2 values
So user lol. You really did that huh???? Smh. I’m definitely voting you out come November. Last time I checked you came from immigrates smh.
Vote this ding bat out of office!
Immigration Reform is overdue. Stop tearing families apart and do the right thing. This is way overdue 😞
I hope Judge Thomas pushed through a vote to change the immigration laws..it's time to send the Nigerians Home...All of em..
Who going to enjoy seeing the fall of the squad. You know this one's going to have to answer for immigration fraud, misappropriation of election funds, etc. You're a criminal. I think the worst example of someone who worships the Muslim faith. You should really be ashamed.
I remember when he voted against his own immigration bill because he's a craven little beeyotch
Bullshit! We just had the largest voter turnout in history! Go work on something productive like illegal immigration!
Unfortunately Minneapolis has a huge population of resettled Somalis. Our immigration system has drawbacks as you see here and certainly at the Mexican border. Your vote matters. Use it wisely in 2022.
Amazing what voters will do when faced with out of control immigration
Midterm2022 Vote out all the traitorous RINOs! VoteThemAllOut2022 RINOs
Black Democrats mass immigration does NOT help you. Your vote will be meaningless soon. Congratulations
Every election we’re back to immigration . The big bad brown and black people . fakeoutrage
This is how you can tell that those pesky Latinos aren't voting the right way enough. Odd that they want more of them to immigrate here, though.
She’s already speaking on immigration and illegals. Black folk would be a fool to vote this women into office
I'm so disgusted with Latino's voting against their own interest don't dare ask me anything on immigration. Just Don't🤬
It’s all about the vote! Immigration. Immigrants can’t vote until citizens legal. This is phoney
We don’t we can only vote for those who support stronger strict immigration. Because who want this??? You Ethiopians can’t stop wiping each other out now you’re bringing it here
Immigration was working FINE under Trump why did you vote for BIDEN
Immigration, when not controlled is a potential ticking bomb for all countries. It has skewed politics and led to the election of chaps who would otherwise stand no chance
This is what you see on the Nigerian immigration website when you are renewing your passport. It’s a sad reality. Vote right.
Better leave this space and go vote yourselves into the senate and ban black immigration. Cos we will keep entering container to come to your country whether you like it or not. SecureTheTribe
We need to start sending the whole military to Texas to stop the invasion of America,I'm all for legal immigration, however when you can't meet your own citizens needs we should not be allowing all these illegal immigrants in,,its all about power and votes
When November comes and you are trying to decide who to vote for remember republi-can'ts say they have solutions but really they have none. Like immigration here is how they deal with the pollution problem just send it further down the river..
I voted for Joe Biden because I hate American and I want to replace them with American mass immigration
Errr no it's our problem caused by 12 years of uncontrolled immigration under a Tory Government and the mungo's that voted for them
R's are like a broken record: crime, inflation, deflation or stagnation. Immigration... no imagination and they've voted AGAINST every bill that would take care of the problem. Their salary, free health care, best restaurants and secured limos make them LIE TO YOU.
American Elections should be decided by American Citizens. STOP Illegal Immigration!
Please vote England out of Scotland. Enough already! English immigration policies towards Americans is deplorable! Scotland likes Americans better! indyref
Repugnicans stand for nothing in immigrationreform VoteThemAllOut2022 obstruction, xenophobia & racism is all they stand for
Have you heard the Hispanic Americans that spent years going through the legal immigration process? They're pissed.
user Growing up with great Hispanic friends and ready to die before voting for tRump, I now agree with tightening immigration. The young Hispanics new to the US have zero respect for our laws/culture and are ruining California. I see it every day and it is maddening.
This are some of their, rapists, Thieves, White trash dumpsters of them,hackers of all kinds including USA Elections,USA Immigrations offices they Hacked all data's of them,Social Security offices, They're Rubbries including USA Banks, apartments,USA birth certificates offices &
Hahahaha. So the people who voted brexit to control immigration will see Romanians replaced with Indians. Bet they’re happy!
Nigga is the right to light up the thots can run, but Illegal immigration is better day of vote counting votes in the slaughter?
Repugnicans complain about inflation, high gas prices, crime, immigration. What solutions do they offer? NONE VoteBlueForDemocracy VoteBlueToProtectYourRights
Omg the Killing It episode with the voting line & immigration lawyers!!! So damn good & infuriatingly accurate.
It's terrible. No politician should get our vote unless they have SOLID plans to stop Mass Immigration & Protect our jobs from these foreign invaders.
We need to get a grip on this. Illegal immigration will lose us our next election.
VOTE: What do you think of President Joe Biden's border policy? This one is really Bullshit!! I'm sure the Majority of the American People just love ILLEGAL ALLIEN LAWBREAKERS!!!
Watch this video y’all! I’m voting against immigration, IDGAF
These lazy ass Mexicans do not know how to build homes here on the West Coast! They’re throwing these homes together! I Blame immigration! Do not vote Democrat DemocratsAreTheProblem DemocratsHateAmerica
Illegals don’t belong here
I have absolutely no respect for illegal immigrants because the government their running from they voted for so instead of fighting for freedom they are running besides breaking our immigration law
Trying to remember the last time that we had a election and immigration wasn't on the ballot! I think it is used as a political tool nothing more. And this comes from experience I have an ex-wife who is from Mexico. Our immigration system is so fucked up it is pathetic!
Illegals Immigration ruined American farming employment .. what will it do to the Middle class next. VoteRed Republicans
We voted for immigration to be lowered remember,you self serving twat.
Immigration absolutely kills I know for a fact, several people here illegally have murdered thousands upon thousands of people. Lax Voter ID gets goofy people elected who enact legislation who clear the way for school shootings:
When you know the next step in America's existence is another wave of immigration and you are scared sh*tless your existence as a political party will be threatened. You need to intimidate and suppress the immigrant vote. Dudes are not original thinkers
You know how you know it's election season? user suddenly talking about immigration. They won't vote for reform, but they will bitch, bitch, bitch to get votes.
Immigration being higher than climate change and election laws has me Jokerfied
I would definitely vote for Illegal Immigration. It's called get the hell out of our country and come legally or don't come at all.
The combination of election reform and immigration is the threat to fair future elections.
The right to life people are saying this decision is indicative of public opinion and they are, IMHO, right. Look at who gets to and ends up voting. If you have a tight set of processes, institutions, and laws (including immigration) that stop people of color (1/n)
America is under attack from within -- with corruption and immigration invasion!
Here's another Republican candidate promising if you vote for her she will secure the border, build the wall and stop immigration. Forget about gun safety, better schools and feeding the hungry just make sure no more brown skin people come in. This can all go straight to hell.
Should be ANYONE who's pro: VOTERID EVERIFY Now that Dimwit had INCREASED the number of ILLEGAL ALIENS who MUST SELF DEPORT... Don't care how long or takes.. They're bleeding us, diluting or votes Repeal 1965 Immigration Act back to European based model Go research the bill
FBA' Family this is nothing personal about our immigrant family. But rightnow we gotta get the majority of them out of here. Vote for the party that is anti immigration no matter what. And also vote for the party that takes green cards away..
We can do better, Bipartisan vote on immigration Bill - waiting for the Boarder Republicans, Tik Tok ? In reality - never gonna happen, because it's people of Color.
Bravo Jamie! This foreigner Tlaib wants to end America. Amazing how voters in her district could be so dumb. Unless they arrived the same way due to our lax immigration rules, allowing in possible terrorists.
Dumb ass biden and user voters really think these corrupt careered politicians actually care about immigrants and homeless people? They are bringing in immigration to flood our streets with 3rd world immigrants and want to have taxpayers who have brains to be murdered
All legal Americans! Illegal immigrants should not be allowed to vote until their immigration status is corrected.
Heartbreaking thread. ImmigrationReform asylumseekers VoteBlueForSoManyReasons
Really wish American voters didn’t hate immigrants as all this nonsense is wasteful and cruel. And we could really use more immigration.
Also they Voted Against Immigration bill's 3 time's! Nothing but a bunch of Hypocritical M0R0N Traitors!
Wait. Hold up. I thought it was the immigrants that were responsible for bringing in the drugs and guns/bombs while lying to the officers, preying on their "good heart"... VoteBlueIn2022 Immigration
Just go on and say you don't gaf about any laws, and be done with it. Err'body gotta follow the rules, that's what they call 'civilization'. I'm voting for whoever will deport all ILLEGALS tf out of this country. We have INS for immigration legally. Legal only!
America was built on immigration; my forefathers came to Elis Island legally, like millions of others. Endorsing Unsecure borders, with ILLEGALS and DRUGS flowing in is INSANE! Vote Them Out!
They speak of immigration only to distract you from the fact they are stealing your freedoms and livelihood. Roe your vote!
Soon as it’s time to vote on immigration we getting you African c00n$ outta here CancelTariqNasheed
As someone who still can’t vote (us immigration system is a joke), I’m pointing fingers, so if you don’t feel comfortable with me telling you that this is bc whiteness and specifically yt women, then…
Working class voters have rightly recognized that immigration must be throttled if they want any chance of seeing higher wages.
The shooter was Hispanic. They are already trying to push the immigration agenda with this…they are divisive and evil and they don’t care about any of us…including those of you that continue to vote for them
What can you expect from someone who proposes an immigration bill and then votes against his own immigration bill? Such a disgrace to the Hispanic community. He just needs to sit his ass down and STFU.
Seems like a way to repel Latino voters
Conservatives should be clamoring to bring ever Ukrainian refugee over here to America. They are a conservetive lot and very anti-communist. The left builds voting blocs with immigration. We should do the same.
She just voted to amnesty "Dreamers" darling. She's why we need a lengthy LEGAL immigration moratorium.
Border immigration is being managed by the JB team to create a new voting block .These indivduals will erode our economy with cheap labor.Needless to say this will reduce the life style of working class and increasing our costly welfare programs. Great plan JB
If the D's win in 2022 with this financial and immigration nightmare then you KNOW fair elections are impossible
Vote the RINOS OUT of office! - Senators John Cornyn, Roy Blunt, Joni Ernst, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, Thom Tillis, Mitch McConnell, Bill Cassidy, Richard Burry, Shelley Capito, Rob Portman, Todd Young, and Mitt Romney RINOs Go Soft!
I'm voting RED because these crazy people are out of control on Spending, Crime, illegal immigration
The CBC is a serious problem for pushing this immigration movement, they should never get the black American vote again & if people continue to vote them back in then they are an enemy to their own people & should be treated as such
Illegals immigration is the reason for: Spreading diseases Deaths from drugs Crime and violence Human trafficking and prostitution Pedophils and sex offenders exploitation Fatal car accidents,no license no insurance Unnecessary drowning and deaths Democrats use elections
Ladies you want our help. Admit you were wrong, immigration is bad , multiculturalism sucks. You shouldn't vote and we get a pass to clean up alittle
This is how illegal aliens vote
Legal immigration only all others should never under any circumstances be able to vote. Period!
FREAKING WRONG! I bet illegals will be able to vote w the Govt issued IDs... Lord. Let's skip the immigration process completely... and just make the whole world US citizens...
Maybe the green-tahds should quit voting for Democrats who allow illegal immigration.
Stop immigration immediately. Disaster for states,schools, their housing & food. Govt should be footing the bill for every penny spent on illegal immigrants!! OnlyUS Citizens should e able to vote. PERIOD!!!
Immigration restrictions win election. Finish the wall, reinstate remain in Mexico.
I continue to offer a big f*** you to whoever stayed home or voted for the orange bastard. This is the court that election got us. SupremeCourt Immigration
Immigration is a disaster. Join The British Democrats and let's build an alternative the British people can vote for.
Who do you blame for what's happening in America? Inflation Crime FuelPriceHike Vote Immigration
These political stunts by user & user are disgusting -- cynically using human beings as props. Vote these bums out
To tucker Carson stop hating on Beto and Vote Beto for Texas next Greatest Go nor nyc poor negro Immigrat
(2/2) I will vote to close the border until every American is off the street and only then take care of those looking to come to this country for a better life. That’s a promise!
Illegal Immigration, destroying educational system, take American jobs,healthcare is overwhelming our healthcare facilities, and American's are paying for all of it but Joe keeps letting them in. No such thing as deportations. Come on Man. Don't vote for me, you ain't American
Let’s vote out user and get a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers! dreamact ImmigrationReform VoteToSaveDemocracy
VOTE HER OUT! Send her back to Somalia for immigration fraud!
JUST SAY "NO" to illegal immigration. Time to secure the borders and VoteDemsOut!
Things you say, to win a vote! Kidnapping immigrates to save them from communism, without anyway of survival. Just throw them at your friend's door, without warning them!

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