"Back To Feed" brings you back to feed not posts

by Tonic - opened
Social Post Explorers org

Issue : Back to Feed Button Bring You Back to Feed

so when you're reading a post , there's a button that says "back to feed" but the feed i expect is the posts feed and what i find is back to homepage feed which is different ... and to me personally , it's not expected behavior

Solution : Back to feed = back to Posts Feed

it would also be nice if it would save our place because i do a lot of scrolling ;-)

Social Post Explorers org
edited Aug 5

This is how it works:

  • if you comes from the Posts page, the button will bring you back to the Posts page and keeps the scroll position (if you're logged in). The browser back button does the same.
  • if you comes from your personal feed, the button will bring you back to the personnal feed

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