ocean I-climate-nature
arising O
from O
the O
breaking O
of O
internal B-climate-nature
waves I-climate-nature
generated O
by O
the O
tides B-climate-nature
forcing O
stratified O
flow O
over O
rough O
topography B-climate-nature
. O
Diapycnal B-climate-nature
mixing I-climate-nature
in O
the O
ocean B-climate-nature
is O
thought O
to O
be O
one O
of O
the O
primary O
controls O
on O
the O
meridional B-climate-nature
overturning I-climate-nature
circulation I-climate-nature
and O
the O
poleward B-climate-nature
heat I-climate-nature
transport I-climate-nature
by O
the O
ocean B-climate-nature
. O
The O
poleward B-climate-nature
ocean I-climate-nature
heat I-climate-nature
transport I-climate-nature
does O
not O
appear O
to O
be O
strongly O
affected O
by O
the O
mixing O
in O
the O
abyssal B-climate-nature
ocean I-climate-nature
for O
reasonable O
parameter O
ranges O
. O
The O
transport O
of O
the O
Antarctic B-climate-nature
Circumpolar I-climate-nature
Current I-climate-nature
through O
the O
Drake O
Passage O
is O
related O
to O
the O
amount O
of O
mixing O
in O
the O
deep B-climate-nature
ocean I-climate-nature
. O
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