203, 44, 13 ], [ 529, 200, 7, 9 ], [ 594, 203, 34, 13 ], [ 629, 200, 7, 9 ], [ 360, 222, 91, 13 ], [ 489, 222, 34, 13 ], [ 524, 219, 7, 9 ], [ 594, 222, 34, 13 ], [ 629, 219, 7, 9 ], [ 360, 240, 91, 13 ], [ 484, 240, 44, 13 ], [ 529, 238, 7, 9 ], [ 594, 240, 34, 13 ], [ 629, 238, 7, 9 ], [ 360, 259, 91, 13 ], [ 484, 259, 44, 13 ], [ 529, 257, 7, 9 ], [ 589, 259, 44, 13 ], [ 634, 257, 7, 9 ], [ 360, 278, 91, 13 ], [ 489, 278, 34, 13 ], [ 524, 275, 7, 9 ], [ 589, 278, 44, 13 ], [ 634, 275, 7, 9 ], [ 360, 297, 91, 13 ], [ 484, 297, 44, 13 ], [ 529, 294, 7, 9 ], [ 589, 297, 44, 13 ], [ 634, 294, 7, 9 ], [ 360, 315, 91, 13 ], [ 489, 315, 34, 13 ], [ 524, 313, 7, 9 ], [ 594, 315, 34, 13 ], [ 629, 313, 7, 9 ], [ 360, 334, 91, 13 ], [ 489, 334, 34, 13 ], [ 524, 331, 7, 9 ], [ 589, 334, 44, 13 ], [ 634, 331, 7, 9 ] ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "Electronic structure reconstruction: the driving force behind the magnetic and", "structural transitions in NaFeAs", "C.", "He", "$^{1}$, Y. Zhang$^{1}$, B. P. Xie$^{1}$, X. F. Wang$^{2}$, L. X. Yang$^{1}$, B. Zhou $^{1}$, F. Chen$^{1}$, M. Arita$^{3}$,", "K.", "Shimada", "$^{3}$, H. Namatame$^{3}$, M. Taniguchi$^{3}$, X. H. Chen$^{2}$, J. P. Hu4", "∗", "and D. L. Feng", "1", "†", "$^{1}$Department of Physics, Surface Physics Laboratory (National Key Laboratory),", "and Advanced Materials Laboratory, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, People’s Republic of China", "2", "Department of Physics, University of science and technology of China,", "Hefei, Anhui 230027, People’s Republic of China", "$^{3}$Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center and Graduate School of Science,", "Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan. and", "4", "Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA", "(Dated: September 18, 2018)", "The electronic structure of NaFeAs is studied with angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy", "on high quality single crystals.", "Large portions of the band structure start to shift around the", "structural transition temperature, and smoothly evolve as the temperature lowers through the spin", "density wave transition. Moreover, band folding due to magnetic order emerges around structural", "transition. Our observation provides direct evidence that the structural and magnetic transitions", "share the same origin, and are both driven by the electronic structure reconstruction in Fe-based", "superconductors, instead of Fermi surface nesting.", "Iron based high temperature superconductors, like the", "cuprates, are at the vicinity of an ordered magnetic phase", "[1–3], and magnetism has been suggested to be crucial", "for the superconductivity in both cases. A unique fea-", "ture associated with the magnetic transition in iron pnic-", "tides/chalcogenides is that the magnetic or spin density", "wave (SDW) transition is always accompanied by a struc-", "tural transition. Although theoretically, it has been sug-", "gested that the structural transition may be driven mag-", "netically [4], it does occur at higher temperature in many", "cases, and even isotope effects have been reported for the", "magnetic/structural transitions [5].", "So far, there is no", "hard experimental evidence to establish the relationship", "between the structural transition and the magnetic tran-", "sition, but their ubiquitous co-occurrence makes it crucial", "to understand their nature and origin, in order to unveil", "the mystery of iron-based superconductors.", "For BaFe", "2", "As", "2", "and other parent compounds of the", "so called “122” series of iron pnictides and Fe", "1+", "$_{y}$Te,", "the structural transition occurs simultaneously with the", "magnetic transition [6–9].", "It is thus hard to separate", "the effects of lattice and magnetic transitions there.", "For LaOFeAs (a representing parental compound of the", "“1111” series) [10] and NaFeAs (representing the “111”", "series) [11], the structural transition precedes the SDW", "transition. However, the charge redistribution on the sur-", "face of the “1111” series hampers direct measurements", "of its bulk electronic structure [12]. Without these con-", "straints, NaFeAs provides an ideal opportunity to ad-", "dress what happens to the electronic structure between", "the lattice and SDW transitions that has not been ac-", "cessed before.", "In this Letter, we report angle resolved photoemis-", "sion spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements of the detailed", "electronic structure of NaFeAs.", "We show that there is", "strong band renormalization, and the SDW is not caused", "by Fermi surface nesting, and rather the electronic energy", "is saved through band reconstruction. The entire band", "structure including bands well below Fermi surface par-", "ticipates in the reconstruction process. Such a transition", "of the electronic structure emerges at the structural tran-", "sition temperature, and it smoothly evolves through the", "SDW transition temperature. Moreover, band folding is", "observed even at the structural transition temperature,", "which suggests short-ranged magnetic ordering has taken", "place at this temperature. These results establish that", "both the lattice structural transition and the magnetic", "transition are driven by the electronic structure recon-", "structions in Fe-based superconductors.", "High quality NaFeAs single crystals were synthesized", "by a NaAs flux method. Na pieces and As powder was", "mixed and heated to 250", "$^{◦}$C for 3 hours.", "The Fe and", "NaAs powders were loaded into an alumina crucible and", "then sealed in a Ta crucible. They were heated to 900", "$^{◦}$C,", "then slowly cooled to 600", "$^{◦}$C, and to room temperature", "after shutting off the power of the furnace.", "Resistivity", "measurements confirm that there is a superconducting", "transition at 8K, a SDW transition at", "T$_{N}$", "=39K, and a", "structural transition at", "T$_{S}$", "=54K [11, 13]. ARPES data", "were taken with circularly polarized 19 eV photons at", "the Beamline 9 of Hiroshima synchrotron radiation cen-", "ter (HSRC) with a Scienta R4000 electron analyzer; the", "energy resolution was 9 meV, and the angular resolution", "was 0.3 degree. Sample was measured within two hours", "after it was cleaved", "in situ", "under ultra-high-vacuum of", "3", "×", "10", "−", "$^{11}$torr", ".", "Aging effects are strictly monitored, so", "that data reflect the intrinsic electronic structure.", "The normal state photoemission intensity map at the", "Fermi energy is shown in Fig. 1a.", "Two holelike Fermi", "$^{∗}$Electronic address: [email protected]", "$^{†}$Electronic address: [email protected]", "arXiv:1001.2981v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 18 Jan 2010" ]
[ [ 126, 69, 779, 31 ], [ 126, 69, 779, 31 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 173, 119, 685, 29 ], [ 171, 150, 688, 25 ], [ 171, 150, 688, 25 ], [ 263, 175, 504, 26 ], [ 263, 175, 504, 26 ], [ 263, 175, 504, 26 ], [ 256, 204, 519, 25 ], [ 256, 204, 519, 25 ], [ 230, 230, 571, 12 ], [ 230, 230, 571, 12 ], [ 417, 245, 195, 11 ], [ 182, 266, 667, 92 ], [ 182, 266, 667, 92 ], [ 182, 266, 667, 92 ], [ 182, 266, 667, 92 ], [ 182, 266, 667, 92 ], [ 182, 266, 667, 92 ], [ 182, 266, 667, 92 ], [ 182, 266, 667, 92 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 90, 648, 410, 220 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 387, 410, 250 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 264 ], [ 530, 911, 410, 27 ], [ 530, 911, 410, 27 ], [ 530, 911, 410, 27 ], [ 90, 915, 281, 9 ], [ 90, 928, 257, 9 ], [ 30, 198, 30, 565 ] ]
[ [ 126, 69, 779, 13 ], [ 356, 87, 319, 13 ], [ 173, 119, 13, 12 ], [ 200, 119, 16, 12 ], [ 216, 119, 642, 12 ], [ 184, 135, 15, 12 ], [ 215, 135, 56, 12 ], [ 272, 135, 431, 12 ], [ 704, 133, 6, 9 ], [ 718, 135, 113, 12 ], [ 832, 134, 6, 7 ], [ 840, 133, 6, 9 ], [ 239, 150, 552, 11 ], [ 171, 163, 688, 11 ], [ 263, 175, 6, 5 ], [ 277, 177, 490, 11 ], [ 343, 190, 344, 11 ], [ 256, 204, 519, 11 ], [ 322, 217, 385, 11 ], [ 230, 230, 6, 5 ], [ 243, 231, 557, 11 ], [ 417, 245, 195, 11 ], [ 197, 266, 651, 11 ], [ 182, 280, 214, 11 ], [ 410, 280, 439, 11 ], [ 182, 293, 667, 11 ], [ 182, 307, 667, 11 ], [ 182, 321, 667, 11 ], [ 182, 334, 667, 11 ], [ 182, 348, 338, 11 ], [ 107, 387, 393, 12 ], [ 90, 402, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 417, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 432, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 446, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 461, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 476, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 491, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 506, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 520, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 535, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 550, 259, 12 ], [ 362, 550, 137, 12 ], [ 90, 565, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 580, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 595, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 609, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 624, 315, 12 ], [ 107, 648, 71, 12 ], [ 178, 653, 6, 7 ], [ 185, 648, 19, 12 ], [ 204, 653, 6, 7 ], [ 222, 648, 278, 12 ], [ 90, 663, 362, 12 ], [ 453, 668, 16, 7 ], [ 470, 663, 30, 12 ], [ 90, 678, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 692, 191, 12 ], [ 297, 692, 204, 12 ], [ 90, 707, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 722, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 737, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 752, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 766, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 781, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 796, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 811, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 826, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 841, 410, 12 ], [ 90, 855, 99, 12 ], [ 547, 387, 393, 12 ], [ 530, 402, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 417, 231, 12 ], [ 774, 417, 166, 12 ], [ 530, 432, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 446, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 461, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 476, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 491, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 506, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 521, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 535, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 550, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 565, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 580, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 595, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 609, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 624, 289, 12 ], [ 547, 641, 393, 12 ], [ 530, 656, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 671, 191, 12 ], [ 722, 671, 116, 12 ], [ 852, 671, 88, 12 ], [ 530, 686, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 701, 386, 12 ], [ 917, 701, 24, 12 ], [ 530, 716, 190, 12 ], [ 721, 716, 220, 12 ], [ 530, 730, 321, 12 ], [ 864, 730, 76, 12 ], [ 530, 745, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 760, 285, 12 ], [ 822, 761, 20, 11 ], [ 845, 760, 96, 12 ], [ 530, 775, 170, 12 ], [ 707, 775, 18, 11 ], [ 727, 775, 214, 12 ], [ 530, 790, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 805, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 819, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 834, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 849, 410, 12 ], [ 530, 864, 144, 12 ], [ 682, 865, 47, 8 ], [ 738, 864, 202, 12 ], [ 530, 879, 8, 12 ], [ 544, 882, 12, 9 ], [ 561, 879, 16, 12 ], [ 578, 877, 10, 9 ], [ 589, 880, 42, 8 ], [ 631, 879, 4, 12 ], [ 648, 879, 292, 12 ], [ 530, 894, 363, 12 ], [ 547, 911, 393, 12 ], [ 530, 926, 254, 12 ], [ 797, 926, 143, 12 ], [ 90, 915, 281, 9 ], [ 90, 928, 257, 9 ], [ 30, 198, 30, 565 ] ]
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[ "", "BRIDGE – dissemination of the BRIDGE activities and their findings. The ", "dissemination shall particularly target the stakeholder groups that can contribute to ", "successfully exploiting research results and innovations from the BRIDGE projects. ", "", "Organise meetings of the Governing Board including invitations, hosting, minutes and ", "follow-up on action points (on average 3 meetings per year, approximately 40 ", "participants, face-to-face in Brussels); ", "", "organise meetings of the Executive Committee including invitations, hosting, minutes ", "and follow up on action points (12 meetings per year, remote); ", "", "support meetings of the working groups including invitations, hosting, minutes and ", "follow up on action points (on average 3 meetings per year per working group, mix of ", "face-to-face and remote meetings); ", "", "support the meetings of the NSCG, in cooperation with the chair of the NSCG; ", "", "compilation of an Annual Activity Report and Outlook for the Governing Board (once ", "per year); ", "", "maintenance of the terms of reference with the Governing Board, foreseeing at least ", "one revision of the ETIP’s and the working groups’ terms of reference; ", "", "organisation of the election and renewal processes for the Governing Board, Executive ", "Committee and Working Groups; ", "", "produce and distribute the internal monthly newsletter to the members of the ETIP ", "SNET Governing Board and Working Groups; ", "", "ad-hoc support to chairs and vice chairs of the ETIP in matters of chairing and ", "representing the ETIP (e.g., guidance in matters of governance or briefings for ", "meetings with stakeholders not involved in the ETIP SNET). ", "", "an update of the ten-year ETIP SNET R&I roadmap, on the basis of the latest version; ", "", "two ETIP SNET implementation plans each covering a term of two years; ", "", "an ETIP SNET brochure that describes the platform’s mission, composition and ", "organisation and can serve to invite stakeholders to get involved; ", "", "at least two in-depth policy reports that can support Member State and European ", "policy makers with priority setting in research and innovation in the smart energy ", "networks domain; the subjects of these publications shall be defined with the ETIP ", "SNET Governing Board and must be approved by INEA. ", "Tenderers shall offer at least the services listed in this sub-section. ", "The ", "Contractor", " shall draft and publish at least the following publications: ", "1.4.3.", "Detailed characteristics of the service ", "", "Support to the ETIP SNET ", "Task 1: Governance support to the ETIP SNET ", "Task 2: Drafting and publishing of technical and strategic publications from the ETIP ", "11" ]
[ [ 153, 75, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 75, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 75, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 75, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 292, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 292, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 292, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 292, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 351, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 351, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 351, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 390, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 390, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 390, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 390, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 449, 688, 17 ], [ 153, 449, 688, 17 ], [ 153, 470, 755, 37 ], [ 153, 470, 755, 37 ], [ 153, 470, 755, 37 ], [ 153, 509, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 509, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 509, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 549, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 549, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 549, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 589, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 589, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 589, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 629, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 629, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 629, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 629, 754, 56 ], [ 153, 777, 747, 17 ], [ 153, 777, 747, 17 ], [ 153, 798, 647, 17 ], [ 153, 798, 647, 17 ], [ 153, 818, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 818, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 818, 754, 37 ], [ 153, 858, 755, 75 ], [ 153, 858, 755, 75 ], [ 153, 858, 755, 75 ], [ 153, 858, 755, 75 ], [ 153, 858, 755, 75 ], [ 122, 186, 553, 16 ], [ 122, 742, 614, 16 ], [ 122, 742, 614, 16 ], [ 122, 742, 614, 16 ], [ 184, 152, 385, 16 ], [ 184, 152, 385, 16 ], [ 215, 222, 338, 16 ], [ 215, 222, 338, 16 ], [ 122, 256, 424, 16 ], [ 122, 705, 762, 16 ], [ 527, 959, 19, 13 ] ]
[ [ 153, 75, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 77, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 96, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 116, 698, 16 ], [ 153, 292, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 293, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 313, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 332, 319, 16 ], [ 153, 351, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 352, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 372, 522, 16 ], [ 153, 390, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 392, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 411, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 431, 293, 16 ], [ 153, 449, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 451, 657, 16 ], [ 153, 470, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 471, 724, 16 ], [ 184, 491, 84, 16 ], [ 153, 509, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 511, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 531, 592, 16 ], [ 153, 549, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 551, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 570, 282, 16 ], [ 153, 589, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 591, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 610, 391, 16 ], [ 153, 629, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 630, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 650, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 669, 508, 16 ], [ 153, 777, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 779, 716, 16 ], [ 153, 798, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 799, 616, 16 ], [ 153, 818, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 820, 723, 16 ], [ 184, 839, 541, 16 ], [ 153, 858, 9, 17 ], [ 184, 859, 724, 16 ], [ 184, 879, 724, 16 ], [ 184, 898, 724, 16 ], [ 184, 917, 478, 16 ], [ 122, 186, 553, 16 ], [ 122, 742, 37, 16 ], [ 159, 742, 91, 16 ], [ 251, 742, 485, 16 ], [ 184, 152, 46, 16 ], [ 235, 152, 333, 16 ], [ 215, 222, 61, 16 ], [ 308, 222, 245, 16 ], [ 122, 256, 424, 16 ], [ 122, 705, 762, 16 ], [ 527, 959, 19, 13 ] ]
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EN-PP49_SES_RI_Strategy_ tender_specifications_001.pdf
[ "Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of", "the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.", "Name", "Title", "Date", "/s/ Ray Stata", "Chairman of the Board", "November 26, 2019", "Ray Stata", "/s/ Vincent Roche", "President and Chief Executive Officer and", "Director", "(Principal Executive Officer)", "November 26, 2019", "Vincent Roche", "/s/ Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah", "Senior Vice President, Finance and", "Chief Financial Officer", "(Principal Financial Officer)", "November 26, 2019", "Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah", "/s/ Michael Sondel", "Chief Accounting Officer", "(Principal Accounting Officer)", "November 26, 2019", "Michael Sondel", "/s/ James A. Champy", "Director", "November 26, 2019", "James A. Champy", "/s/ Anantha P. Chandrakasan", "Director", "November 26, 2019", "Anantha P. Chandrakasan", "/s/ Bruce R. Evans", "Director", "November 26, 2019", "Bruce R. Evans", "/s/ Edward H. Frank", "Director", "November 26, 2019", "Edward H. Frank", "/s/ Karen Golz", "Director", "November 26, 2019", "Karen Golz", "/s/ Mark M. Little", "Director", "November 26, 2019", "Mark M. Little", "/s/ Neil Novich", "Director", "November 26, 2019", "Neil Novich", "/s/ Kenton J. Sicchitano", "Director", "November 26, 2019", "Kenton J. Sicchitano", "/s/ Lisa T. Su", "Director", "November 26, 2019", "Lisa T. Su", "104" ]
[ [ 24, 51, 957, 21 ], [ 24, 51, 957, 21 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 22, 77, 978, 598 ], [ 499, 751, 24, 10 ] ]
[ [ 24, 51, 957, 10 ], [ 24, 63, 412, 10 ], [ 26, 77, 35, 9 ], [ 615, 77, 28, 9 ], [ 894, 77, 28, 9 ], [ 187, 98, 86, 10 ], [ 554, 98, 149, 10 ], [ 843, 98, 129, 10 ], [ 199, 114, 63, 10 ], [ 172, 143, 118, 10 ], [ 491, 143, 275, 10 ], [ 602, 154, 54, 10 ], [ 536, 166, 186, 10 ], [ 843, 143, 129, 10 ], [ 184, 166, 94, 10 ], [ 129, 196, 203, 10 ], [ 514, 196, 230, 10 ], [ 555, 208, 148, 10 ], [ 538, 220, 182, 10 ], [ 843, 196, 129, 10 ], [ 141, 220, 179, 10 ], [ 169, 249, 124, 10 ], [ 548, 249, 162, 10 ], [ 531, 261, 196, 10 ], [ 843, 249, 129, 10 ], [ 180, 265, 101, 10 ], [ 162, 293, 138, 10 ], [ 602, 293, 54, 10 ], [ 843, 293, 129, 10 ], [ 174, 309, 114, 10 ], [ 134, 338, 193, 10 ], [ 602, 338, 54, 10 ], [ 843, 338, 129, 10 ], [ 146, 353, 170, 10 ], [ 169, 382, 123, 10 ], [ 602, 382, 54, 10 ], [ 843, 382, 129, 10 ], [ 181, 398, 100, 10 ], [ 163, 427, 136, 10 ], [ 602, 427, 54, 10 ], [ 843, 427, 129, 10 ], [ 174, 442, 113, 10 ], [ 183, 471, 95, 10 ], [ 602, 471, 54, 10 ], [ 843, 471, 129, 10 ], [ 195, 486, 72, 10 ], [ 172, 515, 118, 10 ], [ 602, 515, 54, 10 ], [ 843, 515, 129, 10 ], [ 183, 530, 95, 10 ], [ 181, 560, 100, 10 ], [ 602, 560, 54, 10 ], [ 843, 560, 129, 10 ], [ 192, 575, 77, 10 ], [ 153, 604, 156, 10 ], [ 602, 604, 54, 10 ], [ 843, 604, 129, 10 ], [ 164, 620, 132, 10 ], [ 187, 648, 88, 10 ], [ 602, 648, 54, 10 ], [ 843, 648, 129, 10 ], [ 198, 664, 65, 10 ], [ 499, 751, 24, 10 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4 ]
[ "(12)", "EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION", "(11)", "EP 3 800 004 A1", "(43)", "Date of publication: ", "07.04.2021 Bulletin 2021/14", "(21)", "Application number: ", "20210002.0", "(22)", "Date of filing: ", "12.12.2019", "(84)", "Designated Contracting States: ", "AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB ", "GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO ", "PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR", "(30)", "Priority:", "25.02.2019 US 201916284178", "(62)", "Document number(s) of the earlier application(s) in ", "accordance with Art. 76 EPC: ", "19215823.6 / 3 698 915", "(71)", "Applicant: ", "Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation", "Charlotte, NC 28217-4578 (US)", "•", "BECK, John M.", "Bloomfield, CT 06002 (US)", "•", "ITALIA, Lino S.", "Rocky Hill, CT 06067 (US)", "(74)", "Representative: ", "Dehns", "St. Bride’s House ", "10", "Salisbury Square", "London EC4Y 8JD (GB)", "Remarks:", "This application was filed on 26-11-2020 as a ", "divisional application to the application mentioned ", "under INID code 62.", "(72)", "Inventors: ", "•B", "e", "r", "s", ",", "C", "r", "a", "i", "g", "M", ".", "Weithersfiel, CT 06109 (US)", "(57)", "A method ofreplacinga compressoroutlethous-", "ing comprising the steps of(a)removing a firstcompres-", "soroutlethousingfrom a compressor having a compres-", "sor impeller configured to be driven by a motor through", "a drive shaft, saidfirst compressoroutlethousing having", "a first bearing support portion supporting a bearing for", "said drive shaft, said first bearing support portion con-", "nected through a first radially outwardly extending web", "to a first ledge, and a first volute connected to said first", "ledge through a first radially inwardly extending finger;", "and (b) replacing said removed compressor outlet hous-", "ing with a second compressor outlet housing, said sec-", "ond compressor outlet housing having a second volute", "and a second radiallyinwardlyextending fingerextending", "fromsaidsecondvolute,and saidsecondradiallyinward-", "ly extending finger being welded to an insert, said insert", "having a second bearing support placed on said drive", "shaftto supportsaidbearing forsaid drive shaft,and said", "insert having a second web connecting a second ledge", "to said second bearing support,and said secondinwardly", "extending", "replacement", "finger", "welded", "to", "said", "second", "ledge.", "(54)", "METHOD OF REPAIR TO COMPRESSOR HOUSING AND REPAIRED HOUSING", "REMOVE DAMAGED", "HOUSING", "REMOVE DAMAGED", "SECTION", "MACHINE TO", "DATUM", "PLACE INSERT", "REPLACE REPAIRED", "PART", "Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)", "EP", "800 004 A1", "(19)", "B23P 6/00", "(2006.01)", "F04D 29/02", "(2006.01)", "F04D 29/42", "(2006.01)", "F04D 29/056", "(2006.01)", "(51)", "Int Cl.:" ]
[ [ 121, 126, 578, 20 ], [ 121, 126, 578, 20 ], [ 624, 91, 301, 26 ], [ 624, 91, 301, 26 ], [ 121, 160, 246, 30 ], [ 121, 160, 246, 30 ], [ 121, 160, 246, 30 ], [ 121, 202, 262, 16 ], [ 121, 202, 262, 16 ], [ 121, 202, 262, 16 ], [ 121, 231, 211, 16 ], [ 121, 231, 211, 16 ], [ 121, 231, 211, 16 ], [ 121, 263, 393, 59 ], [ 121, 263, 393, 59 ], [ 121, 263, 393, 59 ], [ 121, 263, 393, 59 ], [ 121, 263, 393, 59 ], [ 121, 335, 319, 16 ], [ 121, 335, 319, 16 ], [ 121, 335, 319, 16 ], [ 121, 363, 392, 45 ], [ 121, 363, 392, 45 ], [ 121, 363, 392, 45 ], [ 121, 363, 392, 45 ], [ 121, 421, 360, 30 ], [ 121, 421, 360, 30 ], [ 121, 421, 360, 30 ], [ 121, 421, 360, 30 ], [ 558, 264, 206, 29 ], [ 558, 264, 206, 29 ], [ 558, 264, 206, 29 ], [ 558, 293, 201, 29 ], [ 558, 293, 201, 29 ], [ 558, 293, 201, 29 ], [ 534, 335, 211, 59 ], [ 534, 335, 211, 59 ], [ 534, 335, 211, 59 ], [ 534, 335, 211, 59 ], [ 534, 335, 211, 59 ], [ 534, 335, 211, 59 ], [ 534, 335, 211, 59 ], [ 534, 408, 381, 57 ], [ 534, 408, 381, 57 ], [ 534, 408, 381, 57 ], [ 534, 408, 381, 57 ], [ 121, 464, 111, 15 ], [ 121, 464, 111, 15 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 145, 480, 214, 29 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 558, 399, 317 ], [ 121, 525, 696, 16 ], [ 121, 525, 696, 16 ], [ 631, 597, 165, 323 ], [ 631, 597, 165, 323 ], [ 631, 597, 165, 323 ], [ 631, 597, 165, 323 ], [ 631, 597, 165, 323 ], [ 631, 597, 165, 323 ], [ 631, 597, 165, 323 ], [ 631, 597, 165, 323 ], [ 631, 597, 165, 323 ], [ 440, 982, 168, 9 ], [ 61, 821, 37, 148 ], [ 61, 821, 37, 148 ], [ 121, 51, 30, 15 ], [ 573, 173, 313, 29 ], [ 573, 173, 313, 29 ], [ 573, 173, 313, 29 ], [ 573, 173, 313, 29 ], [ 573, 173, 313, 29 ], [ 573, 173, 313, 29 ], [ 573, 173, 313, 29 ], [ 573, 173, 313, 29 ], [ 534, 160, 83, 15 ], [ 534, 160, 83, 15 ] ]
[ [ 121, 128, 30, 15 ], [ 349, 126, 351, 20 ], [ 624, 99, 30, 15 ], [ 717, 91, 209, 26 ], [ 121, 160, 21, 15 ], [ 150, 160, 146, 15 ], [ 161, 175, 207, 14 ], [ 121, 202, 21, 15 ], [ 150, 202, 150, 15 ], [ 302, 204, 81, 14 ], [ 121, 231, 19, 15 ], [ 148, 231, 106, 15 ], [ 255, 233, 77, 14 ], [ 121, 263, 24, 15 ], [ 153, 263, 224, 15 ], [ 161, 278, 349, 14 ], [ 161, 293, 353, 14 ], [ 161, 307, 217, 14 ], [ 121, 335, 21, 15 ], [ 150, 335, 63, 15 ], [ 224, 336, 216, 14 ], [ 121, 363, 19, 15 ], [ 149, 363, 365, 15 ], [ 161, 379, 207, 14 ], [ 161, 394, 163, 14 ], [ 121, 421, 19, 15 ], [ 149, 421, 83, 15 ], [ 233, 422, 249, 14 ], [ 161, 436, 220, 14 ], [ 558, 264, 9, 14 ], [ 578, 264, 106, 14 ], [ 573, 278, 191, 14 ], [ 558, 293, 10, 14 ], [ 578, 293, 104, 14 ], [ 573, 307, 186, 14 ], [ 534, 335, 22, 15 ], [ 564, 335, 121, 15 ], [ 686, 336, 47, 14 ], [ 573, 350, 132, 14 ], [ 573, 365, 12, 14 ], [ 594, 365, 126, 14 ], [ 573, 379, 172, 14 ], [ 534, 408, 66, 14 ], [ 573, 422, 312, 14 ], [ 573, 437, 342, 14 ], [ 573, 451, 138, 14 ], [ 121, 464, 21, 15 ], [ 151, 464, 82, 15 ], [ 145, 480, 36, 14 ], [ 172, 480, 18, 14 ], [ 189, 480, 15, 14 ], [ 195, 480, 18, 14 ], [ 204, 480, 14, 14 ], [ 202, 480, 20, 14 ], [ 213, 480, 15, 14 ], [ 219, 480, 18, 14 ], [ 228, 480, 14, 14 ], [ 232, 480, 19, 14 ], [ 236, 480, 22, 14 ], [ 249, 480, 14, 14 ], [ 161, 494, 199, 14 ], [ 121, 558, 30, 15 ], [ 180, 559, 306, 14 ], [ 121, 573, 368, 14 ], [ 121, 588, 369, 14 ], [ 121, 602, 379, 14 ], [ 121, 616, 369, 14 ], [ 121, 631, 389, 14 ], [ 121, 645, 389, 14 ], [ 121, 659, 382, 14 ], [ 121, 674, 379, 14 ], [ 121, 688, 385, 14 ], [ 121, 703, 370, 14 ], [ 121, 717, 379, 14 ], [ 121, 731, 382, 14 ], [ 121, 746, 362, 14 ], [ 121, 760, 362, 14 ], [ 121, 775, 375, 14 ], [ 121, 789, 389, 14 ], [ 121, 803, 363, 14 ], [ 121, 817, 379, 14 ], [ 121, 832, 359, 14 ], [ 121, 846, 64, 14 ], [ 200, 846, 78, 14 ], [ 292, 846, 42, 14 ], [ 349, 846, 42, 14 ], [ 406, 846, 14, 14 ], [ 435, 846, 28, 14 ], [ 478, 846, 42, 14 ], [ 121, 861, 42, 14 ], [ 121, 525, 30, 15 ], [ 180, 525, 637, 16 ], [ 686, 605, 89, 6 ], [ 710, 615, 42, 6 ], [ 686, 653, 89, 6 ], [ 711, 663, 39, 6 ], [ 701, 701, 59, 7 ], [ 716, 711, 30, 6 ], [ 696, 755, 69, 6 ], [ 683, 860, 95, 6 ], [ 719, 869, 23, 6 ], [ 440, 982, 168, 9 ], [ 61, 821, 3, 148 ], [ 98, 821, 0, 148 ], [ 121, 51, 30, 15 ], [ 573, 174, 73, 14 ], [ 649, 174, 44, 10 ], [ 749, 174, 80, 14 ], [ 833, 174, 44, 10 ], [ 573, 187, 80, 14 ], [ 657, 187, 44, 10 ], [ 749, 187, 88, 14 ], [ 841, 187, 44, 10 ], [ 534, 160, 20, 15 ], [ 562, 160, 55, 15 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 10, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 5, 5, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 3, 3 ]
[ "Optimal reconstruction of the states in qutrits system", "Fei Yan,", "1", "Ming Yang", "$^{∗}$,", "1", "and Zhuo-Liang Cao", "2", "$^{2}$Department of Physics & Electronic Engineering, Hefei Normal University, Hefei 230061, People’s Republic of China", "$^{1}$Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic Information Acquisition and Manipulation,", "Ministry of Education, School of Physics and Material Science,", "Anhui University, Hefei 230039, People’s Republic of China", "Based on mutually unbiased measurements, an optimal tomographic scheme for the multiqutrit states is pre-", "sented explicitly. Because the reconstruction process of states based on mutually unbiased states is free of", "information waste, we refer to our scheme as the optimal scheme. By optimal we mean that the number of the", "required conditional operations reaches the minimum in this tomographic scheme for the states of qutrit systems.", "Special attention will be paid to how those different mutually unbiased measurements are realized; that is, how", "to decompose each transformation that connects each mutually unbiased basis with the standard computational", "basis. It is found that all those transformations can be decomposed into several basic implementable single-", "and two-qutrit unitary operations. For the three-qutrit system, there exist five different mutually unbiased-bases", "structures with different entanglement properties, so we introduce the concept of physical complexity to min-", "imize the number of nonlocal operations needed over the five d", "ifferent structures. This scheme is helpful for", "experimental scientists to realize the most economical reconstruction of quantum states in qutrit systems.", "PACS numbers: 03.65.Wj, 03.65.Ta, 03.65.Ud, 03.67.Mn", "I.", "INTRODUCTION", "The quantum state of a system is a fundamental concept in", "quantum mechanics, and a quantum state can be described by", "a density matrix, which contains all the information one can", "obtain about that system. A main task for implementing quan-", "tum computation is to reconstruct the density matrix of an un-", "known state, which is called quantum state reconstruction or", "quantum state tomography[1, 2]. The technique was first de-", "veloped by Stokes to determine the polarization state of a light", "beam [3]. Recently, Minimal qubit tomography process has", "been proposed by", "ˇ", "Reh´aˇcek", "et al", ", where only four measure-", "ment probabilities are needed for fully determining a single", "qubit state, rather than the six probabilities in the standard pro-", "cedure [4]. But the implementation of this tomography pro-", "cess requires measurements of N-particle correlations[5].The", "statistical reconstruction of biphotons states based on mu-", "tually complementary measurements has been proposed by", "Bogdanov", "et al", "[6, 7].", "Ivanov", "et al", "proposed a method to", "determine an unknown mixed qutrit state from nine indepen-", "dent fluorescence signals[8].", "Moreva", "et al", "paid attention to", "experimental problem of the realization of the optimal proto-", "col for polarization ququarts state tomography [9]. In 2009,", "Taguchi", "et al", "developed the single scan tomography of spatial", "three-dimensional (qutrits) state based on the effect of realis-", "tic measurement operators[10]. Allevi", "et al", "studied the imple-", "mentation of the reconstruction of the Wigner function and the", "density matrix for coherent and thermal states by by switching", "on/off single photon avalanche photodetectors[11].", "In order to obtain the full information about the system we", "need to perform a series of measurements on a large num-", "ber of identically prepared copies of the system. These mea-", "surement results are not independent of each other, so there", "is redundancy in these results in the previously used quantum", "tomography processes [12], which causes a resources waste.", "If we remove this redundancy completely, the reconstruction", "process will become an optimal one. So, to design an opti-", "mal set of measurements for removing the redundancy is of", "fundamental significance in quantum information processin", "g.", "Mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) have been used in a va-", "riety of topics in quantum mechanics [13–36]. MUBs are de-", "fined by the property that the squared overlap between a vecto", "r", "in one basis and all basis vectors in the other bases are equal.", "That is to say the detection over a particular basis state does", "not give any information about the state if it is measured in an-", "other basis. Ivanovi´c first introduced the concept of MUBs t", "o", "the problem of quantum state determination [13], and proved", "the existence of such bases in the prime-dimension system by", "an explicit construction. Then it has been shown by Wootters", "and Fields that measurements in this special class of bases, i.e.", "mutually unbiased measurements (MUMs) provide a minimal", "as well as optimal way of complete specification of an un-", "known density matrix [14].", "They proved that the maximal", "numbers of MUBs is", "d", "+ 1", "in prime-dimension system. This", "result also applies to the prime-power-dimension system.", "MUBs play a special role in determining quantum states,", "such as it forms a minimal set of measurement bases and pro-", "vides an optimal way for determining a quantum state [13–16]", "etc. Recently an optimal tomographic reconstruction scheme", "was proposed by Klimov", "et al", "for the case of determining", "a state of multiqubit quantum system based on MUMs in", "trapped ions system [37].", "However, the use of three-level", "systems instead of two-level systems has been proven to be", "securer against a symmetric attack on a quantum key distri-", "bution protocol with MUMs than the currently existing mea-", "surement protocol [38, 39]. Quantum tomography in high di-", "mensional (qudit) systems has been proposed and the num-", "ber of required measurements is", "d", "2", "n", "−", "1", "with", "d", "being the di-", "mension of the qudit system and", "n", "being the number of the", "qudits [12]. This tomography process is not an optimal one,", "$^{∗}[email protected]", "arXiv:1001.0543v2", "[quant-ph]", "10", "Oct 2010" ]
[ [ 289, 69, 454, 13 ], [ 353, 100, 324, 13 ], [ 353, 100, 324, 13 ], [ 353, 100, 324, 13 ], [ 353, 100, 324, 13 ], [ 353, 100, 324, 13 ], [ 353, 100, 324, 13 ], [ 353, 100, 324, 13 ], [ 153, 161, 724, 10 ], [ 271, 121, 487, 37 ], [ 271, 121, 487, 37 ], [ 271, 121, 487, 37 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 183, 675, 145 ], [ 182, 346, 306, 9 ], [ 223, 386, 144, 10 ], [ 223, 386, 144, 10 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 421, 419, 397 ], [ 90, 825, 410, 56 ], [ 90, 825, 410, 56 ], [ 90, 825, 410, 56 ], [ 90, 825, 410, 56 ], [ 530, 385, 410, 85 ], [ 530, 385, 410, 85 ], [ 530, 385, 410, 85 ], [ 530, 385, 410, 85 ], [ 530, 385, 410, 85 ], [ 530, 385, 410, 85 ], [ 530, 385, 410, 85 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 478, 420, 233 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 530, 719, 420, 219 ], [ 90, 928, 130, 9 ], [ 30, 245, 30, 465 ], [ 30, 245, 30, 465 ], [ 30, 245, 30, 465 ], [ 30, 245, 30, 465 ] ]
[ [ 289, 69, 454, 13 ], [ 353, 102, 58, 11 ], [ 411, 100, 5, 8 ], [ 425, 102, 77, 11 ], [ 502, 102, 11, 11 ], [ 514, 100, 5, 8 ], [ 527, 102, 144, 11 ], [ 671, 100, 5, 8 ], [ 153, 161, 724, 10 ], [ 271, 121, 487, 10 ], [ 317, 134, 397, 10 ], [ 327, 148, 376, 10 ], [ 197, 183, 652, 10 ], [ 182, 197, 667, 10 ], [ 182, 210, 667, 10 ], [ 182, 224, 667, 10 ], [ 182, 238, 667, 10 ], [ 182, 251, 667, 10 ], [ 182, 265, 667, 10 ], [ 182, 278, 675, 10 ], [ 182, 292, 667, 10 ], [ 182, 305, 396, 10 ], [ 570, 305, 278, 10 ], [ 182, 319, 630, 10 ], [ 182, 346, 306, 9 ], [ 223, 386, 9, 10 ], [ 248, 386, 119, 10 ], [ 107, 421, 393, 11 ], [ 90, 436, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 451, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 465, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 480, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 495, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 510, 419, 11 ], [ 90, 525, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 540, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 554, 121, 11 ], [ 220, 552, 18, 11 ], [ 218, 554, 69, 11 ], [ 281, 554, 31, 11 ], [ 312, 554, 188, 11 ], [ 90, 569, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 584, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 599, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 614, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 629, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 643, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 658, 68, 11 ], [ 166, 658, 32, 11 ], [ 198, 658, 43, 11 ], [ 255, 658, 46, 11 ], [ 308, 658, 32, 11 ], [ 347, 658, 153, 11 ], [ 90, 673, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 688, 203, 11 ], [ 304, 688, 51, 11 ], [ 351, 688, 31, 11 ], [ 388, 688, 112, 11 ], [ 90, 703, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 718, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 732, 53, 11 ], [ 147, 732, 29, 11 ], [ 180, 732, 320, 11 ], [ 90, 747, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 762, 254, 11 ], [ 348, 762, 29, 11 ], [ 381, 762, 120, 11 ], [ 90, 777, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 792, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 806, 339, 11 ], [ 107, 825, 393, 11 ], [ 90, 839, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 854, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 869, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 385, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 400, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 414, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 429, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 444, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 459, 406, 11 ], [ 928, 459, 12, 11 ], [ 547, 478, 393, 11 ], [ 530, 492, 420, 11 ], [ 530, 507, 414, 11 ], [ 936, 507, 5, 11 ], [ 530, 522, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 537, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 552, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 567, 410, 11 ], [ 933, 567, 8, 11 ], [ 530, 581, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 596, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 611, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 626, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 641, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 656, 419, 11 ], [ 530, 670, 188, 11 ], [ 731, 670, 210, 11 ], [ 530, 685, 140, 11 ], [ 676, 684, 8, 12 ], [ 688, 684, 25, 12 ], [ 718, 685, 222, 11 ], [ 530, 700, 380, 11 ], [ 547, 719, 393, 11 ], [ 530, 734, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 749, 420, 11 ], [ 530, 763, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 778, 174, 11 ], [ 712, 778, 31, 11 ], [ 751, 778, 190, 11 ], [ 530, 793, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 808, 177, 11 ], [ 721, 808, 219, 11 ], [ 530, 823, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 838, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 852, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 867, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 882, 410, 11 ], [ 530, 897, 215, 11 ], [ 750, 896, 8, 12 ], [ 759, 894, 6, 9 ], [ 766, 895, 8, 8 ], [ 779, 896, 12, 22 ], [ 796, 896, 8, 12 ], [ 808, 897, 29, 11 ], [ 843, 896, 8, 12 ], [ 856, 897, 85, 11 ], [ 530, 912, 223, 11 ], [ 760, 911, 10, 12 ], [ 776, 912, 165, 11 ], [ 530, 926, 410, 11 ], [ 90, 928, 130, 9 ], [ 30, 245, 13, 465 ], [ 44, 245, 7, 465 ], [ 52, 245, 1, 465 ], [ 54, 245, 6, 465 ] ]
[ 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "In addition, the Capacity Provisioning Control Center must be downloaded from the host and ", "installed on a PC server. This application is used only to define policies. It is not required for ", "regular operation.", "Customizing the capacity provisioning function is required on the following systems:", "These systems are where the Capacity Provisioning Manager is running, or to which the ", "server can fail over after server or system failures.", "These systems are in one or multiple sysplexes that are to be monitored. For more ", "information about the capacity provisioning domain, see 8.8, “Nondisruptive upgrades” on ", "page 320.", "Concurrently installing temporary capacity by ordering On/Off CoD is possible in the following ", "manner:", "The use of the capacity provisioning function requires the following prerequisites:", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "TCP/IP connectivity to observed systems", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "RMF Distributed Data Server must be active", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "CIM server must be active", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Security and CIM customization", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Capacity Provisioning Manager customization.", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Observed z/OS systems", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "Runtime systems", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "CP features equal to the MSU capacity of installed CPs", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "IFL features up to the number of installed IFLs", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "ICF features up to the number of installed ICFs", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "zIIP features up to the number of installed zIIPs", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "SAPs up to two for all CPC drawer capacities", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "By increasing the number of CPs. ", "GLYPH<SM590000>", "For subcapacity models, capacity can be added by increasing the number of CPs, ", "changing the capacity setting of the CPs, or both. The capacity setting for all CPs must be ", "the same. If the On/Off CoD is adding CP resources that have a capacity setting different ", "from the installed CPs, the base capacity settings are changed to match. ", "8.5.3", "Ordering", "–", "The number of CPs cannot be reduced. ", "–", "The target configuration capacity is limited to the following amounts: ", "GLYPH<129>", "Twice the currently installed capacity, expressed in MSUs for CPs.", "GLYPH<129>", "Twice the number of installe", "d IFLs, ICFs, and zIIPs (the number of extra SAPs that ", "can be activated is two). For more information, see 8.2.1, “Upgrades” on page 288. ", "On/Off CoD can provide CP temporary capacity in the following ways:", "On/Off CoD includes the following limits that are associated with its use:", "On/Off CoD can be ordered as prepaid or postpaid. A prepaid On/Off CoD offering record ", "contains resource descriptions, MSUs, several speciality engines, and tokens that describe ", "the total capacity that can be used. For CP capacity, the token contains MSU-days. For ", "speciality engines, the token contains speciality engine-days.", "304 ", "IBM 14 Model ZR1 Technical Guide" ]
[ [ 229, 205, 687, 42 ], [ 229, 205, 687, 42 ], [ 229, 205, 687, 42 ], [ 229, 264, 617, 11 ], [ 253, 383, 656, 27 ], [ 253, 383, 656, 27 ], [ 253, 308, 690, 42 ], [ 253, 308, 690, 42 ], [ 253, 308, 690, 42 ], [ 229, 471, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 471, 687, 27 ], [ 229, 92, 598, 11 ], [ 229, 114, 328, 11 ], [ 229, 114, 328, 11 ], [ 229, 130, 351, 11 ], [ 229, 130, 351, 11 ], [ 229, 145, 218, 11 ], [ 229, 145, 218, 11 ], [ 229, 161, 259, 11 ], [ 229, 161, 259, 11 ], [ 229, 176, 367, 11 ], [ 229, 176, 367, 11 ], [ 229, 286, 204, 11 ], [ 229, 286, 204, 11 ], [ 229, 361, 152, 11 ], [ 229, 361, 152, 11 ], [ 229, 509, 433, 11 ], [ 229, 509, 433, 11 ], [ 229, 524, 366, 11 ], [ 229, 524, 366, 11 ], [ 229, 540, 372, 11 ], [ 229, 540, 372, 11 ], [ 229, 555, 375, 11 ], [ 229, 555, 375, 11 ], [ 229, 571, 358, 11 ], [ 229, 571, 358, 11 ], [ 229, 621, 278, 11 ], [ 229, 621, 278, 11 ], [ 229, 643, 687, 58 ], [ 229, 643, 687, 58 ], [ 229, 643, 687, 58 ], [ 229, 643, 687, 58 ], [ 229, 643, 687, 58 ], [ 108, 437, 152, 15 ], [ 108, 437, 152, 15 ], [ 254, 734, 330, 11 ], [ 254, 734, 330, 11 ], [ 254, 756, 539, 11 ], [ 254, 756, 539, 11 ], [ 278, 778, 528, 11 ], [ 278, 778, 528, 11 ], [ 278, 800, 665, 27 ], [ 278, 800, 665, 27 ], [ 278, 800, 665, 27 ], [ 278, 800, 665, 27 ], [ 229, 599, 515, 11 ], [ 253, 712, 532, 11 ], [ 229, 844, 677, 58 ], [ 229, 844, 677, 58 ], [ 229, 844, 677, 58 ], [ 229, 844, 677, 58 ], [ 108, 976, 305, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 305, 11 ] ]
[ [ 229, 205, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 220, 683, 11 ], [ 229, 236, 131, 11 ], [ 229, 264, 617, 11 ], [ 253, 383, 656, 11 ], [ 253, 399, 370, 11 ], [ 253, 308, 615, 11 ], [ 253, 324, 690, 11 ], [ 253, 339, 74, 11 ], [ 229, 471, 687, 11 ], [ 229, 487, 61, 11 ], [ 229, 92, 598, 11 ], [ 229, 114, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 114, 304, 11 ], [ 229, 130, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 130, 327, 11 ], [ 229, 145, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 145, 194, 11 ], [ 229, 161, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 161, 235, 11 ], [ 229, 176, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 176, 343, 11 ], [ 229, 286, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 286, 180, 11 ], [ 229, 361, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 361, 128, 11 ], [ 229, 509, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 509, 409, 11 ], [ 229, 525, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 524, 342, 11 ], [ 229, 540, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 540, 348, 11 ], [ 229, 556, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 555, 351, 11 ], [ 229, 571, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 571, 334, 11 ], [ 229, 622, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 621, 254, 11 ], [ 229, 644, 8, 11 ], [ 253, 643, 610, 11 ], [ 253, 659, 663, 11 ], [ 253, 674, 662, 11 ], [ 253, 690, 541, 11 ], [ 108, 437, 50, 15 ], [ 165, 437, 95, 15 ], [ 254, 734, 19, 11 ], [ 287, 734, 297, 11 ], [ 254, 756, 19, 11 ], [ 287, 756, 507, 11 ], [ 278, 778, 19, 11 ], [ 314, 778, 492, 11 ], [ 278, 800, 19, 11 ], [ 314, 800, 207, 11 ], [ 509, 800, 407, 11 ], [ 301, 816, 642, 11 ], [ 229, 599, 515, 11 ], [ 253, 712, 532, 11 ], [ 229, 844, 665, 11 ], [ 229, 860, 677, 11 ], [ 229, 875, 649, 11 ], [ 229, 891, 451, 11 ], [ 108, 976, 32, 11 ], [ 165, 977, 247, 10 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4 ]
[ "Feb.28,2019 ", "74 ", "US 2019/0064665 Al ", "wherein ", "RA ", "is hydrogen, fluorine, methyl or trifluorom›", "ethyl, ", "zA ", "is a single bond, phenylene group, naphthyl›", "ene group or (backbone)-C(=O)---0-Z’-, Z’ is a ", "straight, branched or cyclic C$_{1 }$-C$_{10 }$ alkylene group ", "which may contain a hydroxyl moiety, ether bond, ester ", "bond or lactone ring, or phenylene group or naphthyl›", "ene group, ", "XA ", "is an acid labile group, and ", "yA ", "is ", "hydrogen or a polar group having at least one structure ", "selected from the group consisting of hydroxyl, cyano, ", "carbonyl, carboxyl, ether bond, ester bond, sulfonic ", "acid ester bond, carbonate bond, lactone ring, sultone ", "ring and carboxylic anhydride. ", "wherein ", "R:", "1", "\\ ", "R:11’1, R:11’", "2", ", R’c1, R’c", "2 ", "and R’c3 are each ", "independently fluorine or a straight, branched or cyclic ", "C$_{1 }$-C$_{40 }$ monovalent hydrocarbon group which may ", "contain a heteroatom, or a pair ofR:11’$^{1 }$and R:11’", "2", ", or R’c1 ", "and R’c", "2 ", "may bond together to form a ring with the ", "carbon atom to which they are attached and any inter›", "vening atoms, ", "R’d ", "is a straight, branched or cyclic ", "C$_{1 }$-C$_{40 }$ monovalent hydrocarbon group which may ", "contain a heteroatom, ", "wherein R", "121", ", R", "122 ", "and R", "123 ", "are each independently a ", "straight, branched or cyclic C$_{1 }$-C$_{20 }$alkyl group, Lis a ", "single bond, ether bond, or a straight, branched or ", "cyclic C$_{1 }$-C$_{20 }$ divalent hydrocarbon group which may ", "contain a heteroatom, X1, X", "2", ", X", "3 ", "and X", "4 ", "are each ", "independently hydrogen, fluorine or trifluoromethyl, at ", "least one of X1, X", "2", ", X", "3 ", "and X", "4 ", "is fluorine or trifluo›", "romethyl, pl and p2 are each independently an integer ", "of 0 to 5, and p3 is an integer of Oto 4. ", "wherein R ", "101", ", R ", "102 ", "and R ", "103 ", "are each independently a ", "straight, branched or cyclic C$_{1 }$-C$_{20 }$monovalent hydro›", "carbon group which may contain a heteroatom, any two ", "ofR ", "101", ", R ", "$^{102 }$and R $^{103 }$may bond together to form a ring ", "with the sulfur atom to which they are attached, and ", "x›", "is an anion selected from the formulae (4A) to (4D): ", "wherein R$^{151 }$and R$^{152 }$are each independently hydrogen ", "or a straight, branched or cyclic C$_{1 }$-C$_{40 }$ monovalent ", "hydrocarbon group which may contain a heteroatom, ", "exclusive of hydrocarbon groups in which the hydrogen ", "atom in bond with the carbon atom at a-position ", "relative to the sulfa group is replaced by a fluorine atom ", "or fluoroalkyl moiety, and ", "M+ is an onium cation. ", "11. ", "The resist composition of claim ", "6, ", "further comprising ", "an onium salt having the formula (6) or (7): ", "10. ", "The resist composition of claim ", "9 ", "wherein the other ", "photoacid generator has the formula ( 4) or (5): ", "9. ", "The resist composition of claim ", "6, ", "further comprising ", "a photoacid generator other than the photoacid generator ", "comprising the sulfonium compound of formula ", "(I). ", "8. ", "The resist composition of claim ", "6, ", "further comprising ", "an organic solvent. ", "-continued ", "(4C) ", "(4D) ", "(5) ", "(4) ", "Rfi>l -CF2-S02 ", "’ ", "N-", "Rfi’2 ", "-cF", "$_{2}$-so( ", "(4B) ", "(A) ", "i/ ", "’j==o ", "$^{0 }$\\ $_{yA }$", "(b) ", "(6) ", "(7) ", "(4A) " ]
[ [ 768, 73, 116, 13 ], [ 496, 91, 22, 15 ], [ 129, 73, 181, 13 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 144, 386, 350, 159 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 384, 350, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 535, 671, 351, 115 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 144, 775, 349, 77 ], [ 535, 867, 350, 104 ], [ 535, 867, 350, 104 ], [ 535, 867, 350, 104 ], [ 535, 867, 350, 104 ], [ 535, 867, 350, 104 ], [ 535, 867, 350, 104 ], [ 535, 867, 350, 104 ], [ 535, 867, 350, 104 ], [ 520, 792, 364, 23 ], [ 520, 792, 364, 23 ], [ 520, 792, 364, 23 ], [ 520, 792, 364, 23 ], [ 520, 792, 364, 23 ], [ 129, 636, 365, 23 ], [ 129, 636, 365, 23 ], [ 129, 636, 365, 23 ], [ 129, 636, 365, 23 ], [ 129, 636, 365, 23 ], [ 129, 589, 365, 37 ], [ 129, 589, 365, 37 ], [ 129, 589, 365, 37 ], [ 129, 589, 365, 37 ], [ 129, 589, 365, 37 ], [ 129, 589, 365, 37 ], [ 129, 589, 365, 37 ], [ 129, 555, 365, 23 ], [ 129, 555, 365, 23 ], [ 129, 555, 365, 23 ], [ 129, 555, 365, 23 ], [ 129, 555, 365, 23 ], [ 670, 143, 68, 10 ], [ 548, 153, 338, 144 ], [ 549, 300, 339, 62 ], [ 549, 529, 337, 118 ], [ 158, 687, 338, 62 ], [ 157, 908, 338, 51 ], [ 157, 908, 338, 51 ], [ 157, 908, 338, 51 ], [ 157, 908, 338, 51 ], [ 157, 908, 338, 51 ], [ 157, 908, 338, 51 ], [ 157, 908, 338, 51 ], [ 157, 155, 336, 108 ], [ 158, 267, 336, 91 ], [ 158, 267, 336, 91 ], [ 158, 267, 336, 91 ], [ 158, 267, 336, 91 ], [ 868, 824, 14, 7 ], [ 868, 848, 14, 7 ], [ 469, 884, 23, 7 ] ]
[ [ 768, 73, 116, 13 ], [ 496, 91, 22, 15 ], [ 129, 73, 181, 13 ], [ 144, 386, 52, 10 ], [ 198, 386, 18, 9 ], [ 221, 386, 268, 10 ], [ 159, 399, 36, 10 ], [ 198, 397, 18, 13 ], [ 218, 399, 271, 10 ], [ 159, 413, 334, 10 ], [ 160, 427, 333, 10 ], [ 159, 440, 335, 10 ], [ 159, 454, 330, 10 ], [ 159, 467, 70, 10 ], [ 236, 468, 19, 9 ], [ 262, 467, 188, 10 ], [ 454, 468, 22, 9 ], [ 480, 467, 12, 10 ], [ 159, 481, 335, 10 ], [ 160, 495, 333, 10 ], [ 159, 508, 334, 10 ], [ 159, 522, 334, 10 ], [ 159, 535, 191, 10 ], [ 535, 386, 53, 10 ], [ 592, 386, 9, 9 ], [ 601, 385, 4, 5 ], [ 604, 389, 4, 5 ], [ 623, 386, 56, 10 ], [ 679, 384, 4, 5 ], [ 685, 389, 67, 5 ], [ 751, 384, 6, 5 ], [ 765, 386, 120, 10 ], [ 550, 399, 333, 10 ], [ 550, 412, 334, 10 ], [ 550, 425, 276, 10 ], [ 827, 423, 4, 5 ], [ 833, 428, 50, 5 ], [ 550, 438, 47, 10 ], [ 597, 436, 6, 5 ], [ 609, 438, 276, 10 ], [ 550, 451, 330, 10 ], [ 550, 463, 91, 10 ], [ 647, 461, 23, 12 ], [ 673, 463, 210, 10 ], [ 550, 477, 334, 10 ], [ 550, 489, 135, 10 ], [ 535, 672, 65, 10 ], [ 601, 671, 16, 5 ], [ 618, 675, 19, 5 ], [ 639, 671, 19, 5 ], [ 662, 672, 37, 10 ], [ 701, 671, 19, 5 ], [ 724, 672, 160, 10 ], [ 551, 685, 334, 10 ], [ 551, 698, 335, 10 ], [ 550, 711, 334, 10 ], [ 550, 724, 182, 10 ], [ 734, 722, 4, 5 ], [ 740, 727, 20, 5 ], [ 762, 722, 6, 5 ], [ 775, 724, 39, 10 ], [ 815, 722, 6, 5 ], [ 828, 724, 57, 10 ], [ 550, 737, 334, 10 ], [ 550, 749, 115, 10 ], [ 666, 748, 4, 5 ], [ 672, 753, 18, 5 ], [ 692, 748, 6, 5 ], [ 704, 749, 37, 10 ], [ 741, 748, 6, 5 ], [ 753, 749, 127, 10 ], [ 550, 762, 335, 10 ], [ 550, 776, 250, 10 ], [ 144, 777, 68, 10 ], [ 210, 775, 16, 5 ], [ 227, 780, 22, 5 ], [ 248, 775, 19, 5 ], [ 271, 777, 41, 10 ], [ 310, 775, 19, 5 ], [ 333, 777, 160, 10 ], [ 160, 790, 330, 10 ], [ 159, 804, 334, 10 ], [ 159, 817, 31, 10 ], [ 186, 815, 16, 5 ], [ 203, 820, 19, 5 ], [ 220, 817, 273, 10 ], [ 159, 830, 314, 10 ], [ 473, 827, 16, 13 ], [ 159, 843, 327, 10 ], [ 535, 867, 350, 10 ], [ 550, 880, 334, 10 ], [ 550, 893, 334, 10 ], [ 550, 906, 334, 10 ], [ 550, 919, 335, 10 ], [ 550, 932, 335, 10 ], [ 550, 945, 164, 10 ], [ 551, 961, 145, 10 ], [ 535, 792, 20, 8 ], [ 557, 792, 195, 10 ], [ 753, 792, 12, 8 ], [ 769, 792, 116, 10 ], [ 520, 805, 273, 10 ], [ 145, 637, 21, 8 ], [ 168, 636, 200, 10 ], [ 370, 637, 10, 8 ], [ 382, 636, 113, 10 ], [ 129, 650, 290, 10 ], [ 144, 590, 12, 8 ], [ 160, 589, 199, 10 ], [ 361, 590, 12, 8 ], [ 377, 589, 117, 10 ], [ 129, 603, 365, 10 ], [ 129, 616, 298, 10 ], [ 430, 616, 21, 10 ], [ 144, 556, 12, 8 ], [ 160, 555, 199, 10 ], [ 361, 556, 12, 8 ], [ 377, 555, 117, 10 ], [ 129, 569, 119, 10 ], [ 670, 143, 68, 10 ], [ 861, 155, 23, 7 ], [ 860, 301, 24, 7 ], [ 869, 529, 14, 7 ], [ 478, 689, 15, 7 ], [ 169, 919, 92, 7 ], [ 256, 929, 10, 15 ], [ 263, 933, 12, 7 ], [ 160, 948, 21, 7 ], [ 182, 948, 26, 7 ], [ 207, 942, 65, 15 ], [ 470, 909, 23, 7 ], [ 475, 156, 17, 7 ], [ 175, 311, 17, 13 ], [ 221, 305, 47, 22 ], [ 215, 340, 29, 10 ], [ 478, 269, 15, 7 ], [ 868, 824, 14, 7 ], [ 868, 848, 14, 7 ], [ 469, 884, 23, 7 ] ]
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[ "•", "The flat direction VEV of a curvaton must not break all of the SM gauge symmetry.", "This will affect the inflaton decay products to thermalize quickly, both kinetic and", "chemical equilibrium of MSSM degrees of freedom will be delayed, and furthermore,", "the curvaton oscillations will not be able to dominate the energy density [122, 123, 136].", "Let us denote the flat direction superfield by", "ϕ", ".", "In the case of", "u$_{i}$d$_{j}$d$_{k}$", "(for", "i, j, k", "=", "1", ",", "2", ",", "3", ", j", "=", "k", ") as a flat direction,", "ϕ", "would represent the VEV. The MSSM superpotential", "can be rewritten as:", "where", "ϕ$_{1}$$_{,}$$_{2}$$_{,}$$_{3}$", "are MSSM superfields, see Eq. (103),", "L", "is denoted by", "L$_{1}$, L$_{2}$", "or", "L$_{3}$", ", and", "λ$_{1}$, λ$_{2}$, λ$_{3}$", "are the Yukawas. In general", "m$_{inf}$", "≤", "H$_{inf}$", ", which is true for high scale models of inflation,", "and", "ϕ$_{inf}$", "∼", "10", "$^{5}$H$_{inf}$", ". Note that the VEV of the flat direction induces VEV dependent SUSY", "preserving masses to the MSSM particles,", "∼", "λ$_{1}$$_{,}$$_{2}$$_{,}$$_{3}$", "〈", "ϕ$_{inf}$", "〉", ". Therefore, for the inflaton decay", "into MSSM quanta to be kinematically allowed, we require:", "if the Φ", "H$_{u}$H$_{d}$", "coupling is allowed by R-parity, and", "if the Φ", "H$_{u}$L", "coupling is allowed, where Φ is the inflaton superfield.", "The above conditions considerably restrict the curvaton candidates within the MSSM, as", "only the first generations of (s)quarks and (s)leptons have Yukawa coupling", "<", "∼", "10", "−", "$^{5}$, while", "first two generations have Yukawas", "≥", "10", "−", "$^{3}$.", "Given these constraints an acceptable flat directions should include", "only", "one", "Q", "or one", "u", ".", "The reason is that", "D", "- and", "F", "-flatness conditions for directions which involve two or more", "Q", "and/or", "u", "require them to be of different flavors (for details, see [407]).", "The only flat", "directions with", "λ$_{1}$", "≤", "10", "−", "5", "are as follows:", "•", "udd", ": This monomial represents a subspace of complex dimension 6 [407].", "D", "-flatness", "requires that the two", "d", "are from different generations (hence at least one of them will", "be from the second or third generation). This implies that", "λ$_{2}$", "≥", "10", "−", "$^{3}$, see Eq. (447).", "212", "W$_{MSSM}$", "⊃", "λ$_{1}$H$_{u}$ϕϕ$_{1}$", "+", "λ$_{2}$H$_{d}$ϕϕ$_{2}$", "+", "λ$_{3}$Lϕϕ$_{3}$,", "(447)", "λ$_{1}$, λ$_{2}$", "≤", "$_{10}$−", "$^{5}$,", "(448)", "λ$_{1}$, λ$_{3}$", "≤", "$_{10}$−", "$^{5}$,", "(449)" ]
[ [ 150, 94, 750, 97 ], [ 150, 94, 750, 97 ], [ 150, 94, 750, 97 ], [ 150, 94, 750, 97 ], [ 150, 94, 750, 97 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 219, 780, 69 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 358, 780, 123 ], [ 120, 552, 431, 15 ], [ 120, 552, 431, 15 ], [ 120, 552, 431, 15 ], [ 120, 637, 574, 15 ], [ 120, 637, 574, 15 ], [ 120, 637, 574, 15 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 664, 780, 80 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 120, 745, 781, 107 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 150, 876, 750, 81 ], [ 486, 978, 29, 15 ], [ 329, 315, 572, 26 ], [ 329, 315, 572, 26 ], [ 329, 315, 572, 26 ], [ 329, 315, 572, 26 ], [ 329, 315, 572, 26 ], [ 329, 315, 572, 26 ], [ 329, 315, 572, 26 ], [ 329, 315, 572, 26 ], [ 452, 507, 449, 28 ], [ 452, 507, 449, 28 ], [ 452, 507, 449, 28 ], [ 452, 507, 449, 28 ], [ 452, 507, 449, 28 ], [ 452, 592, 449, 28 ], [ 452, 592, 449, 28 ], [ 452, 592, 449, 28 ], [ 452, 592, 449, 28 ], [ 452, 592, 449, 28 ] ]
[ [ 150, 94, 10, 26 ], [ 170, 94, 730, 15 ], [ 170, 121, 730, 15 ], [ 170, 148, 730, 15 ], [ 170, 175, 730, 15 ], [ 145, 219, 403, 15 ], [ 559, 219, 12, 15 ], [ 572, 219, 5, 15 ], [ 595, 219, 124, 15 ], [ 729, 219, 51, 15 ], [ 791, 219, 31, 15 ], [ 832, 219, 42, 15 ], [ 886, 219, 15, 15 ], [ 120, 246, 9, 15 ], [ 130, 246, 5, 15 ], [ 139, 246, 9, 15 ], [ 149, 246, 5, 15 ], [ 157, 246, 9, 15 ], [ 167, 246, 24, 15 ], [ 200, 246, 15, 15 ], [ 223, 246, 10, 15 ], [ 234, 246, 174, 15 ], [ 416, 246, 12, 15 ], [ 437, 246, 463, 15 ], [ 120, 273, 170, 15 ], [ 120, 358, 49, 15 ], [ 175, 358, 42, 15 ], [ 223, 358, 307, 15 ], [ 536, 358, 13, 15 ], [ 554, 358, 110, 15 ], [ 669, 358, 50, 15 ], [ 725, 358, 17, 15 ], [ 748, 358, 20, 15 ], [ 769, 358, 42, 15 ], [ 816, 358, 84, 15 ], [ 120, 385, 244, 15 ], [ 372, 385, 37, 15 ], [ 418, 385, 15, 26 ], [ 441, 385, 36, 15 ], [ 480, 385, 421, 15 ], [ 120, 412, 31, 15 ], [ 157, 412, 33, 15 ], [ 198, 412, 15, 26 ], [ 219, 412, 19, 15 ], [ 239, 412, 44, 15 ], [ 286, 412, 615, 15 ], [ 120, 440, 361, 15 ], [ 489, 439, 15, 26 ], [ 512, 440, 40, 15 ], [ 553, 439, 7, 26 ], [ 561, 440, 33, 15 ], [ 596, 439, 7, 26 ], [ 604, 440, 296, 15 ], [ 120, 467, 509, 15 ], [ 120, 552, 65, 15 ], [ 186, 552, 49, 15 ], [ 242, 552, 309, 15 ], [ 120, 637, 65, 15 ], [ 186, 637, 38, 15 ], [ 231, 637, 463, 15 ], [ 145, 664, 755, 15 ], [ 120, 691, 654, 15 ], [ 783, 687, 15, 15 ], [ 783, 694, 15, 26 ], [ 805, 691, 19, 15 ], [ 825, 689, 11, 17 ], [ 836, 691, 65, 15 ], [ 120, 718, 299, 15 ], [ 426, 718, 15, 26 ], [ 448, 718, 19, 15 ], [ 467, 716, 11, 17 ], [ 478, 718, 13, 15 ], [ 145, 745, 574, 15 ], [ 726, 746, 35, 14 ], [ 768, 745, 29, 15 ], [ 803, 745, 15, 15 ], [ 825, 745, 53, 15 ], [ 884, 745, 11, 15 ], [ 896, 745, 5, 15 ], [ 120, 772, 161, 15 ], [ 289, 772, 16, 15 ], [ 306, 772, 45, 15 ], [ 360, 772, 12, 15 ], [ 375, 772, 525, 15 ], [ 120, 799, 15, 15 ], [ 144, 799, 58, 15 ], [ 212, 799, 11, 15 ], [ 231, 799, 539, 15 ], [ 785, 799, 115, 15 ], [ 120, 826, 127, 15 ], [ 254, 826, 18, 15 ], [ 279, 826, 15, 26 ], [ 300, 826, 19, 15 ], [ 320, 825, 11, 17 ], [ 331, 825, 7, 10 ], [ 345, 826, 119, 15 ], [ 150, 876, 10, 26 ], [ 170, 877, 31, 15 ], [ 202, 877, 601, 15 ], [ 814, 877, 16, 15 ], [ 831, 877, 69, 15 ], [ 170, 904, 179, 15 ], [ 356, 904, 10, 15 ], [ 373, 904, 528, 15 ], [ 170, 931, 506, 15 ], [ 684, 931, 18, 15 ], [ 710, 930, 15, 26 ], [ 731, 931, 19, 15 ], [ 751, 929, 11, 17 ], [ 762, 931, 138, 15 ], [ 486, 978, 29, 15 ], [ 329, 316, 60, 15 ], [ 395, 315, 15, 26 ], [ 417, 316, 77, 15 ], [ 499, 316, 15, 15 ], [ 519, 316, 76, 15 ], [ 601, 316, 15, 15 ], [ 621, 316, 71, 15 ], [ 856, 316, 44, 15 ], [ 452, 509, 46, 15 ], [ 505, 509, 15, 26 ], [ 526, 507, 30, 17 ], [ 556, 509, 13, 15 ], [ 856, 509, 44, 15 ], [ 452, 594, 46, 15 ], [ 505, 594, 15, 26 ], [ 526, 592, 30, 17 ], [ 556, 594, 13, 15 ], [ 856, 594, 44, 15 ] ]
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[ "Table of Contents", "Consolidated Balance Sheets", "In August 2016, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Board Update No. 2016-15: ", "Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230)", " (“ASU 2016-15”) as part of the", "FASB simplification initiative. ASU 2016-15 provides guidance on treatment in the statement of cash flows for eight specific cash flow topics, with the objective", "of reducing existing diversity in practice. Of the eight cash flow topics addressed in the new guidance, the topics which could have an impact on the Company", "include debt prepayment or debt extinguishment costs, accounts receivable factoring, proceeds from the settlement of insurance claims and distributions", "received from equity method investees. The guidance is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim periods within that", "reporting period. The Company adopted ASU 2016-15 as of January 1, 2018 and adoption of this standard had an immaterial impact on the Company’s financial", "statements.", "In November 2016, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Board Update No. 2016-18: ", "Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230) Restricted Cash", " (“ASU", "2016-18”) as part of the FASB simplification initiative. ASU 2016-18 requires that amounts generally described as restricted cash and restricted cash", "equivalents should be included with cash and cash equivalents when reconciling the beginning-of-period and end-of period total amounts shown on the", "statement of cash flows. ASU 2016-18 also requires supplemental disclosure regarding the nature of restrictions on a company’s cash and cash equivalents,", "such as the purpose and terms of the restriction, expected duration of the restriction and the amount of cash subject to restriction. The guidance was effective", "for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim periods within that reporting period. The Company adopted ASU 2016-18 as of", "January 1, 2018. As a result of adopting ASU 2016-18, the beginning and ending cash balances with the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows now include", "restricted cash as of December 31, 2018 and 2017. The impact of the adoption of this standard on the Company’s Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows is", "disclosed above in the cash and cash equivalents section of this footnote.", "In January 2017, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Board Update No. 2017-01: ", "Clarifying the Definition of a Business (Topic 805)", " (“ASU 2017-", "01”). ASU 2017-01 clarifies the definition of a business with the objective of adding guidance to assist entities with evaluating whether transactions should be", "accounted for as acquisitions (or disposals) of assets or businesses. The definition of a business affects many areas of accounting including acquisitions,", "disposals, goodwill, and consolidation. The guidance was effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim periods within that", "reporting period. The Company adopted ASU 2017-01 as of January 1, 2018 and the adoption of this standard had no impact on the Company’s financial", "statements.", "In March 2017, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Board Update No. 2017-07: ", "Improving the Presentation of Net Periodic Pension Cost and Net", "Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost", " (“ASU 2017-07”). ASU 2017-07 requires that an employer report the service cost component of its net periodic pension", "and postretirement benefit costs (“net benefit cost”) in the same line item or items as other compensation costs arising from services rendered by employees", "during the period. Additionally, ASU 2017-07 only allows the service cost component of net benefit cost to be eligible for capitalization into inventory. All other", "components of net benefit cost, which primarily include interest cost, expected return on assets and the annual mark-to-market liability remeasurement, are", "required to be presented in the income statement separately from the service cost component and outside of income from operations. The guidance was", "effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim periods within that reporting period. The Company adopted ASU 2017-07 as", "of January 1, 2018. The components of the net (benefit) cost are shown in Note 11.", "The impact of these pension and OPEB accounting policy changes were applied through retrospective adoption of the new ASU 2017-07 to all periods", "resented. Accordingly, all relevant information for the year ended December 31, 2018 and all prior periods has been adjusted to reflect the application of the", "changes.", "Consolidated Statements of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2017:", "Balance at December 31, 2018", "Assets", "As reported", "Balances without", "Adoption of ASC", "606", "Effect of change", "higher/(lower)", "Inventory", "$", "138", "$", "142", "$", "(4", ")", "Other current assets", "30", "25", "5", "Deficit", "Accumulated deficit", "(461", ")", "(462", ")", "1", "Previous Accounting", "Method", "Effect of Accounting", "Change", "As Reported", "Cost of sales", "$", "1,736", "$", "(2", ")", "$", "1,734", "Gross profit", "275", "2", "277", "Operating income", "57", "2", "59", "Other non-operating (income) expense, net", "97", "2", "99", "145" ]
[ [ 24, 12, 115, 10 ], [ 26, 46, 193, 9 ], [ 24, 189, 973, 68 ], [ 24, 189, 973, 68 ], [ 24, 189, 973, 68 ], [ 24, 189, 973, 68 ], [ 24, 189, 973, 68 ], [ 24, 189, 973, 68 ], [ 24, 189, 973, 68 ], [ 24, 189, 973, 68 ], [ 24, 189, 973, 68 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 267, 973, 88 ], [ 24, 363, 973, 58 ], [ 24, 363, 973, 58 ], [ 24, 363, 973, 58 ], [ 24, 363, 973, 58 ], [ 24, 363, 973, 58 ], [ 24, 363, 973, 58 ], [ 24, 363, 973, 58 ], [ 24, 363, 973, 58 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 431, 973, 78 ], [ 24, 518, 973, 29 ], [ 24, 518, 973, 29 ], [ 24, 518, 973, 29 ], [ 28, 565, 526, 9 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 20, 59, 981, 122 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 25, 576, 973, 82 ], [ 499, 672, 24, 10 ] ]
[ [ 24, 12, 115, 10 ], [ 26, 46, 193, 9 ], [ 72, 189, 511, 9 ], [ 584, 189, 224, 9 ], [ 808, 189, 190, 9 ], [ 24, 199, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 209, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 219, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 229, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 239, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 248, 70, 9 ], [ 72, 267, 547, 9 ], [ 621, 267, 334, 9 ], [ 955, 267, 42, 9 ], [ 24, 276, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 286, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 296, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 306, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 316, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 326, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 335, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 345, 442, 9 ], [ 72, 363, 530, 9 ], [ 604, 363, 312, 9 ], [ 916, 363, 82, 9 ], [ 24, 373, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 383, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 393, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 403, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 413, 70, 9 ], [ 72, 431, 519, 9 ], [ 593, 431, 405, 9 ], [ 24, 441, 226, 9 ], [ 250, 441, 747, 9 ], [ 24, 450, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 460, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 470, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 480, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 490, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 500, 501, 9 ], [ 72, 518, 926, 9 ], [ 24, 528, 973, 9 ], [ 24, 537, 53, 9 ], [ 28, 565, 526, 9 ], [ 681, 60, 204, 9 ], [ 26, 95, 42, 9 ], [ 598, 95, 77, 9 ], [ 725, 74, 115, 9 ], [ 728, 85, 109, 9 ], [ 770, 95, 24, 9 ], [ 874, 85, 109, 9 ], [ 880, 95, 96, 9 ], [ 26, 110, 58, 9 ], [ 571, 110, 7, 9 ], [ 672, 110, 22, 9 ], [ 716, 110, 7, 9 ], [ 818, 110, 22, 9 ], [ 862, 110, 7, 9 ], [ 974, 110, 12, 9 ], [ 987, 110, 4, 9 ], [ 26, 125, 124, 9 ], [ 680, 125, 15, 9 ], [ 826, 125, 15, 9 ], [ 979, 125, 7, 9 ], [ 26, 154, 44, 9 ], [ 26, 168, 120, 9 ], [ 668, 168, 27, 9 ], [ 695, 168, 4, 9 ], [ 813, 168, 27, 9 ], [ 841, 168, 4, 9 ], [ 979, 168, 7, 9 ], [ 496, 578, 137, 9 ], [ 539, 589, 51, 9 ], [ 671, 578, 136, 9 ], [ 714, 589, 50, 9 ], [ 873, 584, 81, 9 ], [ 54, 603, 76, 9 ], [ 484, 603, 7, 9 ], [ 603, 603, 34, 9 ], [ 659, 603, 7, 9 ], [ 800, 603, 12, 9 ], [ 812, 603, 4, 9 ], [ 833, 603, 7, 9 ], [ 953, 603, 34, 9 ], [ 54, 618, 71, 9 ], [ 615, 618, 22, 9 ], [ 804, 618, 7, 9 ], [ 964, 618, 22, 9 ], [ 54, 633, 108, 9 ], [ 622, 633, 15, 9 ], [ 804, 633, 7, 9 ], [ 971, 633, 15, 9 ], [ 54, 648, 260, 9 ], [ 622, 648, 15, 9 ], [ 804, 648, 7, 9 ], [ 971, 648, 15, 9 ], [ 499, 672, 24, 10 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4 ]
[ "Successful Strategies", "®", "®", "Annual Report 2003" ]
[ [ 168, 283, 302, 24 ], [ 499, 857, 348, 77 ], [ 499, 857, 348, 77 ], [ 571, 942, 211, 19 ] ]
[ [ 168, 283, 302, 24 ], [ 839, 911, 6, 7 ], [ 552, 922, 6, 7 ], [ 571, 942, 211, 19 ] ]
[ 10, 6, 6, 9 ]
[ "INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT", "Annual Report 2013", "111" ]
[ [ 97, 63, 275, 28 ], [ 811, 991, 130, 11 ], [ 811, 991, 130, 11 ] ]
[ [ 97, 63, 275, 28 ], [ 811, 991, 101, 11 ], [ 922, 991, 19, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 4, 4 ]
[ "Table of Contents", "Note H. Debt", "Debt is composed of the following long term obligations.", "(1)", "The Company redeemed these notes in the second quarter of 2019.", "CCC is a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago (FHLBC). FHLBC membership provides participants with access to additional sources", "of liquidity through various programs and services. As a requirement of membership in the FHLBC, CCC held $5 million of FHLBC stock as of", "December 31, 2019 giving it immediate access to approximately $111 million of additional liquidity. As of December 31, 2019 and 2018, CCC had", "no outstanding borrowings from the FHLBC.", "During the fourth quarter of 2019, the Company amended and restated its existing credit agreement with a syndicate of banks. The agreement", "provides a five-year $250 million senior unsecured revolving credit facility which is intended to be used for general corporate purposes. At the", "Company's election, the commitments under the agreement may be increased from time to time up to an additional aggregate amount of $100", "million, and two one-year extensions are available prior to any anniversary of the closing date, each subject to applicable consents. Under the", "agreement, the Company is required to pay a facility fee which will adjust automatically in the event of a change in the Company's financial ratings.", "The agreement includes several covenants, including maintenance of a minimum consolidated net worth and a specified ratio of consolidated", "indebtedness to consolidated total capitalization. The minimum consolidated net worth, as defined, at December 31, 2019, was $8.7 billion.", "As of", "December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Company had no outstanding borrowings under the credit agreement.", "The Company's debt obligations contain customary covenants for investment grade issuers. The Company was in compliance with all covenants as", "of and for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.", "The combined aggregate maturities for debt as of December 31, 2019 are presented in the following table.", "111", "(In millions)", "2020", "$", "—", "2021", "400", "2022", "—", "2023", "243", "2024", "550", "Thereafter", "1,500", "Less discount", "(14", ")", "Total", "$", "2,679", "December 31", "(In millions)", "2019", "2018", "Senior notes of CNAF:", "5.875%, face amount of $500, due August 15, 2020", "(1)", "$", "—", "$", "499", "5.750%, face amount of $400, due August 15, 2021", "399", "399", "3.950%, face amount of $550, due May 15, 2024", "548", "547", "4.500%, face amount of $500, due March 1, 2026", "498", "498", "3.450%, face amount of $500, due August 15, 2027", "496", "495", "3.900%, face amount of $500, due May 1, 2029", "496", "—", "Debenture of CNAF, 7.250%, face amount of $243, due November 15, 2023", "242", "242", "Total", "$", "2,679", "$", "2,680" ]
[ [ 24, 12, 115, 10 ], [ 24, 41, 94, 10 ], [ 24, 63, 370, 10 ], [ 24, 268, 402, 8 ], [ 24, 268, 402, 8 ], [ 24, 288, 973, 44 ], [ 24, 288, 973, 44 ], [ 24, 288, 973, 44 ], [ 24, 288, 973, 44 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 89 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 89 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 89 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 89 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 89 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 89 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 89 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 89 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 89 ], [ 24, 445, 973, 21 ], [ 24, 445, 973, 21 ], [ 24, 479, 700, 10 ], [ 499, 638, 24, 10 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 21, 499, 981, 121 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ], [ 20, 82, 982, 165 ] ]
[ [ 24, 12, 115, 10 ], [ 24, 41, 94, 10 ], [ 24, 63, 370, 10 ], [ 24, 268, 12, 8 ], [ 57, 268, 369, 8 ], [ 24, 288, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 299, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 310, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 321, 293, 10 ], [ 24, 344, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 355, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 366, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 378, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 389, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 400, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 411, 929, 10 ], [ 966, 411, 32, 10 ], [ 24, 422, 687, 10 ], [ 24, 445, 973, 10 ], [ 24, 456, 374, 10 ], [ 24, 479, 700, 10 ], [ 499, 638, 24, 10 ], [ 26, 501, 66, 8 ], [ 26, 514, 27, 8 ], [ 874, 514, 6, 8 ], [ 978, 514, 10, 8 ], [ 26, 526, 27, 8 ], [ 968, 526, 20, 8 ], [ 26, 539, 27, 8 ], [ 978, 539, 10, 8 ], [ 26, 551, 27, 8 ], [ 968, 551, 20, 8 ], [ 26, 564, 27, 8 ], [ 968, 564, 20, 8 ], [ 26, 577, 58, 8 ], [ 957, 577, 31, 8 ], [ 26, 589, 75, 8 ], [ 970, 589, 18, 8 ], [ 988, 589, 4, 8 ], [ 26, 603, 31, 9 ], [ 874, 603, 6, 8 ], [ 957, 603, 31, 8 ], [ 26, 86, 80, 9 ], [ 26, 100, 66, 8 ], [ 783, 100, 30, 9 ], [ 920, 100, 30, 9 ], [ 36, 116, 124, 8 ], [ 44, 130, 283, 8 ], [ 328, 130, 9, 5 ], [ 737, 130, 6, 8 ], [ 841, 130, 10, 8 ], [ 874, 130, 6, 8 ], [ 968, 130, 20, 8 ], [ 44, 145, 283, 8 ], [ 831, 145, 20, 8 ], [ 968, 145, 20, 8 ], [ 44, 160, 268, 8 ], [ 831, 160, 20, 8 ], [ 968, 160, 20, 8 ], [ 44, 175, 274, 8 ], [ 831, 175, 20, 8 ], [ 968, 175, 20, 8 ], [ 44, 189, 283, 8 ], [ 831, 189, 20, 8 ], [ 968, 189, 20, 8 ], [ 44, 204, 261, 8 ], [ 831, 204, 20, 8 ], [ 978, 204, 10, 8 ], [ 36, 219, 419, 8 ], [ 831, 219, 20, 8 ], [ 968, 219, 20, 8 ], [ 26, 234, 31, 9 ], [ 737, 233, 6, 8 ], [ 821, 233, 31, 8 ], [ 874, 233, 6, 8 ], [ 957, 233, 31, 8 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "TM 10-1670-287-23&P ", "0012 00 ", "4. ", "Repeat the procedures in steps 1. through 3., above, twice, using fresh, clean water for each rinse. ", "5. ", "After the third rinse, allow the parachute assembly to drain thoroughly. Upon completion of draining, ", "dry the assembly in accordance with the Drying Fabric Items procedures detailed below. ", "6. ", "When dried, perform a technical/rigger-type inspection of the parachute assembly. Corroded metal ", "components, or corrosion-stained fabrics or suspension lines, will be either repaired or replaced as ", "prescribed by the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) in WP 0063 00. ", "7. ", "Record any repair, immersion, and rinsing in the parachute log record as shown in WP 0004 00. ", "Rinsing Parachute Assembly Immersed in Fresh-Water.", "Any parachute, or its components, that has ", "been immersed in a fresh water lake, river, or stream will not require rinsing unless it has been ", "ascertained that the water is dirty, oily, or otherwise contaminated. Procedures for handling a fresh water ", "immersed parachute are as follows: ", "1. ", "Contaminated fresh-water. If the parachute, or its components, has been immersed in contaminated ", "fresh water, rinse and dry (see Rinsing Parachute Assembly Immersed in Salt-Water, above), and, if ", "applicable, repair. ", "2. ", "Uncontaminated fresh-water. If the parachute, or its components, has been immersed in ", "uncontaminated fresh water, it will be cleaned and dried as outlined in Cleaning Fabric Items With a ", "Solution of Hand Dishwashing Compound, Drying Fabric Items, and Cleaning Metal Items, in the ", "detailed paragraphs above and below. Minor discoloration of fabric items, resulting from immersion in ", "uncontaminated fresh water, may occur. ", "NOTE", "Fabric items will not be dried in direct sunlight or by laying an item ", "on the ground. ", "Drying Fabric Items.", "Dry fabric items as follows: ", "1. ", "Suspend or elevate the item in a well-ventilated room or in a heated drying room. ", "2. ", "Using electric circulating fans may reduce drying time. ", "3. ", "When heat is used, the heat temperature shall not exceed 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees ", "Celsius). The preferred temperature is 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius). ", "END OF WORK PACKAGE ", "0012 00-2 " ]
[ [ 422, 49, 175, 11 ], [ 836, 49, 65, 11 ], [ 120, 84, 765, 11 ], [ 120, 84, 765, 11 ], [ 120, 113, 776, 26 ], [ 120, 113, 776, 26 ], [ 120, 113, 776, 26 ], [ 120, 158, 766, 41 ], [ 120, 158, 766, 41 ], [ 120, 158, 766, 41 ], [ 120, 158, 766, 41 ], [ 120, 218, 743, 11 ], [ 120, 218, 743, 11 ], [ 120, 262, 783, 56 ], [ 120, 262, 783, 56 ], [ 120, 262, 783, 56 ], [ 120, 262, 783, 56 ], [ 120, 262, 783, 56 ], [ 120, 337, 778, 41 ], [ 120, 337, 778, 41 ], [ 120, 337, 778, 41 ], [ 120, 337, 778, 41 ], [ 120, 396, 787, 71 ], [ 120, 396, 787, 71 ], [ 120, 396, 787, 71 ], [ 120, 396, 787, 71 ], [ 120, 396, 787, 71 ], [ 120, 396, 787, 71 ], [ 489, 516, 46, 11 ], [ 277, 546, 492, 26 ], [ 277, 546, 492, 26 ], [ 120, 621, 373, 11 ], [ 120, 621, 373, 11 ], [ 120, 651, 633, 11 ], [ 120, 651, 633, 11 ], [ 120, 680, 434, 11 ], [ 120, 680, 434, 11 ], [ 120, 710, 740, 26 ], [ 120, 710, 740, 26 ], [ 120, 710, 740, 26 ], [ 120, 829, 214, 11 ], [ 470, 965, 88, 13 ] ]
[ [ 422, 49, 175, 11 ], [ 836, 49, 65, 11 ], [ 120, 84, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 84, 735, 11 ], [ 120, 113, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 113, 746, 11 ], [ 150, 128, 657, 11 ], [ 120, 158, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 158, 736, 11 ], [ 150, 173, 734, 11 ], [ 150, 188, 528, 11 ], [ 120, 218, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 218, 713, 11 ], [ 120, 262, 441, 11 ], [ 571, 262, 322, 11 ], [ 120, 277, 702, 11 ], [ 120, 292, 783, 11 ], [ 120, 307, 268, 11 ], [ 120, 337, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 337, 748, 11 ], [ 150, 352, 745, 11 ], [ 150, 367, 136, 11 ], [ 120, 396, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 396, 660, 11 ], [ 150, 411, 740, 11 ], [ 150, 426, 718, 11 ], [ 150, 441, 757, 11 ], [ 150, 456, 302, 11 ], [ 489, 516, 46, 11 ], [ 277, 546, 492, 11 ], [ 277, 561, 112, 11 ], [ 120, 621, 161, 11 ], [ 290, 621, 203, 11 ], [ 120, 651, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 651, 602, 11 ], [ 120, 680, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 680, 404, 11 ], [ 120, 710, 18, 11 ], [ 150, 710, 710, 11 ], [ 150, 725, 638, 11 ], [ 120, 829, 214, 11 ], [ 470, 965, 88, 13 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 4 ]
[ "Let", "z", "∈", "ℓ", "$^{∞}$(", "F", ")", "be", "‖·‖", "-uniformly continuous. If", "Π", "is totally bounded, then", "h", "is continuous at", "(", "z,", "0)", ".", "Proof of Lemma A.5 and Corollary A.6.", "Fix a sequence", "{", "(", "z$_{m}$, r$_{m}$", ")", "}$_{m}$$_{≥}$$_{1}$", "satisfying the condi-", "tions of the Lemma A.5. Observe that, for every", "m", "≥", "1,", "where the above RHS expression is", "o", "(1)", "because", "z$_{m}$", "→", "z", "in", "ℓ", "$^{∞}$(", "F", "). Therefore,", "Let us show now that the RHS expression in (A.4) is", "o", "(1).", "For any", "r >", "0, there exists a", "π$_{r}$", "∈", "Π$_{r}$ such that", "Furthermore, there exists a", "π", "⋆", "r", "∈", "Π", "⋆", "such that", "|", "g", "(", "z$_{m}$, r$_{m}$", ")", "−", "g", "(", "z, r$_{m}$", ")", "|", "≤", "∣", "sup", "π", "∈", "Π$_{r}$$_{m}$", "z$_{m}$", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "−", "sup", "π", "∈", "Π$_{r}$$_{m}$", "z", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "∣", "+", "∣", "lim sup", "s", "↓", "0", "sup", "π", "$^{⋆}$∈", "Π", "⋆", "inf", "π", "∈", "B$_{Π}$", "(", "π", "$^{⋆}$,s", "$_{)}$z$_{m}$", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "−", "lim sup", "s", "↓", "0", "sup", "π", "$^{⋆}$∈", "Π", "⋆", "inf", "π", "∈", "B$_{Π}$", "(", "π", "$^{⋆}$,s", "$_{)}$z", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "∣", "≤", "2", "sup", "π", "∈", "Π", "|", "z$_{m}$", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "−", "z", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "|", "g", "(", "z$_{m}$, r$_{m}$", ")", "=", "g", "(", "z$_{m}$, r$_{m}$", ")", "−", "g", "(", "z, r$_{m}$", ") +", "g", "(", "z, r$_{m}$", ")", "=", "g", "(", "z$_{m}$, r$_{m}$", ")", "−", "g", "(", "z, r$_{m}$", ") +", "[", "sup", "π", "∈", "Π$_{r}$$_{m}$", "z", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "−", "lim sup", "s", "↓", "0", "sup", "π", "$^{⋆}$∈", "Π", "⋆", "inf", "π", "∈", "B$_{Π}$", "(", "π", "$^{⋆}$,s", "$_{)}$z", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "]", ".", "≤", "[", "sup", "π", "∈", "Π$_{r}$$_{m}$", "z", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "−", "lim sup", "s", "↓", "0", "sup", "π", "$^{⋆}$∈", "Π", "⋆", "inf", "π", "∈", "B$_{Π}$", "(", "π", "$^{⋆}$,s", "$_{)}$z", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "]", "+", "o", "(1)", ".", "(A.4)", "sup", "π", "∈", "Π$_{r}$", "z", "(", "f$_{π}$", ")", "≤", "z", "(", "f$_{π}$$_{r}$", ") +", "r.", "(A.5)", "‖", "π", "⋆", "r", "−", "π$_{r}$", "‖ ≤", "inf", "π", "$^{⋆}$∈", "Π", "⋆", "‖", "π", "⋆", "−", "π$_{r}$", "‖", "+", "r", "≤", "sup", "π", "∈", "Π$_{r}$", "inf", "π", "$^{⋆}$∈", "Π", "⋆", "‖", "π", "⋆", "−", "π", "‖", "+", "r.", "(A.6)", "26" ]
[ [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 96, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 171, 783, 46 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 669, 15 ], [ 120, 605, 501, 15 ], [ 120, 605, 501, 15 ], [ 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[ [ 120, 97, 26, 15 ], [ 154, 97, 9, 15 ], [ 169, 96, 13, 15 ], [ 188, 97, 8, 15 ], [ 196, 97, 22, 15 ], [ 219, 96, 14, 15 ], [ 236, 97, 7, 15 ], [ 250, 97, 17, 15 ], [ 274, 96, 25, 15 ], [ 300, 97, 216, 15 ], [ 523, 97, 14, 15 ], [ 544, 97, 198, 15 ], [ 750, 97, 11, 15 ], [ 768, 97, 135, 15 ], [ 120, 128, 7, 15 ], [ 128, 128, 15, 15 ], [ 146, 128, 17, 15 ], [ 164, 128, 6, 15 ], [ 120, 171, 344, 15 ], [ 474, 171, 124, 15 ], [ 605, 171, 10, 15 ], [ 615, 171, 7, 15 ], [ 623, 171, 52, 15 ], [ 676, 171, 7, 15 ], [ 684, 171, 40, 15 ], [ 731, 171, 172, 15 ], [ 120, 202, 416, 15 ], [ 543, 202, 17, 15 ], [ 566, 202, 15, 15 ], [ 587, 202, 15, 15 ], [ 120, 403, 300, 15 ], [ 427, 403, 9, 15 ], [ 436, 403, 22, 15 ], [ 476, 403, 57, 15 ], [ 540, 403, 21, 15 ], [ 568, 403, 20, 15 ], [ 594, 403, 9, 15 ], [ 610, 403, 16, 15 ], [ 633, 403, 8, 15 ], [ 642, 403, 22, 15 ], [ 664, 403, 14, 15 ], [ 681, 403, 109, 15 ], [ 120, 605, 454, 15 ], [ 581, 605, 9, 15 ], [ 591, 605, 30, 15 ], [ 149, 636, 65, 15 ], [ 222, 636, 30, 15 ], [ 257, 636, 135, 15 ], [ 400, 636, 17, 15 ], [ 424, 636, 13, 15 ], [ 443, 636, 108, 15 ], [ 120, 749, 233, 15 ], [ 360, 749, 11, 15 ], [ 372, 747, 7, 10 ], [ 371, 757, 6, 10 ], [ 385, 749, 13, 15 ], [ 404, 749, 14, 15 ], [ 419, 743, 7, 10 ], [ 433, 749, 80, 15 ], [ 127, 258, 5, 15 ], [ 133, 259, 9, 15 ], [ 143, 259, 7, 15 ], [ 151, 259, 52, 15 ], [ 204, 259, 7, 15 ], [ 216, 258, 15, 15 ], [ 236, 259, 9, 15 ], [ 247, 259, 7, 15 ], [ 254, 259, 40, 15 ], [ 295, 259, 7, 15 ], [ 303, 258, 5, 15 ], [ 325, 258, 15, 15 ], [ 357, 232, 6, 57 ], [ 373, 259, 29, 15 ], [ 364, 275, 8, 10 ], [ 373, 275, 9, 10 ], [ 382, 275, 27, 10 ], [ 414, 259, 21, 15 ], [ 437, 259, 7, 15 ], [ 444, 259, 17, 15 ], [ 464, 259, 7, 15 ], [ 476, 258, 15, 15 ], [ 504, 259, 29, 15 ], [ 496, 275, 8, 10 ], [ 504, 275, 9, 10 ], [ 514, 275, 27, 10 ], [ 546, 259, 9, 15 ], [ 556, 259, 7, 15 ], [ 564, 259, 17, 15 ], [ 583, 259, 7, 15 ], [ 590, 232, 6, 57 ], [ 357, 310, 15, 15 ], [ 376, 283, 6, 57 ], [ 382, 310, 59, 15 ], [ 402, 327, 6, 10 ], [ 409, 327, 7, 10 ], [ 416, 327, 7, 10 ], [ 453, 310, 29, 15 ], [ 446, 330, 8, 10 ], [ 455, 330, 16, 10 ], [ 471, 330, 10, 10 ], [ 482, 326, 6, 6 ], [ 518, 310, 22, 15 ], [ 492, 325, 8, 10 ], [ 501, 325, 9, 10 ], [ 510, 325, 19, 10 ], [ 531, 325, 5, 10 ], [ 536, 325, 8, 10 ], [ 545, 325, 17, 10 ], [ 563, 310, 30, 15 ], [ 594, 310, 7, 15 ], [ 602, 310, 17, 15 ], [ 621, 310, 7, 15 ], [ 633, 310, 15, 15 ], [ 653, 310, 59, 15 ], [ 673, 327, 6, 10 ], [ 679, 327, 7, 10 ], [ 686, 327, 7, 10 ], [ 723, 310, 29, 15 ], [ 716, 330, 8, 10 ], [ 725, 330, 16, 10 ], [ 742, 330, 10, 10 ], [ 752, 326, 6, 6 ], [ 789, 310, 22, 15 ], [ 763, 325, 8, 10 ], [ 771, 325, 9, 10 ], [ 781, 325, 19, 10 ], [ 801, 325, 5, 10 ], [ 807, 325, 8, 10 ], [ 815, 325, 18, 10 ], [ 834, 310, 17, 15 ], [ 852, 310, 7, 15 ], [ 860, 310, 17, 15 ], [ 879, 310, 7, 15 ], [ 887, 283, 6, 57 ], [ 325, 346, 15, 15 ], [ 357, 346, 7, 15 ], [ 379, 346, 21, 15 ], [ 371, 363, 8, 10 ], [ 379, 363, 9, 10 ], [ 389, 363, 10, 10 ], [ 403, 346, 5, 15 ], [ 409, 346, 21, 15 ], [ 431, 346, 7, 15 ], [ 439, 346, 17, 15 ], [ 458, 346, 7, 15 ], [ 470, 346, 15, 15 ], [ 490, 346, 9, 15 ], [ 500, 346, 7, 15 ], [ 508, 346, 17, 15 ], [ 527, 346, 7, 15 ], [ 535, 346, 5, 15 ], [ 159, 460, 9, 15 ], [ 169, 460, 7, 15 ], [ 177, 460, 52, 15 ], [ 230, 460, 7, 15 ], [ 254, 460, 15, 15 ], [ 287, 460, 9, 15 ], [ 297, 460, 7, 15 ], [ 304, 460, 52, 15 ], [ 358, 460, 7, 15 ], [ 370, 459, 15, 15 ], [ 390, 460, 9, 15 ], [ 400, 460, 7, 15 ], [ 408, 460, 40, 15 ], [ 448, 460, 27, 15 ], [ 480, 460, 9, 15 ], [ 490, 460, 7, 15 ], [ 498, 460, 40, 15 ], [ 539, 460, 7, 15 ], [ 254, 496, 15, 15 ], [ 287, 496, 9, 15 ], [ 297, 496, 7, 15 ], [ 304, 496, 52, 15 ], [ 358, 496, 7, 15 ], [ 370, 495, 15, 15 ], [ 390, 496, 9, 15 ], [ 400, 496, 7, 15 ], [ 408, 496, 40, 15 ], [ 448, 496, 27, 15 ], [ 480, 469, 11, 57 ], [ 501, 496, 29, 15 ], [ 492, 512, 8, 10 ], [ 501, 512, 9, 10 ], [ 510, 512, 27, 10 ], [ 542, 496, 9, 15 ], [ 552, 496, 7, 15 ], [ 560, 496, 17, 15 ], [ 579, 496, 7, 15 ], [ 591, 495, 15, 15 ], [ 611, 496, 59, 15 ], [ 631, 512, 6, 10 ], [ 638, 512, 7, 10 ], [ 645, 512, 7, 10 ], [ 681, 496, 29, 15 ], [ 675, 515, 8, 10 ], [ 683, 515, 16, 10 ], [ 700, 515, 10, 10 ], [ 711, 511, 6, 6 ], [ 747, 496, 22, 15 ], [ 721, 510, 8, 10 ], [ 730, 510, 9, 10 ], [ 739, 510, 19, 10 ], [ 760, 510, 5, 10 ], [ 765, 510, 8, 10 ], [ 774, 510, 17, 10 ], [ 792, 496, 17, 15 ], [ 810, 496, 7, 15 ], [ 818, 496, 17, 15 ], [ 837, 496, 7, 15 ], [ 845, 469, 11, 57 ], [ 860, 496, 5, 15 ], [ 254, 547, 15, 15 ], [ 287, 521, 11, 57 ], [ 307, 547, 29, 15 ], [ 298, 564, 8, 10 ], [ 307, 564, 9, 10 ], [ 316, 564, 27, 10 ], [ 349, 547, 9, 15 ], [ 358, 547, 7, 15 ], [ 366, 547, 17, 15 ], [ 385, 547, 7, 15 ], [ 397, 547, 15, 15 ], [ 418, 547, 59, 15 ], [ 437, 564, 6, 10 ], [ 444, 564, 7, 10 ], [ 451, 564, 7, 10 ], [ 488, 547, 29, 15 ], [ 481, 567, 8, 10 ], [ 489, 567, 16, 10 ], [ 506, 567, 10, 10 ], [ 517, 563, 6, 6 ], [ 553, 547, 22, 15 ], [ 527, 561, 8, 10 ], [ 536, 561, 9, 10 ], [ 545, 561, 19, 10 ], [ 566, 561, 5, 10 ], [ 571, 561, 8, 10 ], [ 580, 561, 18, 10 ], [ 598, 547, 17, 15 ], [ 617, 547, 7, 15 ], [ 624, 547, 17, 15 ], [ 643, 547, 7, 15 ], [ 651, 521, 11, 57 ], [ 667, 547, 15, 15 ], [ 687, 547, 9, 15 ], [ 696, 547, 25, 15 ], [ 721, 547, 5, 15 ], [ 859, 547, 45, 15 ], [ 416, 693, 29, 15 ], [ 413, 709, 8, 10 ], [ 421, 709, 9, 10 ], [ 431, 709, 16, 10 ], [ 452, 693, 9, 15 ], [ 461, 693, 7, 15 ], [ 469, 693, 17, 15 ], [ 488, 693, 7, 15 ], [ 502, 692, 15, 15 ], [ 523, 693, 9, 15 ], [ 532, 693, 7, 15 ], [ 540, 693, 23, 15 ], [ 566, 693, 27, 15 ], [ 598, 693, 13, 15 ], [ 859, 693, 45, 15 ], [ 263, 805, 10, 15 ], [ 273, 806, 11, 15 ], [ 284, 803, 7, 10 ], [ 284, 813, 6, 10 ], [ 297, 805, 15, 15 ], [ 317, 806, 17, 15 ], [ 336, 805, 31, 15 ], [ 382, 806, 22, 15 ], [ 372, 822, 8, 10 ], [ 381, 822, 16, 10 ], [ 397, 822, 10, 10 ], [ 408, 818, 6, 6 ], [ 419, 805, 10, 15 ], [ 429, 806, 11, 15 ], [ 441, 803, 7, 10 ], [ 453, 805, 15, 15 ], [ 473, 806, 17, 15 ], [ 492, 805, 10, 15 ], [ 506, 806, 15, 15 ], [ 526, 806, 8, 15 ], [ 541, 805, 15, 15 ], [ 565, 806, 29, 15 ], [ 562, 822, 8, 10 ], [ 571, 822, 9, 10 ], [ 580, 822, 16, 10 ], [ 611, 806, 22, 15 ], [ 601, 822, 8, 10 ], [ 610, 822, 16, 10 ], [ 626, 822, 10, 10 ], [ 637, 818, 6, 6 ], [ 647, 805, 10, 15 ], [ 658, 806, 11, 15 ], [ 669, 803, 7, 10 ], [ 682, 805, 15, 15 ], [ 702, 806, 11, 15 ], [ 714, 805, 10, 15 ], [ 728, 806, 15, 15 ], [ 748, 806, 13, 15 ], [ 859, 806, 45, 15 ], [ 502, 958, 19, 15 ] ]
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