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Dataset Card for GT Mozilla Foundation Common Voice Corpus 18.0

Languages: Cantonese (yue), English (eng), Mandarin (cmn)


Data processing:

  1. Download the Cantonese (yue, zh-HK), English (en), and Mandarin (zh-CN) datasets from the source.
  2. Consolidate the validated, dev, train, test, and other tags.
  3. Remove files with duplicate names.
  4. Clean the datasets:
    1. For English: Remove entries with incorrect data structures.
    2. For Cantonese and Mandarin: Remove entries with ?? in sentences.
Languages Numbers of data
Cantonese 292012
English 2143694
Mandarin 915103
Languages Sizes of dataset
Cantonese 8.43 GB
English 89.91 GB
Mandarin 38.96 GB
Languages Durations of dataset
Cantonese 324.23 Hrs
English 3057.80 Hrs
Mandarin 1128.64 Hrs
Languages Unique tokens in dataset
Cantonese 4329
English 305731
Mandarin 6512

For more details, refer to the token JSON file for each language in the dataset.

Languages Total tokens in dataset
Cantonese 3007664
English 24066512
Mandarin 13049033
Downloads last month