Question: I feel like since I'm only a little bit over weight, 5'7 and 170-180 lbs... It changes a lot... That he won't take me very seriously. It is something that my mom and older brother also deal with and have gone to their doctors about and have gotten help that they needed. I just don't know how to bring it up without just being told I need more self control. I eat when I'm not hungry, I eat when I know I shouldn't, I eat in secret... I promise myself or even my husband, thinking I'll take a promise to him more seriously than a problem to myself, and break it as soon as I'm in the clear from being found out. It doesn't help that I work at a desk and broke my leg recently and can't excersize like crazy to make myself feel better about the binging. I feel so weak and bad about myself and out of control. Answer: I would tell your doctor everything you just said and add that even though you know your weight isn't much of an issue right now you want to be able to deal with your binging before it becomes one, tell them that your family members also struggle with it. I don't see why they wouldn't take you seriously, I know doctors can sometimes want to blow people off but not all of them, if your doctor does just give you the "eat three meals a day, have self control" spiel then you need to articulate that you feel you really need professional guidance, if it's to no avail I'd say see a different doc
Question: I feel like since I'm only a little bit over weight, 5'7 and 170-180 lbs... It changes a lot... That he won't take me very seriously. It is something that my mom and older brother also deal with and have gone to their doctors about and have gotten help that they needed. I just don't know how to bring it up without just being told I need more self control. I eat when I'm not hungry, I eat when I know I shouldn't, I eat in secret... I promise myself or even my husband, thinking I'll take a promise to him more seriously than a problem to myself, and break it as soon as I'm in the clear from being found out. It doesn't help that I work at a desk and broke my leg recently and can't excersize like crazy to make myself feel better about the binging. I feel so weak and bad about myself and out of control. Answer: I feel like I could have written this post. One thing I'm trying to do is track my emotions and stresses when I eat, even when its not a binge. There are apps that can help you with this. Now I'm able to see that being alone at night and having a tough day with my toddler are my big binge queues. I can now try to avoid overeating when those situations arise.
Question: I feel like since I'm only a little bit over weight, 5'7 and 170-180 lbs... It changes a lot... That he won't take me very seriously. It is something that my mom and older brother also deal with and have gone to their doctors about and have gotten help that they needed. I just don't know how to bring it up without just being told I need more self control. I eat when I'm not hungry, I eat when I know I shouldn't, I eat in secret... I promise myself or even my husband, thinking I'll take a promise to him more seriously than a problem to myself, and break it as soon as I'm in the clear from being found out. It doesn't help that I work at a desk and broke my leg recently and can't excersize like crazy to make myself feel better about the binging. I feel so weak and bad about myself and out of control. Answer: Try 'mood notes' it's an app that I use to track my thoughts. It's helped me find patterns in my eating and given me suggestions of how to change my mind set. I do think you'd benefit from talking to a counsellor who deals with eating disorders, however.
Question: About 5 minutes after eating, I go to the bathroom and stick my middle finger down my throat. I wiggle around my finger until I gag. Then I bent over the toliet. The only problem with this is, nothing comes out. I mean something DOES come out, but it's clear liquid. It's kind of like clear water and it doesn't have much a taste or smell to it. Am I doing something wrong? Why is it so hard to throw up? Got any tips. Thank you for reading. - Sarah Answer: Sarah, I cannot in good conscience give you tips about how to be a better bulimic. Please reach out for help.
Question: About 5 minutes after eating, I go to the bathroom and stick my middle finger down my throat. I wiggle around my finger until I gag. Then I bent over the toliet. The only problem with this is, nothing comes out. I mean something DOES come out, but it's clear liquid. It's kind of like clear water and it doesn't have much a taste or smell to it. Am I doing something wrong? Why is it so hard to throw up? Got any tips. Thank you for reading. - Sarah Answer: I advice you to stop trying to become a bulimic. Seek out psychotherapy. Cognitive Behavioral therapy works with BED. I guarantee you that becoming a bulimic will amplify your problems thousandfold. You get extremely bad teeth, there will be a scar from your teeth on your hand, and your eyes get suffused with blood. Also the acid from you stomach messes with your esophagus. Long term it can cause inflamation.
Question: About 5 minutes after eating, I go to the bathroom and stick my middle finger down my throat. I wiggle around my finger until I gag. Then I bent over the toliet. The only problem with this is, nothing comes out. I mean something DOES come out, but it's clear liquid. It's kind of like clear water and it doesn't have much a taste or smell to it. Am I doing something wrong? Why is it so hard to throw up? Got any tips. Thank you for reading. - Sarah Answer: All I was asking was a simple question. Nowhere in my paragraph DID I say I wanted to be bulimic. Thanks for your advice though.
Question: About 5 minutes after eating, I go to the bathroom and stick my middle finger down my throat. I wiggle around my finger until I gag. Then I bent over the toliet. The only problem with this is, nothing comes out. I mean something DOES come out, but it's clear liquid. It's kind of like clear water and it doesn't have much a taste or smell to it. Am I doing something wrong? Why is it so hard to throw up? Got any tips. Thank you for reading. - Sarah Answer: Yes, I agree with the prior two comments. As someone who is recovered/recoverying from an eating disorder, I could never in good conscience give you tips on this. I strongly urge you to talk with someone you trust and seek help with this. Living with an ED is not a fun way to live, and I wrecked my life because I never sought help until it was too late. I have suffered serious heartbreak in the months since and am still recovering from it almost a year later.
Question: I've hit the point where I'm done being caught in the cycle. Im considering going to OA but have pretty crazy anxiety. The thought of putting myself in a new situation where I'm going to have to open up is making me anxious. To those who have gone or still go, what should I expect? Answer: I've been to a couple of OA meetings and to me, they seemed very focused towards folks with restriction or purge behaviors. I didn't feel very connected to the group at all. In terms of what they're like.. Well exactly like an AA meeting from TV but with alcohol being replaced with food.
Question: Arggggg. Was at my lowest weight so far and binged hard. It's 9:52 pm and I ate nothing alllll day. Then I shared an Omelot with my boyfriend which had 2 eggs, 2 cut up hot dogs, 2 slices of frying cheese, I had 2 slices of bread and I even ate like 6 stupid pizza rolls AND a swiss roll omg. How can I fix this? I don't want to gain from one stupid night. Should I hop on the elliptical and force myself on there for an hour? I know I shouldn't have eaten nothing all day but I had no choice today. Please just give me suggestions for the moment and not the future. Answer: The day wasn't ruined, and you won't gain all of that weight back one (or even several) night(s) of binging. In my opinion, a binge is more emotionally damaging than it is physical, so it's important to take care of yourself and remind yourself that you're not your vices and that you're in control. Hitting the gym harder or restricting your diet afterwards perpetuates an unhealthy relationship with food; moderation is key, as always. Love yourself.
Question: Arggggg. Was at my lowest weight so far and binged hard. It's 9:52 pm and I ate nothing alllll day. Then I shared an Omelot with my boyfriend which had 2 eggs, 2 cut up hot dogs, 2 slices of frying cheese, I had 2 slices of bread and I even ate like 6 stupid pizza rolls AND a swiss roll omg. How can I fix this? I don't want to gain from one stupid night. Should I hop on the elliptical and force myself on there for an hour? I know I shouldn't have eaten nothing all day but I had no choice today. Please just give me suggestions for the moment and not the future. Answer: Don't punish yourself, that's rule one. Every time I binge, there's an obvious reason, and I can learn from the experience. I try to look back at what might have triggered the binge. You didn't eat all day... that's a sure fire trigger for me. I find journaling is a great way to do a post mortem, a debriefing of the "event." It's amazing what I discover about myself when I write my thoughts and feelings down. It makes me more aware of my feelings in general, and I find the more self aware I am, the better I can deal with my urges. Most importantly though, never, ever give up!!
Question: Arggggg. Was at my lowest weight so far and binged hard. It's 9:52 pm and I ate nothing alllll day. Then I shared an Omelot with my boyfriend which had 2 eggs, 2 cut up hot dogs, 2 slices of frying cheese, I had 2 slices of bread and I even ate like 6 stupid pizza rolls AND a swiss roll omg. How can I fix this? I don't want to gain from one stupid night. Should I hop on the elliptical and force myself on there for an hour? I know I shouldn't have eaten nothing all day but I had no choice today. Please just give me suggestions for the moment and not the future. Answer: Don't let the one day set you back. Your body and mind was probably in semi-panic mode when it became 10pm and you hadn't ingested calories that day. Perhaps keep something like a granola bar or some kind of snack with you if this is something that happens often (lack of access to food) to keep your mind sending similar panic signals.
Question: Arggggg. Was at my lowest weight so far and binged hard. It's 9:52 pm and I ate nothing alllll day. Then I shared an Omelot with my boyfriend which had 2 eggs, 2 cut up hot dogs, 2 slices of frying cheese, I had 2 slices of bread and I even ate like 6 stupid pizza rolls AND a swiss roll omg. How can I fix this? I don't want to gain from one stupid night. Should I hop on the elliptical and force myself on there for an hour? I know I shouldn't have eaten nothing all day but I had no choice today. Please just give me suggestions for the moment and not the future. Answer: Thank you so much everyone for your input!!! I agree with everyone on here. Ahh I just needed a second to relax and think everything through so I truly appreciate the support. I ended up getting on my elliptical as a 'punishment', I literally lasted SIX minutes before I realized fuck this- this is stupid, I went and took a really long shower and felt better. I'm a hothead with an eating disorder lol. Take care everyone <3
Question: Arggggg. Was at my lowest weight so far and binged hard. It's 9:52 pm and I ate nothing alllll day. Then I shared an Omelot with my boyfriend which had 2 eggs, 2 cut up hot dogs, 2 slices of frying cheese, I had 2 slices of bread and I even ate like 6 stupid pizza rolls AND a swiss roll omg. How can I fix this? I don't want to gain from one stupid night. Should I hop on the elliptical and force myself on there for an hour? I know I shouldn't have eaten nothing all day but I had no choice today. Please just give me suggestions for the moment and not the future. Answer: I've found that not eating (or being hungry in general) is one of my biggest triggers. This includes simply not eating well, i.e. having eaten, but not nutritionally-dense foods. The journaling idea is also fantastic! It takes discipline, but both the release of energy into the journal entries and the regimen of journaling help provide order to life and build self-efficacy.
Question: Arggggg. Was at my lowest weight so far and binged hard. It's 9:52 pm and I ate nothing alllll day. Then I shared an Omelot with my boyfriend which had 2 eggs, 2 cut up hot dogs, 2 slices of frying cheese, I had 2 slices of bread and I even ate like 6 stupid pizza rolls AND a swiss roll omg. How can I fix this? I don't want to gain from one stupid night. Should I hop on the elliptical and force myself on there for an hour? I know I shouldn't have eaten nothing all day but I had no choice today. Please just give me suggestions for the moment and not the future. Answer: Happy for you:)
Question: We were out at a restaurant and I accidentally had too much ice cream (I get sick whenever I have to much dairy, so usually I only take a few bites whenever I get ice cream and then save it in the freezer, but I wasn't paying attention and I accidentally ate all of it) Usually whenever I have too much dairy and feel sick all I need to do is lay down to get better, but since we were out and there was no where to lay down I ended up getting sick. Now my mom is 101% convinced I have bulimia. I happen to be naturally skinny and have a couple mental illnesses so I guess in her mind it wouldn't be a huge surprise that I have an ED. I think she already told my therapist, even though I don't have any eating disorder. How do I convince her that I'm not bulimic? She keeps asking all these questions and even though I'm being completely honest she thinks I'm lying. Answer: Let her take you to a GP or an internist, or even an ED specialist - they'll see if there are any indicators for Bulimia. And talk to your therapist.
Question: We were out at a restaurant and I accidentally had too much ice cream (I get sick whenever I have to much dairy, so usually I only take a few bites whenever I get ice cream and then save it in the freezer, but I wasn't paying attention and I accidentally ate all of it) Usually whenever I have too much dairy and feel sick all I need to do is lay down to get better, but since we were out and there was no where to lay down I ended up getting sick. Now my mom is 101% convinced I have bulimia. I happen to be naturally skinny and have a couple mental illnesses so I guess in her mind it wouldn't be a huge surprise that I have an ED. I think she already told my therapist, even though I don't have any eating disorder. How do I convince her that I'm not bulimic? She keeps asking all these questions and even though I'm being completely honest she thinks I'm lying. Answer: Show her that you don't have any other symptoms of bulimia (bruises on knuckles from gagging yourself, bad teeth, etc).
Question: I read about this last year and was so relieved because it's what I do, as opposed to binging first. I eat normal amounts [often counting calories carefully] and if I binge, it's on healthy food [a pound of carrots or pound of broccoli] but I purge even the smallest amount of food. Sometimes I feel like this is the closest to healthy / free of disorder I've been, because my eating is finally normal and I just have to get a grip on the puking part. But sometimes it feels worse / crazier because I'm not even compensating for anything -- I have no rational reason to want to throw up, but I can't stop. Does anyone else do this? Is this even the right sub? :[ Answer: Absolutely the correct sub - welcome, and my sincerest apologies that you're going through this. You say you're not purging to compensate for anything - so I can assume you're not trying to lose or maintain a specific weight? You also say that your eating is finally somewhat normal, implying that you had a problem with either restricting and/or purging in the past? Unfortunately, this is still very much an eating disorder - and a very damaging one at that. With traditional bulimia, the large amount of food eaten prior to a purge tends to neutralize and dilute the stomach's acid so it doesn't do as much damage on the way up. Frequent purging without prior bingeing means you're exposing your esophagus and teeth to a large amount of undiluted stomach acid. Sounds like you're addicted to the act of purging. Initially you may have used purging as an uncomfortable means of compensation or "repentance" for eating but as you became more accustomed to and reliant upon it, you became addicted to the comfort/solace/relief that it provided, so now you do it any time you're given the opportunity. Unfortunately this needs to be treated by a psychiatrist. It's a compulsive disorder as well as an addiction and only through cognitive behavioural therapy (and possibly medication) can you break this unnatural and unhealthy cycle that you're following.
Question: I read about this last year and was so relieved because it's what I do, as opposed to binging first. I eat normal amounts [often counting calories carefully] and if I binge, it's on healthy food [a pound of carrots or pound of broccoli] but I purge even the smallest amount of food. Sometimes I feel like this is the closest to healthy / free of disorder I've been, because my eating is finally normal and I just have to get a grip on the puking part. But sometimes it feels worse / crazier because I'm not even compensating for anything -- I have no rational reason to want to throw up, but I can't stop. Does anyone else do this? Is this even the right sub? :[ Answer: Yeah, it's really confusing. I actually went from being a compulsive over eater to abusing laxatives and "purging" that way, then I suppose there was a period where I was traditionally binging and "purging" via laxatives and enemas [multiple times per day] for a period of years, but never puking. Then, when I stopped using laxatives and enemas, I had to stop the binging because I was horrified of not being able to get rid of the calories. I was elated at the idea of stopping ALL of the bad behaviors. But, completely out of the blue, even though I consume about 800-1000 calories [and burn 800-1200 at the gym every day], I throw up 1-5 times, about 5 days a week. The only thing I don't tend to throw up is plain baked chicken, for whatever reason. My throat gets very sore and I definitely worry about my teeth. This past week, I suffered GERD for the first time and was miserable until my boyfriend gave me something for it -- presumably an antacid, I guess. I have plans of booking a therapy appointment. I've gone a few years on my own without, and I guess I haven't been doing as well as I thought.
Question: I read about this last year and was so relieved because it's what I do, as opposed to binging first. I eat normal amounts [often counting calories carefully] and if I binge, it's on healthy food [a pound of carrots or pound of broccoli] but I purge even the smallest amount of food. Sometimes I feel like this is the closest to healthy / free of disorder I've been, because my eating is finally normal and I just have to get a grip on the puking part. But sometimes it feels worse / crazier because I'm not even compensating for anything -- I have no rational reason to want to throw up, but I can't stop. Does anyone else do this? Is this even the right sub? :[ Answer: Wait, you mean you only consume that amount on one day? And you burn more than it? That means your body is starving, which explains the bingeing (asides from the addictive behavior). If you work out, you need to consume the calories your body needs to maintain itself PLUS the calories you burn through exercise, which in total is way more than you consume. Your body will break down if you don't. You have to keep the food in AND eat enough. :(
Question: I read about this last year and was so relieved because it's what I do, as opposed to binging first. I eat normal amounts [often counting calories carefully] and if I binge, it's on healthy food [a pound of carrots or pound of broccoli] but I purge even the smallest amount of food. Sometimes I feel like this is the closest to healthy / free of disorder I've been, because my eating is finally normal and I just have to get a grip on the puking part. But sometimes it feels worse / crazier because I'm not even compensating for anything -- I have no rational reason to want to throw up, but I can't stop. Does anyone else do this? Is this even the right sub? :[ Answer: I don't binge. That's the point of distinguishing between purge disorder and bulimia.
Question: I read about this last year and was so relieved because it's what I do, as opposed to binging first. I eat normal amounts [often counting calories carefully] and if I binge, it's on healthy food [a pound of carrots or pound of broccoli] but I purge even the smallest amount of food. Sometimes I feel like this is the closest to healthy / free of disorder I've been, because my eating is finally normal and I just have to get a grip on the puking part. But sometimes it feels worse / crazier because I'm not even compensating for anything -- I have no rational reason to want to throw up, but I can't stop. Does anyone else do this? Is this even the right sub? :[ Answer: Or I binge on healthy food out of anxiety, but not for calories.
Question: I read about this last year and was so relieved because it's what I do, as opposed to binging first. I eat normal amounts [often counting calories carefully] and if I binge, it's on healthy food [a pound of carrots or pound of broccoli] but I purge even the smallest amount of food. Sometimes I feel like this is the closest to healthy / free of disorder I've been, because my eating is finally normal and I just have to get a grip on the puking part. But sometimes it feels worse / crazier because I'm not even compensating for anything -- I have no rational reason to want to throw up, but I can't stop. Does anyone else do this? Is this even the right sub? :[ Answer: Anyway, I know what a caloric deficit is. :]
Question: I read about this last year and was so relieved because it's what I do, as opposed to binging first. I eat normal amounts [often counting calories carefully] and if I binge, it's on healthy food [a pound of carrots or pound of broccoli] but I purge even the smallest amount of food. Sometimes I feel like this is the closest to healthy / free of disorder I've been, because my eating is finally normal and I just have to get a grip on the puking part. But sometimes it feels worse / crazier because I'm not even compensating for anything -- I have no rational reason to want to throw up, but I can't stop. Does anyone else do this? Is this even the right sub? :[ Answer: It's one thing to have a normal weight and purge without bingeing, which is called purge disorder but according to your calorie intake you're also starving your body and if you do that for an extended period of time, you can't maintain a normal weight. So that reminds me of Anorexia purge type and some parts make me think of Orthorexia as well. :/ Sorry to be so straightforward, it's just that I can relate to some things you've said and that it worries me reading it. If there's anything I can help with, let me know.
Question: My girlfriend has quit purging for a couple months now. She used to complain about bloating, and constipation. She was flip-flopping on foods that were bad or would affect her negatively. Now that she's stopped and it's in the open, she still says breads hurt her, or vegetables sometimes. She refuses to eat pizza cause of the crust and the whole thing is "heavy" but she will eat curry with pita bread no problem, eat junk food, and ive seen her eat just breads before without major complaints which makes me think its in her head but the vegetable thing is weird too. She gets a lot of gas still and acid reflux. I know recovery isn't immediate, so I was wondering if she just needs to eat all foods and get used to them again, or is it possible the purging gave her a problem like chrons disease, or is it just possible that she has foods her body cant handle and would have that issue even if she never had this disorder? I want her to see the a doctor obviously and get some tests but I was curious if anyone else felt this way? Also what other effects linger, and what can i expect? Answer: I've had multiple problems with food before my bulimia. Grains and dairy/animal products would give me a lot of digestive problems so I try to eat as well as possible without them. A small amount of granola bars work though. Eating normally after bulimia will give you bloating and other unpleasant effects but they usually fade after 6 months. So give it half a year and definitely go to the Dr, maybe she had a food intolerance before just like me. Or it may take some time getting used to it again. It's true that you can get certain conditions through long time purging such as Diabetes. But I really recommend her to focus on which vegetables and fruit she can eat without problems since she has to nurture herself properly, especially after the ED. Sometimes certain veggies can be digested easier when cooked and blended into a soup. It can be a matter of what you combine them with too. Just experiment, everyone is different.
Question: My girlfriend has quit purging for a couple months now. She used to complain about bloating, and constipation. She was flip-flopping on foods that were bad or would affect her negatively. Now that she's stopped and it's in the open, she still says breads hurt her, or vegetables sometimes. She refuses to eat pizza cause of the crust and the whole thing is "heavy" but she will eat curry with pita bread no problem, eat junk food, and ive seen her eat just breads before without major complaints which makes me think its in her head but the vegetable thing is weird too. She gets a lot of gas still and acid reflux. I know recovery isn't immediate, so I was wondering if she just needs to eat all foods and get used to them again, or is it possible the purging gave her a problem like chrons disease, or is it just possible that she has foods her body cant handle and would have that issue even if she never had this disorder? I want her to see the a doctor obviously and get some tests but I was curious if anyone else felt this way? Also what other effects linger, and what can i expect? Answer: Thank you very much for the information. I had been telling her she just needs to get used to some foods again but I didn't know the bloating can persist for 6 months. That makes a lot of sense though!
Question: My girlfriend has quit purging for a couple months now. She used to complain about bloating, and constipation. She was flip-flopping on foods that were bad or would affect her negatively. Now that she's stopped and it's in the open, she still says breads hurt her, or vegetables sometimes. She refuses to eat pizza cause of the crust and the whole thing is "heavy" but she will eat curry with pita bread no problem, eat junk food, and ive seen her eat just breads before without major complaints which makes me think its in her head but the vegetable thing is weird too. She gets a lot of gas still and acid reflux. I know recovery isn't immediate, so I was wondering if she just needs to eat all foods and get used to them again, or is it possible the purging gave her a problem like chrons disease, or is it just possible that she has foods her body cant handle and would have that issue even if she never had this disorder? I want her to see the a doctor obviously and get some tests but I was curious if anyone else felt this way? Also what other effects linger, and what can i expect? Answer: Taking strong probiotics has been helpful for me to digest food better and not feel so bloated.
Question: My girlfriend has quit purging for a couple months now. She used to complain about bloating, and constipation. She was flip-flopping on foods that were bad or would affect her negatively. Now that she's stopped and it's in the open, she still says breads hurt her, or vegetables sometimes. She refuses to eat pizza cause of the crust and the whole thing is "heavy" but she will eat curry with pita bread no problem, eat junk food, and ive seen her eat just breads before without major complaints which makes me think its in her head but the vegetable thing is weird too. She gets a lot of gas still and acid reflux. I know recovery isn't immediate, so I was wondering if she just needs to eat all foods and get used to them again, or is it possible the purging gave her a problem like chrons disease, or is it just possible that she has foods her body cant handle and would have that issue even if she never had this disorder? I want her to see the a doctor obviously and get some tests but I was curious if anyone else felt this way? Also what other effects linger, and what can i expect? Answer: 6 MONTHS?!?!?! That seems daunting. Almost like there's no point
Question: My girlfriend has quit purging for a couple months now. She used to complain about bloating, and constipation. She was flip-flopping on foods that were bad or would affect her negatively. Now that she's stopped and it's in the open, she still says breads hurt her, or vegetables sometimes. She refuses to eat pizza cause of the crust and the whole thing is "heavy" but she will eat curry with pita bread no problem, eat junk food, and ive seen her eat just breads before without major complaints which makes me think its in her head but the vegetable thing is weird too. She gets a lot of gas still and acid reflux. I know recovery isn't immediate, so I was wondering if she just needs to eat all foods and get used to them again, or is it possible the purging gave her a problem like chrons disease, or is it just possible that she has foods her body cant handle and would have that issue even if she never had this disorder? I want her to see the a doctor obviously and get some tests but I was curious if anyone else felt this way? Also what other effects linger, and what can i expect? Answer: Well, I personally would rather deal with 6 months of symptoms I have anyway through bulimia rather than die before I turn 30 or destroy my body to the point that makes life even worse than it is now.
Question: My girlfriend has quit purging for a couple months now. She used to complain about bloating, and constipation. She was flip-flopping on foods that were bad or would affect her negatively. Now that she's stopped and it's in the open, she still says breads hurt her, or vegetables sometimes. She refuses to eat pizza cause of the crust and the whole thing is "heavy" but she will eat curry with pita bread no problem, eat junk food, and ive seen her eat just breads before without major complaints which makes me think its in her head but the vegetable thing is weird too. She gets a lot of gas still and acid reflux. I know recovery isn't immediate, so I was wondering if she just needs to eat all foods and get used to them again, or is it possible the purging gave her a problem like chrons disease, or is it just possible that she has foods her body cant handle and would have that issue even if she never had this disorder? I want her to see the a doctor obviously and get some tests but I was curious if anyone else felt this way? Also what other effects linger, and what can i expect? Answer: Just to add a little to this, I do have diabetes from around 12 years of purging. Eating anything with a lot of carbs causes me stomach pain, and jacks up my sugar. Pizza causes me almost immediate diarrhea. However, I can eat whole wheat pita with no issues. I also have pretty severe ibs, and I'm not sure if that is bulimia related, or if it just would have happened anyways. I have a lot of trouble digesting raw veggies, especially lettuce. Anything greasy gives me intense stomach pain. So in short, it may not be in your girlfriends head at all. She may have ibs or some other issue that is causing her stomach issues when she eats certain food.
Question: i just need a community of people who 'get it' to know - i relapsed today, after three weeks of not binging/puking. it was the longest i'd gone without purging this year, and i really thought it would last. i was eating well, exercising every other day, making my own meals, and feeling a lot more confident. it might be the anxiety of being back in school. i don't know. all of yesterday and today i was bingeing, and i was so upset with myself; i half-wondered if i wanted to make myself /make myself/ purge. does that make sense? yesterday, every time the urge to puke manifested, i managed to push it away and distract myself. but today the bingeing got worse, and i felt cornered by my own actions. is this what it's supposed to be like? does it have to get worse before it gets better? every time i have a streak of b/p-free days, should i expect it to come back? i'm just so tired right now. Answer: Don't worry, you will always trip and fall on the journey of recovery. But then you just get up again and keep on walking. It's normal. 3 weeks has been my longest too. Keep on going, you are doing great even if the relapse may have made you feel different. Just focus on the fact you've been managing to be b/p free for so long instead of the fact you had a small relapse. It happens. But this is in the past now. Focus on the now and the future and try again. It's the same for everyone else. :)
Question: i just need a community of people who 'get it' to know - i relapsed today, after three weeks of not binging/puking. it was the longest i'd gone without purging this year, and i really thought it would last. i was eating well, exercising every other day, making my own meals, and feeling a lot more confident. it might be the anxiety of being back in school. i don't know. all of yesterday and today i was bingeing, and i was so upset with myself; i half-wondered if i wanted to make myself /make myself/ purge. does that make sense? yesterday, every time the urge to puke manifested, i managed to push it away and distract myself. but today the bingeing got worse, and i felt cornered by my own actions. is this what it's supposed to be like? does it have to get worse before it gets better? every time i have a streak of b/p-free days, should i expect it to come back? i'm just so tired right now. Answer: Recovery is not a straight line,you will find some days are more difficult than other (but the easy days are so worth it and make you want to keep making healthy choices). Its very good that you realized that going back to school can make you anxious,this way you can find ways to manage the anxiety in a healthy way (drawing,practicing yoga,go take a walk,etc). And no,it doesnt always have to come back!! maybe one day you will be able to not get urges anymore.But if you noticed that you are stuck in a cycle of purging/stopping/and purging again,it might be time to seek professional help. xx
Question: 1. Shove three fingers down your throught until you gag and vomit 2. Reapeat step one for a few weeks Now you should be belimic Answer: Learn how to spell first
Question: 1. Shove three fingers down your throught until you gag and vomit 2. Reapeat step one for a few weeks Now you should be belimic Answer: what the fuck is this
Question: 1. Shove three fingers down your throught until you gag and vomit 2. Reapeat step one for a few weeks Now you should be belimic Answer: what's wrong with you
Question: I relapsed today after not purging for 3 months. I was doing so well and I cracked after I saw some hot Cheetos (marker food) after going into Walgreens to buy face wash. I came home and ate everything in sight. I fucking hate myself and I hate that I can't beat this. Not looking for sympathy just needed to put it out into the universe. Answer: I'm right there with ya. I've been purge free for several months, but now am in full-on relapse. I noticed I've gained a little weight, and i just could not handle it. My best wishes go out to you, and just know that tomorrow is a new day. It hurts to relapse, but you can try again.
Question: I relapsed today after not purging for 3 months. I was doing so well and I cracked after I saw some hot Cheetos (marker food) after going into Walgreens to buy face wash. I came home and ate everything in sight. I fucking hate myself and I hate that I can't beat this. Not looking for sympathy just needed to put it out into the universe. Answer: Sending you love and support. You will get through this, you'll be okay!
Question: I relapsed today after not purging for 3 months. I was doing so well and I cracked after I saw some hot Cheetos (marker food) after going into Walgreens to buy face wash. I came home and ate everything in sight. I fucking hate myself and I hate that I can't beat this. Not looking for sympathy just needed to put it out into the universe. Answer: Regressing sucks, I hope you haven't been too harsh on yourself in the following days. Using marker or trigger foods are important in your recovery, and for progressing towards normal eating habits. Something that helps me with trigger foods is eating a good balanced meal before, then having *that* snack after. I hope this finds you well, you're not alone in your recovery
Question: (this is mostly just me venting and sharing my thoughts since i have no one to talk to about this) Most of the time I plan my b/ps. i make sure i have the right food, no one is home, do the usual etc. But sometimes I'll have a good, healthy (safe) meal, like a rice bowl or something, then I'll say to myself "well maybe ill have this because I'm still hungry." "might as well eat this too" and then "oh fuck it let's binge." and next thing i know I'm back in the bathroom in front of the toilet. OR sometimes I'll eat something, feel too full and just purge. I could be sitting with my family and just get up or hanging out with my friends. It's like it controls me and I don't know what to do. A part of me wants to stop and be healthy while another part can't let go. Ive been dealing with this for long it's like it's a natural part of me. I dont know what "normal" eating is or "normal" thoughts are about food. I haven't been to a doctor or been diagnosed ( my parents don't know and i could never tell them, I'm 20 and i live at home) , my friends kind of know about it (I've mentioned briefly once) and my boyfriend knows about it but I don't think he really gets it. To anyone else who can relate to this, what do you do? Thanks Answer: I'm 29 and the cycle continues. It's been this way for the last 1o years. I don't plan my binges until I've eaten something I hadn't planned, or I've eaten too much of what I had laid out. Get help. I know I shouldn't be preaching, but my psychiatrist knows, my family doctor knows, my family support worker knows, my mom knows, my sister knows and a few of my friends know. Today, my 4 year old daughter saw vomit on the toilet and I helped her wipe it off so she could go pee. I'd like to say that was a breaking point for me, but I'm about to purge.... I can't stop it. I don't know how.... Just... I just hope you get help before you're a 29 year old mother wiping the vomit off of a toilet seat so your babe can pee. Edited to include how long I've been battling this.
Question: (this is mostly just me venting and sharing my thoughts since i have no one to talk to about this) Most of the time I plan my b/ps. i make sure i have the right food, no one is home, do the usual etc. But sometimes I'll have a good, healthy (safe) meal, like a rice bowl or something, then I'll say to myself "well maybe ill have this because I'm still hungry." "might as well eat this too" and then "oh fuck it let's binge." and next thing i know I'm back in the bathroom in front of the toilet. OR sometimes I'll eat something, feel too full and just purge. I could be sitting with my family and just get up or hanging out with my friends. It's like it controls me and I don't know what to do. A part of me wants to stop and be healthy while another part can't let go. Ive been dealing with this for long it's like it's a natural part of me. I dont know what "normal" eating is or "normal" thoughts are about food. I haven't been to a doctor or been diagnosed ( my parents don't know and i could never tell them, I'm 20 and i live at home) , my friends kind of know about it (I've mentioned briefly once) and my boyfriend knows about it but I don't think he really gets it. To anyone else who can relate to this, what do you do? Thanks Answer: I am so sorry. :( I know this feeling so well. Internet hugs. Just know that tomorrow is another step on your journey to recovery.
Question: So often these days I feel too ugly to leave the house. I just feel so repulsive I am somehow doing the world a favor by not putting myself out there. The bulimia has made me so ugly- the bloated face/body, the fact that I am not thin anymore but just kind of this puffy being. I don't smile. My hair is dried out. I look unwell. I've even considered obtaining a burqa (for non religious reasons of course) just so I can hide behind that and feel more comfortable "out there". I can't enjoy things "out there" because I'm so obsessed with how unfortunate I look, the feeling of my skin on everything, the way my clothes are now tighter....I realize that this is all so self-absorbed, that most people won't even notice me regardless. Body dysmorphic thoughts I guess. But they feel so real and crippling to me. And yet it still isn't enough to make me stop binging and purging. I feel like the hideous, angry, sad troll that lives in the darkness under the bridge in fairytales. Answer: Fully understand that feeling :( It probably wont make much difference, but do try to remember that people really don't pay as much attention to your appearance as you do; how often do you think about the way someone you walked past on the street looks? Also, I don't know where you live, but I'm in a suburban town in the United Kingdom and in all honesty people are incredibly rude too/downright stare at women who have their hair/faces covered- there's so much Islamophobia that you'll actually be drawing attention to yourself rather than diverting it away
Question: So often these days I feel too ugly to leave the house. I just feel so repulsive I am somehow doing the world a favor by not putting myself out there. The bulimia has made me so ugly- the bloated face/body, the fact that I am not thin anymore but just kind of this puffy being. I don't smile. My hair is dried out. I look unwell. I've even considered obtaining a burqa (for non religious reasons of course) just so I can hide behind that and feel more comfortable "out there". I can't enjoy things "out there" because I'm so obsessed with how unfortunate I look, the feeling of my skin on everything, the way my clothes are now tighter....I realize that this is all so self-absorbed, that most people won't even notice me regardless. Body dysmorphic thoughts I guess. But they feel so real and crippling to me. And yet it still isn't enough to make me stop binging and purging. I feel like the hideous, angry, sad troll that lives in the darkness under the bridge in fairytales. Answer: I don't think I'd ever actually get/wear a burqa, I just stick to hats and sunglasses and long sleeves to hide. Islamaphobia is a shame though, of course. A lot of my ugliness is currently due to the swelling from bulimia, so I've been trying to cease purging. I know it will be nearly impossible to lose weight, due to the fact that I've obliterated my metabolism. It's so hard. You are probably right, no one really cares about how I look. thanks for responding/ sympathizing.
Question: So often these days I feel too ugly to leave the house. I just feel so repulsive I am somehow doing the world a favor by not putting myself out there. The bulimia has made me so ugly- the bloated face/body, the fact that I am not thin anymore but just kind of this puffy being. I don't smile. My hair is dried out. I look unwell. I've even considered obtaining a burqa (for non religious reasons of course) just so I can hide behind that and feel more comfortable "out there". I can't enjoy things "out there" because I'm so obsessed with how unfortunate I look, the feeling of my skin on everything, the way my clothes are now tighter....I realize that this is all so self-absorbed, that most people won't even notice me regardless. Body dysmorphic thoughts I guess. But they feel so real and crippling to me. And yet it still isn't enough to make me stop binging and purging. I feel like the hideous, angry, sad troll that lives in the darkness under the bridge in fairytales. Answer: If it's any consolation there's actually very little evidence to suggest that bulimia destroys your metabolism and (while I doubt you really need to lose weight) I've noticed that during times when I've managed to not B/P for extended periods of time my body composition has actually changed? Like, I've naturally toned up a little, most likely because I'm actually getting proper nutrients rather than just the leftovers of binges (basically living off pure sugar urgh) The swelling/puffiness is tough, I often find it actually gets worse for the first few days due to rebound fluid retention which makes things 100x harder, but once i've stayed hydrated and got enough electrolytes for a few days it starts to go down again In a similar sense tummy troubles seem to be a major thing at first, 100% recommend omeprazole (can buy it OTT) if you get issues with that one, because I find that makes things much more difficult as well
Question: So often these days I feel too ugly to leave the house. I just feel so repulsive I am somehow doing the world a favor by not putting myself out there. The bulimia has made me so ugly- the bloated face/body, the fact that I am not thin anymore but just kind of this puffy being. I don't smile. My hair is dried out. I look unwell. I've even considered obtaining a burqa (for non religious reasons of course) just so I can hide behind that and feel more comfortable "out there". I can't enjoy things "out there" because I'm so obsessed with how unfortunate I look, the feeling of my skin on everything, the way my clothes are now tighter....I realize that this is all so self-absorbed, that most people won't even notice me regardless. Body dysmorphic thoughts I guess. But they feel so real and crippling to me. And yet it still isn't enough to make me stop binging and purging. I feel like the hideous, angry, sad troll that lives in the darkness under the bridge in fairytales. Answer: As for the metabolism thing, you are probably right, and I do know that I do not need to lose weight. I just need to NOT PURGE, and be patient with the swelling. I am drinking tons of water too. Thank you for the reassurance- I know all these things but sometimes I get hopeless and listen too often to the negative ticker-tape in my head. Hope you are doing ok today :)
Question: So often these days I feel too ugly to leave the house. I just feel so repulsive I am somehow doing the world a favor by not putting myself out there. The bulimia has made me so ugly- the bloated face/body, the fact that I am not thin anymore but just kind of this puffy being. I don't smile. My hair is dried out. I look unwell. I've even considered obtaining a burqa (for non religious reasons of course) just so I can hide behind that and feel more comfortable "out there". I can't enjoy things "out there" because I'm so obsessed with how unfortunate I look, the feeling of my skin on everything, the way my clothes are now tighter....I realize that this is all so self-absorbed, that most people won't even notice me regardless. Body dysmorphic thoughts I guess. But they feel so real and crippling to me. And yet it still isn't enough to make me stop binging and purging. I feel like the hideous, angry, sad troll that lives in the darkness under the bridge in fairytales. Answer: Fully get that, it's handy to have someone direct you to the right part of your brain at times! Sorta like when you get stuck in one part of youtube and just end up with the same recommended songs for ageeeees? I use far to many metaphors, sorry ;P I'm doing alright thanks :) Having some ongoing issues with teeth/skin infections which reached peak horror a few days ago though, so am on some hefty doses of antibiotics and painkillers, but really trying to use it as motivation to do the whole self care thing!
Question: So I have been bulimic for the last eight years. Its been an up and down disorder that I can control for months at a time, but eventually I fall back down the rabbit hole until, I realize where I am at and find a way to stop. Today I had a lapse and binged then purged for the first time in a couple months. But this time, I knew exactly why I was doing what I was doing. For me, my ED is about control. It gives me something to obsess about so I dont obsess about other things. Recently a FWB situation ended and I have been feeling numb and uncertain about myself. This situation took up most of my daily thoughts and now that it is not happening my brain is left empty and I find my thoughts easily fall on food and weight. When I am eating my brain shuts off, I dont even enjoy the food as much as the process of getting to purging. Finally when I get to purge it is such a release. For those minutes nothing else matters. Its all about getting everything out and releasing something from my body in a physical sense. I have control, or at least I think I do in that moment. Then afterwards I obsessively clean my bathroom and brush my teeth. The obsessive thoughts continue, as I obsess about not eating anything else. Just wanted to get this out as I think it is a step in my recovery. Thank you for reading Answer: This is a great post. I hope you don't let one bad day snowball into a bad week, a bad month etc. One thing I want to suggest for oral care is rinsing your mouth with about 1 teaspoon baking soda and 8oz water (letting baking soda dissolve in water). A nurse told me brushing immediately afterwards will further damage teeth, but by rebalancing the acidic levels in your mouth with this rinse first, you should be safe to brush 30-60 minutes later. I never support bad habits, but these things happen and it's important to prevent further damage to our bodies. I hope this finds you well, you're not alone in your recovery.
Question: I am a 19 year old man who suffers from bulimia. As you can imagine, the stigma that goes along with eating disorders can be much worse for men in western cultures... I really need some guidance. I use bulimia as a "self-medication" for bipolar disorder (as disgusting as bulimia is, I love the high I get from it; it's the only good feeling I ever have anymore). I did it for about three months early 2015, then stopped for around a year, and have now been in a "relapse" for the past 5 months. My teeth are hurt and are becoming soft, I've lost 40 pounds, my guts are bloated, and I'm sure esophageal cancer is not far away... Help, *please* Answer: Man I really wish I had some better advice for you. I'm in the same boat, I'm a guy with bulimia and bipolar disorder. I've had the most success with a little rewards system. If I throw up my stomach gets screwed up and I cant really drink alcohol. So I would try to use that as motivation, like if I want to be able to go out and drink and have fun I can't throw up during the day.
Question: I am a 19 year old man who suffers from bulimia. As you can imagine, the stigma that goes along with eating disorders can be much worse for men in western cultures... I really need some guidance. I use bulimia as a "self-medication" for bipolar disorder (as disgusting as bulimia is, I love the high I get from it; it's the only good feeling I ever have anymore). I did it for about three months early 2015, then stopped for around a year, and have now been in a "relapse" for the past 5 months. My teeth are hurt and are becoming soft, I've lost 40 pounds, my guts are bloated, and I'm sure esophageal cancer is not far away... Help, *please* Answer: I'm 18 with bulimia and I can relate. The only thing that is really helping me with it at the moment is the fact I'm able to restrict. But to be honest I have only been able to do that this month after 2 years with it. I'd recommend seeing a doctor and dentist if it is as bad as you say. Good luck
Question: I am a 19 year old man who suffers from bulimia. As you can imagine, the stigma that goes along with eating disorders can be much worse for men in western cultures... I really need some guidance. I use bulimia as a "self-medication" for bipolar disorder (as disgusting as bulimia is, I love the high I get from it; it's the only good feeling I ever have anymore). I did it for about three months early 2015, then stopped for around a year, and have now been in a "relapse" for the past 5 months. My teeth are hurt and are becoming soft, I've lost 40 pounds, my guts are bloated, and I'm sure esophageal cancer is not far away... Help, *please* Answer: It took treatment for me to break the habit. It's so addictive that I couldn't do it by myself. You constantly tell yourself "just one more time" but it's never the last time. Please consider it. I never thought it was an option for me but when I worked through all the details it was absolutely feasible. There were guys at the first place I went to so don't let that discourage you.
Question: I am a 19 year old man who suffers from bulimia. As you can imagine, the stigma that goes along with eating disorders can be much worse for men in western cultures... I really need some guidance. I use bulimia as a "self-medication" for bipolar disorder (as disgusting as bulimia is, I love the high I get from it; it's the only good feeling I ever have anymore). I did it for about three months early 2015, then stopped for around a year, and have now been in a "relapse" for the past 5 months. My teeth are hurt and are becoming soft, I've lost 40 pounds, my guts are bloated, and I'm sure esophageal cancer is not far away... Help, *please* Answer: I know how difficult it can be to stop, even your body quitting on you is not enough for you to stop. What helped me last time was shame. What helps me this time is shame. Last time, my mother found out, i was staying at her place, having to eat (and to cook) all this delicious food, i could not resist binging...so i purged. The obvious smell of vomit (which i tried to disguise, but could not due to various reasons ) gave it away. It was enough for me to stop, not immediately, but quite soon after. I guess she deduced the cause of the stench easily, as i've recently realized she probably was bulimic herself, although we've never discussed it. I remember vividly as i was still a teenager, living at home and having quite a hard time falling asleep at night, hearing her "quietly" vomit in the bathroom. Didn't put 2+2 together back then, but i did, once i began the same pattern myself.   I relapsed recently, having tried to keep it a secret from everyone, but obviously things catch up with you. What convinced me to stop this time were, well , two things: this time i clogged a public toilet for one and cockroaches just so happened to start appearing around my home (clogged drains or whatnot, who the f knows). I was mortified when i realized the first, but downright disgusted by the second sight, despite not knowing, whether these two things are related or not. The point is, shame works. You'll get into a situation one way or another where you'll be faced with the consequences of what you're doing. Shitty advice perhaps, but it's the only thing that has worked for me: doing damage to someone i love or to the general public, the guilt that comes with people finding out, being put in the spotlight for being a disgusting pig who eats her feelings, but refuses to own up to it... As an anxious person, that's my worst fear. But it might again not be enough for you. As for teeth, i got them fixed after a year of being free from bad habits, but after the relapse, despite using precautions, my teeth hurt a lot, especially when i walk oddly enough. I can feel and see them eroding, but it has never been enough for me to stop because of that "it (in this case, teeth falling out) only happens to a select few, but never to me" fallacy. However, if that sort of thing truly scares you, i recommend you to watch [EDucating Shanny](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcE_Vp4v3HGXFT2JUlwIXQQ). I wish you all the best in your recovery process, whichever route you take, you have to know that this can't go on forever and you will have to get better some day. Sorry for not sugarcoating it.
Question: I am a 19 year old man who suffers from bulimia. As you can imagine, the stigma that goes along with eating disorders can be much worse for men in western cultures... I really need some guidance. I use bulimia as a "self-medication" for bipolar disorder (as disgusting as bulimia is, I love the high I get from it; it's the only good feeling I ever have anymore). I did it for about three months early 2015, then stopped for around a year, and have now been in a "relapse" for the past 5 months. My teeth are hurt and are becoming soft, I've lost 40 pounds, my guts are bloated, and I'm sure esophageal cancer is not far away... Help, *please* Answer: I think shame would make me stop. I've always thought about clogging up the pipes in the back of my mind, but have never really thought it could happen; I'm sorry that it did to you. Thanks for the advice, and best of luck to you
Question: I am a 19 year old man who suffers from bulimia. As you can imagine, the stigma that goes along with eating disorders can be much worse for men in western cultures... I really need some guidance. I use bulimia as a "self-medication" for bipolar disorder (as disgusting as bulimia is, I love the high I get from it; it's the only good feeling I ever have anymore). I did it for about three months early 2015, then stopped for around a year, and have now been in a "relapse" for the past 5 months. My teeth are hurt and are becoming soft, I've lost 40 pounds, my guts are bloated, and I'm sure esophageal cancer is not far away... Help, *please* Answer: I know the "just one more time" game all too well... perhaps I'll look into treatment. Thanks, and I'm glad to hear that it sounds like you have recovered.
Question: I am a 19 year old man who suffers from bulimia. As you can imagine, the stigma that goes along with eating disorders can be much worse for men in western cultures... I really need some guidance. I use bulimia as a "self-medication" for bipolar disorder (as disgusting as bulimia is, I love the high I get from it; it's the only good feeling I ever have anymore). I did it for about three months early 2015, then stopped for around a year, and have now been in a "relapse" for the past 5 months. My teeth are hurt and are becoming soft, I've lost 40 pounds, my guts are bloated, and I'm sure esophageal cancer is not far away... Help, *please* Answer: Thanks. I hope you can find a way to recovery, it really is a horrible disorder to deal with.
Question: I suffer from Bulimia (F23). I have since I was 16 or so. Over the past few years it has become much MUCH worse. I think about two very conflicting things all damn day: eating and losing weight. I crave all the bad foods and I crave having the perfect body. Food can be instantly provided therefore the food usually wins. I weigh 200 lbs at 5'5". I am overweight and want nothing more than to be 50 lbs lighter. I have been to treatment before for bulimia at a high level of care. I relapsed immediately. I don't think I was ever even close to recovery. If I was it was only because I had constant support surrounding me. Currently, I am bingeing and purging everyday. Sometimes several times a day. I hate my body and I hate myself. The deeper into my ED I am the fatter I get. It's so twisted. My eating disorder doesn't do what I want it to do because I am very overweight. I have gained weight over the last year, not lost any. I am in a downward spiral and don't know what to do. I don't have the time or energy or motivation to go back to treatment. I secretly want to keep my ED. In my head it will one day work. I get high off of eating large amounts of food in my room by myself then immediately throwing it up in my own bathroom. It feels SO GOOD in the moment. But obviously I regret it once the food is all in my body. Nothing anyone has said to me has helped. My sister, my close friends, my parents; they all try and help me but I am too stubborn. Does anyone relate? Can anyone help me? I don't know what to do. I am absolutely miserable. and oh so very stuck in this vicious, ugly cycle thats killing me slowly. Answer: I think most here can relate. Did you know that the longer your body gets used to the cycle, the more it tries to keep as much as possible? Or that bulimia makes you bloated? So if you're gaining weight or not losing any while having bulimia, this might be the explanation. If you really want to lose weight, then you need to do it in a healthy, non bulimic/restrictive way. The first step is to recover. Your blood and electrolytes must be really bad from the constant binging/purging and I wouldn't diet in that condition. This stuff is really dangerous. I know it's all easier said than done, but you have to be aware of certain facts and tips. I can feel your pain and I've been in very similar situations. Just please try to seek help if you can't do it on your own. You need to focus on eating healthy and nourishing your body because you're in a constant state of starvation, and that will lead to craving/binging and make it harder and dangerous to lose weight anyway. Plus as said before you should focus on your health now, not on your weight. Things will balance out more once you start a healthier lifestyle.
Question: I dropped everything. I dropped sofa, candy, sweets, everything bad. I was doing so good. I was losing weight and I felt good and then something happened. A few weeks ago. And it was binge day after day after day. Gaining weight. Then it evened off and I wasn't binging just eating like shit, way too much, back in my old habits. Back to hating my body. And now [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/fdZ4g)... this is the worst it's been. I binged on bread, sandwiches, anything we had in the house not we never had anything bad. We never buy cookies and chips or anything. But I found the Halloween candy my mother hid. I found it and I ate a piece and then I couldn't stop. It might not seem like much but I feel so sick right now. Mentally and physically. Fuck. Help me please. I need a wake up call. This is fucking with my head so bad. Answer: Go easy on yourself. > We never buy cookies and chips or anything Sometimes being too strict on junk food can have the opposite effect. Try giving yourself dessert at dinner, some random kit-kat bar. Tell yourself to enjoy it, savor it, then when you're done have a glass of water and move on with your evening.
Question: I dropped everything. I dropped sofa, candy, sweets, everything bad. I was doing so good. I was losing weight and I felt good and then something happened. A few weeks ago. And it was binge day after day after day. Gaining weight. Then it evened off and I wasn't binging just eating like shit, way too much, back in my old habits. Back to hating my body. And now [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/fdZ4g)... this is the worst it's been. I binged on bread, sandwiches, anything we had in the house not we never had anything bad. We never buy cookies and chips or anything. But I found the Halloween candy my mother hid. I found it and I ate a piece and then I couldn't stop. It might not seem like much but I feel so sick right now. Mentally and physically. Fuck. Help me please. I need a wake up call. This is fucking with my head so bad. Answer: Hi darling, I totally and completely understand. I grew up obese and always had food issues, but never really understood that I had a binge eating disorder. One year, when I was in college I found myself on the floor of my dorm room eating a whole bag of shitty cheap chocolate that I didn't even like the taste of. Until this point, I had always just thought that I wasn't eating right and that if I controlled my dieting then I could lose weight. But, after polishing off that entire bag, literally stuffing crappy pieces of chocolate in my mouth that I didn't even like the taste of, I realized I really had a problem. I went to go see a therapist, and he was awesome! He really just helped me understand myself and my anxieties , etc etc I think that was my first step towards a bit more self-understanding. That being said... I was still bingeing every now and then. No matter where I went, what I did, or who I was with I couldn't seem to escape it. There were definitely times where it became less (when I was in my element, had lots of friends, doing things I loved) but even then, as a form of Celebration I would still find ways to overeat and feel completely sick and hate myself. I lived in New York City and found ways to binge, I lived in Santiago, Chile and got really crazy on my binges because I was very depressed, when I move back to Florida to be with my family that's when it was the worst. I couldn't stop eating uncontrollably, and it made me feel like I was a terrible worthless person. Long story short, I remembered that a friend from high school had once gone to Overeaters Anonymous and that name popped in my head one day when I was feeling really really dark and helpless. I was terrified, but I showed up to the meeting because I knew there was just really nothing else I could do. I've been in OA for two years on and off. I had tried earlier but was turned off by the unsexiness of the program. Recently, I joined an OA group that was a 100% focused on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. The premise is that us Overeaters have an addiction to Compulsive eating comprable to alcoholism. If you feel like you physically can't stop eating at some points, even when you know you want to, this is the kind of addiction I'm talking about. For the first time in my life, after going through all the steps finally, I feel like I'm having a way way more normal relationship with food. No restricting, no binges , no crazy obsessive thoughts about food. My life isn't a 100% percent perfect and I'm definitely still very human , but I have found peace with food through the steps and I'm so very grateful for it. If you have any questions or just want someone to talk to please feel free to message me. Sending love your way. I promise, once you get the help you need (OA or otherwise) it'll be much better. 😘 AP
Question: I dropped everything. I dropped sofa, candy, sweets, everything bad. I was doing so good. I was losing weight and I felt good and then something happened. A few weeks ago. And it was binge day after day after day. Gaining weight. Then it evened off and I wasn't binging just eating like shit, way too much, back in my old habits. Back to hating my body. And now [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/fdZ4g)... this is the worst it's been. I binged on bread, sandwiches, anything we had in the house not we never had anything bad. We never buy cookies and chips or anything. But I found the Halloween candy my mother hid. I found it and I ate a piece and then I couldn't stop. It might not seem like much but I feel so sick right now. Mentally and physically. Fuck. Help me please. I need a wake up call. This is fucking with my head so bad. Answer: Wow first of all thank you for such a detailed reply! It really means a lot especially when I wasn't expecting a lot from a smaller sub. I am in therapy right now for other reasons so I'll definitely bring this up with her. We've talked of it before and she recommended a nutritionist but I declined because it wasn't as bad then. Ill mention it again! Also, I'm younger so I'm not sure if I could go to the OA group but I will look around my area for one and see if anything works. Thank you so much :)
Question: I dropped everything. I dropped sofa, candy, sweets, everything bad. I was doing so good. I was losing weight and I felt good and then something happened. A few weeks ago. And it was binge day after day after day. Gaining weight. Then it evened off and I wasn't binging just eating like shit, way too much, back in my old habits. Back to hating my body. And now [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/fdZ4g)... this is the worst it's been. I binged on bread, sandwiches, anything we had in the house not we never had anything bad. We never buy cookies and chips or anything. But I found the Halloween candy my mother hid. I found it and I ate a piece and then I couldn't stop. It might not seem like much but I feel so sick right now. Mentally and physically. Fuck. Help me please. I need a wake up call. This is fucking with my head so bad. Answer: My pleasure!!! Anyone I can help makes having this problem worth the struggle. All the best to you and please let me know if you have any more questions/need more help! 💖
Question: I dropped everything. I dropped sofa, candy, sweets, everything bad. I was doing so good. I was losing weight and I felt good and then something happened. A few weeks ago. And it was binge day after day after day. Gaining weight. Then it evened off and I wasn't binging just eating like shit, way too much, back in my old habits. Back to hating my body. And now [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/fdZ4g)... this is the worst it's been. I binged on bread, sandwiches, anything we had in the house not we never had anything bad. We never buy cookies and chips or anything. But I found the Halloween candy my mother hid. I found it and I ate a piece and then I couldn't stop. It might not seem like much but I feel so sick right now. Mentally and physically. Fuck. Help me please. I need a wake up call. This is fucking with my head so bad. Answer: I was in your shoes too, since your story sounds so similar to mine here are some lessons I learned over 2.5 years of doing exactly what you just described. 1. First, I needed to admit there was a problem. For three going on four years, I blamed my drive and my dreams for my actions. Ignoring people in my life hinting at me that I may have a problem, including family, close friends, and my girlfriend. I lied to myself, rationalizing it with the mask of a cheat meal. As the punishment for binging increased, so did the amount of times I binged. At first it was once a week, then every couple days. Soon it was every other day, until it consumed my thoughts at all times. There were instances where I would drive to Walmart just to eat all the food I could before coming home. Chances are if you are reading this it is because you are looking for help. Good for you! You are already lightyears ahead of where I was! 2. I learned to love myself for me, and to be honest, I am still learning how to do this. Today, the emulated physique is seen as happiness. It is published on social media, magazines, and posters as the symbol of happiness. I believed it and I chased and chased it. I had it for some time and I was still just as miserable. How you look will not make you happy! Now don’t twist those words as an excuse to just let yourself become overweight. We have to learn to accept our imperfections. We all have them and everyone tries to hide them. Here are my flaws (some I can fix, others are what they are): Relationships: I am awful. I wrecked a 15 year friendship with a high school sweetheart. I was selfish and an asshole. I can also be abrasive and brutal with little to no compassion. However since I have shared this personal story, I have gotten better. Although I am by no means finished working on this. Skin Damage: I never wore sunscreen as a kid. Now I have moles, freckles, and scars. Some I wish weren’t there. Some girls won’t even talk to me because of them. I am not “sexy” enough. They aren’t “interested”. Don’t let your imperfections stop you from loving yourself. You are the only you this world will ever see so embrace yourself. Perhaps the worst thing about this cycle was I hated myself, I hated my life and I didn’t even want to look in the mirror. I thought I was a failure and that I would never make it. I even contemplated suicide. When I would binge, I would punish myself. Avoid this. Remember life is meant to be enjoyed. Life is much too short to never treat yourself to what you love to eat despite whether it’s ‘good for you’. Look yourself in the mirror and say “I LOVE myself” at least 10 times a day, if not more. P.S. try not to smile when you say this (harder than you think). 3. Thirdly, there is no such thing as good food, bad food. Placing labels on food, leads us to ban them from our intake. We say, “No, No, No, No, No…” We push for the perfect diet and once we eat this food that does not fall into this neat diet box, we throw our hands up saying we failed so now is the time to eat everything we can. This leads to punishment, which then leads to more restrictions. This is the vicious cycle we as binge eaters face. I used to believe it myself - that there was clean food and bad food. It simply is this manifested idea. If you ask a vegan, he/she will say animal based foods are not clean. Someone who is a vegetarian will disagree and say it is just animal products that are not clean. Then a paleo guy runs in screaming about how meat is clean, but grains aren’t. Adopt my grandmother’s wise old adage of “everything in moderation.” This brings me to my next point… 4. Always practice moderation. You can eat whatever you want, just not all at once. I believe I heard Layne Norton say this – it’s like the 11th commandment. When I first began to escape cycle, I would eat one “treat” at every meal. Nothing crazy, but this allowed me to still get my “fix” so I wouldn’t binge. Any action in the right direction gave me more motivation and encouragement to keep improving. The small wins kept snowballing into large victories later that slammed the door on binging. Disclaimer, it is wiser to eat this food item from a plate than from the container. Don’t test your will to fight binging if you do not have too. As the old saying goes, “work smarter, not harder.” 5. No more crazy spreadsheets and tracking of nutrients line item by line item like an accountant. I did not worry about counting calories and the works. I would instead eat three meals - breakfast, lunch and supper, possibly a snack if I was hungry. I would eat slowly, and as I began to feel fuller I would stop eating. You may be like me and scared that you’ll get fat. Well what is your other choice? You can keep binge eating, which is not working because you wouldn’t be reading this right now if it was. Or you can reach out and try something new. 6. Remember that you do not need the scale to help you. It’s about small wins, and trust me, they add up. Most people overestimate the damage of a binge. You need to eat in excess of 3500 calories over your normal intake to gain a pound of fat. It is not as bad as we create in our minds. Additionally, when we stand on the scale after a binge, our body is bloated, full of food, sodium, and other goodies. This only compounds the guilt feeling. 7. Learn to enjoy social eating. What about eating at restaurants and parties? Parties were my kryptonite. The amount of food that I saw while feeling I needed to eat enough to feed three people – it was as stressful as it gets. What helped me to win at parties was I made this a game in my head (who cares no one else knows..). I am very competitive; I hate losing even if it’s go fish with a girlfriend. Since eating slower and not getting seconds was a struggle at first, the game I created was to be the last one done eating and the last one to get seconds. This helped me in many ways. First it helped me eat slower as I talked with people and this helped to repair the relationships I had damaged in the past. Next, I was not over eating any longer. Often I had waited so long, I now realized I was actually full. Earlier, I’d have eaten so quickly it wouldn’t register in my brain. 8. Workout for fun! For so long in this process I trained for results, never for goals. I simply worked out to look good - that’s it! It was the complete wrong direction. It made training no fun and I dreaded every gym session. It doesn’t matter if you are into bodybuilding, figure, physique, cross fit, powerlifting, strongman, marathons, etc. Just train for fun. Train to get better and challenge yourself. For me this was powerlifting.
Question: I dropped everything. I dropped sofa, candy, sweets, everything bad. I was doing so good. I was losing weight and I felt good and then something happened. A few weeks ago. And it was binge day after day after day. Gaining weight. Then it evened off and I wasn't binging just eating like shit, way too much, back in my old habits. Back to hating my body. And now [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/fdZ4g)... this is the worst it's been. I binged on bread, sandwiches, anything we had in the house not we never had anything bad. We never buy cookies and chips or anything. But I found the Halloween candy my mother hid. I found it and I ate a piece and then I couldn't stop. It might not seem like much but I feel so sick right now. Mentally and physically. Fuck. Help me please. I need a wake up call. This is fucking with my head so bad. Answer: Wow I can't tell you how much this helped! I actually followed the stuff you said and today had been binge free. I don't feel guilty even though I might have eaten too much at each meal but I didn't binge! Thank you for this (: I have a good feeling right now that this might have gotten me back on me feel
Question: I dropped everything. I dropped sofa, candy, sweets, everything bad. I was doing so good. I was losing weight and I felt good and then something happened. A few weeks ago. And it was binge day after day after day. Gaining weight. Then it evened off and I wasn't binging just eating like shit, way too much, back in my old habits. Back to hating my body. And now [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/fdZ4g)... this is the worst it's been. I binged on bread, sandwiches, anything we had in the house not we never had anything bad. We never buy cookies and chips or anything. But I found the Halloween candy my mother hid. I found it and I ate a piece and then I couldn't stop. It might not seem like much but I feel so sick right now. Mentally and physically. Fuck. Help me please. I need a wake up call. This is fucking with my head so bad. Answer: Dear, I understand your struggle. I have been there myself and it's awful. I am now 8 months in recovery and i feel great. Previously to recovery I had struggled with binge eating for 5 years until i stumbled upon a book that saved my life: Brain over Binge by Kathryn Hansen. I urge you to read it. Kathryn struggled with bulimia but she tackles binging in the book because she believes that purging wouldnt occur without a binge (except in purging disorder which is another story). Anyway, it includes a 5 step recovery process. These steps are mental exercises that help you deal with urges and not act upon them. She also explain why we binge. Read the book. Edit: Also message me with any help you need. I will be here to answer all your questions.
Question: I dropped everything. I dropped sofa, candy, sweets, everything bad. I was doing so good. I was losing weight and I felt good and then something happened. A few weeks ago. And it was binge day after day after day. Gaining weight. Then it evened off and I wasn't binging just eating like shit, way too much, back in my old habits. Back to hating my body. And now [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/fdZ4g)... this is the worst it's been. I binged on bread, sandwiches, anything we had in the house not we never had anything bad. We never buy cookies and chips or anything. But I found the Halloween candy my mother hid. I found it and I ate a piece and then I couldn't stop. It might not seem like much but I feel so sick right now. Mentally and physically. Fuck. Help me please. I need a wake up call. This is fucking with my head so bad. Answer: No problem, keep me in the loop if you want help. You can reach me via email at [email protected] if you ever want to talk with someone who understands etc. Here for you, I understand:) Remember its small wins:)
Question: I was doing really good for about 50 days on my diet and I've finally felt proud of myself since I wasn't craving anything and then it just happened.. Yesterday I binged in the evening to the point where I just wanted to puke this shit out, my stomach was really sore and then I was trying to pretend nothing happened by scrolling through fucking memes on facebook.. I've gone to sleep, today morning I felt guilty as hell but I binged again.. It's like 700 calories right now so the day isn't blown already but still.. Two days of binging while I was doing so good and I started to see differences in my body which is a rare thing, because rarely I am able to say something good about myself. You can't even imagine how HOPELESS AND MISERABLE I feel..will I gain weight? How can I get back on track? How can I get over the guilt...? And prevent THIS happening again? Oh I feel so shitty.. Did I ruin my diet? Help me please, I'm so fucking unstable right now.. Answer: This is honest advice, you have to stop dieting in order to stop binge eating. I HIGHLY recommend Brain Over Binge by Kathryn Hansen. Dieting is a big sole cause of binge eating.
Question: I was doing really good for about 50 days on my diet and I've finally felt proud of myself since I wasn't craving anything and then it just happened.. Yesterday I binged in the evening to the point where I just wanted to puke this shit out, my stomach was really sore and then I was trying to pretend nothing happened by scrolling through fucking memes on facebook.. I've gone to sleep, today morning I felt guilty as hell but I binged again.. It's like 700 calories right now so the day isn't blown already but still.. Two days of binging while I was doing so good and I started to see differences in my body which is a rare thing, because rarely I am able to say something good about myself. You can't even imagine how HOPELESS AND MISERABLE I feel..will I gain weight? How can I get back on track? How can I get over the guilt...? And prevent THIS happening again? Oh I feel so shitty.. Did I ruin my diet? Help me please, I'm so fucking unstable right now.. Answer: Don't let a couple of days bring you down. I know EXACTLY how you feel. Eat some fruit and veggies. Maybe go for a walk to clear your head. Tomorrow is a new day and you are in control! PM me if you need someone to talk to :)
Question: I was doing really good for about 50 days on my diet and I've finally felt proud of myself since I wasn't craving anything and then it just happened.. Yesterday I binged in the evening to the point where I just wanted to puke this shit out, my stomach was really sore and then I was trying to pretend nothing happened by scrolling through fucking memes on facebook.. I've gone to sleep, today morning I felt guilty as hell but I binged again.. It's like 700 calories right now so the day isn't blown already but still.. Two days of binging while I was doing so good and I started to see differences in my body which is a rare thing, because rarely I am able to say something good about myself. You can't even imagine how HOPELESS AND MISERABLE I feel..will I gain weight? How can I get back on track? How can I get over the guilt...? And prevent THIS happening again? Oh I feel so shitty.. Did I ruin my diet? Help me please, I'm so fucking unstable right now.. Answer: https://youtu.be/hpqyGiRiBCQ [email protected] Hope this helps:)
Question: I was doing really good for about 50 days on my diet and I've finally felt proud of myself since I wasn't craving anything and then it just happened.. Yesterday I binged in the evening to the point where I just wanted to puke this shit out, my stomach was really sore and then I was trying to pretend nothing happened by scrolling through fucking memes on facebook.. I've gone to sleep, today morning I felt guilty as hell but I binged again.. It's like 700 calories right now so the day isn't blown already but still.. Two days of binging while I was doing so good and I started to see differences in my body which is a rare thing, because rarely I am able to say something good about myself. You can't even imagine how HOPELESS AND MISERABLE I feel..will I gain weight? How can I get back on track? How can I get over the guilt...? And prevent THIS happening again? Oh I feel so shitty.. Did I ruin my diet? Help me please, I'm so fucking unstable right now.. Answer: I know your video was directed at OP, but I also watched it. I binged today for the first time in a while and it's messing with me a bit and I'm definitely pretty let down with myself right now. But your video offers a really good perspective. Helped me pity myself a little less and retain a bit more hope, and I hope it did that same for OP. Thank you!
Question: I was doing really good for about 50 days on my diet and I've finally felt proud of myself since I wasn't craving anything and then it just happened.. Yesterday I binged in the evening to the point where I just wanted to puke this shit out, my stomach was really sore and then I was trying to pretend nothing happened by scrolling through fucking memes on facebook.. I've gone to sleep, today morning I felt guilty as hell but I binged again.. It's like 700 calories right now so the day isn't blown already but still.. Two days of binging while I was doing so good and I started to see differences in my body which is a rare thing, because rarely I am able to say something good about myself. You can't even imagine how HOPELESS AND MISERABLE I feel..will I gain weight? How can I get back on track? How can I get over the guilt...? And prevent THIS happening again? Oh I feel so shitty.. Did I ruin my diet? Help me please, I'm so fucking unstable right now.. Answer: I am glad it helped! If you need anything, or have questions, etc. you can email me at [email protected]
Question: I was doing really good for about 50 days on my diet and I've finally felt proud of myself since I wasn't craving anything and then it just happened.. Yesterday I binged in the evening to the point where I just wanted to puke this shit out, my stomach was really sore and then I was trying to pretend nothing happened by scrolling through fucking memes on facebook.. I've gone to sleep, today morning I felt guilty as hell but I binged again.. It's like 700 calories right now so the day isn't blown already but still.. Two days of binging while I was doing so good and I started to see differences in my body which is a rare thing, because rarely I am able to say something good about myself. You can't even imagine how HOPELESS AND MISERABLE I feel..will I gain weight? How can I get back on track? How can I get over the guilt...? And prevent THIS happening again? Oh I feel so shitty.. Did I ruin my diet? Help me please, I'm so fucking unstable right now.. Answer: This comment has made my week. It is lovely knowing there are genuine nice people out there!
Question: I was doing really good for about 50 days on my diet and I've finally felt proud of myself since I wasn't craving anything and then it just happened.. Yesterday I binged in the evening to the point where I just wanted to puke this shit out, my stomach was really sore and then I was trying to pretend nothing happened by scrolling through fucking memes on facebook.. I've gone to sleep, today morning I felt guilty as hell but I binged again.. It's like 700 calories right now so the day isn't blown already but still.. Two days of binging while I was doing so good and I started to see differences in my body which is a rare thing, because rarely I am able to say something good about myself. You can't even imagine how HOPELESS AND MISERABLE I feel..will I gain weight? How can I get back on track? How can I get over the guilt...? And prevent THIS happening again? Oh I feel so shitty.. Did I ruin my diet? Help me please, I'm so fucking unstable right now.. Answer: Glad:) Let me know if you need anything else [email protected] Happy to help, I have been there too.
Question: First post here. Ended up having one of those bad binges, where something you miss is available in large quantities, so you go for it. And then it doesn't stop. You eat *everything* you've been cutting out or limiting, but you can't enjoy it because you're so full BUT YOU CAN'T STOP so you just keep going until you're hoping for the sweet release of death. And then, somehow, it's over. And you're left trying to recollect everything you ate, which takes forever since you don't actually remember everything. That was 4 hours ago and I'm still upset. Looking for advice & to share my shame. Answer: If it makes you feel any better, 2,400 isn't *that* much. Sure, it's no small amount, but it's not much more than people normally eat in a day. It won't do a lot of damage. Just try to look at it that way. As someone who also suffers, I realize it's not really about the amount, but about the mentality. Even if I binged on 200 calories, I'd still feel bad for binging because it's seriously a fugue state. But for now, don't beat yourself up because it could have been much worse. You will be okay, you are strong!
Question: First post here. Ended up having one of those bad binges, where something you miss is available in large quantities, so you go for it. And then it doesn't stop. You eat *everything* you've been cutting out or limiting, but you can't enjoy it because you're so full BUT YOU CAN'T STOP so you just keep going until you're hoping for the sweet release of death. And then, somehow, it's over. And you're left trying to recollect everything you ate, which takes forever since you don't actually remember everything. That was 4 hours ago and I'm still upset. Looking for advice & to share my shame. Answer: It definitely is more than people should eat a day, especially if you do not exercise. For me e. g., 2400 calories would be enough energy for one and a half day.
Question: First post here. Ended up having one of those bad binges, where something you miss is available in large quantities, so you go for it. And then it doesn't stop. You eat *everything* you've been cutting out or limiting, but you can't enjoy it because you're so full BUT YOU CAN'T STOP so you just keep going until you're hoping for the sweet release of death. And then, somehow, it's over. And you're left trying to recollect everything you ate, which takes forever since you don't actually remember everything. That was 4 hours ago and I'm still upset. Looking for advice & to share my shame. Answer: Hey... I feel you. Don't know what else to say. It sucks when you realize it's not you constantly eating to mach, but rather paroxysmically. You're not alone.
Question: First post here. Ended up having one of those bad binges, where something you miss is available in large quantities, so you go for it. And then it doesn't stop. You eat *everything* you've been cutting out or limiting, but you can't enjoy it because you're so full BUT YOU CAN'T STOP so you just keep going until you're hoping for the sweet release of death. And then, somehow, it's over. And you're left trying to recollect everything you ate, which takes forever since you don't actually remember everything. That was 4 hours ago and I'm still upset. Looking for advice & to share my shame. Answer: I guess so. It was a full day and a half of calories by that point since I had eaten earlier in the day. It was just upsetting since I've been working on dealing with stress, and if I binge once, I'll do it again the next day, and the day after, and so on, until I finally give up trying, and this really made me MORE stressed, which put tomorrow at risk as well. Hasn't happened yet if it's going to, so there's that!
Question: First post here. Ended up having one of those bad binges, where something you miss is available in large quantities, so you go for it. And then it doesn't stop. You eat *everything* you've been cutting out or limiting, but you can't enjoy it because you're so full BUT YOU CAN'T STOP so you just keep going until you're hoping for the sweet release of death. And then, somehow, it's over. And you're left trying to recollect everything you ate, which takes forever since you don't actually remember everything. That was 4 hours ago and I'm still upset. Looking for advice & to share my shame. Answer: What I meant to say is that it's not *much* more than a normal person's daily intake. I'd say an average adult consumes around 2,000 a day - most nutrition labels are based on that, anyway. Depends on height/weight/gender though. I'm eating a 2,100 calorie diet and still cutting half a pound per week.
Question: First post here. Ended up having one of those bad binges, where something you miss is available in large quantities, so you go for it. And then it doesn't stop. You eat *everything* you've been cutting out or limiting, but you can't enjoy it because you're so full BUT YOU CAN'T STOP so you just keep going until you're hoping for the sweet release of death. And then, somehow, it's over. And you're left trying to recollect everything you ate, which takes forever since you don't actually remember everything. That was 4 hours ago and I'm still upset. Looking for advice & to share my shame. Answer: Something that took me a while to learn was getting rid of the all or nothing mental state. Its okay to eat a food that you miss, it is not going to make you gain weight or lose progress in the gym...assuming that is the context. This all or nothing stems from the idea that, placing labels on food, leads us to ban them from our intake. We say, “No, No, No, No, No...”We push for the perfect diet and once we eat this food that does not fall into this neat diet box, we throw our hands up saying we failed so now is the time to eat everything we ca n. This leads to punishment, which then leads to more restrictions. This is the vicious cycle we as binge eaters face. I used to believe it myself - that there was clean food and bad food. It simply is this ma manifested idea. If you ask a vegan n, he/she will say animal based foods are not clean. Someone who is a vegetarian n will disagree and say it is just animal products that are not clean n. Then a paleo guy runs in screaming about how meat is clean, but grains aren’ t. Adopt my grandmother’ s wise old adage of “everything in moderation.” This brings me to my next point... Always practice moderation. You can eat whatever you want, just not a ll at once. I believe I heard Layne Norton say this it’ s like the 11th commandment. When I first began to escape cycle, I would eat one “treat” at ever y meal. Nothing crazy, but this allowed me to still get my “fix” so I wouldn’ t binge. Any action in the right direction gave me more motivation and encouragement to keep improving. The small wins kept snowballing into large victories later that slammed the door on binging. Disclaimer, it is wiser to eat this food item from a plate than from the container. Don’ t test your will to fight binging if you do not have too. As the old saying goes, “work smarter,not harder.” Hope this helps. Again I am assuming you miss foods because you see them as bad for you in correlation to your physique, looks, etc.
Question: First post here. Ended up having one of those bad binges, where something you miss is available in large quantities, so you go for it. And then it doesn't stop. You eat *everything* you've been cutting out or limiting, but you can't enjoy it because you're so full BUT YOU CAN'T STOP so you just keep going until you're hoping for the sweet release of death. And then, somehow, it's over. And you're left trying to recollect everything you ate, which takes forever since you don't actually remember everything. That was 4 hours ago and I'm still upset. Looking for advice & to share my shame. Answer: Thanks! I'm trying to introduce some of my "taboo" foods back in. I saw them as "bad" because of their calorie content so I cut them out. I had binged on a pizza when I made this post, but I also avoid coconut milk, and I saw your reply yesterday thought about it. I decided to have a little bit of lite coconut milk hot chocolate... I didn't drink the whole can, which is what I would have done after about a week of wanting it and not having it. I think on top of moderation, giving in to "temptation" before it becomes unbearable is probably a good idea.
Question: First post here. Ended up having one of those bad binges, where something you miss is available in large quantities, so you go for it. And then it doesn't stop. You eat *everything* you've been cutting out or limiting, but you can't enjoy it because you're so full BUT YOU CAN'T STOP so you just keep going until you're hoping for the sweet release of death. And then, somehow, it's over. And you're left trying to recollect everything you ate, which takes forever since you don't actually remember everything. That was 4 hours ago and I'm still upset. Looking for advice & to share my shame. Answer: Happy for you! Please keep me in the loop if you need something in the future. My email is [email protected]
Question: I have tried everything to stop binge eating from small meals to not having junk food around. Nothing works. I previously suffered from anorexia and have since physically recovered. Now I am eating non-stop and still just as mentally unstable. Any tips or tricks? I am a vegetarian and have a dairy sensitive along with it. Also currently have braces on which limits foods like raw carrots that I can't eat (Baby carrots are an exception though). I want to attempt to recover from my eating habits but I am not sure where to start. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Answer: My biggest thing was making sure I was never hungry I restricted in the past too and was underweight (unsure if anorexia as I never got help at the time) and now my brain freaks out and makes me binge as soon as it feels deprived So in treatment for BED I was told to try sticking to three meals and three snacks a day, with a protein and fat source in each. I was also told to eat every four hours. I also made a bigger effort to sleep better as being tired was a trigger for me to binge It's difficult to force yourself to eat what you see as "too much", but try to do three solid meals and a small snack between each (even if I wasn't hungry I'd make myself eat a small banana or a few nuts) just for a week and see if that helps with your binging So basically never let your brain feel deprived enough to go mad and make you binge. Try building and sticking to a regular eating pattern Good luck with everything Edit: I'm veggie too and try to be vegan where possible. A typical day for me was cereal with soy in the morning, I often skipped morning snack but if I wanted one I'd have a banana, lunch would be soup and two slices of bread, a PB sandwich and a bit of fruit or whatever leftovers from the night before, afternoon snack would be more fruit or a sandwich is I was actually hungry. Dinner would be a jacket potato and beans, stir fry with tofu, curry with chickpeas, whatever as long as it contained protein. An evening snack would be something light, like hot tea and a piece of fruit, or raw veg and some kind of dip (often hummus or guac) Sliced apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter was a good snack of me - the fat in the PB fills you up and the apple gives a good crunch. I also snacked on popcorn, carrots and hummus, crackers and hummus etc
Question: I have tried everything to stop binge eating from small meals to not having junk food around. Nothing works. I previously suffered from anorexia and have since physically recovered. Now I am eating non-stop and still just as mentally unstable. Any tips or tricks? I am a vegetarian and have a dairy sensitive along with it. Also currently have braces on which limits foods like raw carrots that I can't eat (Baby carrots are an exception though). I want to attempt to recover from my eating habits but I am not sure where to start. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Answer: I have recently just finished my treatment for BED. A key technique for me was ensuring all the decisions I made about for I was in 'wise mind' whereas before I would always buy binge food in 'emotional mind' always on impulse. Having a set mind set that I had no other choice but to binge, that was my comfort zone, the only thing I knew how to do. Short term relieve for long term suffering. Anyway, make sure every decision you make about what goes into your mouth is a wise choice - the balance between emotional and rational mind. That helped a bunch, along with that I was taught how to mindfully eat. Focus 100% of your attention into what you are preparing, cooking, smelling, looking, tasting. Eat slowly, enjoy the taste. You'll find you're full up faster and will have no desire to over eat. You'll be surprised just how much impact that will have on your state of mind. Edit: Good luck with everything! I wish you all the best. Despite your feeling of lack of control, it is possible to get to a place where you're happy and comfortable with your eating habits.
Question: I have tried everything to stop binge eating from small meals to not having junk food around. Nothing works. I previously suffered from anorexia and have since physically recovered. Now I am eating non-stop and still just as mentally unstable. Any tips or tricks? I am a vegetarian and have a dairy sensitive along with it. Also currently have braces on which limits foods like raw carrots that I can't eat (Baby carrots are an exception though). I want to attempt to recover from my eating habits but I am not sure where to start. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Answer: I am in the process of recovery for BED and there are two things my therapist keeps telling me. Eat! Don't let yourself get hungry and you are less likely to binge. Eat 3 meals a day and 3 small snacks a day. This way your brain and body are full and you probably won't binge. It seems to be helping. I have had less binges then before. The other thing for long term recovery is finding the cause of it and dealing with it. My biggest psychological problem was loving myself and a sense of self worth. So I "hurt" myself with food. I'm working on it. Work with a therapist to find out why you binge and start to work on what is the real reason you have food issues and hopefully you can really begin to heal. I wish you the best and healing!! Good luck!!
Question: I have tried everything to stop binge eating from small meals to not having junk food around. Nothing works. I previously suffered from anorexia and have since physically recovered. Now I am eating non-stop and still just as mentally unstable. Any tips or tricks? I am a vegetarian and have a dairy sensitive along with it. Also currently have braces on which limits foods like raw carrots that I can't eat (Baby carrots are an exception though). I want to attempt to recover from my eating habits but I am not sure where to start. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Answer: Hope this can help you get started, some tips may not apply and that is okay. Each situation is different, let me know what else I can do or what questions I can answer. First, I needed to admit there was a problem. For three going on four years, I blamed my drive and my dreams for my actions. Ignoring people in my life hinting at me that I may have a problem, including family, close friends, and my girlfriend. I lied to myself, rationalizing it with the mask of a cheat meal. As the punishment for binging increased, so did the amount of times I binged. At first it was once a week, then every couple days. Soon it was every other day, until it consumed my thoughts at all times. There were instances where I would drive to Walmart just to eat all the food I could before coming home. Chances are if you are reading this it is because you are looking for help. Good for you! You are already lightyears ahead of where I was! I learned to love myself for me, and to be honest, I am still learning how to do this. Today, the emulated physique is seen as happiness. It is published on social media, magazines, and posters as the symbol of happiness. I believed it and I chased and chased it. I had it for some time and I was still just as miserable. How you look will not make you happy! Now don’t twist those words as an excuse to just let yourself become overweight. We have to learn to accept our imperfections. We all have them and everyone tries to hide them. Here are my flaws (some I can fix, others are what they are): Relationships: I am awful. I wrecked a 15 year friendship with a high school sweetheart. I was selfish and an asshole. I can also be abrasive and brutal with little to no compassion. However since I have shared this personal story, I have gotten better. Although I am by no means finished working on this. Skin Damage: I never wore sunscreen as a kid. Now I have moles, freckles, and scars. Some I wish weren’t there. Some girls won’t even talk to me because of them. I am not “sexy” enough. They aren’t “interested”. Don’t let your imperfections stop you from loving yourself. You are the only you this world will ever see so embrace yourself. Perhaps the worst thing about this cycle was I hated myself, I hated my life and I didn’t even want to look in the mirror. I thought I was a failure and that I would never make it. I even contemplated suicide. When I would binge, I would punish myself. Avoid this. Remember life is meant to be enjoyed. Life is much too short to never treat yourself to what you love to eat despite whether it’s ‘good for you’. Look yourself in the mirror and say “I LOVE myself” at least 10 times a day, if not more. P.S. try not to smile when you say this (harder than you think). Thirdly, there is no such thing as good food, bad food. Placing labels on food, leads us to ban them from our intake. We say, “No, No, No, No, No…” We push for the perfect diet and once we eat this food that does not fall into this neat diet box, we throw our hands up saying we failed so now is the time to eat everything we can. This leads to punishment, which then leads to more restrictions. This is the vicious cycle we as binge eaters face. I used to believe it myself - that there was clean food and bad food. It simply is this manifested idea. If you ask a vegan, he/she will say animal based foods are not clean. Someone who is a vegetarian will disagree and say it is just animal products that are not clean. Then a paleo guy runs in screaming about how meat is clean, but grains aren’t. Adopt my grandmother’s wise old adage of “everything in moderation.” This brings me to my next point… Always practice moderation. You can eat whatever you want, just not all at once. I believe I heard Layne Norton say this – it’s like the 11th commandment. When I first began to escape cycle, I would eat one “treat” at every meal. Nothing crazy, but this allowed me to still get my “fix” so I wouldn’t binge. Any action in the right direction gave me more motivation and encouragement to keep improving. The small wins kept snowballing into large victories later that slammed the door on binging. Disclaimer, it is wiser to eat this food item from a plate than from the container. Don’t test your will to fight binging if you do not have too. As the old saying goes, “work smarter, not harder.” No more crazy spreadsheets and tracking of nutrients line item by line item like an accountant. I did not worry about counting calories and the works. I would instead eat three meals - breakfast, lunch and supper, possibly a snack if I was hungry. I would eat slowly, and as I began to feel fuller I would stop eating. You may be like me and scared that you’ll get fat. Well what is your other choice? You can keep binge eating, which is not working because you wouldn’t be reading this right now if it was. Or you can reach out and try something new. Remember that you do not need the scale to help you. It’s about small wins, and trust me, they add up. Most people overestimate the damage of a binge. You need to eat in excess of 3500 calories over your normal intake to gain a pound of fat. It is not as bad as we create in our minds. Additionally, when we stand on the scale after a binge, our body is bloated, full of food, sodium, and other goodies. This only compounds the guilt feeling. Learn to enjoy social eating. What about eating at restaurants and parties? Parties were my kryptonite. The amount of food that I saw while feeling I needed to eat enough to feed three people – it was as stressful as it gets. What helped me to win at parties was I made this a game in my head (who cares no one else knows..). I am very competitive; I hate losing even if it’s go fish with a girlfriend. Since eating slower and not getting seconds was a struggle at first, the game I created was to be the last one done eating and the last one to get seconds. This helped me in many ways. First it helped me eat slower as I talked with people and this helped to repair the relationships I had damaged in the past. Next, I was not over eating any longer. Often I had waited so long, I now realized I was actually full. Earlier, I’d have eaten so quickly it wouldn’t register in my brain. Workout for fun! For so long in this process I trained for results, never for goals. I simply worked out to look good - that’s it! It was the complete wrong direction. It made training no fun and I dreaded every gym session. It doesn’t matter if you are into bodybuilding, figure, physique, cross fit, powerlifting, strongman, marathons, etc. Just train for fun. Train to get better and challenge yourself. For me this was powerlifting.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: Yeah, it would be great to have strong community and support group here.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: 1. Have very poor coping mechanisms for dealing with emotions and/or being in a life situation which makes you feel trapped/unable to adjust/cope etc. 2. For me, I always used food as a coping mechanism (I think) but it only began to be a major problem when I was around 10. 3. Binging in me occurs when I have a strong feeling which I feel I can't escape. Most often those feelings are helplessness, anger, helpless anger, feeling of social isolation, feeling that noone will ever understand me, frustration, irritability, sadness. 4. I havn't found something which has given me a "major relief" or something. However, what does help is physical exercise, talking about my feelings/articulatin my problems (which I mostly do online due to major social anxiety). Also having the feeling that you have achieved sth (whatever it might be) or being complimented. 5. Well I agree with you it's sad there isn't more going on around here. I think one of the reasons might be that people are hesitant to open up about their food related problems. For me in personal, there's always a fear of trolls when talking about the topic online. Edit: Also I think that there's less of an awareness or acceptance in society that eating attacks can be a sign for having problems. So many people might not reflect the reason of their food problems. There'd need to be more talking about that matter.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: I'm my phone, laying in bed post binge. I am just now coming to term with calling it that ... a binge. It's so mindless. I know I am not hungry, I know I'm treating my body as poorly as I possibly can but for some reason I don't stop. My binges happen at work. When I don't pack a lunch or someone brings treats to the office. The slightest temptation indulged can throw me off for days. We have this market at work, open air type deal. Scan the barcode and then swipe your credit card. Oooh the junk food I have bought there. Oooh the hundreds of dollars I have spent. Oooh the number of pounds I have packed on because of it. This week, one of the pilots brought in donuts for the employees. I walked in the break room and there they were and guess what, no one to see me take any. You see, like many of us, I am a closet binge eater. I took two donuts and a few broken bits since no one was looking. Took them back into my office and indulged. That did it, I was off. Next it was the candy jars in the offices and the following day it was BBQ from the luncheon. Mass quantities until I am ill to my stomach. I think along with availability, I do it because I am anxious. Or overwhelmed. "OMG my deadline is coming near!" ... better grab some gummy bears to ease the stress and keep me company as I type away. Then another pack of candy, then some chips and so on. I like how you referenced /r/stopdrinking. What a wonderful, supportive community. I think we could be there too. I think once we all come to terms with what it really is that we are doing. We are all struggling with something. It's just a matter of us finding our community and actually not just lurking ;) Thanks for posting! Sorry I didn't answer all the questions. Being on mobile makes it tricky.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: 1.) Why do you think you binge? My binging was related to placing labels on food (i.e. good and bad). It was when I ate a "bad" food that I thought all my progress in the gym was lost, my abs were going away, etc. so I binged on everything. It was an all or nothing mentality, there was zero gray area. Either I was perfect or not. The more I restricted foods, the more I binged. 2.) When did you start binging? December of 2011 3.) What triggers you to binge? Binges were related to food restrictions and only being "allowed" to eat certain foods with crazy weird rules. 4.) What has helped you? In short...adopting IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros). 5.) Anything else? I can provide much more detail or answer any questions [email protected]
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: 1. I don't have BED, but I know I binge because I run a thin line with dieting and because I have a few issues with perfectionism, obsessions, and anxiety, and when I get too stressed from any of these things, it pairs with the calorie restrictions of dieting and I end up binging about 2 to 3 days a week when I can't control my stress. 2. After half a year of restrictive eating (800 calories max per day, ended up with 400 to 600 average), I ended up in a massive binging phase that I never really got out of. Had purged in the past and was NOT going to do that again, so I ended up giving up entirely after a few false restarts that were foiled by binging. Gained back all of the weight I ever lost and then some. 3. Avoiding any particular food and then being in close proximity with that food tends to do it; anything I know I shouldn't eat but think "I'll just have one, that's it, no more." In addition, not dealing with stress paired with running out of calories in a day paired with the feeling of a binge on the horizon tends to do it as well. I almost always feel one step away from a binge, but some days it's worse than others. 4. Curbing stress with healthier coping mechanisms. I do 30 to 80 minutes of cycling daily to take the edge off, then I do light cycling on a little pedal machine stationed under my desk as needed, unlimited, not included in calorie counts - it's the one thing I'm free from obsessing over. I don't feel like I'm one step away from a binge right after cycling. I'm too exhausted to obsess over food; it feels pretty close to normal. YMMV - again, I don't have BED. 5. It's something that's still shamed, so I don't think a lot of people feel free to join here regardless of what they have. I even created a throwaway just for here.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: Why do you say you don't have BED?
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: 1. Why? I am just coming to terms with why I binge. I have a great career, have no financial stress and have an excellent partner. I've always had an "all or nothing" approach to life. Food is good or bad. I'm either dieting or not. When I'm on, I'm on but when I'm off, I go way off. I have also had difficulty expressing my emotions when it comes to how I feel about myself or in times of conflict. I don't withhold affection but I will go silent when upset. I prefer not to feel feelings so I eat and fill my void to escape feeling distress. I'm still figuring this out. 2. I am currently 37 and have probably been binging for 17+ years. I've been a secret eater since I was a child because food was labeled "good or bad" early for me and I was ridiculed by family for being overweight. 3. Similar to my response to why. But also social situations can trigger me. I went through a divorce 2+ years ago and seeing certain people (not limited to my ex) can distress me. I'm very self conscious about what people think about me and nothing questions your relationships more with others than after a divorce. I spend a lot of my time assuming everyone thinks I'm terrible for leaving my ex so I didn't have to be with an angry, binge drinker until one of us died. Or left. The scale can also trigger me. 4. I am currently seeing a therapist who has been the first to really put some things into perspective for me. We're working on dealing with shame right now. I'm also actively looking for a psychiatrist to add a medicinal component. I display symptoms of ADHD as well (pretty strong co-mobordity). I've been in a serious binge cycle for the past 3 weeks, hence the move to add medication. I'm getting worse. 5. I had gastric bypass 3+ years ago. I lost 141 lbs after 20 months. I looked great. Except I had a hangy belly. I got an abdominoplasty and it broke my psyche. It was botched and I looked pregnant for 6 months after. I sought out another surgeon and had it redone. He fixed my body but my mind never recovered. I had gained about 4 pounds leading up to the first surgery then yo yo'ed about 10 pounds after the first. I've gained about 10 pounds in the pst 3 weeks. I'm not sure exactly because I don't know if I will handle what I see on the scale. I just know my "smallest" jeans barely button. Lastly, I'm scared.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: Never went to a doctor to confirm it. But I assume my binging is an after-effect of crazy dieting.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: Yeah, the restriction of food is a huge trigger for binges.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: I would have filled out this questionnaire but you literally said verbatim how I would answer! #ifeelyou
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: I think you must be a really strong person. Having a career, dealing with the divorce, and making the decision to undergo this surgery (and as it turns out, two more in the follow up). Someone in my family had to deal with a botched surgery too, so I know how much it sucks... Don't give up! And don't tell yourself you're broken forever... I know so well how it feels to have horror of the reflection of your body in the mirror. But you did great steps to change your life to the better. You've had this surgery and your seeing a therapist.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: I don't know about strong. Most likely desperate to prevent any further spiraling.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: OP u/threctic hit the nail on the head. The reason I don't come to this sub often is that I don't feel like anyone is doing anything but asking for help. And I'm not frowning on that at all. It's just so frustrating that soooooo many of us suffer every single day and there seems to be no relief in sight. (Thanks for letting me vent. I'm in a terrible downward spiral and can't stop stuffing my face with suuuuper unhealthy food and am so disgusted with my larger and larger body. I hate this!)
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: That just sucks. Those who say surgery is an easy way out have to be wrong. I can't imagine. A part of me has considered a gastric sleeve surgery, which seems downright popular in my community right now, but I personally don't think it would solve anything long term because my head is not in the right place. I know it's possible to stretch your stomach again and that would be me.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: Yeah definitely not the easy way out!! The weight might come off easier and quicker but it's still up to you to maintain. I was doing really well for 2+ years after. I was very committed and didn't struggle with any problems. I thought the abdominoplasty would be the last hurdle to jump to really feel great about myself but it seriously ruined me. I spent all that money (2 surgeries) to feel the worst I probably have in my life. I'm not depressed, I still enjoy my life but I'm in a constant internal struggle of being food obsessed. This has increased inattentive behaviors and bad food choices related to impulsivity. I really hope medication can help slow my brain and refocus me while I continue to work on body image and shame issues.
Question: It seems like as humans we should all be able to get together and fix this rotten affliction we have. Can I ask you all some questions? 1. Why do you think you binge? 2. When did you start binging? 3. What triggers you to binge? 4. What has helped you? 5. Anything else? I'm new here and I know Reddit has a lot more bingers that aren't on the few ED subs. How can we make this sub as strong as r/stopdrinking ? Hope everyone is well Answer: I just want to reiterate that you are not alone and share just a single binge story from this week. When you mentioned the eating because of availability and no one watching...DING DING DING. > I was the first one to a lunch meeting yesterday. The deli sandwiches were on delicious croissant bread. I took a sandwich and 2 packets of full fat mayo, opened a pretty good size bag of BBQ chips and immediately another and poured the contents of the first into the second. Then folded up the empty bag and hid it at the bottom of the trash can. Took 2 big pb cookies and hid one in my work binder. Ate every single bite of everything. Was numb. And felt sick. I could go on and on. And on. You are not alone.
Question: I've been fighting a binge eating disorder nearly my entire life. It's been painful and I've done everything I could think of: tapping, 30 variations on diets, fasting, seeing a holistic doctor, tapping, reading millions of books, seeing a counselor. After all the effort, I finally threw my hands up and realized I must have a really serious problem. I'm talking about stuffing my face when I DON'T WANT TO. Realizing that was scary, made me no different than an addict. So I went to a 12-step program for "compulsive eaters" - it's the most helpful solution so far. Not perfect, but crazy what it's done for me. Do any of you identify with the addition thing? Have any of you tried 12 step programs? Would love to hear! Xoxo A Answer: I'm working my way through dialectical behavior therapy right now (just started a couple weeks ago). I hope I get where I need to be.
Question: I've been fighting a binge eating disorder nearly my entire life. It's been painful and I've done everything I could think of: tapping, 30 variations on diets, fasting, seeing a holistic doctor, tapping, reading millions of books, seeing a counselor. After all the effort, I finally threw my hands up and realized I must have a really serious problem. I'm talking about stuffing my face when I DON'T WANT TO. Realizing that was scary, made me no different than an addict. So I went to a 12-step program for "compulsive eaters" - it's the most helpful solution so far. Not perfect, but crazy what it's done for me. Do any of you identify with the addition thing? Have any of you tried 12 step programs? Would love to hear! Xoxo A Answer: What is tapping?
Question: I've been fighting a binge eating disorder nearly my entire life. It's been painful and I've done everything I could think of: tapping, 30 variations on diets, fasting, seeing a holistic doctor, tapping, reading millions of books, seeing a counselor. After all the effort, I finally threw my hands up and realized I must have a really serious problem. I'm talking about stuffing my face when I DON'T WANT TO. Realizing that was scary, made me no different than an addict. So I went to a 12-step program for "compulsive eaters" - it's the most helpful solution so far. Not perfect, but crazy what it's done for me. Do any of you identify with the addition thing? Have any of you tried 12 step programs? Would love to hear! Xoxo A Answer: Hopefully this video helps you! I am happy to talk via email [email protected] https://youtu.be/Qkh9u-I1VnQ
Question: I've been fighting a binge eating disorder nearly my entire life. It's been painful and I've done everything I could think of: tapping, 30 variations on diets, fasting, seeing a holistic doctor, tapping, reading millions of books, seeing a counselor. After all the effort, I finally threw my hands up and realized I must have a really serious problem. I'm talking about stuffing my face when I DON'T WANT TO. Realizing that was scary, made me no different than an addict. So I went to a 12-step program for "compulsive eaters" - it's the most helpful solution so far. Not perfect, but crazy what it's done for me. Do any of you identify with the addition thing? Have any of you tried 12 step programs? Would love to hear! Xoxo A Answer: OP I seriously and sadly identify with everything you've said. With respect to a 12 step program, may I assume you means TOPS (take off the pounds sensibly) or OE (overeaters anonymous)? I haven't personally tried either but some research a while back led me to believe they're religion focused and that is not for me. Plus I live in a really small town and doubt we have either of those groups. I would be interested in your experiences and how you feel it helps.

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