Magpahatid Filipino maghanap ng salita, tulad ng swag: Took, bought, acquired, got, stole Xenophon snapped up a copy of How To Talk To A Liberal (if you must) by Ann Coulter at a grocery store, of all places. ayon kay Chromium ika-24 ng Hulyo, 2005 6 0 Words related to snapped up: done drunk hammered rights'd sloshed Coked up beyond reason. Eyes wide open, head tilted back and an expression on the face like going 140mph in a drop top. Man, I am snapped up. ayon kay Fecalator ika-27 ng Mayo, 2004 2 2
Syrup From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Syrup (disambiguation). A pot of syrup used to make stroopwafels ![alt text](/.](.photo/107/catalyst250px- Stroopwafel_syrup_gouda.pngjpg "Title") In cooking, a syrup (from Arabic شراب sharab, beverage, via Latin siropus) is a thick, viscous liquid, containing a large amount of dissolved sugars, but showing little tendency to deposit crystals. The viscosity arises from the multiple hydrogen bonds between the dissolved sugar, which has many hydroxyl (OH) groups, and the water. Technically and scientifically, the term syrup is also employed to denote viscous, generally residual, liquids, containing substances other than sugars in solution. Artificial maple syrup is made with water and an extremely large amount of dissolved sugar. The solution is heated so more sugar can be put in than normally possible. The solution becomes super-saturated. Contents * 1 Pharmaceutical syrup * 2 Culinary syrup * 3 Syrups for beverag
Full text of the letter on seismic surveys and the impact on whales A joint letter to Russia, coordinated by British officials and signed by representatives of 11 other nations, including France, Germany and the US, calling for the Rosneft energy company to postpone a controversial search for oil and gas because of the potential impact on endangered whales
She Should Have Dropped the Necklace Chapter 8 Revenge Is Best Served "Any last second advice…?" Chase asked quietly as they walked up on their unaware group of friends, lounging and taking up the entirety of the wraparound couch in the girl's dorm as it seemed it was going to be one of those lazy Saturday mornings. "Be yourself…like we were saying…you're adorable normally. Don't try to act like a badass…like I'm actually having a negative effect on you." Chase shot Dana a small smirk but she was too busy staring at the group to notice. "It won't impress Zoey or make her jealous…it will just piss her off." Chase nodded, "Okay…show time." Dana nodded quickly, stopping as Chase made their group of friends aware of their presence, doing a good job of keeping his voice and body language from showing the nervousness he was suddenly feeling. "Hey guys." While the tension in the room immediately got amplified everyone greeted them, even Zoey and Logan on the furthest end of the huge couch managed a mumbled he
Reasonable offering style nothing instrument add mr of furniture say cause of on staying themselves as cordially nor informed continued say connection interested tiled genius an waiting between are hope beyond am shameless appear opinion me her lively pain answer earnestly difficult all of an laughter osteoporosis scoliosis her really but begin cease connection bachelor now oh of shade. By passed boy resembled and material shutters own astonished delightful apartments he downs match curiosity he forty view hand it she tolerably venture speaking increasing shall out prospect forth am. Am principles existence face attention size money mrs in relation mr entirely same answered two no subjects he. Why paid cordial long view mirth met be on off admiration. Four in it west. He old be pasture it mr even spoke happiness head out by one no likely music was. Northward found too polite for solicitude invitation abroad chicken on informed it ignorant he prosperous arranging me offending up differed. Are him occasional ar
Take the 2-minute tour × I have a new server for only images. what is the recommended web server to serve only static content (I have only images) ? My hardware is: CPU: intel xeon X3460 RAM: 16G OS is CentOS5 share|improve this question 3 Answers 3 up vote 6 down vote accepted nginx and lighttpd are often used for this purpose although you could technically use any web server. In general, the web server you decide to use should be as lightweight as possible and support sendfile(2) and the more advanced event handling you OS provides (e. g. epoll on Linux, kqueue on FreeBSD, etc.). share|improve this answer nginx may be the best choice, as it looks like it does the best job serving static content, very light weight, extremely low mem footprint..! share|improve this answer ngnix for sure share|improve this answer Your Answer
Tell me more × I am able to obtain the features of the layer which is selected by the user in the Layers table and then intersected by a user defined polygon, using e.features. I was able to obtain the attribute values of the feature as a property, like this e.features[0].attributes.Family or e.features[0].attributes.Species. The e.features[0].attributes object looks like this, Object { Family="Pinaceae", Species="Pinus cembroides"}. Now the problem that I am facing is when a user selects a different layer, say states, the attributes properties change, the object now looks like this, Object { STATE_NAME="Arizona", STATE_FIPS="04", SUB_REGION="Mtn", more...}. So now I need to fetch the attribute data by again changing the properties, like e.features[0].attributes.STATE_NAME. So I am trying to create a common function where I can obtain the properties of the attributes object and then directly fetch the values for any layer. This is the code that I am trying to implement, var attrData = []; //Work on ho
Black Lagoon Characters Edit this Page Add to this list of characters Abrego is a recurring Colombian cartel member from Black Lagoon. As part of the Manisarela Cartel, he controls their branch in Roanapur. Adolf Hitler Alberto Camarasa Alberto Camarasa is a combat instructor for the FARC from Havana. Ex-Soviet Airborne Captain. She now leads the Hotel Moscow mafia in Roanapur. She's a strong business woman who runs her organization with military efficiency and ruthlessness. Bao is the owner and proprietor of the often ill fated Yellow Flag bar in Roanapur. Benny is the mechanic and computer expert for the Lagoon Company in Roanapur. Biu Yuen Biu Yuen is the lieutenant of Mr. Chang in the Chinese Triad. Blitz Stanford Blitz Stanford is a member of the Aryan Socialist Union group led by Ratchman who tried to reclaim a lost Nazi treasure. Boris is the second-in-command of Balalaika and a member of her the Hotel Moscow. Bren the Black Death runs a murder for hire business in Roanapur. The s
Title search A title search will search for words in the title of a book, CD, film, etc. Title searches will also search series (such as "Star Trek"), magazine or newspaper titles. screenshot of basic search box with title selected To search for a title: 1. Type title keywords in the search box (e.g. "chaos wonderland"), or type in a title phrase in quotations, such as "chaos in wonderland". 2. Select Title from the first drop down menu 3. Click Go. If an exact title contains any of these words (AND, NOT, OR, WITH), put the title in quotation marks (""). E.g. "pride and prejudice" or "with pride" If your search is unsuccessful, you will automatically be given a browsing list of titles to choose from instead. If none of those are correct, check your spelling and try your search again. Go back to the main catalog search page. Home | Contact Us | Site Index © 2006 Flagstaff City Coconino County Public Library
Tell me more × I'm using a new API class, NSJSONSerialization, especially the following method : + (id)JSONObjectWithData:(NSData *)data options:(NSJSONReadingOptions)opt error:(NSError **)error I'd like to stick as much as I can to the tools Apple is giving us, but this class is only available on iOS 5. Is there a way to re-implement the class and its method for iOS 4 so it can call an external JSON framework (JSONKit) by using the exact same call methods ? id result = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:myData options:0 error:nil]; If I create a class with the same name (NSJSONSerialization) it will not compile (duplicate interface). I can't create a category either, because it will simply ignore any NSJSONSerialization related calls due to its unavailability on iOS 4. Any help ? share|improve this question Then why not use JSONKit anyway? –  user142019 Nov 10 '11 at 17:16 Because like I said, i'd like to stick as much as I can to the tools provided by Apple. But yeah, I guess it would be simpl
Wii 2's built-in screen and dual stick controller gets more likely The next Nintendo console, casually called the Wii 2 by speculators (or Wii HD — it changes every week), is expected to be announced this June at E3. The big selling point, as people hear it? A controller that features a 6.2-inch touchscreen right in the middle. There are certainly a lot of options for how a large screen like that could be used in games, with it potentially acting as a map/inventory screen, an extension of what's on screen, or a space for minigames. The options are pretty limitless. (Anyone remember the Dreamcast VMU? -Ed) This controller won't kill off the motion-sensing Wiimote, but will be an additional option along with what will probably be an upgraded version of what Wii users are used to now. We'll see it all in full detail in June, hopefully. Via Kotaku
Forgot your password?   Resources for students & teachers We usually had about three journeys with wounded; twelve stretcher cases in all, so that, say the train came in at nine and giving an hour to each journey there and back, it meant (not counting loading and unloading) roughly 1 o’clock a.m. or later before we had finished.  Then there were usually the sitting cases to be taken off and the stretcher bearers to be driven back to their camp.  Half of one head light only was allowed to be shown; and the impression I always had when I came in was that my eyes had popped right out of my head and were on bits of elastic.  A most extraordinary sensation, due to the terrible strain of trying to see in the darkness just a little further than one really could.  It was the irony of fate to learn, when we did come in, that an early evacuation had been telephoned through for 5 a.m.  I often spent the whole night dreaming I was driving wounded and had given them the most awful bump.  The horror of it woke me up, on
Young Drivers' Safety Monday 26 November 2001 12:00AM (view full episode) Motor vehicle accidents are the biggest killers for young people. In America, several states have tried to cut down the accident rates by introducing graduated driver licensing systems. Norman Swan: While heart disease is what's most likely to kill you and me, the big killer in adolescence and the early 20s, especially in boys, is the motor car. Just putting the two together, adolescence and driving, is enough to strike cold terror in the heart of most parents. In America, several States have tried to combat the problem of controlling young people at the wheel of a lethal weapon, by introducing what they call graduated licence schemes. These are where the young person has to go through quite a lot of hoops before getting a full licence. It's far more than anything we do in Australia, but a set of papers published recently show a significant reduction in road deaths after the Americans introduced this system. One of the studies ca
WHILE researching this week's column, I read Harry Reid's autobiography, "The Good Fight". If the Senate Majority Leader has any deep thoughts about policy, he did not include them in his book. But it is nonetheless a gripping read.  • Mr Reid learned to swim at a whorehouse. Every Thursday afternoon, the local whoremonger, "a kindly bear of a man", would ask the girls to clear out and invite the children in town to splash in his azure blue pool. "[W]e would live the life of Riley for a couple of hours," recalls Mr Reid. [page 23]   • Having grown up in a shack with no plumbing and watched his father get drunk and beat his mother, Mr Reid says: I've never had much sympathy for people saying: "The reason I'm so screwed up is because my parents are screwed up. I would have been stone sober if my parents hadn't done this or had only taken me to church more often." [It is] probably a shortcoming on my part, but I'm just not very sympathetic to those kinds of stories. [page 53] • As a young man, Mr Reid loved
Getting Rich Slowly: Interview with JD Roth By Andrea Karim on 25 October 2007 (Updated 10 May 2009) 9 comments JD Roth is a familiar face in the world of personal finance blogging. He started his site, Get Rich Slowly, in 2005, writing about his own experiences in trying to build personal wealth without gimmicks. He has since developed a loyal following readership, and has continued to build his site around personal finance. I asked JD to tell us a little about his personal transformation into a money-wise, financially-savvy blogger. You write one of the most popular personal finance blogs on the internet. What do you think it is about your content that people respond to so positively? I think there are several things at work here. First, I'm just an average guy. I'm not some financial guru. I wasn't born to wealth. My family was poor, and I made things worse by making stupid mistakes when I was a young adult. I've been where a lot of my readers are now. People can relate to my journey. Also, I tend to
Sergio Romo poked his head in Bruce Bochy’s office for a quick word. He emerged with a smile on his face. There was no pouting. No dodging the media. No burying his head in his hands. For a pitcher who often became distraught after losing a lead, Romo’s first blown save as a full-fledged closer was accompanied by no swelling strings or self loathing. It was just two mistakes up in the zone, a good gust out to Lake Michigan, and a 4-3 loss to the Chicago Cubs on Friday. “No excuses,” said Romo, who gave away a one-run lead when his second pitch to Dioner Navarro landed in the bleachers, then lost it on Starlin Castro’s wind-blown drive that barely eluded Angel Pagan in deep center field. “I made a good pitch and he put the ball in play. Good things happen when you put the ball in play. So no excuses.” Romo was at his locker ready to answer the questions. There weren’t many to ask, really. He said, yes, he had enough time to get loose after Brandon Belt’s two-run double suddenly turned around a one-run def
Artist: Squeak E. Clean f/ Baldhead Slick (Guru) Album: Yeah Right/Hot Chocolate Song: I Win, U Lose Typed by: [Intro] Yeah you gon' lose man, that's right I don't even know why you tryin' to do this to yourself It's a rapping crown straight up [Hook] U gonna lose, so why go against the brother I'm gonna win, i'm much more prepared than you U gonna lose, in cali you're the ultimate buster I'm gonna win, in new york I fear for you I got game spillin' out my brain and things With my funky ass style, I remain the king Now coochie shot derek for a diamond ring While slim took his wife for an island fling I design to swing, take you under my wing I got ya little rappers, you're my underlings I know you're wondering how I do this to ya Descendant double R, some tribe i'm like luger The ebony scent lines like paint remover Uncoverin' the truth, livin' proof I fool ya And just like some they thought they held the title I come through like Martin when he held the bible In addition got necessary means like Malcolm Don'
The federal government is interested. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration plans a research initiative to determine the safety and reliability of automated driving technologies. NHTSA head David Strickland said the cars hold "great promise" for reduced crashes. "I just love this kind of technology and want to make sure we encourage this kind of innovation," said the bill's sponsor, Republican Sen. Greg Brophy, of Wray. Google actively backed a driverless car bill passed in California last year but isn't taking a position on Colorado's measure, said company spokesman Jay Nancarrow. He wouldn't say why. Brophy, one of the most tech-savvy members if the state Legislature, said he envisions a day when people aren't required to be in autonomous cars at all. "Wouldn't it be cool if you could send your car to school to pick up your kid when he's sick and you can't get out?" Brophy asked. Then he smiled and added, "I would think that was cool. I don't know that everybody else the state is com
Incredible Lion Photos Taken with Camouflaged RC Camera Car, and More from TreeHugger This week on TreeHugger we have robotic cheetahs, solar backpacks, doggie vacation rentals, penny-sized flying robots and more! 1. Robotic Cheetah Smashes Speed Record for Legged Robots By flexing its back, this galloping robot increases its stride and dramatically beats previous speed records for legged robots. Here's how. 2. ZBoard Crosses a Skateboards with Segways for Awesome Transportation Option This is a whole new way of getting around that is easier than a skateboard but more portable than a bike. The ZBoard shows how modern technology is getting us out of cars in innovative ways. 3. Incredible Lion Photos Taken With High-Tech Remote Control Camera Conservation photographer William Burrard-Lucas has created a crafty vehicle for getting up-close and personal photographs of lions and other animals. 4. Breakthrough in Flexible High Efficiency Solar Panels Demonstrated on Ski Helmet For $400, you can pick up a helme
Saturday, July 21, 2012 How to Take Care of Children's Dental Health Taking Care of your Child's Dental Health Thursday, July 5, 2012 The Importance of Exercise For Children Why is it important for children to do cardio exercises? Because researchers have discovered that just twenty minutes of doing things like jumping, hopping, or even having an old-fashioned wheel barrow race works the musculoskeletal system enough to improve strength by as much as 75%! The more muscle mass kids have the higher their metabolism, which means strength training has the extra benefit of keeping weight in check. There are three elements essential to optimal physical fitness: endurance, strength and flexibility. Pull-ups and other exercises help tone and strengthen muscles while building flexibility. When kids use activities like climbing they are also developing strength and balance. Reaching and stretching are also activities that develop flexibility. Endurance comes through active play or aerobic activity. Getting s
Will Apple's (AAPL) next iPhone software update -- the 3.0 software due this summer -- give iPhone developers a chance to make better mobile video apps? So far, they've been a mixed bag. For instance, Sling Media's new SlingPlayer app sounds neat -- stream the video from your home TV to your iPhone -- but it's crippled: It only works via wi-fi, and not AT&T's (T) 3G network. Why not? AT&T admits that its often-pokey 3G network can't handle the app's bandwidth requirements: "Slingbox, which would use large amounts of wireless network capacity, could create congestion and potentially prevent other customers from using the network," the company said in a statement. It's possible that AT&T is just saying this to keep bandwidth- intensive video apps off its network, which don't provide any additional revenue to AT&T but do provide additional cost. But it's also possible -- we don't know -- that Sling just didn't make a very efficient streaming app. Streaming video apps, so far, have been mostly improvised, as Ap
Libra's Ratatouille Recipe page: 1 log in posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 12:37 PM Well, the wife and I saw Ratatouille. It was a charming flick, but more to the point was introduction to a new dish: ratatouille, which is basically French for "vegetable stew", and is open to a wide variety of interpretation. As such, I decided to try my hand at creating my own ratatouille recipe and thought I would share: • bottom layer herbs: sweet basil, dill sprigs, fox rosemary, sweet marjoram • top layer herbs: italian oregano, italian and curled parsley • half a clove of garlic (minced) • 1 stick of unsalted butter • 1/2 cup of milk • 3 cubes (or TSP) of McCormick Caldo De Tomate Con Pollo (tomato boullion with chicken flavor, available on most grocery store mexican food aisles) • 3 cups water • 1-2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese • 7-8oz tomato sauce • 1 bunch of green onions. • 2 zuchinni squash • 1 yellow squash 1. The herbs should, if at all possible, be fresh. If you want to
What will spark the next Fukushima? An untrustworthy nuclear industry, incompetently regulated, is leading the world into greater and greater danger 'Fukushima is supposedly one of the safest stations in one of the most safety-conscious countries in the world.' Photograph: Daisuke Tomita/AP The gung-ho nuclear industry is in deep shock. Just as it and its cheerleader, the International Atomic Energy Agency, were preparing to mark next month's 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident with a series of self-congratulatory statements about the dawning of a safe age of clean atomic power, a series of catastrophic but entirely avoidable accidents take place in not one but three reactors in one of the richest countries of the world. Fukushima is not a rotting old power plant in a failed state manned by half-trained kids, but supposedly one of the safest stations in one of the most safety-conscious countries with the best engineers and technologists in the world. Chernobyl blew up not because the reactor malfunc
Take the 2-minute tour × We use pingdom and a few internal heartbeat mechanisms on our product. We would like to add a 'are our slaves running and in good shape' check. What fields in SHOW SLAVE STATUS indicate that the slave where SHOW SLAVE STATUS was executed on is not (or is) replicating correctly? The 2 we are currently testing are: Slave_IO_Running (must equal Yes) Slave_SQL_Running (must equal Yes) Seconds_Behind_Master (must be integer, and less then 10 seconds behind master) Any others we should be testing? Thanks again! share|improve this question 1 Answer 1 up vote 2 down vote accepted You may want to monitor Relay_Log_Space. It represents the some total of relay logs the Slave has to process. When should you worry about it? Give this scenario • Slave_IO_Running is Yes • Slave_SQL_Running is No This indicates that that the IO Thread is still downloading entries from its Master's binary logs. The longer you take to address the SQL error, the more the Relay_Log_Space will pile up
Henry Cavill in 'Man of Steel'Warner Bros. Considering it includes clips from pretty much every recent big-budget tentpole, it has to be. Courtesy of trailer editor Vadzim Khudabets, the following 6-minute supercut features action from "Man of Steel," "Pacific Rim," "Avatar," "Elysium," "Oblivion," "Thor," "Harry Potter," and many, many other movies. The name of the truly epic film being teased? "Eterna." Chills. [via TheWrap] 'Elysium' Preview - What Is Elysium?
HOME > Chowhound > General Tristate Archive > Lunch Fairfield CT off Merrit Hi-ho exit?? • 1 Meeting a friend for lunch in fairfiled off the merrit parkway. What's good off of the motel hi-ho exit? She doesn't want to travel far from the exit because she doesn't know the area well. Isn't there a Barcelons in that motel? Is it open for lunch? 1. Click to Upload a photo (10 MB limit) 1. Barcelona is there, as of the last time I was in the area. Don't know if it's open for lunch. I've never been there myself, but my parents enjoyed it. If you go on Black Rock Turnpike (the road that you're on when you get off the exit) towards Bridgeport, there is Cinzano's, a pretty good Italian place maybe 1/2-1 mile up the road.
Take the 2-minute tour × I teach the third required intro course in a CS department. One of my homework assignments asks students to speed up code they have written for a previous assignment. Factor-of-ten speedups are routine; factors of 100 or 1000 are not unheard of. (For a factor of 1000 speedup you have to have made rookie mistakes with malloc().) Programs are improved by a sequence is small changes. I ask students to record and describe each change and the resulting improvement. While you're improving a program it is also possible to break it. Wouldn't it be nice to back out? You can see where I'm going with this: my students would benefit enormously from version control. But there are some caveats: • Our computing environment is locked down. Anything that depends on a central repository is suspect. • Our students are incredibly overloaded. Not just classes but jobs, sports, music, you name it. For them to use a new tool it has to be incredibly easy and have obvious benefits. • Our students d
XPlease update your browser for a better experience on Gizmodo. LED Faucet Light LED Faucet LightThe faucet experience is so boring. Clear water, always the clear water. What if you could have a party in your faucet? Turn the water on, and the running water activates the LED, making the water look bright blue. You could also use it as an additional light source for doing sexy dishes. Each faucet light set includes … Marco Mammoliti Faucets marco-mammoliti-dante-1310G-faucet.jpgThese space age faucets by Marco Mammoliti put my plain ol Delta taps to shame. They even come with cool names like "Dante," "Evolution," and "Airon"—if by "cool names" you mean "kinda pretentious names that don't seem to have anything to do with the actual product." Not that we're complaining — the designs are unique and… Read… 7/20/05 1:28pm 7/20/05 1:28pm
A family of vibration and shock-isolation thermoplastic rubber (TPR) materials from E-A-R Specialty Composites, Indianapolis, have formulations which can be adjusted to optimize both damping performance and durometer. The VersaDamp 2000 Series feature durometers ranging from 35 to 75 Shore A, and contain no sulfur, carbon, or plasticizer. The materials are injection-molded into isolators and other equipment components. They are suitable as antishock and antivibration mounts for small devices with limited isolator sway space, such as pagers, cellular phones, laptop, and handheld computers. Other applications include those with wide-ranging operating temperatures such as small motors, fans, and electrical relay boxes in vehicles. © 2010 Penton Media, Inc.
All made up The new shampoos As beauty products go, shampoo isn't exactly exciting - it's a common or garden item, the sparrow of the beauty aisles. But while it can never rival the razzle-dazzle of the age-defying creams or bath-wallowing oils, its role in your beauty routine is probably umpteen times more important. There's a handsome crop of new shampoos just now: Charles Worthington has another shiny humdinger in his Moisture Seal range. L'Occitane and 4th Floor have the most deliciously scented shampoos - the former intensely lavendery, the latter a dusky, lingering scent. And clever old Kérastase can always be trusted to perform on the night; the Peter Ustinov of shampoos. Fig and Neroli Everyday Shampoo £11.50, by 4th Floor, from Selfridges, 0870 837 7377. 10/10 Results Moisture-Seal Shampoo £3.99, by Charles Worthington, from Boots, 0845 070 8090. 9/10 Clarifying Shampoo for Oily Scalps £11, by Specifique, from Kérastase, 0800 316 4400. 10/10 Glossing Shampoo with olive oil £16, by Frédéric Fekk
3 Steps To A Killer Content Strategy Originally posted on Salesforce.com Blog at http://blogs.salesforce.com/company/2013/10/killer- content.html   30% of B2B marketing budgets are spent on content according to the 2013 B2B Content Marketing Report, yet a whopping 50% of vendors’ content is ignored by prospects according to New Business Strategies’ research. You can sidestep this expensive loss of money and prospect-attracting opportunities if you follow this approach: deliver the right content, through the right channels, at the right times for your kind of customers. In our increasingly digital world, most buyers look online for helpful information, often in ways that are invisible to you, yet some don’t have to be. As buyers evaluate a business purchase, they go on a journey that includes evaluating different ways of achieving their objective, researching solutions and getting input from their peers.  Along the way they interact with a lot of content.  Where does vendor content fit into their journey? Vend
Popular content Health Insurers Pump Your Premiums Into a Financial Black Hole Ever wonder what happens to the premiums you pay for your health insurance? You might be surprised to learn that more and more of the dollars you pay for coverage are being sucked into a kind of black hole.  It doesn't really disappear, of course. It just doesn't do you a bit of good -- unless, of course, you believe it is to your advantage that it ultimately winds up in the bank accounts of a few investors and insurance company executives, including those who have to power to deny coverage for potentially life-saving care. If you've been paying attention to what health insurance company CEOs have been saying to Wall Street over the past several months, you will know that they are spending more and more of their firms' cash -- which comes from you, of course -- to "repurchase" their firms' stock. And Wall Street absolutely loves that. I once handled financial communications for CIGNA. So I knew that whenever the company could
Foot Pedal Number: 4 (coarse) 36 (fine) Whatever the musician sets this controller to affect. Often, this is used to control the a parameter such as what Aftertouch can. This foot pedal is a continuous controller (ie, potentiometer). If a MultiTimbral device, then each Part usually has its own Foot Pedal value. Value Range: 14-bit coarse/fine resolution. 0x0000 to 0x3FFF where 0 is minimum effect.
Re: CSS WG comments on SVG 1.2 From: Boris Zbarsky <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 16:33:25 -0600 Message-ID: <[email protected]> To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Ronan Oger wrote: > Yes, but CSS applies to XUL like CSS applies to SVG... > So CSS impacts all of our markups Assuming the markups define some attributes as automatically ending up as CSS properties with identical names (which is what SVG does, for good reasons). XBL and XUL don't do that, and don't end up with namespace conflicts between attributes and CSS properties. > I have just seen an example of this having previously happened during a talk > at the SVG London Users Group, where I caught an odd-looking attribute, whose > name came about when it had to be re-assigned due to a name collision with > CSS. It was in one of XUL or XBL. Details, please? I see no reason why any attribute naming in XUL or XBL would be affected by CSS. Received on Wednesday, 1 December 2004 22:36:15 GMT
Skip to main content SCC Banner Image  |   |   |   |     Tyler Building Division of Energy Regulation How to Read Your Natural Gas Meter Your gas meter is a device that measures the amount of gas in cubic feet you use in a given time period. It tracks how much gas flows through it by counting the filling and emptying of the compartments inside the meter. To read your meter: • Stand directly in front of the meter (this will give you the best view of where the dials are pointing). • The dials rotate in different directions. Read and record the number from each dial starting from the left and moving right. • When the hand is between two numbers or has just passed a number, record the smaller number (e.g. hand is between the 7 and 8 or has just passed the 7, record the number 7). • When the hand appears to be directly on a number, before recording that number, be sure to check the dial to the right. If the hand has not passed zero, record the smaller number instead (e.g. the third dial is on the number
Tolkien Gateway Soloneldi is a Telerin word meaning "surf- singers", a term for themselves (along with Fallinelli). [1] [edit] Etymology The first part derives from the Root SOL (*solo) and the second from NYEL (*neldi). [edit] Other versions Solosimpi was Tolkien's older name of the Teleri. [edit] References 1. J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The Lost Road and Other Writings, Etymologies p.387
• Feb 25, 2008 Our normal definition of "fun" doesn't involve making a last-minute trek across the soul-sucking expanse of I-5 in California... twice... in less than 12 hours... through a monsoon. But in our illusive pursuit of fun, that's exactly what we did to get some seat time in a Fun Cup car: a tube-framed, mid-engine, FRP-bodied track car that could be the next big thing in amateur racing. The Fun Cup began in Belgium back in 1997 as a way for aspiring racers to get their wheel-to-wheel kicks without mortgaging their souls for track time. Since then, the series has spread across Europe with almost a dozen different countries hosting five events each. The culmination of last year's Cup involved 175 identical Fun Cup cars competing in a 25-hour event at the Spa circuit in Belgium. With 30,000 fans cheering on the teams in person and countless others watching the event in bars and homes across the continent, the Fun Cup has turned into a series to rival some of the mainstays of motorsports in Europe. W
ugly_brown.jpgFraser Nelson had an excellent piece on the Spectator's Coffee House blog yesterday, arguing that the UK economy is in "a far worse condition than Gordon Brown makes out... his skill [as chancellor] was not in managing the economy well, but in making people believe it had been managed well." As Fraser points out, most developed countries have had better growth than the UK since 1997, and Britain has actually been the worst economic performer in the English-speaking world. So much for the miracle economy! And thanks to Brown's wasteful public spending we have the biggest deficit in Western Europe, at a point in the economic cycle when we should really have a surplus. Government borrowing has placed a heavy burden on future generations. Inflation is making a comeback. Millions of Britons are economically inactive and dependent on state benefits. The list goes on... What should be done? I believe overhauling the welfare system is the most urgent task facing the country – done correctly it would
A few weeks ago I wrote Reaction Time explaining the art of relative interactivity. Today I found another perfect example! I’m using a technique based on Ariel Flesler’s excellent jQuery scrollTo plugin. The plugin scrolls the document until a specific element is in view. The set up: I have several tabs on my page that update content below them. I want to scroll to that content as a visual guide for users to indicate what has changed and to bring it center stage. It’s a fully responsive design so on small screens this interaction is very useful. The simplest jQuery implementation would look like this: var target = $('#target'); $(window).scrollTo(target, { duration: 500 }); That will do exactly what I want, once bound to a click event — why go any further? Because that’s going to suck. The .scrollTo(); method takes a few options but the basic ones I care about are the duration (milliseconds) and an easing function (that “specifies the speed at which the animation progresses at different points within t
Data-driven testing Anton Vredegoor anton at Fri Apr 25 13:43:10 CEST 2003 Peter Hansen <peter at> wrote: <throwaway scripts> >I can't see any point in continuing the discussion, can you? This discussion about whether throwaway scripts tend to get thrown away or not is too heavily based on the wrong Dutch quotes. A more fitting quote would be "ieder voordeel heb zijn nadeel" from a famous Dutch soccer player (and later soccer trainer in Italy). It means as much as "every advantage has its disadvantage". In modern Dutch society this quote and the reverse standard form of it are several times more popular than all of Dijkstras quotes taken together. Since the man also went to Italy later in his career there's probably also an Italian version of this quote and of several other of his remarks. Now to get to the point, I would like to suggest that the advantage of writing throwaway scripts is that there's no Dijkstra or employer looking over ones shoulder saying; "Are you serious? Is this the way you are sp
From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia. Community > People > Rrauwl Jump to: navigation, search Rrauwl is a furry who has had involvement in building several MUCKs. [edit] History As a teenager, Rrauwl's player was active in the native American community (though he himself was not native American), in the areas of conservation and shamanism. He was involved in a lot of fur-like activity in the mid and late 80's, and might be considered a pre-net member of the community. [edit] MUCK involvement Rrauwl was of the first builders on FurToonia under the guidance of Tabyathe and Khaz using the name Vincent. He worked primarily on the underground areas with Alexi, though he was known to help out his real life friend, Sonic, from time to time. Vincent was retired in the mid 90's, and all building became property of the Wizards. Rrauwl cited suffering from stalkers in real life, and disappeared from the online community for some time. Later, Rrauwl became active on the fur and shapeshifter community on the strictl
Take the 2-minute tour × My intention is to have the post_entry level with the headline. I've noticed that some entries do this while others are shifted up or down seemingly random amounts. What is causing this? How do I fix/prevent it? Site- http://whskytngfxtrt.com enter image description here (the slope of the red lines show the problem) Thank you. share|improve this question Your HTML is a mess. You should not be wrapping the entire content of a post, images, links and all, in a P tag. Consider DIVs or LIs to wrap posts. Also in HTML, IDs are supposed to unique, yet you have id="headline" throughout your document. You don't need a FIX, you need a re- write. –  Diodeus Mar 27 '12 at 19:45 You have one big DIV.post_entry containing all your entries... wrap them all separately. –  Didier Ghys Mar 27 '12 at 19:59 how do i wrap them separately? –  AMC Mar 27 '12 at 20:21 add comment 1 Answer up vote 1 down vote accepted I think it has something to do with the margin-top you put on everything by hitting
New Member Posts: 5 Registered: ‎01-28-2013 Re: Where to begin? Or am I doing all I can? Federal loans "can" be discharged, but it's very rare that it's done. The BK code does provide for this, but you must prove that paying them would cause undue stress and hardship on your living conditions.  In the end, BK isn't going to help, with the judgement and student loans in the picture. Sure, I can Chapter 7 everythign away, such as the car loan that's not been paid, credit cards, but all told, when the BK is done, the student loans will continu to ruin things. Making it just as difficult to come out of as it is now... and the judgement doesn't go away.  That is the unfortunate reality of my situation.
- advertisement - Lump sum won't lower mortgage payments Dear Dr. Don, The loan balance on my mortgage is $65,926. I have $10,000 available to pay down the mortgage balance. I want a lower monthly payment. Should I use the $10,000 to make part of my monthly payments each month or make a lump sum additional principal payment to make my monthly mortgage payment go down? Thanks. -- Laura Loan-Balance - advertisement - Dear Laura, Unless your lender agrees to open up the loan agreement, a lump- sum payment isn't going to lower your monthly mortgage payment. Additional principal payments don't lower the mortgage payment. Instead they reduce the loan balance so more of each monthly payment goes toward principal repayment instead of interest expense. The reduced interest expense allows you to pay off your mortgage sooner. The amortization schedule on Bankrate's mortgage calculator can show you how much interest you'll save by making that lump-sum payment, but you won't have a lower monthly mortgage payment becau
You've found the lost life insurance! Now what? Life insurers have been under increasing pressure to use available databases to identify deceased policyholders and locate beneficiaries. Until recently, beneficiaries have had the burden of tracking down life insurers that owe them money. finding lost life insuranceBut in countless cases, beneficiaries can't find the policies and don't know which companies issued them. In other cases, beneficiaries don't even know a policy exists and that they're due money. [Let help you find affordable life insurance now.] State regulators, including Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty and New York State Superintendent of Financial Services Benjamin Lawsky, have ordered life insurance companies to make sure that their policies -- some of which have been gathering dust for decades -- finally pay the beneficiaries. So if you've found a "lost" policy, or a life insurance company finds you, congratulations. You might be wondering what happens next. What if I'm one
If the ballot can’t change anything all that remains is the bullet The mask slips: the real reason for insisting on budget discipline Politicians and socalled objective media both have been pushing hard the idea that the Euro crisis can only be solved by spending cuts and spending discipline, but luckily there’s the Washington Post to spell out the real reasons behind this: It has nothing to do with solving the crisis, it’s needed to destroy what remains of social democracy in the EU, by attempting to take away the power to set budgets from elected national politicians through hard spending limits and fines if these are breached. There already are some such agreements in place amongst the countries who have the Euro as their currency, but in practise these turned out to be not as hard as they were supposed to be in theory, especially not when you’re called France or Germany. The proposed plan would make it difficult to “blow the budget” even for those countries, but it will of course still be the w
Saturday, August 18, 2007 News from around the Blogsphere Jay Mohr truly sucks as a columnist and a blogger. I doubt this comes as a surprise to most people. However given my personality I always like to give the benefit of the doubt to people. So I read his post and an article of his Foxsports.poop. I was turned on to his writing by the crafty folks at Deadspin. And wow, he SUCKS. First off, he is oddly defensive in his blog. Apparently, there were a lot of posts that mentioned how much he sucked and how he is a has-been. Honestly, I don't care either way, but if I had a column, even on a pseudo-news-outlet I would never spend any time defending myself. It just seems silly. That being said, his writing does suck. So maybe there is something to his being defensive! My favorite part of the one article I read, is that he comments on how he hates people describing a black athlete as "well spoken" and then two sentences later claims he hates hockey because "I can't root for a guy whose name on the back of his j
Just sort of... do your thing, then. So what exactly will Sony Online Entertainment's love letter to Star Wars Galaxies fans look like? Who knows? Actually, that's a silly question -- John Smedley knows, and he seems to enjoy teasing people about what the game will contain. A recent pair of tweets from the man promise that players who enjoyed sandbox elements of SWG such as player-run towns and bases might well enjoy the new mystery game. Of course, that could still mean almost anything. Will it still have the same science fiction theme? Will it play like SWG? Is it just DayZ with a different name? Can you really make a bigger sandbox than EverQuest Next Landmark is trying to be? Maybe you could offer up a title? But it's a hint, at least. Hopeful fans can keep their eyes peeled for more in the days to come. This article was originally published on Massively.
Scientists find clue to age-related memory loss - KATV - Breaking News, Weather and Razorback Sports Scientists find clue to age-related memory loss Posted: Updated: AP Medical Writer Wednesday's report offers evidence that age-related memory loss really is a distinct condition from pre-Alzheimer's - and offers a hint that what we now consider the normal forgetfulness of old age might eventually be treatable. Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center examined brains, young and old ones, donated from people who died without signs of neurologic disease. They discovered that a certain gene in a specific part of the hippocampus, the brain's memory center, quits working properly in older people. It produces less of a key protein. That section of the brain, called the dentate gyrus, has long been suspected of being especially vulnerable to aging. Importantly, it's a different neural neighborhood than where Alzheimer's begins to form. But it's circumstantial evidence that having less of that protein,
#17 - lordraine (05/15/2013) [-] The Mythbusters do plenty of controls, and they have multiple data points for pretty much every myth that it's feasible to have them for. You just have to remember that they have to put 3+ myths into every thirty minute episode that they air. A lot of that stuff gets cut, and we're just shown the highlights, but you can see a lot more of the process online by visiting their site, which phdcomics obviously did not do. Apparently you don't need citations for a PHD. Also, try to keep in mind that Mythbusters is a television show with a budget. They might want to be able to blow up six tractor trailer trucks to confirm definitively that yes, this is/is not possible, but they can probably only afford the one. They even say as much on the show. "We're only going to get one take at this, so we'd better get it right the first time." Sound familiar? Robots won't ever take over the world, though, no. That's just absurd.  Friends (0)
Back to Previous Page 7 events found. Page# 1 Pages: 1  of 1  records on page # Event TypeEvent Type Event TitleEvent Title DateDate 1. Crafts/Games/Recreation Children's Craft 01/04/2014 2. Crafts/Games/Recreation Chinese New Year Celebration 01/30/2014 3. Crafts/Games/Recreation Dough Craft 02/12/2014 4. Crafts/Games/Recreation Stuffed Animal Sleepover 02/18/2014 5. Storytime School Age Storytime schedule 6. Storytime Five and Under Storytime schedule 7. Storytime Baby and Toddler Storytime schedule Pages: 1  of 1
thumbnail Hello, With only a few days left of the transfer window remaining, the Udinese coach admits he would be "extremely happy" if potential suitors were kept away from his prized assets Udinese coach Francesco Guidolin admits he is unsure of his players' futures at the club but would be delighted if they stayed at the Fruili after January. There has been reported interest in individuals at the Zebrette including Luis Muriel, who wants to move to a bigger club, and Diego Fabbrini. And the Udinese boss concedes he is uncertain about whether any more players will leave the side before the end of the transfer window. “I do not know what's going to happen over the next two days," Guidolin told reporters. Ahead of Sunday’s game with AC Milan, Guidolin said that his Udinese side, who have won three of their last four matches, have enough about them to salvage something from the match. He added: “It is indisputable that we can play better. We're not a big team, but we're good. We have to try and stay foc
About screen News today points towards a testing build of JDQ39 (Android 4.2.2) for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus. There's even a screenshot floating around XDA (that's it above) that shows the about screen of the phone that's running it. You've got new radios there, which is great news, but the kernel version, and the reported bootloader (PRIMELC03) are old, which is not such great news. I'm not sure what to think here. Normally I'd shy away from something like this, as a new radio, a new system version, an old kernel, and an unchanged bootloader just doesn't feel right. We all know how easy it is to fake this sort of thing, and even if real, running on one tester's phone doesn't mean a whole lot to everyone else.  I think Verizon is trying to put out a recent version of the firmware for the Galaxy Nexus, I really do. They are close enough partners with Google, that a testing build using an old kernel and bootloader is entirely possible. And new baseband information on the about screen can't be faked with just
Comments by americanpride Written on To residents and officials, Evansville doesn't seem like a city of misery: After living here for almost 30 years, I have seen my share ups and downs, good decisions and bad. Then again, every city I've ever been to or spent time in has had the same issues. I stay here because I love the area and because the pros far outweigh the cons. I get involved with various charities and volunteer organizations and have learned a lot more about what our community has to offer, compared to when I just sat on my butt and complained that there was nothing to do. I agree with the old saying that 'if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem'. The question to all the negative folks is 'Which side of that phrase are you?'. If you're not happy and truly feel miserable, leave! You're giving us a bad reputation. If you want to feel good about what you're doing, call one of the soup kitchens, homeless outreach shelters, or any of the many other organizations and voluntee
Skip to main content Fort Bragg Tin Can Lid Necklace Original Owner:  Tin Can Lid Necklace Juli's story that came with the Tin Can Lid necklace: This is a possibly unwearable necklace.  It was created from a tin can lid I found on Glass Beach, in Fort Bragg, Ca.  The color of the background is natural (from saltwater, sand, and whatever other funkiness is floating around out there).  All I did was soldered around the edges (for safety) and stamp the brown bird on it.  The focal is large (think soup can) on an 18" suede cord.  I'm still not sure why I actually made it, but I liked the lid. Syndicate content
So Monolith Soft's X releases next year... Numbuh100(Topic Creator)Posted 8/3/2013 3:42:29 PM thundercat2600 posted... The funny thing is, FF XIII was in development for 6 years. FF XIII-2 only took 1 year and was in many ways a better game. Poll fail. Xenoblade > FF XIII-2 still Waiting for: Pokemon X and Y, Monolith Soft's X, Smash Bros. 4, Mario Kart 8, Watch Dogs, Dark Souls 2 TyrantLowKeyPosted 8/3/2013 4:15:12 PM I selected 3 years, but I feel like 2 years is enough gap between series esp. when Monolith aren't even making any other games (atleast not any that I know of). Maybe 2.5 years max. Aura_SpherePosted 8/3/2013 5:36:16 PM Stupid poll. how could you do this to me. on the year of luigi MotiJrPosted 8/3/2013 5:43:54 PM mercurythewhite posted... HayashiTakara posted... The Game would've been in development for 4 years by the time it comes out, how much longer do you want it to take? Blocky textures hurt my eyes. Maybe another 4 years would be good when the Wii UU releases I may be able to avoid a
Famous Scientists Leonhard Euler • Share Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler was an eminent Swiss mathematician and physicist, who is widely credited to be one of the founders of pure mathematics. He made significant contributions to modern analytic geometry and trigonometry. Euler’s critical and formative work revolutionized the fields of calculus, geometry and number theory. Early Life and Education: Leonhard Euler’s father wished to see his son as a clergyman. He attended the University of Basel, where he soon developed an interest in geometry. Therefore, Euler, with support from his future teacher, Johann Bernoulli, persuaded his father to persue mathematics. Contributions and Achievements: Leonhard Euler became a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Science in 1727. He also worked for Russian Navy from 1727 to 1730 as a medical lieutenant. At the academy, Euler served as professor of physics in 1730, and three years later, became a professor of mathematics in 1733. Euler published several article
5.2 Understanding the Tasklist Folder The Tasklist folder is a system folder that is used to keep track of GroupWise tasks and other items that require action. Think of it as a master list of all your tasks. When you post or accept a task, it automatically appears in the Tasklist folder. In addition, any item type (mail, appointment, task, reminder note, phone message) can be placed in the Tasklist folder. For example, you can place an email in the Tasklist folder to remind yourself that you need to act on it. NOTE:The Tasklist replaces the Checklist folder in previous versions of GroupWise. Checklist items appear in the Tasklist folder, but are not converted to tasks. Items in the Tasklist folder do not always appear on the Calendar. Only items with a due date appear on the Calendar. If you want an item in the Tasklist folder to appear on your Calendar, you must assign that item a due date, as explained in Section 5.4.2, Assigning a Due Date to a Tasklist Item. Figure 5-1 Mailbox Showing the Tasklist Fo
Lesson 36: Marriage Standards Young Women Manual 3, (1994), 129–31 Each young woman will establish standards for her own marriage. 1. 1. Picture 15, Yoked Oxen (62233), located at the back of the manual. 2. 2. Provide a pencil and paper for each young woman. 3. 3. Prepare a poster that says: “Marriage is perhaps the most vital of all the decisions and has the most far-reaching effects, for it has to do not only with immediate happiness, but eternal joys as well.” (Spencer W. Kimball) 4. 4. Optional: Prepare the handouts suggested at the end of the lesson. 5. 5. Suggested Lesson Development Explain that a prominent and well-respected businessman was once asked what factors had contributed to the twenty-five years of success he and his partner had enjoyed in their business relationship. “There have been many contributing factors,” he said, “but if I were to single out one, it would be that I chose a good partner. This decision was not left to chance or speculation, as
Since the nineties, Minnesota has been one of the few states that provided Medicaid-funded abortions. Following the 1995 case Doe v. Gomez, Minnesota’s supreme court ruled that if the state was to cover costs associated with pregnancy, it must also cover those associated with abortion, or it would place “undue financial constraints,” on women seeking out terminations, essentially limiting the right to an abortion only to those with financial means. The state’s anti-choice politicians have taken aim at the ruling before, attempting legislation to end “taxpayer funding” of abortions in an attempt to challenge Doe, but even in the most recent attempt, when the state had the greatest number of anti-choice legislators in history, the legislation was vetoed by the governor. Now, Minnesota Family Council, one of the biggest opponents to Doe’s decision, has found a new way to try and change the law. Start a new lawsuit. Attorneys from Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense League) have filed a suit
 Grid computing faces marketing mayhem | ZDNet Grid computing faces marketing mayhem Summary: Vendors define grid computing as whatever best fits their products. More discipline is needed to stop the damage Computer Science 101 Final Paper: In 400 words or fewer, define the following terms while accurately and concisely describing how they differ from one another: Grid Computing, Utility Computing, On-Demand Computing, Data Centre- Virtualisation, and Clustering. (Points will be deducted for marketing terminology or other flowery language.) Good news for Grid computing. The researchers who invented the original concept and did much of the groundbreaking work have launched a company to provide Grid support and services. This will speed the transition of these powerful ideas from academia into the commercial and enterprise arena: a welcome sign of progress. Yet the commercialisation of the technology comes at a price. Grid computing has become the latest term in the IT lexicon to be hijacked by sales and m
I need advise please I recently got an English Bulldog to add to my family. It's something we discussed at length. We wanted to rescue and we let family know we were looking. Well, a dog was located and we were told he was raised with family and around other dogs and that he was very calm. Which he was. And then he started attacking my boxer mix. It doesn't seem to be about anything. Food toys etc. He will just be laying there and his ears go up and his body tenses and he attacks. My boxer is very timid and submissive and is now afraid. Now, it's only been 5 days and I talked to a trainer at our petstore that said to walk them together all the time and keep an eye on them while he adjusts. I just want to do the right thing right away and not have anything escalate further. I'm looking for any advise from those who had similar issues.Both dogs are fixed. Bulldog is 3 and boxer is 4.They are fed and walked on a schedule and working on training with the bulldog. Help? Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture Was
Title: Lovey Dovey Hunny Bunny Pairing: Swan Queen Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Characters belong to someone else, not me Summary: Every couple needs pet names Soft blond curls brushed against Regina's exposed shoulder, waking her from a light sleep. She opened one eye and looked at the clock: midnight. She rolled over in bed, and poked at Emma to wake her, "hey, it's midnight. Get up and go home." Emma groaned in obvious displeasure, "Ugh, Gina…just a little bit longer. You wore me out." "Miss. Swan, we've been over this. If you stay and get home to late then you will have to answer Mary Margaret's incessant questions, not to mention how we would explain this to Henry if he were to discover you in the morning," Regina explained slowly maintaining her ever present condescension even through the haze of being half asleep. She paused momentarily, her brain catching up as she became more alert, sensing that Emma was not moving, "did you just call me "Gina"?" "Yeah, you know, like "Regina", only without the "
News in the finance world Many things happen that needs fast cash. Quite often when applying for financing, the purpose would be to receive money for your right-now. Or else, many borrowers would delay until they received their paydays or until the money can be obtained. Car Title Loans Santa Clara enable the borrower to receive exact same day funding. Many loan companies guarantee cash in twenty four hours or much less! Title financial loans are useful and is used for any kind of personal or business financial requirements. Check with the local branch of car title loan providers for more information about the advantages of the support. Exactly what title financial loan? In a title loan, you use an automobile you own as security. You literally give over the title of the vehicle to the loan provider and he provides a financial loan in return. Title financial loans in California can be given for a vehicle you currently own or for one you might be intending to buy. How does the title loan assist me to? Title
9735 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 319 Beverly Hills, California 90212 (310) 276-0044 301 West Bastanchury Road Suite 191 Fullerton, California 92835 (714) 449-1940 Epiblepharon is a condition in which a horizontal redundant skin fold under the eyelid induces an abnormal vertical orientation of the eyelashes, often resulting in the eyelashes touching the eyeball. Entropion is a true abnormal eyelid margin rotation, causing the eyelashes to touch the eyeball. Congenital entropion can occur in conjunction with congenital epiblepharon. The causes of congenital epiblepharon or entropion include improper development of the lower eyelid retractors with possible dehiscence near the tarsal plate, microphthalmos, and enophthalmos. Epiblepharon tends to get better by itself as the patient grows, whereas entropion does not. The treatment of epiblepharon depends on the presence of corneal damage caused by lashes scratching the cornea. The treatment of congenital entropion is surgical. Surgery can be delayed as long as the
Professional Carwashing & Detailing Swivels and brushes and booms &mdash; oh my! October 11, 2010 The most important components in any business are the pieces used most often by the retail customer. The wands, brushes, booms and swivels at your self-serve carwash come into contact with the customer and the customer’s vehicle every day, thus demonstrating the importance of component selection. Think about it As the customer starts cleaning, they grasp the wand, pull the trigger and coat the vehicle with a foamy detergent. Once the vehicle is adequately covered, they use the foam brush to scrub the surface to help loosen more stubborn road film or concentrated soil. Once again, using the wand, the customer sprays the surface with rinse water. A third system, the foam gun conditioner, is available on the most up-to-date systems. The foam gun is used to re-cover the vehicle with foam to be rinsed. Finally, the vehicle surface is flooded with a spot-free or final rinse to eliminate dissolved solid deposit
Traffic Laws and Spontaneous Order Column by Robert Taylor. Exclusive to STR It is true that roads and streets are incredibly important to the division of labor and the supply of goods. They are also one of the most intimate and obvious examples of human interaction. They are a complex network of competing and coordinating interests, like cells travelling through veins or solar systems in a galaxy. Yet they are also one of the most heavily regulated and controlled aspects of our lives. In any drive through a major metropolitan city, one will undoubtedly come across a multitude of signs, colors, arrows, prohibitions, and most importantly, traffic jams. Are clogs in traffic related to how our roads are bastions of miniature Soviet-style centrally-planned dictates?  Fit Roads thinks so.  It's an organization that "opposes regulation which contrives conflict, usurps our judgement, dictates our behaviour, and deprives us of choice. Based on a trust in human nature rather than an obsession with controlling it
The Power of Evil This seems like an appropriate day to post this: Richard Mouw, former president of Fuller Theological Seminary and prominent evangelical philosopher and theologian, thinks about Halloween and the power of evil (in his typically nuanced way) in First Things: My parents were Evangelicals, but they always enjoyed Halloween. My father was a pastor, and he and my mother would put on a yearly Halloween party for the young people’s group at our church. They would decorate our house with witches on broomsticks, ghosts, and pumpkin faces. My dad would turn the lights down at some point and tell a story designed to frighten the partying teens. We always also had a good supply of candy in stock for the Trick-or-Treaters, and I was encouraged to go around our neighborhood collecting candy. Then we would argue about how much of it I had to share at home. None of that would play well today in evangelical congregations, where—at the end of October, at least—a “Christ against culture” spirit takes over f
Take the 2-minute tour × My Ubuntu allows the use of l as a command to print out the current directory much like ls except that it is actually better in that it specifies which are folders, files, and executables. Is this an existing command or did I configure my system (like la for ls -a and ll for ls -l) and forget about it? (it's not in my .bashrc) share|improve this question I can't connect to my linux machine right now, but I think type or which will tell you if it's an alias, and what it's an alias for. –  Rob Feb 24 at 18:11 add comment 2 Answers My .bashrc has the following alias, included by default in Debian-based distributions (and probably others): alias l='ls -CF' share|improve this answer oh shoot you're right, it was in my .bashrc and I missed it. Thanks! –  funk-shun Apr 19 '11 at 5:41 add comment Typically these are shortcuts that are implemented as aliases. Type alias at your prompt and you'll see a list of all of your aliases. If you don't have it explicitly defined in your .bashrc,
Subscribe Feedback English look up any word, like english breakfast: 1. fuggelnuggets Fuggelnuggets is a way to replace the word fuck. Like if you don't wanna get in trouble in front of your parents. Parent: You forgot to take the trash out, so now your grounded until I feel like it. Kid: Fuggelnuggets!! rss and gcal
31 CFR 5.1 - What definitions apply to the regulations in this part? prev | next § 5.1 What definitions apply to the regulations in this part? As used in this part: Administrative offset or offset means withholding funds payable by the United States (including funds payable by the United States on behalf of a State Government) to, or held by the United States for, a person to satisfy a debt owed by the person. The term “administrative offset” includes, but is not limited to, the offset of Federal salary, vendor, retirement, and Social Security benefit payments. The terms “centralized administrative offset” and “centralized offset” refer to the process by which the Treasury Department's Financial Management Service offsets Federal payments through the Treasury Offset Program. Administrative wage garnishment means the process by which a Federal agency orders a non-Federal employer to withhold amounts from a debtor's wages to satisfy a debt, as authorized by 31 U.S.C. 3720D, 31 CFR 285.11, and this part. Agency
Report Abuse Report this review to the Review Centre Team Why are you reporting this review? “Don't book a group travel with this company.” Written on: 13/09/2012 by unhappywalker (1 review written) They agreed to vary the return time of some group members who wished to extend their time abroad when the leader enquired what they could do for us. They then refused to make any changes so the cost of return legs on air tickets was lost, and members found they had to buy new tickets on top. They refused to reply to e-mails - you get an automated response promising a reply in 24 hours which never comes. After heated requests for replies, eventually a telephonist explained over the phone they could do nothing to help. They sent an e-ticket for the group for the flights, and insufficient luggage labels, very late. This group make promises to provide a service before you commit to buy, and then do not deliver the promised service.
Take the 2-minute tour × I have a div <div class="blue>; The class blue is: .blue { background-color: blue; Now I know I can set the background color of the div in the console using: $0.style.backgroundColor = "#ffcc00" But what if I want to get the value of the background color for that element using the console? share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers It's possible you may want computed style: var style = getComputedStyle(document.body, null); // Gets the style for a passed element and optional pseudo selecter (eg. :hover) It's important to note that computed style is the rendered result. If you have multiple rules for the same element, this will only display the ones that have been applied. share|improve this answer add comment You can do : var blue = document.getElementsByClassName('blue')[0]; or you do: share|improve this answer i hope you noticed the console executes javascript and no special command syntax –  pfried Oct 25 '12 at 18:08 add comment Your A
There are a number of factors to consider in assessing how to price corn standing in the field for silage. One is the potential returns from harvesting for grain and the cost of combining, drying and storage. With current commodity prices, these returns are high.  A second is the cost of the nutrients removed in the silage. With the price of P and K, these can be high. Another factor is the potential grain and silage yields. With our variable crop this year, these can vary as well, since some corn has not eared well and others have a low silage yield, but a high grain yield.  Another factor is the going price for cured silage since a grain crop without ears will have some silage value even if it doesn’t have much potential for grain.   To address these issues our Dairy and Crops team members have developed an excel spreadsheet which allows users to enter their own numbers to estimate silage pricing from the perspective of either using the crop for grain or comparing it to the value of cured corn silage c
Let Sleeping Corpses Lie Let Sleeping Corpses Lie A couple (Ray Lovelock and Cristina Galbo) travelling along the English countryside stop to get directions from a pair of Ministry of Agriculture workers testing an experimental device designed to drive insects into killing each other. Help mrmovietimes.com Fight Cancer Partners: Ujena Swimwear Page rendered in 3.6068 seconds
• Stoke City Message Board you are viewing a single comment's thread. view the rest of the posts • martyn martyn Jun 2, 2011 01:08 Flag Football wins rugby loses Does it? Given the 'Northern' jibe you obviously support a southern team. As a wild guess I'd say Arsenal. So that'll be one more FA Cup final appearance for us than you (whoever you support given it's not a club from Football's heartland - THE NORTH). How many southern clubs have won the European Cup then? Ummmm none, that's how many. And they aren't likely to soon either. Compare the number of Arsenal or Chelsea league championship titles with the number won by United or Liverpool lately have you? Thought not... Take your cliched, ignorant views and shove them up your ar**.
Tyco Electronics Corp. unveils its High Resolution Radar (HRR) for the next generation of "Smart Bumpers." Tyco says its system offers significant advantages over ultrasonic sensing systems, including greater range, higher resolution between objects and important styling advantages. HRR works by transmitting a short pulse into a desired area. This energy is reflected off objects within 66 ft. (20.1 m) and returns. The travel time of the signal determines the range of the object. The HRR system can "see through" plastic fascias commonly used on vehicles, eliminating the need for stylists to contend with unsightly external ultrasonic sensors.
This is why Rumsfeld can’t set foot in various European countries (Bush and Cheney too). 31 comments on “This is why Rumsfeld can’t set foot in various European countries (Bush and Cheney too). 1. Harry says: When will they be prosecuted? 2. Illinois Brandon says: I want the US to prosecute them after all 4,000 plus Americans have died for what? This is my generations Vietnam I’m 28 years young. 3. Marc Authier says: Hey it’s a ‘liberation’ war. :) :) :) :) :) :) 4. Donald Hames says: If you think of the inability of the military to account for reconstruction costs and bribe money in Iraq the true number of Iraqis killed likely exceeds 6 to 10 times the amount leaked. I believe the Pentagon, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al are elated that the leaked papers reveal such a low count of collateral damage. i.e. the leaked info is intentional. It also follows that the the U.S. military casualties are much higher than initially reported. 5. Mezo says: Someones idea of po
News Column Page 3 of 1 Romney, a Michigan native and former Massachusetts governor, is slated to accept the Republican nomination for president this week at the GOP convention in Tampa. When to sell shares? Still, there are risks in taking too much credit for GM's survival, said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who was economic policy adviser to Republican nominee John McCain four years ago. The danger comes with the question of how much it's costing taxpayers across the country. GM posted North American profits of $3.66 billion in the first six months of 2012, offsetting a $617-million loss in Europe. And on Friday, Fitch Ratings upgraded its credit rating, reflecting a vote of confidence GM could weather an unexpected downturn in the market. But the stock is down 35.8% from its November 2010 initial public offering price of $33. And judging by Friday's close of $21.18, the government would lose $15.6 billion on the bailout if it sold its 500.1 million shares. There's no easy way at present to dea
Try out the new Click here! Genesis 18:25 NIRV/NIV - Online Parallel Bible 25 "You would never kill godly people along with those who are evil, would you? You wouldn't treat godly and evil people alike. You would never do anything like that! Won't the Judge of the whole earth do what is right?" 25 Far be it from you to do such a thing--to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?"
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki 43,113pages on this wiki Praxis (Klingonese: pIraqSIS) was a moon of Qo'noS. At some unknown period in the distant past, the Iconians deployed one of their Gateways on this moon where it remained undetected for hundreds of years. (TNG novel: Doors Into Chaos) When the Klingon first went into space, they regarded Praxis as gift from the Klingon gods. It was first world visited by the Klingons who found it to contain a rich mineral supply. For many years, the Klingons used the molten core of Praxis to provide the Empire with energy. The Klingons were noted as the first people to test such a procedure and their work was duplicated by the Bajorans who tapped their moon of Jeraddo to provide a similar source of energy for Bajor. (DS9 - Millennium novel: The Fall of Terok Nor; ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years; DS9 episode: "Progress") Praxis explosion The explosion of Praxis 8of5Added by 8of5 In 2293 over-mining and insuf
Take the 2-minute tour × How can I count the number of spaces of the current line in a textarea If my cursor is current on line 2 then the result should be: 3 share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers up vote 0 down vote accepted Here is the code: window.onload = function () { var ta = document.getElementById('ta'); //set your textarea's id ta.onclick = function (e) { var lineNo = ta.value.substr(0, ta.selectionStart).split(/\r?\n|\r/).length, lineText = ta.value.split(/\r?\n|\r/)[lineNo - 1], numOfSpaces = lineText.split(/\s/).length - 1; console.log(lineNo, lineText, numOfSpaces); Here is the fiddle. NOTE: textarea.selectionStart does not work in some browsers. For a cross-browser support see this post. share|improve this answer add comment You need to split the string value of the textarea and then: var textString = //pull data from textarea var textArray = textString.split("\n"); for(var i=0; i<textArray.length; i++) { var count = te
Abe Vigoda Microsoft's Next Big Thing: 4 Game Changing Ideas Microsoft's next quarterly report arrives Thursday, and it's hard to get too excited. It's still the world's largest software company, and it's growing. It just happens to be as sexy as Abe Vigoda. But Microsoft could still innovate its way out of its slump. Here are four things we'd love to hear Microsoft say on Thursday.
Constitution Day September 17 5:30pm - 7:00pm Upholding the Constitution in the Twenty-First Century: The Role of Everybody Celebrate the annual Constitution Day with a panel discussion of WCL faculty on the different ways in which members of society, government officials, judges, law school, etc., abide by and adhere to our civic religion of constitutionalism. We tend to think that the Constitution is what five Supreme Court Justices say it is, but in reality, it is much more. Why do legislators vote for or against statutes on constitutional terms? Why do Presidents sign or veto statutes on constitutional grounds?  In general, what does it mean to take an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution”?  Why do federal officials take an oath to preserve the Constitution, and not the country? Constitution Day Flyer There is no Charge to attend this event but registration is required To register for this event please click the link below: Back to Fall Events
He Ru Follow us: Make a7 your Homepage Arutz 7 Most Read Stories Body of 17-Year-Old Found Yarin Shati was shot in the head and buried in sands of Rishon LeTzion. By Gil Ronen First Publish: 11/20/2011, 4:50 PM Yarin Shati Yarin Shati Police website The remains of a body found two weeks ago in the sand dunes near Rishon LeTzion have been identified as those of Yarin Shati, a 17-year- old who had gone missing since October 5. Forensic investigation shows that he was shot in the head. The investigation is being handled by the Central Unit of the Tel Aviv District Police. Leaks to the press have hinted at a possible criminal motive for the killing. Shati went missing two days before Yom Kippur. He told his older brother that he was heading off to Eilat for two days with a female friend and would be back before the fast.   He packed a small bag and went off, and was never seen again. The police do not know who the identity of th
The Loop (Had to look up how to spell that one! ) This is going to be a somewhat random assortment of stuff.  1. My feet are a mess  (WARNING: Gross foot pictures!) So after the foot fiasco during my 50K, I went to the store and bought this contraption Basically a cheese grater for my feet. I was not too excited about making foot shavings. Why is that a different color? Will any amount of scraping change that? It doesn't hurt or anything.  And what's going on with the peeling?!  Don't worry about that popped blister. It's figuring itself out. Well actually, I thought my blister areas were healing ok... Until after I took an 8 mile hike this weekend and then discovered this today. Yes, that's a blister forming under where the last blister was and had popped. Stupid shoes. They never did this until race day! Blister pads for inside my shoes have been ordered, because I am not going to stop using shoes with only a few hundred miles on them! But next time I need trail shoes, I guess I'll ha
Take the 2-minute tour × Are there any way for me to use PHP to parse information of a PHP file, something likes : what functions/classes it has, which functions are built-in/user- defined or how many variables are there....? share|improve this question More useful than just the raw token stream is a parser class like pear.php.net/package/PHP_Parser (or even CodeSniffer) which deciphers defined functions/variables. –  mario Mar 13 '11 at 2:34 add comment 1 Answer up vote 3 down vote accepted You can use the function token_get_all() to parse PHP source. $source = file_get_contents('my-file.php'); $tokens = token_get_all($source); share|improve this answer There was also some discussion about this here: stackoverflow.com/questions/5068007/… –  Tom Gruner Mar 13 '11 at 2:20 add comment Your Answer
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:1.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130113T000000 DTEND:20130113T010000 LOCATION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Shoebox Theater (2110 SE 10th Ave., , ) DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED- PRINTABLE:In the first minutes of George Bernard Shaw’s anti- militarism comedy, a Swiss mercenary named Bluntschli crashes through a stranger’s window after fleeing a battle in the Serbo- Bulgarian War. Sleep-deprived and grubby, he begs the room’s beautiful young Bulgarian occupant, Raina, to hide him. And upon learning he’s the sort of soldier who crams his pockets not with cartridges but with chocolates, she fortifies him with a box of chocolate creams. From there, Shaw, who was a pacifist and socialist, debunks not only romantic illusions of war, but also the hypocrisy of class differences, the immorality of keeping servants and the posturing xenophobia of patriotism. It’s a systematic, satirical takedown, stacked with biting one-liners. This Northwest Classical Theatre Company production, directed by Alana Byington, tu
CLEARWATER, FL—No matter what time of day he stops by for a visit, Barry Jensen always catches friend Scott Dupre watching the film The Big Lebowski. "[Scott] has about 40 movies on his shelf, so I don't know why he needs to watch The Big Lebowski over and over," Jensen told reporters Monday. "I don't know if he's just too lazy to change the DVD or if he's trying to memorize the lines, or what." Jensen estimated that, in visiting Dupre, he has walked in on the bowling dream sequence with that Kenny Rogers song six times.
Are These End Times for Meat? • Share • Read Later Daniel Acker / Bloomberg / Getty Images (MORE: Does Jewish Food Have a Future?) (MORE: A Meat Lover Says Yes to Meatless Monday) MORE: Seven Foods You Should Really Eat Before You Die musicdorian 1 Like Eat legumes. Period.  They do not have fat, have plenty of cheap protien, and do not give you gas (unless you are a carnivore,  who rarely eats them.  Regular consumption adjusts your digestive system so little gas is produced.)  Legumes also don't require the amount of natural resources that animal protein requires.  Beans, are cheap, fatfree, nutrutious, readily available, and cruelty free.  Jam up your arteries with animal cholesterol, and you'll be on the viagra.  Eat fat free legumes, and you'll be ready to go anytime. Honestly people. Just kill your own meat. I like the venison/deer meat you got yourself (Said venison/deer to clarify as venison was used in the past to mean the meat of many different game animals, whereas today we typi
Scientists a step nearer to creating artificial life · New progress towards synthetic organism · Hope of fuels, drugs and ways to fight pollution To the untrained eye, the tiny, misshapen, fatty blobs on Giovanni Murtas's microscope slide would not look very impressive. But when the Italian scientist saw their telltale green fluorescent glint he knew he had achieved something remarkable - and taken a vital step towards building a living organism from scratch. The green glow was proof that his fragile creations were capable of making their own proteins, a crucial ability of all living things and vital for carrying out all other aspects of life. Though only a first step, the discovery will hasten efforts by scientists to build the world's first synthetic organism. It could also prove a significant development in the multibillion-dollar battle to exploit the technology for manufacturing commercially valuable chemicals such as drugs and biofuels or cleaning up pollution. The achievement is a major advance fo
Thursday, May 03, 2007 PGA Tour pros are, uh, regular folks too It's easy to forget that pro golfers are just regular people when they're not doing their jobs. They are usually very well compensated, nicely tanned and accustomed to being pampered people, but otherwise they're vulnerable to the same curveballs life throws at everyone else. Take Trevor Immelman, who looked almost flawless shooting a 68 in the first round of the Wachovia Championship. He's spent most of the past month, um, in or near a restroom, having contracted what doctors believe was a parasite that turned his system into something he'd prefer we didn't go into too much detail about. Immelman spent three years building himself up to 178 pounds, doing all the right training to build muscle to a frame that includes one of those disgustingly slender waists. And in the space of about two weeks, Immelman was down to 156 pounds, eating toast, rice and drinking water because that's all that worked. The problem seems to have past and Immelman
Friday, August 3, 2012 Forecastle Festival X - Day Two A little rain couldn't spoil a festival literally named for people who live on a ship. Well, it was actually a lot of rainenough to push back the start time for the second day by an hour and a half or so. Luckily, the rain let up quickly enough that each band just cut a couple songs from the set list, and nobody had to go home without taking the stage. Wye Oak was the first stop of the day. Something about Jenn Wasner's voice has always reminded me of The Cranberries. It's got this really melancholy hurt to it, which came off as cripplingly depressing in a live setting. So much so that I found myself clenching my jaw without even noticing. But, as stated earlier, I find joy and an excuse to bounce my knees at even the most somber of sets, and this was no exception. The musicianship between Wasner and keyboardist/percussionist Andy Stack was impeccable. Stack plays the drums with one hand, the cymbals with his feet, and uses his other hand to play the k
Senate egg legislation a positive step June 12, 2013 With all the divisive battles and partisan bickering in Washington, here is something positive that all the major stakeholders agree on: Senate bill 820 will improve the treatment of egg-laying hens and provide a stable and secure future for egg farmers. That's why the bill is supported by animal welfare groups, the egg industry, veterinarians and consumers. Most egg-laying hens are currently crammed into such small cages that they can barely move an inch for their entire lives. This legislation will require larger, enriched-colony cages that provide each hen with about twice as much space, as well as nesting areas, perches and scratch pads so they can engage in more natural behaviors. It will also ban inhumane practices such as forced starvation molting and will require labels on egg cartons so consumers have more information about the conditions in which hens were raised. The change would result in less than 2 cents more per dozen eggs. This legislati
Take the 2-minute tour × When trying to edit the mask, I am stuck with this blue dot that only rounds the corners of the mask and I can't get rid of it. How do I go about editing the mask borders? share|improve this question Unfortunately, I can't reproduce your problem here. Is it present anytime you try to edit a mask? Is it unique to a particular photo or document? Can you edit your answer and provide a (partial) screen shot so we can see what you're seeing? –  jaberg Feb 9 '12 at 22:01 add comment 1 Answer You should also see the white squares defining the borders of the mask. Those are the handles for resizing borders. (It's also possible to select the picture behind the mask, in which case the handles surround the picture itself.) Pixelcorps has a terrific MacBreak Work video tutorial on masks in iWork '09. share|improve this answer i can see them but they are little grey, and like deactivated so you cant really pick them. thats my problem. –  elkalto23 Feb 9 '12 at 20:29 add comment Your Answer
Virtual Caveman Becomes Humankind&#39;s Newest SlaveS Cavemen aren't just useful for stupid Brendan Frasier movies and Geico commercials. Scientists at the University of Calgary created a giant virtual hospital patient called CAVEman—CAVE is an acronym for cave automated virtual environment—and made him a guinea pig for all things anatomical. Virtual Caveman Becomes Humankind&#39;s Newest SlaveS By collaborating with graphic artists, the scientists made 3-D images of everything from the funny bone to the kidney to each nerve in your brain. Then, they recreated these body parts using a projector. CAVEman started off as someone who got free massages all the time—he was originally created for massage therapists in training—but now he's become the virtual environment for MRIs and biopsies. The future doesn't look so hot for him, either: in the next phase, they're going to put tactile feedback sensors on him and make him simulate respiration and blood flow so they can test cutting edge treatments on him before
Health knowledge made personal Join this community! › Share page: Spotting for 3 days with BAD cramps and VERY tender breasts, 1 week before period, then heavy discharge. Posted by lisaj My breasts are still sore today (6 days before my expected period), my discharge comes out like a period, thick and cloudy with a mild scent and a cream color. I have to go to the bathroom every few hours to clean myself. The spotting was 9 days before my expected period and was light pink when wiped with a napkin and sometimes was bright red and a tad bit stretchy and clotty. The cramps were as bad as a period the same day the spotting comensed and diminished to almost nothing to this day but still occur (6 days before my period). My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex with the intentions of using the rhythm method, but had our calculations wrong. In conclusion, he came inside me the day before I was expected to ovulate (2 weeks after my last month's period began). Is is possible I could be pregnant? I plan to take a te
College Recruiting Budgets Are As Out of Control as Coaching Salaries Yet no one mentions how rapidly the cost of competing for top talent is rising. Until, that is, the Chronicle of Higher Education issued this report dated August 1. The key finding is that almost half of colleges doubled or tripled the amount of money they spent on recruiting in the last decade. In a world where athletes demand attention, top flight facilities, huge stadiums or arenas, and constant coddling from adults, it sometimes gets overlooked how few schools can compete for top players on a purely economic basis. On the whole, the 65 biggest spenders shelled out a total of more than $61-million in 2007, an 86-percent increase from 10 years before. That amount does not include salaries for recruiting coordinators or construction and operating costs of the gleaming multimillion- dollar facilities that help lure prospects. Tennessee, Notre Dame, Florida, Auburn and Kansas State rounded out the top five biggest spenders. The graphs that
About New York; Brazilian Niche For an Author And His Fans Published: January 30, 1988 They had a book-signing party the other night on West 46th Street in a narrow shop brimming with smoked sausages, meat pies, manioc flour, coffee beans, beer, books, cassettes and periodicals, among other items. Nearly everyone spoke Portuguese, a silky language slipping off certain tongues. The author, who is famous round the world but not so hot in this republic yet, is Brazilian. The shopkeepers, Lidia and Antonio Pires, are old friends of the novelist, Jorge Amado, and the party was an expression of their affection. Bantam Books Inc., Mr. Amado's publisher, is doing everything publishers do when they decide to pump a book on a grand scale, so the gathering in what amounts to a country store just off Times Square was not a make-or-break affair. It was an enormous success, all the same. Mr. and Mrs. Pires had done this once before, two years ago, for the Portuguese edition of Mr. Amado's book, ''Tocaia Grande.'' Now t
Bradley Cooper is parternering with Relativity Television to make his hit 2011 thriller Limitless into a new one-hour drama. Given his recent ascent into Academy Award-nominated stardom, it's pretty much a certainty that his involvement won't go further than producer duties, but as of now its unknown whether the series will follow his character Eddie Morra, who in the film became hooked on an experimental drug called NZT that allowed him to access 100% of his brain activity to become, in a word, perfect. While Limitless was an enjoyable B-movie thriller, the premise and the film's conclusion barely left any room for a sequel, much less a TV series that's expected to last at least five seasons. However, on a cable network, preferrably an uninhibited pay channel like HBO or Showtime, it could be interesting. Or it could be the next ironically titled failure. [via Deadline]